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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:45AM  

    • Every Muslimah Is A Princess •s Facebook-Pinnwand
    • Every Muslimah Is A Princess •s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ♲اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ رَبِّي لا إِلَهَ إِلا أَنْتَ خَلَقْتَنِي ♲وَ أَنَا عَبْدُكَ♲...
    Feb 21st 2014, 02:57
    ‫♲اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ رَبِّي لا إِلَهَ إِلا أَنْتَ خَلَقْتَنِي ♲وَ أَنَا عَبْدُكَ♲ وَ أَنَا عَلَى عَهْدِكَ♲ وَ وَعْدِكَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُ♲ أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا صَنَعْتُ♲ أَبُوءُ لَكَ بِنِعْمَتِكَ عَلَيَّ ♲وَ أَبُوءُ لَكَ بِذَنْبِي فَاغْفِرْ لِي♲ فَإِنَّهُ لا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلا أَنْتَ♲

    ♲Allahumma anta Rabbi la ilaha illa anta,♲ Anta Khalaqtani wa ana abduka, wa ana 'ala ahdika wa wa'dika mastata'tu,♲ A'udhu bika min Sharri ma sana'tu,♲ abu'u Laka bini'matika 'alaiya, ♲wa Abu Laka bidhanbi faghfirli innahu la yaghfiru adhdhunuba illa anta

    ♲(O Allaah!♲ You are my Lord! None has the right to be worshipped but You. You created me and I am Your slave, ♲and I am faithful to my covenant and my promise as much as I can.♲ I seek refuge with You from all the evil I have done.♲ I acknowledge before You all the blessings You have bestowed upon me,♲ and I confess to You all my sins.♲ So I entreat You to forgive my sins,♲ for nobody can forgive sins except You.)‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:45AM  

    • Every Muslimah Is A Princess •s Facebook-Pinnwand
    • Every Muslimah Is A Princess •s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ♡☘ Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh ♡☘ Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatulla...
    Feb 21st 2014, 03:43
    ♡☘ Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh ♡☘ Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh☘

    أَصْـبَحْنا وَ أَصْـبَحَ المُـلْكُ لله وَ الحَمدُ لله ، لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وَحدَهُ لا شَريكَ لهُ، لهُ المُـلكُ و لهُ الحَمْـد، و هُوَ على كلّ شَيءٍ قدير ، رَبِّ أسْـأَلُـكَ خَـيرَ ما في هـذا اليوم وَ خَـيرَ ما بَعْـدَه ، وَ أَعـوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَـرِّ هـذا اليوم وَ شَرِّ ما بَعْـدَه، رَبِّ أَعـوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْكَسَـلِ وَ سـوءِ الْكِـبَر ، رَبِّ أَعـوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عَـذابٍ في النّـارِ وَ عَـذابٍ في القَـبْر.
    Asbahna wa-asbahal-mulku lillah walhamdu lillah la ilaha illal-lah, wahdahu la shareeka lah, lahul-mulku walahul-hamd, wahuwa AAala kulli shayin qadeer, rabbi as-aluka khayra ma fee hatha-alyawmi, wakhayra ma baAAdaho, wa-aAAoothu bika min sharri hatha-alyawmi, washarri ma baAAdaho, rabbi aAAoothu bika minal-kasal, wasoo-il kibar, rabbi aAAoothu bika min AAathabin fin-nar, waAAathabin fil-qabr.
    'We have reached the morning and at this very time unto Allah belongs all sovereignty, and all praise is for Allah. None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner, to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise and He is over all things omnipotent. My Lord, I ask You for the good of this day and the good of what follows it and I take refuge in You from the evil of this day and the evil of what follows it. My Lord, I take refuge in You from laziness and senility. My Lord, I take refuge in You from torment in the Fire and punishment in the grave.'
    اللّهُـمَّ بِكَ أَصْـبَحْنا وَ بِكَ أَمْسَـينا ، وَ بِكَ نَحْـيا وَ بِكَ نَمُـوتُ وَ إِلَـيْكَ النُّـشُور.
    Allahumma bika asbahna wabika amsayna, wabika nahya ,wabika namootu wa-ilaykan-nushoor.
    'O Allah, by your leave we have reached the morning and by Your leave we have reached the evening, by Your leave we live and die and unto You is our resurrection
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:35AM  

    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hai wanita, kasihankan ayah anda, suami anda, abang-abang anda serta anak-anak l...
    Feb 21st 2014, 03:33
    Hai wanita, kasihankan ayah anda, suami anda, abang-abang anda serta anak-anak lelaki anda. Kesiankanlah mereka dan diri kamu sendiri. Jalankan perintah ALLAH S.W.T. dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan dengan ikhlas.
    ⊙ Pertama:- Ayahnya  Apabila seseorang yang bergelar ayah tidak memperdulikan anak-anak perempuannya di dunia. Dia tidak memberikan segala keperluan agama seperti mengajar solat, mengaji dan sebagainy
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:27AM  

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand

    Feb 21st 2014, 02:31


    1. Ukraine was the most important republic out of the 15 former member republics of the Soviet Union. One reason for this was the fact that over 1,700 minerals were mined.

    2. As a nation Ukraine is divided right through the middle. Ukraine's current population contains a large Russian minority of 17%, more than 30% of all Ukrainians speak Russian as a native language. Ukrainians living in the East of the country have ethnic ties with Russia.

    3. The West of Ukraine does not share such ethnic ties and are looking to expand ties with the West especially the EU. West Ukraine is mainly nationalist who want independence from Russia.

    4. With Russia in chaos Europe expanded East and worked to bring all the former Soviet republics into the union. It was able to establish a large pro-EU support base in Ukraine.

    5. The US through NATO pushed hard up against Russia's borders

    6. Russia currently supplies 80% of Ukraine's natural gas and most of Russians energy to Europe transits Ukraine. This links Ukraine's energy directly to Russia's.

    7. Whilst a number of former Soviet republics joined NATO in 1999 and 2004 and as both NATO and the European Union expanded into Eastern Europe, Many Ukrainian's wanted to see their country join too.

    8. In the 2004 elections hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians took to the streets including activists funded and trained through US NGO's, leading to the annulling of the electoral victory of Victor Yanukovych. In the re-run the pro-West candidate Viktor Yushchenko and Yuliya Tymoshenko won.

    9. It did not take long for President Yushchenko and Yuliya Tymoshenko to fall into squabbling. By 2006, Yushchenko was forced to reappoint his 2004 presidential election opponent Viktor Yanukovych as prime minister.

    10. By 2010 Yanukovych was president of Ukraine after winning elections against the pro-West candidate Yuliya Tymoshenko.

    11. Then in November 2013 Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov requested €20 billion from the EU for financial assistance to shore up the nations finances due to its economy being in recession. This request was turned down by EU officials.

    12. As a result the Ukrainian government refused to sign a scheduled trade deal with the EU at the Eastern Partnership Summit on the 21st November in Vilnius, Lithuania.

    13. This rejection is what triggered large protests on the streets of Kiev. As west Ukrainian's saw this as an impediment to their pro-West agenda.

    14. European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said: &quot;The offer is still there and we know time is on our side. The future of Ukraine belongs with the European Union."

    15. Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said at the Munich security conference on 1 Feb: "What does incitement of violent street protests have to do with the promotion of democracy? Why do we not hear condemnation of those who seize government buildings and attack police and use racist, anti-Semitic and Nazi slogans? Why are many prominent European politicians actually encouraging such actions, although back home they are quick to severely punish any violations of the law?&quot;
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:27AM  

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand

    Feb 21st 2014, 02:33

    Pakistan's constitution is not Islamic no matter how much Fataw's been issued


    Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, the patron-in-chief of the Pakistan People's Party, on Saturday, 16th of February 2014, slammed the Taliban for trying to drag the country back to the "stone-age." He said, "The Taliban want to impose the law of terror in the country, but I want to tell them, if you have to live in Pakistan you will have to follow its constitution".


    Since the start of the negotiations process between the Raheel-Nawaz regime and Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, a strong discussion in the media has been started regarding the constitution of Pakistan, as to whether it is Islamic or un-Islamic. The government contacted leading Ulema to get their Fatawa's that the 1973 constitution is an Islamic constitution. Similarly almost every political party that calls for Islam, declared the 1973 constitution as Islamic. They even went a step forward and declared that Sharia is being implemented in Pakistan.

    There is no doubt that the current constitution of 1973 is built on British India Act 1935 and The Indian Independence Act of 1947. After the creation of Pakistan a discussion was started in the legislative assembly as to how to make the constitution an Islamic one. This discussion resulted in the shape of Objective Resolution and it was made the part and parcel of the constitution. In this resolution, it was declared that sovereignty belongs to Allah, but in the very next sentence the authority to legislate was handed over to parliament.
    So the constitution is rooted in man making law according to his whims and desires, not in the commands and prohibitions of Allah SWT. The current constitution is for democracy and contradicts Islam and its state, the Khilafah.

    Knowing the desire within the Muslims to fulfill the dream of their forefathers in establishing Pakistan for the sake of Islam, successive regimes have played lip service to Islam. Article 221(1) was introduced stating that no law will be legislated which is contradictory to Islam, instead of stating that every law can only extracted from Quran and Sunnah. According to Article 228 an Islamic Ideology Council was formed which has to only recommend changes in the laws to make them Islamic. The council's recommendations are not binding on the parliament. Therefore since its inception, the council has submitted more than six thousand recommendations, but none have been passed by the parliament. Also a Federal Shariah court was established under article 203D (1) but it has been barred to hear constitutional petitions and its verdicts can be challenged in Supreme Court of Pakistan. The promulgation of the Federal Sharia court itself is an evidence that other courts are non-Shariah.

    The people of Pakistan now know that the current constitution and the entire system established under its protection is not from Islam. They know that because under this constitution of democracy, Riba is Halal, concentration of wealth is increasing, obscenity and vulgarity is being promoted, cases linger on for years and even decades in the courts and even then justice is not delivered, the poor are taxed beyond that which they can bear, the public property of the Ummah is being privatized, sanctity of life and property are not guaranteed and Kafir Harbi countries are allowed to operate military bases, intelligence offices and embassies to spread their mischief.

    Under this situation Ummah only considers Islam as its refuge and the desire of establishing Islam is increasing day by day. It is the deception of the Kuffar and their agents that you can change hundreds of articles of the constitution and thousands of laws in order to make them Islamic, if you have the majority in the parliament. The need of the time is radical change, abolition of democracy and its constitution and the immediate implementation of Islam comprehensively and exclusively. And this can only happen with the establishment of Khilafah.

    Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir by

    Shahzad Shaikh

    Deputy to the Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Wilayah Pakistan
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:22AM  

    Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ibn Alqayyem said: an ignorant is a dead man walking. Even if his body's alive,...
    Feb 21st 2014, 02:43
    Ibn Alqayyem said: an ignorant is a dead man walking. Even if his body's alive, his heart and soul are dead!

    O Allah, give us the real life
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:22AM  

    QUOTES OF THE SALAFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    QUOTES OF THE SALAFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Essence of Islâm
    Explaining the essence of Islâm and its main pillar, the P...
    Feb 21st 2014, 03:06
    The Essence of Islâm

    Explaining the essence of Islâm and its main pillar, the Prophet sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam said:
    "Islâm is built upon five:
    Testifying that none has the right to be worshipped except Allâh and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allâh,
    establishing the Salâh,
    paying the Zakâh,
    making pilgrimage to the House
    and fasting in Ramadhân."
    [Related by al-Bukhârî (1/49) and Muslim (no. 16) from 'Abdullâh ibn 'Umar – radiallâhu 'anhu.]

    In another narration:
    "Islâm is built upon five:
    To worship Allâh and to reject anything along with Him … "
    [Related by Muslim (no.20)]

    Also in another narration:
    "Islâm is built upon five: The Tawhîd of Allâh … "
    [Related by Muslim (no.19)]

    "Testifying that none has the right to be worshipped except Allâh," has the same meaning as: "To worship Allâh and to reject anything along with Him,"
    which has the same meaning as: "The Tawhîd of Allâh,"

    So, it will be clear to the honourable reader that Tawhîd is the essence of Islâm, and it is the starting and ending point for all goodness and excellence.

    Linguistically Tawhîd means:
    "To make something one, or to assert the oneness of something."
    [Lisân ul-'Arab (3/450) of Ibn Mandhûr and also al-Hujjah fî Bayânil-Mahajjah (1/305) of Abûl-Qâsim al-Asbahânî]

    However, what we are concerned with here is the Sharî'ah or technical meaning ofTawhîd which is:
    "To single out Allâh alone for worship."
    [Ad-Dururus-Sunniyyah (1/48) of Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahmân ibn Hasan]

    Al-Bayjowrî – rahimahullâh – said:
    "It is to single-out al-Ma'bûd (the One to be worshipped – i.e. Allâh) with worship, along with belief and affirmation in the oneness and uniqueness of His Dhât (Essence), Sifât(Attributes) and Actions."
    [Jawharah at-Tawhîd (p. 10)]

    Shaykh al-Ghunaymân – hafidhahullâh – said:
    "It is to single Him out with worship, with love, lowliness and submissiveness to Him, by complying with His commands and submitting to them."
    [Sharh Kitâbut-Tawhîd min Sahîhil-Bukhârî (1/38)]
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:14AM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    ** Please dont forget our muslim brothers (IRAN -...
    Feb 21st 2014, 02:27
    ** Please dont forget our muslim brothers (IRAN - ahlus sunnah) who still much in IRAN prisons
    VIDEO: Sunni prisoners of conscience in Rajai Shahr prison, Karaj. There are currently around 100 Sunni prisoners of conscience imprisoned in Rajai Shahr prison, approximately 30 of whom are sentenced to death. They are scholars, preachers, students of religious knowledge and Sunni activists - all of whom were active in spreading the teachings of Sunni Islam within the Shia-dominated Iran. Most of the prisoners have been subjected to severe torture, especially during interrogations, with many forced to make false 'confessions'. The majority have been falsely charged with 'enmity against God', in an attempt by the Iranian regime to justify their imprisonment and execution.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:14AM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Feb 21st 2014, 02:40

    Mahmoud Shah Bakhsh, a Sunni prisoner awaiting execution in Iran, was removed from Zahedan Central prison 8 days ago and transferred to an unknown location.

    Reports have now emerged that he was transferred to solitary confinement in the IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) detention center in Zahedan. According to reports, he was subjected to physical and psychological torture by interrogators, until he made filmed 'confessions'.

    It is likely that the 'confessions' will be broadcast by the Iranian state-run media, and used to legitimize the execution of Sunni prisoners in the region.

    There has been a sharp increase in executions in Iran during recent weeks, with at least 15 Sunni Balochi prisoners executed in Chabahar prison on 5 February 2014.

    An additional seven prisoners are feared to have been secretly executed a day earlier, after local sources reported that authorities secretly buried the bodies of seven unknown men in Zahedan cemetery on Tuesday 4 February 2014.

    Read more:
    Sunni Baloch prisoner tortured and forced to make filmed 'confession', Zahedan
    A Sunni Baloch prisoner was tortured and forced to make filmed 'confessions' in the detention center of an IRGC unit in Zahedan, Sistan-Baluchistan province of Iran. Mahmoud Shah Bakhsh, a Sunni pr...
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:14AM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    ---------------- Jaami'ul "Ulo...
    Feb 21st 2014, 03:00
    ---------------- Jaami'ul "Uloom Wal-Hikam, p.77 ----------------

    Fudayl Ibn 'Iyaad said:
    "The Believer screens and gives sincere advice and the wicked evil doer unveils and exposes."
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:14AM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    ---------------- SAHEEH AL-BUKHAARI : 2072 ------------------
    "Nobody has ever...
    Feb 21st 2014, 02:58
    ---------------- SAHEEH AL-BUKHAARI : 2072 ------------------
    "Nobody has ever eaten a better meal than that which one has earned by working with one's own hands. The Prophet of Allah, Dawood (عليه السلام) used to eat from the earnings of his manual labour".
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 03:14AM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    THE WORST OF LIES !!!! ---- [Al- Bukhari].
    Feb 21st 2014, 03:02
    THE WORST OF LIES !!!! ---- [Al- Bukhari].
    Ibn 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported:

    The Prophet (ﷺ) as saying:
    "The worst of lies is to pretend to have seen something which he has not seen."
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 02:38AM  

    Einladung zum Paradies/muslimtubes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Einladung zum Paradies/muslimtubes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allahu Akbar Allaaaahu Akbar!!!!!! Es gibt einen Ausweg!!!!!!
    Muadh bin Jabbal...
    Feb 21st 2014, 01:53
    Allahu Akbar Allaaaahu Akbar!!!!!! Es gibt einen Ausweg!!!!!!

    Muadh bin Jabbal radia Allahu 3anhu überliefert, dass der Prophet salla Allahu aleihi wa sallam sagte:" Es gibt NICHTS was den Diener am jüngsten Tag vor der Strafe Allahs mehr rettet, als das Gedenken Allahs
    In ibn Abi Shaibah und tabbarani/ Hadith Hassan.

    Subhanaka ya Rabbana Allahumma ghfir lana. Bitte vergebe uns was vergangen und was zukünftig ist an kleinen und großen Sünden!!! Und leite uns zum besten Verhalten. Keiner kann zum besten Verhalten leiten außer DIR!!!!!! Und wende von uns das übelste Verhalten ab!! Keiner kann uns vom übelsten Verhalten abwenden außer DIR!!!
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 02:28AM  

    Killuminati for Wakeup | Islamismus und Salafismus | Europa
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
    Feb 21st 2014, 01:34
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: die wahre religion islam - Social Mention: How NOT to be a test dummy for a Chinese factory [1 Aktualisierung] dawa - Social Mention: @AfrahTafri @Chapairmaroongi Tou aur? xD Aur Sohaat tou hai he har marz ki dawa. HAHAHAH XD [1 Aktualisierung] mujahid - Social Mention: @waqarii @ShkhRasheed zindagi aik tail hay...sheikh rasheed saab app beshak syed yawar hayat ya mujahid rasool se pooch len [1 Aktualisierung] mujahid - Social Mention: @naziramanja @elisamohaffri haha azni. Kawin ehh. Semalam azni mujahid ajak chat fb. Dia pakai ana anta ngan aku. Tanya pasal dakwah dia. [1 Aktualisierung] kufr islam - Social Mention: BROS AND SISTERS, I AM WAITING FOR YOUR SUBMISSIONS [1 Aktualisierung] koran infostand - Social Mention: "Islamic law does not permit women to visit their doctors without male guardians" [1 Aktualisierung] dawa - Social Mention: SuNo Sahib, "Mohabbat Dard-e-DiL Ki Aisi Dawa hay..........!! Agar MilL Jaye To Marz Khatam Aur Na Milay To Mareez Khatam.." [1 Aktualisierung] kafir islam - Social Mention: Priest held for for four hours for transporting Christian DVDs suspected of containing "hate speech" [1 Aktualisierung] Lies Infostand - Social Mention: Chất phá bọt cho xử lý nước thải [1 Aktualisierung] ummah - Social Mention: RT @WIWKhilafah: #1Ummah1Solution/Khilafah Gaza's tunnel economy that acts as a life line for our Ummah is being destroyed by... http://t.… [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Austin Dillon puts No. 3 on pole for Daytona 500 [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Hutchence loss made compelling viewing [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: When sportsmanship trumps cereal boxes [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: G20: Joe Hockey sides with US over the Fed's tapering policy [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Oprah Winfrey on Tina Turner news: Oprah denies Turner's stroke rumors [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Hello, My name is Jim McCune. I am a former police officer, private investigator, a lifelong Martial Arts Student/Instructor under Tadashi Yamashita, kick boxer, stuntman/co-ordinator, and currently the Chief of the Purgatoire River Fire Department in southern Colorado. I have joined with my close friend Joseph Cranston of North Hollywood, Ca. to join many existing entities in their efforts to seek out and recover lost children. Joe, a former pro boxer, has over 60 years of experience in the entertainment industry as a writer, actor, director, and producer. Joe is calling on his friends and I am calling on you. Our organization is: "SEEK AND SAVE THE CHILDREN". A Charitable Trust Organization. Our mission statement is: "It is the mission of this organization to use the combined experience of the founders to unite, co-ordinate, and co-operate with the many worldwide agencies whose mission it is to find and recover those persons who are lost. Education and exposure through networking, personal contacts, and entertainment media we shall recruit persons from all walks of life to be the guardians of children everywhere." We are not soliciting funds, we are recruiting an army. We are joining in the war against child abuse, kidnapping, and slavery by recruiting from our population everyone who is willing to participate in some way. Reports of kidnapped or runaway children are not seen that often in the news but the numbers are staggering. Hundreds of thousands per year disappear. It's not just minor children but many adults as well. Law Enforcement is overwhelmed and cannot be everywhere at once. It is up to us as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, and Sisters to do whatever we can to help. These kids belong to all of us. I am partially of Native American heritage and have personally witnessed abuses and racial prejudice. I will not be politically correct here. This is not about that. This problem crosses all lines of race, creed, color, and sexual orientation. There are entities, cultures, and religious organizations dating back hundreds of years that promote and propagate the enslavement and sexual abuse of other persons. These entities are deep seated in our society, well organized, well trained, well funded, and Worldwide in scope. We are not asking anyone to wade into combat. That's the job of law enforcement. Some of you may well do that but what we need are eyes on the ground. People to be aware who observe something or someone suspicious and report it. Take pics and videos with your cell phones. Carry a small note pad and pen to record license plate numbers, people and vehicle descriptions and direction of travel. Days, dates, and times. If something does not feel right to you it is very likely something is not right. Act on your instincts. Get involved, dial 911. So we are calling you out! Are you retired? Spending time walking and sitting in the parks? Vacationing? Take time to notice, pay attention, observe and report. My Martial Art Comrades. Martial Arts means the Arts of War. You are warriors. Well trained looking for a fight, a cause to apply your skills to? You can help by educating your students to be aware, and to teach others to be aware. We will be soliciting existing programs that educate our youth and their families and passing it on to you. We will be calling on you to further develop these programs as well. To use your heightened awareness and skills to notice and act accordingly. Bikers, I usually ride solo, go on runs, or ride with the Patriot Guard. You can help by keeping alert and report if you observe something wrong, get involved, dial 911. These kids belong to all of us. School Teachers and Educators, wanting to teach life skills for the survival and comfort of our youth and not just academics? Join us. Communicate with and educate our youth. Firefighters, First Responders. You run toward what most people run away from. We want your attention, your courage, your discipline, and your natural tendency to go to the aid of those in need. You are focused and waiting to be called on. Direct some of your wait time into observing the children and the surrounding activities. Many of the missing persons incidents are occurring in rural areas. Add this to your agenda of heroic deeds. Military Veterans, Joe Cranston's Father, Edward Cranston Sr. was a WWI combat Pilot, Edward passed early in life because of injuries received in combat . Joe's brother Edward Jr. was an Army combat Pilot in WWII. Joe was a Navy combat Pilot in WWII and survived a harrowing crash. I lost two Uncles in WWII, George McCune, and Robert Foote. My Dad, Sgt. James Robert McCune came back after 7 years in WWII with a bullet in his leg, 13 bayonet wounds earned in hand to hand combat incidents, Earned the Purple Heart, two Silver Stars, and many other medals. My brother Sgt. Larry Robert McCune served as an Army Airborne door gunner for the better part of three years in Viet Nam. Larry earned the Purple Heart and has 52 Air Medals, many awarded with The V for Valor. My two sons, Gordon, and Brian McCune served in the Gulf War with several medals for Valor. No one appreciates and honors you and your sacrifices more than we do. You are the Ultimate Warriors. Larry McCune rides with the Patriot Guard and recruited me to do the same. He is not done fighting yet and has joined us. Law Enforcement, we thank you for your service and appreciate your daily risks and sacrifice as we do our Military. We are here to help by supplying any intelligence info we can gather and some of us will back your play if you need us. Thank you all for your time and attention in this matter. James McCune Joe Cranston Co-Founders/Seek and Save the Children [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: The BBC has been accused of yielding to political pressure since the last election and allowing a right-wing bias to emerge in its journalism. The serious criticism by a distinguished media professor suggests that the BBC has compromised its impartiality by depending too heavily on sources from business, the media, law and order and politics. By contrast, ITV and Channel 4 make much greater use of sources from academia, medicine, science and non-governmental organisations. Professor Justin Lewis, Dean of Research at Cardiff University and an experienced analyst of the BBC's output, suggested that the BBC Trust had "played down" the findings, which were presented to the governing body last year. In an essay to be published next month, Professor Lewis states: "The available evidence on the BBC centre of gravity does not suggest a leftist tilt. On the contrary, its dependence on certain dominant institutions notably in the business world and the national print media – would appear to push it the other way." He concludes: "The most plausible hypothesis is that the BBC has, under pressure, been pushed to the right." The finding contradicts previous claims of a left-wing skew at the BBC. Former Director General Mark Thompson has said there was "massive left-wing bias" during the late-Seventies. As recently as last November, a poll suggested most members of the public thought the BBC favoured the left. Professor Lewis said that the suggestion that the BBC was vulnerable to pressure from the Government of the day was especially worrying in the context of its application for a new Royal Charter. The BBC is preparing for negotiations over its licence fee settlement beyond the current charter, which runs out at the end of 2016. "It is the BBC's cyclical dependence upon whoever happens to be in government during the licence renewal period that is the greatest threat to its impartiality." He referenced work last year by his Cardiff University colleagues, led by Professor Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, which found that the BBC was more likely than ITV or Channel 4 to use sources from the right – such as US Republicans or Ukip politicians – than from the left (US Democrats or Green politicians). The imbalance in favour of Conservatives over Labour was three to one for party leaders and four to one for ministers/shadow ministers. Professor Lewis said the findings showed "no similar patterns" on ITV or Channel 4 but were ignored by the BBC's governing body, which commissioned the research. "These were not findings the BBC Trust was especially keen to draw attention to, and – oddly for a review about impartiality – they were played down in the subsequent report." He also claimed that the BBC's assumptions about the benefits of business had contributed to its failure to "anticipate the credit crash". Its military spending debate was "decidedly lop-sided" because of its reliance on the views of the "top brass". Cardiff research found that 50 per cent of BBC sources came from politics, business, law and order and media, compared to 10 per cent from the knowledge-based professions and civic groups. Business sources accounted for 11.1 per cent of the total on the BBC, but only 3.8 per cent on ITV and 2.2 on Channel 4. The BBC Trust rejected the idea it played down findings of right-wing bias, saying the research had been published alongside an independent review by (former ITV CEO) Stuart Prebble into the breadth of opinion reflected in BBC output. "As the author of the report, it was for Stuart Prebble to reach his own conclusions," said a spokesperson. A BBC News spokesman said: "BBC News aims to provide clear, impartial and balanced coverage across all output to represent a range of views. Inevitably, there may be disagreements over the level of prominence given to any story. We are editorially independent and do not bow to pressure from political parties." From- [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: The Sinkhole Story: What Does It Remind Us Of? By Zahra Anwer "Do you feel secure that He who [holds authority] in the heaven would not cause the earth to swallow you and suddenly it would sway?" [67:16] We all know the story of the man in Florida who fell into a sinkhole that opened suddenly Thursday night beneath his bedroom. CNN reported: "I heard a loud crash, like a car coming through the house," Jeremy Bush told CNN affiliate WFTS. "I heard my brother screaming and I ran back there and tried going inside his room, but my old lady turned the light on and all I seen was this big hole, a real big hole, and all I saw was his mattress." his brother told CNN. Subhan Allah! It's hard to believe that it wasn't all a nightmare. What causes sinkholes? According to he DailyBeast's news report: Naturally occurring sinkholes, like the one that killed Jeremy Bush, are depressions in the earth caused by water erosion of the bedrock below a land surface. Acidic rainwater seeps through the ground, reaches soluble bedrock (usually salt, sandstone, or a carbonate rock such as limestone), dissolves small amounts, and carries the particles away. Over time (even thousands of years), this process can enlarge natural pores and cracks in the bedrock, to the point where large cavities or caves are formed. And with a gaping hole underground, there's nothing to support the weight of layers of sediment above—that's when the ground collapses. Sinkholes may be formed gradually or suddenly, and are found worldwide. Sinkhole deaths are very rare. This extraordinary event reminds us of the Day of Judgment or the major signs of the Hour (Ashraat al-Saa'ah al-Kubraa). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The Hour will not begin until you see ten signs… (including) three events where the earth swallows up, one in the East, one in the West, and one in the Arabian Peninsula." (Reported by Muslim, 18/27). Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: "There have been instances of places being swallowed up by the earth, but it could be that what is meant by the three events referred to is events that are worse than anything yet seen, which could be more intense and cover a larger area." (Fath al-Baari, 13/84). Allah also mentions that He punished Qarun, the wealthy arrogant man who disbelieved in Allah, as described in the Qur'aan (interpretation of the meaning): "So We caused the earth to swallow him and his dwelling place…" [28:81] May Allah protect us all and make the last of our deeds the best ones and the best of our days, the day we meet Him. Ameen! Author: Zahra Anwer Muslimah - striving to be better! Likes honesty, humor & people who know the purpose of their existence in this world. Quran Teacher, Publishing & Social Media Manager of Saudi Life [2 Aktualisierungen] media crash news - Social Mention: #ProjectReflect Feb. 16th 2014 [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Picture Perfect [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: To meme or to not meme? That is the question. [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Friend Networking: Well... [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: الفرح//gioia//喬伊//JOY//שמחה//joie//alegría [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: Typography: Readability, Presentation & Experimentation [1 Aktualisierung] die wahre religion islam - Social Mention: How NOT to be a test dummy for a Chinese factory Blogtrottr <> Feb 20 07:24AM

    die wahre religion islam - Social Mention

    How NOT to be a test dummy for a Chinese


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 21 02:18AM  

    Muslim Mainstreams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Muslim Mainstreams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Liebe Angela Merkel,
    lieber Wolfgang Schäuble,
    liebe Dalton´s Bande
    Zunächst mö...
    Feb 21st 2014, 02:11
    Liebe Angela Merkel,
    lieber Wolfgang Schäuble,
    liebe Dalton´s Bande

    Zunächst möchte ich mich kurz vorstellen. Mein Name ist Thomas Müller, bin 42 Jahre alt, komme aus dem Saarland und bin alleinerziehender Vater.
    Ich arbeite als Industriemechaniker in einem Familienbetrieb und ja, ich gehe gerne arbeiten.
    Wir bekommen kein Weihnachts- oder Urlaubsgeld.
    Aber! Wir bekommen eine Leistungsprämie. Das heißt, wir bekommen am Ende des Jahres, rückblickend auf das ganze Jahr, eine Prämie darauf wie das engagement für die Firma war. Z.b. Überstundenbereitschaft, Samstagsarbeit, Flexibilität, Ausschussquote, Krankenschein etc.
    Meine Chefin war mit mir wohl sehr zufrieden da ich von ihr 2866,81Eur Brutto als Leistungsprämie erhalten habe.
    Jetzt habe ich Angst dass ihr, die Bundesregierung" nicht mit meiner Leistung zufrieden wart. Weil ihr mir wieder von meiner Prämie 1566,81 Eur (55%) abgezogen habt. So dass nur noch 1300 Eur Netto übrig blieben.
    Ihr nennt das Steuern?
    Ich nenne es „Diebstahl"
    Wie könnt ihr euch wagen?
    „ Mein" Wecker hat jeden Morgen um 5Uhr geläutet! Was habt ihr mit meiner Leistungsprämie zu tun???
    „Ich" habe oft 6 Tage- Woche gehabt! Was habt ihr mit meiner Leistungsprämie zu tun???
    „Ich" habe oft 8-12 Stunden Schichten! Was habt ihr mit meiner Leistungsprämie zu tun???
    „Ich" stand in der Verantwortung dass meine Bauteile in Ordnung waren und pünktlich an den Kunden geliefert wurden! Was habt ihr mit meiner Leistungsprämie zu tun???
    „Ich" ging mit dem Kopf unter dem Arm arbeiten und habe keinen Krankenschein gemacht! Was habt ihr mit meiner Leistungsprämie zu tun???
    „Ich" ging während meines Urlaubs, wenn die Firma mich brauchte, trotzdem zur Arbeit! Was habt ihr mit meiner Leistungsprämie zu tun???
    Meiner Meinung seid ihr die wahren Verbrecher dieses Landes.
    Ich wünsche niemanden was Schlechtes, (ok, meiner 2ten Exfrau habe ich mal gesagt sie soll tot umfallen)
    aber euch sollen für diese Unverschämtheit und Dreistigkeit die Hände abfallen.
    Dieser Abzug ist durch nichts mehr zu toppen.
    Grüße nach Berlin
    Euer Idiot Tom Müller
    Respekt! Das öffentlich zu machen.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 20 08:20AM  

    Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
    ๑۩๑ THE QUR'AN ๑۩๑
    ★ A Book that is full of answers,
    ★ A Book that makes you cr...
    Feb 20th 2014, 07:25
    ‪๑۩๑ THE QUR'AN ๑۩๑

    ★ A Book that is full of answers,
    ★ A Book that makes you cry.
    ★ A Book that makes you notice,
    ★ How much harder you can try.
    ★ A Book that makes you realize,
    ★ What true love really is...
    ★ A Book that gives you direction, for all of life's tough biz.
    ★ A Book that gives you hope, that Someone somewhere's watching over you!

    "The Qur'an is meant for the Self, not for the Shelf."

    اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ.

    يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قَدْ جَاءَتْكُم مَّوْعِظَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَشِفَاءٌ لِّمَا فِي الصُّدُورِ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ قُلْ بِفَضْلِ اللَّهِ وَبِرَحْمَتِهِ فَبِذَٰلِكَ فَلْيَفْرَحُوا هُوَ خَيْرٌ مِّمَّا يَجْمَعُونَ

    " O people! There has come to you an exhortation from your Lord - a healing for what is in the hearts, a guidance and a mercy for thebelievers. Say: In this bountyof Allah, and in His mercy, in it, let them rejoice!"

    [Qur'an 10: 57-58]‬
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