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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

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    "Dunia adalah penjara bagi orang beriman dan surga bagi orang kafir." (H.R. muslim)
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:27
    "Dunia adalah penjara bagi orang beriman dan surga bagi orang kafir." (H.R. muslim)
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

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    Kami Akan membacakan AlQur'an kepadamu ,maka kamu tidak Akan Lupa .
    Kecuali apa yg dikehendaki Allah ,sesungguhnya DIA mengetahui yg terang dan yg tersembunyi .
    Maka berilah peringatan ,karena peringatan itu sungguh Berguna ,orang2 yg takut kepada Allah Akan menerima peringatan itu .dan orang2 yg kafir Akan menjauhinya ,yg Akan masuk Kedalam API yg besar (Neraka)
    Kemudian dia tidak mati didalamnya dan juga tidak pula hidup.
    (QS AL A'LA 6 s/d 13 )
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:27
    Kami Akan membacakan AlQur'an kepadamu ,maka kamu tidak Akan Lupa .
    Kecuali apa yg dikehendaki Allah ,sesungguhnya DIA mengetahui yg terang dan yg tersembunyi .
    Maka berilah peringatan ,karena peringatan itu sungguh Berguna ,orang2 yg takut kepada Allah Akan menerima peringatan itu .dan orang2 yg kafir Akan menjauhinya ,yg Akan masuk Kedalam API yg besar (Neraka)
    Kemudian dia tidak mati didalamnya dan juga tidak pula hidup.
    (QS AL A'LA 6 s/d 13 )
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 Search Facebook kafir: AKU FRUSTASI !! AL-QUR'AN MENJAWAB" Janganlah Bersikap Lemah.Dan Janganlah (Pula).Kamu Bersedih Hati, Padahal Kamulah Orang-Orang Yang Paling Tinggi (Derajatnya),Jika Kamu Orang-Orang Yang Beriman. "(QS.Al-Imran:139), AKU TAK DAPAT BERTAHAN !! AL-QUR'AN MENJAWAB" DAN Janganlah Kamu Berputus Asa.Dari Rahmat Allah,Sesungguhnya Tiada Berputus Asa Dari Rahmat Allah. Melainkan Kaum Yang Kafir, "(QS.Yusuf:87), BAGAIMANA CARA MENGHADAPI UJIAN SEBERAT INI" AL-QUR'AN MENJAWAB !! HAI Orang-Orang Yang Beriman,Bersabarlah Kamu Dan Kuatkanlah Kesabaranmu Dan Tetaplah Bersiap Siaga (Diperbatasan Negrimu),Dan Bertakwalah Kepada Allah. Supaya Kamu Beruntung. (QS.Ali-Imraan:200) JADIKANLAH Sabar Dan Shalat Sebagai Penolongmu.Dan Sesungguhnya Yang Demikian Itu Sungguh Berat, Kecuali Bagi Orang-Orang Yang Khuyuk. "(QS.Al-Baqarah:45) Subhanallaah.... Walhamdulillaah... Walaa'ILAAHA ILLALLAH ALLAHU'AKBAR... Semoga Bermanfaat ==================
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

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    Search Facebook kafir
    Janganlah Bersikap Lemah.Dan Janganlah (Pula).Kamu Bersedih Hati,
    Padahal Kamulah Orang-Orang Yang Paling Tinggi
    (Derajatnya),Jika Kamu Orang-Orang Yang Beriman.
    DAN Janganlah Kamu Berputus Asa.Dari Rahmat Allah,Sesungguhnya Tiada Berputus Asa Dari Rahmat Allah.
    Melainkan Kaum Yang Kafir,
    HAI Orang-Orang Yang Beriman,Bersabarlah Kamu Dan Kuatkanlah Kesabaranmu Dan Tetaplah Bersiap Siaga (Diperbatasan Negrimu),Dan Bertakwalah Kepada Allah.
    Supaya Kamu Beruntung.
    JADIKANLAH Sabar Dan Shalat Sebagai Penolongmu.Dan Sesungguhnya Yang Demikian Itu Sungguh Berat,
    Kecuali Bagi Orang-Orang Yang Khuyuk.
    Semoga Bermanfaat
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:27
    Janganlah Bersikap Lemah.Dan Janganlah (Pula).Kamu Bersedih Hati,
    Padahal Kamulah Orang-Orang Yang Paling Tinggi
    (Derajatnya),Jika Kamu Orang-Orang Yang Beriman.
    DAN Janganlah Kamu Berputus Asa.Dari Rahmat Allah,Sesungguhnya Tiada Berputus Asa Dari Rahmat Allah.
    Melainkan Kaum Yang Kafir,
    HAI Orang-Orang Yang Beriman,Bersabarlah Kamu Dan Kuatkanlah Kesabaranmu Dan Tetaplah Bersiap Siaga (Diperbatasan Negrimu),Dan Bertakwalah Kepada Allah.
    Supaya Kamu Beruntung.
    JADIKANLAH Sabar Dan Shalat Sebagai Penolongmu.Dan Sesungguhnya Yang Demikian Itu Sungguh Berat,
    Kecuali Bagi Orang-Orang Yang Khuyuk.
    Semoga Bermanfaat
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 Search Facebook kafir: Are Demonstrations Allowed??Allah designated for this Ummah people who will protect His Deen, and who will facilitate their affairs and make them on a level of sincerity and understanding; among them Allah raised 'Ulemaa, people of understanding, people trustworthy working day and night around the world, people who whenever they see munkr, they forbid it, whenever they see Taghout and Kuffar, they go against it.Allah established this Deen by the Sahabah and by the Tabi'een and the Tabi Tabi'een, he designated this Ummah with Ulemaa like Sufyan Al Thawree, Sufyan Al Uyayna, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Al Uzaa'ee, Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Maalik, Imam Shafi'i, Imam Ahmed and many other scholars later like ibn Qayyim, ibn Taymiyyah all the way to Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and after. Seeking the knowledge is Fard, but seeking the knowledge is two types; one is Fard 'ayn and one is Fard kifayah. The ilm that is Fard to seek is the Ilm Al Dharouri, the ilm that he cannot fulfil his obligation if he did not understand or study, the other Ilm is Fard Kifayah to understand or study it and it does not take priority over other duties. The Jihad today is Fard 'ayn, it takes priority over the kifayah ilm seeking, if it was offensive jihad, it is also kifayah and seeking ilm may take priority. We have to understand the foundation of the Deen, people usually ask for a particular mas'alah, but in any topic of ibaadah, you have to study the arkaan (pillars) of it, the waajibaat of it, the foundations, prohibitions, the recommendations etc. Similarly if we want to study about Al Mudhaaharaat (demonstration) we have to know about its objective, its means etc, it is not just a matter of saying allowed or not allowed. If we study this topic, we find that the Shari'ah terms are very important. Nobody will dispute or disagree that to help Muslims is Fard and to cooperate with Muslims is Fard, that it is Fard to support our Muslim Ummah. Al Mudhaaharah in the Arabic language is "support", it is narrated in Sunan Daarimi that Ali ibn Taalib said, "I fought on the day of Badr and supported (dhaaharah) the Muslims"Allah asked us to have walaa to the believers, part of that is to support them. Allah (swt) says, "Allah forbids you to have relationship with those who fight you because of your Deen ... and those who support them." When we mention demonstrations, we are speaking about support and this is one of the best forms of support for the one who is far away from us and we cannot reach them. Demonstrations are a means to support our Deen the way the Kuffar also demonstrate and support their Kufr, Allah (swt) says, "The Kafir demonstrates (Dhaheera) his Kufr" We need to understand the term Mudhaaharah (demonstrations), Imam Al Khattabi defined the term demonstration and he understood from it that the support in demonstrations must be in relation to the ones who are oppressed and are struggling for liberation, as Allah (swt) says, "If they seek help from you in the Deen, support them" The demonstration is boosting the morale of the Muslims in a time of weakness, it is a form of creating a high profile for Islam; it is a form of support. It is a noble thing not something evil. The demonstration motivates the Muslims and it makes them aware about their Muslim brothers. The demonstration is a form of rejecting the evil, a form of commanding good and forbidding evil. That is exactly what the prophet (saw) did. So the demonstration is not something Bid'ah and it does have evidences and anybody who speaks about demonstrations must understand the reality of the demonstration. Evidence for DemonstrationsThere were many demonstrations, circles, rallies and public gathering by the Messenger of Muhammad (saw) and his companions.... Here are some of the demonstrations:1- The Rally of Muzaaharat-us-Sadi'in in Makkah by the messenger and all his companions, after the verse 94 in Chapter of Al-Hijr. Allah (swt) says: " Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah" [EMQ 15:94].. Refer to seerat Ibn Katheer V1 and ibn Hishaam and Tafseer Ibn A'bbaas. 2- The Public Address to a big gathering of people by Abu Bakr (ra), Abu Zarr (ra), Ibn Mass'oud (ra)..etc… in Makkah with the knowledge of the Messenger (saw) . (refer to Nihayat l-Irab for Imaam Al-Muwairie, Seerat Ibn Hisham, Maghaazi Ibn Ishaaq and Musnad Imaam Ahmad, 3- The Public Gathering of the Messenger (saw) and few of his companions to the people of Quraish,(day of -Yaum Al-Gharaneeq) which become the biggest demonstration. Refer to Bukhari, Muslim, and Al-Seerah Al-Halabiyyah. 4- The Demonstration of Umar Bin Al-Khattab 5- The Rally of Al-Israa 6- The Public Debates of U'kaaz (Seasons of the Intellectualchallenge) 7- The Public address in the Season of "Al-Ashurr Al-Hurum" 8- The Public gathering of Hassan bin Thabit demonstrates against Quraish by reciting publicly his poets. (Kitaab ibn Al-Atheer). 9- The day of Al-Saqeefah (Ijmaa' Al-Sahabah). 10- The day of Al-Tahkeem (Ijmaa' Al-Sahabah). 11- The days of Hajj 12- The days of Eid The above are some evidences and incidents.We find it in Kitab Al Hulya Al Awliyaa v.1, ibn Abbas narrated, how he asked "O Rasulullah, are we not on Haq whether we die or stay alive?" He (saw) said, "indeed, by the one whose hand is my soul, you are on the Haq whether dead or alive" so ibn Abbas said, "so why are we hiding? By the one who sent you with the truth, we should come out!" and they went out in two lines Hamza in one and Umar with the other. They came out until they went to the Ka'bah and the Quraish looked to Hamza and Umar and they were so depressed. The prophet (saw) called Umar that day 'Al Farouq'." It is mentioned in Al Isaabah that Muhammad ibn Uthman ibn abi Sheebah narrated from ibn Abbas the story about how Umar came to Islam and that "He went out with Hamza in two lines with the Muslims" So the prophet (saw) gave consent and went out with them in a demonstration, so is that Haram? That is the danger of the one who speaks without ilm about the evidences. We find further evidence in the incident when the Ayat of disciplining the women were revealed, some men started to beat their wives and the women came out in a huge demonstration and complained that some men take advantage and beat their wives without fulfilling the conditions. Moreover, Nuh (as) used to call the people day and night and go door to door, Muslims went to Abyssinia and they took a stand publicly in front of the King and the prophet consented. Moreover there was a huge gathering and demonstration in the Bay'ah to the prophet (saw) under the tree. The demonstration is not a new phenomenon. Some people may complain 'what is the benefit'? They should realise that the demonstration is not dispraised and so if someone does not like it, they should remain silent and should not attack the people who do it. Those people only want to cover up that they are cowards, they never command good or forbid evil at all but is still afraid that he will be arrested or that he will be called a terrorist. In fact we did not come across any Alim claiming that demonstrations are Haram, rather the fattawa for demonstrations are everywhere. Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi said that it is allowed and praised those who do them. Even Sheikh Salman Al Awdah said,"We find nothing wrong with it; it is a form of condemning the evil ... and showing support for Muslims."As long as it is free from anything Haram (e.g. whistling, singing etc) the original rules for these kinds of things is that it is permissible and the incident of the prophet (saw) and the companions in Makkah is well documented. Sheikh Ali Al Khudr also said, "Demonstrations are to come out collectively in an organised way for a particular objective; the original rules are that it is permissible. The Muslims are to other Muslims like a block, they support each other, it is a form of jihad, to command good and forbid evil. That gathering is a demonstration and it is the Sunnah of the Anbiyaa." And he also called it the means leading to the Waajib, Sheikh Ali said clearly that demonstrations are allowed and Sheikh Salman Al Awdah (may Allah guide him) also. If we go to all the Ulemaa, even those who we disagree with, they say that it is permitted. It is only some scholars of Al Sa'ud such as Saleh al-Fawzaan, whom it suits them to shout 'Haram!' if there is a demonstration against Al Sa'ud and to say that it is halal or even Fard if it is in favor of Al Sa'ud. Those who say it is permissible, they are all found in prison like Sheikh Sulayman Al Alwaan, who said publicly, "It is permissible by the evidence that our Imam, Ahmed ibn Hanbal was put in prison, and the Ulemaa and talabatul ilm came outside and that was the biggest demonstration, it was the uprising of the Hanabilah to release him."Some people like to speak about it from the angle of benefit and interest, so they always speak about bringing benefit to the Muslim community; we can say, Allah (swt) says, "If they ask you for help, help them" And the prophet (saw) said, "Support your Muslim brother (verbally, financially, physically) whether oppressor or oppressed" So supporting your Muslim brothers collectively, openly and publicly is allowed and that is why ibn Taymiyyah in his time, saw the people demonstrate for his release from captivity and he wrote that it reminded him of the demonstration of the Hanabilah. Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab with his students demonstrated publicly and gathered together ending with fighting, it is a form of jihad, a form carrying Da'wah, a form of commanding good and forbidding evil; it is not Bid'ah. It was done by the prophet (saw) and done by the companions. It is not the case that "whatever the Kuffar do it becomes Haram in our Deen"; rather it is only what is part of their Deen that is Haram for us to do. The demonstration involving women uncovered, or dazzled is not allowed, or with music or for a Haram reason or calling for UN resolutions are all not allowed, demonstrating for the pope and his funeral is not allowed, demonstrations involving swearing etc are not allowed etc. But the demonstration commanding good and forbidding the evil, highlighting the situation of the Muslim Ummah in front of the Kuffar supporting the Muslims is definitely allowed, and there is a lot of benefit for the Muslims as well beside all the evidences. It creates awareness about the current situation because there is no other media, it is an alternative media; it reminds them about what they should do, it motivates those people who do nothing, it boosts the morale, it has a strategic outcome, it puts pressure in order for Muslims to interact; that support in the form of demonstrations will put pressure on the government; it is an opportunity as well for the Ulemaa to meet the masses and the masses to meet the Ulemaa, it is a form of demonstrating the ilm and there is no single qualified Alim that forbade it. We need to forget about those fake 'salafis', they are people who are muqallid, they are just baazis, the benefit in demonstrations is a lot; the Ulemaa on the street is different than seeing them on satellite, and it will create anarchy at the right time, it will train the Muslims to create anarchy for the Kuffar, it is a way to let the enemy know that the Muslims are not sleeping, that they are not fighting only a small group of Mujahideen rather they are fighting an entire Ummah; it will send signals to those oppressed that there is an Ummah that will not leave them, an Ummah that supports them. Those who say that demonstrations are not allowed in Islam:Firstly, you must understand that working to establish the Khilafah is fard but has nothing to do with the obligation to fight against occupiers and the obligation to help Muslims in crisis….i.e. working to establish the Khilafah in not a divine prerequisite to the obligation of Jihad or dawa, Amr and Nahie etc…Secondly, you must understand that da'wah, Calling to Islam, command good and forbid evil, culturing, teaching Islam or tease the enemy is fard unrestricted by a particular style or means such as: 1- Circles (halaqaat), 2- Conferences (Mutamaraat),3- Rallies (Mahrajanaat),4- Public gathering (tajammu'aat),5- Demonstrations (Mudharaat),6- Seminars (Nadawaat),7- Exhibitions (Ma'aaredh),8- Stalls (bastaat).. etc..etc.... etc… Therefore your question is wrong.... The correct question is: where is the evidence that the above styles and means are prohibited!!? (if you do not provide a divine evidence (no Ration) you become sinful and it may leads to Riddah!!Verily it is a good deed and will not go unrewarded, Allah (swt) says,"Whenever they suffer from thirst or weariness or hunger in God's cause, and whenever they take any step which confounds those who deny the truth, and whenever there comes to them from the enemy whatever may be destined for them a good deed is recorded in their favour. Verily, God does not fail to requite the doers of good!" [EMQ 9:120]The Objective of Demonstrations:The demonstrations objective is not to make the government change its stance or to request the government for any right. Rather Allah (swt) says in the Quran, "And prepare against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to frighten thereby the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them, whom you do not know (but) Allah knows them; and whatever thing you will spend in Allahs way, it will be paid back to you fully and you shall not be dealt with unjustly." [8:60]So our objective is as follows: 1. To put fear in the heart of the enemy. 2. To utilize and channel the energy of the Ummah for the right cause (i.e. Khilafah, mother of all duties) 3. To make a gap between the rulers and the masses inorder to move the masses against the rulers (enjoing good and forbidding evil) These 3 objectives must be kept in mind as well as to know that demonstartions are a style and not method as method is exposing and seeking Nussrah, but we stress on this style as this is the sunnah of the Messenger (saw) and we are told to make him our example "Certainly there is for you in them a good example, for him who fears Allah and the last day; and whoever turns back, then surely Allah is the Self-sufficient, the Praised" [60:6]
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

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    Are Demonstrations Allowed??
    Allah designated for this Ummah people who will protect His Deen, and who will facilitate their affairs and make them on a level of sincerity and understanding; among them Allah raised 'Ulemaa, people of understanding, people trustworthy working day and night around the world, people who whenever they see munkr, they forbid it, whenever they see Taghout and Kuffar, they go against it.
    Allah established this Deen by the Sahabah and by the Tabi'een and the Tabi Tabi'een, he designated this Ummah with Ulemaa like Sufyan Al Thawree, Sufyan Al Uyayna, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Al Uzaa'ee, Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Maalik, Imam Shafi'i, Imam Ahmed and many other scholars later like ibn Qayyim, ibn Taymiyyah all the way to Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and after.

    Seeking the knowledge is Fard, but seeking the knowledge is two types; one is Fard 'ayn and one is Fard kifayah. The ilm that is Fard to seek is the Ilm Al Dharouri, the ilm that he cannot fulfil his obligation if he did not understand or study, the other Ilm is Fard Kifayah to understand or study it and it does not take priority over other duties. The Jihad today is Fard 'ayn, it takes priority over the kifayah ilm seeking, if it was offensive jihad, it is also kifayah and seeking ilm may take priority.

    We have to understand the foundation of the Deen, people usually ask for a particular mas'alah, but in any topic of ibaadah, you have to study the arkaan (pillars) of it, the waajibaat of it, the foundations, prohibitions, the recommendations etc. Similarly if we want to study about Al Mudhaaharaat (demonstration) we have to know about its objective, its means etc, it is not just a matter of saying allowed or not allowed. If we study this topic, we find that the Shari'ah terms are very important. Nobody will dispute or disagree that to help Muslims is Fard and to cooperate with Muslims is Fard, that it is Fard to support our Muslim Ummah.

    Al Mudhaaharah in the Arabic language is "support", it is narrated in Sunan Daarimi that Ali ibn Taalib said,

    "I fought on the day of Badr and supported (dhaaharah) the Muslims"
    Allah asked us to have walaa to the believers, part of that is to support them. Allah (swt) says,

    "Allah forbids you to have relationship with those who fight you because of your Deen ... and those who support them."

    When we mention demonstrations, we are speaking about support and this is one of the best forms of support for the one who is far away from us and we cannot reach them. Demonstrations are a means to support our Deen the way the Kuffar also demonstrate and support their Kufr, Allah (swt) says,

    "The Kafir demonstrates (Dhaheera) his Kufr"

    We need to understand the term Mudhaaharah (demonstrations), Imam Al Khattabi defined the term demonstration and he understood from it that the support in demonstrations must be in relation to the ones who are oppressed and are struggling for liberation, as Allah (swt) says,

    "If they seek help from you in the Deen, support them"

    The demonstration is boosting the morale of the Muslims in a time of weakness, it is a form of creating a high profile for Islam; it is a form of support. It is a noble thing not something evil. The demonstration motivates the Muslims and it makes them aware about their Muslim brothers. The demonstration is a form of rejecting the evil, a form of commanding good and forbidding evil.

    That is exactly what the prophet (saw) did. So the demonstration is not something Bid'ah and it does have evidences and anybody who speaks about demonstrations must understand the reality of the demonstration.

    Evidence for Demonstrations
    There were many demonstrations, circles, rallies and public gathering by the Messenger of Muhammad (saw) and his companions.... Here are some of the demonstrations:
    1- The Rally of Muzaaharat-us-Sadi'in in Makkah by the messenger and all his companions, after the verse 94 in Chapter of Al-Hijr. Allah (swt) says: " Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah" [EMQ 15:94].. Refer to seerat Ibn Katheer V1 and ibn Hishaam and Tafseer Ibn A'bbaas.

    2- The Public Address to a big gathering of people by Abu Bakr (ra), Abu Zarr (ra), Ibn Mass'oud (ra)..etc… in Makkah with the knowledge of the Messenger (saw) . (refer to Nihayat l-Irab for Imaam Al-Muwairie, Seerat Ibn Hisham, Maghaazi Ibn Ishaaq and Musnad Imaam Ahmad,

    3- The Public Gathering of the Messenger (saw) and few of his companions to the people of Quraish,(day of -Yaum Al-Gharaneeq) which become the biggest demonstration. Refer to Bukhari, Muslim, and Al-Seerah Al-Halabiyyah.

    4- The Demonstration of Umar Bin Al-Khattab

    5- The Rally of Al-Israa

    6- The Public Debates of U'kaaz (Seasons of the Intellectual

    7- The Public address in the Season of "Al-Ashurr Al-Hurum"

    8- The Public gathering of Hassan bin Thabit demonstrates against Quraish by reciting publicly his poets. (Kitaab ibn Al-Atheer).

    9- The day of Al-Saqeefah (Ijmaa' Al-Sahabah).

    10- The day of Al-Tahkeem (Ijmaa' Al-Sahabah).

    11- The days of Hajj

    12- The days of Eid

    The above are some evidences and incidents.
    We find it in Kitab Al Hulya Al Awliyaa v.1, ibn Abbas narrated, how he asked

    "O Rasulullah, are we not on Haq whether we die or stay alive?" He (saw) said, "indeed, by the one whose hand is my soul, you are on the Haq whether dead or alive" so ibn Abbas said, "so why are we hiding? By the one who sent you with the truth, we should come out!" and they went out in two lines Hamza in one and Umar with the other. They came out until they went to the Ka'bah and the Quraish looked to Hamza and Umar and they were so depressed. The prophet (saw) called Umar that day 'Al Farouq'."

    It is mentioned in Al Isaabah that Muhammad ibn Uthman ibn abi Sheebah narrated from ibn Abbas the story about how Umar came to Islam and that

    "He went out with Hamza in two lines with the Muslims"

    So the prophet (saw) gave consent and went out with them in a demonstration, so is that Haram? That is the danger of the one who speaks without ilm about the evidences. We find further evidence in the incident when the Ayat of disciplining the women were revealed, some men started to beat their wives and the women came out in a huge demonstration and complained that some men take advantage and beat their wives without fulfilling the conditions.

    Moreover, Nuh (as) used to call the people day and night and go door to door, Muslims went to Abyssinia and they took a stand publicly in front of the King and the prophet consented.

    Moreover there was a huge gathering and demonstration in the Bay'ah to the prophet (saw) under the tree. The demonstration is not a new phenomenon.

    Some people may complain 'what is the benefit'? They should realise that the demonstration is not dispraised and so if someone does not like it, they should remain silent and should not attack the people who do it. Those people only want to cover up that they are cowards, they never command good or forbid evil at all but is still afraid that he will be arrested or that he will be called a terrorist.

    In fact we did not come across any Alim claiming that demonstrations are Haram, rather the fattawa for demonstrations are everywhere. Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi said that it is allowed and praised those who do them.

    Even Sheikh Salman Al Awdah said,
    "We find nothing wrong with it; it is a form of condemning the evil ... and showing support for Muslims."
    As long as it is free from anything Haram (e.g. whistling, singing etc) the original rules for these kinds of things is that it is permissible and the incident of the prophet (saw) and the companions in Makkah is well documented.

    Sheikh Ali Al Khudr also said,

    "Demonstrations are to come out collectively in an organised way for a particular objective; the original rules are that it is permissible. The Muslims are to other Muslims like a block, they support each other, it is a form of jihad, to command good and forbid evil. That gathering is a demonstration and it is the Sunnah of the Anbiyaa."

    And he also called it the means leading to the Waajib, Sheikh Ali said clearly that demonstrations are allowed and Sheikh Salman Al Awdah (may Allah guide him) also.

    If we go to all the Ulemaa, even those who we disagree with, they say that it is permitted. It is only some scholars of Al Sa'ud such as Saleh al-Fawzaan, whom it suits them to shout 'Haram!' if there is a demonstration against Al Sa'ud and to say that it is halal or even Fard if it is in favor of Al Sa'ud.

    Those who say it is permissible, they are all found in prison like Sheikh Sulayman Al Alwaan, who said publicly,

    "It is permissible by the evidence that our Imam, Ahmed ibn Hanbal was put in prison, and the Ulemaa and talabatul ilm came outside and that was the biggest demonstration, it was the uprising of the Hanabilah to release him."
    Some people like to speak about it from the angle of benefit and interest, so they always speak about bringing benefit to the Muslim community; we can say, Allah (swt) says,

    "If they ask you for help, help them"
    And the prophet (saw) said,

    "Support your Muslim brother (verbally, financially, physically) whether oppressor or oppressed"

    So supporting your Muslim brothers collectively, openly and publicly is allowed and that is why ibn Taymiyyah in his time, saw the people demonstrate for his release from captivity and he wrote that it reminded him of the demonstration of the Hanabilah.

    Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab with his students demonstrated publicly and gathered together ending with fighting, it is a form of jihad, a form carrying Da'wah, a form of commanding good and forbidding evil; it is not Bid'ah. It was done by the prophet (saw) and done by the companions.

    It is not the case that "whatever the Kuffar do it becomes Haram in our Deen"; rather it is only what is part of their Deen that is Haram for us to do. The demonstration involving women uncovered, or dazzled is not allowed, or with music or for a Haram reason or calling for UN resolutions are all not allowed, demonstrating for the pope and his funeral is not allowed, demonstrations involving swearing etc are not allowed etc.

    But the demonstration commanding good and forbidding the evil, highlighting the situation of the Muslim Ummah in front of the Kuffar supporting the Muslims is definitely allowed, and there is a lot of benefit for the Muslims as well beside all the evidences.

    It creates awareness about the current situation because there is no other media, it is an alternative media; it reminds them about what they should do, it motivates those people who do nothing, it boosts the morale, it has a strategic outcome, it puts pressure in order for Muslims to interact; that support in the form of demonstrations will put pressure on the government; it is an opportunity as well for the Ulemaa to meet the masses and the masses to meet the Ulemaa, it is a form of demonstrating the ilm and there is no single qualified Alim that forbade it.

    We need to forget about those fake 'salafis', they are people who are muqallid, they are just baazis, the benefit in demonstrations is a lot; the Ulemaa on the street is different than seeing them on satellite, and it will create anarchy at the right time, it will train the Muslims to create anarchy for the Kuffar, it is a way to let the enemy know that the Muslims are not sleeping, that they are not fighting only a small group of Mujahideen rather they are fighting an entire Ummah; it will send signals to those oppressed that there is an Ummah that will not leave them, an Ummah that supports them.

    Those who say that demonstrations are not allowed in Islam:
    Firstly, you must understand that working to establish the Khilafah is fard but has nothing to do with the obligation to fight against occupiers and the obligation to help Muslims in crisis….i.e. working to establish the Khilafah in not a divine prerequisite to the obligation of Jihad or dawa, Amr and Nahie etc…
    Secondly, you must understand that da'wah, Calling to Islam, command good and forbid evil, culturing, teaching Islam or tease the enemy is fard unrestricted by a particular style or means such as:

    1- Circles (halaqaat),

    2- Conferences (Mutamaraat),
    3- Rallies (Mahrajanaat),
    4- Public gathering (tajammu'aat),
    5- Demonstrations (Mudharaat),
    6- Seminars (Nadawaat),
    7- Exhibitions (Ma'aaredh),
    8- Stalls (bastaat).. etc..etc.... etc…

    Therefore your question is wrong....
    The correct question is: where is the evidence that the above styles and means are prohibited!!? (if you do not provide a divine evidence (no Ration) you become sinful and it may leads to Riddah!!
    Verily it is a good deed and will not go unrewarded, Allah (swt) says,
    "Whenever they suffer from thirst or weariness or hunger in God's cause, and whenever they take any step which confounds those who deny the truth, and whenever there comes to them from the enemy whatever may be destined for them a good deed is recorded in their favour. Verily, God does not fail to requite the doers of good!" [EMQ 9:120]
    The Objective of Demonstrations:
    The demonstrations objective is not to make the government change its stance or to request the government for any right.

    Rather Allah (swt) says in the Quran,

    "And prepare against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to frighten thereby the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them, whom you do not know (but) Allah knows them; and whatever thing you will spend in Allahs way, it will be paid back to you fully and you shall not be dealt with unjustly." [8:60]
    So our objective is as follows:

    1. To put fear in the heart of the enemy.

    2. To utilize and channel the energy of the Ummah for the right cause (i.e. Khilafah, mother of all duties)

    3. To make a gap between the rulers and the masses inorder to move the masses against the rulers (enjoing good and forbidding evil)

    These 3 objectives must be kept in mind as well as to know that demonstartions are a style and not method as method is exposing and seeking Nussrah, but we stress on this style as this is the sunnah of the Messenger (saw) and we are told to make him our example

    "Certainly there is for you in them a good example, for him who fears Allah and the last day; and whoever turns back, then surely Allah is the Self-sufficient, the Praised" [60:6]
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:27
    Are Demonstrations Allowed??
    Allah designated for this Ummah people who will protect His Deen, and who will facilitate their affairs and make them on a level of sincerity and understanding; among them Allah raised 'Ulemaa, people of understanding, people trustworthy working day and night around the world, people who whenever they see munkr, they forbid it, whenever they see Taghout and Kuffar, they go against it.
    Allah established this Deen by the Sahabah and by the Tabi'een and the Tabi Tabi'een, he designated this Ummah with Ulemaa like Sufyan Al Thawree, Sufyan Al Uyayna, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Al Uzaa'ee, Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Maalik, Imam Shafi'i, Imam Ahmed and many other scholars later like ibn Qayyim, ibn Taymiyyah all the way to Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and after.

    Seeking the knowledge is Fard, but seeking the knowledge is two types; one is Fard 'ayn and one is Fard kifayah. The ilm that is Fard to seek is the Ilm Al Dharouri, the ilm that he cannot fulfil his obligation if he did not understand or study, the other Ilm is Fard Kifayah to understand or study it and it does not take priority over other duties. The Jihad today is


    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

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    Apa Bezanya Makrifat Tok Kenali dengan Makrifat Lain?-
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:28
    Sejahteralah ke atas Diri yang empunya Diri !
    Hamba adalah peminat baru laman web; Hamba amat tertarik di atas segala kupasan ilmu makrifat yang diterangkan oleh Yang Arif Tuan Guru Hj Shaari Bin Hj Mohd Yusuf. Setiap kupasan dan penerangan beliau berikan, membuatkan hamba tergamam tanpa kata-kata dek kerana baru  faham akan ilmu ini. Tergamam kerana baru tahu yang ilmu makrifat ini sebenarnya AMAT mudah untuk difahami kerana tiada yang terselindung melainkan segalanya jelas nyata, cuma samada kita mahu mengambil tahu atau tidak akan segala apa yang nyata itu.
    Di kesempatan ini, hamba teringin untuk memberi pendapat di atas tajuk yang dibicarakan. Pendapat kosong yang datang dari diri yang tidak ber-diri, yang cuba mencari faham buat dirinya sendiri. Jika salah, harap ampunilah hamba dan mohon tunjukkan lah hamba akan kebenaran. Hamba budak baru belajar, diri jahil lagi kosong dan tidak tahu apa-apa, cuma menzahirkan apa terzahir.
    Soalan : Apa Bezanya Makrifat Tok Kenali dengan Makrifat Lain?
    Sebelum menjawap soalan ini, hamba ingin mengulas tentang jawapan yang dikupas oleh Tuan Guru Hj Shaari.
    Setelah membaca penerangan Tuan Guru Hj Shaari, hamba membuat rumusan bahawa Tuan Guru membezakan makrifat Tok Kenali dengan Makrifat lain dengan satu perbezaan, iaitu "GURU" makrifat itu sendiri. Penerangan Tuan Guru dari fakta No 1 hingga No 11 semuanya menyentuh tentang perbezaan dan ciri-ciri "GURU".
    Hamba BERSETUJU di atas jawapan Tuan Guru !!
    Hamba baru belajar mengenali ilmu Makrifat Tok Kenali kurang lebih hanya SATU BULAN yang lalu melalui Buku "Mengenal Diri" Tok Kenali, yang secara tidak sengaja diajukan kepada hamba oleh seorang pemuda yang menjual buku dan minyak wangi di sebuah masjid, tatkala hamba selesai solat zohor. Sejak membaca buku itu, segalanya berubah. Kehidupan hamba binasa! Hamba tidak lagi dapat melihat, hamba tidak lagi dapat mendengar bahkan mata dan telinga itu juga telah hilang !! Baru hamba faham bahawa yang melihat bukan mata tetapi penglihatan dan yang mendengar bukan telinga tetapi pendengaran, namun penglihatan dan pendengaran itu juga baru hamba tahu yang ianya bukan dari hamba. 
    Selepas membaca buku "Mengenal Diri " Tok Kenali, baru hamba tahu dan baru hamba faham, sebaik-baik kaedah belajar adalah melalui kaedah "MATI" ! Bila telah mati, barulah faham! Bila faham baru KENAL, bila KENAL maka barulah ada  keHIDUPan. Yang HIDUP selepas MATI itulah yang memberi faham !! Inilah yang diajar oleh Guru Ilmu Makrifat Tok Kenali, Hj Shaari Hj Mohd Yusuf yang hamba sendiripun hanya baru sekali bertemu beliau. Hanya melalui pembacaan buku karangannya, hamba mula fahammmm.
    Apa yang menarik, penyampaian dan penerangan yang disampaikan oleh Tuan Guru Hj Shaari amat simple, mudah difahami, tiada perkataan-perkataan Arab yang memeningkan, seperti yang tedapat dalam kebanyakan kitab seumpamanya,  dan jika adapun, telah diberikan maknanya sekali. Tiada rahsia atau sorok-sorok dalam menyampaikan ilmu. Tiada bai'ah, Tiada zikir membilang angka, Tiada syarat, Tiada taksub, Tiada, Tiada dan Tiada kerana Tuan Guru ini mengajar Ilmu yang Tiada!! Disebabkan keTIADAan inilah hamba bertambah teruja dan begitu tertarik sekali untuk mencari ilmu yang Tiada ini kerana hamba merasakan seolah-olah dapat melepaskan rindu dendam terhadap diri hamba yang sudah terlalu lama terabai.
    Justeru itu, hamba sekali lagi menyatakan bahawa hmba bersetuju pada jawapan Tuan Guru Hj Shaari yang beza ilmu makrifat Tok Kenali dengan makrifat lain ialah pada GURU nya. Melalui buku karangan Guru inilah hamba mengenal MATI dan jatuh cinta pada keMATIan.
    Namun, janganlah kita tersalah faham. Sememangnya guru yang mengajar memainkan peranan yang penting dalam memberi faham kepada pelajar. Namun, guru itu juga merupakan makhluk Tuhan, yang tidak berkuasa untuk melakukan segala sesuatu termasuk mengajar dan memberi faham melainkan Tuhan itu sendiri yang melakukannya melalui penzahiran guru. Justeru itu, jangan lah kita taksub mengatakan guru ini betul, guru itu salah, guru sini mursyid, guru sana tolol. Betul atau salah, mursyid atau tolol, semuanya dari Tuhan. Justeru itu, berlapang dada lah dalam berguru. Kalau faham pengajaran guru, tanda Tuhan yang memberi faham. Kalau tidak faham, itu juga kehendak Tuhan yang tidak mahu memberi faham. 
    Guru yang Makrifatullah (Recognize/Kenal Allah) adalah guru yang Arif Billah (Know/Tahu Allah). Dua perkataan penting; Makrifat (Kenal) dan Arif (Tahu). Ini lah yang membezakan martabat seseorang guru. Ada guru yang Arif tetapi tidak Makrifat. Ada guru yang Makrifat tetapi tidak Arif tentang makrifatnya. Beruntunglah bagi mereka yang dapat menemui guru yang Makrifat lagi Arif !
    Tuan Guru dan para pencari ilmu makrifat yang hamba kasihi,
    Hamba berpendapat bahawa Ilmu Makrifat (Ilmu Kenal) ini sama juga seperti bidang-bidang ilmu yang lain, yang mempunyai Dogma (Kepercayaan), fahaman atau aliran-aliran pemikiran tersendiri. 
    Dalam bidang Ilmu Syariat misalnya, terdapat ribuan fahaman dan aliran yang cuba menegakkan kefahaman masing-masing berhubung soal Fiqh, Ibadah, Akhlak, Ekonomi, Politik, Sosial dan sebagainya. Hasilnya, maka tumbuhlah pelbagai dogma, aliran dan mahzab demi menyatakan pendapat-pendapat mereka kepada masyarakat seperti fahaman Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah, Syiah, Wahabi, Shafie, Maliki, Hanbali, Hanafi, Qadariah, Jabbariah, Mukthazilah dan pelbagai lagi.Di dalam bidang ilmu Tarekat pula, ada Tarekat Naqsyabandiah, Syattariah, Qadiriah, Al Arqam, Pemuda Kahfi, Ajaran Ayah Pin, Guru Yaya dan ribuan lagi.Di dalam bidang Ilmu Hakikat, ada fahaman Ilmu Hakikat Insan, Ilmu Hakikat Besi, Ilmu Hakikat Aimmah,  Ilmu Hakikat Latiffah dan sebagainya.Ilmu Makrifat turut mempunyai guru dan pengikut-pengikut yang berbeza fahaman. Ada Ilmu Makrifat Tok Kenali, Ilmu Makrifat Syeikh Siti Jenar, Ilmu Makrifat Wali Songo, Ilmu Makrifat Tok Guru Peramu dan banyak lagi...
    Kepelbagaian fahaman ini tidak terhad di dalam agama Islam sahaja, bahkan ianya meliputi segala agama, meliputi segala ajaran dan meliputi segala pemikiran. Agama Islam, Kristian, Yahudi, Hindu, Ajaran Buddha, Ajaran Sikhism, bahkan dogma Freemason, Illuminati, dan ribuaan lagi, turut mempunyai pelbagai fahaman yang berlainan pengikut. Mereka yang tidak sealiran dengan fahaman ini akan dikatakan sesat oleh fahaman itu. Islam kata selain Islam itu kafir. Kristian kata Kristianlah yang benar, selain Kristian itulah yang kafir. Yahudi kata merekalah kaum pilihan Tuhan, maka Yahudilah yang benar dan selain Yahudi itu kafir ! Hindu pula kata, agama mereka adalah agama tertua, ia wujud sebelum agama-agama lain wujud, maka Hindulah yang benar, selain Hindu itu kafir !
    Kenapa pelbagai fahaman ini timbul dan apakah yang membezakan fahaman-fahaman ini?
    Fahaman atau aliran-aliran ini timbul kerana Kefahaman dan Pencapaian Ilmu yang berbeza, tidak kira samada fahaman itu dipelajari dari Guru atau dari kitab atau dari internet atau dari apapun. Yang membezakan fahaman-fahaman ini pula, hanyalah pada "Anggapan" atau "Perception" akal mereka. "Anggapan" ini bergantung kepada tahap kefahaman dan tingkatan ilmu dalam mencapai hal Arif (Tahu) dan dalam mencapai hal Makrifah (Kenal) kepada Tuhan.
    Contoh "Anggapan" dan perbezaan tingkatan ilmu yang dimaksudkan di atas adalah seperti berikut:
    Setiap agama menyatakan bahawa Tuhan mereka adalah Tuhan yang Esa, yang Maha Kuasa yang hanya SATU. Fakta ini diberikan dalil melalui setiap kitab-kitab suci atau scripture ajaran mereka.
    Islam : 
    Surah Al-Ikhlas 1-4Katakanlah Allah itu SATU. Allah tempat bergantung. Tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan. Tiada sesuatupun yang dapat menyamainya.
    Hindu : 
    Bhagavad-Gita 10:3/9:4Seseorang mengenalku sebagai Yang Tidak Dilahirkan. Sebagai Yang Tidak Bermula. Yang Maha Berkuasa seluruh alam semesta (9:4) Aku berada di mana-mana di seluruh alam semesta dalam bentuk Ku yang tidak terwujud. Semua makhluk hidup berada di dalam diriku, tetapi Aku tidak berada di dalam mereka.
    Kristian :
    Isaiah 44:6Thus said the LORD the King of Isreal and His redeemer the LORD of hosts; I (am) the first and I (am) the last; and besides me (there is) no God.
    Deuteronomy 4:35,39Unto thee it was shown, that thou mightest know the the LORD He is God; there is none else beside him(39) know therefore this day and consider it in the heart, that the LORD he is GOD in heaven above and upon the earth beneath; there is none else
    Sikhsims (Sikh)
    Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 1God is One. He is Supreme Truth. He is creator, is without fear and without hate. He is immortal. He is neither born or does He die. By Guru's grace shall He be met. Chant and Meditate on His Name. In the beginning, He was the truth. Throught the ages, He has been the truth. He is the Truth now and He shall be the Truth forever.
    Tuan-tuan yang dikasihi,
    Dalil di dalam kesemua kitab-kitab agama di atas menunjukkan bahawa Tuhan mereka adalah Tuhan yang Esa, yang Maha Kuasa yang hanya SATU. Dalil di atas ada 5 agama; Islam, Hindu, Kristian, Yahudi dan Sikh. Kalau 5 agama menyatakan Tuhan mereka SATU apakah bermakna sudah ada 5 Tuhan? Apakah dalil dari kitab suci Islam Al Quran itu salah? Begitu juga dengan agama-agama lain. Apakah dalil mereka salah? Kalau salah siapa yang betul? Kalau betul bagaimana betulnya? 
    Perkara ini bukan perkara baru. Ia telah jadi perdebatan sejak dari zaman penciptaan manusia dulu. Pertikaian dan percanggahan pendapat ini berlaku kerana "Andaian" dan perbezaan tingkatan ilmu pada setiap orang. Slogan "Paradigm Shift" atau "Anjakan Paradigma" biasa didengari oleh mereka yang belajar ilmu kemanusiaan. (Para = Tingkatan, Digm = Dogma/Kepercayaan @ Anjakan Tingkat-tingkat Kepercayaan). Jika kita membuat Anjakan Paradigma dengan merubah cara melihat "Andaian", pastinya kita akan faham akan apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh dalil-dalil itu tadi. 
    Pada pandangan hamba, inilah yang cuba disampaikan oleh Tuan Guru Hj Shaari melalui pengajaran Ilmu Makrifat Tok Kenali. Lakukan Anjakan paradigma ! Ubah cara kita melihat, mendengar, merasa, menghidu, menikmati sesuatu, bahkan cara bermimpi pun kita perlu ubah ! Anjakan itu perlu ada penamat. Tingkatan itu perlu khatam. Penamat dan khatam itu, TUHAN !
    Berbalik kepada soalan di atas, dalil, agama dan Tuhan manakah yang betul ?
    Jawapannya :
    Betul atau Tidak adalah bergantung kepada "Andaian" orang yang berfikir. Setiap diri mempunyai akal untuk berfikir, manakan sama fikiran hamba dengan apa yang tuan-tuan fikirkan. Pasti berbeza. Diri itu banyak, maka tentu juga fikiran pun banyak. Bila fikiran banyak, pasti tidak akan sama jawapannya. Ada yang akan kata Oooo... sebenarnya Tuhan inilah yang satu. Di satu pihak yang lain akan kata, Tuhan inilah sebenarnya yang satu dan pihak yang lain pula berpendapat, pada fikirannya, Tuhan agamanya lah yang satu. Makin banyak diri, makin banyaklah fikiran, makin banyak fikiran makin banyak lah jawapan. Namun, yang BANYAK itu bila diubah "Andaian" atau cara melihatnya, yang nampak jelas lagi nyata adalah, DIRI yang SATU itu juga! Yang SATU menampakkan yang BANYAK, yang BANYAK itu juga menampakkan yang SATU. Saling nyata menyata tetapi tidak sama.
    Umpama bila kita membilang jari yang ada pada tangan kanan. Nampak ada 5 jari, tetapi yang 5 jari itu menunjukkan diri ibu jari yang satu. Yang 5 jari itu, menampakkan jari telunjuk yang satu, nampak jari hantu yang satu, nampak jari manis yang satu, nampak jari kelingking yang satu. Yang nampak pada bilangan ada 5 jari, tetapi tetap menunjukkan diri-diri jari lain yang satu.  5 jari pun betul, 1 jari pun betul. 5 menunjukkan yang 1, yang 1 menunjukkan yang 5. Saling nyata menyata tetapi tidak sama. 5 bukan 1, dan 1 bukan 5, tetapi kesemuanya Jari.
    Apa Bezanya Makrifat Tok Kenali dengan Makrifat Lain?
    Jawapan hamba kepada soalan ini adalah :
    Tiada beza tetapi Tidak juga sama. Yang berbeza itu hanya lah pada "Andaian" dan cara mana kita menafsirkannya. Kalau perbezaan yang kita cari, maka perbezaan lah yang dapat. Kalau persamaan yang dicari, maka persamaan lah yang dapat. Kalau GURU yang kita cari, maka GURU lah yang dapat. Kalau faham yang kita cari, maka faham lah yang kita dapat. Kalau Yang Memberi Faham yang kita cari, maka DIA lah yang kita dapat.
    Aliran Ilmu Makrifat manapun yang kita cari, fahaman Tok Kenali ke, fahaman Tok Peramu ke, fahaman Al Hallaj ke, Fahaman Syeikh Situ Jenar ke, semua kebenaran bergantung kepada diri orang yang mencari itu. Semua perbezaan bergantung kepada "Andaian" pemikirannya. Pelajaran Ilmu Makrifat memberitahu jangan berzikir membilang bilangan tasbih, tetapi kalau dengan membilang itu, tuan hamba dapat KENAL dengan Tuhan, kenapa tidak ? Kalau pun belajar Fekah, sebutlah bidang apa sekalipun, namun kalau dengan belajar itu Fekah itu, tuan hamba dapat mengenali Tuhan, kenapa tidak?
    Tuhan berada di mana mana. Pilihlah cara mana tuan-tuan hendak mencariNya. Tepuk dada tanya selera. Kalau nak tepuk dada tanya iman pun boleh. Kalau tak nak tepuk dada dan tak nak tanya sesiapapun boleh.
    Tuhan itu bahasa Rasa BUKAN bahasa Kata-kata. Maka untuk KENAL kepadaNya, RASA Lahhhhhh...
    Ampun Maaf diminta kalau pandagan hamba ini salah.
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    Ay Hamaray Allah Hum Par Wo Baar Na Daal Jisay Uthane Ki Takat Hum May Nahi Aur Hamay Maaf Farma Aur Hamay Bakhash De Aur Hum Par Rahem Farma Too He Hamara Moula Hai Too Kafir Koom Par Galba Atta Farma..,.
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:28
    Ay Hamaray Allah Hum Par Wo Baar Na Daal Jisay Uthane Ki Takat Hum May Nahi Aur Hamay Maaf Farma Aur Hamay Bakhash De Aur Hum Par Rahem Farma Too He Hamara Moula Hai Too Kafir Koom Par Galba Atta Farma..,.
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    Assalaamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokaatuh..!
    Wahai Ummat Islam Yg di mulyakan Allah, berhati_hati jika membeli Alqur'an, karena di dalam Alqur'an ad surat" palsu cetakan terbaru org" kafir La'natullah yaitu ad 4 surat:
    1 Surat Al_iman
    2 Surat Al_wasaya
    3 Surat Al_tasayud
    4 Surat Al_muslimin
    & hati"dgn situs" The Alqur'an dgn isinya tak sesuai dgn pengetahuan kita...
    klik/share & bagikan ke semua sahabat fillah d seluruh dunia !
    :/semoga bermanfaat.
    Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokaatuh...
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:28
    Assalaamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokaatuh..!
    Wahai Ummat Islam Yg di mulyakan Allah, berhati_hati jika membeli Alqur'an, karena di dalam Alqur'an ad surat" palsu cetakan terbaru org" kafir La'natullah yaitu ad 4 surat:
    1 Surat Al_iman
    2 Surat Al_wasaya
    3 Surat Al_tasayud
    4 Surat Al_muslimin
    & hati"dgn situs" The Alqur'an dgn isinya tak sesuai dgn pengetahuan kita...
    klik/share & bagikan ke semua sahabat fillah d seluruh dunia !
    :/semoga bermanfaat.
    Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokaatuh...
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    ''MHUI'' ''Hay orng2 yng beriman,belanjakanlah(di jalan Allah)sebagaimna dari rezeki yng telah kami berikan kepadamu sebelum datang hari yng pada hari itu tidak ada lagi jual beli dan tidak ada lagi persahabatan yng akrab dan tidak ada lagi syafa'at. Dan orng2 kafir itulah orng2 yng dzalim''(QS.Al-Baqarah:254). Isi ayat dlm kitb suci Islam,Al-Qur'an,ini jelas bahwa Allah SWT memerintahkan orng2 beriman untuk membelanjakan harta(sebagaimna rezekinya)di jalan Allah sebagai sarana agar dekat dengan-Nya dan mendapat ridho-Nya.
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:29
    ''MHUI'' ''Hay orng2 yng beriman,belanjakanlah(di jalan Allah)sebagaimna dari rezeki yng telah kami berikan kepadamu sebelum datang hari yng pada hari itu tidak ada lagi jual beli dan tidak ada lagi persahabatan yng akrab dan tidak ada lagi syafa'at. Dan orng2 kafir itulah orng2 yng dzalim''(QS.Al-Baqarah:254). Isi ayat dlm kitb suci Islam,Al-Qur'an,ini jelas bahwa Allah SWT memerintahkan orng2 beriman untuk membelanjakan harta(sebagaimna rezekinya)di jalan Allah sebagai sarana agar dekat dengan-Nya dan mendapat ridho-Nya.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

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    بسم ا للہ الر حمٰن ا لر حیم
    ا لسلا م علیکم و ر حمتہ ا للہ و برکا تہ !
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:29
    بسم ا للہ الر حمٰن ا لر حیم
    ا لسلا م علیکم و ر حمتہ ا للہ و برکا تہ !
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 Search Facebook kafir: APA YANG PALING DEKAT DI DUNIA INI ..? ...Bismillah .. Suatu kali Imam Ghozali pernah berdialog dengan murid-muridnya seperti dibawah ini :Imam Ghozali : "Menurut kalian, apa yang PALING DEKAT di dunia ini?"Murid-murid : "Ayah, ibu, tetangga, dan sebagainya."Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling dekat adalah KEMATIAN. Saking dekatnya tiba-tiba ia sudah sampai di ujung tenggorokan kita (sakaratul maut), dan tinggallah penyesalan di hari kiamat yg tiada berguna. "Imam Ghozali : "Lalu, apakah yang PALING JAUH?"Murid-murid : "Matahari, bulan, bintang, dan lain-lain."Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling jauh adalah MASA LALU kita. Saking jauhnya, takkan mungkin kita kembali padanya. Jangankan masa 30 tahun lalu, sedetik waktu yg baru saja berlalu pun takkan bisa kita hampiri lagi. Dan saking jauhnya, sehebat apapun tekhnologi yang kita miliki dia takkan mampu mengantarkan kita ke masa lalu."Imam Ghozali : "Apa yang PALING BERAT di atas bumi ini?"Murid-murid : "Batu, gunung, besi, dan lain-lain"Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling berat adalah AMANAH yang ALLAH TITIPKAN kepada kita, yaitu ANAK-ANAK. Saat kita meninggal nanti, tak ada yang kita bawa kecuali 3 (tiga) hal yaitu :- Ilmu yg bermanfaat- Amal jariyah- ANAK YANG SOLEH, yang senantiasa mendoakan orangtuanya dan siapa yang tidak berdoa dalam sehari sekali saja untuk kedua orangtuanya, maka terputuslah rahmat Allah baginya.Doa orangtua termasuk salah satu doa yang mustajab, yang pasti dikabulkan oleh Allah, karena tidak ada Hijab antaranya dengan Allah SWT.Tiga doa yang pasti dikabulkan oleh Allah :-Do'a seorang musafir dalam perjalanan- Do'a seseorang yang didzolimi, meskipun ia seorang yang kafir- DO'A ORANG TUA kepada anaknya. Untuk itu wahai orangtua, BERHATI-HATILAH BERUCAP KEPADA ANAK KITA, karena bisa jadi ucapan kita akan DIIJABAH sebagai Do'a.Imam Ghozali : "Lalu, apa yang PALING RINGAN di muka bumi ini?"Murid-murid : "Pasir, kapas, dan lain-lain."Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling ringan adalah MENINGGALKAN SHALAT 5 WAKTU dan itu adalah DOSA PALING BESAR.Kita sering lebih takut telat bila sudah janji dengan klien atau big boss dan kita lebih asyik rapat di kantor atau bergosip dengan teman-teman daripada SHALAT TEPAT WAKTU. SUBHANALLAH
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

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    Bismillah .. Suatu kali Imam Ghozali pernah berdialog dengan murid-muridnya seperti dibawah ini :
    Imam Ghozali : "Menurut kalian, apa yang PALING DEKAT di dunia ini?"
    Murid-murid : "Ayah, ibu, tetangga, dan sebagainya."
    Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling dekat adalah KEMATIAN. Saking dekatnya tiba-tiba ia sudah sampai di ujung tenggorokan kita (sakaratul maut), dan tinggallah penyesalan di hari kiamat yg tiada berguna. "
    Imam Ghozali : "Lalu, apakah yang PALING JAUH?"
    Murid-murid : "Matahari, bulan, bintang, dan lain-lain."
    Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling jauh adalah MASA LALU kita. Saking jauhnya, takkan mungkin kita kembali padanya. Jangankan masa 30 tahun lalu, sedetik waktu yg baru saja berlalu pun takkan bisa kita hampiri lagi. Dan saking jauhnya, sehebat apapun tekhnologi yang kita miliki dia takkan mampu mengantarkan kita ke masa lalu."
    Imam Ghozali : "Apa yang PALING BERAT di atas bumi ini?"
    Murid-murid : "Batu, gunung, besi, dan lain-lain"
    Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling berat adalah AMANAH yang ALLAH TITIPKAN kepada kita, yaitu ANAK-ANAK. Saat kita meninggal nanti, tak ada yang kita bawa kecuali 3 (tiga) hal yaitu :
    - Ilmu yg bermanfaat
    - Amal jariyah
    - ANAK YANG SOLEH, yang senantiasa mendoakan orangtuanya dan siapa yang tidak berdoa dalam sehari sekali saja untuk kedua orangtuanya, maka terputuslah rahmat Allah baginya.Doa orangtua termasuk salah satu doa yang mustajab, yang pasti dikabulkan oleh Allah, karena tidak ada Hijab antaranya dengan Allah SWT.
    Tiga doa yang pasti dikabulkan oleh Allah :
    -Do'a seorang musafir dalam perjalanan
    - Do'a seseorang yang didzolimi, meskipun ia seorang yang kafir
    - DO'A ORANG TUA kepada anaknya. Untuk itu wahai orangtua, BERHATI-HATILAH BERUCAP KEPADA ANAK KITA, karena bisa jadi ucapan kita akan DIIJABAH sebagai Do'a.
    Imam Ghozali : "Lalu, apa yang PALING RINGAN di muka bumi ini?"
    Murid-murid : "Pasir, kapas, dan lain-lain."
    Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling ringan adalah MENINGGALKAN SHALAT 5 WAKTU dan itu adalah DOSA PALING BESAR.
    Kita sering lebih takut telat bila sudah janji dengan klien atau big boss dan kita lebih asyik rapat di kantor atau bergosip dengan teman-teman daripada SHALAT TEPAT WAKTU. SUBHANALLAH
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:30
    Bismillah .. Suatu kali Imam Ghozali pernah berdialog dengan murid-muridnya seperti dibawah ini :
    Imam Ghozali : "Menurut kalian, apa yang PALING DEKAT di dunia ini?"
    Murid-murid : "Ayah, ibu, tetangga, dan sebagainya."
    Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling dekat adalah KEMATIAN. Saking dekatnya tiba-tiba ia sudah sampai di ujung tenggorokan kita (sakaratul maut), dan tinggallah penyesalan di hari kiamat yg tiada berguna. "
    Imam Ghozali : "Lalu, apakah yang PALING JAUH?"
    Murid-murid : "Matahari, bulan, bintang, dan lain-lain."
    Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling jauh adalah MASA LALU kita. Saking jauhnya, takkan mungkin kita kembali padanya. Jangankan masa 30 tahun lalu, sedetik waktu yg baru saja berlalu pun takkan bisa kita hampiri lagi. Dan saking jauhnya, sehebat apapun tekhnologi yang kita miliki dia takkan mampu mengantarkan kita ke masa lalu."
    Imam Ghozali : "Apa yang PALING BERAT di atas bumi ini?"
    Murid-murid : "Batu, gunung, besi, dan lain-lain"
    Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling berat adalah AMANAH yang ALLAH TITIPKAN kepada kita, yaitu ANAK-ANAK. Saat kita meninggal nanti, tak ada yang kita bawa kecuali 3 (tiga) hal yaitu :
    - Ilmu yg bermanfaat
    - Amal jariyah
    - ANAK YANG SOLEH, yang senantiasa mendoakan orangtuanya dan siapa yang tidak berdoa dalam sehari sekali saja untuk kedua orangtuanya, maka terputuslah rahmat Allah baginya.Doa orangtua termasuk salah satu doa yang mustajab, yang pasti dikabulkan oleh Allah, karena tidak ada Hijab antaranya dengan Allah SWT.
    Tiga doa yang pasti dikabulkan oleh Allah :
    -Do'a seorang musafir dalam perjalanan
    - Do'a seseorang yang didzolimi, meskipun ia seorang yang kafir
    - DO'A ORANG TUA kepada anaknya. Untuk itu wahai orangtua, BERHATI-HATILAH BERUCAP KEPADA ANAK KITA, karena bisa jadi ucapan kita akan DIIJABAH sebagai Do'a.
    Imam Ghozali : "Lalu, apa yang PALING RINGAN di muka bumi ini?"
    Murid-murid : "Pasir, kapas, dan lain-lain."
    Imam Ghozali : "Bukan. Yang paling ringan adalah MENINGGALKAN SHALAT 5 WAKTU dan itu adalah DOSA PALING BESAR.
    Kita sering lebih takut telat bila sudah janji dengan klien atau big boss dan kita lebih asyik rapat di kantor atau bergosip dengan teman-teman daripada SHALAT TEPAT WAKTU. SUBHANALLAH
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 Search Facebook kafir: PARA NABI ADALAH PLURALIS 1. Nabi Muhammad saw hidup berdampingan dengan Abu Thalib yang menurut sebagian ulama' "musyrik, kafir" dan semacamnya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya. 2. Nabi Nuh hidup berdampingan dengan Kan'an, salah satu putranya yang tidak mau melaksanakan "syari'at" nya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stgma "sesat" padanya. 3. Nabi Yusuf hidup berdampingan dengan Zulaika, seorang yang cantik jelita yang selalu menggodanya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak kekerasan terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya. 4. Nabi Sulaiman hidup berdampingan dengan Ratu Balqis yang penyembah api (sebelum mengikuti millah-nya). Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya. 5. Nabi Luth hidup berdampingan dengan istrinya yang tak mau mengikuti "syari'at" nya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya. 6. Nabi Daud yang ahli puasa (satu hari puasa-satu hari tidak puasa) hidup berdampingan dengan kaumnya yang tidak ikut berpuasa seperti dia. Dia pun juga tidak mengobrak-abrik orang-orang yang tidak melakukan puasa seperti dia. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" pada orang yang tidak melakukan puasa seperti dia. Dan masih banyak lagi. Bacalah Al-Qur'an dengan dzauq (rasa) terdalam, bukan hanya dari segi tekstual belaka. Aku heran, mengapa seorang ulama' yang mengaku "Pewaris Para Nabi" tidak paham akan hal ini. Dengan mudahnya mereka melakukan tindak kekerasan dan memberikan stigma "sesat" kepada saudaranya. Kalau mereka tak paham dengan hal ini, aku ragu dengan pengakuannya sebagai "Pewaris Para Nabi". Ya, aku ragu kawan.
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

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    1. Nabi Muhammad saw hidup berdampingan dengan Abu Thalib yang menurut sebagian ulama' "musyrik, kafir" dan semacamnya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya.
    2. Nabi Nuh hidup berdampingan dengan Kan'an, salah satu putranya yang tidak mau melaksanakan "syari'at" nya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stgma "sesat" padanya.
    3. Nabi Yusuf hidup berdampingan dengan Zulaika, seorang yang cantik jelita yang selalu menggodanya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak kekerasan terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya.
    4. Nabi Sulaiman hidup berdampingan dengan Ratu Balqis yang penyembah api (sebelum mengikuti millah-nya). Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya.
    5. Nabi Luth hidup berdampingan dengan istrinya yang tak mau mengikuti "syari'at" nya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya.
    6. Nabi Daud yang ahli puasa (satu hari puasa-satu hari tidak puasa) hidup berdampingan dengan kaumnya yang tidak ikut berpuasa seperti dia. Dia pun juga tidak mengobrak-abrik orang-orang yang tidak melakukan puasa seperti dia. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" pada orang yang tidak melakukan puasa seperti dia.
    Dan masih banyak lagi. Bacalah Al-Qur'an dengan dzauq (rasa) terdalam, bukan hanya dari segi tekstual belaka.
    Aku heran, mengapa seorang ulama' yang mengaku "Pewaris Para Nabi" tidak paham akan hal ini. Dengan mudahnya mereka melakukan tindak kekerasan dan memberikan stigma "sesat" kepada saudaranya.
    Kalau mereka tak paham dengan hal ini, aku ragu dengan pengakuannya sebagai "Pewaris Para Nabi". Ya, aku ragu kawan.
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:29
    1. Nabi Muhammad saw hidup berdampingan dengan Abu Thalib yang menurut sebagian ulama' "musyrik, kafir" dan semacamnya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya.
    2. Nabi Nuh hidup berdampingan dengan Kan'an, salah satu putranya yang tidak mau melaksanakan "syari'at" nya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stgma "sesat" padanya.
    3. Nabi Yusuf hidup berdampingan dengan Zulaika, seorang yang cantik jelita yang selalu menggodanya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak kekerasan terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya.
    4. Nabi Sulaiman hidup berdampingan dengan Ratu Balqis yang penyembah api (sebelum mengikuti millah-nya). Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya.
    5. Nabi Luth hidup berdampingan dengan istrinya yang tak mau mengikuti "syari'at" nya. Namun ia tidak melakukan tindak "kekerasan" terhadapnya. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" padanya.
    6. Nabi Daud yang ahli puasa (satu hari puasa-satu hari tidak puasa) hidup berdampingan dengan kaumnya yang tidak ikut berpuasa seperti dia. Dia pun juga tidak mengobrak-abrik orang-orang yang tidak melakukan puasa seperti dia. Juga tidak memberikan stigma "sesat" pada orang yang tidak melakukan puasa seperti dia.
    Dan masih banyak lagi. Bacalah Al-Qur'an dengan dzauq (rasa) terdalam, bukan hanya dari segi tekstual belaka.
    Aku heran, mengapa seorang ulama' yang mengaku "Pewaris Para Nabi" tidak paham akan hal ini. Dengan mudahnya mereka melakukan tindak kekerasan dan memberikan stigma "sesat" kepada saudaranya.
    Kalau mereka tak paham dengan hal ini, aku ragu dengan pengakuannya sebagai "Pewaris Para Nabi". Ya, aku ragu kawan.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

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    Jahan Ki Gurbat Me Sukun Nahi Ayega,
    Gam-e-tohin Se Kubul Nahi Ayega.
    Maklul Ki Fitrat He Ye Kafir,
    Dimag Fat Jayega,
    Par Ye Sher Samajh Nahi Ayega...
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:31
    Jahan Ki Gurbat Me Sukun Nahi Ayega,
    Gam-e-tohin Se Kubul Nahi Ayega.
    Maklul Ki Fitrat He Ye Kafir,
    Dimag Fat Jayega,
    Par Ye Sher Samajh Nahi Ayega...
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

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    Bir gun bir Alim Shexs cay
    kenarinda namaz
    qilirmish.Mecnun tam o sirada
    sozde alim olan shexsin
    qarshisindan kecmish.Adam
    eseble namazi pozaraq:Ay kafir
    gormursenmi ki,namaz qiliram
    niye onumden kecirsen?Deyer
    Mecnunun cavabisa maraqlidir!
    Men Leylinin eshqiyle senin
    namaz qilmagini gormezken,sen
    movlanin eshqiyle meni nece
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:32
    Bir gun bir Alim Shexs cay
    kenarinda namaz
    qilirmish.Mecnun tam o sirada
    sozde alim olan shexsin
    qarshisindan kecmish.Adam
    eseble namazi pozaraq:Ay kafir
    gormursenmi ki,namaz qiliram
    niye onumden kecirsen?Deyer
    Mecnunun cavabisa maraqlidir!
    Men Leylinin eshqiyle senin
    namaz qilmagini gormezken,sen
    movlanin eshqiyle meni nece
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

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    Kagum dengan muslimah di sana, betapa merindu untuk syahid. Ganjaran terbesar Allah dikejar, mereka cantik, mereka kalangan berpendidikan,tidak memilih berkahwin dgn org senang tetapi ingin BERJUANG. Kudrat mereka bukanlah terdaya, namun semangat mereka pasti lebih kuat dari askar syiah dan kafir.
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:33
    Aidil Sahipaludin shared Pakar diari hati's photo.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:11AM +0100  

    Search Facebook kafir
    Search Facebook kafir
    Bir gun bir Alim Shexs cay
    kenarinda namaz
    qilirmish.Mecnun tam o sirada
    sozde alim olan shexsin
    qarshisindan kecmish.Adam
    eseble namazi pozaraq:Ay kafir
    gormursenmi ki,namaz qiliram
    niye onumden kecirsen?Deyer
    Mecnunun cavabisa maraqlidir!
    Men Leylinin eshqiyle senin
    namaz qilmagini gormezken,sen
    movlanin eshqiyle meni nece
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:33
    Bir gun bir Alim Shexs cay
    kenarinda namaz
    qilirmish.Mecnun tam o sirada
    sozde alim olan shexsin
    qarshisindan kecmish.Adam
    eseble namazi pozaraq:Ay kafir
    gormursenmi ki,namaz qiliram
    niye onumden kecirsen?Deyer
    Mecnunun cavabisa maraqlidir!
    Men Leylinin eshqiyle senin
    namaz qilmagini gormezken,sen
    movlanin eshqiyle meni nece
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:08AM +0100  

    Search Facebook salafist
    Search Facebook salafist
    They (adherents of Islam) have been killing each other, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Hindus, and atheists for centuries - and here they are going again; and not only does the US press hide these exploits from the public, but the government of the US gives money to them to commit these atrocities. I have a now dim memory of the US government, some US government and not this one, condemning and eliminating all aid and support for such criminal activities, crimes against humanity was the phrase used back then... long before a compliant press and a Salafist friendly government in Washington took over; proving once again that the rot starts at the top, as always.
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:26
    The U.S.-sponsored "Arab Spring" continues to expose itself as a Sunni supremacist takeover. While the indicators are many—from the al-Qaeda Benghazi consulate attack to the ongoing persecution of Christian minorities—attacks on Shia Muslims are also on
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 Search Facebook kuffar: Mesir : Bila Sekular TergugatMesir dicemburui oleh musuh-musuhnya bukan kerana Ahram atau Sungai Nil, tidak juga kerana kehebatan binaan Piramid atau keindahan puncak Tursina. Mesir dicemburui kerana al-Azhar. Di sinilah terasasnya tamadun ilmu yang terkenal ke seluruh dunia. Lahirnya di situ bukan seorang dua ulama bahkan ribuan kalaupun bukan jutaan murabbi ummah yang bertebaran ke seluruh dunia. Bangunnya al-Azhar kerana sumber wakaf tanpa bantuan dari dana kerajaan cukup menggelisahkan musuh-musuh Islam. Justeru, kehebatan ini wajib dihancurkan. Hari ini, Mesir berdepan dengan satu lagi krisis ciptaan golongan sekular yang enggan mengaku kalah di gelanggang demokrasi. Demokrasi ialah ciptaan Barat, ia bukan ciptaan Islam, tetapi nilai-nilai demokrasi diterima dan diiktiraf sebahagiannya oleh Islam. Sayangnya, apabila tiba saat rakyat membuat pilihan menolak pemimpin yang pro-Barat, pada masa itulah demokrasi dinafikan dan sekular akan mengeluarkan pedangnya yang sebenar untuk memancung demokrasi. Di Mesir, Mursi menang melalui pilihanraya yang bersih. Tanpa penipuan dakwat kekal, tanpa blackout dan tanpa senarai pengundi yang diragui, Mursi ditabalkan menjadi Presiden sekalipun disambut sinis oleh Israel yang bimbang pengaruhnya terhakis. Namun, kerana sekular menjarah begitu lama di bumi ambiya' ini, bukan satu kerja yang senang untuk membebaskan Mesir dan belenggu sekular. Inilah masalah sebenar Mursi, iaitu membebaskan Mesir dari perhambaan sekular yang sudah berdekad-dekad memenjara rakyat Mesir. Ini bukan sejarah baru di Mesir, bahkan ia telah berlaku ribuan tahun yang lampau pada saat Nabi Musa alaihissalam mahu membebaskan Bani Israel dari kezaliman Firaun. Mereka dibantu oleh mukjizat yang tidak kecil daripada Allah SWT. Baca sahaja di dalam al-Quran, kita akan dapati peristiwa laut terbelah, tongkat yang menjadi ular, batu mengeluarkan air, turunnya makanan dan minuman dari langit dan banyak lagi peristiwa besar yang berlaku sepanjang dakwah Nabi Musa alaihissalam. Namun, al-Quran merakamkan perangai Bani Israel yang seringkali enggan untuk berubah. Degil dan keras kepala ialah lambang Bani Israel yang digambarkan di dalam al-Quran. Warisan sikap Bani Israel wujud di Mesir sekarang. Sekalipun sebahagian besar rakyat Mesir kelihatan menyokong Mursi, namun anak cucu Bani Israel yang mewarisi perangai datuk nenek mereka tetap melakukan kekacauan di bumi Ambiya. Inilah natijahnya apabila sekular dijadikan kiblat, bila demokrasi yang bersih menghadiahkan trofi kemenangan kepada musuh politik mereka, mereka tidak akan berdiam diri. Ini juga yang berlaku di Turki dan Gaza. Di Malaysia, saudara mara sekular juga nampak berminat mengikut langkah yang sama. Kekalahan di dalam pilihanraya membawa kepada dasar penindasan dan penafian hak. Ditubuhkan kerajaan di dalam kerajaan, dinafikan bantuan kepada golongan yang memerlukan dan dinafikan hak ke atas hasil mahsul bumi merupakan buah-buah yang lahir dari pohon-pohon sekular yang tidak kenal sempadan dosa dan pahala. Untuk Mesir ini, kita sama-sama menadah tangan supaya pemimpin yang bersendikan Islam sebagai akidah perjuangan diberikan kekuatan oleh Allah SWT. Gunakanlah peluang di bulan Ramadhan untuk merayu dan merintih kepada Allah SWT. Dialah Pemilik kepada segala kerajaan. Salam hormat.NIK ABDUL AZIZ BIN NIK MAT,Al-Mursyidul Am,Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS)Bertarikh : 22 Syaaban 1434H bersamaan 1 Julai 2013M
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:05AM +0100  

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    Mesir : Bila Sekular Tergugat
    Mesir dicemburui oleh musuh-musuhnya bukan kerana Ahram atau Sungai Nil, tidak juga kerana kehebatan binaan Piramid atau keindahan puncak Tursina. Mesir dicemburui kerana al-Azhar. Di sinilah terasasnya tamadun ilmu yang terkenal ke seluruh dunia. Lahirnya di situ bukan seorang dua ulama bahkan ribuan kalaupun bukan jutaan murabbi ummah yang bertebaran ke seluruh dunia. Bangunnya al-Azhar kerana sumber wakaf tanpa bantuan dari dana kerajaan cukup menggelisahkan musuh-musuh Islam. Justeru, kehebatan ini wajib dihancurkan.
    Hari ini, Mesir berdepan dengan satu lagi krisis ciptaan golongan sekular yang enggan mengaku kalah di gelanggang demokrasi. Demokrasi ialah ciptaan Barat, ia bukan ciptaan Islam, tetapi nilai-nilai demokrasi diterima dan diiktiraf sebahagiannya oleh Islam. Sayangnya, apabila tiba saat rakyat membuat pilihan menolak pemimpin yang pro-Barat, pada masa itulah demokrasi dinafikan dan sekular akan mengeluarkan pedangnya yang sebenar untuk memancung demokrasi.
    Di Mesir, Mursi menang melalui pilihanraya yang bersih. Tanpa penipuan dakwat kekal, tanpa blackout dan tanpa senarai pengundi yang diragui, Mursi ditabalkan menjadi Presiden sekalipun disambut sinis oleh Israel yang bimbang pengaruhnya terhakis. Namun, kerana sekular menjarah begitu lama di bumi ambiya' ini, bukan satu kerja yang senang untuk membebaskan Mesir dan belenggu sekular. Inilah masalah sebenar Mursi, iaitu membebaskan Mesir dari perhambaan sekular yang sudah berdekad-dekad memenjara rakyat Mesir.
    Ini bukan sejarah baru di Mesir, bahkan ia telah berlaku ribuan tahun yang lampau pada saat Nabi Musa alaihissalam mahu membebaskan Bani Israel dari kezaliman Firaun. Mereka dibantu oleh mukjizat yang tidak kecil daripada Allah SWT. Baca sahaja di dalam al-Quran, kita akan dapati peristiwa laut terbelah, tongkat yang menjadi ular, batu mengeluarkan air, turunnya makanan dan minuman dari langit dan banyak lagi peristiwa besar yang berlaku sepanjang dakwah Nabi Musa alaihissalam. Namun, al-Quran merakamkan perangai Bani Israel yang seringkali enggan untuk berubah. Degil dan keras kepala ialah lambang Bani Israel yang digambarkan di dalam al-Quran.
    Warisan sikap Bani Israel wujud di Mesir sekarang. Sekalipun sebahagian besar rakyat Mesir kelihatan menyokong Mursi, namun anak cucu Bani Israel yang mewarisi perangai datuk nenek mereka tetap melakukan kekacauan di bumi Ambiya. Inilah natijahnya apabila sekular dijadikan kiblat, bila demokrasi yang bersih menghadiahkan trofi kemenangan kepada musuh politik mereka, mereka tidak akan berdiam diri. Ini juga yang berlaku di Turki dan Gaza.
    Di Malaysia, saudara mara sekular juga nampak berminat mengikut langkah yang sama. Kekalahan di dalam pilihanraya membawa kepada dasar penindasan dan penafian hak. Ditubuhkan kerajaan di dalam kerajaan, dinafikan bantuan kepada golongan yang memerlukan dan dinafikan hak ke atas hasil mahsul bumi merupakan buah-buah yang lahir dari pohon-pohon sekular yang tidak kenal sempadan dosa dan pahala.
    Untuk Mesir ini, kita sama-sama menadah tangan supaya pemimpin yang bersendikan Islam sebagai akidah perjuangan diberikan kekuatan oleh Allah SWT. Gunakanlah peluang di bulan Ramadhan untuk merayu dan merintih kepada Allah SWT. Dialah Pemilik kepada segala kerajaan.
    Salam hormat.
    Al-Mursyidul Am,
    Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS)
    Bertarikh : 22 Syaaban 1434H bersamaan 1 Julai 2013M
    Jul 1st 2013, 02:28
    Mesir : Bila Sekular Tergugat
    Mesir dicemburui oleh musuh-musuhnya bukan kerana Ahram atau Sungai Nil, tidak juga kerana kehebatan binaan Piramid atau keindahan puncak Tursina. Mesir dicemburui kerana al-Azhar. Di sinilah terasasnya tamadun ilmu yang terkenal ke seluruh dunia. Lahirnya di situ bukan seorang dua ulama bahkan ribuan kalaupun bukan jutaan murabbi ummah yang bertebaran ke seluruh dunia. Bangunnya al-Azhar kerana sumber wakaf tanpa bantuan dari dana kerajaan cukup menggelisahkan musuh-musuh Islam. Justeru, kehebatan ini wajib dihancurkan.
    Hari ini, Mesir berdepan dengan satu lagi krisis ciptaan golongan sekular yang enggan mengaku kalah di gelanggang demokrasi. Demokrasi ialah ciptaan Barat, ia bukan ciptaan Islam, tetapi nilai-nilai demokrasi diterima dan diiktiraf sebahagiannya oleh Islam. Sayangnya, apabila tiba saat rakyat membuat pilihan menolak pemimpin yang pro-Barat, pada masa itulah demokrasi dinafikan dan sekular akan mengeluarkan pedangnya yang sebenar untuk memancung demokrasi.
    Di Mesir, Mursi menang melalui pilihanraya yang bersih. Tanpa penipuan dakwat kekal, tanpa blackout dan tanpa senarai pengundi yang diragui, Mursi ditabalkan menjadi Presiden sekalipun disambut sinis oleh Israel yang bimbang pengaruhnya terhakis. Namun, kerana sekular menjarah begitu lama di bumi ambiya' ini, bukan satu kerja yang senang untuk membebaskan Mesir dan belenggu sekular. Inilah masalah sebenar Mursi, iaitu membebaskan Mesir dari perhambaan sekular yang sudah berdekad-dekad memenjara rakyat Mesir.
    Ini bukan sejarah baru di Mesir, bahkan ia telah berlaku ribuan tahun yang lampau pada saat Nabi Musa alaihissalam mahu membebaskan Bani Israel dari kezaliman Firaun. Mereka dibantu oleh mukjizat yang tidak kecil daripada Allah SWT. Baca sahaja di dalam al-Quran, kita akan dapati peristiwa laut terbelah, tongkat yang menjadi ular, batu mengeluarkan air, turunnya makanan dan minuman dari langit dan banyak lagi peristiwa besar yang berlaku sepanjang dakwah Nabi Musa alaihissalam. Namun, al-Quran merakamkan perangai Bani Israel yang seringkali enggan untuk berubah. Degil dan keras kepala ialah lambang Bani Israel yang digambarkan di dalam al-Quran.
    Warisan sikap Bani Israel wujud di Mesir sekarang. Sekalipun sebahagian besar rakyat Mesir kelihatan menyokong Mursi, namun anak cucu Bani Israel yang mewarisi perangai datuk nenek mereka tetap melakukan kekacauan di bumi Ambiya. Inilah natijahnya apabila sekular dijadikan kiblat, bila demokrasi yang bersih menghadiahkan trofi kemenangan kepada musuh politik mereka, mereka tidak akan berdiam diri. Ini juga yang berlaku di Turki dan Gaza.
    Di Malaysia, saudara mara sekular juga nampak berminat mengikut langkah yang sama. Kekalahan di dalam pilihanraya membawa kepada dasar penindasan dan penafian hak. Ditubuhkan kerajaan di dalam kerajaan, dinafikan bantuan kepada golongan yang memerlukan dan dinafikan hak ke atas hasil mahsul bumi merupakan buah-buah yang lahir dari pohon-pohon sekular yang tidak kenal sempadan dosa dan pahala.
    Untuk Mesir ini, kita sama-sama menadah tangan supaya pemimpin yang bersendikan Islam sebagai akidah perjuangan diberikan kekuatan oleh Allah SWT. Gunakanlah peluang di bulan Ramadhan untuk merayu dan merintih kepada Allah SWT. Dialah Pemilik kepada segala kerajaan.
    Salam hormat.
    Al-Mursyidul Am,
    Parti Islam Semalaysia (PAS)
    Bertarikh : 22 Syaaban 1434H bersamaan 1 Julai 2013M
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:05AM +0100  

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    Jul 1st 2013, 03:00
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:05AM +0100  

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    Moege Allah s.w.t. Juergen Todenhoefer zu den geraden Weg leiten und ihn die Wahrheit erkennen lassen, wenn er sie sieht, allahuma amin
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:17
    Tarik Süleyman Ibn Osama shared Asadullah Allah'in Aslani's photo.
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 Search Facebook kuffar: Are Demonstrations Allowed??Allah designated for this Ummah people who will protect His Deen, and who will facilitate their affairs and make them on a level of sincerity and understanding; among them Allah raised 'Ulemaa, people of understanding, people trustworthy working day and night around the world, people who whenever they see munkr, they forbid it, whenever they see Taghout and Kuffar, they go against it.Allah established this Deen by the Sahabah and by the Tabi'een and the Tabi Tabi'een, he designated this Ummah with Ulemaa like Sufyan Al Thawree, Sufyan Al Uyayna, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Al Uzaa'ee, Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Maalik, Imam Shafi'i, Imam Ahmed and many other scholars later like ibn Qayyim, ibn Taymiyyah all the way to Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and after. Seeking the knowledge is Fard, but seeking the knowledge is two types; one is Fard 'ayn and one is Fard kifayah. The ilm that is Fard to seek is the Ilm Al Dharouri, the ilm that he cannot fulfil his obligation if he did not understand or study, the other Ilm is Fard Kifayah to understand or study it and it does not take priority over other duties. The Jihad today is Fard 'ayn, it takes priority over the kifayah ilm seeking, if it was offensive jihad, it is also kifayah and seeking ilm may take priority. We have to understand the foundation of the Deen, people usually ask for a particular mas'alah, but in any topic of ibaadah, you have to study the arkaan (pillars) of it, the waajibaat of it, the foundations, prohibitions, the recommendations etc. Similarly if we want to study about Al Mudhaaharaat (demonstration) we have to know about its objective, its means etc, it is not just a matter of saying allowed or not allowed. If we study this topic, we find that the Shari'ah terms are very important. Nobody will dispute or disagree that to help Muslims is Fard and to cooperate with Muslims is Fard, that it is Fard to support our Muslim Ummah. Al Mudhaaharah in the Arabic language is "support", it is narrated in Sunan Daarimi that Ali ibn Taalib said, "I fought on the day of Badr and supported (dhaaharah) the Muslims"Allah asked us to have walaa to the believers, part of that is to support them. Allah (swt) says, "Allah forbids you to have relationship with those who fight you because of your Deen ... and those who support them." When we mention demonstrations, we are speaking about support and this is one of the best forms of support for the one who is far away from us and we cannot reach them. Demonstrations are a means to support our Deen the way the Kuffar also demonstrate and support their Kufr, Allah (swt) says, "The Kafir demonstrates (Dhaheera) his Kufr" We need to understand the term Mudhaaharah (demonstrations), Imam Al Khattabi defined the term demonstration and he understood from it that the support in demonstrations must be in relation to the ones who are oppressed and are struggling for liberation, as Allah (swt) says, "If they seek help from you in the Deen, support them" The demonstration is boosting the morale of the Muslims in a time of weakness, it is a form of creating a high profile for Islam; it is a form of support. It is a noble thing not something evil. The demonstration motivates the Muslims and it makes them aware about their Muslim brothers. The demonstration is a form of rejecting the evil, a form of commanding good and forbidding evil. That is exactly what the prophet (saw) did. So the demonstration is not something Bid'ah and it does have evidences and anybody who speaks about demonstrations must understand the reality of the demonstration. Evidence for DemonstrationsThere were many demonstrations, circles, rallies and public gathering by the Messenger of Muhammad (saw) and his companions.... Here are some of the demonstrations:1- The Rally of Muzaaharat-us-Sadi'in in Makkah by the messenger and all his companions, after the verse 94 in Chapter of Al-Hijr. Allah (swt) says: " Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah" [EMQ 15:94].. Refer to seerat Ibn Katheer V1 and ibn Hishaam and Tafseer Ibn A'bbaas. 2- The Public Address to a big gathering of people by Abu Bakr (ra), Abu Zarr (ra), Ibn Mass'oud (ra)..etc… in Makkah with the knowledge of the Messenger (saw) . (refer to Nihayat l-Irab for Imaam Al-Muwairie, Seerat Ibn Hisham, Maghaazi Ibn Ishaaq and Musnad Imaam Ahmad, 3- The Public Gathering of the Messenger (saw) and few of his companions to the people of Quraish,(day of -Yaum Al-Gharaneeq) which become the biggest demonstration. Refer to Bukhari, Muslim, and Al-Seerah Al-Halabiyyah. 4- The Demonstration of Umar Bin Al-Khattab 5- The Rally of Al-Israa 6- The Public Debates of U'kaaz (Seasons of the Intellectualchallenge) 7- The Public address in the Season of "Al-Ashurr Al-Hurum" 8- The Public gathering of Hassan bin Thabit demonstrates against Quraish by reciting publicly his poets. (Kitaab ibn Al-Atheer). 9- The day of Al-Saqeefah (Ijmaa' Al-Sahabah). 10- The day of Al-Tahkeem (Ijmaa' Al-Sahabah). 11- The days of Hajj 12- The days of Eid The above are some evidences and incidents.We find it in Kitab Al Hulya Al Awliyaa v.1, ibn Abbas narrated, how he asked "O Rasulullah, are we not on Haq whether we die or stay alive?" He (saw) said, "indeed, by the one whose hand is my soul, you are on the Haq whether dead or alive" so ibn Abbas said, "so why are we hiding? By the one who sent you with the truth, we should come out!" and they went out in two lines Hamza in one and Umar with the other. They came out until they went to the Ka'bah and the Quraish looked to Hamza and Umar and they were so depressed. The prophet (saw) called Umar that day 'Al Farouq'." It is mentioned in Al Isaabah that Muhammad ibn Uthman ibn abi Sheebah narrated from ibn Abbas the story about how Umar came to Islam and that "He went out with Hamza in two lines with the Muslims" So the prophet (saw) gave consent and went out with them in a demonstration, so is that Haram? That is the danger of the one who speaks without ilm about the evidences. We find further evidence in the incident when the Ayat of disciplining the women were revealed, some men started to beat their wives and the women came out in a huge demonstration and complained that some men take advantage and beat their wives without fulfilling the conditions. Moreover, Nuh (as) used to call the people day and night and go door to door, Muslims went to Abyssinia and they took a stand publicly in front of the King and the prophet consented. Moreover there was a huge gathering and demonstration in the Bay'ah to the prophet (saw) under the tree. The demonstration is not a new phenomenon. Some people may complain 'what is the benefit'? They should realise that the demonstration is not dispraised and so if someone does not like it, they should remain silent and should not attack the people who do it. Those people only want to cover up that they are cowards, they never command good or forbid evil at all but is still afraid that he will be arrested or that he will be called a terrorist. In fact we did not come across any Alim claiming that demonstrations are Haram, rather the fattawa for demonstrations are everywhere. Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi said that it is allowed and praised those who do them. Even Sheikh Salman Al Awdah said,"We find nothing wrong with it; it is a form of condemning the evil ... and showing support for Muslims."As long as it is free from anything Haram (e.g. whistling, singing etc) the original rules for these kinds of things is that it is permissible and the incident of the prophet (saw) and the companions in Makkah is well documented. Sheikh Ali Al Khudr also said, "Demonstrations are to come out collectively in an organised way for a particular objective; the original rules are that it is permissible. The Muslims are to other Muslims like a block, they support each other, it is a form of jihad, to command good and forbid evil. That gathering is a demonstration and it is the Sunnah of the Anbiyaa." And he also called it the means leading to the Waajib, Sheikh Ali said clearly that demonstrations are allowed and Sheikh Salman Al Awdah (may Allah guide him) also. If we go to all the Ulemaa, even those who we disagree with, they say that it is permitted. It is only some scholars of Al Sa'ud such as Saleh al-Fawzaan, whom it suits them to shout 'Haram!' if there is a demonstration against Al Sa'ud and to say that it is halal or even Fard if it is in favor of Al Sa'ud. Those who say it is permissible, they are all found in prison like Sheikh Sulayman Al Alwaan, who said publicly, "It is permissible by the evidence that our Imam, Ahmed ibn Hanbal was put in prison, and the Ulemaa and talabatul ilm came outside and that was the biggest demonstration, it was the uprising of the Hanabilah to release him."Some people like to speak about it from the angle of benefit and interest, so they always speak about bringing benefit to the Muslim community; we can say, Allah (swt) says, "If they ask you for help, help them" And the prophet (saw) said, "Support your Muslim brother (verbally, financially, physically) whether oppressor or oppressed" So supporting your Muslim brothers collectively, openly and publicly is allowed and that is why ibn Taymiyyah in his time, saw the people demonstrate for his release from captivity and he wrote that it reminded him of the demonstration of the Hanabilah. Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab with his students demonstrated publicly and gathered together ending with fighting, it is a form of jihad, a form carrying Da'wah, a form of commanding good and forbidding evil; it is not Bid'ah. It was done by the prophet (saw) and done by the companions. It is not the case that "whatever the Kuffar do it becomes Haram in our Deen"; rather it is only what is part of their Deen that is Haram for us to do. The demonstration involving women uncovered, or dazzled is not allowed, or with music or for a Haram reason or calling for UN resolutions are all not allowed, demonstrating for the pope and his funeral is not allowed, demonstrations involving swearing etc are not allowed etc. But the demonstration commanding good and forbidding the evil, highlighting the situation of the Muslim Ummah in front of the Kuffar supporting the Muslims is definitely allowed, and there is a lot of benefit for the Muslims as well beside all the evidences. It creates awareness about the current situation because there is no other media, it is an alternative media; it reminds them about what they should do, it motivates those people who do nothing, it boosts the morale, it has a strategic outcome, it puts pressure in order for Muslims to interact; that support in the form of demonstrations will put pressure on the government; it is an opportunity as well for the Ulemaa to meet the masses and the masses to meet the Ulemaa, it is a form of demonstrating the ilm and there is no single qualified Alim that forbade it. We need to forget about those fake 'salafis', they are people who are muqallid, they are just baazis, the benefit in demonstrations is a lot; the Ulemaa on the street is different than seeing them on satellite, and it will create anarchy at the right time, it will train the Muslims to create anarchy for the Kuffar, it is a way to let the enemy know that the Muslims are not sleeping, that they are not fighting only a small group of Mujahideen rather they are fighting an entire Ummah; it will send signals to those oppressed that there is an Ummah that will not leave them, an Ummah that supports them. Those who say that demonstrations are not allowed in Islam:Firstly, you must understand that working to establish the Khilafah is fard but has nothing to do with the obligation to fight against occupiers and the obligation to help Muslims in crisis….i.e. working to establish the Khilafah in not a divine prerequisite to the obligation of Jihad or dawa, Amr and Nahie etc…Secondly, you must understand that da'wah, Calling to Islam, command good and forbid evil, culturing, teaching Islam or tease the enemy is fard unrestricted by a particular style or means such as: 1- Circles (halaqaat), 2- Conferences (Mutamaraat),3- Rallies (Mahrajanaat),4- Public gathering (tajammu'aat),5- Demonstrations (Mudharaat),6- Seminars (Nadawaat),7- Exhibitions (Ma'aaredh),8- Stalls (bastaat).. etc..etc.... etc… Therefore your question is wrong.... The correct question is: where is the evidence that the above styles and means are prohibited!!? (if you do not provide a divine evidence (no Ration) you become sinful and it may leads to Riddah!!Verily it is a good deed and will not go unrewarded, Allah (swt) says,"Whenever they suffer from thirst or weariness or hunger in God's cause, and whenever they take any step which confounds those who deny the truth, and whenever there comes to them from the enemy whatever may be destined for them a good deed is recorded in their favour. Verily, God does not fail to requite the doers of good!" [EMQ 9:120]The Objective of Demonstrations:The demonstrations objective is not to make the government change its stance or to request the government for any right. Rather Allah (swt) says in the Quran, "And prepare against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to frighten thereby the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them, whom you do not know (but) Allah knows them; and whatever thing you will spend in Allahs way, it will be paid back to you fully and you shall not be dealt with unjustly." [8:60]So our objective is as follows: 1. To put fear in the heart of the enemy. 2. To utilize and channel the energy of the Ummah for the right cause (i.e. Khilafah, mother of all duties) 3. To make a gap between the rulers and the masses inorder to move the masses against the rulers (enjoing good and forbidding evil) These 3 objectives must be kept in mind as well as to know that demonstartions are a style and not method as method is exposing and seeking Nussrah, but we stress on this style as this is the sunnah of the Messenger (saw) and we are told to make him our example "Certainly there is for you in them a good example, for him who fears Allah and the last day; and whoever turns back, then surely Allah is the Self-sufficient, the Praised" [60:6]
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:05AM +0100  

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    Are Demonstrations Allowed??
    Allah designated for this Ummah people who will protect His Deen, and who will facilitate their affairs and make them on a level of sincerity and understanding; among them Allah raised 'Ulemaa, people of understanding, people trustworthy working day and night around the world, people who whenever they see munkr, they forbid it, whenever they see Taghout and Kuffar, they go against it.
    Allah established this Deen by the Sahabah and by the Tabi'een and the Tabi Tabi'een, he designated this Ummah with Ulemaa like Sufyan Al Thawree, Sufyan Al Uyayna, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Al Uzaa'ee, Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Maalik, Imam Shafi'i, Imam Ahmed and many other scholars later like ibn Qayyim, ibn Taymiyyah all the way to Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and after.

    Seeking the knowledge is Fard, but seeking the knowledge is two types; one is Fard 'ayn and one is Fard kifayah. The ilm that is Fard to seek is the Ilm Al Dharouri, the ilm that he cannot fulfil his obligation if he did not understand or study, the other Ilm is Fard Kifayah to understand or study it and it does not take priority over other duties. The Jihad today is Fard 'ayn, it takes priority over the kifayah ilm seeking, if it was offensive jihad, it is also kifayah and seeking ilm may take priority.

    We have to understand the foundation of the Deen, people usually ask for a particular mas'alah, but in any topic of ibaadah, you have to study the arkaan (pillars) of it, the waajibaat of it, the foundations, prohibitions, the recommendations etc. Similarly if we want to study about Al Mudhaaharaat (demonstration) we have to know about its objective, its means etc, it is not just a matter of saying allowed or not allowed. If we study this topic, we find that the Shari'ah terms are very important. Nobody will dispute or disagree that to help Muslims is Fard and to cooperate with Muslims is Fard, that it is Fard to support our Muslim Ummah.

    Al Mudhaaharah in the Arabic language is "support", it is narrated in Sunan Daarimi that Ali ibn Taalib said,

    "I fought on the day of Badr and supported (dhaaharah) the Muslims"
    Allah asked us to have walaa to the believers, part of that is to support them. Allah (swt) says,

    "Allah forbids you to have relationship with those who fight you because of your Deen ... and those who support them."

    When we mention demonstrations, we are speaking about support and this is one of the best forms of support for the one who is far away from us and we cannot reach them. Demonstrations are a means to support our Deen the way the Kuffar also demonstrate and support their Kufr, Allah (swt) says,

    "The Kafir demonstrates (Dhaheera) his Kufr"

    We need to understand the term Mudhaaharah (demonstrations), Imam Al Khattabi defined the term demonstration and he understood from it that the support in demonstrations must be in relation to the ones who are oppressed and are struggling for liberation, as Allah (swt) says,

    "If they seek help from you in the Deen, support them"

    The demonstration is boosting the morale of the Muslims in a time of weakness, it is a form of creating a high profile for Islam; it is a form of support. It is a noble thing not something evil. The demonstration motivates the Muslims and it makes them aware about their Muslim brothers. The demonstration is a form of rejecting the evil, a form of commanding good and forbidding evil.

    That is exactly what the prophet (saw) did. So the demonstration is not something Bid'ah and it does have evidences and anybody who speaks about demonstrations must understand the reality of the demonstration.

    Evidence for Demonstrations
    There were many demonstrations, circles, rallies and public gathering by the Messenger of Muhammad (saw) and his companions.... Here are some of the demonstrations:
    1- The Rally of Muzaaharat-us-Sadi'in in Makkah by the messenger and all his companions, after the verse 94 in Chapter of Al-Hijr. Allah (swt) says: " Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah" [EMQ 15:94].. Refer to seerat Ibn Katheer V1 and ibn Hishaam and Tafseer Ibn A'bbaas.

    2- The Public Address to a big gathering of people by Abu Bakr (ra), Abu Zarr (ra), Ibn Mass'oud (ra)..etc… in Makkah with the knowledge of the Messenger (saw) . (refer to Nihayat l-Irab for Imaam Al-Muwairie, Seerat Ibn Hisham, Maghaazi Ibn Ishaaq and Musnad Imaam Ahmad,

    3- The Public Gathering of the Messenger (saw) and few of his companions to the people of Quraish,(day of -Yaum Al-Gharaneeq) which become the biggest demonstration. Refer to Bukhari, Muslim, and Al-Seerah Al-Halabiyyah.

    4- The Demonstration of Umar Bin Al-Khattab

    5- The Rally of Al-Israa

    6- The Public Debates of U'kaaz (Seasons of the Intellectual

    7- The Public address in the Season of "Al-Ashurr Al-Hurum"

    8- The Public gathering of Hassan bin Thabit demonstrates against Quraish by reciting publicly his poets. (Kitaab ibn Al-Atheer).

    9- The day of Al-Saqeefah (Ijmaa' Al-Sahabah).

    10- The day of Al-Tahkeem (Ijmaa' Al-Sahabah).

    11- The days of Hajj

    12- The days of Eid

    The above are some evidences and incidents.
    We find it in Kitab Al Hulya Al Awliyaa v.1, ibn Abbas narrated, how he asked

    "O Rasulullah, are we not on Haq whether we die or stay alive?" He (saw) said, "indeed, by the one whose hand is my soul, you are on the Haq whether dead or alive" so ibn Abbas said, "so why are we hiding? By the one who sent you with the truth, we should come out!" and they went out in two lines Hamza in one and Umar with the other. They came out until they went to the Ka'bah and the Quraish looked to Hamza and Umar and they were so depressed. The prophet (saw) called Umar that day 'Al Farouq'."

    It is mentioned in Al Isaabah that Muhammad ibn Uthman ibn abi Sheebah narrated from ibn Abbas the story about how Umar came to Islam and that

    "He went out with Hamza in two lines with the Muslims"

    So the prophet (saw) gave consent and went out with them in a demonstration, so is that Haram? That is the danger of the one who speaks without ilm about the evidences. We find further evidence in the incident when the Ayat of disciplining the women were revealed, some men started to beat their wives and the women came out in a huge demonstration and complained that some men take advantage and beat their wives without fulfilling the conditions.

    Moreover, Nuh (as) used to call the people day and night and go door to door, Muslims went to Abyssinia and they took a stand publicly in front of the King and the prophet consented.

    Moreover there was a huge gathering and demonstration in the Bay'ah to the prophet (saw) under the tree. The demonstration is not a new phenomenon.

    Some people may complain 'what is the benefit'? They should realise that the demonstration is not dispraised and so if someone does not like it, they should remain silent and should not attack the people who do it. Those people only want to cover up that they are cowards, they never command good or forbid evil at all but is still afraid that he will be arrested or that he will be called a terrorist.

    In fact we did not come across any Alim claiming that demonstrations are Haram, rather the fattawa for demonstrations are everywhere. Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi said that it is allowed and praised those who do them.

    Even Sheikh Salman Al Awdah said,
    "We find nothing wrong with it; it is a form of condemning the evil ... and showing support for Muslims."
    As long as it is free from anything Haram (e.g. whistling, singing etc) the original rules for these kinds of things is that it is permissible and the incident of the prophet (saw) and the companions in Makkah is well documented.

    Sheikh Ali Al Khudr also said,

    "Demonstrations are to come out collectively in an organised way for a particular objective; the original rules are that it is permissible. The Muslims are to other Muslims like a block, they support each other, it is a form of jihad, to command good and forbid evil. That gathering is a demonstration and it is the Sunnah of the Anbiyaa."

    And he also called it the means leading to the Waajib, Sheikh Ali said clearly that demonstrations are allowed and Sheikh Salman Al Awdah (may Allah guide him) also.

    If we go to all the Ulemaa, even those who we disagree with, they say that it is permitted. It is only some scholars of Al Sa'ud such as Saleh al-Fawzaan, whom it suits them to shout 'Haram!' if there is a demonstration against Al Sa'ud and to say that it is halal or even Fard if it is in favor of Al Sa'ud.

    Those who say it is permissible, they are all found in prison like Sheikh Sulayman Al Alwaan, who said publicly,

    "It is permissible by the evidence that our Imam, Ahmed ibn Hanbal was put in prison, and the Ulemaa and talabatul ilm came outside and that was the biggest demonstration, it was the uprising of the Hanabilah to release him."
    Some people like to speak about it from the angle of benefit and interest, so they always speak about bringing benefit to the Muslim community; we can say, Allah (swt) says,

    "If they ask you for help, help them"
    And the prophet (saw) said,

    "Support your Muslim brother (verbally, financially, physically) whether oppressor or oppressed"

    So supporting your Muslim brothers collectively, openly and publicly is allowed and that is why ibn Taymiyyah in his time, saw the people demonstrate for his release from captivity and he wrote that it reminded him of the demonstration of the Hanabilah.

    Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab with his students demonstrated publicly and gathered together ending with fighting, it is a form of jihad, a form carrying Da'wah, a form of commanding good and forbidding evil; it is not Bid'ah. It was done by the prophet (saw) and done by the companions.

    It is not the case that "whatever the Kuffar do it becomes Haram in our Deen"; rather it is only what is part of their Deen that is Haram for us to do. The demonstration involving women uncovered, or dazzled is not allowed, or with music or for a Haram reason or calling for UN resolutions are all not allowed, demonstrating for the pope and his funeral is not allowed, demonstrations involving swearing etc are not allowed etc.

    But the demonstration commanding good and forbidding the evil, highlighting the situation of the Muslim Ummah in front of the Kuffar supporting the Muslims is definitely allowed, and there is a lot of benefit for the Muslims as well beside all the evidences.

    It creates awareness about the current situation because there is no other media, it is an alternative media; it reminds them about what they should do, it motivates those people who do nothing, it boosts the morale, it has a strategic outcome, it puts pressure in order for Muslims to interact; that support in the form of demonstrations will put pressure on the government; it is an opportunity as well for the Ulemaa to meet the masses and the masses to meet the Ulemaa, it is a form of demonstrating the ilm and there is no single qualified Alim that forbade it.

    We need to forget about those fake 'salafis', they are people who are muqallid, they are just baazis, the benefit in demonstrations is a lot; the Ulemaa on the street is different than seeing them on satellite, and it will create anarchy at the right time, it will train the Muslims to create anarchy for the Kuffar, it is a way to let the enemy know that the Muslims are not sleeping, that they are not fighting only a small group of Mujahideen rather they are fighting an entire Ummah; it will send signals to those oppressed that there is an Ummah that will not leave them, an Ummah that supports them.

    Those who say that demonstrations are not allowed in Islam:
    Firstly, you must understand that working to establish the Khilafah is fard but has nothing to do with the obligation to fight against occupiers and the obligation to help Muslims in crisis….i.e. working to establish the Khilafah in not a divine prerequisite to the obligation of Jihad or dawa, Amr and Nahie etc…
    Secondly, you must understand that da'wah, Calling to Islam, command good and forbid evil, culturing, teaching Islam or tease the enemy is fard unrestricted by a particular style or means such as:

    1- Circles (halaqaat),

    2- Conferences (Mutamaraat),
    3- Rallies (Mahrajanaat),
    4- Public gathering (tajammu'aat),
    5- Demonstrations (Mudharaat),
    6- Seminars (Nadawaat),
    7- Exhibitions (Ma'aaredh),
    8- Stalls (bastaat).. etc..etc.... etc…

    Therefore your question is wrong....
    The correct question is: where is the evidence that the above styles and means are prohibited!!? (if you do not provide a divine evidence (no Ration) you become sinful and it may leads to Riddah!!
    Verily it is a good deed and will not go unrewarded, Allah (swt) says,
    "Whenever they suffer from thirst or weariness or hunger in God's cause, and whenever they take any step which confounds those who deny the truth, and whenever there comes to them from the enemy whatever may be destined for them a good deed is recorded in their favour. Verily, God does not fail to requite the doers of good!" [EMQ 9:120]
    The Objective of Demonstrations:
    The demonstrations objective is not to make the government change its stance or to request the government for any right.

    Rather Allah (swt) says in the Quran,

    "And prepare against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to frighten thereby the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them, whom you do not know (but) Allah knows them; and whatever thing you will spend in Allahs way, it will be paid back to you fully and you shall not be dealt with unjustly." [8:60]
    So our objective is as follows:

    1. To put fear in the heart of the enemy.

    2. To utilize and channel the energy of the Ummah for the right cause (i.e. Khilafah, mother of all duties)

    3. To make a gap between the rulers and the masses inorder to move the masses against the rulers (enjoing good and forbidding evil)

    These 3 objectives must be kept in mind as well as to know that demonstartions are a style and not method as method is exposing and seeking Nussrah, but we stress on this style as this is the sunnah of the Messenger (saw) and we are told to make him our example

    "Certainly there is for you in them a good example, for him who fears Allah and the last day; and whoever turns back, then surely Allah is the Self-sufficient, the Praised" [60:6]
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:27
    Are Demonstrations Allowed??
    Allah designated for this Ummah people who will protect His Deen, and who will facilitate their affairs and make them on a level of sincerity and understanding; among them Allah raised 'Ulemaa, people of understanding, people trustworthy working day and night around the world, people who whenever they see munkr, they forbid it, whenever they see Taghout and Kuffar, they go against it.
    Allah established this Deen by the Sahabah and by the Tabi'een and the Tabi Tabi'een, he designated this Ummah with Ulemaa like Sufyan Al Thawree, Sufyan Al Uyayna, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Al Uzaa'ee, Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Maalik, Imam Shafi'i, Imam Ahmed and many other scholars later like ibn Qayyim, ibn Taymiyyah all the way to Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and after.

    Seeking the knowledge is Fard, but seeking the knowledge is two types; one is Fard 'ayn and one is Fard kifayah. The ilm that is Fard to seek is the Ilm Al Dharouri, the ilm that he cannot fulfil his obligation if he did not understand or study, the other Ilm is Fard Kifayah to understand or study it and it does not take priority over other duties.


 Search Facebook kuffar: (¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯) Doa Harian (¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯)" Ya Allah ya tuhan kami, kami mohon kepada-Mu jangan kau bebankan kami dengan dosa-dosa kami ya Allah. Ampunkan dosa kami Ya Allah ampunkan dosa kami Ya Allah ampunkan dosa ayah dan ibu kami ya Allah. Itulah ayah yang telah banyak berkorban untuk kami. Itulah ibu yang telah mengandung melahirkan kami dengan penuh penderitaan. Ampunkanlah dosa ayah ibu kami yang masih hidup apatah lagi yang telah pergi.Ampunkan dosa kami sebagai anak ya Allah. Ya Allah, kiranya selama ini kami pernah menyakiti hati mereka, kami pernah mengkhianati mereka dan kami pernah mengecewakan mereka.Ya Allah jangan Kau jadikan dosa itu belenggu di hati kami, penyebab kedukaan kami ya Allah. Lapangkanlah hati ini dengan Kau ampunkan segala dosa-dosa kami.Ampunkan dosa isteri dan anak-anak kami ya Allah. Ampunkan dosa seluruh keluarga kami abang, kakak, adik. makcik, pakcik kami. Ampunkan sahabat-sahabat kami ampunkan jiran tetangga kami. Ampunkan seluruh muslimin dan muslimat ya Allah.Angkatlah kedukaan ummat ini ya Allah. Angkatlah kesedihan ummat ini ya Allah. Jadikanlah kesedihan ini suatu kebahgiaan. Menangkanlah ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Hentikanlah segala musibah, hentikanlah segala bencana menimpa ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Menangkanlah ummat ini ya Allah atas musuh-musuh kami. Hancurkan musyrikin kuffar. Hancurkan siapa saja ya Allah yang ingin menghancurkan agama-Mu.Ya Allah menangkan kami di dunia menangkan kami di akhirat dengan Syurga-Mu ya Allah. Muliakan kami di dunia, muliakan kami di akhirat ya Allah. "Amin ya rabbal alamin
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:05AM +0100  

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    (¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯) Doa Harian (¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯)
    " Ya Allah ya tuhan kami, kami mohon kepada-Mu jangan kau bebankan kami dengan dosa-dosa kami ya Allah. Ampunkan dosa kami Ya Allah ampunkan dosa kami Ya Allah ampunkan dosa ayah dan ibu kami ya Allah. Itulah ayah yang telah banyak berkorban untuk kami. Itulah ibu yang telah mengandung melahirkan kami dengan penuh penderitaan. Ampunkanlah dosa ayah ibu kami yang masih hidup apatah lagi yang telah pergi.
    Ampunkan dosa kami sebagai anak ya Allah. Ya Allah, kiranya selama ini kami pernah menyakiti hati mereka, kami pernah mengkhianati mereka dan kami pernah mengecewakan mereka.
    Ya Allah jangan Kau jadikan dosa itu belenggu di hati kami, penyebab kedukaan kami ya Allah. Lapangkanlah hati ini dengan Kau ampunkan segala dosa-dosa kami.
    Ampunkan dosa isteri dan anak-anak kami ya Allah. Ampunkan dosa seluruh keluarga kami abang, kakak, adik. makcik, pakcik kami. Ampunkan sahabat-sahabat kami ampunkan jiran tetangga kami. Ampunkan seluruh muslimin dan muslimat ya Allah.
    Angkatlah kedukaan ummat ini ya Allah. Angkatlah kesedihan ummat ini ya Allah. Jadikanlah kesedihan ini suatu kebahgiaan. Menangkanlah ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Hentikanlah segala musibah, hentikanlah segala bencana menimpa ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Menangkanlah ummat ini ya Allah atas musuh-musuh kami. Hancurkan musyrikin kuffar. Hancurkan siapa saja ya Allah yang ingin menghancurkan agama-Mu.
    Ya Allah menangkan kami di dunia menangkan kami di akhirat dengan Syurga-Mu ya Allah. Muliakan kami di dunia, muliakan kami di akhirat ya Allah. "
    Amin ya rabbal alamin
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:32
    (¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯) Doa Harian (¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯)
    " Ya Allah ya tuhan kami, kami mohon kepada-Mu jangan kau bebankan kami dengan dosa-dosa kami ya Allah. Ampunkan dosa kami Ya Allah ampunkan dosa kami Ya Allah ampunkan dosa ayah dan ibu kami ya Allah. Itulah ayah yang telah banyak berkorban untuk kami. Itulah ibu yang telah mengandung melahirkan kami dengan penuh penderitaan. Ampunkanlah dosa ayah ibu kami yang masih hidup apatah lagi yang telah pergi.
    Ampunkan dosa kami sebagai anak ya Allah. Ya Allah, kiranya selama ini kami pernah menyakiti hati mereka, kami pernah mengkhianati mereka dan kami pernah mengecewakan mereka.
    Ya Allah jangan Kau jadikan dosa itu belenggu di hati kami, penyebab kedukaan kami ya Allah. Lapangkanlah hati ini dengan Kau ampunkan segala dosa-dosa kami.
    Ampunkan dosa isteri dan anak-anak kami ya Allah. Ampunkan dosa seluruh keluarga kami abang, kakak, adik. makcik, pakcik kami. Ampunkan sahabat-sahabat kami ampunkan jiran tetangga kami. Ampunkan seluruh muslimin dan muslimat ya Allah.
    Angkatlah kedukaan ummat ini ya Allah. Angkatlah kesedihan ummat ini ya Allah. Jadikanlah kesedihan ini suatu kebahgiaan. Menangkanlah ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Hentikanlah segala musibah, hentikanlah segala bencana menimpa ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Menangkanlah ummat ini ya Allah atas musuh-musuh kami. Hancurkan musyrikin kuffar. Hancurkan siapa saja ya Allah yang ingin menghancurkan agama-Mu.
    Ya Allah menangkan kami di dunia menangkan kami di akhirat dengan Syurga-Mu ya Allah. Muliakan kami di dunia, muliakan kami di akhirat ya Allah. "
    Amin ya rabbal alamin
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 Search Facebook kuffar: Ya ikhwah pagi yang cerah... Mengingatkan kembali disela2 kesibukan antum mari kita senantiasa Berdo'a untuk saudara kita Muslim dan mujahid Suriah distiap Setelah sholat kita, buka kembali berita2 saudara kita di suriah hingga mampu menghidupkan do'a kita."Ya Allah, muliakanlah Islam dan kaum Muslimin. Ya Allah, tolonglah kaum Muslimin dan Mujahidin di Suriah. Ya Allah, teguhkanlah Iman mereka dan turunkanlah ketenteraman di dalam hati mereka dan satukanlah barisan mereka. Ya Allah, hancurkanlah kaum kuffar dan kaum musyrikin. Ya Allah, binasakanlah kaum Yahudi dan Syi'ah Nushairiyah dan cerai-beraikanlah kesatuan mereka. Ya Allah, menangkanlah kaum Mujahidin atas musuh kami musuh agama dengan RahmatMu, Wahai Yang Maha Pengasih. Dan sampaikanlah Sholawat kami kepada Nabi Muhammad Shalallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam."
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 05:05AM +0100  

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    Ya ikhwah pagi yang cerah... Mengingatkan kembali disela2 kesibukan antum mari kita senantiasa Berdo'a untuk saudara kita Muslim dan mujahid Suriah distiap Setelah sholat kita, buka kembali berita2 saudara kita di suriah hingga mampu menghidupkan do'a kita.
    "Ya Allah, muliakanlah Islam dan kaum Muslimin. Ya Allah, tolonglah kaum Muslimin dan Mujahidin di Suriah. Ya Allah, teguhkanlah Iman mereka dan turunkanlah ketenteraman di dalam hati mereka dan satukanlah barisan mereka. Ya Allah, hancurkanlah kaum kuffar dan kaum musyrikin. Ya Allah, binasakanlah kaum Yahudi dan Syi'ah Nushairiyah dan cerai-beraikanlah kesatuan mereka. Ya Allah, menangkanlah kaum Mujahidin atas musuh kami musuh agama dengan RahmatMu, Wahai Yang Maha Pengasih. Dan sampaikanlah Sholawat kami kepada Nabi Muhammad Shalallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam."
    Jul 1st 2013, 03:21
    Ya ikhwah pagi yang cerah... Mengingatkan kembali disela2 kesibukan antum mari kita senantiasa Berdo'a untuk saudara kita Muslim dan mujahid Suriah distiap Setelah sholat kita, buka kembali berita2 saudara kita di suriah hingga mampu menghidupkan do'a kita.
    "Ya Allah, muliakanlah Islam dan kaum Muslimin. Ya Allah, tolonglah kaum Muslimin dan Mujahidin di Suriah. Ya Allah, teguhkanlah Iman mereka dan turunkanlah ketenteraman di dalam hati mereka dan satukanlah barisan mereka. Ya Allah, hancurkanlah kaum kuffar dan kaum musyrikin. Ya Allah, binasakanlah kaum Yahudi dan Syi'ah Nushairiyah dan cerai-beraikanlah kesatuan mereka. Ya Allah, menangkanlah kaum Mujahidin atas musuh kami musuh agama dengan RahmatMu, Wahai Yang Maha Pengasih. Dan sampaikanlah Sholawat kami kepada Nabi Muhammad Shalallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam."
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 04:40AM +0100  

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    We must not refrain completely from making dua for the Muslim who committed suicide, because suicide is not kufr, but is a major sin that is subject to the will of Allaah on the Day of Resurrection: if He wills, He will forgive it, and if He wills He will punish for it.
    Jul 1st 2013, 02:35
    We must not refrain completely from making dua for the Muslim who committed suicide, because suicide is not kufr, but is a major sin that is subject to the will of Allaah on the Day of Resurrection: if He wills, He will forgive it, and if He wills He will punish for it.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 04:40AM +0100  

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    Section: The Names of the Prophet, may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace
    Hadith No: 1
    Malik related to me from Ibn Shihab from Muhammad ibn Jubayr ibn Mutim that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, I have five names. I am Muhammad. I am Ahmad. I am al-Mahi ( the effacer ), by whom Allah effaces kufr. I am al-Hashir ( the gatherer ), before whom people are gathered. I am al-Aqib ( the last ).
    Jul 1st 2013, 02:56
    Section: The Names of the Prophet, may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace
    Hadith No: 1
    Malik related to me from Ibn Shihab from Muhammad ibn Jubayr ibn Mutim that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, I have five names. I am Muhammad. I am Ahmad. I am al-Mahi ( the effacer ), by whom Allah effaces kufr. I am al-Hashir ( the gatherer ), before whom people are gathered. I am al-Aqib ( the last ).
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 Search Facebook kufr: aiye hath uthayen ham bhi ham jinhen rasm-e-dua yad nahin ham jinhen soz-e-mohabbat k siwa koi but, koi khuda yad nahin aiye arz guzaren ki nigar-e-hasti zahar-e-imaroz main shirini-e-fardan bhar de wo jinhen tabe garanbari-e-ayyam nahin unki palkon pe shab-o-roz ko halka kar de jinki ankhon ko rukh-e-subh ka yara bhi nahin unki raton main koi shama munawwar kar de jin k qadamon ko kisi rah ka sahara bhi nahin unki nazron pe koi rah ujagar kar de jinka din pairavi-e-kazbo-riya hai unko himmat-e-kufr mile, jurat-e-tahaqiq mile jink sar muntazir-e-teg-e-jafa hain unko dast-e-qatil ko jhatak dene ki taufiq mile ishq ka sarr-e-nihan jan-tapan hai jis se aj iqrar karen aur tapish mit jaye harf-e-haq dil main khatakta hai jo kante ki tarah aj izhar karen or khalish mit jaye YaSeen
    Blogtrottr <> Jul 01 04:40AM +0100  

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    aiye hath uthayen ham bhi
    ham jinhen rasm-e-dua yad nahin
    ham jinhen soz-e-mohabbat k siwa
    koi but, koi khuda yad nahin
    aiye arz guzaren ki nigar-e-hasti
    zahar-e-imaroz main shirini-e-fardan bhar de
    wo jinhen tabe garanbari-e-ayyam nahin
    unki palkon pe shab-o-roz ko halka kar de
    jinki ankhon ko rukh-e-subh ka yara bhi nahin
    unki raton main koi shama munawwar kar de
    jin k qadamon ko kisi rah ka sahara bhi nahin
    unki nazron pe koi rah ujagar kar de
    jinka din pairavi-e-kazbo-riya hai unko
    himmat-e-kufr mile, jurat-e-tahaqiq mile
    jink sar muntazir-e-teg-e-jafa hain unko
    dast-e-qatil ko jhatak dene ki taufiq mile
    ishq ka sarr-e-nihan jan-tapan hai jis se
    aj iqrar karen aur tapish mit jaye
    harf-e-haq dil main khatakta hai jo kante ki tarah
    aj izhar karen or khalish mit jaye
    Jul 1st 2013, 02:57
    aiye hath uthayen ham bhi
    ham jinhen rasm-e-dua yad nahin
    ham jinhen soz-e-mohabbat k siwa
    koi but, koi khuda yad nahin
    aiye arz guzaren ki nigar-e-hasti
    zahar-e-imaroz main shirini-e-fardan bhar de
    wo jinhen tabe garanbari-e-ayyam nahin
    unki palkon pe shab-o-roz ko halka kar de
    jinki ankhon ko rukh-e-subh ka yara bhi nahin
    unki raton main koi shama munawwar kar de
    jin k qadamon ko kisi rah ka sahara bhi nahin
    unki nazron pe koi rah ujagar kar de
    jinka din pairavi-e-kazbo-riya hai unko
    himmat-e-kufr mile, jurat-e-tahaqiq mile
    jink sar muntazir-e-teg-e-jafa hain unko
    dast-e-qatil ko jhatak dene ki taufiq mile
    ishq ka sarr-e-nihan jan-tapan hai jis se
    aj iqrar karen aur tapish mit jaye
    harf-e-haq dil main khatakta hai jo kante ki tarah
    aj izhar karen or khalish mit jaye
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