
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
Was sind Salafisten?
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Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.
Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 05 12:35PM  

    Free Syria Free Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Free Syria Free Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    den folgenden text...
    Feb 5th 2014, 11:41


    den folgenden text drunter hab ich nicht geschrieben
    Ihr dummen narren, lässt euch von irgendwelchen vollidioten einreden, das Bashar al Assad der größte sei und informiert euch gar nicht über dem, wisst gar nichts, wie viele Menschen er auf dem gewissen hat, wie viele unschuldige Frauen, Kinder, Männer die auf Arbeit gehen nur um ihre Familie zu sorgen und zu schützen, echt traurig sowas!!!! Lasst euch nicht hin manipulieren und geht nicht den weg der Ungerechtigkeit!!! Hier ein kleiner Auszug von den ganzen Geschehnissen!!!! FÜR MEHR LIKE Der Schwarze Mann Und Seine Anhänger
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 05 12:28PM  

    Geschichten der Sahābas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Geschichten der Sahābas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al-wala wal bara
    Lieben und hassen um Allahs Willen
    Wenn wir uns die Eigenscha...
    Feb 5th 2014, 11:46
    Al-wala wal bara

    Lieben und hassen um Allahs Willen

    Wenn wir uns die Eigenschaften der Sahaba anschauen wie sie zueinander waren und dann wie sie zum Feind waren wird uns bewusst das sie um Allahs Willen diese Eigenschaften hatten.

    Zueinander waren sie freundlich, hilfsbereit, ehrlich, vertrauenswürdig, sie machten Kranken besuche, beschenkten einander usw.. .

    Doch wenn man sich hingegen anschaut wie sie zum Feind waren, fallen einem ihr Mut, ihre Stärke, ihr aushaltevermögen, ihre Strategien auf. Sie hatten kein mitleid mit dem Feind, aber hielten sich trotz alledem an Allahs Gesetze und übertrieben nicht und hielten sich stets an ihre Verträge .

    Dies ist etwas was uns heute fehlt. Wir lieben und hassen für unsere gelüste . SubhanAllah wie sollen wir von Allah geliebt werden und wie soll es der ummah Mohammed sall Allahu aleyhi wa Salam wieder gut gehen wenn wie noch nicht mal dies verinnerlicht haben...?
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 05 12:24PM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Why Did I Take Arms Against The United States? - Story of a Mujahid
    "You say th...
    Feb 5th 2014, 11:29
    Why Did I Take Arms Against The United States? - Story of a Mujahid

    "You say that glory and success is by following your religion. You keep beards because your Prophet said so. You are dreaming to break the cross. You are dreaming the domination of Islam. Look at what you really are, look at yourself, and look at your reality! You are in exile.

    You have no home, you have no country and in your own countries the hanging ropes and death penalty is waiting for you. We have pulled the earth from beneath your feet in Afghanistan. You don't have any safe heaven in the whole world. Those homes which you had built in Afghanistan have been destroyed. Our bombings and attacks have killed your little children and your mothers and sisters whom you hid behind the veils because your Quran says so, have become the victims of our lust.

    You homeless crazy fanatic.. Remember! We will crush you and destroy you. We will make you a lesson for other Muslims to learn. We will plunge you into a hell of torture and you will wish to die but we will not kill you.

    You are the biggest terrorists in the whole world. Your religion is a symbol of terrorism. Your Quran calls to terrorism and your Prophet was the biggest terrorist in the whole world (Nauthubillahi min thalik)."

    These were the words of the American officer who had come to interrogate the Arab and Taliban prisoners in Kandahar airport.

    As usual when the long bearded Arab prisoners were brought to the airport, first they were chained, then their heads, beards, and eyebrows were shaved. Then they were exposed to tortures beyond imagination.

    When I looked at these tortures on Taliban and Arab prisoners, I would became extremely happy. Because, I thought that they were really terrorists who had destroyed my country for the sake of some dollars.

    When soviets went away, they (Taliban) kept on with their bloody game. I thought that these people wanted power, they loved blood shed and hated peace. They only wanted the government I thought. I must accept that I was very firm in my belief.

    Among the Arab prisoners in Kandahar airport there was a tall, handsome prisoner, his face was graceful. He was suspected to be someone important. I won't hesitate to say that the grace, perseverance, enthusiasm and courage of this Arab inspired me at the first sight. The Americans, as usual, chained the Mujahideen and tortured them and they began their speech which I've mentioned before.

    The tall Arab Mujahid said after listening to them:

    "Mister! The past of nations reflect their present. Let's have a glance at the past of both the nations. You call yourself as the carrier of democracy and justice and you call us terrorists. The truth is that you are terrorists not us. We are the victims of your so called "Justice". Our past and your past have been recorded on the pages of history.

    The past tells us that when the carriers of cross launched the crusade on the Bait al Maqdis (Jerusalem) they split the blood of Muslims everywhere. The legs of their horses were immersed with Muslim blood. The Muslim blood was flowing in the streets like water. But when Salahuddin Ayyubi conquered Bait al Maqdis (Jerusalem), he gave the Christians justice and treated them kindly. Even your historians agree to this.

    Remember Spain! Knowledge, philosophy, medicine, wisdom and wealth were the treasures of Spain. We taught Europe all these subjects. Your universities, institutions, and research centers have taught the books of our philosophers and scholars from centuries, in a time when your popes and fathers were proud of being illiterate. Whenever, any of you became inspired by the Muslims and wanted gain knowledge your church authorities would bury him alive. A religious leader is the most respectable person of a society but in your society robbers, cheats, and bastards are the ones to become Popes and priests.

    These are those facts which have been recorded in the books of history. If you have courage to face the truth, then let's go to any library in Washington. Your city, your library, your books and then those books will decide when we had power, when we had upper hand over you, how we treated you. Today you have power; every inch of Palestine is great pain for what you are doing with Muslims. You helped the Jews to take over us and you continue helping them to spill our blood. Those same Jews, we gave them shelter, homes, respect and esteem in Spain. When you got power in Spain, you expelled them, and then the Ottoman Caliphate opened its doors for Jews.

    You can even debate with me in presence of your intellectuals, historians and learned people. If the truth is opposite to what I say then we are really terrorists but if what I've said is true, then paint your faces black, just like your hearts and conscience is black, because black deeds, black hearts and black consciences do not suit white face.

    You say we are thieves, we are robbers. By God (Allah)...! This is not true. All of us are educated and learned people. Some of us are engineers, some are doctors, and some have their own businesses. If we would have been in our own countries we would have been earning thousands of dollars. But your oppression and injustice with Muslims have forced us to leave our homes and take up arms. Raising voice against oppression is terrorism according to you, but for us it is Jihad.

    You say that we are running after your dollars and the love of your dollars has brought us to Afghanistan. We say that just like Allah gave us the Russian Ammunition in war booty, like that Allah has written your wealth in booty for us. According to us it's the blessing of Jihad, and the signal of our victory. The battle between the truth and falsehood has begun. In this battle the falsehood (Kufr) is dominant and the Truth (Islam) will dominate near the end. If we don't see the battlefield victorious our coming generations will.

    You are spilling the blood of Muslims; if we don't avenge them then our coming generations will. [In sha Allah]

    You think you are humiliating us by shaving our beards, torturing us, chaining us and killing our children. For us this is success, honor and the way to get closer to Allah!

    Your war is not against individuals. You are only using the names of Shaykh Usamah and Mulla Muhammad Umar; your real war is against Islam. You are scared of the reality and truth. The fastest-spreading religion had alarmed you. Your plots and plans against Islam will eventually become your death. You rely on your great number and superior weapons; we rely on the power of our Iman (Faith, creed and belief). You trust Satan (Shaytan), we trust Allah.

    You are celebrating because you think you came to Afghanistan and destroyed our power and strength. We don't think you came here, we think you were brought here. Your arrival resembles the Pharaoh historically. When he chased the Israelite's in the pride of his power the waves of Nile destroyed him and his army. Allah willingly your dead bodies will be raised from the soil of Afghanistan and the idol of your power will be destroyed by clashing with these mountains and your defeat will be worse than the Soviets.

    You have brought your tanks and guns to Afghanistan.


    To kill us?

    What else can you do other than torturing and killing us?

    You think by shaving our beards, torturing us, and by killing us, you are making us a "lesson" for others... Remember! We don't consider it an insult; we consider it a death of honor and glory. Our religion calls this death "Martyrdom". The highest aim of a Muslim's life is that he dies as a martyr. We are thankful to you for attacking Afghanistan. It did not only expose your intentions to the Islamic world, it also exposed the hypocrites and separated them from the ranks of pure and sincere Muslims.


    Cowardice and running away from the battlefield is a historic quality of yours. Our Quran says that Allah raised Jesus (peace be upon him) alive to the skies. Your religious traditions say that when Jesus was being crucified right at that time, his companions instead of protecting him fled in fear.

    Don't you remember that when Salahuddin Ayyubi defeated your ancestors on the soil of Palestine, one of your leaders presented her sister to the brother of Salahuddin, Mulkul `Adl in bribe, to secure peace for the Christian world.


    Don't worry about us, worry about your disastrous doom.

    If we live alive, we shall be veterans, and if we die from your hands we shall attain martyrdom. But think about your ending. If you want to save yourself from a humiliating doom then there's only one way. Accept Islam and become our brothers in Deen. Become the slaves of Allah and the followers of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam). This is the only way to save yourself."

    When the Arab reached this part of his speech his eyes moistened with tears and his voice trembled as he raised his handsome, graceful and radiant face towards the sky and said:

    "O' Allah! O' Allah! O' Allah! You be my witness! I have delivered your message to these people."

    "O' Allah! These people of your do not know what is the guidance and what is misguidance. They don't know what truth is and what falsehood is. O' Allah! Have mercy on your slaves and save them from the fire of hell."

    He started praying in Arabic with tears in his eyes and trembling voice. His beautiful voice had so much pain in it. Each and every of his word was like a bead of dew which was enlightening my heart and soul. His words went down to my soul and I realized that he was a true Muslim and whatever he was saying was coming from the core of his heart. When he became quite there was a long silence. I felt as if the chained Arab... was not a prisoner... but a free man.

    Those Americans who were talking a lot just a while ago where wordless or it was as if they had nothing to reply to him. For ten minutes there was only silence. Then, an American raised his head and stared the Arab. He made a long sound like a groan and went away. The other Americans followed him and left.

    This was the first incident which shook me and I started to think. The more I thought the more I was convinced that these people do not desire government or money. They are not terrorists as I thought. They are not a threat to the peace of this world. Spilling blood is not their aims. Their aims are noble and higher. They are true to their words and firm in their characters. When I compared myself with them I realized that I was totally opposite to them.

    Perseverance of these poor Arabs reminded me of the time when America attacked Afghanistan and opened the mouth of its treasures. Me and thousands of Afghans like me sold themselves for $100 to $150 per day and took part in the destruction of our country and the murder of our fellow Muslims (Taliban mujahideen) and the Arabs. Poor Taliban and Arabs on one side and billions of dollars offered by America on the other side.

    What was the sentiment that urged Taliban to choose Arabs over all the money and make such a rare example of faithfulness?

    This thought became the turning point of my life. But Allah wanted me to remain ignorant a little more and witnessing more incidents of the barbarianism and enmity of America to Islam was written in my fate.

    There is something relating to the fall of Afghanistan that most people don't know. Whenever Arab Mujahideen or Taliban were arrested from different fronts they were brought especially to Kandahar.

    The prisoners were chained in Kandahar to a time period then they were sent to Kandahar airport where they were sent to Cuba via Turkey. It was not because airport is only in Kandahar. There are many airports in different cities of Afghanistan. It is apparently very strange because it was an additional expenditure.

    Be sure about one thing, Americans never do anything without any reasons. Everything they do has a special aim and secret agenda behind it. One day I asked the alcoholic American [whom I mentioned before] the reason for this. He told me:

    "Yes friend! There is a special reason for bringing them to Kandahar and ordinary people are not aware of it... When the battle between Afghans and Soviets started and strong wave of Jihad surged across the whole world and then Muslims from around the world started arriving in Afghanistan. These Jihadi sentiments were undoubtedly alarming for us. After the fall of soviets we found a way to meet this threat. We made them fight against each other (in Civil war) and they wasted their energies on each other.

    After sometime we realized that this policy in not very useful. Then the Taliban government stabilized in Afghanistan and the Jihadis got a new home. Afghanistan became a base camp for the Muslims around the world. Those training camps of Afghanistan which were constructed from our dollars in the time of Soviet invasion, anti-American slogans were being chanted in the same camps during the time of Taliban.

    Though Kabul is the capital and the political and government machinery works here but Kandahar is considered to be the centre of Afghanistan from the religious perspective. Kandahar was the center of the movement of Taliban and the ancestral city of Mulla Muhammad Umar. In this city, Taliban and Arab Mujahideen used to dream about the domination of Islam. They used to make plans of American destruction and spreading of Jihadi ideologies.

    We humiliated the Arab Mujahideen and Taliban in the streets of Kandahar to let the eyes, which dreamed the destruction of America to see that each and every inch of Kandahar was under our occupation. Those mosques of Kandahar in which they used to pray for the domination of Islam and our defeat, they are now under the control of the followers of Jesus Christ. The rulers of Islamic world are already our slaves, but these few crazy Muslims were giving us headache. We want, not only to crush their Islamic sentiments... We also wanted to kill their conscience.

    We want to crush their bodies and personality. We want them to break them up psychologically. Psychologically the best way was to humiliate them by chaining them like animals and treat them like dogs in the buildings of the city in which they lived with honor and walked proudly; the city which was a symbol of their glory; so that they would compare their current life with their past and look at the condition of the city so that they would realize that, their dream of making Islam supreme is only a deception. And also to make them believe that America is undefeatable."

    When he stopped, I asked him a question that immediately came into my mind:

    "Alright and how much your plan has succeeded?"

    "We have failed in our plan", he told me.

    His answer was opposite to what I had thought.

    "But why?" I asked him.

    He said:

    "Because these people are very staunch and firm in their faith (Iman). They don't care about anything. They are not grieved or saddened. They don't even care about losing their government.

    We have imprisoned their bodies but their souls are free. Humiliating them, imprisoning them and making them believe in our strength and glory is impossible for us.

    Undoubtedly they are dangerous people. Such people are very firm in their friendship and enmity.


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 05 12:24PM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Why Did I Take Arms Against The United States? - Story of a Mujahid
    "You say th...
    Feb 5th 2014, 11:27
    Why Did I Take Arms Against The United States? - Story of a Mujahid

    "You say that glory and success is by following your religion. You keep beards because your Prophet said so. You are dreaming to break the cross. You are dreaming the domination of Islam. Look at what you really are, look at yourself, and look at your reality! You are in exile.

    You have no home, you have no country and in your own countries the hanging ropes and death penalty is waiting for you. We have pulled the earth from beneath your feet in Afghanistan. You don't have any safe heaven in the whole world. Those homes which you had built in Afghanistan have been destroyed. Our bombings and attacks have killed your little children and your mothers and sisters whom you hid behind the veils because your Quran says so, have become the victims of our lust.

    You homeless crazy fanatic.. Remember! We will crush you and destroy you. We will make you a lesson for other Muslims to learn. We will plunge you into a hell of torture and you will wish to die but we will not kill you.

    You are the biggest terrorists in the whole world. Your religion is a symbol of terrorism. Your Quran calls to terrorism and your Prophet was the biggest terrorist in the whole world (Nauthubillahi min thalik)."

    These were the words of the American officer who had come to interrogate the Arab and Taliban prisoners in Kandahar airport.

    As usual when the long bearded Arab prisoners were brought to the airport, first they were chained, then their heads, beards, and eyebrows were shaved. Then they were exposed to tortures beyond imagination.

    When I looked at these tortures on Taliban and Arab prisoners, I would became extremely happy. Because, I thought that they were really terrorists who had destroyed my country for the sake of some dollars.

    When soviets went away, they (Taliban) kept on with their bloody game. I thought that these people wanted power, they loved blood shed and hated peace. They only wanted the government I thought. I must accept that I was very firm in my belief.

    Among the Arab prisoners in Kandahar airport there was a tall, handsome prisoner, his face was graceful. He was suspected to be someone important. I won't hesitate to say that the grace, perseverance, enthusiasm and courage of this Arab inspired me at the first sight. The Americans, as usual, chained the Mujahideen and tortured them and they began their speech which I've mentioned before.

    The tall Arab Mujahid said after listening to them:

    "Mister! The past of nations reflect their present. Let's have a glance at the past of both the nations. You call yourself as the carrier of democracy and justice and you call us terrorists. The truth is that you are terrorists not us. We are the victims of your so called "Justice". Our past and your past have been recorded on the pages of history.

    The past tells us that when the carriers of cross launched the crusade on the Bait al Maqdis (Jerusalem) they split the blood of Muslims everywhere. The legs of their horses were immersed with Muslim blood. The Muslim blood was flowing in the streets like water. But when Salahuddin Ayyubi conquered Bait al Maqdis (Jerusalem), he gave the Christians justice and treated them kindly. Even your historians agree to this.

    Remember Spain! Knowledge, philosophy, medicine, wisdom and wealth were the treasures of Spain. We taught Europe all these subjects. Your universities, institutions, and research centers have taught the books of our philosophers and scholars from centuries, in a time when your popes and fathers were proud of being illiterate. Whenever, any of you became inspired by the Muslims and wanted gain knowledge your church authorities would bury him alive. A religious leader is the most respectable person of a society but in your society robbers, cheats, and bastards are the ones to become Popes and priests.

    These are those facts which have been recorded in the books of history. If you have courage to face the truth, then let's go to any library in Washington. Your city, your library, your books and then those books will decide when we had power, when we had upper hand over you, how we treated you. Today you have power; every inch of Palestine is great pain for what you are doing with Muslims. You helped the Jews to take over us and you continue helping them to spill our blood. Those same Jews, we gave them shelter, homes, respect and esteem in Spain. When you got power in Spain, you expelled them, and then the Ottoman Caliphate opened its doors for Jews.

    You can even debate with me in presence of your intellectuals, historians and learned people. If the truth is opposite to what I say then we are really terrorists but if what I've said is true, then paint your faces black, just like your hearts and conscience is black, because black deeds, black hearts and black consciences do not suit white face.

    You say we are thieves, we are robbers. By God (Allah)...! This is not true. All of us are educated and learned people. Some of us are engineers, some are doctors, and some have their own businesses. If we would have been in our own countries we would have been earning thousands of dollars. But your oppression and injustice with Muslims have forced us to leave our homes and take up arms. Raising voice against oppression is terrorism according to you, but for us it is Jihad.

    You say that we are running after your dollars and the love of your dollars has brought us to Afghanistan. We say that just like Allah gave us the Russian Ammunition in war booty, like that Allah has written your wealth in booty for us. According to us it's the blessing of Jihad, and the signal of our victory. The battle between the truth and falsehood has begun. In this battle the falsehood (Kufr) is dominant and the Truth (Islam) will dominate near the end. If we don't see the battlefield victorious our coming generations will.

    You are spilling the blood of Muslims; if we don't avenge them then our coming generations will. [In sha Allah]

    You think you are humiliating us by shaving our beards, torturing us, chaining us and killing our children. For us this is success, honor and the way to get closer to Allah!

    Your war is not against individuals. You are only using the names of Shaykh Usamah and Mulla Muhammad Umar; your real war is against Islam. You are scared of the reality and truth. The fastest-spreading religion had alarmed you. Your plots and plans against Islam will eventually become your death. You rely on your great number and superior weapons; we rely on the power of our Iman (Faith, creed and belief). You trust Satan (Shaytan), we trust Allah.

    You are celebrating because you think you came to Afghanistan and destroyed our power and strength. We don't think you came here, we think you were brought here. Your arrival resembles the Pharaoh historically. When he chased the Israelite's in the pride of his power the waves of Nile destroyed him and his army. Allah willingly your dead bodies will be raised from the soil of Afghanistan and the idol of your power will be destroyed by clashing with these mountains and your defeat will be worse than the Soviets.

    You have brought your tanks and guns to Afghanistan.


    To kill us?

    What else can you do other than torturing and killing us?

    You think by shaving our beards, torturing us, and by killing us, you are making us a "lesson" for others... Remember! We don't consider it an insult; we consider it a death of honor and glory. Our religion calls this death "Martyrdom". The highest aim of a Muslim's life is that he dies as a martyr. We are thankful to you for attacking Afghanistan. It did not only expose your intentions to the Islamic world, it also exposed the hypocrites and separated them from the ranks of pure and sincere Muslims.


    Cowardice and running away from the battlefield is a historic quality of yours. Our Quran says that Allah raised Jesus (peace be upon him) alive to the skies. Your religious traditions say that when Jesus was being crucified right at that time, his companions instead of protecting him fled in fear.

    Don't you remember that when Salahuddin Ayyubi defeated your ancestors on the soil of Palestine, one of your leaders presented her sister to the brother of Salahuddin, Mulkul `Adl in bribe, to secure peace for the Christian world.


    Don't worry about us, worry about your disastrous doom.

    If we live alive, we shall be veterans, and if we die from your hands we shall attain martyrdom. But think about your ending. If you want to save yourself from a humiliating doom then there's only one way. Accept Islam and become our brothers in Deen. Become the slaves of Allah and the followers of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam). This is the only way to save yourself."

    When the Arab reached this part of his speech his eyes moistened with tears and his voice trembled as he raised his handsome, graceful and radiant face towards the sky and said:

    "O' Allah! O' Allah! O' Allah! You be my witness! I have delivered your message to these people."

    "O' Allah! These people of your do not know what is the guidance and what is misguidance. They don't know what truth is and what falsehood is. O' Allah! Have mercy on your slaves and save them from the fire of hell."

    He started praying in Arabic with tears in his eyes and trembling voice. His beautiful voice had so much pain in it. Each and every of his word was like a bead of dew which was enlightening my heart and soul. His words went down to my soul and I realized that he was a true Muslim and whatever he was saying was coming from the core of his heart. When he became quite there was a long silence. I felt as if the chained Arab... was not a prisoner... but a free man.

    Those Americans who were talking a lot just a while ago where wordless or it was as if they had nothing to reply to him. For ten minutes there was only silence. Then, an American raised his head and stared the Arab. He made a long sound like a groan and went away. The other Americans followed him and left.

    This was the first incident which shook me and I started to think. The more I thought the more I was convinced that these people do not desire government or money. They are not terrorists as I thought. They are not a threat to the peace of this world. Spilling blood is not their aims. Their aims are noble and higher. They are true to their words and firm in their characters. When I compared myself with them I realized that I was totally opposite to them.

    Perseverance of these poor Arabs reminded me of the time when America attacked Afghanistan and opened the mouth of its treasures. Me and thousands of Afghans like me sold themselves for $100 to $150 per day and took part in the destruction of our country and the murder of our fellow Muslims (Taliban mujahideen) and the Arabs. Poor Taliban and Arabs on one side and billions of dollars offered by America on the other side.

    What was the sentiment that urged Taliban to choose Arabs over all the money and make such a rare example of faithfulness?

    This thought became the turning point of my life. But Allah wanted me to remain ignorant a little more and witnessing more incidents of the barbarianism and enmity of America to Islam was written in my fate.

    There is something relating to the fall of Afghanistan that most people don't know. Whenever Arab Mujahideen or Taliban were arrested from different fronts they were brought especially to Kandahar.

    The prisoners were chained in Kandahar to a time period then they were sent to Kandahar airport where they were sent to Cuba via Turkey. It was not because airport is only in Kandahar. There are many airports in different cities of Afghanistan. It is apparently very strange because it was an additional expenditure.

    Be sure about one thing, Americans never do anything without any reasons. Everything they do has a special aim and secret agenda behind it. One day I asked the alcoholic American [whom I mentioned before] the reason for this. He told me:

    "Yes friend! There is a special reason for bringing them to Kandahar and ordinary people are not aware of it... When the battle between Afghans and Soviets started and strong wave of Jihad surged across the whole world and then Muslims from around the world started arriving in Afghanistan. These Jihadi sentiments were undoubtedly alarming for us. After the fall of soviets we found a way to meet this threat. We made them fight against each other (in Civil war) and they wasted their energies on each other.

    After sometime we realized that this policy in not very useful. Then the Taliban government stabilized in Afghanistan and the Jihadis got a new home. Afghanistan became a base camp for the Muslims around the world. Those training camps of Afghanistan which were constructed from our dollars in the time of Soviet invasion, anti-American slogans were being chanted in the same camps during the time of Taliban.

    Though Kabul is the capital and the political and government machinery works here but Kandahar is considered to be the centre of Afghanistan from the religious perspective. Kandahar was the center of the movement of Taliban and the ancestral city of Mulla Muhammad Umar. In this city, Taliban and Arab Mujahideen used to dream about the domination of Islam. They used to make plans of American destruction and spreading of Jihadi ideologies.

    We humiliated the Arab Mujahideen and Taliban in the streets of Kandahar to let the eyes, which dreamed the destruction of America to see that each and every inch of Kandahar was under our occupation. Those mosques of Kandahar in which they used to pray for the domination of Islam and our defeat, they are now under the control of the followers of Jesus Christ. The rulers of Islamic world are already our slaves, but these few crazy Muslims were giving us headache. We want, not only to crush their Islamic sentiments... We also wanted to kill their conscience.

    We want to crush their bodies and personality. We want them to break them up psychologically. Psychologically the best way was to humiliate them by chaining them like animals and treat them like dogs in the buildings of the city in which they lived with honor and walked proudly; the city which was a symbol of their glory; so that they would compare their current life with their past and look at the condition of the city so that they would realize that, their dream of making Islam supreme is only a deception. And also to make them believe that America is undefeatable."

    When he stopped, I asked him a question that immediately came into my mind:

    "Alright and how much your plan has succeeded?"

    "We have failed in our plan", he told me.

    His answer was opposite to what I had thought.

    "But why?" I asked him.

    He said:

    "Because these people are very staunch and firm in their faith (Iman). They don't care about anything. They are not grieved or saddened. They don't even care about losing their government.

    We have imprisoned their bodies but their souls are free. Humiliating them, imprisoning them and making them believe in our strength and glory is impossible for us.

    Undoubtedly they are dangerous people. Such people are very firm in their friendship and enmity. They are true and sincere.


    Blogtrottr <> Feb 05 12:24PM  

    Alnas Channels Facebook-Pinnwand
    Alnas Channels Facebook-Pinnwand
    يتحدث الشيخ محمد حسين يعقوب في هذه القبسة عن قصة الصحابي الجليل عبد الله بن حذاف...
    Feb 5th 2014, 11:51
    ‫يتحدث الشيخ محمد حسين يعقوب في هذه القبسة عن قصة الصحابي الجليل عبد الله بن حذافة السهمي الذي أسره أهل قيسارية‬
    ‫alnastv قناة الناس جنة الخلد محمد حسين يعقوب‬
    ‫يتحدث الشيخ محمد حسين يعقوب في هذه القبسة عن قصة الصحابي الجليل عبد الله بن حذافة السهمي الذي أسره أهل قيسارية‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 05 12:15PM  

    Mohammad Tolbas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Mohammad Tolbas Facebook-Pinnwand
    أصبحنا مش بس فاقدين لمعنى السعادة أحنا أصبحنا نستحيي منها... في نفس اللحظة اللي...
    Feb 5th 2014, 11:54
    ‫أصبحنا مش بس فاقدين لمعنى السعادة أحنا أصبحنا نستحيي منها... في نفس اللحظة اللي بتفكر تخطط لأمر عشان يسعدك تلاقي جالك أحساس لا إرادي بتأنيب الضمير أنك مجرد فكرت في حاجة زي كدة... و لا يخلوا الأمر من مجموعة من التعساء متخصصين في أنهم ينكدوا عليك و يشيلوك هموم مش بتاعتك و لا تقدر تعمل فيها حاجة ... و في نفسي ذات الوقت تلاقيه هو قاعد بيحوش عشان المصيف أو عشان يدفع قسط عربيته الجديدة.... ده غير الساعات اللي بيقضيها على الجلاكسي بتاعه يتتبع بوستاتك عشان ينكد عليك .. مبروك الجالاكسي يا سيدي حل عنا بقى :)

    كل ده كوم و أنك تستحي أو تنسى تطلب من ربنا السعادة كوم تاني... كثير منا يقرأ هذا الدعاء في ورد الأذكار عن أَنَسَ بْنَ مَالِكٍ قَالَ كَانَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَقُولُ اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْهَمِّ وَالْحَزَنِ وَالْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ وَالْجُبْنِ وَالْبُخْلِ وَضَلَعِ الدَّيْنِ وَغَلَبَةِ الرِّجَالِ - صحيح البخاري.... و يجي عند الهم و الحزن و يفقد إستحضار القلب و التدبر... طب أنت عارف أنك ممكن تدعي بالجزء ده بس اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْهَمِّ وَالْحَزَنِ ؟! :) و حتفضل إنسان جميل و عادي و مش حتتحول لضفدعة و لا حاجة زي فريق نكدني شكرا بيوهمك :)

    و الفرق بين الهم و الحزن بفتح الحاء... أن الهم يكون لأمر يتوقع حدوثه في المستقبل فيستهلكك تفكير و يأكول من صحتك النفسية و البدنية... أما الحزن فيكون على الماضي..

    و ها هم أهل الجنة بعد أن دخلوها يقولون "الْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذي أَذْهَبَ عَنَّا الْحَزَنَ"

    أيوة... من حقك تدعي ربنا أن تكون سعيد... و أنك ما تكونش مهموم و حزين .... أيوة أنت..... عارف ليه؟!! لأنه سنة :)

    صباحكم سعادة و سرور من غير هم و لا حزن‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 05 12:00PM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    A5 Das Gleichnis eines Menschen, der gute Taten vollbringt um damit zu prahlen u...
    Feb 5th 2014, 11:23
    A5 Das Gleichnis eines Menschen, der gute Taten vollbringt um damit zu prahlen und um einen guten Ruf zu erlangen, ist wie das eines Mannes der auf den Marktplatz geht und seine Taschen mit Steinen füllt, und als Ergebnis sagen die Menschen: "Schau wie voll die Taschen dieses Mannes sind."
    Also gewinnt er nichts, außer das was die Leute über ihn sagen.
    Und wenn er die Steine gegen etwas tauschen möchte, bekommt er nichts als Gegenleistung für sie.

    Gleichermaßen ist derjenige, der gute Taten vollbringt, um mit diesen anzugeben und um des Rufes wegen; es liegt kein Nutzen für ihn in seinen Taten außer, was die Leute über ihn sagen, und keine Belohnung erwartet ihn im Jenseits, denn Allah (swt) sagt:

    [25:23] Und Wir werden Uns den Werken zuwenden, die sie gewirkt haben, und werden sie wie verwehte Stäubchen zunichte machen.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 05 12:00PM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    A5 Das Gleichnis eines Menschen, der gute Taten vollbringt um damit zu prahlen u...
    Feb 5th 2014, 11:23
    A5 Das Gleichnis eines Menschen, der gute Taten vollbringt um damit zu prahlen und um einen guten Ruf zu erlangen, ist wie das eines Mannes der auf den Marktplatz geht und seine Taschen mit Steinen füllt, und als Ergebnis sagen die Menschen: "Schau wie voll die Taschen dieses Mannes sind."
    Also gewinnt er nichts, außer das was die Leute über ihn sagen.
    Und wenn er die Steine gegen etwas tauschen möchte, bekommt er nichts als Gegenleistung für sie.

    Gleichermaßen ist derjenige, der gute Taten vollbringt, um mit diesen anzugeben und um des Rufes wegen; es liegt kein Nutzen für ihn in seinen Taten außer, was die Leute über ihn sagen, und keine Belohnung erwartet ihn im Jenseits, denn Allah (swt) sagt:

    [25:23] Und Wir werden Uns den Werken zuwenden, die sie gewirkt haben, und werden sie wie verwehte Stäubchen zunichte machen.
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 05 11:37AM  

    Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ein kleiner Junge fragt seine Mutter :
    ''warum weinst du ?''Sie antwortet :
    Feb 5th 2014, 11:28
    Ein kleiner Junge fragt seine Mutter :
    ''warum weinst du ?''Sie antwortet :
    '' Weil ich muss ''Der Junge : ''versteh ich nicht''Seine Mutter umarmt ihn und sagt: ''und du wirst es auch niemals verstehen
    ''Später fragte der junge seinen Vater:''
    Warum weint Mutter scheinbar ohne Grund ?
    ''Vater kümmert sich nicht drum und sagt :
    ''Alle Frauen weinen OHNE Grund ''SO ging der Junge zu seinem Großvater, einem alten weisen Mann und fragte ihn mit der Hoffnung eine antwort zu finden:
    ''Opa warum weinen Frauen so leicht?''Er antwortete:
    ''Als Gott die Frau erschuf, machte er sie zu etwas ganz Besonderem.Er gab ihr schulter um das Gewicht der Welt zu tragen, trotzdem zärtlich genug um Geborgenheit zu geben.Gott gab ihr innere Stärke um das Austragen des Kindes zu ertragen .Gott gab ihr Kraft, die ihr erlaubt weiterzumachen wenn jeder andere aufgibt,und für ihre Familie zu sorgen während Krankheit und Erschöpfung ohne Beschwerden.Gott gab ihr das Feingefühl ihre Kinder zu lieben, egal in welcher Situation und in welchen Umständen sogar wenn ihr Kind sie verletzt.Gott gab ihr kraft mit ihrem Ehemann auch in seinen Fehlern zu sein, und machte sie aus seiner Rippe um sein Herz zu beschützen.Und zuletzt gab Gott ihr eine Träne !

    Sie braucht keinen Grund, keine Erklärung, es ist ihre! ''
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 05 11:37AM  

    Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ein kleiner Junge fragt seine Mutter :
    ''warum weinst du ?''Sie antwortet :
    Feb 5th 2014, 11:28
    Ein kleiner Junge fragt seine Mutter :
    ''warum weinst du ?''Sie antwortet :
    '' Weil ich muss ''Der Junge : ''versteh ich nicht''Seine Mutter umarmt ihn und sagt: ''und du wirst es auch niemals verstehen
    ''Später fragte der junge seinen Vater:''
    Warum weint Mutter scheinbar ohne Grund ?
    ''Vater kümmert sich nicht drum und sagt :
    ''Alle Frauen weinen OHNE Grund ''SO ging der Junge zu seinem Großvater, einem alten weisen Mann und fragte ihn mit der Hoffnung eine antwort zu finden:
    ''Opa warum weinen Frauen so leicht?''Er antwortete:
    ''Als Gott die Frau erschuf, machte er sie zu etwas ganz Besonderem.Er gab ihr schulter um das Gewicht der Welt zu tragen, trotzdem zärtlich genug um Geborgenheit zu geben.Gott gab ihr innere Stärke um das Austragen des Kindes zu ertragen .Gott gab ihr Kraft, die ihr erlaubt weiterzumachen wenn jeder andere aufgibt,und für ihre Familie zu sorgen während Krankheit und Erschöpfung ohne Beschwerden.Gott gab ihr das Feingefühl ihre Kinder zu lieben, egal in welcher Situation und in welchen Umständen sogar wenn ihr Kind sie verletzt.Gott gab ihr kraft mit ihrem Ehemann auch in seinen Fehlern zu sein, und machte sie aus seiner Rippe um sein Herz zu beschützen.Und zuletzt gab Gott ihr eine Träne !

    Sie braucht keinen Grund, keine Erklärung, es ist ihre! ''
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    Blogtrottr <> Feb 05 11:35AM  

    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wenn ein Mensch klug und gottesfürchtig ist, wird seine Furcht allein ihn so seh...
    Feb 5th 2014, 11:12
    Wenn ein Mensch klug und gottesfürchtig ist, wird seine Furcht allein ihn so sehr beschäftigen, als dass er sich mit den Fehlern von anderen beschäftigen könnte.
    So wie die schwache und kranke Person, sich aufgrund eigener Schmerzen nicht um die Schmerzen anderer kümmern kann.
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