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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 03:33AM  

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    The following is an extract of the english translation of an excellent book enti...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 02:35
    The following is an extract of the english translation of an excellent book entitled 'Political Concepts' by Hizb ut-Tahrir which was published in the Arab world in 2005 prior to the Arab spring.

    The Middle East (ME) Issue

    It is an issue related to Islam and its danger; the strategic location and its control over the communications between Europe, Africa and Asia; the Jewish entity and its being the first line for defending the Western interests; colonialism and its material benefits particularly the oil. Thus, such an issue that is related to Islam, the strategic location, the Jewish state, colonialism and oil, is indeed a very important one, not only for the people of the region and Muslims, but rather for the entire world.
    As in regards with Islam, it was and still forms the greatest danger to America and the West. Besides, the region of the Middle East is considered the natural departure point for the Islamic da'wa to the world. Therefore, it was not strange that America looked at Islam as the prime and sole enemy to her after the collapse of socialism. She used the slogans of terrorism, religious extremism and fundamentalism as a cover to her campaign against Islam and Muslims in this region. She tries, using her utmost to distance the political Islamic movements from authority through using the styles of suppression, repression, torture and containment, which her puppet governments in the region follow. Bush has declared this new crusade war openly against Muslims. John Ashcroft, the American minister of justice said: "Sincerely, terrorism is hidden in Islam itself and not only in some of those that embrace it". He also claimed that Allah encourages terrorism in the Quran.
    As in regards with the strategic location of the ME and its control over the communications, this results from its existence at the crossroad of the old three continents: Africa, Europe and Asia, besides it controls over the straits of Gibraltar, Bosporus, Aden, Hormuz, and the Suez Canal, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Red Sea and the Gulf. This is besides its being a crossroads of the raw materials and goods between the three continents.
    Its strategic importance used to form a critical point between the Western and Soviet camps before the détente. This is because the ME forms the western belt in the military ring imposed against the past SU. This western belt was the first line of the west for defending ME and Africa in the face of the SU. Therefore, military bases were built in the ME including nuclear bases. There were also many attempts to connect the ME states to military alliances. Besides, many airports and highways were built in it; so it had great strategic importance. After the agreement between the two superpowers in 1961, it lost its military importance. Therefore, the issue of military alliances in it was ignored, and the nuclear bases were removed. The two superpowers worked together ahead in removing the British military bases, and succeeded in removing the bases in Eden, Libya and east of Suez Canal; besides they tried to remove its bases in Cyprus. Thus, at that time the ME ceased to have a strategic importance. However, after the end of the cold war and the elimination of the SU, the ME restored its strategic importance, particularly for America in facing Russia and Europe. So, America started again to build military bases in the gulf, occupied Afghanistan and Iraq, and declared Bahrain, and then Pakistan and Kuwait as strategic allies.
    She recently considered it as the front line for defending the security of USA; and she prepared a plan for it, which she called (The Great ME Plan). Then she adjusted it to (The ME and African Plan). She presented it to the G8 summit that was held in June 2004 in Sea Island area.
    However, the important location of the ME that extends from Morocco at the Atlantic Ocean in the west to Iran and Iraq on the gulf in the east, and from Turkey in the north to the Great African desert in the south, i.e. it includes all the Arab states in addition to Turkey and Iran, this important location made it a target for the colonialists and an object for the desires of the ambitious, due to its huge importance in the issue of transportation and communication, not only at this time, but even since the crusader wars till today.
    As regarding the Jewish entity planted in Palestine it became the heart of the ME issue and it became a cause for instability, not in the ME but also in the entire world, as acknowledged by the west itself that agreed 90% of the problems of the Islamic world that annoys the west returns to the problem of the existence of the Jewish state in Palestine, i.e. in the heart of the Islamic world.
    As regarding its colonial importance it is the one that caused its affliction and eliminated it as a great state and a global force. It also changed it to a western colony where the western states compete in it over colonialism and hegemony. This is because the oil that exists in it is more than half of the world reserves; besides the raw materials that exist in Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Iran and others form a huge wealth that represents 10 times the wealth of Europe and America, put together. This is the reason of the competition and struggle between the states over it, where the wars of America in the gulf are tangible evidence to that.
    Getting these four angles together in one issue, namely; Islam, the oil, the strategic location and (Israel) is enough to make of this issue the most dangerous and most complicated one; to the point it became the focus and the prime issue. So, it is more complicated than what the great states can solve, and more than they can understand. Therefore, it is a thorny issue and hugely complicated, which the great states have no solution for; and it will not be solved except by the establishment of the Islamic State (Khilafah).
    The ME was under the authority and control of Islam and the Islamic state till mid 18th century. Since Berlin conference, i.e. since late 18th century the great European states started their attempt to invade it. So, each of France, England and Italy attacked it; and the attack was repeated till the Islamic state was demolished through the destruction of the Ottoman state and the complete removal of the Khilafah. Thus, the ME settled down under colonialism, authority and influence of England. Its influence covered all of its states even those that were not colonised like Turkey and Afghanistan. France had only a little part, which was confined to the northern part of Sham known as Syria, including its south west coast known as Lebanon. This situation continued till the end of World War II, where France was thrown away from it, and the British colonialism changed into a new style through concentrating its division and giving a name of a state for each part of it. Therefore, World War II ended while the entire Middle East was considered a western colony, actually a British colony. Thus, it was considered a part of the free world and part of the western camp, where the eastern camp had no presence in it. Two factors helped England to solely colonise the ME: The first is the political, economical and international weakness of France. So it could not match and compete with England regarding colonialism in the ME. The second is the insistence of America to follow an isolationist policy after the World War I; so England acted unilaterally in colonising the ME throughout the 19th century and until the mid of 20th century. However, after 1950 the situation differed and radically changed, because colonial struggle started between England and America, which led to what the ME witnessed from wars, military coups, manoeuvres and conspiracies. The struggle went on ups and downs till America managed to take the initiative in the ME, where England became so weak that it could not face America openly. It however, acted stubbornly for preserving as much as it could of its colonies; and it endeavoured to have even a partial presence in the region through associating America in her plans as it did in the occupation of Iraq.
    Hence, it can be said that the struggle over the ME after World War II was effectively concentrated between America and England as follows:
    The American and British policies were based on partnerships regarding the ME after the World War II. So, the two states used to meet and review their policies and coordinate their plans and styles. England continued allowing America to devour some benefits particularly in terms of the oil of the Arab Peninsular. It also remained to please her at some times; but it used to face her over whatever it considered it harmful to its interests.
    When the issue of the Jews in Palestine was raised America had the view of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine in order to use it a means for colonising the region. England at that time did not take a decision regarding establishing a Jewish state. It was hesitant between making Palestine an entity controlled by Jews and having a Jewish state. It wanted to link that to its colonisation of the rest of the Arab countries. Therefore, it did not decide the matter, so it transferred the issue to the UN. When the UN decided establishing a Jewish state under the pressure from America, England remained silent and left the issue for the future time to decide whether the region can accept the presence of a Jewish state amongst Muslims, or this Islamic body will spit it out. Its policy towards the Jewish state continued on the basis of waiting for the decision of the future.
    As regarding America, it worked hard to concentrate (Israel) and eliminate anything that could obstruct this task. England used to oppose her over this issue but secretly. So, this created severe struggle between England and America over the presence of the Jewish state.
    Moreover, America tried to draw oil pipelines across Jordan, Syria and Lebanon to the Mediterranean Sea, but England obstructed her plan. Because it was old in the region, it was able to influence all the rulers of the region for they were its agent. Therefore America found that the only means to change the situation of the region was to apply the same policy she used in South America, which is bringing in military rulers and undertaking military coups. So, it carried out the first military coup in Syria through Husni Za'im who gave concession to America for drawing an oil pipeline, where the pipeline was drawn and thus she overcame the problem. However, England noticed that America wanted to colonise and take the region from it; so it started to ferociously resist that by the political styles and manoeuvres and through the people of the region.
    After the military coup of Husni Za'im, the ferocity of the opposition by England to all the American projects, and the change of secret struggle between the two states to almost an open one, the diplomatic representatives of America in the ME noticed the threat against the military and economic interests of America in the region. They considered the continuous link between the American policy and the British policy meant that America would remain, as it was before World War II, just a tool used by England. Where it would only give her a small bait to keep her in the region for defending it, but it deprives her of all the resources of the region, and keeps the entire region under the control of England alone. The authorized American diplomats in the Arab group having noticed that realised the necessity of introducing fundamental amendments to the direction of Washington policy, and the need of making new adjustments. So, they decided to use cooperation with the people of the region as a basis for the development and improvement of such a policy. They however found themselves at the same time before a large set of problems, in addition to the presence of (Israel), and the great hatred and grudge Muslims carry towards it. Therefore, they found it necessary to address these problems before starting serious thinking and before starting to change the region from a British basis to an American basis. So, they called for holding a conference amongst them to discuss this subject. In November 1950 they held their first conference in Istanbul. This was chaired by Mr George Magi, a deputy in the American State Department responsible for the affairs of the ME and North Africa. This conference lasted for five consecutive days. They discussed in this secret conference the most important political, strategic and economic conditions of this region. Their opinion settled that it is not possible for the American policy to be linked to the British policy if America really wanted to change the ME into an American basis and use the cooperation with the people of the region as one of the styles to change this region. They used the rejection of Syria at the time of the president Shukri Quwwatli to give concession for drawing an oil pipeline, and taking that concession through the coup carried out by Husni Za'im as tangible evidence to the validity of their view. Added to that the British carried out another coup at the same year of 1949 by Al-Hinnawi who removed Husni Za'im and thus Syria returned back to the control of British. All of that supported their view that the American policy must be detached from the British policy if America wanted to work in the region. This conference is considered one of the most important tools to direct the America diplomacy in the Arabic field. It presented recommendations to each of the White House, State of Department, Pentagon and the Marine. These recommendations were presented after an important introduction, as follows:
    The experience of the recent World War II has proved that the ME is a fundamental basis, where all the factors exist necessary for waging a war against the SU. There is no chance of success in contemplating an attack against the Russian oil fields in the Caucasus and depriving the machine of Soviet war from its richest oil revenues through military cooperation with Turkey only. It is rather necessary to have organised air bases in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, on condition that Iraq and Egypt change to become a big depot that secures supplies of men, arms and provisions to any plan of offense that aims at surrounding and sabotaging the Soviet oil fields in Baku and the Caucasus, in general.
    Moreover, the military campaigns against Greece, Sicily and Italy during the entire period from 1941 to 1944 showed beyond any doubt the importance of the ME in providing and supplying such type of decisive military operations that secured victory for the war of the allies forces and containment of the enemy armies inside the European fortress.
    This introduction ended with presenting recommendations that were coined by the agreement of all the delegates in form of four recommendations:
    First: Detachment from the British policy in every matter related to the pending issues between it and the Arab world.
    Second: Using the support of Arabs' national demands as a basis of an American policy in the ME.
    Third: Support of Egypt regarding its demands from England, and encouraging a similar movement in Iraq.
    Fourth: Abstain from the constant diplomatic and economic support to (Israel) and encourage the UN to executing the project of dividing Palestine into two states, an Arab and a Jewish, besides executing the resolutions of the Security Council regarding the settlement of Arab refugees on the basis of their return to their homes and compensating those who do not want to return.
    It is said that they gave


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 03:31AM  

    Muslim of INDIAs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Muslim of INDIAs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Biwi k haqooq khawand pe kya
    hain ?
    Al Quran "
    Or Aurto k bhi wasy hi haqooq
    Feb 22nd 2014, 03:25
    Biwi k haqooq khawand pe kya
    hain ?
    Al Quran "
    Or Aurto k bhi wasy hi haqooq
    hyn jaisy in par mardo k hyn
    [Al baqra :228]
    Nabi sallallaho alyhi wa alyhi
    wasallam ne Allah tala ki
    hamdosana ki or logo ko nasihat
    ki Ap ne farmaya logo sonu aurto
    k haq me khair or bhalai ki bat
    qabool karo wo tumhary pas
    qaidio ki tarah hyn khabardar
    raho mardo k aurto par wasy hi
    hyn .jaisy aurto k mardo par
    haqooq hyn
    [sahi termizi 929]
    Nabi sallallho alyhi wa sallam ne
    Admi ko halak karny k lye itna hi
    kafi hy k jis ka kharch is k zemy
    hy usy na dae
    Ap Sallallaho Aliahe Wasallam ne
    farmaya : ay Allah me 2 zaifo ka
    haq marna haram kar daita hun
    Yateem ka or aurat ka
    [sahi muslim kitabul Al zakat :
    sahi ibn -e - maja 2968
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 03:10AM  

    Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
    hört euch mal den Track an und achtet dabei auf den Inhalt
    Besser könnte man es...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 03:02
    hört euch mal den Track an und achtet dabei auf den Inhalt

    Besser könnte man es nicht erklären, meinen größten Respekt!!!

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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 03:02AM  

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    اسلام نے جن توہمات اور گمانوں سے انسان کو نکال کر اللہ واحد القہّار کے آگے سجدہ...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 03:00
    ‫اسلام نے جن توہمات اور گمانوں سے انسان کو نکال کر اللہ واحد القہّار کے آگے سجدہ ریز کیا تھا ۔ جیو ٹی وی کی پوری پوری کوشش ہے کہ وہ اللہ کے آگے جھکنے والوں انسانوں کو ایک بار پھر توہمات اور گمانوں کی بیڑیاں پہنا دے ۔ تاکہ توہمات اور گمانوں میں رہنے والے یہ انسان پھر کسی ایسے اللہ والے کی تلاش میں نکل کھڑے ہوں جو جنوں، بھوتوں اور آسیبوں سے جنگ کر سکے ان کو مار سکے ان کو جلا کر بھسم کر سکے اور اس طرح اپنی قوت کے ذریعے ان کو ان سے بچا سکے ۔
    ایسے طاقتور انسانوں کی مشہوری کے لیئے الگ سے پروگرام ترتیب دیئے جاتے ہیں جن کو مایا خان، صنم بلوچ اور بلال قطب پیش کرتے ہیں ۔‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:52AM  

    Uploads by Islamnfocus .
    The Justice Of Muhammad (ﷺ) ᴴᴰ ┇ Must Watch ┇ by Sheikh Navaid Aziz
    Feb 22nd 2014, 02:46
    The Justice Of Muhammad (ﷺ) ᴴᴰ ┇ Must Watch ┇ by Sheikh Navaid Aziz
    The Justice Of Muhammad (ﷺ) ᴴᴰ ┇ Must Watch ┇ by Sheikh Navaid Aziz.
    Islamnfocus .

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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:47AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Syria: UN envoy's report on children ignores the truth
    Feb 21, 2014
    Syria has...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 02:04
    Syria: UN envoy's report on children ignores the truth

    Feb 21, 2014

    Syria has strongly criticized a recent UN report regarding Syrian children suffering from a Western-backed insurgency, as a "blatant divergence" from "neutrality and credibility".

    Delivering a statement at the meeting of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) on the international humanitarian initiative for children care, Syrian permanent representative to the UN, Faisal al-Hamwi, said the report submitted by UN Representative for Children and Armed Conflict Leila Zerrougui, ignored realities in several levels.

    Hamwi said the Syrian government has closely cooperated with the UNICEF since the beginning of the crisis and facilitated its relief missions and humanitarian mandate, adding that the government invited Zerrougui and received her twice and allowed her access to the areas she wanted to visit.

    "We would like to highlight here our wonder at what came in some of Zerrougui's report's paragraphs and her blatant divergence in these paragraphs from the approach of neutrality and credibility," said al-Hamwi in Syria's statement.

    He cited among "the most prominent of these missteps" is ignoring the cooperation which the Syrian government showed to Zerrougui's team and the UNICEF office in Syria.

    The Syrian Representative also criticized the report for overlooking the grave violations against the Syrian children in the camps in neighboring countries, most importantly the attempts at recruiting them to fight in Syria by a number of takfiri and terrorist organizations.

    Al-Hamwi stressed that Zerrougui also ignored in her report any reference to the worrying and serious cases of organized crime, child labor and sexual abuse that are spreading among the Syrian children in these camps.

    He said the report bypassed any mention of systematic destruction of schools, hospitals and health centers by the rebel groups and their blocking of the delivery of medicine and vaccines, particularly polio vaccines.

    Al-Hamwi underscored that Syria has been one of the successful countries achieving advanced levels in child care in the various health, educational and cultural areas, which has been recognized by the concerned international organizations and specialized agencies.

    He added that Syria is proud that it was the first country in the region to announce more than a quarter of a century ago that it is polio-free, reiterating that the Syrian government has paid great attention to the issue of child care and protection against the repercussions of the crisis in the country since day one.

    Al-Hamwi stressed that the grave impacts of the unjust and illegitimate economic sanctions imposed by some countries on the Syrian people are considered, according to the international humanitarian law, an involvement in the war crimes committed by these countries against the Syrian people.

    He clarified that these sanctions are a flagrant violation of the right to live as they deprive the Syrian people and children of food, medicine, vaccines and the necessary medical equipment.

    "The Syrian government, which today has undertaken the mission of securing 80% of its people's necessary needs under the crisis, stresses that it will go ahead with fully and completely shouldering its responsibilities towards its people in compliance with its commitments to the human rights law and the international humanitarian law," said al-Hamwi.

    He affirmed that the Syrian government will continue its close cooperation with the international humanitarian organizations, including the UNICEF, while these organizations respect the sovereignty of the Syrian state and the leading role of the Syrian government and refrain from interfering in the Syrian internal affairs and politicization.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:47AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Infighting erupts between militants in N Syria

    Fierce clashes have broken out...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 02:44
    Infighting erupts between militants in N Syria

    Fierce clashes have broken out in northern Syria between al-Qaeda-linked militant groups and other foreign-backed insurgents.

    The fighting took place between the members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) near Bab al-Salameh, north of Aleppo, on Friday.

    The clashes broke out after a car bomb ripped through a crowded refugee camp, killing several people and injuring scores more.

    Syria has been has gripped by deadly unrest since 2011. Over 130,000 people have reportedly been killed and millions displaced due to the unrest.

    According to reports, the Western powers and their regional allies -- Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey -- are supporting the militants operating inside Syria.
    Infighting erupts between Syria militants
    Clashes break out in Syria between al-Qaeda-linked militants and other foreign-backed insurgents.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:47AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Yabroud Battle Ignites, Eye on Daraa

    Feb 21, 2014 | By Hussein Mallah -- Tran...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 02:10
    Yabroud Battle Ignites, Eye on Daraa

    Feb 21, 2014 | By Hussein Mallah -- Translated by Sara Taha Moughnieh

    The process of tightening the grip around the armed groups' last strongholds in Yabroud in Qalamoun Mountains is taking place, in concurrence with an appeal by the leaders of these groups for their certainty of losing the battle against the Syrian Army, in the middle of calls for opening a new front in order to occupy the Army in Qalamoun.

    Yabroud is the last stronghold for militants in Qalamoun

    The ongoing battles in Yabroud reveal the Army's determination to finish what it had initiated a couple of months ago which is to put an end to the threat the militants taking Qalamoun Mountains as shelters imposes. The Army is seeking to either regain control over some regions in specific (Qara, Deir Atieh, Nabak, and lately Jarajeer and Rima heights), or to impose a siege and block the way on supplies reaching armed groups in Yabroud, Assal Al-Ward, and later Rankus...

    The strategy of "taking control with fire" and "gradual gnawing" which the military units in Yabroud and its surrounding are following left great geographic, material, and life losses among the armed groups, according to the opposition itself which assured Monday night the killing of a significant leader, while the official media reported that several leaders were killed including leader of the so-called "Islamic Front" Abu Malek, leader of the "Internal Security" militia, Samir Nasrallah, Financier and operations leader in the region Mahmoud Arouq, known by Abu Ali Al-Yabroudi, and leaders of the "Free Ones of the Levant" brigades, Anas Abboud and Methqal Hamamah.

    The Army's strategy has proved its success until today and the evidence to that are the warnings of the "Free Army" and the Arab media supporting them regarding the definite loss of Qalamoun battle if the situation remained the same, and their call for opening a new front to reduce pressure on Yabroud militants.

    Daraa once again...

    In a previously published report about Daraa, there were information about a Western-Saudi effort to ignite the southern front, that is Daraa, for several reasons, including its close distance from Damascus and the easiness of supplying militants there with military and logistics support. In this context, western information had revealed that training camps were established in Jordan under Western supervision and Gulf funding, not to mention the intelligence information that Israeli observatories in Golan heights could supply.

    To assure that, observers had talked about the involvement of all those parts in the armed groups' attack on Army locations in eastern Ghouta late November. Back then, information stated that the attack, which thousands of militants took part in, aimed at breaking the siege imposed on militants' strongholds in eastern Ghouta, cutting Damascus airport road, and restoring the threat which was imposed on the capital through its southern gate.

    Militants who came from the southern region took part in this attack under Western intelligence support and Arab funding (reports about Saudi Intelligence Chief, Bandar bin Sultan's personal involvement were spread). Information revealed then that the Syrian Army frustrated an attempt to transport a convoy of 100 trucks carrying arms and munitions to the militants in eastern Ghouta.

    The significance here is that the attack on Ghouta was in concurrence with the beginning of the Qalamoun battle and the control of the Syrian Army over Qara city. In other words, Ghouta front was opened in attempt to occupy the Army from targeting militants' strongholds in Qalamoun.

    Based on that, sources following up the track of field operations do not exclude the possibility that armed groups try, with foreign direction and support, to occupy the Army from the southern region.

    In fact, militants on Monday tried to advance to the strategic town of Kherbet Ghazaleh in order to control it and cut the supply road between Army units, but it was a failed attempt frustrated by the Syrian Army.

    A couple of days earlier, armed groups also tried to create confusion inside the Army in Qunaitra by taking control over several towns, but this did not last long as the Army instantly regained them.

    All these developments on ground were followed by changes in the leadership of the so-called "Free Syrian Army" along with the removal of Brigadier General Salim Idriss from his position as Chief of Staff and his replacement with escaped general Abdel Ilah Al-Bashir.

    Even if these changes were mostly related to the clash of axes and local and regional power inside the opposition council and the armed groups related to it, what mattered was that General Bashir headed the military council in Qunaitra, South of Syria, and seceded from the Army in 2012. Hence, his appointment was an attempt by the council to give a push to the militants in the southern region to prepare them for what could take place in the near future.

    What is certain is that the Syrian military leadership is cautious about any developments or unexpected surprises in the southern front, and it is taking seriously the threats of the armed groups and the Western and Arab parts supporting them, who seek for making Daraa Damascus's soft side...

    Source: Al-Manar Website
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:47AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    UK involved in importing and exporting terror: MP

    A British conservative lawma...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 02:43
    UK involved in importing and exporting terror: MP

    A British conservative lawmaker says the country is involved in "importing and exporting" terrorism.

    In a recent interview with The Times of Israel, Robert Halfon said extremists are "indoctrinated in the UK" and then go "to Syria to fight."

    He also referred to Briton's fear from engaging in a war like the one against Saddam Hussein's Iraq, saying that the UK is so "scarred" by the Iraq war that it will not support use of force unless it is directly attacked.

    According to estimates by British intelligence services, about 500 British militants are currently fighting in Syria.

    In an interview with Argentina's Clarin newspaper in May 2013, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said militants from 29 different countries were fighting against the government in different parts of the country.

    A British defense study showed that about 100,000 militants, fragmented into 1,000 groups, are fighting in Syria against the government and people.

    The extracts of the study by defense consultancy IHS Jane's were published on September 16, 2013.

    IHS Jane's estimates that some 10,000 militants are fighting for groups affiliated with al-Qaeda and the rest fight for different militant groups.

    The analysis also said that a large number of extremists from foreign countries are active in Syria.

    Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since March 2011. According to reports, the Western powers and their regional allies -- especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey -- are supporting the militants operating inside Syria.

    Over 130,000 people have reportedly been killed and millions displaced due to the unrest.
    'UK involved in terrorist acts'
    A British conservative lawmaker says the country is involved in "importing and exporting" terrorism.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:47AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Prisoner X leaked Israel intel. on Iran, book claims
    An Australian-born Mossad...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 02:46
    Prisoner X leaked Israel intel. on Iran, book claims

    An Australian-born Mossad agent, who died in an Israeli prison, had been leaking intelligence about Israel's espionage operations against Iran, a new book claims.

    On Saturday, Rafael Epstein, the author of the book "Prisoner X," said Ben Zygier, known as Prisoner X, had been spilling details about Tel Aviv's spy activities against Iran.

    Epstein's statement contradicts allegations that Zygier was charged because he failed to recruit a Lebanese double agent for Hezbollah, and ended up betraying double agents who worked for Israel.

    Zygier, who was part of a significant Mossad operation targeting Iran's nuclear energy program, was captured by the Israelis in 2010 after he revealed details of his work to an Iranian in Melbourne.

    He was said to have attempted suicide several times in Ayalon prison before he took his life in late 2010.

    Originally born in Melbourne, the 34-year-old man with a dual Australian-Israeli citizenship had worked for the Israeli spy agency since 2003.

    Following the revelation, the Tel Aviv regime was forced to admit that Zygier had been jailed under a false identity "for security reasons."

    Zygier's family later received around one million dollars in exchange for agreeing not to pursue a compensation claim.

    The New York Times said on February 14 last year that Zygier was among the 26 suspects in a murder plot in which Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a Hamas official, was tracked and killed in his hotel room hours after his arrival in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, in January 2010.
    'Prisoner X leaked Israel intel. on Iran'
    Prisoner X had been spilling details about Israel's spy activities against Iran, a new book claims.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 02:32AM  

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    As British Prime Minister Campbell Bannerman noted in 1902, "a foreign body shou...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 02:23
    As British Prime Minister Campbell Bannerman noted in 1902, "a foreign body should be planted in the heart of this nation [i.e. the Khilafah] to prevent the convergence of its wings in such a way that it could exhaust its powers in never-ending wars. It could also serve as a springboard for the West to gain its coveted objects". The creation of Israel only occurred after the Khilafah fell and has been, in fact, just another tool (in addition to the installation of tyrant rulers) of the West in subjecting the Ummah to colonization and oppression.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:43PM  

    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die Menschenmenge kreist um die Kaaba wie ein tosender Strudel.
    Alles bewegt...
    Feb 21st 2014, 15:28
    Die Menschenmenge kreist um die Kaaba wie ein tosender Strudel.

    Alles bewegt sich um sie, nur sie ist regungslos; eine Sonne im Zentrum der Sterne, die ihre Kreise um die Sonne ziehen. Beständigkeit, Bewegung und Disziplin gleich Umwandern.

    Allah ist das Zentrum der Welt, Er ist der Mittelpunkt der Existenz, der Dreh- und Angelpunkt dieses Kreislaufes.

    Die Kaaba ist der Mittelpunkt Deiner Liebe und Du ziehst wie ein Zirkel Kreise um sie... ♥
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:43PM  

    Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Es gibt keine diesseitige Freude, die eine jenseitige Freude ähnelt, außer die...
    Feb 21st 2014, 14:50
    "Es gibt keine diesseitige Freude, die eine jenseitige Freude ähnelt, außer die Freude des Glaubens." Imam Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله.
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