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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:41PM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    the face of islam, sharia, and the fighters for islam domination also known as terrorists.
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:34
    The Al Qaeda-affiliated Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram has begun abducting Christian women, forcing them to convert to Islam, then marrying them off to jihadi fighters, according to several media reports. Reuters spoke with a survivor of such an ordeal, a 19-year-old girl identified only as Ha...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:24PM  

    scharia - Social Mention
    Papier und Jute statt Plastik! 10.000 Kunststofftüten gehen in Deutschland pro Minute über die Ladentheke. Das ist nicht nur Ressourcenverschwendung - viele landen im Meer und dann in den Mägen von Fischen und Vögeln. Deshalb fordert die Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. zurecht, Plastiktüten nicht länger kostenlos herauszugeben, sondern mit einer Abgabe zu belegen. Hier könnt Ihr die Petition unterstützen.
    Nov 19th 2013, 10:53
    Luftreinhaltung, Mehrverbrauch, Benzin, Benzinverbrauch, Sprit, Spritverbrauch, Petition, Umwelt, Umweltschutz, Umwelthilfe, Verkehr, Auto, Autotest, Abzocke, Testfahrt, Tank, EU, EU-Richtlinie, Autolobby, Testzyklus, Verbrauch, CO2, Grenzwert, Ruß, Emissionen, Abgas, Luftverschmutzung, Smog, Klima,...
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 islamist - Social Mention: ARE RELIGIOUS AND RACE-BASED PARTIES PARANOID ABOUT A TRULY DEMOCRATIC MALAYSIAN SOCIETY? The response from PAS Youth Leader vice-chief Dr Raja Ahmad Iskandar Al-Hiss to the recent statements of PR's vice-president Karpal Singh that race or religious based political parties should be deregistered, seems to have struck a raw nerve with PAS Youth leaders. Mr. Singh's opinion on what he believes is the correct way forward in developing a truly democratic Malaysian society has drawn what some may see as, an almost paranoid and insecure reaction from their PAS partners. Why is the PAS Youth leadership so sensitive of Mr. Singh's comments? Could they have concerns that the majority of their membership supports PAS because they are Malay Muslims? Are PAS leaders fearful that failure to structure their policies in a way that does not uphold Islamist ideology will lead to the destruction of the party? Do PAS say their policies are designed with the intention of providing equal rights to all Malaysians, regardless of religious belief or race? Perhaps Mr. Singh's comments are beyond the understanding of those who only see an insular view rather than Mr. Singh's more secular hopes for a more inclusive Malaysian democratic society. Do you think religious or race-based parties should be allowed to continue?
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 05:31AM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    ARE RELIGIOUS AND RACE-BASED PARTIES PARANOID ABOUT A TRULY DEMOCRATIC MALAYSIAN SOCIETY? The response from PAS Youth Leader vice-chief Dr Raja Ahmad Iskandar Al-Hiss to the recent statements of PR's vice-president Karpal Singh that race or religious based political parties should be deregistered, seems to have struck a raw nerve with PAS Youth leaders. Mr. Singh's opinion on what he believes is the correct way forward in developing a truly democratic Malaysian society has drawn what some may see as, an almost paranoid and insecure reaction from their PAS partners. Why is the PAS Youth leadership so sensitive of Mr. Singh's comments? Could they have concerns that the majority of their membership supports PAS because they are Malay Muslims? Are PAS leaders fearful that failure to structure their policies in a way that does not uphold Islamist ideology will lead to the destruction of the party? Do PAS say their policies are designed with the intention of providing equal rights to all Malaysians, regardless of religious belief or race? Perhaps Mr. Singh's comments are beyond the understanding of those who only see an insular view rather than Mr. Singh's more secular hopes for a more inclusive Malaysian democratic society. Do you think religious or race-based parties should be allowed to continue?
    Nov 19th 2013, 05:02
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 khalifa - Social Mention: 2013 Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals Professionally Framed Wiz Khalifa Rolling Stone Cover Music Poster Print - 22x34 with Solid Black Wood Frame CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE YOUR SALES → Black Friday and Cyber Monday Professionally Framed Wiz Khalifa Rolling Stone Cover Music Poster Print - 22x34 with Solid Black Wood Frame Detail: Recommendations for Buying Humidifier Equipment Humidifiers and humidifier add-ons are vital appliances in the home, and for this explanation you should be a minor bit thorough so as to acquire a person that will provide your requirements nicely. There are some quite powerful acquiring guidelines that will significantly assistance you in your quest to order them. Some of these tips are discussed beneath. Professionally Framed Wiz Khalifa Rolling Stone Cover Music Poster Print - 22x34 with Solid Black Wood Frame. Restoration Service for Insurance coverage Negotiations Restoration assistance can be of help with insurance coverage negotiations. It gives really hard points and estimates that can be introduced to the insurance policy enterprise to make certain replacement and correct payment. Professionally Framed Wiz Khalifa Rolling Stone Cover Music Poster Print - 22x34 with Solid Black Wood Frame. Furnishing Your Entrance Porch Results in a Exclusive Outdoor Place The entrance porch is a best spot for relaxation or lounging about throughout one's rest working day. The front porch of the home in individual can be quite ethereal and roomy that you can absolutely furnish it with out of doors furnishings to change it to a particular outdoor house. Filled in Home & Kitchen
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:29PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    2013 Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals Professionally Framed Wiz Khalifa Rolling Stone Cover Music Poster Print - 22x34 with Solid Black Wood Frame CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE YOUR SALES → Black Friday and Cyber Monday Professionally Framed Wiz Khalifa Rolling Stone Cover Music Poster Print - 22x34 with Solid Black Wood Frame Detail: Recommendations for Buying Humidifier Equipment Humidifiers and humidifier add-ons are vital appliances in the home, and for this explanation you should be a minor bit thorough so as to acquire a person that will provide your requirements nicely. There are some quite powerful acquiring guidelines that will significantly assistance you in your quest to order them. Some of these tips are discussed beneath. Professionally Framed Wiz Khalifa Rolling Stone Cover Music Poster Print - 22x34 with Solid Black Wood Frame. Restoration Service for Insurance coverage Negotiations Restoration assistance can be of help with insurance coverage negotiations. It gives really hard points and estimates that can be introduced to the insurance policy enterprise to make certain replacement and correct payment. Professionally Framed Wiz Khalifa Rolling Stone Cover Music Poster Print - 22x34 with Solid Black Wood Frame. Furnishing Your Entrance Porch Results in a Exclusive Outdoor Place The entrance porch is a best spot for relaxation or lounging about throughout one's rest working day. The front porch of the home in individual can be quite ethereal and roomy that you can absolutely furnish it with out of doors furnishings to change it to a particular outdoor house. Filled in Home & Kitchen
    Nov 19th 2013, 12:17
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 tauhid - Social Mention: jgn sebarkan pasal 26 Ada kawan dah check - itu dr bible bukan dr quran Dalam juzuk 26, al quran terkandung 6 surah iaitu :- 1) Al Ahqaaf (bukit-bukit pasir) menceritakan - kebenaran tauhid dan kebathilan syirik - kewajipan menghormati ibu bapa - kehancuran kaum 'Aad - penyiaran Al quran pada golongan jin 2) Muhammad ( Nabi Muhammad SAW) menceritakan : - ketentuan ketentuan peperangan dalam islam 3) Al Fath-h (kemenangan) menceritakan : - perdamaian hudaibiyah adalah satu kemenangan yang besar bagi kaum Muslim 4) Al Hujuraat (kamar-kamar) menceritakan : - tatakarma terhadap Rasulullah SAW - peraturan tentang pergaulan umat islam 5) Qaaf menceritakan: - hari berbangkit 6) Adz Dzaariyaat ( angin yang menerbangkan) menceritakan: - penegasan tentang hari berbangkit - kisah tentang umat- umat yang dahulu yang mendustakan para nabi. Setelah saya baca setiap terjemahan dalam Alquran ini tiada satu pun terjemahan memberi makna "sedikit waktu lagi Aku akan menggoncangkan langit dan bumi, laut dan darat"... Hati hati dengan apa yang anda sebarkan... Wallahualam... Satu fakta nombor yg menarik untuk kita fikir-fikirkan: Adakah kita sedari...??? Acheh Tsunami 26-12-2004, Jogja Gempa 26-05-2006 Tasik, Jawa Barat Gempa 26-06-2010 Guru Merapi Meletus 26-10-2010 Jambatan Tenggarong Samarinda, Indonesia Runtuh 26-09-2013 Bulan lalu pada tarikh 26 Okt. Taufan Haiyyan diutus Allah SWT untuk menunjukkan kekuasaan Nya kepada seluruh rakyat Filipina yg telah merobohkan "Rumah Nya" di Manila untuk digantikan dgn shopping mall!! Mengapa semua ini Berlaku pada tarikh 26hb Adakah ini satu kebetulan?? Bukalah dan bacalah Al-Quran Juzuk ke: 26 Allah SWT telah berfirman Mafhumnya: "sedikit waktu lagi Aku akan menggoncang kan langit dan bumi, laut dan darat". Biar mereka semua tahu bahawa Mu'jizat Allah itu ada !!! Jika sudi.. Sampaikanlah ini kepada hamba Allah yg lain..
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 05:44AM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    jgn sebarkan pasal 26 Ada kawan dah check - itu dr bible bukan dr quran Dalam juzuk 26, al quran terkandung 6 surah iaitu :- 1) Al Ahqaaf (bukit-bukit pasir) menceritakan - kebenaran tauhid dan kebathilan syirik - kewajipan menghormati ibu bapa - kehancuran kaum 'Aad - penyiaran Al quran pada golongan jin 2) Muhammad ( Nabi Muhammad SAW) menceritakan : - ketentuan ketentuan peperangan dalam islam 3) Al Fath-h (kemenangan) menceritakan : - perdamaian hudaibiyah adalah satu kemenangan yang besar bagi kaum Muslim 4) Al Hujuraat (kamar-kamar) menceritakan : - tatakarma terhadap Rasulullah SAW - peraturan tentang pergaulan umat islam 5) Qaaf menceritakan: - hari berbangkit 6) Adz Dzaariyaat ( angin yang menerbangkan) menceritakan: - penegasan tentang hari berbangkit - kisah tentang umat- umat yang dahulu yang mendustakan para nabi. Setelah saya baca setiap terjemahan dalam Alquran ini tiada satu pun terjemahan memberi makna "sedikit waktu lagi Aku akan menggoncangkan langit dan bumi, laut dan darat"... Hati hati dengan apa yang anda sebarkan... Wallahualam... Satu fakta nombor yg menarik untuk kita fikir-fikirkan: Adakah kita sedari...??? Acheh Tsunami 26-12-2004, Jogja Gempa 26-05-2006 Tasik, Jawa Barat Gempa 26-06-2010 Guru Merapi Meletus 26-10-2010 Jambatan Tenggarong Samarinda, Indonesia Runtuh 26-09-2013 Bulan lalu pada tarikh 26 Okt. Taufan Haiyyan diutus Allah SWT untuk menunjukkan kekuasaan Nya kepada seluruh rakyat Filipina yg telah merobohkan "Rumah Nya" di Manila untuk digantikan dgn shopping mall!! Mengapa semua ini Berlaku pada tarikh 26hb Adakah ini satu kebetulan?? Bukalah dan bacalah Al-Quran Juzuk ke: 26 Allah SWT telah berfirman Mafhumnya: "sedikit waktu lagi Aku akan menggoncang kan langit dan bumi, laut dan darat". Biar mereka semua tahu bahawa Mu'jizat Allah itu ada !!! Jika sudi.. Sampaikanlah ini kepada hamba Allah yg lain..
    Nov 19th 2013, 05:42
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:37PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    Ismail Haniyeh (Palestine's Piece Of Shit Prime Minister), whose militant Islamist movement does not recognize Israel's existence, visits his granddaughter in an ISRAELI hospital where they save her Life!!!
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:32
    News: Amal Haniyeh, granddaughter of Gaza's Hamas prime minister, suffers from severe gastrointestinal illness, was hospitalized in Israel. After doctors claimed survival chances are slim, she was returned to Gaza Strip in state of clinical death
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 Al-Rahma - Social Mention: #jikabdallah Comment voir le Prophète en rêve ? Je partage avec vous cette histoire pleine de sagesse rapportée par Malik Ibn Anas d'Aslama : Qu'Allah ne nous prive pas de voir le visage de notre prophète . Ameen Sayyidi wa akhi el farouq : Je vais te raconter une histoire vraie qu'un frère cher m'a racontée. Il était disciple d'un grand chaykh en Inde. Un jour, ce frère a dit à son chaykh : "Ô mon chaykh, je veux absolument voir le prophète en rêve. Le chaykh lui répond : "C'est facile. Demain, ne bois pas la moindre goutte d'eau." C'est chose faîte, mais le frère ne voit rien. Il retourne voir son maître et le maître lui dit : "Tu veux vraiment le voir c'est sûr que tu n'as rien bu, ni eau, ni lait ?" Le frère répond : "Ô mon chaykh, wa Allahi je n'ai rien bu." Il passe 2 nuits et 2 jours sans boire de l'eau, le frère est mort de soif. Il va revoir son chaykh affaibli, fatigué, épuisé. Et il lui demande pour la 3ème fois : "Ô mon chaykh, je n'ai toujours pas vu le prophète ". Le chaykh, calme et serein, parla d'une voix pleine de sagesse au frère et lui dit : "Mais dis moi, qu'est ce que tu a vu dans ton rêve ?" Le frère lui dit : "J'ai vu des rivières d'eau d'une beauté rare, j'ai vu des chutes d'eau plus belles que celle du Niagara, j'ai bu dans mon rêve les plus douces eaux fraîches que je n'ai jamais vues ni goûtées. Le chaykh lui a dit après cela : "Ô mon fils, le jour où ton coeur aura soif de l'amour du prophète comme cette soif d'eau, tu le verras." Cheres soeurs et chers freres, cette soif a un chemin : celui de son amour. Mais peut-on aimer quelqu'un sans le connaître ? Non. Il faut donc bien connaître le prophète mais surtout faire beaucoup as-salat wa as-salam sur le prophète (salla Lâhou alayhi wa salam). Et là in shâ Allâh, Il Ta 'ala nous récompensera par cette grande rahma. Cela dit, Allâh donne aussi cette rahma à qui Il veut, comme Il veut et quand Il veut. Qu'Allah Azza wa Jal nous comble de cette rahma . Ameen
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:33PM  

    Al-Rahma - Social Mention
    #jikabdallah Comment voir le Prophète en rêve ? Je partage avec vous cette histoire pleine de sagesse rapportée par Malik Ibn Anas d'Aslama : Qu'Allah ne nous prive pas de voir le visage de notre prophète . Ameen Sayyidi wa akhi el farouq : Je vais te raconter une histoire vraie qu'un frère cher m'a racontée. Il était disciple d'un grand chaykh en Inde. Un jour, ce frère a dit à son chaykh : "Ô mon chaykh, je veux absolument voir le prophète en rêve. Le chaykh lui répond : "C'est facile. Demain, ne bois pas la moindre goutte d'eau." C'est chose faîte, mais le frère ne voit rien. Il retourne voir son maître et le maître lui dit : "Tu veux vraiment le voir c'est sûr que tu n'as rien bu, ni eau, ni lait ?" Le frère répond : "Ô mon chaykh, wa Allahi je n'ai rien bu." Il passe 2 nuits et 2 jours sans boire de l'eau, le frère est mort de soif. Il va revoir son chaykh affaibli, fatigué, épuisé. Et il lui demande pour la 3ème fois : "Ô mon chaykh, je n'ai toujours pas vu le prophète ". Le chaykh, calme et serein, parla d'une voix pleine de sagesse au frère et lui dit : "Mais dis moi, qu'est ce que tu a vu dans ton rêve ?" Le frère lui dit : "J'ai vu des rivières d'eau d'une beauté rare, j'ai vu des chutes d'eau plus belles que celle du Niagara, j'ai bu dans mon rêve les plus douces eaux fraîches que je n'ai jamais vues ni goûtées. Le chaykh lui a dit après cela : "Ô mon fils, le jour où ton coeur aura soif de l'amour du prophète comme cette soif d'eau, tu le verras." Cheres soeurs et chers freres, cette soif a un chemin : celui de son amour. Mais peut-on aimer quelqu'un sans le connaître ? Non. Il faut donc bien connaître le prophète mais surtout faire beaucoup as-salat wa as-salam sur le prophète (salla Lâhou alayhi wa salam). Et là in shâ Allâh, Il Ta 'ala nous récompensera par cette grande rahma. Cela dit, Allâh donne aussi cette rahma à qui Il veut, comme Il veut et quand Il veut. Qu'Allah Azza wa Jal nous comble de cette rahma . Ameen
    Nov 19th 2013, 10:38
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 sharia - Social Mention: U.S. to train Libyan military, including Islamic jihadists Really, what could possibly go wrong? "U.S. to Train Libyan Military, Including Islamists," by Bill Gertz for the Washington Free Beacon, November 16 (thanks to Kenneth): Simi Valley, Calif. — The U.S. military is preparing to conduct military and special operations training for Libya's military and the training will risk including Islamist terrorists among the trainees, according to the commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command. Adm. William McRaven, the commander who helped lead the covert raid to kill al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, said in a brief interview Saturday that the counterterrorism training operation has not begun. "We're in the early stages," he told the Free Beacon. McRaven said a major gun battle erupted in Tripoli last week among opposing militias, a sign of instability in the North African country. The training is needed to stabilize Libya, an oil-rich country beset by mounting terrorism and Islamist militias. During a panel discussion on the war on terrorism at the Reagan National Defense Forum, McRaven disclosed that the Libyan military training would include both conventional forces training and special operations training and that there will be risks. "We are going to have to assume some risks," McRaven said. "Right now we have the authorities to do that training, and I think as a country we have to say there is probably some risk that some of the people we will be training with do not have the most clean records, but at the end of the day it is the best solution we can find to train them to deal with their own problems." McRaven disclosed the plans for Libyan training when asked about problems encountered in training foreign special operations forces. McRaven said the training would include a "very, very thorough review" of the Libyans who will take part. Nonsense. They don't even know what to look for. The U.S. military and the rest of the government is forbidden to study Islam and jihad, and so how can they possibly discover the jihadists in the Libyan military? Since the ouster of Muammar Gadhafi in 2011, Libya has had a weak government in a region dominated by Islamist militias ranging from al Qaeda affiliates to Islamists that do not support al Qaeda. A weak central government has resulted in the spread of militias throughout the country. Weak border controls also have made the country a safe haven for jihadists. Intelligence reports from earlier this year said some of the Islamists are engaged in training jihadists fighters who are then dispatched to Syria to join Islamist rebels there fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashir Assad. The four-star admiral said the risks have been explained to senior leaders, including Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, and the regional combatant commanders. The U.S. covert raid to capture al Qaeda leader Anas al Libi also has led to a backlash by Islamist militias operating in Libya. The terrorists who attacked the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, killing Ambassador Christopher Stephens and three other Americans, were linked to al Qaeda. The group, Ansar al Sharia, continues to operate openly, despite promises by President Barack Obama to bring those who carried out the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks to justice. Additionally, Ansar al Sharia has grown more belligerent in recent months, apparently abandoning propaganda efforts to rebrand itself as a nonviolent militia. Libyan militias also have seized some oil production facilities and have been selling oil to fund their activities. Recently, al Qaeda terrorists reportedly infiltrated into Libya through the poorly protected southern border, according to a U.S. official. McRaven said the military and special forces training will be carried out through the U.S. Africa Command, the military command in charge of Africa, and that negotiations with the Libyans are still underway. Between 5,000 and 7,000 Libyans will receive conventional military training from the United States. "And we have a complementary effort on the special operations side to train a certain number of their forces to do counterterrorism," McRaven said. Special operations training for the Libyans raises the prospect that some of the most advanced military tactics and operations could be compromised to Islamists....
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:41PM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    U.S. to train Libyan military, including Islamic jihadists Really, what could possibly go wrong? "U.S. to Train Libyan Military, Including Islamists," by Bill Gertz for the Washington Free Beacon, November 16 (thanks to Kenneth): Simi Valley, Calif. — The U.S. military is preparing to conduct military and special operations training for Libya's military and the training will risk including Islamist terrorists among the trainees, according to the commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command. Adm. William McRaven, the commander who helped lead the covert raid to kill al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, said in a brief interview Saturday that the counterterrorism training operation has not begun. "We're in the early stages," he told the Free Beacon. McRaven said a major gun battle erupted in Tripoli last week among opposing militias, a sign of instability in the North African country. The training is needed to stabilize Libya, an oil-rich country beset by mounting terrorism and Islamist militias. During a panel discussion on the war on terrorism at the Reagan National Defense Forum, McRaven disclosed that the Libyan military training would include both conventional forces training and special operations training and that there will be risks. "We are going to have to assume some risks," McRaven said. "Right now we have the authorities to do that training, and I think as a country we have to say there is probably some risk that some of the people we will be training with do not have the most clean records, but at the end of the day it is the best solution we can find to train them to deal with their own problems." McRaven disclosed the plans for Libyan training when asked about problems encountered in training foreign special operations forces. McRaven said the training would include a "very, very thorough review" of the Libyans who will take part. Nonsense. They don't even know what to look for. The U.S. military and the rest of the government is forbidden to study Islam and jihad, and so how can they possibly discover the jihadists in the Libyan military? Since the ouster of Muammar Gadhafi in 2011, Libya has had a weak government in a region dominated by Islamist militias ranging from al Qaeda affiliates to Islamists that do not support al Qaeda. A weak central government has resulted in the spread of militias throughout the country. Weak border controls also have made the country a safe haven for jihadists. Intelligence reports from earlier this year said some of the Islamists are engaged in training jihadists fighters who are then dispatched to Syria to join Islamist rebels there fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashir Assad. The four-star admiral said the risks have been explained to senior leaders, including Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, and the regional combatant commanders. The U.S. covert raid to capture al Qaeda leader Anas al Libi also has led to a backlash by Islamist militias operating in Libya. The terrorists who attacked the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, killing Ambassador Christopher Stephens and three other Americans, were linked to al Qaeda. The group, Ansar al Sharia, continues to operate openly, despite promises by President Barack Obama to bring those who carried out the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks to justice. Additionally, Ansar al Sharia has grown more belligerent in recent months, apparently abandoning propaganda efforts to rebrand itself as a nonviolent militia. Libyan militias also have seized some oil production facilities and have been selling oil to fund their activities. Recently, al Qaeda terrorists reportedly infiltrated into Libya through the poorly protected southern border, according to a U.S. official. McRaven said the military and special forces training will be carried out through the U.S. Africa Command, the military command in charge of Africa, and that negotiations with the Libyans are still underway. Between 5,000 and 7,000 Libyans will receive conventional military training from the United States. "And we have a complementary effort on the special operations side to train a certain number of their forces to do counterterrorism," McRaven said. Special operations training for the Libyans raises the prospect that some of the most advanced military tactics and operations could be compromised to Islamists....
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:05
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 khilafah - Social Mention: tidak penting seberapa banyak orang mengatakan metode Rasul itu tak cocok.-- tak peduli sebanyak apa orang mengatakan kalau menyadarkan umat dengan cara mengubah pemikiranya, membongkar makar asing, an talabun nusrah akan gagal-- kapan khilafah tegak? tu kan? dah lama berjuang ..koar-koar.. hasilnya mana? buat seminar ini dan itu, aksi sana-sini.. hasilnya mana? katanya talabun nursah adalah hal yang urgen dalam menegakkan khilafah? hello.. gak bakalan ada kaum tentara dan penguasa yang mau memberikan itu sama kalian? kalian telah gagal.. udah, stop aja.., khilafah akan tegak dengan cara lain.. sayang sekali... dalil telah teruntai dengan indah untuk jiwa yang ikhlas berjuang.. kabar gembira telah disiapkan bagi pemuda pembela islam, sayang sekali... ucapan kalian tidak berpengaruh, karena dalil kami melakukan, karena perintah sang khaliq dan nabi yang mulia kami laksanakan.. kami bukan pecundang yang kalah di balik isu-isu menyesatkan.. kami bukan pula penghayal sebagaimana kaum prakmatis sampaikan.. khilafah akan tegak bersama orang yang sabar, kuat, istiqomah dan faqih fiddin.. kapan khilafah tegak dan dimana posisinya, maka hanya Allahlah yang tau.. kini jangan tanyakan kapan,kapan,kapan, -- tapi, apa yang telah engkau kerahkan untuk menolong agama Allah. sudahkah hartamu sebanyak abu bakar berinfak? sudahkan waktumu digunakan untuk menyadarkan umat sebagaimana sahabat? sudahkah nyawamu melayang karena menasehati penguasa yang dholim? sudahkah? kemenangan memang tak tampak saat ini,.. tapi lihatlah gelombang hasrat untuk menegakkan khilafah bak air bah (tsunami) kemenangan tak pernah bisa dilogikakan... perang badar, perang al-ahzab dan banyak perang lainnya.. apakah kita menang dengan jumlah kita yang banyak? tidak...--maka, jangan pikir bahwa khilafah akan tegak dengan jumlah yang banyak ... tapi Allah telah mempersiapkan pelangi berupa kemuliaan bagi org yang istiqomah dijlan dakwah yang mengikuti metode Rasul.. kami taat karena perintah Allah, bukan perintah akal (yang tak berlandaskan aqidah islam)yang sarat akan kesesatan.. magnet ideologis
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:38PM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    tidak penting seberapa banyak orang mengatakan metode Rasul itu tak cocok.-- tak peduli sebanyak apa orang mengatakan kalau menyadarkan umat dengan cara mengubah pemikiranya, membongkar makar asing, an talabun nusrah akan gagal-- kapan khilafah tegak? tu kan? dah lama berjuang ..koar-koar.. hasilnya mana? buat seminar ini dan itu, aksi sana-sini.. hasilnya mana? katanya talabun nursah adalah hal yang urgen dalam menegakkan khilafah? hello.. gak bakalan ada kaum tentara dan penguasa yang mau memberikan itu sama kalian? kalian telah gagal.. udah, stop aja.., khilafah akan tegak dengan cara lain.. sayang sekali... dalil telah teruntai dengan indah untuk jiwa yang ikhlas berjuang.. kabar gembira telah disiapkan bagi pemuda pembela islam, sayang sekali... ucapan kalian tidak berpengaruh, karena dalil kami melakukan, karena perintah sang khaliq dan nabi yang mulia kami laksanakan.. kami bukan pecundang yang kalah di balik isu-isu menyesatkan.. kami bukan pula penghayal sebagaimana kaum prakmatis sampaikan.. khilafah akan tegak bersama orang yang sabar, kuat, istiqomah dan faqih fiddin.. kapan khilafah tegak dan dimana posisinya, maka hanya Allahlah yang tau.. kini jangan tanyakan kapan,kapan,kapan, -- tapi, apa yang telah engkau kerahkan untuk menolong agama Allah. sudahkah hartamu sebanyak abu bakar berinfak? sudahkan waktumu digunakan untuk menyadarkan umat sebagaimana sahabat? sudahkah nyawamu melayang karena menasehati penguasa yang dholim? sudahkah? kemenangan memang tak tampak saat ini,.. tapi lihatlah gelombang hasrat untuk menegakkan khilafah bak air bah (tsunami) kemenangan tak pernah bisa dilogikakan... perang badar, perang al-ahzab dan banyak perang lainnya.. apakah kita menang dengan jumlah kita yang banyak? tidak...--maka, jangan pikir bahwa khilafah akan tegak dengan jumlah yang banyak ... tapi Allah telah mempersiapkan pelangi berupa kemuliaan bagi org yang istiqomah dijlan dakwah yang mengikuti metode Rasul.. kami taat karena perintah Allah, bukan perintah akal (yang tak berlandaskan aqidah islam)yang sarat akan kesesatan.. magnet ideologis
    Nov 19th 2013, 11:50
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:31PM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Ini lah aku yang sekarang,, merasa hidup ini indah bersama keluarga ku bergandengan tangan saling berpelukan,, menghadapi tantangan dunia... Allahuakbar.. AllahuAkbar... AllahuAkbar.. AllahuAkbar.. AllahuAkbar.. bersama keluarga ku Ulil Asfar, @Amsar maulana, @Abdul aziz nasta, Irsyadul Ibaad, Andre Rianda, Muhammad Roosli Silalahi, Ahmad Fauzi Abdi, Abdul Halim, Ongki Aditya Putra, Rahmad Dhoank, Andi Mulya, Shandy Septian
    Nov 19th 2013, 12:19
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 islamist - Social Mention: Although there have been calls from party insiders and critics for PAS to be led solely by ulama, PAS Dewan Muslimat thinks that a combination of ulama, professionals and a new breed called the activists, should be the core of the Islamist party's line-up. The Dewan Muslimat chief Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff told The Star Online that these three groups have become the main "movers and shakers" in the party and they "complete each other". "We need the activists so they could call for the people's power while the professionals could focus on governance and administration especially in education and finance. "And these two groups work under the jurisdiction of the Ulama group. I think that is the best way to lead an Islamist party," said the long-time leader of PAS's women wing. Her apparent preference seems to be leaning towards the incumbents, although she maintained that she would not name any favourite candidates currently vying for the top posts. While PAS looks set to retain Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang as the president, incumbent deputy president Mohamad Sabu, who is an activist and considered a street fighter is facing a tough challenge from Datuk Nik Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah, who is an ulama. Meanwhile, professional leaders are defending their positions as vice-presidents. They are Salahuddin Ayub, Datuk Husam Musa and Datuk Mahfuz Omar. However, they are being challenged by two ulama leaders Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, who is also the party's information chief and Datuk Abu Bakar Chik. Zailah nevertheless believed that these three elements were vital in forming a strong leadership in the party. The 50-year-old politician who hails from Rantau Panjang, Kelantan and is a member of Parliament in the constituency said there's no such thing as rivalry between her and her challenger Nuridah Salleh to compete for the Muslimat chief position. This the second time they will be competing against each other. "I have always had a high regard for Nuridah and we always work together every time there is a meeting. So there is no such thing as who has the most support from the grassroots," she said. She also said that there's no such thing as 'power hungry' in PAS and it is not about getting a position. "There's nothing more rewarding than fighting for Islam. Allah's blessing is all we seek for," she said. Zailah, who has been in PAS for the past 30 years and held the position of Kelantan Dewan Muslimat chief since 1986, also revealed she initially wanted to withdraw from contest. "But they told me they still needed me in the party and I feel obligated to continue my journey in PAS," she said. It is understood that Zailah is set to retain her position as she received "85 percent" of support from the party grassroots. The Dewan Muslimat will hold its election on Nov 20 and the election for central committee will be held on Nov 22.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 09:35AM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    Although there have been calls from party insiders and critics for PAS to be led solely by ulama, PAS Dewan Muslimat thinks that a combination of ulama, professionals and a new breed called the activists, should be the core of the Islamist party's line-up. The Dewan Muslimat chief Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff told The Star Online that these three groups have become the main "movers and shakers" in the party and they "complete each other". "We need the activists so they could call for the people's power while the professionals could focus on governance and administration especially in education and finance. "And these two groups work under the jurisdiction of the Ulama group. I think that is the best way to lead an Islamist party," said the long-time leader of PAS's women wing. Her apparent preference seems to be leaning towards the incumbents, although she maintained that she would not name any favourite candidates currently vying for the top posts. While PAS looks set to retain Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang as the president, incumbent deputy president Mohamad Sabu, who is an activist and considered a street fighter is facing a tough challenge from Datuk Nik Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah, who is an ulama. Meanwhile, professional leaders are defending their positions as vice-presidents. They are Salahuddin Ayub, Datuk Husam Musa and Datuk Mahfuz Omar. However, they are being challenged by two ulama leaders Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, who is also the party's information chief and Datuk Abu Bakar Chik. Zailah nevertheless believed that these three elements were vital in forming a strong leadership in the party. The 50-year-old politician who hails from Rantau Panjang, Kelantan and is a member of Parliament in the constituency said there's no such thing as rivalry between her and her challenger Nuridah Salleh to compete for the Muslimat chief position. This the second time they will be competing against each other. "I have always had a high regard for Nuridah and we always work together every time there is a meeting. So there is no such thing as who has the most support from the grassroots," she said. She also said that there's no such thing as 'power hungry' in PAS and it is not about getting a position. "There's nothing more rewarding than fighting for Islam. Allah's blessing is all we seek for," she said. Zailah, who has been in PAS for the past 30 years and held the position of Kelantan Dewan Muslimat chief since 1986, also revealed she initially wanted to withdraw from contest. "But they told me they still needed me in the party and I feel obligated to continue my journey in PAS," she said. It is understood that Zailah is set to retain her position as she received "85 percent" of support from the party grassroots. The Dewan Muslimat will hold its election on Nov 20 and the election for central committee will be held on Nov 22.
    Nov 19th 2013, 08:37
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 05:27AM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Historic ties with Kuwait hailed
    Nov 18th 2013, 16:46
    Gulf Daily News - Found 41 minutes agoAl Khalifa, Kuwaiti Ambassador to Bahrain Shaikh Azzam Mubarak Al Sabah, Bahraini Ambassador to Kuwait Shaikh Khalifa bin Hamad Al Khalifa... Economic agenda dominates Afro-Arab gathering - Backgrounder: Arab-African Summits - CHINAdaily Burundi's president leaves for Africa-Arab summit in Kuwait - CHINAdaily Emir in Kuwait visit - Gulf Times Explore All Gulf Times
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