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Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 03 12:09AM +0100 Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Die Sünden, für die man im Grab bestraft wird. (Sollte jeder wissen) 1. Die Pei... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=724279960940377&id=242918945743150 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:18 Die Sünden, für die man im Grab bestraft wird. (Sollte jeder wissen) 1. Die Pein für denjenigen, der den Quran lernte und danach ablehnte, und der die vorgeschriebenen Gebete verschlief. „Wir kamen bei einem Mann an, der (auf dem Boden) lag, in dem über ihn ein anderer Mann, mit einem großen Stein stand. Er warf den Stein auf den Kopf des anderen Mannes hinunter und zerschmetterte ihn. Der Stein rollte weg und der Werfende ging ihm hinterher und brachte ihn zurück. Nach einiger Zeit kam er zum Mann zurück, dessen Kopf wieder hergestellt war, dann setzte er fort, das Selbe zu tun..." Am Ende des Hadiths erzählten die beiden Engel dem Gesandten Allahs (s.a.s): „Der erste Mann, den du gesehen hast und dessen Kopf mit einem Stein zerschlagen wurde, ist der Mann, welcher den Quran studierte, jedoch nicht rezitierte, noch praktizierte. Und (er ist derjenige) der die vorgeschriebenen Gebete vernachlässigte." In der anderen Überlieferung wurde gesagt: „Sie werden fortsetzen dies zu tun, bis zum Tage der Auferstehung." 2. Die Bestrafung für das Lügen. In dem Hadith von Samurah Ibn Dschundub wurde auch gesagt: „So gingen wir weiter und kamen bei einem Mann an, welcher flach auf seinem Rücken lag. Mit ihm war ein Mann, welcher über ihm stand und einen Eisenhaken (in seiner Hand) hielt. Er steckte den Haken in die eine Seite seines Mundes und riss jene Seite seines Gesichts bis nach hinten (zu seinem Nacken) auf. Dann riss er seine Nase genauso von vorne nach hinten auf, und sein Auge von vorn nach hinten. Dann tat er das Selbe auf der anderen Seite seines Gesichts. Er hatte kaum die eine Seite beendet, als die erste Seite wieder hergestellt wurde, also ging er zurück (zur anderen Seite) und begann von neuem. "Und am Ende des Hadiths:„Der Mann, den du gesehen hast, als ihm das Gesicht von Mund, von der Nase und den Augen, von vorne nach hinten aufgerissen wurde, ist der Mann, welcher am Morgen aus seinem Haus heraus geht und so viele Lügen erzählt, dass sie über die ganze Welt verteilt werden."Und in der anderen Überlieferung wird gesagt: „Sie werden fortsetzen dies zu tun, bis zum Tage der Auferstehung" 3. Die Pein für die Ehebrecher und die Ehebrecherinen. Der oben zitierte Hadith sagt auch noch aus: „Also gingen wir weiter und kamen bei etwas an, das wie ein Tannur aussah ich glaub er sagte: „In ihm war es sehr laut und (man hörte viele) Schreie Wir schauten hinein und darin waren nackte Männer und Frauen, mit Flammen, die von unterhalb her auf sie zukamen. Als die Flammen sie erreichten, schrieen sie laut." Dies wurde wiefolgt erklärt:„Die nackten Männer und Frauen, welche in etwas wie einem Tannur waren, sind die Ehebrecher und die Ehebrecherinnen." 4. Die Pein für das Verzehren von Zinsen. Auch wurde in dem zitierten Hadith erwähnt: „Dann gingen wir weiter und kamen an einem Fluss an ich glaube er sagte: „Rot wie Blut" und in diesem Fluss war ein schwimmender Mann. Und ein anderer Mann, welcher viele Steine gesammelt hatte, war auf einem Damm. Der schwimmende Mann kam zu dem Mann, welcher die vielen Steine gesammelt hatte und öffnete seinen Mund. Und der Mann auf dem Damm legte einen Stein in seinen Mund. Der Mann im Fluss schwamm davon und kam (nach eine Weile) wieder und jedes Mal, wenn er zurückkam, öffnete er seinen Mund und ein Stein wurde in seinen Mund gelegt." Am Ende des Hadiths(wird noch gesagt): „Und der Mann, welchen du im Fluss schwimmen gesehen hast und dem die Steine in den Mund geworfen wurden, pflegte Zinsen zu verzehren." 5. Die Pein dafür, dass man sich nach dem Urinieren nicht richtig säubert. Der Prophet Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm sagte: „Die häufigste Bestrafung im Grab ist wegen (der fehlenden Säuberung nach dem) Urinieren." 6. Die Pein für den Kafir wird durch das Weinen seiner Familienagehörigen erhöht. Der Prophet Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm sagte: „Allah erhöht die Pein des Kafirs, indem jemand aus seiner Familie um ihn weint." 7. Der Verstorbene wird durch das Heulen (der Trauernden) für ihn bestraft. Der Prophet Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm sagte : „Der Verstorbene wird im Grab durch das Heulen (der Trauernden) bestraft." 8. Der Verstorbene wird wegen einigen Dingen, die seine Familienangehörigen über ihn sagen, bestraft. Der Prophet Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm sagte: „Es wird niemanden geben, der stirbt und dessen Trauernde anfangen zu schreien: „Oh mein Berg! Oh meine Hilfe!", ohne dass ihm zwei Engel zugewiesen werden, welche auf ihn aufpassen; sie werden ihn schlagen und fragen: „Warst du wirklich so?" 9. Die Bestrafung für jene, welche Reden und Gerüchte zwischen den Menschen zu verbreiten pflegten.Von Ibn Abbas radhiallahu anhuma (wird überliefert, dass er sagte): „Der Gesandte Allahs (s.a.s) ging an zwei Gräbern vorbei und sagte: „Wahrlich, sie werden bestraft. Sie werden für etwas bestraft, das leicht zu vermeiden, jedoch eine große Sünde ist, wenn sie begangen wird. Der eine von ihnen ging umher und verbreitete Verleumdungen und der andere vernachlässigte, sich nach dem Urinieren zu säubern." Hadith Quellen. Als Sahih klassifiziert von al Albani, Sahih al Dschami Nr. 3866 Überliefert An Nasai; von al Albani als Sahih klassifiziert Nr. 1893 Überliefert bei Al Buchary, Muslim. Wenn der Verstorbene seiner Familie befohlen hat, dass sie nicht um ihn weinen sollen, wird er nicht bestraft; Und Allah weiß es am besten. Siehe Ahkam al Dschanaza Seiten 28-29 Überliefert bei al Tirmidhi. Von al Albani als Sahih klassifiziert. Nr. 5664. Siehe auch al Targhib ual Tarhib Sahih– Überliefert von Buchray und Muslim You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/v3KGmQ |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 03 12:09AM +0100 Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Die Sünden, für die man im Grab bestraft wird. (Sollte jeder wissen) 1. Die Pei... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=724279960940377&id=242918945743150 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:18 Die Sünden, für die man im Grab bestraft wird. (Sollte jeder wissen) 1. Die Pein für denjenigen, der den Quran lernte und danach ablehnte, und der die vorgeschriebenen Gebete verschlief. „Wir kamen bei einem Mann an, der (auf dem Boden) lag, in dem über ihn ein anderer Mann, mit einem großen Stein stand. Er warf den Stein auf den Kopf des anderen Mannes hinunter und zerschmetterte ihn. Der Stein rollte weg und der Werfende ging ihm hinterher und brachte ihn zurück. Nach einiger Zeit kam er zum Mann zurück, dessen Kopf wieder hergestellt war, dann setzte er fort, das Selbe zu tun..." Am Ende des Hadiths erzählten die beiden Engel dem Gesandten Allahs (s.a.s): „Der erste Mann, den du gesehen hast und dessen Kopf mit einem Stein zerschlagen wurde, ist der Mann, welcher den Quran studierte, jedoch nicht rezitierte, noch praktizierte. Und (er ist derjenige) der die vorgeschriebenen Gebete vernachlässigte." In der anderen Überlieferung wurde gesagt: „Sie werden fortsetzen dies zu tun, bis zum Tage der Auferstehung." 2. Die Bestrafung für das Lügen. In dem Hadith von Samurah Ibn Dschundub wurde auch gesagt: „So gingen wir weiter und kamen bei einem Mann an, welcher flach auf seinem Rücken lag. Mit ihm war ein Mann, welcher über ihm stand und einen Eisenhaken (in seiner Hand) hielt. Er steckte den Haken in die eine Seite seines Mundes und riss jene Seite seines Gesichts bis nach hinten (zu seinem Nacken) auf. Dann riss er seine Nase genauso von vorne nach hinten auf, und sein Auge von vorn nach hinten. Dann tat er das Selbe auf der anderen Seite seines Gesichts. Er hatte kaum die eine Seite beendet, als die erste Seite wieder hergestellt wurde, also ging er zurück (zur anderen Seite) und begann von neuem. "Und am Ende des Hadiths:„Der Mann, den du gesehen hast, als ihm das Gesicht von Mund, von der Nase und den Augen, von vorne nach hinten aufgerissen wurde, ist der Mann, welcher am Morgen aus seinem Haus heraus geht und so viele Lügen erzählt, dass sie über die ganze Welt verteilt werden."Und in der anderen Überlieferung wird gesagt: „Sie werden fortsetzen dies zu tun, bis zum Tage der Auferstehung" 3. Die Pein für die Ehebrecher und die Ehebrecherinen. Der oben zitierte Hadith sagt auch noch aus: „Also gingen wir weiter und kamen bei etwas an, das wie ein Tannur aussah ich glaub er sagte: „In ihm war es sehr laut und (man hörte viele) Schreie Wir schauten hinein und darin waren nackte Männer und Frauen, mit Flammen, die von unterhalb her auf sie zukamen. Als die Flammen sie erreichten, schrieen sie laut." Dies wurde wiefolgt erklärt:„Die nackten Männer und Frauen, welche in etwas wie einem Tannur waren, sind die Ehebrecher und die Ehebrecherinnen." 4. Die Pein für das Verzehren von Zinsen. Auch wurde in dem zitierten Hadith erwähnt: „Dann gingen wir weiter und kamen an einem Fluss an ich glaube er sagte: „Rot wie Blut" und in diesem Fluss war ein schwimmender Mann. Und ein anderer Mann, welcher viele Steine gesammelt hatte, war auf einem Damm. Der schwimmende Mann kam zu dem Mann, welcher die vielen Steine gesammelt hatte und öffnete seinen Mund. Und der Mann auf dem Damm legte einen Stein in seinen Mund. Der Mann im Fluss schwamm davon und kam (nach eine Weile) wieder und jedes Mal, wenn er zurückkam, öffnete er seinen Mund und ein Stein wurde in seinen Mund gelegt." Am Ende des Hadiths(wird noch gesagt): „Und der Mann, welchen du im Fluss schwimmen gesehen hast und dem die Steine in den Mund geworfen wurden, pflegte Zinsen zu verzehren." 5. Die Pein dafür, dass man sich nach dem Urinieren nicht richtig säubert. Der Prophet Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm sagte: „Die häufigste Bestrafung im Grab ist wegen (der fehlenden Säuberung nach dem) Urinieren." 6. Die Pein für den Kafir wird durch das Weinen seiner Familienagehörigen erhöht. Der Prophet Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm sagte: „Allah erhöht die Pein des Kafirs, indem jemand aus seiner Familie um ihn weint." 7. Der Verstorbene wird durch das Heulen (der Trauernden) für ihn bestraft. Der Prophet Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm sagte : „Der Verstorbene wird im Grab durch das Heulen (der Trauernden) bestraft." 8. Der Verstorbene wird wegen einigen Dingen, die seine Familienangehörigen über ihn sagen, bestraft. Der Prophet Allahs Heil und Segen auf ihm sagte: „Es wird niemanden geben, der stirbt und dessen Trauernde anfangen zu schreien: „Oh mein Berg! Oh meine Hilfe!", ohne dass ihm zwei Engel zugewiesen werden, welche auf ihn aufpassen; sie werden ihn schlagen und fragen: „Warst du wirklich so?" 9. Die Bestrafung für jene, welche Reden und Gerüchte zwischen den Menschen zu verbreiten pflegten.Von Ibn Abbas radhiallahu anhuma (wird überliefert, dass er sagte): „Der Gesandte Allahs (s.a.s) ging an zwei Gräbern vorbei und sagte: „Wahrlich, sie werden bestraft. Sie werden für etwas bestraft, das leicht zu vermeiden, jedoch eine große Sünde ist, wenn sie begangen wird. Der eine von ihnen ging umher und verbreitete Verleumdungen und der andere vernachlässigte, sich nach dem Urinieren zu säubern." Hadith Quellen. Als Sahih klassifiziert von al Albani, Sahih al Dschami Nr. 3866 Überliefert An Nasai; von al Albani als Sahih klassifiziert Nr. 1893 Überliefert bei Al Buchary, Muslim. Wenn der Verstorbene seiner Familie befohlen hat, dass sie nicht um ihn weinen sollen, wird er nicht bestraft; Und Allah weiß es am besten. Siehe Ahkam al Dschanaza Seiten 28-29 Überliefert bei al Tirmidhi. Von al Albani als Sahih klassifiziert. Nr. 5664. Siehe auch al Targhib ual Tarhib Sahih– Überliefert von Buchray und Muslim You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/XXKkYp |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 03 12:09AM +0100 Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Frage: Wie lautet das Urteil bezüglich einer Person, die einen Muslim heiratet,... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=724282847606755&id=242918945743150 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:30 Frage: Wie lautet das Urteil bezüglich einer Person, die einen Muslim heiratet, der alle islamischen Bedingungen erfüllt, aber kein Arabisch spricht? Antwort: Einen Muslim zu heiraten, der alle islamischen Bedingungen erfüllt und kein Arabisch spricht, ist erlaubt. Es wäre sehr gut für ihn, eine Frau zu heiraten, die Araberin ist, um die arabische Sprache zu erlernen. Darin würde sehr viel Nutzen für ihn liegen und der Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم teilte die akzeptable Heirat in zwei Kategorien: - Guter Charakter und - Gesunde Religion Er صلى الله عليه وسلم sagte: „Wenn jemand zu dir kommt, mit dessen Standhaftigkeit in der Religion und dessen Charakter du zufrieden bist, gebe ihm deine Schwester oder deine Tochter zur Frau." Wenn dieser Mann an den Regeln des Islam festhält, sollte die Heirat vorangehen, selbst wenn er kein Arabisch spricht. Dagegen gibt es keine Einwände. Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymin [Al-Aqalliyaat al-Muslimah – Seite 72, Fatwa Nr. 11] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/v3KGmQ |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 03 12:09AM +0100 Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Frage: Wie lautet das Urteil bezüglich einer Person, die einen Muslim heiratet,... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=724282847606755&id=242918945743150 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:30 Frage: Wie lautet das Urteil bezüglich einer Person, die einen Muslim heiratet, der alle islamischen Bedingungen erfüllt, aber kein Arabisch spricht? Antwort: Einen Muslim zu heiraten, der alle islamischen Bedingungen erfüllt und kein Arabisch spricht, ist erlaubt. Es wäre sehr gut für ihn, eine Frau zu heiraten, die Araberin ist, um die arabische Sprache zu erlernen. Darin würde sehr viel Nutzen für ihn liegen und der Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم teilte die akzeptable Heirat in zwei Kategorien: - Guter Charakter und - Gesunde Religion Er صلى الله عليه وسلم sagte: „Wenn jemand zu dir kommt, mit dessen Standhaftigkeit in der Religion und dessen Charakter du zufrieden bist, gebe ihm deine Schwester oder deine Tochter zur Frau." Wenn dieser Mann an den Regeln des Islam festhält, sollte die Heirat vorangehen, selbst wenn er kein Arabisch spricht. Dagegen gibt es keine Einwände. Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymin [Al-Aqalliyaat al-Muslimah – Seite 72, Fatwa Nr. 11] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/XXKkYp |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 03 12:08AM +0100 Schönheiten des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Schönheiten des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand 100% Halal Ice Bucket Challenge http://www.facebook.com/beauty.of.islam.930/posts/565356210253877 Sep 2nd 2014, 23:06 100% Halal Ice Bucket Challenge https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-1/p100x100/10565096_763531697032274_7378187107583809295_n.jpg?oh=25478741e2f62b1c1e45acfd03a60430&oe=5480F9F2&__gda__=1417440247_fe85a4166deec0448963938ae88003d1 Whats App Hadith Den Ehepartner mit Wasser zum Gebet wecken Der Gesandte Allāhs ﷺ sagte:"Möge Allāh dem Manne gnädig sein, der in der Nacht aufsteht um zu beten - und der seine Frau aufweckt, damit sie betet. Wenn sie sich weigert, bespritzt er ihr das Gesicht mit Wasser.Und möge Allāh der Frau gnädig sein, die in der Nacht aufsteht um zu beten - und ihren Mann aufweckt, damit er betet.Wenn er sich weigert, bespritzt sie sein Gesicht mit Wasser."['Abū Dāwūd, 2/45, in Kitab As-Salāh, Muslim.(Aus dem Buch "Die ideale Muslima")] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/qWKh7W |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 03 12:08AM +0100 Schönheiten des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Schönheiten des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand 100% Halal Ice Bucket Challenge http://www.facebook.com/beauty.of.islam.930/posts/565356210253877 Sep 2nd 2014, 23:06 100% Halal Ice Bucket Challenge https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-1/p100x100/10565096_763531697032274_7378187107583809295_n.jpg?oh=25478741e2f62b1c1e45acfd03a60430&oe=5480F9F2&__gda__=1417440247_fe85a4166deec0448963938ae88003d1 Whats App Hadith Den Ehepartner mit Wasser zum Gebet wecken Der Gesandte Allāhs ﷺ sagte:"Möge Allāh dem Manne gnädig sein, der in der Nacht aufsteht um zu beten - und der seine Frau aufweckt, damit sie betet. Wenn sie sich weigert, bespritzt er ihr das Gesicht mit Wasser.Und möge Allāh der Frau gnädig sein, die in der Nacht aufsteht um zu beten - und ihren Mann aufweckt, damit er betet.Wenn er sich weigert, bespritzt sie sein Gesicht mit Wasser."['Abū Dāwūd, 2/45, in Kitab As-Salāh, Muslim.(Aus dem Buch "Die ideale Muslima")] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/Br2wgX |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 03 12:01AM +0100 Abdul Adhim Kamouss Facebook-Pinnwand Abdul Adhim Kamouss Facebook-Pinnwand Heute wird der Unterricht "Pflichtwissen für Muslime" von Bruder Jasir aufallen.... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=765471673495140&id=161761237199523 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:24 Heute wird der Unterricht "Pflichtwissen für Muslime" von Bruder Jasir aufallen. Wir bitten dies zu entschuldigen. Die Unterrichtsreihe wird nächste Woche insha´Allah fortgesetzt. Admin Sadik You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/9gSDtM |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 03 12:02AM +0100 Im Auftrag des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Im Auftrag des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Çok yakında! Merhum Cemaleddin Hocaoğlu (Kaplan) Hocaefendi'nin akıcı üslubundan... https://www.facebook.com/352910588170726/photos/a.471453469649770.1073741865.352910588170726/566618160133300/?type=1 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:40 Çok yakında! Merhum Cemaleddin Hocaoğlu (Kaplan) Hocaefendi'nin akıcı üslubundan özellikle hanımların elinden düşüremeyecekleri sadelikte yazılmış olan İSLAM'DA KADIN ve ÖZEL HALLERİ Ümmet Yayınları'ndan çıkıyor. Genel dağıtım: Küresel Kitap İrtibat telefonu: 0212 523 55 78 Interessante Bücher - Filme You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/FR3nbg |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 03 12:02AM +0100 Im Auftrag des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Im Auftrag des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Çok yakında! Merhum Cemaleddin Hocaoğlu (Kaplan) Hocaefendi'nin akıcı üslubundan... https://www.facebook.com/352910588170726/photos/a.471453469649770.1073741865.352910588170726/566618160133300/?type=1 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:40 Çok yakında! Merhum Cemaleddin Hocaoğlu (Kaplan) Hocaefendi'nin akıcı üslubundan özellikle hanımların elinden düşüremeyecekleri sadelikte yazılmış olan İSLAM'DA KADIN ve ÖZEL HALLERİ Ümmet Yayınları'ndan çıkıyor. Genel dağıtım: Küresel Kitap İrtibat telefonu: 0212 523 55 78 Interessante Bücher - Filme You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/Fg4r7j |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152435351323644 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:56 Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah wonders66.blogspot.com ========== LIKE AND SHARE ========== You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152435351563644 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:56 Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah wonders66.blogspot.com ========== LIKE AND SHARE ========== You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152435351563644 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:56 Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah wonders66.blogspot.com ========== LIKE AND SHARE ========== You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/btpTJ3 |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152435351323644 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:56 Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah Wonders Video :: BABY MERMAID BIRTH CONFIRMED " Sobhan allah wonders66.blogspot.com ========== LIKE AND SHARE ========== You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/btpTJ3 |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand Hand-Pulled Noodle Making: Never Seen This Before! http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152435341923644 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:50 Hand-Pulled Noodle Making: Never Seen This Before! toptube13.blogspot.com You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand Hand-Pulled Noodle Making: Never Seen This Before! http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10152435341923644 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:50 Hand-Pulled Noodle Making: Never Seen This Before! toptube13.blogspot.com You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/btpTJ3 |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 Die einzig wahre Lebensordnungs Facebook-Pinnwand Die einzig wahre Lebensordnungs Facebook-Pinnwand Israel und Amerika töten in einem Tag mehr Muslime als IS(IS) wahrscheinlich in... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=850108748334932&id=614303681915441 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:08 Israel und Amerika töten in einem Tag mehr Muslime als IS(IS) wahrscheinlich in einem Jahr schaffen würde. Ich verteidige nicht die Gräueltaten von IS(IS), aber wie kann ein Muslim seine Zeit und Kraft damit verschwenden gegen so eine Gruppe zu demonstrieren, wenn auf der anderen Seite klare KUFFAR seit Jahrzehnten(!) unsere Geschwister abschlachten. Bei Allah, habt ihr einen Realitätsverlust? Der Westen hat es wie der Pharao damals geschafft von seinen eigenen Ungerechtigkeiten abzulenken und auf andere aufmerksam zu machen. Bitte, bildet euch politisch weiter. Ihr kennt alle Beweise für's Gebet, aber was auf der Welt abgeht davon habt ihr keinen Plan... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/kyWcD7 |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 Die einzig wahre Lebensordnungs Facebook-Pinnwand Die einzig wahre Lebensordnungs Facebook-Pinnwand Israel und Amerika töten in einem Tag mehr Muslime als IS(IS) wahrscheinlich in... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=850108748334932&id=614303681915441 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:08 Israel und Amerika töten in einem Tag mehr Muslime als IS(IS) wahrscheinlich in einem Jahr schaffen würde. Ich verteidige nicht die Gräueltaten von IS(IS), aber wie kann ein Muslim seine Zeit und Kraft damit verschwenden gegen so eine Gruppe zu demonstrieren, wenn auf der anderen Seite klare KUFFAR seit Jahrzehnten(!) unsere Geschwister abschlachten. Bei Allah, habt ihr einen Realitätsverlust? Der Westen hat es wie der Pharao damals geschafft von seinen eigenen Ungerechtigkeiten abzulenken und auf andere aufmerksam zu machen. Bitte, bildet euch politisch weiter. Ihr kennt alle Beweise für's Gebet, aber was auf der Welt abgeht davon habt ihr keinen Plan... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/XywSQC |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand ISIL claims beheading of second US journalist: Video So-called Islamic State... http://www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistsForSyria/posts/627101807407084 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:21 ISIL claims beheading of second US journalist: Video So-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) released a video on Tuesday showing a masked militant beheading a second American journalist, according to the private terrorism monitoring group SITE. The White House said that it had yet to authenticate the footage, which SITE said showed 31-year-old freelance writer Steven Sotloff on his knees beside an ISIL terrorist with a knife. The masked militant condemns US attacks against ISIL positions and cuts Sotloff's throat. He then introduces a second captive, identified by name and said to be British. "I'm back, Obama, and I'm back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the (so-called) Islamic State," the militant says, in apparent reference to a previous video in which US journalist James Foley was murdered. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said he had not been aware of the report before taking the podium at his daily briefing, but added that the administration's "thoughts and prayers" were with Sotloff's family. ISIL claims beheading of second US journalist: report en.alalam.ir So-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) released a video on Tuesday showing a masked militant beheading a second American journalist, according to the private terrorism monitoring group SITE. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1SPjBL |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Castro likens NATO to Nazis, blasts US, Israel for creating ISIL Cuba's forme... http://www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistsForSyria/posts/627102420740356 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:23 Castro likens NATO to Nazis, blasts US, Israel for creating ISIL Cuba's former president Fidel Castro compared NATO's recent statements to that of Nazi SS and accused US and its allies of igniting conflicts abroad. Castro slammed John McCain for backing Israel and accused both of being involved in the creation of ISIL terrorist group. Referring to the pressure NATO has been trying to exert on Moscow in connection with the Ukrainian crisis, which coincides with calls for increasing the military budgets of NATO member states, Cuba's iconic leader accused Western politicians of hypocrisy and aggression. "Many people are astonished when they hear the statements made by some European spokesmen for NATO when they speak with the style and face of the Nazi SS," Castro wrote in a column published in Cuban state media. "Adolf Hitler's greed-based empire went down in history with no more glory than the encouragement provided to NATO's aggressive and bourgeois governments, which makes them the laughing stock of Europe and the world." Castro, 88, also attacked US Senator John McCain over his policies in the Middle East, describing him as "Israel's most unconditional ally." He accused McCain of supporting Israel's Mossad intelligence agency as well as participating "together with that service in the creation of the ISIL (terrorist group), which today controls a considerable and vital portion of Iraq and reportedly one-third of Syria as well." Castro attacked the West for its "cynicism" and said that it became "a symbol of imperialist policy." "The world has seen no respite in recent years, particularly since the European Economic Community, under the strict and unconditional leadership of the United States, decided the time had come to settle scores with what was left of two great nations (Russia and China) that... had carried out the heroic deed of putting an end to the imperialist colonial order imposed on the world by Europe and the United States," Castro said. Instead of promoting conflicts, the governments should "introduce more food, build hospitals and schools for the billions of human beings who desperately need them," the Cuban leader believes. Castro stressed that Cuba will continue to resist the US, despite the costs to the Cuban economy due to the US embargo, saying that "there is no worse price than capitulating before an enemy who attacks you without any right to do so." "When the USSR disintegrated and disappeared from the socialist landscape, we continued resisting and together, the state and the revolutionary people, we're continuing our independent march," said Castro. Castro likens NATO to Nazis, blasts US, Israel for creating ISIL en.alalam.ir Cuba's former president Fidel Castro compared NATO's recent statements to that of Nazi SS and accused US and its allies of igniting conflicts abroad. Castro slammed John McCain for backing Israel and accused both of being involved in the creation of ISIL terrorist group. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1SPjBL |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Skepticism raised over British PM's anti-ISIL measures British media on Tuesd... http://www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistsForSyria/posts/627102237407041 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:22 Skepticism raised over British PM's anti-ISIL measures British media on Tuesday voiced skepticism over "vague" plans announced by Prime Minister David Cameron to counter the threat of extremists travelling to Iraq and Syria to join so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorists. Cameron said that among the measures envisaged was a plan to give border police powers to seize passports from departing would-be militants and restricting the movement of suspects. But he failed to give details or a timetable for implementation and said a proposal to block suspected terrorists from returning to Britain was being looked at. The proposal is a controversial one in international law as it would be illegal to make British nationals "stateless". "He is doing all he can to sound tough without having the detail in place to back up the rhetoric," wrote Rachel Sylvester, a political commentator for the Times. She cited the former head of public prosecutions Ken Macdonald as saying that officials were in "la-la land" if they thought the idea of blocking terrorists would be accepted by the international community. Britain estimates more than 500 of its citizens have joined ISIL terrorists in Iraq and Syria. The Guardian newspaper said Cameron's proposals still left a "gaping hole" in tackling the problem. The Daily Mirror tabloid called the measures "vague" and said there had been little support for them from the Liberal Democrats, the junior coalition partner in Cameron's government. The Daily Mail said the measures were "chaotic". The Financial Times said the proposals could rile Turkey, a major transit point into Syria, which could be forced to host British militants not allowed back to Britain. Skepticism raised over British PM's anti-ISIL measures en.alalam.ir British media on Tuesday voiced skepticism over "vague" plans announced by Prime Minister David Cameron to counter the threat of extremists travelling to Iraq and Syria to join so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorists. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1SPjBL |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Saud al-Faisal Tells Russia: We no Longer Want to Overthrow the Regime in Syria... http://www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistsForSyria/posts/627103297406935 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:27 Saud al-Faisal Tells Russia: We no Longer Want to Overthrow the Regime in Syria Nidal Hamedeh It is noticeable that the Russian role in the scene of the latest events in the Middle East these days is absent, at the time when the United States strongly returns back to Iraq and Syria as the ISIL organization rose and expanded in those two countries. Al-Faisal, PutinAccording to Russian sources in Paris, this public and interim Russian detachment will not exceed the end of October this year, the date of the parliamentary elections in Ukraine. Russia is planning, along with some of the Ukrainian figures, to weaken the power of the enemies of Moscow in the Ukrainian parliament as a prelude to weaken the Ukrainian President (Petro Poroshenko). Its aim is to reach a solution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, after the Russian President stressed to a group of Ukrainian pro-Moscow (Oligarchs) that Russia refuses to annex eastern Ukraine and that it is affected much by the war therein, the same goes for the Ukrainians who are losing hundreds of millions of dollars due to the war in the Eastern areas, which are the center of industry in Ukraine. In view of these developments, the Russian-Saudi contacts have been resumed, the sources said. They confirmed that Moscow, which suspended dialogue with Riyadh after the visit of the former intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan to the Russian capital and his meeting with President Vladimir Putin, told Saudi Arabia that it had accepted to open a new communication channel via the Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal, who visited Moscow twice during the past few weeks. As stated by them, al-Faisal informed the Russian side during his recent visit to Moscow about the new Saudi position on Syria to the effect that Riyadh does not want to overthrow the regime in Damascus, but it rather wants a change in the leadership, particularly in the presidency post. The sources added that the Saudi foreign minister repeated in front of the Russians the idea of a transitional government in Syria preceded by constitutional amendments that modify the powers of the president. It seems in this regard that Saudi Arabia and some of its Western allies want to implement what they call the Iraqi model on Syria, when the understanding led to changing the presidency of the Iraqi government! The sources indicated that the Saudi Crown Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud will visit Paris soon to discuss this issue, to coordinate the efforts with the French side, and to promote the plan internationally, especially with the Russian side. According to them, French President Francois Hollande's call for convening an international conference in Paris under the title (Security in Iraq and the fight against ISIL) aims at raising this issue specifically. Yet, the afore mentioned sources raised questions about the feasibility of the conference to fight ISIL, wondering what will Hollande do as long as he will refrain from dispatching soldiers to the battlefield and as long as he is unable to launch an air war against this organization? "Is he going to tell the attendees that the ISIL is a brutal organization?" The sources added that everybody knows this, for the real purpose of the conference is to open a new international bazaar that calls for the departure of President Assad and for the survival of the regime. Given the absence of any clear strategy by the United States to counter the rising and expanding influence of the ISIL, the mechanism of action of the new Saudi-French plan about Syria does not seem to be viable because of the big difference between the two situations in Iraq and Syria, and all this comes at a time when tensions between Moscow and Paris ran high because of the European sanctions on Russia resulting from the war in Ukraine. In fact, this prevents any serious contact about the Syrian file between the two sides, as there are no signals referring to the possibility of an imminent improvement of relations. The same sources said that Russia does not trust much America's discourse about the ISIL war. They quoted a top-ranked American officer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. (Martin Dempsey), as saying "The American military's effort could take months, but will be limited, and all that we are really doing is painting over the rust". "The American air strikes can affect the Turkish orientations, but cannot offset the inefficiency of others". In the same context, it seems that the West is completely ignoring the situation of its allies in the Syrian opposition with regards to their field disintegration in front of the ISIL, and nothing new happened in the field to make the Syrian President, his Iranian allies, and Russia accept at this time the proposals that they rejected under more difficult and worse conditions. ISIL's film is a film with a long run-time and we are only watching the opening scenes in Saud al-Faisal Tells Russia: We no Longer Want to Overthrow the Regime in Syria www.almanar.com.lb syria saudi arabia russia bandar bin sultan You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1SPjBL |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Remember Iraq! Intelligence officers warn Merkel over Ukraine With the escala... http://www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistsForSyria/posts/627102887406976 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:25 Remember Iraq! Intelligence officers warn Merkel over Ukraine With the escalating Ukrainian crisis towards the top of the agenda at this week's NATO summit in Wales, a group of former US intelligence officers is urging the alliance to be careful before crafting a response and warned German Chancellor Merkel that evidence alleged to show actual encroachment into Ukraine by the Russia lacks substance, like the evidences applied to launch Iraq war. Sixty foreign leaders and dozens of diplomats and defense officials from around the globe will convene at the event this week and are expected to approve a plan that calls for assembling a 4,000-strong "spearhead" force to counter alleged Russia aggressive behavior, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Monday, in the wake of the release of satellite images purported to show the advancement of at least 1,000 Russian troops and artillery into eastern Ukraine. But on the eve of the first major NATO meeting since 2012, a coalition composed of seven former United States intelligence officers is asking the alliance to recall the 2003 invasion of Iraq before authorizing any military action. According to the group, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, the evidence produced by NATO from the Ukrainian-Russian border is on par with the "same dubious, politically 'fixed' kind used 12 years ago to 'justify' the US-led attack on Iraq." "We saw no credible evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq then; we see no credible evidence of a Russian invasion now," reads an excerpt from the memo signed by the VIPS steering group — a coalition composed of former National Security Agency analyst William Binney, retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern, retired US Army Colonel Ann Wright and others — published online over the weekend and addressed to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. "Photos can be worth a thousand words; they can also deceive. We have considerable experience collecting, analyzing and reporting on all kinds of satellite and other imagery, as well as other kinds of intelligence. Suffice it to say that the images released by NATO on August 28 provide a very flimsy basis on which to charge Russia with invading Ukraine," the group added. Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, begged to differ, however. Upon release of the satellite images last week, the UN group held an emergency meeting on Thursday, the likes of which Power said marked the twenty-fourth time the Security Council hosted a meeting "to try to rein in Russia's aggressive acts in Ukraine." "Every single one of those sessions has sent a straight-forward, unified message: Russia, stop this conflict. Russia is not listening," Power added. "We said it when Russia flagrantly violated international law in occupying Crimea. We said it after the shocking downing of Malaysian Airlines flight 17, which took the lives of innocent men, women, children and infants from 11 countries. And we say it today, as Russia's soldiers, tanks, air defense and artillery support and fight alongside separatists as they open a new front in a crisis manufactured in and fueled by Russia." Power's sentiments were countered by Russia's UN representative, Vitaly Churkin, who said, "Russian volunteers in eastern parts of Ukraine" are involved in the conflict, but not the Kremlin. Despite insistence from the State Dept., all-but-one member of the Security Council and NATO, however, VIPS wrote in their statement to Merkel that evidence alleged to show actual encroachment into Ukraine by the Russian military lacks substance. "If the photos that NATO and the US have released represent the best available 'proof' of an invasion from Russia, our suspicions increase that a major effort is under way to fortify arguments for the NATO summit to approve actions that Russia is sure to regard as provocative," reads part of their open letter to Merkel. On her part, Merkel said over the weekend that evidence continues to suggest that Russian President Vladimir Putin is behind attacks on Ukraine. Both Merkel and Obama have said the conflict in eastern Ukraine must be resolved by diplomatic means and not a military response. With intelligence suggesting that Russia continues to move troops across the border, however, Rasmussen, the NATO secretary-general, said the alliance must be ready to respond to any activity in the region at a "very, very short notice," and that "several thousand troops" could be deployed within "very few days" to counter future advancements from the Kremlin. Remember Iraq! Intelligence officers warn Merkel over Ukraine en.alalam.ir With the escalating Ukrainian crisis towards the top of the agenda at this week's NATO summit in Wales, a group of former US intelligence officers is urging the alliance to be careful before crafting a response and warned German Chancellor Merkel that evidence alleged to show actual encroachment int… You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1SPjBL |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Dissident Bahraini Officer Threatens Saudi after It Arrested ISIL Network Abu... http://www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistsForSyria/posts/627103490740249 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:28 Dissident Bahraini Officer Threatens Saudi after It Arrested ISIL Network Abu Issa al-SalmiA dissident Bahraini officer threatened Tuesday Saudi Arabia after it arrested 88 ISIL members who formed a network that planned to carry out terrorist attacks in the kingdom. Abu Issa al-Salmi, who is also an ISIL member, stressed, via Twitter, that ISIL will make Saudi Arabia pay heavy price for its oppression against Sunnites in the kingdom. Dissident Bahraini Officer Threatens Saudi after It Arrested ISIL Network www.almanar.com.lb Dissident Bahraini Officer Threatens Saudi after It Arrested ISIL Network You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1SPjBL |
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com>: Sep 02 11:57PM +0100 Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand No American Arms for Lebanon until Civil Rights for Palestinians Franklin Lamb... http://www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistsForSyria/posts/627103814073550 Sep 2nd 2014, 22:29 No American Arms for Lebanon until Civil Rights for Palestinians Franklin Lamb Mar Elias Palestinian Camp, Beirut Lebanese politicians late this summer are consumed with what they habitually do best. And that is to wring their hands and exclaim 'the sky is falling' while blaming other countries from the US and Wahhabist Saudi Arabia to Shia Iran, Zionist Israel, oil rich Qatar, local sects, rival politicians and various religions for the rise of the so-called ISIL terrorist group and the clear signs that it is heading to Lebanon en route to other destinations, including Palestine. US aircraftIn a video filmed in Raqqa and broadcast this month by Vice News, an Islamic State spokesman announced that the group's priority is "Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and anyone who tries to keep us from liberating Palestine." So will ISIL be invading Lebanon next month as some here are suggesting? Several Lebanese political leaders are convinced that it will and a number also doubt Lebanon can stop them given the thousands of young men who are said to be clawing their way to Syria and Iraq and nearby countries to join them. The US Intelligence Community, comprised of 16 American intelligence agencies, leaked a memo to some in the US Congress estimating that ISIL will soon be able to field a 250,000 person army with possible limitless numbers or wanabe recruits standing by. On 8/28/14 several media outlets in Lebanon quoted Education Minister Elias Bou Saab as reporting to them after a cabinet session that "Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq informed us that thousands of fighters supporting ISIL are on the Syria-Lebanon border waiting orders to advance." Meanwhile, some Lebanese politicians are urging the Obama Administration, which they frequently vilify and blame for the mayhem in the region, to send "swift military assistance to the Lebanese Army and security forces, to stop the Islamist threat faced by Lebanon." On 8/26/14 during a meeting with the representatives of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, including Russian Ambassador Alexander Zasypkin, British Ambassador Tom Fletcher, U.S. Ambassador David Hale, and the French and Chinese Charge D'affairs as well as U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Derek Plumbly, the Speaker of Lebanon's Parliament demanded that "the international community overcome the traditional, protocol mechanism to meet Lebanon's pressing weapons demands as soon as possible." At noon on 8/29/14 the Pentagon will deliver to the to Beirut airport some boots, gear and light ammunition in the presence of a U.S. Embassy delegation and some Lebanese Army officers and no doubt plenty of Lebanese politicians. More than this PR should not be given to Lebanon until it complies with American laws regulating which countries are eligible for US weapons assistance. The announced three billion Saudi grant to the Lebanese army has bogged down partly due to French doubts about who created and are working covertly with ISIL and how the funds should be spent. The route from Syria to Lebanon, despite Syrian government success last spring in taking control of some rebel areas in Qalamoun and around Qusair near Homs and other parts difficult to patrol areas of the Syrian-Lebanese border are still likely Syria to Lebanon 'jihadist fast-tracks' to be used by IS. A compelling case might be made that Lebanon could use US weapons to confront IS. Who would ultimately end up with those arms is not clear. No nation is less threatened by ISIS than the US. As analyst Pat Buchanan recommends, "The Syrians, Turks, Kurds, Iranians and Iraqis have the proximity and manpower to defeat ISIS, they should do this job themselves." There are too many unanswered questions to make the decision to engage in another Middle East war now. There has been far too little public discussion in America about this issue for the White House to convince American to get behind what could be another disastrous military commitment. The Lebanese army admits it can't stop ISIS and it's an open question if Hezbollah can. While the Party of God has had some success fighting rebels in parts of Syria, Aron Lund, a Swedish journalist and analyst who authored several reports on the Syrian opposition reported this week that ISIS "is very interested in setting Lebanon alight and confronting Hezbollah" as a way of drawing fighters to its burgeoning ranks. This observer has heard the same thing. Hezbollah will likely seek to combat the growth of ISIS cells in Lebanon as well as preventing them from crossing the border. Lund claims that to date Hezbollah has fought only the enemies of ISIS and the Assad Regime, i.e. various rebel factions, but never has faced ISIS directly: "As far as I am aware, Hezbollah's main zones of influence in Syria are close to the Lebanese border, in Qalamoun and in the Qusair area, and in the capital Damascus, as well as in some Shiite communities elsewhere, such as in Busra al-Sham. These are not areas when ISIS has been operating so we do not know the results of a ISIL-Hezbollah head-on battle." On 8/25/14, renewed fighting erupted in the Qalamoun border region, where Hezbollah fighters and Syrian regime forces are yet again locked in a fierce battle with rebels, but not yet with the rebels more serious enemy, ISIS. There are aspects of the current crisis that surely need to be addressed in Beirut and Washington when making plans to undermine IS. On 8/27/14 Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam rightly criticized the tense political rhetoric among various political powers locally that in reality represent other countries, saying that "they do not help Lebanon in confronting the security danger of ISIS." One problem in keeping IS out of Lebanon is that the growing appeal of the jihadist organization to Sunni Muslims in Lebanon needs to be addressed with more than repetitive hot air political speeches. The Sunni-Shia deepening conflict is a growing problem and is spreading similar to the way thousands of would-be Sunni jihadists are flooding to IS recruitment and training camps. Informed sources in Ein el Helwe Palestinian camp near Saida, report on what is happening there and in Lebanon's other eleven camps. Detailed discussions are being held by this observer and colleagues with Palestinian friends about who supports ISIL in the camps. Subjects include why some Palestinians support them at all, what percentage of Sunni youth in Lebanon and in the camps are likely to join ISIL if it comes to Lebanon, the effect on Sunni-Shia relations globally and how to destroy the magnet that today is drawing recruits to IS. For Palestinians, a microcosm can be said to be that Lebanon's sects continue to deprive them of the basic civil right even to work and pressure are building not just for an intifada but for a jihadist revolt across Lebanon. Some politicians here who claim to support the Resistance promise to look into the "problem" when ISIS is destroyed. Of course this is putting the cart before the horse and lacks even the faintest credibility. Most politicians and analysts in Lebanon express dismay at the rise of IS and growing support for it, despite its barbaric behavior. Others express surprise that such a group did not emerge years ago given the brutal and repressive Arab regimes, American wars in the region which in combination over the past nearly half-century have repressed their populations and left them with little hope of a better life for themselves and their children. Some well-known and well-paid water carriers for one country or another are flooding the internet with odd claims that no one can possibly understand ISIS unless they first study the evils of Saudi Wahabism. Frankly, this is inaccurate. While there is plenty of abuse in the KSA and regime change is surely coming to the vast Wahabist royal family, the reasons for the ISIS incubation and success lie elsewhere. This observer has spoken with enough ISIL young men to have learned that a surprising number are not all that religious and care less about the Koran or know much, if anything about Saudi Arabia or Wahhabism. It is generally agreed that the fundamental and immediate issues giving rise to IS type groups in this region are three. The historic lack of dignity and freedom allowed to the Arab people by their dictatorial rulers and politicians, the Zionist occupation of Palestine and the growing Sunni-Shia conflict and competition. ISIL is similar in some ways to a malignant tumor or a virus which like other brutal movements, developed and metastasized from despair, disenfranchisement, humiliation, lack of justice, and deprived of freedom or economic opportunity. Blaming one branch of Islam misses the point. Granted that 85% of Saudi's, and a growing number of Muslims globally, while abhorring ISIL brutality feel that elements of Sharia law should be incorporated into the predominant western secular system of law, morality, and human rights. They are correct, in this observers 2-cents worth view. To stop IS from taking hold in a major way in Lebanon, politicians here, including Sunni and Shia political parties, need to reach out to each other and be seen as serious in their calls for 'dialogue'. Iran has a role to play. So does Saudi Arabia. One seemingly modest, but in reality a major remedial action that can be taken immediately to thwart IS plans for domination of Lebanon is to grant the 220,000 Palestinians in Lebanon the elementary civil rights to work. Given the nature of the current political power structure in Lebanon this will be widely seen as a humanitarian act granted by the Shia community to their Sunni Palestinian sisters and brothers still trapped in Lebanon's camp, waiting for Resistance forces to help with their Full Return to their own country, Palestine. If will give Palestinians, especially students preparing for their future cause to reject the pandering and entreaties of ISIL recruiters who today are prowling the smelly sun blocked allies of Lebanon's camps and the now more than 20 'Palestinians gatherings' here. Particularly being targeted for ISIS recruitment are the 90,000 plus Palestinians forced out of Syria's ten camps, including Yarmouk. ISIL feels they, given what happened to them in Syria, are the more 'ripe' pros pects for becoming violent jihadists heading for occupied Palestine. This long ignored obligation of granting civil rights to Palestinians in Lebanon will bring Lebanon into compliance with US laws. This will allow for the legal transfers of American arms to Lebanon to fight ISIL. American laws prohibit the transfer of US arms to countries that engage in serial violations of human rights which Lebanon has done for decades with respect to outlawing the right to work to Palestinian refugees. No other country on earth, including the Zionist apartheid regime still occupying Palestine deprives Palestinian of this fundamental birthright. Rights enjoyed by every other refugee in the world and every foreigner whose foot touches the tarmac at Beirut airport on arrival to this claimed democracy and proud signatory to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Moreover, the Shia led Resistance reaching out to the Sunni Palestinians caged in Lebanon's camps, gasping for air these torrid humid days in worse conditions even than camps in Gaza will indelibly stamp an historic imprimatur to the Resistance victory in Gaza of August 2014. Within this context it is appropriate to consider whether the US government, based on international and domestic law, is obligated to cut military aid and cease the transfer of weapons to Lebanon. According to the International Law Commission (ILC), the official UN body that codifies customary international law, "A State which aids or assists another State in the commission of an internationally wrongful act by the latter is internationally responsible for doing so if: (a) that State does so with knowledge of the circumstances of the internationally wrongful act; and (b) the act would be internationally wrongful if committed by that State" (Article 16 of the International Law Commission, "Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts," (2001) which were commended by the General Assembly, A/RES/56/83). Section 502B of the US Foreign Assistance Act stipulates that "no security assistance may be provided to any country the government of which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights." And section 4 of the Arms Export Control Act prohibits the shipments arms to nations that engage is consistent violations of human rights. Lebanon has for six decades engaged in "consistent violations of human rights" of Palestinian refugees and continues to expand its violations of international humanitarian law as in 2001 when its Parliament outlawed home ownership for Palestinian refugees. US law could not be clearer on this point and authorizes the supply of US military equipment and training only for lawful purposes including applying international laws that protect refugees and allow them to seek a job until they are able to return home. Given the Obama administration's failure, to date, to hold Lebanon accountable for its violations of US laws, it has become complicit in the violation of the most basic civil rights of Palestinians in Lebanon. The General Assembly of the United Nations imposed an embargo on the export of arms to the apartheid regime in South Africa during the second half of the last century, which fully applies to the situation of Palestinians in the face of repeated Lebanese violations of the right to work and to own a home. American arms to Lebanon and/or to every country in this region will not defeat ISIS, staunch its growing support or turn the masses against it. Justice will. Granting citizens dignity, economic opportunity, the ability to impact their and their children own lives positively will. To turn the ISIS tide, near the top of the list of Lebanon's best defensive initiatives is the investment of 90 minutes of Parliaments time to grant elementary civil rights to Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. This simple humanitarian act, required by US Arms Export laws and international humanitarian law would lend some credence to claims of "our religious, moral, political, Arab Nationalist and Resistance obligation which is our bloodstream Palestinian cause" that one hears so facially brandied about across elements of the Lebanese political spectrum. It is long overdue for Lebanese politicians to grant Palestinian refugees the elementary civil rights to work and to own a home. They should and are well advised do it now. No American Arms for Lebanon until Civil Rights for Palestinians www.almanar.com.lb franklin palestinian refugees US arms lebanon You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1SPjBL |
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