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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:43PM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    A look at democracy & its reality in the Muslim world & whether it is a valid me...
    Nov 21st 2013, 14:11
    A look at democracy & its reality in the Muslim world & whether it is a valid method for change, by br. Musa Cerantonio - Abu A'isha
    Egypt elections, Islam and democracy - Musa Cerantonio
    Is democracy the solution for the Muslims and will the Islamist parties really rule by shariah? Musa Cerantonio answers this question. (Video courtesy of 'sl...
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 islamist - Social Mention: This is what they do to you for drinking alcohol, 80 lashes with a 1" thick electric cable (a very usual court sentence), yet alcohol has always been part of Iranian culture, they are forcing Iranians to live the lifestyle of Arabs of 1400 years ago, IRI regime is at war with the Iranian people and the Iranian culture, even most Iranian traditional music are banned for being "an-Islamic", yet an 80 years old man can "marry" a 9 year old girl for several hours or as long as he wishes totally legally and a government mullah would make the sexual abuse of children totally according to Sharia laws and therefore legal. Prior to 1979 the majority of young Iranians were occasional alcohol drinkers but very few used drugs such as Heroin and Cocaine, even opium that is treated like snack by millions of Iranians was very unpopular among the younger people because the Iranian people had every single freedom people in the free world enjoyed during the shah, only certain political freedoms were restricted due to the threat of communist and islamist terrorists who regularly assassinated Iranians and westerners in Iran and finally managed to deceive the Iranians and stage the 1979 "revolution" that brought to power the tyrannical Islamist regime
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:55AM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    This is what they do to you for drinking alcohol, 80 lashes with a 1" thick electric cable (a very usual court sentence), yet alcohol has always been part of Iranian culture, they are forcing Iranians to live the lifestyle of Arabs of 1400 years ago, IRI regime is at war with the Iranian people and the Iranian culture, even most Iranian traditional music are banned for being "an-Islamic", yet an 80 years old man can "marry" a 9 year old girl for several hours or as long as he wishes totally legally and a government mullah would make the sexual abuse of children totally according to Sharia laws and therefore legal. Prior to 1979 the majority of young Iranians were occasional alcohol drinkers but very few used drugs such as Heroin and Cocaine, even opium that is treated like snack by millions of Iranians was very unpopular among the younger people because the Iranian people had every single freedom people in the free world enjoyed during the shah, only certain political freedoms were restricted due to the threat of communist and islamist terrorists who regularly assassinated Iranians and westerners in Iran and finally managed to deceive the Iranians and stage the 1979 "revolution" that brought to power the tyrannical Islamist regime
    Nov 21st 2013, 02:27
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 02:35PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Nov 22nd 2013, 14:33
    The Force as Source of All Ethics Surely anyone with a casualinterest in Star Wars has noticed the steady stream of Buddhistthought flowing throughout the Star Wars epoch. George Lucas, infact, considers himself a Buddhist Methodist, readily admitting thereligious overtones in Star Wars were borrowed freely from multiplereligions.  Upon examination, Buddhist thought is central to theJedi Code, aswell as the samurai code of conduct, or Bushido. Obi-Wan Kenobi describes the Force as "an energy field createdby all living things.  It surrounds us, penetrates us, and bindsthe galaxy together."  This is analogous to the concept ofCh'i, the Chinese word used to describe the spiritual energy of theuniverse.  It may be likened to the Buddhist view of the vastGodlike reservoir of energy that connects all living things. Buddha-natureis the ultimate, uncreated and immortal core spiritual reality in allliving creatures – an indestructible, omniscient, eternal,infinite, pure, benevolent, nurturing and blissful Buddha Essence ineach and every being (animals included), which empowers each being tobecome a Buddha. For Buddhists, cherishing other living things is the source ofultimate happiness while cherishing ourselves over others is thesource of suffering. Therefore, caring for the welfare of all livingbeings is central to enlightenment. The first of "EightVerses for Training the Mind" helps students appreciate thesanctity of life,"By thinking of all sentient beings as even betterthan the wish granting gem for accomplishing the highest aim, may Ialways consider them precious." Similarly, Reverence_for_Lifeis the concept of Nobel Prize laureate, Dr.Albert Schweitzer which he considered to be the basis of allethics."Ethics is nothingother than Reverence for Life.  Reverence for Life affords me myfundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists inmaintaining, assisting and enhancing life, and to destroy, to harm orto hinder life is evil." "Through reverence forlife, we come into a spiritual relationship with the universe. Theinner depth of feeling we experience through it gives us the will andthe capacity to create a spiritual and ethical set of values thatenable us to act on a higher plane, because we then feel ourselvestruly at home in our world. Through reverence for life, we become, ineffect, different persons."Dr. Albert Schweitzer In Buddhism it is known as theFirst Precept. It states, "Abstain from taking life." It extends the Sixth Commandment prohibition of murder of humanbeings to all living things. It is embellished byThich Nath Hanh,"Aware of the suffering caused by thedestruction of life, I undertake to cultivate compassion and learnways to protect the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals. Iam determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to condoneany act of killing in the world, in my thinking, and in my way oflife." This supremely egalitarian concept upholds the democracy of allliving things and the equal importance of all sentient beings. It is a precept at the heart of the environmental movement, the humanrights movement and the establishment of the National Parks System. It is also at the heart of such controversial issues as abortion,euthanasia,veganism, capital punishment, abolition, bullfighting and evenputting your dog 'to sleep.'  From the Tibetan Buddhistperspective, all human beings and animals possess "shepa" orconsciousness, and this consciousness is the primary characteristicof life. "As far as sentience is concerned, there is no differencebetween humans and animals." writes the Dalai Lama in TheUniverse in a Single Atom. Holding nature holy has not always been politically expedient.Many Native North American tribes also have religious beliefsgrounded in the idea that anua (souls) exist in all people andanimals.  Interestingly, Native Americans are the only knownethnic group in the United States requiring a federal permit topractice their religion.  This protection did not come until theNative American Religious Freedom Act of August 11, 1978. Though thelaw pledged that Indian people would enjoy the free exercise ofreligion, it contained no enforcement provision. Samurai were alsoessentially outlawed in 1876 by the executive order of EmperorMeiji.  Of course everyone is familiar with  The GreatJedi Purge initiated by Darth Sidious in 19 BBYto eradicate the Jedi Order. Jedi Knights and Samurai Every major religion has taken Star Wars and used itas an example of their religion relating it to stories in the Bible,Torah, Koran and Buddhist canon.  Lucas also borrows centraltenants from American Indian, Zen, Hindu and shamanistic religions. In Babylon, where history imitates art, the ancient temple of Naboohas been invadedjust like the planet Naboo in the Star Wars epoch.  Naboo wasthe Babylonian God of Wisdom.  So Padme, who gets her name fromthe Tibetan Buddhist prayer,  "OM Mani Padme Hum," as Queenof Naboo also represents the Queen of Wisdom. But the Jedi most certainly get their name from Jidaigeki,or Japanese samuraistories. The similarity of Jedi Knights tosamurai warriors with light saber instead of Japanese sword (nihonto)is unmistakable. Donald C. Trull elaborates in Go: The Obi-Wan Connection, "Both are chivalrous orders driven bystrict codes of honor and duty. Each consists of skilled swordsmenwho settled their disputes through one-on-one duels. The mysticprinciples of the Force and the Jedi code, especially as lectured byYoda and Qui-Gon Jinn, bear many similarities to the teachings of ZenBuddhism followed by Miyamoto Musashi and other (but not all)samurai.  Even the name of the prototypical Jedi Knight, Obi-WanKenobi, sounds suspiciously Japanese in origin…In fact, Lucasclaims that at one point he considered casting Star Wars with Asianactors in the principal roles."  The samurai fascination withdecapitation and dismemberment is clearly embraced by the Jedi. Giventhe apparently similar religious nature of both groups and theirincongruous use of violence, it is worthy of consideration to comparetheir history and teachings. "You are too strong. You are not a samurai yet."—Priest Nikkan to Musashi Miyamoto . "Impressive. Most impressive. But you are not a Jedi yet." —Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker "Asin china, the Japanese government became fearful of the powerBuddhist Temples had over the people.  Eventually they orderedthe samurai to destroy many of the temples.  Ironically, thismade Buddhism more powerful.  The samurai were warriors indangerous times.  They were duty bound to hold their livescheap, risking death constantly.  This was as hard for thememotionally as for anyone else.   They had assumed the Zenmonks would run screaming at the sight of violence, but instead, manyof them were unintimidated.  some of them meditated inside theirtemple even as the fires consumed them.  This impressed thesamurai greatly and they began to study Zen."-From the article, Samuraiand Zen. The literature of feudal Japan is filled with intriguingencounters between samurai warriors and Buddhist philosophy.  Tothe embattled samurai, a Zen state of mind, without distraction ordelusion, could make the critical difference between life and death. Also Zen focus and immediacy  was an aid to improving warriors'skills and technique as well as a means of coping with death whichsurrounded them. The Dangers of Violence Unfortunately, throughout history religious beliefs have been usedto condone violence almost as often as to condemn it.  Asincongruous  as it seems, holy wars are not unknown in thehistory of Buddhism. Mikael S. Adolphson states, "Buddhism in Japanseems no different from Christianity in Europe . . . or Islam inMinor Asia, neither do Japanese monastic warriors appear anydifferent from European crusaders or Spanish Moors." In the late1800′s through World War II, prominent Japanese Zen leaders turnedBuddhist doctrine on its head by teaching blind obedience, mindlesskilling, and total devotion to the emperor.  It must not beforgotten that the largest contiguous empire in the history of theworld, the Mongol World Empire, was ruled by a Buddhist, Kublai Khan. Thus, the prohibition of killing, or Ahimsa, has not always beenstrictly observed by all Buddhists or followers of any otherreligion, even the fictitious Jedi knights.   FrederickBrenion writes in the excellent Jedi-Shinshu, The Buddhist Heart ofStar Wars."Drawing parallels between StarWars and Buddhism will undoubtedly resonate with some, more than itwill others. Yes we can find similarities between Buddhist philosophyand the teachings of the Jedi, but at a deeper level, are theirperspectives compatible? Star Wars is after all a movie that revolvesaround violence and warfare. The teachings in Buddhism revolve aroundnon violence while seeking an end to warfare. There are manyBuddhists who will argue that violence can't be motivated bycompassion and so the Jedi aren't in accord with this centraltenet." The Dalai Lama reiterates the dangers of violence,"In fact the use of force may notonly fail to solve the problems, it may exacerbate them andfrequently leaves destruction and suffering in its wake. Humanconflicts should be resolved with compassion. The key isnon-violence…No matter what the case may be, I feel that acompassionate concern for the well-being of others – not simply foroneself – is the sole justification for the use of force." This correlates with the Jedi Code as summarized by LukeSkywalker,"Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect. Jedi respect all life, in any form. Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy. Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training." Nonetheless, wemust be careful of the negative impact of merely viewing any act ofviolence, even Star Wars.  Though it offers a philosophy ofpeace, ultimately it is paired with scenes of violence. Scientific studies indicate that people who watch violencein movies andtelevision are more likely to become numb to violence and to useviolence to solve problems. Those who view shows with realistic,repeated, or unpunished violence are more likely to imitate what theysee.  This would go a long way toward explaining the rash ofshootings in our nation's schools.  George Gerbner's "meanworld syndrome" suggeststhose who watch large amounts of television tend to overestimatetheir risk of being victimized by crime, believe their neighborhoodsare unsafe, assume the crime rate is increasing and live with anunhealthy sense of fear. This is a long way away from the healthystate of mind cultivated in Buddhism.  As ThichNhat Hanh stateson the webpage, theFifth Precept, "Theremay be a lot of violence, hatred, and fear in a film. If we spend onehour looking at that film, we will water the seeds of violence,hatred, and fear in us. We do that, and we let our children do that,too. …We may have to label our TV sets the same way we have labeledcigarettes: WARNING: WATCHING TELEVISION CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO YOURHEALTH." It can also behazardous to your family, society and future generations as well.Manystudies have shown effects of media violence on children may be longlasting. Psychological_traumahas been shown toincrease in proportion to the amount of television watched per day,including symptoms such as nightmares, panic attacks, depression,anxiety, insomnia, emotional detachment and loss of self esteem. Thich Nhat Hanh includes television in the Fifth Precept ban onintoxicants,"Awareof the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I vow to cultivategood health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and mysociety by practicing mindful eating, drinking and consuming. I vowto ingest only items that preserve peace, well-being and joy in mybody, in my consciousness, and in the collective body andconsciousness of my family and society. I am determined not to usealcohol or any other intoxicant or to ingest foods or other itemsthat contain toxins, such as certain TV programs, magazines, books,films and conversations. I am aware that to damage my body or myconsciousness with these poisons is to betray my ancestors, myparents, my society and future generations. I will work to transformviolence, fear, anger and confusion in myself and in society bypracticing a diet for myself and for society. I understand that aproper diet is crucial for self-transformation and for thetransformation of society."
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 bushido - Social Mention: yes i cavity concentration can, focus on woman's clenched butt ox for attention dick-fix-it extended periods of time; butt oily admittedly, not for 14 hours colon collaboration cavity consolation consecutively. Yes i can poke prod paw peek, little blow peep, tongue twitter teat taut titter, snort snout salivate succor, swizzle swish swirl swoon, yet not sow swine sworn sniff, for extended saucy surreal, so so real moments. Bushido Butt knot, for 14 finger butt boring, colon courageous cavity coring, orifice ogle outrageous hours oaring. So sworn swine sorry! Whether clenched, or unclenched, wink, or no wink, quivering, or gore gaping, puckered or spit sputtering, even wishfully well wiped; proctology personally find butt holes boring. To each his own, phallus fecal offal orifice focus; whatever fiduciary fallow floats, your 1040 easily bountiful bushido boat. Not even judging those who like wiener woe wanton wastrel watching people sensational sensual smelly smear shit, and enamored with constipation constitution constable crap curiosities, pious pontificating paramilitary pedestal pustule poop play. To each his own, enema enchantment sphincter entrancement entertainments. When it comes to these poo particular rectum turd tinker reich recreations, i am an anus avid advocate, of sore sphincter slacking. Hum-bold butt believer of, "if you have seen one person shit, you have seen them all." Ass for terrific turd tinkering, strong sphincter spoor stipulate, i am a firm fecal ass acolyte adherer, to hoarse hummer humane poo principle of , "Crap catch and immediate release!" Send them "kids" off to commode college, don't make them float around in a Stupor Bowl! Peace be with us, poop peccadillo peeps.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:26PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    yes i cavity concentration can, focus on woman's clenched butt ox for attention dick-fix-it extended periods of time; butt oily admittedly, not for 14 hours colon collaboration cavity consolation consecutively. Yes i can poke prod paw peek, little blow peep, tongue twitter teat taut titter, snort snout salivate succor, swizzle swish swirl swoon, yet not sow swine sworn sniff, for extended saucy surreal, so so real moments. Bushido Butt knot, for 14 finger butt boring, colon courageous cavity coring, orifice ogle outrageous hours oaring. So sworn swine sorry! Whether clenched, or unclenched, wink, or no wink, quivering, or gore gaping, puckered or spit sputtering, even wishfully well wiped; proctology personally find butt holes boring. To each his own, phallus fecal offal orifice focus; whatever fiduciary fallow floats, your 1040 easily bountiful bushido boat. Not even judging those who like wiener woe wanton wastrel watching people sensational sensual smelly smear shit, and enamored with constipation constitution constable crap curiosities, pious pontificating paramilitary pedestal pustule poop play. To each his own, enema enchantment sphincter entrancement entertainments. When it comes to these poo particular rectum turd tinker reich recreations, i am an anus avid advocate, of sore sphincter slacking. Hum-bold butt believer of, "if you have seen one person shit, you have seen them all." Ass for terrific turd tinkering, strong sphincter spoor stipulate, i am a firm fecal ass acolyte adherer, to hoarse hummer humane poo principle of , "Crap catch and immediate release!" Send them "kids" off to commode college, don't make them float around in a Stupor Bowl! Peace be with us, poop peccadillo peeps.
    Nov 21st 2013, 20:20
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:26PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    yes i cavity concentration can, focus on woman's clenched butt ox for attention dick-fix-it extended periods of time; butt oily admittedly, not for 14 hours colon collaboration cavity consolation consecutively. Yes i can poke prod paw peek, little blow peep, tongue twitter teat taut titter, snort snout salivate succor, swizzle swish swirl swoon, yet not sow swine sworn sniff, for extended saucy surreal, so so real moments. Bushido Butt knot, for 14 finger butt boring, colon courageous cavity coring, orifice ogle outrageous hours oaring. So sworn swine sorry! Whether clenched, or unclenched, wink, or no wink, quivering, or gore gaping, puckered or spit sputtering, even wishfully well wiped; proctology personally find butt holes boring. To each his own, phallus fecal offal orifice focus; whatever fiduciary fallow floats, your 1040 easily bountiful bushido boat. Not even judging those who like wiener woe wanton wastrel watching people sensational sensual smelly smear shit, and enamored with constipation constitution constable crap curiosities, pious pontificating paramilitary pedestal pustule poop play. To each his own, enema enchantment sphincter entrancement entertainments. When it comes to these poo particular rectum turd tinker reich recreations, i am an anus avid advocate, of sore sphincter slacking. Hum-bold butt believer of, "if you have seen one person shit, you have seen them all." Ass for terrific turd tinkering, strong sphincter spoor stipulate, i am a firm fecal ass acolyte adherer, to hoarse hummer humane poo principle of , "Crap catch and immediate release!" Send them "kids" off to commode college, don't make them float around in a Stupor Bowl! Peace be with us, poop peccadillo peeps.
    Nov 21st 2013, 20:22
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:03PM  

    Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Der Gesandte Allāhs, sallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam, sagte:
    „Ich hinterließ euch...
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:20
    Der Gesandte Allāhs, sallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam, sagte:
    „Ich hinterließ euch zwei Dinge, wonach ihr nicht mehr irregehen werdet. Das Buch Allāhs und meine Sunna."
    [Al-Hakim, Nr. 172/1; sahīh al-Dschāmi´ von Scheich al-Albānī, Nr. 2937]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:52PM  

    nasheed - Social Mention
    خدا رو شکر Sina Eblise گواهینامه ی ماشین رو گرفت ، دیگه با خیال راحت میتونه رانندگی کنه؟؟؟؟ نه اشتباه نکنید !!!! . .. . . . . . . . . . میتونه Need For Speed Most Wanted بازی کنه :v ایشالا تا چند وقت دیگه گواهینامه موتورش هم میاد GTA هم میتونه بازی کنه و پلیس مزاحمش نشه :v :))))))
    Nov 20th 2013, 21:45
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:59AM  

    Sven Laus Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sven Laus Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anas ibn Malik (r) berichtet, dass der Gesandte Allahs (s) sagte: "Drei begleite...
    Nov 21st 2013, 02:24
    Anas ibn Malik (r) berichtet, dass der Gesandte Allahs (s) sagte: "Drei begleiten den Gestorbenen zum Grab: seine Angehörigen, sein Vermögen und seine Taten. Zwei davon, nämlich die Angehörigen und sein Vermögen, verlassen ihn. Das Dritte, sein Verdienst, bleibt bei ihm." (Al-Bukhari und Muslim)

    post by Muhammad
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 sharia - Social Mention: MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Islamist militants rammed a car bomb into a police compound north of Somalia's capital on Tuesday and opened fire on officers, leaving at least 28 people dead, officials and witnesses said. Al Shabaab - the al Qaeda-linked group that claimed responsibility for a deadly raid on a shopping mall in neighboring Kenya in September - said it carried out the morning assault. Gunfire rang out at the police station in Baladweyne, near the border with Ethiopia, into the early afternoon as locals rushed for cover. African Union (AU) peacekeepers and Somali troops surrounded the compound and opened fire. Witnesses said the shooting inside then stopped. Seven civilians, 10 militants and 11 police officers were killed, said Somali government spokesman Abdirahman Osman - figures that were confirmed by several people at the scene. Some witnesses said the militants blasted their way through the gate and sprayed people inside with bullets. Colonel Dibad Osman, a spokesman for the African Union peacekeeping force in Baladweyne, told Reuters the attackers failed to blow the gate, then tried to climb inside the compound. "Some militants died in the car explosion while others were shot dead as they jumped over the wall. The (AU) forces suffered slight injuries," he told reporters at the scene of the attack. "STUPID ATTACK" Al Shabaab has been driven out of many of its strongholds, including Mogadishu and Baladweyne, over the past two years. But it has kept up car bombings and guerrilla attacks. Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabaab's military spokesman, said 25 Somali policemen and 18 Djiboutian members of the country's AMISOM peacekeeping force were killed. He told Reuters many of the militants managed to get away unharmed. The Islamists have exaggerated the number of casualties in the past, just as government officials have at times played down the dead in clashes with insurgents. "First, a speeding car went past us and soon we heard a big explosion followed by gunfire. The car rammed into the gate of the police station. We can see a huge (plume of) smoke and hear exchange of gunfire," said shopkeeper Nur Osman at the scene. A nurse at a hospital next to the police station said doctors and patients were taking cover. Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud condemned the attack, saying his government was determined to eliminate the Islamists. Mohamud's elected government has been in charge for just over a year and is striving to rebuild Somalia after two decades of civil war and lawlessness triggered by the overthrow of President Siad Barre in 1991. "I say this was a stupid attack because our enemies need to understand that these attacks do nothing to advance their cause, however misguided," the president said. Barre's toppling plunged Somalia into turmoil, first at the hands of clan warlords and then Islamist militants, who have steadily lost ground since 2011 under pressure from the African Union military offensive. Al Qaeda said in early 2012 that al Shabaab, which wants to impose its strict version of sharia, or Islamic law, across the country, had joined its ranks. Last month, a bomber killed 16 people in a cafe in the same district, targeting Ethiopian and Djibouti troops who al Shabaab accuses of invading Somalia. Straddling a major highway that links south-western Somalia to southern and northern parts of the country, Baladweyne is the main gateway to the Ogaden region in Ethiopia.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:44PM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Islamist militants rammed a car bomb into a police compound north of Somalia's capital on Tuesday and opened fire on officers, leaving at least 28 people dead, officials and witnesses said. Al Shabaab - the al Qaeda-linked group that claimed responsibility for a deadly raid on a shopping mall in neighboring Kenya in September - said it carried out the morning assault. Gunfire rang out at the police station in Baladweyne, near the border with Ethiopia, into the early afternoon as locals rushed for cover. African Union (AU) peacekeepers and Somali troops surrounded the compound and opened fire. Witnesses said the shooting inside then stopped. Seven civilians, 10 militants and 11 police officers were killed, said Somali government spokesman Abdirahman Osman - figures that were confirmed by several people at the scene. Some witnesses said the militants blasted their way through the gate and sprayed people inside with bullets. Colonel Dibad Osman, a spokesman for the African Union peacekeeping force in Baladweyne, told Reuters the attackers failed to blow the gate, then tried to climb inside the compound. "Some militants died in the car explosion while others were shot dead as they jumped over the wall. The (AU) forces suffered slight injuries," he told reporters at the scene of the attack. "STUPID ATTACK" Al Shabaab has been driven out of many of its strongholds, including Mogadishu and Baladweyne, over the past two years. But it has kept up car bombings and guerrilla attacks. Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabaab's military spokesman, said 25 Somali policemen and 18 Djiboutian members of the country's AMISOM peacekeeping force were killed. He told Reuters many of the militants managed to get away unharmed. The Islamists have exaggerated the number of casualties in the past, just as government officials have at times played down the dead in clashes with insurgents. "First, a speeding car went past us and soon we heard a big explosion followed by gunfire. The car rammed into the gate of the police station. We can see a huge (plume of) smoke and hear exchange of gunfire," said shopkeeper Nur Osman at the scene. A nurse at a hospital next to the police station said doctors and patients were taking cover. Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud condemned the attack, saying his government was determined to eliminate the Islamists. Mohamud's elected government has been in charge for just over a year and is striving to rebuild Somalia after two decades of civil war and lawlessness triggered by the overthrow of President Siad Barre in 1991. "I say this was a stupid attack because our enemies need to understand that these attacks do nothing to advance their cause, however misguided," the president said. Barre's toppling plunged Somalia into turmoil, first at the hands of clan warlords and then Islamist militants, who have steadily lost ground since 2011 under pressure from the African Union military offensive. Al Qaeda said in early 2012 that al Shabaab, which wants to impose its strict version of sharia, or Islamic law, across the country, had joined its ranks. Last month, a bomber killed 16 people in a cafe in the same district, targeting Ethiopian and Djibouti troops who al Shabaab accuses of invading Somalia. Straddling a major highway that links south-western Somalia to southern and northern parts of the country, Baladweyne is the main gateway to the Ogaden region in Ethiopia.
    Nov 19th 2013, 18:04
    By Abdi Sheikh MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Islamist militants rammed a car bomb into a police compound north of Somalia's capital on Tuesday and opened fire on officers, leaving at least 28 people dead, officials and witnesses said. Al Shabaab - the al Qaeda-linked group that claimed responsibility for a…
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:54AM  

    IHED - Social Mention
    Nov 21st 2013, 02:18
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