- Free Syria Free Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: :D :D :D soldaten des Maliki werden umkreist von der İSİS,sie flehen ihren koma... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: I kaloi namazi, e ndëshkoi veten dhe fitoiNjë grua kujdesej shumë që ta falte... [1 Aktualisierung]
- I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung]
- No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand: The Sacrifices of the Noble Scholars of #India: the Revolution That Wasn'tThe S... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand: Denkt daran liebe Geschwister im Islam! Bleibt immer freundlich, respektvoll un... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand: Erklärung warum viele Kuffar emotionslos auf den Quran reagieren:"Wenn du den... [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand: "Sehen sie denn nicht die Vögel, wie sie Ihm im Himmelsraum dienstbar sind? Nie... [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 08 12:57AM
Free Syria Free Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Free Syria Free Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
:D :D :D soldaten des Maliki werden umkreist von der İSİS,sie flehen ihren koma...
Feb 8th 2014, 00:27
:D :D :D soldaten des Maliki werden umkreist von der İSİS,sie flehen ihren komandant an und sagen :Sİr ich flehe sie an möge ALLAH sie am leben lassen lassen sie uns bitte zurückziehen.
ثوار العشائر في الانبار يحاصرون جيش المالكي تصوير مسرّب
تصوير مسرب من عناصر الجيش المالكي وهم في حالة هستيرية اثناء محاصرتهم من قبل ثوار العشائر في احد مناطق الانبار يُعتقد انها في منطقة البوفراج بالرمادي https://...
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 08 12:50AM
Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
I kaloi namazi, e ndëshkoi veten dhe fitoi
Një grua kujdesej shumë që ta falte...
Feb 8th 2014, 00:21
I kaloi namazi, e ndëshkoi veten dhe fitoi
Një grua kujdesej shumë që ta falte rregullisht namazin, porse një ditë prej ditësh i kaloi namazi pa dëshirën e saj.
U brengos aq shumë, saqë filloi të ndiejë dhimbje dhe shtrëngim në zemër nga meraku.
Nga pikëllimi i madh që ndiente që i kaloi ky ritual madhështor vendosi ta ndëshkojë veten. Kështu që, vendosi të qëndrojë mbi sexhaden e saj gjatë gjithë ditës.
Kur shkoi burri i saj në punë e la atë të përulur në faltoren e saj. Kur u kthye nga puna e gjeti sërish në të njëjtin vend duke qarë dhe duke u lutur.
Atëherë, bashkëshorti i saj ra për të pushuar, por edhe pasi u zgjua gruaja e tij ende qëndronte në po atë vend, pa lëvizur fare, e frikësuar dhe e përulur para Zotit të saj!
Pas namazit të akshamit, bashkëshorti i saj e puthi dhe e përqafoi fort gruan e tij dhe tha me zë të lartë:
"Për Zotin, kurrë nuk do të shkoj më tek ajo!"
"Për Zotin, kurrë nuk do të shkoj më tek ajo!"
Burri e kishte fejuar një grua tjetër pa dijen e kësaj (të parës) dhe kishte vendosur që po atë ditë të bënte kurorë me të, por kur e pa sa shumë po vuante gruaja e tij mendoi se ajo po e bënte këtë gjë për shkak të mërzisë që burri i saj po martohej edhe me një grua tjetër. Kështu që, atij iu zbut zemra dhe u betua se kurrë nuk do të martohej edhe me ndonjë grua tjetër!
Kur e dëgjoi këtë ngjarja, gruaja u çudit tej mase!
Atëherë mu kujtua hadithi i të Dërguarit të Allahut: "Kushdo që e ka dert ahiretin (botën e përtejme), Allahu do t'ia zgjedhë problemet e kësaj dunjaje dhe do t'i japë pasuri në zemër, kështu që kurrë nuk do të shohë varfëri dhe do t'i vijë dunjaja, të cilën Allahu i Madhërishëm ia ka shkruar." (Hadith Sahih)
Namazi është shtylla e fesë, pa të nuk bën kurrsesi!
Sa të nevojshëm jemi që zemrat tona t'i ujisim me iman-besim.
Vallahi, po t'i mbushnim zemrat tona me dashuri ndaj Allahut, kurrë nuk do ta braktisnim Atë e as që do të shqetësoheshim nga brengat!
Fillimi i përmirësimit tonë duhet të bëhet në këtë mënyrë: Përmirësimi i gjendjes sonë me Namaz, meqë ne kemi nevojë për frikërespekt ndaj Allahut, duke medituar Kur'anin dhe duke vlerësuar të drejtat e Allahut.
O Zoti im, më bëj mua dhe pasardhësit e mi prej atyre që e falin namazin. (Ibrahim 40)
Përktheu: Valdet Kamberi
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 08 12:47AM
I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
Feb 7th 2014, 23:59
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:45PM
No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
The Sacrifices of the Noble Scholars of #India: the Revolution That Wasn't
The S...
Feb 7th 2014, 19:36
The Sacrifices of the Noble Scholars of #India: the Revolution That Wasn't
The Sacrifices of the Noble Scholars of India: the Revolution That Wasn't
In the year 1857, one of the most important uprisings in world history took place. This is classified as one of the most important because it was against the British and in their biggest and most important colony – India. If successful, it could have emboldened colonised people everywhere and inspired them to revolt against the then burgeoning and colossal British Empire.
As it is, it has gone down in history as one of the most important and spectacular FAILED uprisings.
Tired of the British colonial rule and oppression; the people from various parts of India rose up against the colonialists. The rebellion started when sepoys (soldiers) employed by the British East India Company revolted after continued discrimination, including forcing acts upon them that contradicted their religious beliefs. This was the case for both Muslim and Hindu sepoys. However the rebellion quickly spread to other people, including civilians and some Nawabs (British approved local rulers) who revolted along with their subjects. The spiritual leadership of the revolt was with the final Mughal Emperor – Shah Alam – who was deposed following the revolt by the British, with the Mughal Empire officially disbanded and the last emperor deported to Burma to die in obscurity a few years later.
One of the most important elements of society that it spread to, though, was the Muslim scholars – the 'Ulema. These numbered in their tens of thousands. Islamic scholarship was strong despite the general decline in learning during the era of the Nawabs that followed the decline of the Mughal rulers. This was because of the strength of traditional Islamic learning in India, particularly the Hanafi Madhab. Most scholars were united by a movement/organisation called Jamiatul 'Ulema, which consisted of tens if not hundreds of thousands of people (scholars and students of knowledge). These scholars urged the people to rebel, especially the Muslims. In Masjids, sermons were given exhorting people to rise up against the kafir colonialists.
Interestingly, despite their issues, Muslims and Hindus in many cases worked and fought together. In the case of many rebelling Hindu elements they recognised the leadership of Shah Alam as the guide of the revolt. The Mughal authority was by 1857 mainly confined to Delhi and its surroundings, which is where Shah Alam coordinated and advised others from.
While Hindus revolted with the Muslims in many places – and were independent of Muslims in others – for the large part the revolt is seen as a Muslim revolt. It was Muslims who had the greatest motivation in revolting, to regain lost power and prestige, and possessed most of the power until the British East India Company invaded.
The rebellion turned into mini wars and conflicts in various parts of India between the rebels and the forces of the British as well as the many British agents, especially the Nawabs. They used "loyal" employees (i.e. Indian sell outs, both "Muslims" and Hindus) – both the British themselves as well as the Nawabs – to try to quash the various uprisings. In certain places it was confined to protests and demonstrations.
Battles ensued in various parts of India, some going for months, before they were eventually defeated. One after one the centres of rebellion were neutralised by the British and their agents.
What followed was what is known in Arabic and Urdu as qatl 'aam – general killing. It was bloodshed, massacre and revenge by the British on a massive scale, in which the blood of the rebels and their supporters flowed in rivers. They didn't do all the killing themselves. Rather, they would use their client Nawabs to do so. The Nawabs would in turn have the relevant people and rebels executed by their subjects, thus meaning that it was Indian forced to kill Indian (as the picture below depicts), and often (sell-out) "Muslim" forced to kill rebel Muslim. The revenge was brutal. People were killed en masse, with the preferred mode of killing being public hanging, in order to teach people a lesson never to try something similar again.
The class of people that suffered the most were the 'Ulema/scholars and their students and supporters. They were rounded up and made an example of. They were butchered in their tens of thousands, if not more. They were seen as the spiritual inspiration behind much of the rebellion in several centers, and thus "held to account".
A most common report and articulation of the extent of the massacre is the following: it is said that for the 180 kilometres between Delhi and the city of Moradabad, the road was such that there were trees on either immediate side of the road, forming a canopy and tunnel of sorts for the vast extent of this road. It is said that there was not one tree on this road on both sides of the road except that a corpse of a Muslim scholar/member of Jamiatul Ulema was hanging from it. SubhanAllah – a massacre of gargantuan proportions.
The uprising was defeated, and the revolution that could have been was lost. Muslims were massacred as were other people, but the ones that lost the most were the Scholarly class and through them of course the general people.
For at least a generation or two the Muslims lost almost any willingness to resist, and when the will returned, it did so in other forms and never with the same gusto.
The failed 1857 mutiny is probably the single greatest disaster in the history of the Muslims of Hind. We are still feeling the impacts of this today.
However, it also shows the exemplary courage of the 'Ulema who stood for the truth and paid with their lives.
May Allah have immense Mercy on them and raise them as martyrs on the last day. Ameen!
May Allah return the glory the Muslims of Hind have lost and forgive them for their shortcomings and mistakes. Ameen.
Faraz Nomani
The Sacrifices of the Noble Scholars of India: the Revolution That Wasn't
The Sacrifices of the Noble Scholars of India: the Revolution That Wasn't
In the year 1857, one of the most important uprisings in world history took place. This is classified as one of the most important because it was against the British and in their biggest and most important colony – India. If successful, it could have emboldened colonised people everywhere and inspired them to revolt against the then burgeoning and colossal British Empire.
As it is, it has gone down in history as one of the most important and spectacular FAILED uprisings.
Tired of the British colonial rule and oppression; the people from various parts of India rose up against the colonialists. The rebellion started when sepoys (soldiers) employed by the British East India Company revolted after continued discrimination, including forcing acts upon them that contradicted their religious beliefs. This was the case for both Muslim and Hindu sepoys. However the rebellion quickly spread to other people, including civilians and some Nawabs (British approved local rulers) who revolted along with their subjects. The spiritual leadership of the revolt was with the final Mughal Emperor – Shah Alam – who was deposed following the revolt by the British, with the Mughal Empire officially disbanded and the last emperor deported to Burma to die in obscurity a few years later.
One of the most important elements of society that it spread to, though, was the Muslim scholars – the 'Ulema. These numbered in their tens of thousands. Islamic scholarship was strong despite the general decline in learning during the era of the Nawabs that followed the decline of the Mughal rulers. This was because of the strength of traditional Islamic learning in India, particularly the Hanafi Madhab. Most scholars were united by a movement/organisation called Jamiatul 'Ulema, which consisted of tens if not hundreds of thousands of people (scholars and students of knowledge). These scholars urged the people to rebel, especially the Muslims. In Masjids, sermons were given exhorting people to rise up against the kafir colonialists.
Interestingly, despite their issues, Muslims and Hindus in many cases worked and fought together. In the case of many rebelling Hindu elements they recognised the leadership of Shah Alam as the guide of the revolt. The Mughal authority was by 1857 mainly confined to Delhi and its surroundings, which is where Shah Alam coordinated and advised others from.
While Hindus revolted with the Muslims in many places – and were independent of Muslims in others – for the large part the revolt is seen as a Muslim revolt. It was Muslims who had the greatest motivation in revolting, to regain lost power and prestige, and possessed most of the power until the British East India Company invaded.
The rebellion turned into mini wars and conflicts in various parts of India between the rebels and the forces of the British as well as the many British agents, especially the Nawabs. They used "loyal" employees (i.e. Indian sell outs, both "Muslims" and Hindus) – both the British themselves as well as the Nawabs – to try to quash the various uprisings. In certain places it was confined to protests and demonstrations.
Battles ensued in various parts of India, some going for months, before they were eventually defeated. One after one the centres of rebellion were neutralised by the British and their agents.
What followed was what is known in Arabic and Urdu as qatl 'aam – general killing. It was bloodshed, massacre and revenge by the British on a massive scale, in which the blood of the rebels and their supporters flowed in rivers. They didn't do all the killing themselves. Rather, they would use their client Nawabs to do so. The Nawabs would in turn have the relevant people and rebels executed by their subjects, thus meaning that it was Indian forced to kill Indian (as the picture below depicts), and often (sell-out) "Muslim" forced to kill rebel Muslim. The revenge was brutal. People were killed en masse, with the preferred mode of killing being public hanging, in order to teach people a lesson never to try something similar again.
The class of people that suffered the most were the 'Ulema/scholars and their students and supporters. They were rounded up and made an example of. They were butchered in their tens of thousands, if not more. They were seen as the spiritual inspiration behind much of the rebellion in several centers, and thus "held to account".
A most common report and articulation of the extent of the massacre is the following: it is said that for the 180 kilometres between Delhi and the city of Moradabad, the road was such that there were trees on either immediate side of the road, forming a canopy and tunnel of sorts for the vast extent of this road. It is said that there was not one tree on this road on both sides of the road except that a corpse of a Muslim scholar/member of Jamiatul Ulema was hanging from it. SubhanAllah – a massacre of gargantuan proportions.
The uprising was defeated, and the revolution that could have been was lost. Muslims were massacred as were other people, but the ones that lost the most were the Scholarly class and through them of course the general people.
For at least a generation or two the Muslims lost almost any willingness to resist, and when the will returned, it did so in other forms and never with the same gusto.
The failed 1857 mutiny is probably the single greatest disaster in the history of the Muslims of Hind. We are still feeling the impacts of this today.
However, it also shows the exemplary courage of the 'Ulema who stood for the truth and paid with their lives.
May Allah have immense Mercy on them and raise them as martyrs on the last day. Ameen!
May Allah return the glory the Muslims of Hind have lost and forgive them for their shortcomings and mistakes. Ameen.
Faraz Nomani
About the author: Faraz Nomani is an Islamic activist & student of the Islamic Sciences who lives in Sydney, Australia. He is a student of the Qur-ānic sciences in particular, with a professional background in Economics and Law. He gives regular talks on a wide range of topics to various audiences.
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:45PM
Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Denkt daran liebe Geschwister im Islam!
Bleibt immer freundlich, respektvoll un...
Feb 7th 2014, 18:46
Denkt daran liebe Geschwister im Islam!
Bleibt immer freundlich, respektvoll und höflich vorallem in der Da'wah..
"Und sage Meinen Dienern, sie sollen stets freundlich sprechen.."
[ Isra : 53 ]
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:45PM
Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Erklärung warum viele Kuffar emotionslos auf den Quran reagieren:
"Wenn du den...
Feb 7th 2014, 18:52
Erklärung warum viele Kuffar emotionslos auf den Quran reagieren:
"Wenn du den Koran verliest, legen Wir zwischen dich und die, welche nicht an das Jenseits glauben, einen unsichtbaren Vorhang. Und auf ihre Herzen legen Wir Decken, so dass sie ihn nicht verstehen, und machen ihre Ohren schwerhörig. Und wenn du deinen Herrn im Koran als den Einzigen erwähnst, wenden sie ihren Rücken voll Abneigung."
[ Isra : 45 - 46 ]
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:45PM
Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Feb 7th 2014, 19:37
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:45PM
Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
"Sehen sie denn nicht die Vögel, wie sie Ihm im Himmelsraum dienstbar sind? Nie...
Feb 7th 2014, 19:38
"Sehen sie denn nicht die Vögel, wie sie Ihm im Himmelsraum dienstbar sind? Niemand außer Allah hält sie oben. Siehe, darin ist wahrlich ein Zeichen für Gläubige Leute."
[ Nahl : 79 ]
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:44PM
USrael- Die wahren Terroristens Facebook-Pinnwand
USrael- Die wahren Terroristens Facebook-Pinnwand
Victoria Nuland: „Fuck the EU"
Die Europaberaterin des US-Außenministeriums hat...
Feb 7th 2014, 19:00
Victoria Nuland: „Fuck the EU"
Die Europaberaterin des US-Außenministeriums hatte in einem heimlich mitgeschnittenen Telefongespräch mit dem US-Botschafter in Kiew gesagt: "Fuck the EU." Außerdem hält sie den von EU-Ländern geförderten ukrainischen Oppositionspolitiker Vitali Klitschko für nicht regierungstauglich.
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:44PM
Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
Nicht 'slm', 'salam','aslm','Hallo' oder sonst wie.....
Feb 7th 2014, 19:26
Nicht 'slm', 'salam','aslm','Hallo' oder sonst wie..
Bitte schreibt es aus !
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:44PM
Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
Mash'Allah wie Süß <3
Feb 7th 2014, 18:46
Mash'Allah wie Süß ♥
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:43PM
UnserIslams Facebook-Pinnwand
UnserIslams Facebook-Pinnwand
Grad live-Tafsir Unterricht von Alparslan Kuytul Hocaefendi, er setzt mit der Su...
Feb 7th 2014, 18:50
Grad live-Tafsir Unterricht von Alparslan Kuytul Hocaefendi, er setzt mit der Sura Ahqaf fort, sehr empfehlenswert :)
Furkan Vakfı - Öncü Nesil - Canlı Yayın
Canlı Yayın Konuşmacı: Alparslan KUYTUL Hocaefendi Program Konferans - Kozan Konu: İslam'da İtaat ve Kulluk Tarih: 30 Mart 2013 Yayın sistemimiz yenilendi. internet explorer, google chrome ve firefox gibi tüm tarayıcılardan yayınımızı izleyebilirsiniz....
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:42PM
Lã ilãhe ill Allah - Es gibt keinen Gott außer ALLAHs Facebook-Pinnwand
Lã ilãhe ill Allah - Es gibt keinen Gott außer ALLAHs Facebook-Pinnwand
Sprich: Mein Leben und mein Tod gehört Allãh (subhana wa ta'ala) dem Herrn der W...
Feb 7th 2014, 18:56
Sprich: Mein Leben und mein Tod gehört Allãh (subhana wa ta'ala) dem Herrn der Welten...!!!
Allahu Akbar!
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:41PM
Koran Projekt - Kuran Projesis Facebook-Pinnwand
Koran Projekt - Kuran Projesis Facebook-Pinnwand
Feb 7th 2014, 19:24
Diverse Bilder
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:41PM
Koran Projekt - Kuran Projesis Facebook-Pinnwand
Koran Projekt - Kuran Projesis Facebook-Pinnwand
Feb 7th 2014, 19:24
Diverse Bilder
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:41PM
Anti - Baschar al Assads Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti - Baschar al Assads Facebook-Pinnwand
Bitte Beleidigt meine Familie nicht wir haben nichts mit dem Schwein Bashar zu t...
Feb 7th 2014, 18:45
Bitte Beleidigt meine Familie nicht wir haben nichts mit dem Schwein Bashar zu tun!!
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:39PM
Uploads by Mezquita Ishbilia
Shahada en la Mezquita Ishbilia
Feb 7th 2014, 19:31
Shahada en la Mezquita Ishbilia
Proclamacion de conversión al islam de nuestro hermano Hussein, en Sevilla, ALLAHU AKBAR.
Mezquita Ishbilia
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:39PM
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Sheikh Neil Bin Radhan - Chutbah GEIZ Teil 2
Feb 7th 2014, 17:20
Sheikh Neil Bin Radhan - Chutbah GEIZ Teil 2 h...
habibiflo . DE
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:39PM
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Abdulhaqq - Von der Straße zum Islam!
Feb 7th 2014, 19:16
Abdulhaqq - Von der Straße zum Islam! h...
habibiflo . DE
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:39PM
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Sheikh Neil bin Radhan - Die drei fundamentalen Grundlagen Usul Thalathah - Sitzung 11
Feb 7th 2014, 18:08
Sheikh Neil bin Radhan - Die drei fundamentalen Grundlagen Usul Thalathah - Sitzung 11 h...
habibiflo . DE
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:36PM
Der Islam- Verse, Hadithe & Beleges Facebook-Pinnwand
Der Islam- Verse, Hadithe & Beleges Facebook-Pinnwand
Feb 7th 2014, 18:56
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:36PM
Der Islam- Verse, Hadithe & Beleges Facebook-Pinnwand
Der Islam- Verse, Hadithe & Beleges Facebook-Pinnwand
Feb 7th 2014, 18:56
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:34PM
Âlif Lám Míms Facebook-Pinnwand
Âlif Lám Míms Facebook-Pinnwand
»Und nur wenige von Meinen Dienern sind dankbar.« (34:13)
»Und würdet ihr (auch...
Feb 7th 2014, 19:31
»Und nur wenige von Meinen Dienern sind dankbar.« (34:13)
»Und würdet ihr (auch) versuchen die Gaben von Allah zu zählen, ihr wärt nicht in der Lage dazu.«(14:34)
»Was wird Allah aus eurer Bestrafung machen, wenn ihr dankbar seid und glaubt? Und Allah ist Dankend, Allwissend." (4:147)
Hast du denn keinen Grund dankbar zu sein?
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:33PM
Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand
Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand
Feb 7th 2014, 18:34
Picture of the day #Syria #coalition #etilaf #EnoughwithAssad
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- Blogtrottr <> Feb 07 07:33PM
Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand
Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand
Das ist das Bild des Zentralgefängnisses von Aleppo.
Oben ist der Rest, indem no...
Feb 7th 2014, 19:21
Das ist das Bild des Zentralgefängnisses von Aleppo.
Oben ist der Rest, indem noch Assads Milizionäre verschanzen, wobei sie Inhaftierte als Geisel mitgenommen haben
من ارض المعركة - تحرير سوري
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