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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 18 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 11 12:18AM  

    Im Auftrag des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Im Auftrag des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Trailer zu den Tauhid Unterrichten von dem Bruder Furkan bin Abdullah
    Die Tauhi...
    Feb 11th 2014, 00:18
    Trailer zu den Tauhid Unterrichten von dem Bruder Furkan bin Abdullah
    Die Tauhid Unterrichte findet ihr auf Youtube - Koran Projekt 45 bis Koran Projekt 52
    Tauhid Unterrichte von Furkan bin Abdullah - Trailer
    Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der...
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 11 12:18AM  

    Im Auftrag des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Im Auftrag des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Trailer zu den Tauhid Unterrichten von dem Bruder Furkan bin Abdullah
    Die Tauhi...
    Feb 11th 2014, 00:18
    Trailer zu den Tauhid Unterrichten von dem Bruder Furkan bin Abdullah
    Die Tauhid Unterrichte findet ihr auf Youtube - Koran Projekt 45 bis Koran Projekt 52
    Tauhid Unterrichte von Furkan bin Abdullah - Trailer
    Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der Koran, Der...
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 10 11:56PM  

    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Third part of the audio transcript of Abu Jihad Al-Shishani on the situation of...
    Feb 10th 2014, 23:10
    Third part of the audio transcript of Abu Jihad Al-Shishani on the situation of Syria and speaking about Shk Muhaysini
    This is the third part of a series of audio statements made by Sheikh Abu Jihad Shishani, the second-in-command to Shiekh Umar Shishani of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham.

    In this statement, Sheikh Abu Jihad turns to foreign fighters from the North Caucasus in Al-Sham, and asks them why they are not supporting ISIS in its battle against the traitors.

    Sheikh Abu Jihad says that the reason ISIS is being attacked is because it is close to its goal of establishing a Khilafah.

    Sheikh Abu Jihad specifically addresses the attack on ISIS by Abdullah al-Mohaisany, a Saudi preacher who first travelled to Al-Sham in 2013 and who has carried out fundraising and propaganda efforts for Mujahideen factions in Al-Sham including Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS.

    On January 23, Mohaisany put forward a peace effort, the Umma Initiative, which was endorsed by all the main factions in Al-Sham and some outside the country; however ISIS slammed the effort, saying that other groups first needed to distance themselves from democracy and Western-backed groups like the Free Syrian Army.
    In an audio statement on February 2, Mohaisany said that certain ISIS groups had deviated from the "Salafi-jihadi" ideology and called on ISIS leader Amir Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to pack up and return to Iraq.

    Address to Brother-Mujahideen in the Lands of Sham:

    "Brothers, really, can't you see what's going on around you?Brothers are being killed before your eyes, and you're still participating with those devils in operations. Their leaders openly work with America and Saudi. We've said more than once that the day will come when there will only be two armies left – the army of Rahman and the army of the Devil. The Prophet, talking of trials and fitna, said, "They will continue until such time as everything is divided into two camps: the camp of faith, where there won't be any infidels, and the camp of infidels where there won't be any faithful".

    Brothers, those times are coming and it is time to chose your camp. Look, who is firing against us and to which camp do they belong?

    That dog Hayani, who you yourself stormed yesterday with us, and whose crimes you saw with your own eyes. Now, when they and other dogs, like Afash, Ma'arouf, have attacked us, why has this suddenly turned into a fitna between Muslims, and you don't want to take part in it?

    I want to remind you of the story of the three oxen, who were eaten in turn by a lion. You all know that story really well, right? Now I want to ask you, "What, do you really think that your turn won't come?" It is as clear as day that you've been left alone for now, so as not to fritter away strength. Do you really think that they won't get to Jabhat al-Nusra, whom they consider to be Al Qaeda?
    Of course not, they don't want to leave a single Mujahid on this Earth, who wants to establish Sharia. Just like they did in Bosnia, in Chechnya, in Tajikistan and other places of jihad. They used the Muhajireen (foreign fighters) for their own national interests, and after the victory they mopped them up and chucked them out.
    And why? Well, because the Mujahideen who liberated territory from the infidels did not establish their authority on it, the authority of Sharia, but went on further to liberate new territories, leaving the establishment of Sharia until later. And in that time, the infidels sent hypocrites onto the liberated lands and they set up their laws through them. They stabbed the Mujahideen in the back and left them between two fires.

    ISIS will not repeat those mistakes. We have started to try to establish Sharia on each bit of land on which it has authority. Exactly for that reason the whole world pounced on ISIS, because it took the right path toward establishing an Islamic State. And it is precisely that path that will lead to the establishment of a Khilafah, which is so hated by the infidels and hypocrites.

    Therefore, brothers, let each of you remember Judgment Day, on which each of you will be asked about your actions, what you did and whether his brothers were killed before your eyes. What did he do to establish the Khilafah? And let no one thing that your Amir will reply for you, because on that terrible day even the prophets will say, Nafsi, Nafsi (myself, myself). And no one will be able to say, an Amir ordered us….

    Allah ordered us in the Quran, saying: And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you – when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.

    How can this verse be revealed in our time, for ourselves? Look at our recent past in the Caucasus. We, really, were enemies with each other, we hated each other. The hatred was between the Karachays and the Cherkessys, between the Kabardians and Balkars, the Ingush and the Ossetians, and in Dagestan they had their own infighting. And all these disputes were used by the infidels to weaken our forces. According to the principle, divide and rule, that's an old maxim, but they are still using it to this day.
    And when we by the grace of Allah crossed these national barriers and became brothers, and we started fighting in one rank, satins from among the jinns and people came to use with another ploy, exactly the same, but they just changed it a bit . Now instead of nations they started to talk about lands, "don't you have your own land, your own state, you need to fight there".

    Someone might say, but what about the verse: "Fight those polytheists who are closer to you?" Yes, with those who are closest to you. And who is closer to you right now? Does it say the polytheists of your nation, or those on your land? No, it says, "with those who are closest to you". Someone tells you: "Look, they have an improper state." You ask, how does it differ from ours in the Caucasus? If they say that they have made an improper oath, ask, and did we have a proper one at home? Anyone who tells you that at home he had an oath to fight is a liar. Because it is the same oath to the ruler of the state, and of the Emirate.

    Someone will say, that they are fighting with the Muslims, you tell them, "and when you went to Dagestan, didn't you fight the militias?", all the more so give that there we attacked and here they attacked us.

    They will say, "they are making takfir with the secular guys". Ask them what they would say to the Ichkerians of Zakayev and his gang?

    Brothers, we have never been so close to our goal of establishing the Khilafah, as we are now. The infidels understood that even faster than some Muslims, so everyone attacked us together. We need to stand. And if you do not support us in this battle, you will be judged for that on the Day of Judgment! And remember again, on that day no one will answer for you except yourself.

    So let's consider the road map of measures set out by Mohaisany.
    First, who is Mohaisany?

    This is a man who, as we have already mentioned, is of the category of those who are close to the border, who like to be photographed in trucks, with machine guns, grenade launchers, different kinds of weapons.

    And on the battlefield for some reason they are not visible.
    And we have not heard that he was somewhere nearer to the battlefields.

    But he really likes to mention the errors of ISIS and to hide the mistakes of others. Though he is doing very nicely, and says he wants a truce, reconciliation, etc. but somehow in his map all the points are such that he wants to talk about mistakes and conceal some other errors.

    It's enough that he contradicted himself several times.

    First, when the news spread that dishonored sisters, he came with the announcement that he personally went to the command of the FSA and asked, he was told that it was a lie, they do not have all the sisters. And on this basis, he made an appeal, it's all lies, rumors, etc. That the FSA refuted this not confirmed.

    Then, after a while on Twitter he refutes himself and says, " No, really, there have been cases, I am sorry, and so on." Then time passes, and now he makes his last appeal.

    These troublemakers moved fast, 24 hours had not even passed, they made a translation and put on their site, in general, trying to be seen, trying to rekindle the fire of fitnah.

    And they do it all with a regretful, compassionate view that here they are so worried about the fitnah and they themselves are sitting every second waiting on some news, some provocation. Sometimes throwing between the lines a bunch of information to make it appear that they are not only interested in this.

    So what did he say in his last address? He says Dawla (ISIS) refused a truce, etc…

    He made a condition for reconciliation — justice. The very conditions that they offer do not come anywhere close to justice. That's one thing, the second is when they say stop the firing, stop the bloodshed. We have already offered it three times. I have said and I repeat again, because this is important…

    As for reconciliation – that is the second question that needs to be studied and done right, you need to see who will do it, who will reconcile, and who will judge. For local judges, I already told you, who are the judges. I'm not saying that there is no one who can judge, but we must first see who will judge. That's why ISIS put a condition to offer this Mohaisany. For which he said that ISIS set an impossible condition that is not in the Sharia, etc.

    There were 2 conditions:

    1. That all parties, including the party that called to judge between us, indicated their position relating to the West.

    2. That they indicated their position to criminal regimes of the taghoot Arabs, ie Saudi, Qatar and others.

    With these two conditions their plans collapsed. Why , because they had to either say that they do not make takfir with taghoot states or that they are their friends, not enemies. Either they had to say as it is, and then their cowboy leader would stop all the help and all will be against them. Naturally, they could not afford neither the one nor the other…&quot;

    Sheikh Abu Jihad says that the attempts at reconciliation are really an effort to expel ISIS from Al-Sham. He then adds that Russian-language sites such as Beladusham are really created by Israeli intelligence with Russian-speaking agents, who want to spread fitna in Al-Sham.

    Sheikh Abu Jihad says that he has doubts about the veracity of other statements made by other jihadi leaders including Abu Qatada al-Filistini and Abu Mohammad al Maqdisi:

    &quot;We have serious doubts that these references belong to them, as they are in prison in Jordan. And Jordan, as we know, it is the strongest among all the Mukhabarat Arab countries. It is difficult to imagine that they are almost daily spreading their thoughts, their letters, etc. and that there is no obstruction and interference."
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 10 11:56PM  

    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Feb 10th 2014, 23:18

    Bilad Al-Sham News and Updates
    Full translation of ISIS statement regarding recent events in deir Azor! ISIS Statement : 1. History repeats itself, the tradition of God to test the believers is ongoing, and purifying their rows from slag is continuing. 2. And God will show the truth to his slaves and make clear for them the straight path and expose the people of the rickety path. 3. People will end up in 2 camps, camp of faith no hypocrisy in it & camp of disbelief, no faith in it. We in ISIS have chosen camp of Iman. 4. The camp where there is no flattery to the infidel west or east. Or courting the hypocrites at the expense of the religion. 5. Hypocrites refuse to do other than stabbing believers in back while claiming 2 be with them & God refuses 2 do other than exposing them. 6. Nusra was part of ISIS and obeyed its leader Baghdadi, then 1st slip of the Straight Path happened by leaving it and splitting the row. 7. Then the second slip happened when they united with people with deviant ideologies and accepted corrupt people into their groups. 8. Third slip happened when they helped Sahwat fight ISIS by incitement + direct/indirect help and they even fought side by side in Raqqah. 9. ISIS wanted to return Sahwat attacks with shedding as little blood as possible, and then conspiracy became clear to a lot incl. Nusrah. 10. Which led to many of Nusrah joining ISIS like in Hasakah, and that's when Nusrah made it's fourth slip and decided to avenge itself. 11. So they created slanders to convince followers to fight us. They called us Baghi (transgressor) sometimes & sometime Hirabah (Bandits). 12. And sometimes they cal us KHariji and sometimes Takfeeris, all this to give legitimacy to their illegitimate acts (fighting us). 13. And if only they fought on their own with these flimsy excuses, no, they even included the Sahwat in Deir ez-Zour. 14. Like Liwa al-Ahwaz, Ahrar al-Sham, Ja'far al-Tayar that belongs to zahran Aloush and some other groups that are deviant. 15. And they included traitors from the tribes like the ones from al-Masrab that were fought by the Mujahideen (incl. Nusra) 16. After the criminals of al-Masrab killed some of the Foreign fighters, and now Nusrah is in the same trench as them against ISIS!!! 17. So after all this mobilization against ISIS they started bombing Mujahideen with mortars and firing at them with tanks in several areas. 18. They did not even spare civilian areas, so what's the difference between them and the traitors in Aleppo that did the exact same thing? 19. They also betrayed foreign fighters that they always used to cry fake tears over bec. they were the first to get killed in Deir ez-Zuor. 20. And we do not know until when these series of slips will continue. 21. and here we have made clear a part of the treachery that happened today so that the Muslims know what camp those traitors are in. 22. And it has become clear to everyone that they are sitting in same trench with the Sahwat and those wanting to please the West. 23. Our message to these armies and to those we still think good of from the soldiers of Nusrah: 24. Think carefully about the reality around you, who you are helping and who you are standing with. 25. Are u helping those that stood against Islam (Military Councils) who admitted they're fighting ISIS with help from "friendly" nations 26. Or are you helping those that refused to flatter West & clearly announced Islamic State that displeased West which declared war on it. 27. And here we have clarified what happened so that ISIS will not be blamed for what it will do. 28. So our message to them is "Only an idiot would try with someone who has been tried". 29. So learn a lesson from what happened in Iraq and what happened to the traitors and hypocrites. 30. And know that the majority of Sahwat born in Iraq became arrogant because of brigades wearing Islamic clothes and names. 31. Who knocked on door of seduction which opened widely for them and they fell in its mire and they are till this day still in the bottom. 32. So we tell them: Come to your senses and if you refuse, blame no one but yourselves. 33. For you have no excuses left for indeed the harbinger has come to you.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 10 11:56PM  

    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Subhanallah, crushed by a pole that was hit by tank fire. May Allah accept our b...
    Feb 10th 2014, 23:48
    Subhanallah, crushed by a pole that was hit by tank fire. May Allah accept our brother shaheed In'sha'Allah
    Abu Faris from Belgium, crushed buy falling power poles that had been hit buy tank shells. Allah&#039;taqaballu
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