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::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:11PM  

    Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
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    Das Übel des Alkohols. Dieses Problem betrifft - al ḥamdu li-llāh - nicht jeden...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 13:33
    Das Übel des Alkohols. Dieses Problem betrifft - al ḥamdu li-llāh - nicht jeden unter uns, doch schaut mal, was diese Person im Video zu sagen hat.
    Das Übel des Alkohols [Teilen]
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:11PM  

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    Das Übel des Alkohols. Dieses Problem betrifft - al ḥamdu li-llāh - nicht jeden...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 13:33
    Das Übel des Alkohols. Dieses Problem betrifft - al ḥamdu li-llāh - nicht jeden unter uns, doch schaut mal, was diese Person im Video zu sagen hat.
    Das Übel des Alkohols [Teilen]
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:11PM  

    Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
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    ʿĀʾiša - Raḍiya ʾllāhu ʿanha - sagte, wie Ibn al-Aṭīr in seinem Werk Ǧāmiʿ al-Uṣ...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 13:48
    ʿĀʾiša - Raḍiya ʾllāhu ʿanha - sagte, wie Ibn al-Aṭīr in seinem Werk Ǧāmiʿ al-Uṣūl über Ǧābir ibn ʿAbdillāh überlieferte, dass zu ʿĀʾiša - Raḍīya ʾllāhu ʿanha - gesagt wurde:

    „Es gibt Leute, welche über die Gefährten des Propheten schlecht sprechen, selbst über Abū Bakr und ʿUmar." Sie erwiederte: „Wieso wundert ihr euch hierüber? Ihre Taten sind (wegen ihres Todes) unterbrochen, doch wollte Allāh, dass ihr Lohn nicht unterbrochen wird."

    [Ibn al-Aṭīr, Nr. 6366; er hat nicht erwähnt, wer ihn überliefert hat. Ibn ʿAsākir hat ihn mit Isnād in seinem Werk]
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:11PM  

    Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
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    ʿĀʾiša - Raḍiya ʾllāhu ʿanha - sagte, wie Ibn al-Aṭīr in seinem Werk Ǧāmiʿ al-Uṣ...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 13:48
    ʿĀʾiša - Raḍiya ʾllāhu ʿanha - sagte, wie Ibn al-Aṭīr in seinem Werk Ǧāmiʿ al-Uṣūl über Ǧābir ibn ʿAbdillāh überlieferte, dass zu ʿĀʾiša - Raḍīya ʾllāhu ʿanha - gesagt wurde:

    „Es gibt Leute, welche über die Gefährten des Propheten schlecht sprechen, selbst über Abū Bakr und ʿUmar." Sie erwiederte: „Wieso wundert ihr euch hierüber? Ihre Taten sind (wegen ihres Todes) unterbrochen, doch wollte Allāh, dass ihr Lohn nicht unterbrochen wird."

    [Ibn al-Aṭīr, Nr. 6366; er hat nicht erwähnt, wer ihn überliefert hat. Ibn ʿAsākir hat ihn mit Isnād in seinem Werk]
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:11PM  

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    Mālik ibn Dīnār – Raḥimahu ʾllāh – sagte:
    „Schau, o Bruder, solltest durch jede...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 13:46
    Mālik ibn Dīnār – Raḥimahu ʾllāh – sagte:

    „Schau, o Bruder, solltest durch jedem Bruder, Freund oder Weggefährten keinen Nutzen für deine Religion finden, so fliehe vor ihm!"

    [Ibn ʿAsākir – Taʾrīḫ madīnati Dimašqa 421/56]
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:11PM  

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    Mālik ibn Dīnār – Raḥimahu ʾllāh – sagte:
    „Schau, o Bruder, solltest durch jede...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 13:46
    Mālik ibn Dīnār – Raḥimahu ʾllāh – sagte:

    „Schau, o Bruder, solltest durch jedem Bruder, Freund oder Weggefährten keinen Nutzen für deine Religion finden, so fliehe vor ihm!"

    [Ibn ʿAsākir – Taʾrīḫ madīnati Dimašqa 421/56]
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:00PM  

    Tarek X (Offiziell)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Tarek X (Offiziell)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ein gutes Mittel gegen einen allzu kritischen Blick auf andere – und die Welt im...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 13:49
    Ein gutes Mittel gegen einen allzu kritischen Blick auf andere – und die Welt im Ganzen – ist die Erinnerung daran, dass Allah uns in jedem Augenblick beobachtet. Man urteilt nicht, sondern wird beurteilt.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:00PM  

    Tarek X (Offiziell)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Tarek X (Offiziell)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ein gutes Mittel gegen einen allzu kritischen Blick auf andere – und die Welt im...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 13:49
    Ein gutes Mittel gegen einen allzu kritischen Blick auf andere – und die Welt im Ganzen – ist die Erinnerung daran, dass Allah uns in jedem Augenblick beobachtet. Man urteilt nicht, sondern wird beurteilt.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 12:36PM  

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sultan AbdulHamid II refused to sell #Palestine to zionists. Muslims rulers stan...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 12:07
    Sultan AbdulHamid II refused to sell #Palestine to zionists. Muslims rulers stand in line to sell us out. #90YearsWithoutKhilafah

    "Please do tell Dr. Hertzel not to take any serious steps towards this issue. I cannot concede one single hand span of the Palestinian land for it is not mine to concede. Palestine belongs to the Muslim Nation (Ummah) My people have fought hard for this land and irrigated it with their blood. The Jews might as well keep their millions. If the Khilafah State one day fell then you can take Palestine without any price. But as long as I am alive, I would rather be cut to pieces than to see Palestine cut off from the Khilafah State and this shall not happen. I cannot agree to the mutilation of our bodies as long as we are alive."
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 12:36PM  

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    A Draft Constitution of the Khilafah State
    This is a translation of the revised...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 12:18
    A Draft Constitution of the Khilafah State

    This is a translation of the revised Draft Constitution of the Khilafah State published by Hizb ut-Tahrir in 2010.


    Article 1

    The Islamic 'Aqeedah constitutes the foundation of the State. Nothing is permitted to exist in the government's structure, accountability, or any other aspect connected with the government, that does not take the 'Aqeedah as its source. The 'Aqeedah is also the source for the State's constitution and shar'i canons. Nothing connected to the constitution or canons is permitted to exist unless it emanates from the Islamic 'Aqeedah.

    Article 2

    The domain of Islam (Daar ul-Islam) is that entity which applies the rules of Islam in life's affairs and whose security is maintained by Muslims. The domain of disbelief (Daar ul-Kufr) is that entity which applies the rules of kufr and whose security is maintained by the kuffaar.

    Article 3

    The Khaleefah is empowered to adopt divine rules (aHkaam shar'iyyah) enacted as constitution and canons. Once the Khaleefah has adopted a divine rule, that rule alone becomes the divine rule that must be enacted and then implemented. Every citizen must openly and secretly obey that adopted rule.

    Article 4

    The Khaleefah does not adopt divine rules pertaining to worship, i.e. ibadaat, except in connection with alms (zakaah) and war (jihaad) in addition to that which is necessary for maintaining the unity of muslims. Also, he does not adopt any of the thoughts connected with the Islamic 'Aqeedah.

    Article 5

    All citizens of the Islamic State are entitled to enjoy the divine rights and they are bound by the divine duties.

    Article 6

    All citizens of the State shall be treated equally regardless of religion, race, colour or any other matter. The State is forbidden to discriminate among its citizens in all matters, be it ruling or judicial, or caring of affairs.

    Article 7

    The State implements the aHkaam shar'iyyah on all citizens who hold citizenship of the Islamic State, whether Muslims or not, in the following manner:

    a. The aHkaam shar'iyyah is implemented in its entirety, without exception, on all Muslims.

    b. Non-Muslims are allowed to follow their own beliefs and worships.

    c. Those who are guilty of apostasy (murtadd) from Islam are to be executed according to the rule of apostasy, provided they have by themselves renounced Islam. If they are born as non-Muslims, i.e., if they are the sons of apostates, then they are treated as non-Muslims according to their status as being either polytheists (mushriks) or People of the Book.

    d. In matters of food and clothing the non-Muslims are treated according to their religions within the limits allowed by ahkam Shara'iah.

    e. Marital affairs (including divorce) among non-Muslims are settled in accordance with their religions, but between non-Muslims and Muslims they are settled according to the aHkaam shar'iyyah.

    f. All the remaining shar'i matters and rules, such as: the application of transactions, punishments and evidences (at court), the system of ruling and economics are implemented by the State upon everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. This includes the people of treaties (mu'aahid), the protected subjects (ahlu ZHimmah) and all who submit to the authority of Islam. The implementation on these people is the same as the implementation on the subjects of the State. Ambassadors and envoys enjoy diplomatic immunity.

    Article 8

    Arabic is the language of Islam and the sole language of the State.

    Article 9

    Ijtihaad (exertion to derive the Islamic rule) is farD kifaayah (a collective duty). Every Muslim has the right to exercise ijtihaad if he has acquired the necessary conditions to perform it.

    Article 10

    There is no such thing as a clergy in Islam as all Muslims bear the responsibility for Islam. The State will prevent anything that indicates the existence of a clergy among Muslims.

    Article 11

    The primary function of the State is the propagation of the call (da'wah) to Islam.

    Article 12

    The only evidences to be considered for the divine rules (aHkaam shar'iyyah) are: the Qur'an, the Sunnah, the consensus of the Companions (ijmaa' as-SaHaabah) and analogy (qiyaas). Legislation cannot be taken from any source other than these evidences.

    Article 13

    Every individual is innocent until proven guilty. No person shall be punished without a court sentence. Torturing is absolutely forbidden and whoever inflicts torture on anyone shall be punished.

    Article 14

    All human actions are, in origin, restricted by the divine rules (aHkaam shar'iyyah), and no action shall be undertaken until its rule (Hukm) is known. Every thing or object is permitted, i.e., Halaal, unless there is an evidence of prohibition.

    Article 15

    Any means that most likely leads to a prohibition (Haraam) is itself Haraam. However if it was (only) feared that it may lead to a prohibition, then it would not be Haraam.


    Article 16

    The ruling system of the State is that of a unitary ruling system and not a federation.

    Article 17

    Ruling is centralised and administration is de-centralised.

    Article 18

    There are four positions of ruling in the State. They are: The Khaleefah , the delegated assistant (mu'aawin at-tafweeD), the governor (wali) and the provincial mayor (a'mil). All other officials of the State are employees and not rulers.

    Article 19

    No one is permitted to take charge of ruling, or any action considered to be of the nature of ruling, except a male who is free (Hurr), i.e. not a slave, mature (baaligh), sane ('aaqil), trustworthy ('adl), competent; and he must not be save a muslim.

    Article 20

    Calling upon the rulers to account for their actions is both a right for the Muslims and a farD kifaayah (collective duty) upon them. Non-Muslim subjects have the right to make known their grievances regarding the rulers injustice and misapplication of the Islamic rules upon them.

    Article 21

    Muslims are entitled to establish political parties to question the rulers and to access the positions of ruling through the Ummah on condition that the parties are based on the 'Aqeedah of Islam and their adopted rules are aHkaam shar'iyyah; the establishment of such a party does not require a license by the State. Any party not established on the basis of Islam is prohibited.

    Article 22

    The ruling system is founded upon four principles. They are:

    1. Sovereignty belongs to the divine law (shara') and not to the people.

    2. Authority belongs to the people, i.e., the Ummah.

    3. The appointment of one Khaleefah into office is an obligation upon all Muslims.

    4. Only the Khaleefah has the right to adopt the aHkaam shar'iyyah and thus he passes the constitution and the various canons.

    Article 23

    The State systems are made up of thirteen institutions. They are:

    1. The Khaleefah (Al-khaleefah).

    2. The delegated assistant (mu'aawin at-tafweed).

    3. The executing assistants (mu'aawin at-tanfeeZH).

    4. Governors (Wulaah).

    5. Amir of jihad (Ameerul jihad).

    6. Home land (Interior) security.

    7. Foreign affairs.

    8. Industry.

    9. Judiciary (QuDaa'a).

    10. The state departments (maSaaliH ad-dawlah).

    11. State treasury (Bayt ul-mal).

    12. Media (I'laam).

    13. The council of the Ummah (Shura and accounting).


    Article 24

    The Khaleefah is represents the Ummah in authority and in implementing the shara'.

    Article 25

    Khilafah is a contract of nomination and acceptance. No one is obliged to accept it and no one is obliged to nominate a particular person for it.

    Article 26

    Every mature male and female Muslim, who is sane, has the right to participate in the election of the Khaleefah and in giving him the pledge (ba'iah). Non-Muslims have no right in this regard.

    Article 27

    Once the contract of the Khilafah has been concluded on a person through the ba'iah of those by whom the ba'iah is legitimately concluded, the ba'iah of the remaining people is a ba'iah of obedience and not contract. Consequently, those who might disobey or rebel are obliged to give ba'iah.

    Article 28

    Nobody can become Khaleefah without being appointed by the Muslims. Nobody can hold the power of the Khilafah unless it is convened to him legitimately, as is the case with any contract in Islam.

    Article 29

    Any country that wishes to give the Khaleefah the ba'iah of contract, her sulTaan (authority) must be self-acting, that depends on Muslims only and not on any kaafir state. The security of the Muslims in that country, both internally and externally, must be maintained by the security of Islam and not kufr.

    As for the ba'iah of obedience only, it can be taken from any other country without such conditions.

    Article 30

    The individual who is given the ba'iah for Khilafah need only to fulfill the contracting conditions, even if he did not fulfil the preference conditions, because what is essential is the conditions of contracting.

    Article 31

    There are seven conditions needed in the Khaleefah so that the Khilafah can be contracted to him. They are to be a male, Muslim, free (Hurr), mature (baaligh), sane ('aaqil), trustworthy ('adl) and capable (qaadir).

    Article 32

    If the post of the Khaleefah becomes vacant, due to death, resignation or dismissal, the appointment of a new Khaleefah must take place within three days, which include the nights from the date when it became vacant.

    Article 33

    A temporary ameer is appointed to run the affairs of Muslims and to supervise the measures of appointing a new khaleefah after the post of khilafah became vacant in the follpwwing process:

    a) The previous khaleefah has the authority to appoint the temporary ameer once he felt he is dying or he decided to step down.

    b) In case the khaleefah has passed away or stepped down before appointing the temporary ameer, or if the post of khilafah became vacant in other than the situations of death and stepping down, then the eldest assistant (mu'awin tafweedh) becomes the temporary ameer unless he wants to be nominated for khilafah post. In that case the next eldest assistant becomes the temporary ameer, and so on.

    c) In case all of the assistants (mu'awin tafweedh) wanted to run for the post of khilafah, then the eldest assistant (mu'awin tanfeedh) becomes the temporary ameer. If however, he wants to run for the khilafah post, then the next eldest assistant becomes the ameer, and so on.

    d) If all of the elder tanfeedh assistants wanted to run for the khilafah post, then the post of temporary ameer will be conclusively restricted to the youngest tandeedh assistant.

    e) The temporary ameer has no right to adopt laws for the State.

    f) The temporary ameer has to spend his utmost effort to complete the measures of appointing the new khaleefah within three days; he is not allowed to extend this period except under compelling reason accepted by the court of unjust acts (mahkamatul madhalim).

    Article 34

    The method of appointing the Khaleefah is through the bai'ah. The measures for appointing and giving bai'ah to the khaleefah are as follows:

    1. Mahkamatul Madhalim announces the post of khilafah is vacant.

    2. The temporary ameer assumes his duties and announces immediately opening the door for nomination.

    3. Acceptance of the applications of the candidates who fulfil the contracting conditions and rejection of the other applications are decided by Mahkamatul Madhalim.

    4. The candidates whose applications were accepted by Mahkamatul Madhalim are short-listed twice by the Muslim members of the Majlis al-Ummah . They select in the first time six of the candiates through the majority of their votes. While in the second time they select two candiates out of the six ones through the majority of their votes as well.

    5. The names of these two candidates are announced, and Muslims would be asked to vote for one of them.

    6. The result of the voting is announced and the person who has attained the majority of the votes is to be announced to the Muslims.

    7. The Muslims must hasten to give ba'iah to the one who has attained the majority of votes as a Khaleefah for Muslims on the condition that he follows the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Messenger (saw).

    8. Once the ba'iah has been accomplished, the name of the man who has become the Khaleefah along with a statement that he has met the conditions necessary for holding the office of Khilafah is announced to the people so that the news of his appointment reaches the entire Ummah.

    9. Once the measures for appointing the new kahleefah have been completed the authority of the temporary ameer expires.

    Article 35

    The Ummah has the authority to appoint the Khaleefah but she has no right to dismiss him after he has legitimately attained the ba'iah of contracting.

    Article 36

    The Khaleefah possesses the following powers:

    1. The Khaleefah adopts the aHkaam shar'iyyah needed for running the affairs of the ummah that are soundly deduced from the Book of Allah (Quran) and Sunnah of His Messenger such they become canons that must be obeyed and not violated.

    2. The Khaleefah is responsible for both the internal and external policies of the State. He takes charge of the leadership of the army and has the right to declare war, conclude peace, armistice, and other treaties.

    3. The Khaleefah has the authority to accept and reject foreign ambassadors, and to appoint and dismiss Muslim ambassadors.

    4. The Khaleefah appoints and dismisses the assistants (mu'aawineen) and the governors (wulaah). The assistants and governors are responsible to the Khaleefah as well as to the Majlis al-Ummah.

    5. The Khaleefah appoints and dismisses the chief judge and judges except the judge of madhalim in case he considers a court case against the khaleefah, or his assistants or his judges. The Khaleefah appoints and dismisses as well the directors of departments, the heads of the armed forces and the generals; who are all responsible to the Khaleefah and not to the Majlis al-Ummah.

    6. The Khaleefah adopts the aHkaam shar'iyyah by which the State's budget is set. The Khaleefah decides its sections and the funds required for every field, whether they are related to revenue or expenditure.

    Article 37

    The Khaleefah is restricted in his adoption by the aHkaam shar'iyyah. He is forbidden to adopt any rule that is not soundly deduced from the divine texts. He is restricted to the rules he has adopted and to the method for deduction that he has chosen. Accordingly, he is prevented from adopting a rule deduced by a method that contradicts the method he has adopted, and he must not enact any command that contradicts the rules he has adopted.

    Article 38

    The Khaleefah has the absolute right to conduct the citizens affairs according to his ijtihaad, so he has the right to adopt of the mubaaH matters anything he wants to run the State affairs and to look after the affairs of the citizens. However, he is not allowed to disagree with a Hukm shar'i under the name of interest. For example; he cannot prevent a family from having more than one child under the pretext of the shortage in food. Nor can he fix prices on the pretext of preventing exploitation; or appoint a kaafir or a woman as a waali on the pretext of caring


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 12:36PM  

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    Jamal Harwood's open letter to Richard Littlejohn
    Executive Committee member of...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 12:29
    Jamal Harwood's open letter to Richard Littlejohn

    Executive Committee member of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, Jamal Harwood writes an open letter in response to Richard Littlejohn's anti-Muslim article published in the Daily Mail.

    Dear Mr Littlejohn,...

    Jamal Harwood's open letter to Richard Littlejohn
    Executive Committee member of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, Jamal Harwood writes an open letter in response to Richard Littlejohn's anti-Muslim article published in the Daily Mail. Dear Mr Littlejohn, Peace be upon those who tread the path of guidance. Thomas Jefferson may have been rather harsh, but was…
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