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::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:59PM  

    Tarek X (Offiziell)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Tarek X (Offiziell)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ein geteilter Beitrag auf Facebook ist noch lange kein geteilter Besitz. Vergess...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 23:21
    Ein geteilter Beitrag auf Facebook ist noch lange kein geteilter Besitz. Vergesst nicht vor Allem in der Realität allen Geschöpfen zu helfen.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:59PM  

    Tarek X (Offiziell)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Tarek X (Offiziell)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ein geteilter Beitrag auf Facebook ist noch lange kein geteilter Besitz. Vergess...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 23:21
    Ein geteilter Beitrag auf Facebook ist noch lange kein geteilter Besitz. Vergesst nicht vor Allem in der Realität allen Geschöpfen zu helfen.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:59PM  

    Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Street dawah with the team from #Dundee
    Feb 22nd 2014, 22:59
    Street dawah with the team from #Dundee


    Abraham Pirry
    Dundee Da'wah Team... MashaAllah!! One woman asked that why does God, take my 3 sons away who were innocent? The answer is in the Qur'an and we gave her one. One man tried to tell me Jesus was God, but didn't know why, he said just have faith. Another man, told me, that Jesus is God, and Islam is the wrong path, although it asks me to worship God alone and follow Jesus' teachings. I asked him what language Jesus (his god) spoke, he didn't know, so he said you tell me as you know more about Jesus, so i told him. One man told me that the Universe is God even though it had a creator. One man told me our purpose in Life, is to create another Universe. All Qur'ans handed out. Great conversations. 7 BROTHERS + on the TABLE!! MashaAllah!!!! Great turnout. Many da'wah materials handed out, and Jesus and the Injeel, and also the Man in the Red Underpants. May Allah guide all of them, especially Billy and the Woman who has been tested a lot! Peace
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:54PM  

    Aid4Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Aid4Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Feb 22nd 2014, 23:25
    Al Fatiha & Aid4Syria Refugee Camp We aim to house 100 families with Weather proof and fire proof tents in sha Allah, each tent costs £160 so my target is £16,000 before my next scheduled visit to Syria in sha Allah which is on or around the 31st of March 2014. Please donate generously every £1 help...
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:54PM  

    MJD - Muslimische Jugend in Deutschland e.V.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    MJD - Muslimische Jugend in Deutschland e.V.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Heute haben Vertreterinnen von der MJD an der Tagung "Junge Muslime als Partner"...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 23:18
    Heute haben Vertreterinnen von der MJD an der Tagung "Junge Muslime als Partner" in der Akademie Rottenburg in Stuttgart teilgenommen.

    Die Tagung beschäftigte sich mit den Fragen: Wie können muslimische Jugendverbände aktiv an den Strukturen der Jugendhilfe partizipieren? Welche Förderprogramme ermöglichen es, neue Projekte zu realisieren?
    Die Tagung fand in Zusammenarbeit mit der Robert Bosch Stiftung und dem Landesjugendring Baden-Württemberg.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:52PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Paris ingnores Lebanon's Saudi-financed arms order

    France has so far ignored...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 23:08
    Paris ingnores Lebanon's Saudi-financed arms order

    France has so far ignored a Lebanese Army order of weapons and other military equipment in line with a $3-billion grant pledged by Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah in late December following the capture of a high-profile Saudi terrorist by Lebanese forces.

    Following the controversial Saudi offer, a Lebanese military delegation held "tough negotiations" with French military authorities, who recently visited Lebanon in order to arrange for the order and delivery of the weapons at the supposed expense of the Saudi government, said a senior Lebanese Army source, cited Saturday in a report by The Daily Star.

    "Although Saudi Arabia has informed Lebanon that it can ask for the equipment it needs in order to boost its military capabilities as part of the grant, French officials, without any justification, have not responded to the list of needs submitted by the Army," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

    The source, however, refused to divulge the content of the list.

    These sources said that Saudi Arabia did not specify the kind of weaponry and military equipment to be delivered to the Lebanese Army, adding that authorities of the oil-rich kingdom said the military would get the arms it deemed necessary and that France would respond to meet these needs.

    Lebanon's President Michel Sleiman announced in late December 2013 that Saudi Arabia had granted his nation's Army with $3 billion in military equipment to be purchased from France.

    According to the report, it has been decades since the Lebanese Army has received advanced weaponry. The Saudi grant comes as the military establishment faces mounting security challenges resulting from the foreign-backed insurgency in neighboring Syria.

    This is while the persistence of terrorist attacks in Lebanon is proving to be another challenge for the Army. The military establishment is carrying on with its crackdown on terrorist groups and arrested key figures from the Al-Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades in recent weeks.

    Hundreds were killed and wounded in a recent spate of bombings which has targeted the Beirut southern suburbs and the Bekaa Valley, where Hezbollah resistance movement enjoys wide support. Most of the bombings were claimed by radical al-Qaeda-linked insurgents based in Syria.

    The Lebanese Army is also working to prevent arms smuggling from and to Syria.
    - See more at:
    Paris ingnores Lebanon's Saudi-financed arms order
    France has so far ignored a Lebanese Army order of weapons and other military equipment in line with a $3-billion grant pledged by Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah in late December following the capture of a high-profile Saudi terrorist by Lebanese forces.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:52PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Israel treated 1,600 injured Syria insurgents

    As nearly 1,600 wounded Syrian...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 23:09
    Israel treated 1,600 injured Syria insurgents

    As nearly 1,600 wounded Syrian insurgents have reportedly received treatment in Israeli hospitals, a leader of the Arab country's foreign-backed opposition has praised the hawkish Israeli prime minister for his expression of support for the anti-Damascus militants.

    The development comes as the Jerusalem-based al-Manar newspaper reported on Saturday that majority of the Syria insurgents that were treated in Israeli hospitals have returned to fighting against government forces in Syria.

    This is while Syrian opposition leader Muhammad Badie told Israel Radio on Friday that the anti-Damascus opposition is grateful to Benjamin Netanyahu for his February 18 tour of a field hospital in the (occupied) Golan Heights that provided treatment for the insurgents.

    Israel Channel 2 News recently aired footage of a secret Israeli field hospital in the occupied Golan Heights that has treated the foreign-sponsored militants.

    Speaking from Istanbul, Badie added that Netanyahu's public presence near the wounded insurgents sent an "important message."

    Meanwhile, the expenses for the medical treatment given to the anti-Damascus militants are covered by a private fund financed by the Saudi Arabia, other Persian Gulf kingdoms and (Zionist) Jewish foundations, al-Manar further reported.

    Last year, the Israeli military carried out at least three airstrikes against Syria.

    Damascus maintains that the Tel Aviv regime and its Western allies are aiding al-Qaeda-linked insurgent groups operating inside Syria.
    Israel treated 1,600 injured Syria insurgents
    As nearly 1,600 wounded Syrian insurgents have reportedly received treatment in Israeli hospitals, a leader of the Arab country's foreign-backed opposition has praised the hawkish Israeli prime minister for his expression of support for the anti-Damascus militants.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:52PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Ahmad al-Jarba Syria's new dictator"

    The former chief-of-staff of the so-cal...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 23:10
    "Ahmad al-Jarba Syria's new dictator"

    The former chief-of-staff of the so-called Free Syrian Army's (FSA) Supreme Military Council Salim Idris has called Ahmad Jarba "Syria's new dictator," Egyptian daily Youm 7 reported on its website.

    Idris lashed out at Jarba, the head of the so-called Syrian National Coalition (SNC), in a televised interview.

    Idris was sacked and replaced by Abd al-Ilah al-Bashir on February 17. The decision to replace the former Syrian general was made after a meeting of FSA's Supreme Military Council in Turkey.

    Slamming the Saudi-backed Asaad Mustafa, Idris also said that he did not recognize Asaad Mustafa as the defense minister of the SNC.

    Syria sank into a foreign-sponsored war in 2011, when pro-reform protests turned into a massive insurgency following the intervention of Western and regional states.

    The unrest, which took in terrorist groups from across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, has transpired as one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history.
    "Ahmad al-Jarba Syria's new dictator"
    The former chief-of-staff of the so-called Free Syrian Army's (FSA) Supreme Military Council Salim Idris has called Ahmad Jarba "Syria's new dictator," Egyptian daily Youm 7 reported on its website.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:52PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Canada now a safe haven for Mossad terrorists?

    A Mossad agent who was involve...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 23:12
    Canada now a safe haven for Mossad terrorists?

    A Mossad agent who was involved in the killing of Hamas leader Dr Mahmoud al-Mabhouth in Dubai in January 2010 has been given a new identity and Canadian passport, according to a story in the rightwing news agency, QMI. The Canadian government refuses to comment on the story. Opposition parties are also silent on this most serious issue. Are Mossad terrorists welcome in Canada?

    Has Canada become a safe haven for Mossad terrorists? The Harper government claims it is opposed to terrorism and has even proposed changes to Canadian citizenship to take it away from people convicted of terror-related crimes in other countries.

    Yet QMI, a rightwing news service with close links to Sun Media and Sun newspaper, reported that an Israeli Mossad agent who was involved in the assassination of Hamas leader Dr Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel in January 2010 has been granted Canadian citizenship.

    The Mossad agent, whose identity was not revealed, received a new identity and passport, according to QMI news agency on February 15 quoting Arian Azarbar, a businessman. The Israeli paper, Haaretz and the Jewish news portal Ynewsnet, also carried the story the same day. There was scant coverage in Canadian news media outlets.

    Similarly, Canadian parliamentarians decided to skip the issue with the opposition New Democrats as pro-zionist as the ruling Conservatives.

    Azarbar told QMI Agency in an exclusive interview that he

    learned about the top secret operation from Trina Kennedy, a senior national security investigator at Passport Canada. Azarbar had a yearlong relationship with Ms Kennedy. She divulged the information after the two had been out drinking.

    The Canadian government claims it knows nothing about the operation. Azarbar has called this a "big lie." He says he gave the name and address of the Mossad spy to QMI but the news agency refused to publish it claiming this would endanger his life.

    Alexis Pavelich, a spokesman for Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander (responsible for Passport Canada), did not respond to questions about Azarbar's allegations.

    The minister, however, has ordered an internal inquiry and Kennedy has been relieved of her duties and denied access to all federal computers after Azarbar's allegations surfaced.

    Given Canada's tight relations with the Zionist regime, the allegations come as no surprise. In September 1997, two Mossad agents sprayed a poison chemical into the year of Hamas leader Meshaal Khalid in Amman, Jordan. The two Mossad agents were captured by Meshaal's bodyguards and handed over to Jordanian authorities.

    They had used fake Canadian passports to enter Jordan. Then Jordanian monarch, King Hussain was so furious that he threatened to prosecute the two Mossad agents unless Israel provided the anti-dote to the poison.

    Under the deal, Israel provided the antidote and the two agents were let go. Two years later, Hussain was dead of cancer. Was he injected with something by the zionists to cause his sudden death? After revealing the identity of the Mossad killer agent, Azarbar's life may also be in danger. He would be well advised to seek protection.

    Canada merely slapped Israel on the wrist for the passport fiasco.

    Ottawa's tight relation with the zionist regime is putting at risks Canadian citizens traveling abroad. The Harper regime has already said it would not go to bat for any Canadian arrested abroad, unless of course he/she happens to be white and is arrested by Mexico for drug smuggling.

    Source: Crescent International
    Canada now a safe haven for Mossad terrorists?
    A Mossad agent who was involved in the killing of Hamas leader Dr Mahmoud al-Mabhouth in Dubai in January 2010 has been given a new identity and Canadian passport, according to a story in the rightwing news agency, QMI. The Canadian government refuses to comment on the story. Opposition parties are…
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:48PM  

    Jeden Tag einen Hadiths Facebook-Pinnwand
    Jeden Tag einen Hadiths Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abû Huraira (r) überlieferte, dass der Gesandte Allâhs sallAllahu 'alaihi was-sa...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 23:31
    Abû Huraira (r) überlieferte, dass der Gesandte Allâhs sallAllahu 'alaihi was-sallam gesagt hat:

    "O muslimische Frauen! Fühlt euch nicht zu gering, um eurer Nachbarin selbst die kleinste Kleinigkeit zu schenken. Schenkt, was immer ihr schenken könnt, auch wenn dies nur der Fuß eines Schafes ist."

    (Bukhârî und Muslim)
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:48PM  

    MuslimAktiv Akademies Facebook-Pinnwand
    MuslimAktiv Akademies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abdullah b. Hamid berichtet, dass Huzayfa (ra) sagte: Fürchtet euch davor Juden...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 23:23
    Abdullah b. Hamid berichtet, dass Huzayfa (ra) sagte: Fürchtet euch davor Juden und Christen zu werden ohne dass ihr es merkt. Diejenigen, die ihm (ra) zuhörten sagten: 'Wir verstanden, dass er sich damit auf diesen Ayat bezog. O ihr, die ihr glaubt! Nehmt nicht die Juden und die Christen zu Awliya (Freunden, Beschützern). Sie sind einander Awliya (Freunde, Beschützer). Und wer sie von euch zu Awliya (Freunde, Beschützern) nimmt, der gehört wahrlich zu ihnen. Wahrlich, Allah weist nicht dem Volk der Ungerechten den Weg. (Maida 5/51)
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 11:48PM  

    MuslimAktiv Akademies Facebook-Pinnwand
    MuslimAktiv Akademies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Feb 22nd 2014, 23:38
    Der alte Mann und seine Enkel
    Der alte Mann und seine Enkel 19 Jul 2013 04:31 Geschrieben von Abu Abdur-Rahman Kategorie: Für Jugend Zugriffe: 216 Drucken E-MailEin alter Mann lebte einmal auf einer kleinen Farm in den Bergen zusammen mit seinem kleinen Enkelsohn. Jeden Morgen saß sein Großvater schon früh am Tisch und las aus...
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 08:13PM  

    Eye On Palestines Facebook-Pinnwand
    Eye On Palestines Facebook-Pinnwand
    فلسطين سؤال وجواب PalQA:#فلسطين : ماهو المسجد #الاقصى المبارك ؟
    #Palestine: What...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 19:48
    فلسطين سؤال وجواب PalQA‫:#فلسطين : ماهو المسجد #الاقصى المبارك ؟
    #Palestine: What is Al Aqsa Mosque‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 22 08:12PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    رحمتك يا رب ..
    أصبحت الأم أشــلاء ..
    بكى الأطفــال الأيتـــام ..فردّت هي بنزيـ...
    Feb 22nd 2014, 19:32
    ‫رحمتك يا رب ..

    أصبحت الأم أشــلاء ..

    بكى الأطفــال الأيتـــام ..فردّت هي بنزيـف الدمــاء

    #حلب ـ حي الإنذرات ، 22 - 2 - 2014

    PH: Hosam Katan‬
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