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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:55PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    #Syria #SAA #FSA #ISIL #Aleppp
    Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) had...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:21
    #Syria #SAA #FSA #ISIL #Aleppp

    Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) had executed a combatant of Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement inside al-Zarzour Hospital in Aleppo for they thought he was a fighter of Syrian government's forces.

    In details, the fighter Mohamed Fares Marwash, was transferred to al-Zarzour Hospital after he was injured in clashes with Syrian Army, had uttered "supportive words for the regime and Hezbollah", because he thought that he was captured by them, the thing that made ISIL - who seizes the hospital - to kill him immediately by decapitating him.

    It is noteworthy to mention that Marwash was born in Retyan town of Aleppo countryside, 27-years-old, he fought in the ranks of Ansar al-Sunnah Battalion, Ahrar al-Sham-affiliate.
    #Syria #SAA #FSA #ISIL #Aleppp

    Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) had executed a combatant of Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement inside al-Zarzour Hospital in Aleppo for they thought he was a fighter of Syrian government's forces.

    In details, the fighter Mohamed Fares Marwash, was transferred to al-Zarzour Hospital after he was injured in clashes with Syrian Army, had uttered "supportive words for the regime and Hezbollah", because he thought that he was captured by them, the thing that made ISIL - who seizes the hospital - to kill him immediately by decapitating him.

    It is noteworthy to mention that Marwash was born in Retyan town of Aleppo countryside, 27-years-old, he fought in the ranks of Ansar al-Sunnah Battalion, Ahrar al-Sham-affiliate.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Imaam Shaafiee -Rahimullaah
    Imaam Shaafiee was born in 150 A.H. and grew up in M...
    Nov 14th 2013, 13:56
    Imaam Shaafiee -Rahimullaah
    Imaam Shaafiee was born in 150 A.H. and grew up in Makkah. He was a beautiful man. Ibn Abdul Barr -Rahimullaah- mentions that he had memorised the Qur'aan by the age 7 and memorised al-Muwatta by 10 years of age, and was giving legal verdicts from 15 years of age.
    His ancestry goes back to the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- (his grandfather al-Muttalib was the brother of the grandfather of the Prophet.) At the age of 20 he began studying with Imaam Maalik in Madina until Imaam Maalik -Rahimullaah-passed away.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abdullaah bin al-Mubarak -Rahimullaah
    Abdullaah bin al-Mubarak al-Hanzaalee at-T...
    Nov 14th 2013, 13:55
    Abdullaah bin al-Mubarak -Rahimullaah
    Abdullaah bin al-Mubarak al-Hanzaalee at-Tameemee the great Imaam, AbdulAzeez bin Abee Rizma' said : There's no characteristic from the good characteristics except that it was combined in Abdullaah bin al-Mubarak, shyness, hospitality, good behaviour, a good companionship, it is good to sit with him, Zuhud and piety and in everything.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Zura'h ar-Razee -Rahimullaah
    Abu Zura'h, UbaidAllaah bin 'AbdulKareem bin Ya...
    Nov 14th 2013, 13:58
    Abu Zura'h ar-Razee -Rahimullaah
    Abu Zura'h, UbaidAllaah bin 'AbdulKareem bin Yazeed al-Qurashee ar-Razee.
    He started travelling for knowledge when he was 13 years of age, and on his second journey he was away for 14 yrs.
    Imaam adh-Dahabee said: He was unique of his time, in memory power, intelligence, and in the Deen, sincerity and knowledge and action.
    Yahya bin Manda said: It is said that Abu Huraira -Radi Allaahu anhu- had the most powerful memory from this Ummah, then it is Abu Zura'h ar-Razee.
    Abu Hatim said: If you saw ar-Razee and others hating Abu Zura'h then know that person is a mubtadi'.
    He passed away to the mercy of Allaah in 264 A.H
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Maalik ibn Anas -Rahimullaah
    Maalik ibn Anas ibn Aamir was born in Madeenah in 9...
    Nov 14th 2013, 13:58
    Maalik ibn Anas -Rahimullaah
    Maalik ibn Anas ibn Aamir was born in Madeenah in 93 A.H. & died in 179 A.H. His kunya was Abu Abdullaah, he had the famous title of 'Imaam Dar ul Hijrah' which means Madeenah.
    His grandfather Aamir was from amongst the major Companions. He was a Muhadith and a Faqih.
    He taught hadeeth in Madeenah for 40 years. He did not want his famous book al- Muwatta to become the only book that was relied upon.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Yahya bin Ma'een -Rahimullaah
    Abu Zakariya, Yahya bin Ma'een bin 'Awn al-Ghatfaa...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:04
    Yahya bin Ma'een -Rahimullaah
    Abu Zakariya, Yahya bin Ma'een bin 'Awn al-Ghatfaanee.
    It is said that Yahya's father left Yahya a million dirham in inhaeritance, and Yahya spent all of it in the field of Hadeeth until he did not have shoes to wear.
    He was the elder of his peers, from the likes of 'Alee bin Madeenee, Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ishaaq bin Rah'wayaa & Abu Bakr bin Abee Shayba -Rahimhumullaah.
    A man came to Imaam Ahmad & said : O Aba Abdillaah, look at these ahaadeeth indeed there is a mistake in them. So Imaam Ahmad said: Go to Abu Zakariya, for indeed he knows the mistake.
    Imaam Ahmad said about Yahya bin Ma'een: Here is a man that Allaah created for this matter, he exposes the lies of the liars.
    He died in the year 233 A.H
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah
    Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah Taqi...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:05
    Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah
    Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah Taqi ud-Deen Abul-'Abbaas Ahmad Ibn 'Abdul- Haleem Ibn 'Abdus-Salaam Ibn Taymeeyah al-Harraanee al-Hanbalee, was born on Monday the 10th of Rabi' al-Awwal 66l A.H. at Harraan (northern Iraq).
    His grandfather, Abu al-Barkat Majd-ud-Deen ibn Taymeeyah (d.653AH) was a reputed teacher of the Hanbalee School Damascus was the centre of Islaamic studies at that time, and Ahmad Ibn Taymeeyah followed in the footsteps of his father, who was a scholar of Islaamic studies, by studying with the great scholars of his time.
    As for the religions sciences, Ibn Taymeeyah studied the Qur'aan, Hadeeth and Sharee'ah. He learnt the Hanbalee Fiqh (law) from his own father.
    Ibn Taymiyyah -Rahimullaah- had great love for Tafseer (Qur'aanic exegesis). He read over a hundred commentaries of the Qur'aan.
    He completed his studies when he was a teenager and at age 19 he became a professor of Islaamic studies. Who was well versed in Qur'aanic studies, Hadeeth, Fiqh, theology, Arabic grammar and scholastic theology, etc.
    The Muslim scholars, like adh-Dhahabee, Ibn Katheer, Ibn al-'Imad al-Hanbalee and many others praised Ibn Taymiyyah and considered him one of the greatest scholars of Islaam of all time.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    an-Nisaa'ee -Rahimullaah
    Abu AbdurRahmaan Ahmad bin Shuaib bin 'Alee al-Khurasaa...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:04
    an-Nisaa'ee -Rahimullaah
    Abu AbdurRahmaan Ahmad bin Shuaib bin 'Alee al-Khurasaanee an-Nisaa'ee, who died in the year 303 A.H.
    It is said that the town from which an-Nisaa'ee came from, was named Nisa' which means women, and the story behind it's name is because when the Muslims came to conquer it during the earlier period of Islaam, the men were not present in the town, so the women came out to fight, when the Muslims saw that, they did not fight, because women are not fought against.
    Ibn Katheer mentions that Imaam an-Nisaa'ee was very beautiful and his face was like a candle.
    He started travelling for knowledge at a young age. Ibn 'Adee said: I heard Mansoor the Faqhiee and Abu Jafar at-Tahawee say: Abu AbdurRahmaan is a Imaam from the Imaams of the Muslims.
    Abu Ya'ala al-Khaleelee said: That his book is added to the books of al-Bukharee, Muslim and Abu Dawood, ...and his opinion in Jarh wa Ta'deel (praising and criticising narrators) is relied upon.
    He was very strict and firm in Jarh wa Ta'deel (praising and criticising narrators). He - Rahimullaah- died in Makkah and was buried there.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bin Abdul Haady al-Maqdasee -Rahimullaah
    He is Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abdul Haad...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:05
    Bin Abdul Haady al-Maqdasee -Rahimullaah
    He is Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abdul Haady al-Jama 'alee al-Maqdasee, he died in the 744 A.H., he was born in Palestine. From his Shaykhs were Ibn Taymeeyah, ad- Dahabee & al-Mizzee, amongst others.
    He -Rahimullaah- had a great amount of books that he authored; he had an illness for nearly three months before he passed away with the Kalimah (testification) on his lips.
    Ibn Katheer mentions about him: he was Mustaqeem on the way of the Salaf, and in following the Book & the Sunnah.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sufyaan bin Saeed ath-Thawree -Rahimullaah
    Sufyaan bin Saeed ath-Thawree (161 A....
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:08
    Sufyaan bin Saeed ath-Thawree -Rahimullaah
    Sufyaan bin Saeed ath-Thawree (161 A.H.) was born in Koofah in a place called Thawr, his kunya is Abu Abdullaah, he narrated many ahadeeth and many scholars say that he was the Ameer ul Mumineen of hadeeth of his time. His father was also a great Muhaddith (Scholar of hadeeth).
    Abdullaah ibn Mubarak -Rahimullaah- said: 'I wrote hadeeth from over 1,100 Shaykhs and I didn't write from anyone better than Sufyaan.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ibn al-Qayyim -Rahimullaah
    He is Muhammad ibn Abee Bakr Ibn Qayyim Shamsud-Deen,...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:06
    Ibn al-Qayyim -Rahimullaah
    He is Muhammad ibn Abee Bakr Ibn Qayyim Shamsud-Deen, Abu Abdullaah, the great scholar Imaam, judge, Mujahid, the famous student of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah.
    He passed away on the Adhan of 'esha prayer at the age of 60 years. In the year 751A.H. and is buried next to his father.
    He was brought up in an environment of knowledge, studied under his father and under Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- for 17years until the death of the shaykh.
    He -Rahimullaah- was a great scholar in all the sciences of Islaam, grammar, hadeeth, fiqh, Adaab and Akhlaaq. He was well known for his worship & travelling in pursuit of knowledge.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ibn Hajr al-Asqaalanee -Rahimullaah
    He is Shihaab ud-Deen, Abu Fadl, Ahmad bin '...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:06
    Ibn Hajr al-Asqaalanee -Rahimullaah
    He is Shihaab ud-Deen, Abu Fadl, Ahmad bin 'Alee al-Asqaalanee, he died in 852 A.H.
    He was a great scholar of Hadeeth, he was given the title of Ameer ul-Mumineen of Hadeeth in his time.
    Ibn Fahad said: 'Eyes have not seen one like him and he hasn't seen anyone like himself.'
    He used to follow and stick to the Sunnah very firmly in all his affairs. He used to call to the Sunnah with his speech and his writings; he used to warn against opposing it and was severe in his disapproval of Bida'.
    He wrote a very famous explanation of the Saheeh of al-Bukharee, called Fath-ul-Bari.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    ash-Shawkanee -Rahimullaah
    He is Muhammad bin 'Alee ash-Shawkanee who died in th...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:07
    ash-Shawkanee -Rahimullaah
    He is Muhammad bin 'Alee ash-Shawkanee who died in the year 1250 A.H. he lived in Sana', Yemen.
    He studied under his father who was a great scholar of Yemen, and he authored many books in the different sciences of Islaam, in Tafseer he wrote 'Fathul-Qadeer', & in the field of hadeeth he wrote 'Nail awtaar'.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:54PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Having sincerity for the Deen of Allaah is the foundation of justice, likewise c...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:25
    Having sincerity for the Deen of Allaah is the foundation of justice, likewise committing Shirk with Allaah is a great injustice.
    Ibn Taymeeyah – 'al-Fatawa' 1/87
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:53PM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    American Christian Terrorists Committing Acts of Terrorism in Day Light by Bombi...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:11
    American Christian Terrorists Committing Acts of Terrorism in Day Light by Bombing the Villages, Destroying Homes, Properties, Valuables and Murdering Innocent Civilians (Men, Women, Children) and Pet Animals in Afghanistan.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:49PM  

    El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ahir zamanın günah koynunda büyüyen çocuklarıyız biz. Ahh'cılarız !
    Ich kann es...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:11
    Ahir zamanın günah koynunda büyüyen çocuklarıyız biz. Ahh'cılarız !

    Ich kann es leider im Moment nicht aus dem Kopf übersetzen , wollte es unbedingt mit euch teilen
    Tut mir wirklich sehr leid

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 14 02:47PM  

    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    || The Decisive Word On Who Murdered Hussain (radi-Allaahu 'anhu) ||(Part 2/2)...
    Nov 14th 2013, 14:18
    || The Decisive Word On Who Murdered Hussain (radi-Allaahu 'anhu) ||(Part 2/2)


    |The Unlawfulness of Lamenting and Mourning |

    The shee'ah in order to cover their crime for murdering Hussain (radi-Allaahu 'anhu) inverted the narrations of Islaam and declared the 10th of Muharram to be a month and time for seeking intercession, blessings and it being a pillar of Faith.
    This included wearing black clothes with black collars, beating their chests and at the same time abusing and cursing the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) as a means of seeking reward and earning salvation. Such actions are impermissible with the sunnis however the books of the shee'ah also contain similar verdicts that state such actions are unlawful.

    So in this regard we will mention some shee'ah narrations.
    1. It is narrated from Imaam Ja'afar Saadiq that the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, "A muslim beating his thighs at a time of difficulty is synonymous to wasting his deeds."
    This narration mentions a Muslim to be a condition however the religion of the shee'ah is already in danger.

    2. Muhammad Baaqir said, "Whoever hit themselves, by slapping their faces and chests and pulling their hair then he has left patience and adopted a way other than Islaam and he is despicable. Allaah causes his good deeds to be wasted and whoever cried loudly is impatient which contradicts patience and this is unlawful".

    3. The Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said to Faatimah (radi-Allaahu 'anhu), "When I die do not cry over me, or pull your hair, or lament or mourn over me."[21]

    4. The Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said at a time of difficulty do not hit your cheeks nor your faces, do not pull your hair, do not rip your clothes nor wear black clothes or lament and mourn.[22]

    5. Imaam Ja'afar Saadiq was asked, "Can women wear black clothes and pray." He replied, "No, because black is the colour of the clothes of the people of hellfire." He also said, "Alee said the Messenger of Allaah said to his companions do not wear black clothes as it is the dress of Fir'aun."[23]
    Note: From this narration we find according to the shee'ah religion it is absolutely unlawful whether at a time of happiness or sadness. So whoever wears black clothes their either he is a Fir'aunee or a person from the hellfire.

    6. Imaam Muhammad Baaqir said, "Whoever made an imitation of a grave or copied anything else then he leaves the fold of Islaam."[24]

    7. Imaam Ja'afar Saadiq said, "Crying on the deceased with a loud voice and ripping ones clothes is not permissible."[25]

    8. Imaam Baaqir said, "When the son of the Messenger of Allaah, Taahir, died he prohibited Khadeejah from crying."

    9. Alee (radi-Allaahu 'anhu) said, "Whoever at a time of difficulty hit his thighs then his deeds will be wasted."[26]

    These narration's prove that all that the shee'ah do in the month of Muharram like beating oneself, hitting ones cheeks and face, wounding oneself, wearing black clothes, being in a state of mourning, lamenting and wailing, making grave imitations of the grave of Hussain (radi-Allaahu 'anhu) to lament over and all other actions the shee'ah do, are all prohibited and unlawful actions.

    If all this was permissible and allowed, then the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) would have done this for the martyrs of the battle of Uhud, yet he did not put a black shroud over his uncle Hamzah's body.

    After the great treachery of the shee'ah Imaam Zain al-A'abideen did not establish gatherings for mourning every year. Nor did he make images of the women of the Ahlul-Bayt as the shee'ah do today.
    The reality of these issues is that Allaah or his Messenger (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) didn't order establishing such gatherings. However the shee'ahs in order to cover up their deceit, mourn for their despicable mistake and with this send curses upon Yazeed trying to lift the blame from themselves.

    However what is ironic here is that according to the shee'ahs it was Yazeed who himself aided this custom of lamenting and mourning.
    Hence the reliable shee'ah book, Jalaa al-A'ayoon mentions Yazeed gave Ahlul Bayt a house and asked them to wear black clothes and to lament for 7 days.[27]

    This then proves the person who first started this innovation was Yazeed (according to the shee'ah) and that the shee'ah followed him in this custom. So on one hand they curse him and on the other hand they follow his innovated customs.
    This is indeed strange.

    This custom was really introduced by Ma'az ad-Daulah ash-Shee'ee who on the 10th of Muharram in 352H ordered the people to close their shops, all trading to cease and that the people should grieve, everyone to wear black clothes, women to rip their clothes in public and walk the streets whilst lamenting and wailing.[28]

    We find the shee'ahs of this time are following their predecessors foot by foot and earning the wrath and anger of Allaah upon themselves. Similarly according to their own words they ended up declaring their own shee'ah to be heretical infidels and thereby rightfully earning Allaah punishment.


    [21] Furoo al-Kaafee, Kitaab an-Nikah (2/128)
    [22] Furoo al-Kaafee, (2/128)
    [23] Kitaab Man Laa Yakhsar al-Faqeeyah Maa Yaslee Feehee.
    [24] Man Laa Yadhzah al-Faqeeyah Baab an-Nawaadir.
    [25] Furoo al-Kaafee (1/118).
    [26] Nahj al-Balaaghah (2/224) Printed in egypt.
    [27] Jalaa al-A'ayoon (pg.527, 531)
    [28] [TN] Haafidh Salaah ud-Deen Yoosuf said in 'The Month of Muharram And The Present Day Muslims.'

    "In 351H Ma'az ad-Daulah (Ahmad bin Bauiyyah Daylaamee) wrote the following on the door of the grand Masjid of Baghdaad, "May there be curse upon Mu'awiyyah bin Sufyaan, the evil ones of the garden of Fidak, the ones who stopped Hasan from being buried in the Prophets grave, the ones who exiled Abu Dharr and the ones who expelled Abbaas from the committee." (See Taareekh Ibn al-Aatheer (8/179).

    Then in 18th Dhul-Hijjah Ma'az ad-Daulah announced to the people to make Eed and he named the Eed 'Eed Khum Ghadeer' and the drums were beaten and it was a joyous occasion. The reason why he kept the date of 18th Dhul-Hijjah was because it was the date of the martyrdom of Uthmaan (RA). Nowadays the shee'ahs consider Eed Khum Ghadeer to be more virtuous then Eed ul-Adha.
    Then in the beginning of 352H Ma'az ad-Daulah ash-Shee'ee ordered the people to close their shops' all trading to cease and the people should grieve, everyone to wear black clothes, women to rip their clothes in public and walk the streets whilst lamenting and wailing. The shee'ah rejoiced at this is as it was a shee'ah government. ('The Month of Muharram And The Present Day Muslims. (pg.18-20) )

    May Allah Guide Us To Seerat-e-Mustakeem, Help us to Adhere on it, and protect us from such kind of Innovations in Deen, as every Innovation is Misguidance, and every Misguidance will lead to Hell!

    Lets say together: Aauzubillah-hi-MinasShia-nirajeem!

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