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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 04 04:39AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Complex
    Pentagon Investigates Thousands of Soldiers in Massive Fraud Case...
    Feb 4th 2014, 04:27
    The Complex
    Pentagon Investigates Thousands of Soldiers in Massive Fraud Case

    When a retired Army colonel and an enlisted soldier from Albuquerque, N.M. were charged last year with defrauding the National Guard Bureau out of about $12,000 the case drew little public attention. But it's now become clear that the two men are among the roughly 800 soldiers accused of bilking American taxpayers out of tens of millions of dollars in what a U.S. senator is calling "one of the biggest fraud investigations in Army history."

    The wide-ranging criminal probe centers around an Army recruiting program that had been designed to help the Pentagon find new soldiers during some of the bloodiest days of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The program went off the rails, investigators believe, after hundreds of soldiers engaged in a kickback scheme that allowed them to potentially embezzle huge quantities of money without anyone in the government noticing. In one case, a single soldier may have collected as much as $275,000 for making "referrals" to help the Army meet its recruiting goals, according to USA Today, which first reported the story Monday.

    The military's failure to spot, or stop, the wrongdoing will be the focus of what is expected to be a highly contentious hearing Tuesday before the Senate's Subcommittee on Financial and Contracting Oversight. The committee's chairwoman, Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., has summoned several of the National Guard officials who were in power at the time the alleged wrongdoing was taking place.

    The numbers of soldiers and money involved are staggering.

    An Army internal audit has discovered that 1,200 recruiters had received payments that were potentially fraudulent. Another 2,000 recruiting assistants had received payments that were suspicious. More than 200 officers remain under investigation, according to McCaskill's office. There are currently 555 active investigations involving 840 people.

    Trouble in the recruiting program has been acknowledged previously, but the full scope and the results of the service's own internal investigation of the program have not previously been disclosed. In the past, Army officials overseeing the program and a contractor who worked with the service on it, Docupak, insisted that accounts of potential fraud in it were greatly exaggerated, congressional officials said in a memo distributed to the media Monday. About 200 agents with the service's Criminal Investigative Command are now examining the program's records, and will review the actions of more than 106,000 people who received money through the program. That work will likely take until 2016, officials said.

    A Defense Department official acknowledged that a lack of proper military oversight contributed to the problems.

    "I think it was human greed, and I think it's the cascading effects of contractors' lack of supervision, as well as the Defense Department's lack of supervision," the official told Foreign Policy, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the probe.

    The scandal comes amid a new wave of scrutiny of senior officers across the military as well as a cheating and drug scandal within the Air Force's nuclear officer corps. The new probe is different because it involves hundreds of rank-and-file troops, including relatively low-ranking officers and enlisted personnel. Military experts have long said the military is a reflection of society and "bad apples" exist in every organization, but theburgeoning scandal threatens to tarnish the reputation of the Army recruiters who in many communities are the public face of the military.

    The Army National Guard Recruiting Assistance Program, the initiative at the heart of the new probe, was created in 2005 to find new recruits during some of the most challenging periods of the Iraq and Afghan wars. Soldiers received between $2,000 and $7,500 per referral. The program was deemed a success because it helped to bolster recruiting numbers despite heavy combat in the two warzones and deep public doubts about the two conflicts.

    The program was wildly successful in terms of garnering recruits - and wildly expensive. The National Guard paid out more than $300 million for just over 130,000 enlistments, and began meeting its recruiting goals even as sectarian violence continued to roil Iraq. Almost 40 percent of all recruits in the guard enlisted through G-RAP while it existed, congressional officials said. The Army's active and reserve forces, meanwhile, started similar programs in 2007 and 2008.

    "The program worked," the official told Foreign Policy. "It definitely pulled up our numbers and we've never had a problem since."

    But evidence of fraud later emerged as recruiters, who are forbidden from receiving payments under such a program, were found to have gotten money anyway. It was suspended in 2012. Officials suspect that recruiters, who already receive incentives based on the numbers of would-be troops they bring in, may have grown resentful as they saw non-recruiters receive thousands of dollars for serving as "recruiter assistants." Schemes formed in which soldiers assigned to recruiting duty essentially double-dipped, either posing as average soldiers or using others' names to fraudulently collect the millions of dollars of taxpayer money out of the program. Most of the soldiers under investigation are recruiters.

    In one example, the Justice Department announced in December that it had charged retired Col. Isaac Alvarado, 74, of Albuquerque, N.M., and Sgt. 1st Class Travis Nau, 40, with a variety of crimes in connection with the program. Alvarado was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, four counts of wire fraud, and four counts of aggravated theft identity in an indictment that was filed in the U.S. District Court in New Mexico. Nau, also of Albuquerque, was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, three counts of wire fraud, and three counts of aggravated theft identity.

    From about November 2007 to February 2012, Alvarado served a recruiting assistant, while Nau, Alvarado's son-in-law, worked as a recruiter for the guard. Nau allegedly provided Alvarado with the names and Social Security numbers of potential soldiers, allowing Alvarado to cash in if they enlisted, authorities said. Nau also advised at least two potential soldiers to lie in their paperwork to say that Alvarado had assisted in their recruitment, authorities said. In total, the retired colonel is accused of collecting some $12,000 in fraudulent bonuses.

    In another case, Fabian Barrera, 46, an Army National Guard captain in Texas, stands accused of personally obtaining more than $185,000 in fraudulent recruiting bonuses.

    At least 25 additional personnel were charged in District Court in southern Texas last summer with similar acts, authorities there announced in August. Those soldiers, based in the San Antonio and Houston areas, face charges ranging from wire fraud, to identity theft, to witness tampering. At least 11 had pleaded guilty as of last summer.

    The hearing Tuesday is expected to have two panels, one of active-duty Army officials and one of the National Guard officials who helped run the service at the time of the alleged wrongdoing.

    The witnesses will include Clyde Vaughn, a retired Army three-star general and former director of the Army National Guard who was in office during part of the time the program was in effect Michael Jones, a retired colonel who was the division chief for the Army National Guard Strength Maintenance Division, which oversaw the program; Philip Crane, president of Docupak, the company that managed the program; and Kay Hensen, a retired lieutenant colonel who served as the corporate compliance officer for Docupak with the National Guard Bureau.

    Pentagon Investigates Thousands of Soldiers in Massive Fraud Case
    How the supreme leader's revolutionary acceptance of cutting-edge fertility treatments is changing lives in Iran -- and unsettling the deeply conservative Sunni Middle East.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 04 04:39AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Amnesty Intl. censures KSA over controversial law

    Amnesty International has ce...
    Feb 4th 2014, 04:34
    Amnesty Intl. censures KSA over controversial law

    Amnesty International has censured Saudi Arabia over a controversial counter-terrorism law, calling it the kingdom's new tool to crush peaceful expression.

    The UK-based rights body says the new Saudi law legalizes a range of ongoing human rights violations.

    In a Monday statement, Amnesty's Deputy Director for Middle East and North Africa Said Boumedouha said, "This disturbing new law confirms our worst fears – that the Saudi Arabian authorities are seeking legal cover to entrench their ability to crack down on peaceful dissent and silence human rights defenders."

    This came after Saudi Arabia put into effect the controversial counter-terrorism law that allows Riyadh to prosecute as a terrorist anyone who demands reform, exposes corruption or protests against the kingdom's policies.

    "Passing a law with so many serious flaws two years after identical issues with the earlier draft were pointed out does not bode well for the authorities' plans to end long-standing violations in the name of counter-terrorism. The changes made to the law since 2011 have done little to diminish the potentially devastating impact on human rights. The legislation just seems to codify the Ministry of Interior's repressive tactics, which Amnesty International has documented for years," the statement added.

    The law, passed by the council of ministers and ratified by King Abdullah in December last year, went into effect on Saturday.

    The legislation, made up of 40 clauses, states that any action that "undermines" the state or society, including calls for change of government in Riyadh, can be tried as a terrorist act. The law also gives security forces and intelligence agencies sweeping powers to raid homes and track phone calls and Internet activity.

    A large number of activists, clerics, judges and journalists have been jailed in Saudi Arabia for voicing their opposition to the kingdom's policies.

    Over the past 10 years, Saudi Arabia has also arrested thousands of people and accused them of being involved with al-Qaeda.

    Human rights activists say many of the detainees have been peaceful political activists.

    Human rights groups say there are over 40,000 political prisoners in Saudi Arabia, many of them being held without trial or charges.

    There have been numerous demonstrations in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province since February 2011, with protestors calling for political reform.

    Anti-government protests have intensified since November 2011, when security forces opened fire on protestors in Qatif, killing five people and leaving scores more injured.
    KSA rapped over counter-terrorism law
    Amnesty International slams Saudi Arabia over a controversial counter-terrorism law.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 04 04:39AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Attacks across Iraq leave 22 people dead
    At least 22 people have been killed in...
    Feb 4th 2014, 04:36
    Attacks across Iraq leave 22 people dead

    At least 22 people have been killed in a series of attacks on people and security forces across Iraq.

    On Monday, seven people were killed in two separate car bomb attacks in Mahmudiyah, a town just south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, AFP reported.

    Elsewhere, in Baghdad neighborhoods of Baladiyat, Hurriyah, Sadr city and Dura, thirteen other people lost their lives in a number of car bomb attacks.

    Two Iraqi soldiers were also killed on the same day in separate attacks on Iraqi security forces in Diyala province.

    Three other soldiers were wounded in bomb attacks in Kirkuk province.

    Iraqi authorities also said that the bodies of four Iraqi people, including a woman, have been found in and around the capital.

    The incidents are the latest in a string of attacks across Iraq that have left hundreds of people dead since the beginning of this year.

    On Sunday, 13 more people were killed in attacks in Baghdad, Balad, Taji, Mosul and Kirkuk.

    According to the figures, compiled by Iraq's ministries of health, interior and defense and released on Friday, 1,013 people were killed in January, including 795 civilians, 122 soldiers and 96 policemen.

    The death toll is the highest since April 2008 when 1,073 people were killed.

    Iraq's Interior Ministry has said that militants have launched an open war in Iraq and they want to push the Middle Eastern country into chaos.

    "The country is currently facing an open war from bloodthirsty sectarian forces that aim to plunge the country into chaos," the Interior Ministry said in a statement issued on July 30, 2013.

    According to the United Nations, at least 8,000 people lost their lives in Iraq in 2013.

    Attacks across Iraq leave 22 dead
    At least 22 people are killed in a series of attacks across Iraq.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 04 04:36AM  

    Ideal Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ideal Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    Feb 4th 2014, 03:40
    Muslim Marriage Advice – Second Chance: Causes and Lessons from Divorce in Muslims
    Practimate created a unique survey, one that dives into matters of divorce amongst Muslims. This survey was unique, in that it is the first survey in the West that goes through the causes of divorce and the lessons learned by Muslim divorcees, around the globe. This article discusses the patterns t...
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 04 04:20AM  

    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Narrated 'Aisha (May Allaah be pleased with her):
    "The Prophet (peace and bles...
    Feb 4th 2014, 04:00
    Narrated 'Aisha (May Allaah be pleased with her):

    "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say in his bowing and prostrations,

    "Subhanaka-Allahumma Rabbana wa-bihamdika Allahumma-ighfirli.'

    (I honor Allah from all what (unsuitable things) is ascribed to Him. O Allah Our Lord! And all the praises are for You. O Allah! Forgive me)."

    (Saheeh Al Bukhari, Book # 12, Hadith # 760).
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 04 03:17AM  

    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Feb 4th 2014, 02:39
    Au Nom d'Allah, le Tout-Miséricordieux, le Très-Miséricordieux

    Tandhim Qa3idat Al Jihad

    Communiqué concernant l'affaire portant sur la relation de Jama3at Qa3idat Al Jihad avec le groupe « Ad-Dawlat Al Islamiyyat fi Al 3iraq wa Ash-Sham ».

    Le contenu du communiqué

    Louange à Allah, que la bénédiction et le salut soient sur le Messager d'Allah ainsi que sur sa famille et ses compagnons et ceux qui s'allient à eux.

    Ensuite :

    Premièrement : Jama3at Qa3idat Al Jihad annonce publiquement qu'elle n'a aucun lien avec le groupe « Ad-Dawlat Al Islamiyyat fi Al 3iraq wa Ash-Sham ». Elle n'a point été informée de sa fondation, ni ne commande en son sein, ni n'est consultée. Elle ne l'agrée pas et il lui a été ordonné de cesser d'agir par son biais ; et pour cela, elle ne constitue pas une branche de Jama3at Qa3idat Al Jihad, ni n'est liée par un lien organisationnel et la Jama3at n'est pas responsable de ses agissements. Et certes, les groupes de la Jama3at sont ceux qu'annoncent publiquement le commandement général de la Jama3at et qu'elle reconnait. Tout en confirmant notre alliance, notre amour et notre soutien à chaque moudjahid et notre vif intérêt (attention) à la fraternité entre les musulmans et les moudjahidin.

    Deuxièmement : Jama3at Qa3idat Al Jihad veut mettre l'accent sur quelques importantes significations dans l'action djihadiste, parmi elles :
    - le soin jaloux porté à la shoura (conseil consultatif), à l'action collective et à la prise de décisions cruciales suite à la consultation entre les moudjahidine et l'approbation de leurs commandements à ces décisions cruciales.
    - Le soin jaloux porté à solutionner les problèmes des moudjahidine entre eux et non par le biais des médias.
    - Le soin jaloux porté au fait que l'on soit une partie de la Oumma, que nous ne violions pas son droit, que nous ne la dominions pas, que nous ne dérobions pas son droit à choisir qui la gouvernera parmi ceux remplissant les conditions légales, que nous ne nous empressions pas à annoncer publiquement des émirats et des états [au sujet desquels] n'ont point été consultés ni les savants des moudhajidine, ni le commandement et ni l'ensemble des moudjahidine et des musulmans, pour qu'ensuite nous l'imposions aux gens et que nous considérions quiconque s'y opposerait comme étant sorti [contre cet état/émirat].
    - Le soin jaloux porté à la mobilisation (regroupement) de la Oumma autour des questions clés, ce qui est le manhaj du shaykh Oussama bnou Laden (puisse Allah lui faire miséricorde), par le biais duquel l'action djihadiste s'est élevée et à laquelle il appela, et ce, jusqu'à ce qu'Allah le prenne en martyr, ainsi nous le considérons et Allah demeure le Plus Savant le concernant.
    Et c'est pour cela que le groupe « Wathiqat Nosrat Al Islam » a annoncé publiquement sa confirmation de cette voie (manhaj), c'est une mise en évidence des questions (cruciales) pour lesquelles il incombe à la Oumma de se mobiliser autour d'elles.
    - Le soin jaloux porté à la purification de l'action djihadiste des infractions et des agissements nocifs et c'est pour cela que le groupe Wathiqat a publié « les orientations générales relatives à l'action djihadiste ».
    - Le désaveu de tout agissement à partir duquel se crée une injustice atteignant un moudjahid, ou un musulman ou un non-musulman.
    Et ici nous confirmons notre désaveu (innocence) de la fitna se produisant au Sham entre les factions des moudjahidine et nous nous innocentons du sang sacré qui a été versé par n'importe quel parti. Et nous appelons tout le monde à craindre Allah et à prendre conscience de la très grande responsabilité pesant sur eux et de l'ampleur du désastre qui a touché le djihad au Sham ainsi que l'avenir de la Oumma par la fitna dans laquelle ils sont entrés.
    Et nous appelons toute personne douée de raison, de religion et portant un vif intérêt au djihad d'employer ses efforts à l'extinction de la fitna en travaillant à la cessation immédiate des combats, ensuite à être actif pour solutionner les disputes en prenant pour juge les instances judiciaires légales afin de trancher [les conflits] entre les moudjahidine.

    Troisièmement : nous affirmons que la porte du bon conseil entre nous et tout le monde est ouverte et qu'il reste au musulman moudjahid le droit de la fraternité, du secours et de l'alliance et ce, peu importe que ses erreurs aient augmenté et nous ne nous innocentons pas de cela : &#123;Je ne m&#039;innocente cependant pas, car l&#039;âme est très incitatrice au mal, à moins que mon Seigneur, par miséricorde, [ne la préserve du péché]. Mon Seigneur est certes Pardonneur et très Miséricordieux».&#125; 12/53 &#123;Je ne veux que la réforme, autant que je le puis. Et ma réussite ne dépend que d&#039;Allah. En Lui je place ma confiance, et c&#039;est vers Lui que je reviens repentant.&#125; 11/88.

    Et notre dernière invocation est que la louange revient à Allah, le Maître des mondes et qu'Allah bénisse notre maître Muhammad , sa famille et ses compagnons et qu'Il les salue.

    Jama3at Qa3idat Al Jihad / le commandement général
    21 Rabi3 Al Awwal 1435H
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 04 04:19AM  

    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Feb 4th 2014, 03:51
    URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT La situation du frère Mehdi est triste il dort dehors depuis plusieurs jours, il est actuellement a Aubervilliers (dans le 93) - Ceux qui peuvent l&#039;aider voici son numéro // si vous ne pouvez pas l&#039;aider partagez au moins l&#039;annonce. Le frère Mehdi réponds aux appels et aux sms rapidement.. BarakaLahou fikoum qu Allah vous récompense
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 04 04:18AM  

    Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Penganut Yahudi Garis Keras Menggalang 'Istighosah' Menolak Perjanjian Damai Isr...
    Feb 4th 2014, 03:35
    Penganut Yahudi Garis Keras Menggalang 'Istighosah' Menolak Perjanjian Damai Israel-Palestina
    Penganut Yahudi Garis Keras Menggalang 'Istighosah' Menolak Perjanjian Damai Israel-Palestina
    Underground Tauhid—Para penganut Yahudi garis keras di Israel baru saja mengadakan acara doa bersama di Western Wall plaza di kota Yerussalem melawan dialog damai antara Israel-Palestina yang sedang berlangsung demi mendapatkan kesepakatan wilayah… [ 172 more words. ]
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 04 03:16AM  

    Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Lena Jarboni, Wanita Palestina yang Disiksa Israel Di Penjara HaSharon http://wp...
    Feb 4th 2014, 02:24
    Lena Jarboni, Wanita Palestina yang Disiksa Israel Di Penjara HaSharon
    Lena Jarboni, Wanita Palestina yang Disiksa Israel Di Penjara HaSharon
    Underground Tauhid—Lena lahir tahun 1974 keluarga Palestina di Acre di Palestina 1948. Karena kesulitan keuangan, dia tidak bisa menyelesaikan studinya dan bekerja di jahit lokakarya untuk membantu keluarganya. Pada tahun 2002 ia dijemput oleh… [ 283 more words. ]
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