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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 24 01:01AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hezbollah: Takfiri Terrorism Enemy of Entire Lebanon, including Who Justify It...
    Feb 24th 2014, 00:17
    Hezbollah: Takfiri Terrorism Enemy of Entire Lebanon, including Who Justify It

    Commenting on the terrorist crime that targeted the Lebanese army's checkpoint at the entrance of Hermel's city, Hezbollah issued a statemHezbollahent in which it considered that the terrorist track does not seek pretexts, yet carries out the acts of murder, slaughtering, exclusion and destruction without taking into consideration the affiliation of the victims.

    This takfiri terrorism is the enemy of all the Lebanese, including those who justify it and claim that it responds to certain acts, the statement added.

    Hezbollah also greeted the heroic acts of the leadership, the officers and the soldiers of the Lebanese army whose heroes sacrifice their souls to protect the citizens from the death cars.

    Hezbollah condemned the terrorist crime and called on all the competent services to arrest and severely punish the plotters.

    The statement further called on all the Lebanese to take a collective, patriotic stance that supports the Lebanese army, rejects terrorism and stops justifying it.
    Hezbollah finally offered condolences to the military leadership, the martyrs' families as well as the civilians and hopes for a speedy recovery to the wounded.

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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 24 01:01AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    'Coalition of the Willing' Promotes No Fly Zone
    Since around Valentine Day and...
    Feb 24th 2014, 00:20
    'Coalition of the Willing' Promotes No Fly Zone

    Since around Valentine Day and aided by truly magnificent warm weather for this time of year, the dozens of parks in Damascus have Syrian Army-Valentinebeen receiving unusually large numbers of visitors, not least of whom are Syrian soldiers on leave, enjoying the green space with girlfriends, families and friends. At the large garden with dozen of benches and sculptures, called Al-Manshia (Presidents Bridge) public park, and located between two five-star hotels, the Dama Rose and the 4-Seasons, some soldiers, presumably from out of town and with many appearing utterly exhausted, can be seen simply laying on the grass fast asleep under the warm healing sunshine.

    Soldiers joke, laugh and seem pleased when citizens approach them to offer their thanks for the army's service to the Syrian Arab Republic and to inquire about how things are going personally and if there is some help the citizen might offer the soldier. Such is the nature of Syrian nationalism and connection with Mother Syria that this observer has remarked about before and is strikingly rare from his experience. I love my country but frankly do not feel the pride and deep connection that Syrians appear to exhibit about their country's 10,000 year history as the cradle of civilization. I would defend my country and fight for it if there were to be a legitimate war which frankly has not been the case in my lifetime.

    Over the past 30 months of frequent visits to Damascus, the city has never appeared more 'normal'. Last night this observer was up all night reading and there was not one bombing run or mortar or artillery fire to he heard, a first for more than two years. For many months, I used to avoid the historic Al-Hamidiyah Souk, the largest and the central souk in Syria located inside the old walled city of Damascus next to the Umayyad Mosque, despite its hundreds of interesting shops. The reason I tended to stay away was because I was one of very few people meandering among the warren of stalls and felt self-conscious when shopkeepers would plead with me to buy something-anything to help feed their families many of whom lived near the labyrinth.

    Today, Al-Hamidiyah Souk, if not frequented with the numbers of shoppers and visitors as it was before March 2011, it is nonetheless very crowded such that foreigners can pass unnoticed…well, sometimes for at least the first hundred yards or so. In Damascene neighborhoods, no longer do citizens quickly disappear into their homes at the first sign of dusk but the streets and many cafes are crowded well past 9 p.m.

    "Quo Vadis Syrie", ('where is Syria heading') one Damascus University classics major, turned international law student, asked this visitor as we both sat on the steps of the Law Faculty while enjoying a bit of sun yesterday afternoon. "Is our crisis nearly over so we can start re-building Mother Syria or do our enemies have other plans to destroy us? I worry that today's calm will soon disappear with an arriving hurricane." His comment was perhaps triggered by a certain sense here and more widely elsewhere that a forming "coalition of the willing" appears to be pressing for a 'humanitarian' No Fly Zone. Some American allies envisage and are making plans to implement, a NFZ stretching up to 25 miles into Syria which would be enforced using aircraft flown from Jordanian bases and flying inside the kingdom, according to Congressional sources.

    Any NFZ would be very different from what is currently being promoted and advertised by certain war-mongers in Washington, Tel Aviv and several European capitals as well as among elements of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the League of Arab States. Post Round Two of Geneva II, the White House and the usual "bomb the bastards" coterie in Congress and among the US Zionist lobby, are said to be re-thinking the idea of a No Fly Zone (NFZ) for Syria. It would be planned and executed with US and a yet to be specified, "Coalition of the willing" using aircraft now at the ready in Jordan and Turkey to begin with.

    Ranking with the fake "non-lethal aid" concept, in terms of cynical deception (virtually all "non-lethal" aid is indeed lethal for its facilitates certain forces killing others including night goggles, telecommunication equipment, GPS equipment, salaries, fake IDs and much else), a limited, 'humanitarian' NFZ would almost certainly became a bomb anything/person that moves 'turkey shoot' as was the case in Libya in 2011 as was studied and witnessed first-hand by this an many other observers. What we observed in the then, but no more, Al Jamahiriya (state of the masses), was that the misnomer 'limited humanitarian Responsibility to Protect' (R2P) promoted by Obama Administration UN Ambassador Susan Rice for Libya and now by her predecessor Samatha Power for Syria, was that a NFZ means essentially an all-out war for regime change at all costs in terms of expendable lives and treasury.

    The Libya experience, conceding many differences between the two countries and their governments and quality of each country's military, may be prologue for Syria. Backed by a U.N. Security Council mandate, NATO charged into Libya citing its urgent "responsibility to protect" civilians threatened by claimed bloody rampages occurring across the country. Within days, we witnessed the 'limited carefully vetted' targets bank turn from a promoted 'several dozen purely military targets" into more than 10,000 bomb runs using over 7,700 'precision guided bombs" and from the ground and what we learned during weeks in Libya by victims and eye-witnesses it seemed at times that the targets were basically anything that moved or looked like it might have a conceivable military purpose of some sort.

    Human Rights Watch documented nearly 100 cases of civilians being bombed and killed as part of the R2P campaign. Other estimates are several times the HRW published figures. To this day Libyan civilians and demanding to know from NATO, "Why did you destroy my home and kill my family?" No answer has to date been provided to the Libyan victims' families despite investigations that showed NATO pilots frequently disregarded instructions and "we essentially bombed at if we were playing video games" according to post-conflict contrite British airman.

    Susan Rice, now Obama's national security adviser, met with Saudi officials last week to discuss a NFZ and related strategy despite White House claims that it is still skeptical. Rice told the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee late last month that the U.S. and Saudi Arabia are working together again on Syria policy after a year of occasional bitter disagreement.

    Among those currently petitioning the Obama Administration for a NFZ, which would quickly devolve into thousands of bomb runs across Syria that would likely decimate its air force and tank corps are the so-called 'rebels.' They tend to agree with France that problems lay ahead for them given April's fast approaching Presidential election, in which the incumbent President, Bashar Assad, is likely to seek and win re-election.

    In addition, Israel, according to a Congressional source, has offered to help 'behind the scenes" with airbases if needed and certain activities along the southern Syrian border with occupied Palestine. A majority of Arab League countries, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) plus Turkey, France, the UK and some members of the EU also support the NFZ idea. Saudi Arabia has already approved large quantities of Chinese man-portable air defense systems or Manpads as well as antitank guided missiles from Russia and more cash to help rebels oust the Assad regime, according to an Arab diplomat. Meanwhile, the US has upped its contribution to pay the salaries of preferred rebel fighters.

    Ominously, the U.S. has already positioned Patriot air defense batteries and F-16 fighter aircraft in Jordan, which would be integral to any no-fly zone. The U.S. planes have air-to-air missiles that could destroy Syrian planes from long ranges. But officials have advised Congress that aircraft may be required to enter deep into Syrian air space if threatened by advancing Syrian planes. This could easily lead to all-out war with Syria and if Russia decides to provide advanced, long-range S-300 air defense weapons to Syria, it would make such a limited no-fly zone far more risky for U.S. pilots and it's anyone's guess what would happen next.

    President Obama so far is keeping his own counsel as his Secretaries of Defense and State, current and former, and many other officials and politicians offer their advice for the White House ordering a NFZ. Hilary Clinton and General David Petraeus reportedly both favor a NFZ to 'end this mess" in the words of the retired CIA Director.

    To his great credit, Barack Obama appears so far to many on Capitol Hill to be reluctant to give formal approval to another NFZ as he was last summer when he resisted calls to launch a war against Syria as well as Congressional war-monger demands to go to war with Iran on behalf of the Netanyahu government. This week Mr. Obama acknowledged that diplomatic efforts to resolve the Syrian conflict are far from achieving their goals. "But the situation is fluid and we are continuing to explore every possible avenue including diplomacy."

    If President Obama extends his record of putting American interests first to three key decisions over the past six months, and if he sticks with diplomacy rather than launch all-out war with Syria, and potentially the allies of Damascus, via a NFZ, he just may be on his way to earning his prematurely awarded Nobel Prize.
    --Franklin Lamb is a visiting Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law, Damascus University and volunteers with the Sabra-Shatila Scholarship Program (
    'Coalition of the Willing' Promotes No Fly Zone
    'Coalition of the Willing' Promotes No Fly Zone
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 24 01:01AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Syria: Wide Military Operations Continues in Several Areas

    Syrian army units...
    Feb 24th 2014, 00:22
    Syria: Wide Military Operations Continues in Several Areas

    Syrian army units on Sunday carried out military operations against militants' dens and gatherings, and destroyed several armed groups in different regions across Syria.

    Syrian ArmyA military source said that big numbers of terrorists were killed in al-Husn town including the leaders of the so-called 'Sharia court', in addition to destroying a number of their dens, gatherings and a cache containing huge amounts of weapons and ammunition, Syrian Arab News Agency reported.

    The source added that army units targeted militants' gatherings in al-Khalediyeh and Hosh al-Zawahira villages in the Eastern part of the provinces, killing all its members.

    In the meantime, an army unit confronted, in cooperation with residents, a militant group's attempt to attack a station for potable water in al-Mesherfh village, and destroyed a pickup equipped with a heavy machinegun, killing four militants.

    The source pointed out that several militants were killed in al-Mashjar al-Janoubi neighborhood in Talbiseh town in an accurate operation including the militants Said Swies, Ahmad Oyejan and Motaz Qassoum in al-Saan area in the central province.

    Authorities also arrested members of a militant group and confiscated their weapons during their attempt to flee from al-Zara town into the Lebanese territories, according to the source.
    Syria: Wide Military Operations Continues in Several Areas
    Syria: Wide Military Operations Continues in Several Areas
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 24 01:01AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Choueifat Bomber Was Heading to Al-Manar,ISIL Works for Sedition among Muslims"...
    Feb 24th 2014, 00:23
    "Choueifat Bomber Was Heading to Al-Manar,ISIL Works for Sedition among Muslims"

    Lebanon: Terrorist Naeem Abbas arrestedSaying that those who plan for suicide attacks are hoping for destabilizing security in Lebanon is not analysis anymore. The prominent radical leader of the so-called 'Islamic State of Iraq and Levant' (ISIL), Naeem Abbas, admitted during interrogation that a plan has been set to carry out a bombing in the Shiah neighborhood of Beirut's southern suburb, with the aim of dragging a reaction against residents of Tarqiq al-Jdideh in western Beirut.

    The arrested terrorist confessed to the suicide bombings he supervised, which had been carried out and are planned to be carried out later, including a major operation in the Shiah to ignite sedition with the Sunni-inhabited areas close to it, particularly the Tariq al-Jdideh.

    Sources familiar with the investigations said that Abbas was totally slumped in a manner stunned his interrogators and told them: "I will tell you everything but do not hit me."

    The Palestinian terrorist revealed that a strategy had been set to expand the circle of bombings without any deterrent or impediment before the suicide bomber or the planner. He also said that they had a «legal cover» to do everything without caring whether the victims would be civilians or not and regardless the sect they belong to.

    Abbas noted that the objective behind this project was to provoke Hezbollah to react in a way that would increase intolerance amongst the Sunnis, in order to widen the margin of terrorist groups within such environment and prevent any attempt by the state or political parties to cover the any security action against those groups.

    Leading the Sunni clerics and politicians to escalate the campaign against Hezbollah was also among the targets.

    Abbas said that he does not work for the so-called al-Nusra Front nor the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, but he worked within the general atmosphere of those two organizations, and he was interested in focusing on members in the tensed areas like Abra neighborhood in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.

    His main focus was on young people who were partisans of the escaped terrorist cleric Ahmad al-Assir, especially those who fled to the Ein al-Helwe Palestinian refugees camp or to other areas.

    Lebanon: Choueifat suicide attackChoueifat Suicide Bomber Was Heading towards Al-Manar Building

    Abbas revealed that he trained the young Syrian who blew himself up in a van in the area of Choueifat south eastern Beirut, and outfitted him with the explosive belt and a Kalashnikov rifle.

    He also admitted to investigators that the target of the suicide bomber was not the gendarmerie checkpoint or the gas company in Awzaa'i west of Beirut, but suicide bomber wanted to storm Al-Manar TV building near the golf yard in Bir Hassan-Awzaa'i area, which can be accessed by a taxi car.

    "The suicide bomber was deliberately talking about the gas company and the gendarmerie checkpoint knowing that the road to Al-Manar building will become easier," Abbas said.

    "The suicide bomber was supposed to reach the entrance of the channel, to open fire of his machine gun on the guard and then try to get into the building."

    "It was also supposed that another suicide bomber would accompany him and do the same thing, thus emptying all of their bullets, then blowing themselves up inside the building."

    Abbas added that he was preparing a plan that required a third suicide bomber with a booby-trapped car that would wait near the place and hurtle toward the building then blow himself up when crowds would gather.

    Shiah Planned Blast :
    Abbas also admitted that during discussions with his operators about the situation in Dahiyeh in southern suburb of Beirut, the aim was to expand the circle of suicide bombings inside the area in order to force people and Hezbollah to carry out a bloody reaction against Sunnis who live in the same area. But after the first bombings, Hezbollah did not react and did not take the initiative to blow up cars in places with a Sunni majority, and people were under control. Then they (Abbas and operators) decided to study the situation from different view.

    Abbas said that the surveillance groups noticed the increases security measures in areas of full control of Hezbollah, and that the measures in Shiah area are less than those in Haret Hreik, Bir al-Abed and Ruwais.

    Information revealed that Abbas was preparing for a dual attack targeting one of the Shiah streets, but the ISIL emir in Qalamoun, Abu Abdullah al-Iraqi, who is coordinating with him, advised him to prepare for a tripartite attack where a suicide attack would be carried out for three consecutive batches.
    "Choueifat Bomber Was Heading to Al-Manar,ISIL Works for Sedition among Muslims"
    Choueifat Bomber Was Heading to Al-Manar,ISIL Works for Sedition among Muslims
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 24 01:01AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Behind The Scenes: Saudi Offers Pakistan $200m to Shift Policy towards Syria...
    Feb 24th 2014, 00:28
    Behind The Scenes: Saudi Offers Pakistan $200m to Shift Policy towards Syria

    • Saudi Arabia has donated around 200 million dollars to Pakistan and requested a shift in this country's policy towards Syria. The kingdom is rallying a lot of military and political support to the militant groups attempting to topple the Syrian government.

    Pakistani speaker with Saudi prince during a visit to Riyadh in November 2013

    • Expectations that the takfiri terrorist groups preparing to launch a large scale offensive from the Jordanian border will be dealt devastating blows as the Syrian governmental forces and the army have prepared plans to sabotage the attack at its inception.

    Syrian army soldiers :
    • The Lebanese governmental committee which is authorized to produce the ministerial statement Is about to put the final touches on its statement early next week as the different parties are showing flexibility during the discussions to come into agreement .

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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 24 01:01AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Lebanon's Politicians Condemn Hermel Blast: Calls on Supporting Army

    Prime Mi...
    Feb 24th 2014, 00:30
    Lebanon's Politicians Condemn Hermel Blast: Calls on Supporting Army

    Prime Minister, Tamam Salam, condemned the suicide bomb attack against the Army checkpoint at "Al-Assi Bridge" in Hermel earlier Saturday, describing it as a "terrorist attack against a cornerstone of the nation."
    Army Checkpoint Attacked
    Salam called upon all Lebanese citizens to come together in solidarity against such terrorism in all its forms, so as to put an end to all plots targeting Lebanon's people and institutions. He urged all to rally around the Army and security forces which fortify the nation.

    Salam expressed his sincere condolences to the Military Institution and to families of the fallen martyr soldiers, while wishing speedy recovery to all those injured as a result of the explosion.

    Salam contacted Army Commander, General Jean Qahwaji, for the same purpose, who briefed him on the details of the terrorist attack.

    Former Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, condemned the attack, saying, "We strongly denounce such an act, and express our solidarity and sympathy with the Lebanese Army during such a painful ordeal," said Mikati. He regretted the fact that the military institution is the one paying the highest price, each time, in defense of the nation.

    Mikati concluded by praying for the souls of lost soldiers to rest in peace and for those injured a fast recovery.

    Culture Minister Rony Araiji condemned the suicide attack on a LAF checkpoint in Hermel last night, describing it as an attack on the entire nation with all its components.

    The attack was an assault on the image of Lebanon as a beacon of civilization in the Levant.

    Araiji offered his condolences to the military institutions and asserted that it "was and always will be a fortress in the face of terrorism and terrorists."

    Labor Minister, Sejaan Azzi, stated Saturday that combating of terrorism threatening the country shall be a priority in drafting the ministerial statement.

    "We ought to work relentlessly on coming up with a comprehensive plan to combat terrorism, in which the Lebanese State, with all its security and political constituents and citizens, can partake in order to preserve the country," added Azzi, speaking in an interview to Al-Manar TV, following the terrorist explosion against the military checkpoint in Hermel.

    "Lebanon cannot tolerate such terrorist takfiri acts which target innocent victims and aim at planting discord in the country," stated Azzi, stressing that if Lebanon loses its security, it loses its whole existence.

    "Amal" Movement strongly condemned the terrorist explosion which targeted the Lebanese Army checkpoint in Hermel on Saturday evening.

    "The takfiri, criminal, terrorist war against Lebanon has become exposed," added "Amal" in its statement issued following the suicide bomb blast.

    "Amal Movement considers any targeting of the Lebanese Army as an attack against the whole nation, its security and stability," the statement stressed, urging all sides to rally around the Army in all supportive ways.

    The Movement expressed sincere condolences to the families of the fallen martyrs and wished all those injured speedy recovery.
    Lebanon's Politicians Condemn Hermel Blast: Calls on Supporting Army
    Lebanon's Politicians Condemn Hermel Blast: Calls on Supporting Army
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 24 12:56AM  

    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Quand le vent devient un châtiment [Tornade] !
    Feb 24th 2014, 00:09
    Quand le vent devient un châtiment [Tornade] !
    Quand le vent devient un châtiment [Tornade] !
    Le vent peut être l'annonce de l'arrivée de la miséricorde divine : 57. C'est Lui qui envoie les vents comme une annonce de Sa Miséricorde. Puis, lorsqu'ils ...
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