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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 06:58AM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    DIA SANG AYAH Memang ayah tak mengandungmu tapi darahnya mengalir di darahmu darinya kau warisi kedermawanan dan kerendahan hatinya.. Memang ayah tak melahirkanmu tapi suaranyalah yang pertama mengantarkanmu pada Tauhid ketika lahir.. Memang ayah tak menyusuimu tapi dari keringatnyalah tiap suapan yang menjadi air susumu... Yang sayang AYAH, klik "suka" & "bagikan"
    Nov 20th 2013, 06:37
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 sharia - Social Mention: New Global Energy Phenomenon Driven by a continuing increase in shale oil flows in the United States, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude has fallen by nearly 10 per cent in the past month; in sympathy, Brent has slipped by over 6 per cent. Perhaps the market has already built in expectations of lower oil prices, more so since the US-Iran rapprochement that appears to be on the cards could be a real game-changer as it would lead to more Oil availability in the market which will result in decrease in the oil prices. However, over and above geopolitical changes in West Asia and North Africa, there are several reasons why oil prices could go into a secular decline. First of all, other petroleum-based energy sources, like shale oil and gas, are substantially cheaper and reportedly equivalent to $20/bbl in the US and $50/bbl in Europe. • Abundance of Shale Gas all over the world Shale Gas? Shale gas is natural gas that is found trapped within shale formations. Shale gas has become an increasingly important source of natural gas in the United States and Europe since the start of this century, and interest has spread to potential gas shales in the rest of the world. In 2000 shale gas provided only 1% of U.S. natural gas production; by 2010 it was over 20% and the U.S. government's Energy Information Administration predicts that by 2035, 46% of the United States' natural gas supply will come from shale gas. Some analysts expect that shale gas will greatly expand worldwide energy supply. China is estimated to have the world's largest shale gas reserves. A study by the Baker Institute of Public Policy at Rice University concluded that increased shale gas production in the US and Canada could help prevent Russia and Persian Gulf countries from dictating higher prices for the gas they export to European countries. Hydraulic fracturing routinely produces micro seismic events much too small to be detected except by sensitive instruments. These micro seismic events are often used to map the horizontal and vertical extent of the fracturing.. However, as of late 2012, there have been three instances of hydraulic fracturing, through induced seismicity, triggering quakes large enough to be felt by people: one each in the United States, Canada, and England; all were too small to cause damage. On June 19, 2012, the United States Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources held a hearing entitled, "Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies." Dr. Murray Hitzman, the Charles F. Fogarty Professor of Economic Geology in the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO testified that "About 35,000 hydraulically fractured shale gas wells exist in the United States. Only one case of felt seismicity in the United States has been described in which hydraulic fracturing for shale gas development is suspected, but not confirmed. Globally only one case of felt induced seismicity at Blackpool, England has been confirmed as being caused by hydraulic fracturing for shale gas development." • Alternative Energy Increasing bio fuel use, particularly in Asia (where today, even without any subsidy, palm oil-based fuels are much cheaper) would keep putting pressure on oil prices. Third, alternative sources of energy, such as wind and solar power, appear to have reached an inflection point and are rapidly becoming much more competitive. Finally, and most important, environmental demands are getting louder by the day - we may soon be at a truly joyous inflection point, where the cost of environmental degradation is built into energy (and other) pricing. All this suggests that the average price of oil over the next 10 years will be lower - and possibly much lower - than the average price over the past 10 years, which (Brent) was under $80 a barrel (minimum $37, maximum $145). This expectation of a secular decline has been around for several years - it just hasn't been triggered yet. Buy medium-term puts on oil and coal. • Emerging Markets Emerging markets like India, China, Brazil, Turkey and so on, cheaper oil would greatly help the current account deficit and, of course, reduce the persistent pressure on the respective currencies. The above renaissance in the energy sector, will help them meet there energy needs most of the developing and emerging markets except Russia which will be loosing due to new " Shale" phenomenon. • Muslim World As the Muslim world modernizes under the influence of globalization and technology, the rest of the world will begin to recognize that most Muslims are, just like people of other faiths, simply looking to get on with their lives and provide their children with the best possible future. Over time, there will be greater integration of Muslim life and culture into the "mainstream"; and as Muslims begin to be seen as more "normal", elements of Sharia law - which is highly praiseworthy in all areas will cater to the aspects of cultural and business environment. In particular, a real Islamic finance will blossom. Islamic finance is very similar to an asset back financing model in conventional finance, where in global banks flog basically normal financial instruments with an Islamic stamp from various authorities. • Current Oil Prices (Fall in price) • Shale Gas Production (Continues Increase with low prices)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:50AM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    New Global Energy Phenomenon Driven by a continuing increase in shale oil flows in the United States, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude has fallen by nearly 10 per cent in the past month; in sympathy, Brent has slipped by over 6 per cent. Perhaps the market has already built in expectations of lower oil prices, more so since the US-Iran rapprochement that appears to be on the cards could be a real game-changer as it would lead to more Oil availability in the market which will result in decrease in the oil prices. However, over and above geopolitical changes in West Asia and North Africa, there are several reasons why oil prices could go into a secular decline. First of all, other petroleum-based energy sources, like shale oil and gas, are substantially cheaper and reportedly equivalent to $20/bbl in the US and $50/bbl in Europe. • Abundance of Shale Gas all over the world Shale Gas? Shale gas is natural gas that is found trapped within shale formations. Shale gas has become an increasingly important source of natural gas in the United States and Europe since the start of this century, and interest has spread to potential gas shales in the rest of the world. In 2000 shale gas provided only 1% of U.S. natural gas production; by 2010 it was over 20% and the U.S. government's Energy Information Administration predicts that by 2035, 46% of the United States' natural gas supply will come from shale gas. Some analysts expect that shale gas will greatly expand worldwide energy supply. China is estimated to have the world's largest shale gas reserves. A study by the Baker Institute of Public Policy at Rice University concluded that increased shale gas production in the US and Canada could help prevent Russia and Persian Gulf countries from dictating higher prices for the gas they export to European countries. Hydraulic fracturing routinely produces micro seismic events much too small to be detected except by sensitive instruments. These micro seismic events are often used to map the horizontal and vertical extent of the fracturing.. However, as of late 2012, there have been three instances of hydraulic fracturing, through induced seismicity, triggering quakes large enough to be felt by people: one each in the United States, Canada, and England; all were too small to cause damage. On June 19, 2012, the United States Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources held a hearing entitled, "Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies." Dr. Murray Hitzman, the Charles F. Fogarty Professor of Economic Geology in the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO testified that "About 35,000 hydraulically fractured shale gas wells exist in the United States. Only one case of felt seismicity in the United States has been described in which hydraulic fracturing for shale gas development is suspected, but not confirmed. Globally only one case of felt induced seismicity at Blackpool, England has been confirmed as being caused by hydraulic fracturing for shale gas development." • Alternative Energy Increasing bio fuel use, particularly in Asia (where today, even without any subsidy, palm oil-based fuels are much cheaper) would keep putting pressure on oil prices. Third, alternative sources of energy, such as wind and solar power, appear to have reached an inflection point and are rapidly becoming much more competitive. Finally, and most important, environmental demands are getting louder by the day - we may soon be at a truly joyous inflection point, where the cost of environmental degradation is built into energy (and other) pricing. All this suggests that the average price of oil over the next 10 years will be lower - and possibly much lower - than the average price over the past 10 years, which (Brent) was under $80 a barrel (minimum $37, maximum $145). This expectation of a secular decline has been around for several years - it just hasn't been triggered yet. Buy medium-term puts on oil and coal. • Emerging Markets Emerging markets like India, China, Brazil, Turkey and so on, cheaper oil would greatly help the current account deficit and, of course, reduce the persistent pressure on the respective currencies. The above renaissance in the energy sector, will help them meet there energy needs most of the developing and emerging markets except Russia which will be loosing due to new " Shale" phenomenon. • Muslim World As the Muslim world modernizes under the influence of globalization and technology, the rest of the world will begin to recognize that most Muslims are, just like people of other faiths, simply looking to get on with their lives and provide their children with the best possible future. Over time, there will be greater integration of Muslim life and culture into the "mainstream"; and as Muslims begin to be seen as more "normal", elements of Sharia law - which is highly praiseworthy in all areas will cater to the aspects of cultural and business environment. In particular, a real Islamic finance will blossom. Islamic finance is very similar to an asset back financing model in conventional finance, where in global banks flog basically normal financial instruments with an Islamic stamp from various authorities. • Current Oil Prices (Fall in price) • Shale Gas Production (Continues Increase with low prices)
    Nov 20th 2013, 11:23
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 tauhid - Social Mention: Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, Allah masih meridhoi jiwa ini untuk menikmati perputaran masa dalam kehidupan alam semesta dunia, awal tahun 1435 Hijrah, awal tahun Muslim, awal tahun yang menjadi momentum pergerakan fisik manusia yang paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah kehidupan manusia, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, dari suatu masyarakat yang memusuhi Islam ke masyarakat yang menegakkan Islam 1435 tahun lalu. Apa yang membuat masyarakat Mekah memusuhi Nabi Muhammad S.A.W saat itu sebenarnya bukanlah personaliti nabi, tetapi karena adanya agama baru yang berbeda dengan keyakinan masyarakat Quraish Mekah. Personaliti nabi siapapun tak dapat menyangkal sangat mulia sejak kecil; jujur, cerdas, amanah, sehingga mendapat gelar "Al Amin", yang maknanya orang jujur terpercaya. Munculnya agama baru menjadi ancaman baru bagi masyarakat Quraish Mekah, ancaman bagi keyakinan yang selama ini menjadi tradisi turun temurun. Mereka adalah masyarakat paganisme, masyarakat yang menyembah berhala-berhala sebagai personifikasi tuhan-tuhan mereka, Al Lath, Al Uzza, Al Manna. Dalam kehidupan sosial, mereka adalah masyarakat jahiliyah, masyarakat yang mengalami masa kebodohan seperti mengubur hidup-hidup anak perempuan mereka, senang minum khamar, berjudi, berzina, materialistik, serta sukuistik. Sehingga agama baru Muhammad sebenarnya juga ancaman tradisi sosial mereka. Qs Saba 43: Dan apabila dibacakan kepada mereka ayat-ayat Kami yang terang, mereka berkata: "Orang ini tiada lain hanyalah seorang laki-laki yang ingin menghalangi kamu dari apa yang disembah oleh bapak-bapakmu", dan mereka berkata: "(Al Qur'an) ini tidak lain hanyalah kebohongan yang diada-adakan saja". Dan orang-orang kafir berkata terhadap kebenaran tatkala kebenaran itu datang kepada mereka: "Ini tidak lain hanyalah sihir yang nyata". Penentangan kaum Quraish Mekah kepada Muhammad dengan sangat beragam cara jahat. Mereka membantah ayat-ayat Allah dengan argumen dangkal, tidak logik; memfitnah, memboikot kehidupan ekonomi, melakukan tindak kekerasan kepada pengikut nabi, hingga persekongkolan untuk membunuh nabi, dsb. Mereka dipimpin oleh Abu Jahal dan Abu Lahab, sebagaimana Allah mengabadikan ayat-ayatNya dalam surah Al Lahab. Qs Al Lahab 1: Binasalah kedua tangan Abu Lahab dan sesungguhnya dia akan binasa. Qs Al Lahab 2: Tidaklah berfaedah kepadanya harta bendanya dan apa yang ia usahakan. Qs Al Lahab 3: Kelak dia akan masuk ke dalam api yang bergejolak. Qs Al Lahab 4: Dan (begitu pula) istrinya, pembawa kayu bakar. Qs Al Lahab 5: Yang di lehernya ada tali dari sabut. Akhirnya, hijrah adalah pilihan nabi saat itu, 1435 tahun lalu. Masyarakat Madinah adalah mayarakat yang menyambut, melindungi nabi serta menegakkan Islam pertama kali. Islam lalu menyebar ke masyarakat Quraish Mekah yang bertaubat, lalu masyarakat Jazirah Arab serta negeri-negeri sekitarnya; Persia (Irak), Mesir, Afrika Utara, Eropa Selatan, India, hingga kini menjadi keyakinan bagi sekitar 1.6 milyar umat manusia, umat Islam di berbagai belahan dunia. Islam adalah satu-satunya agama yang memiliki kitab yang masih suci, satu-satunya agama yang Allah ridhoi. Tersebarnya umat Muslim yang kini ada pada setiap ras, bangsa manusia di muka bumi di semua benua; Asia, Afrika, Eropa, Amerika, Australia, karena Islam yang Muhammad S.A.W bawa adalah untuk seluruh umat manusia. Qs Saba 28: Dan Kami tidak mengutus kamu (Muhammad), melainkan kepada umat manusia seluruhnya sebagai pembawa berita gembira dan sebagai pemberi peringatan, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tiada mengetahui. Hijrah yang paling hakekat sebenarnya adalah pergerakan jiwa dari yang mengotorinya kepada hal-hal yang membersihkannya. Jiwa yang kotor sebenarnya dipimpin, diarahkan serta dikendalikan oleh setan jin maupun setan manusia, yang tujuannya jelas; menyimpangkan, membelokkan dan mengeluarkan manusia dari jalan lurus (sirathal mustaqiim), jalan Allah, jalan yang konsisten dengan Islam baik dalam keyakinan ketuhanan (tauhid) maupun dalam peraturan (syariat). Sebenarnya kunci yang paling fundamental tentang Islam adalah keyakinan bahwa tuhan cuma satu (monotheism), yakni Allah. Sehingga umat apapun di muka bumi ini yang meyakini monotheism, dari sejak Nabi Adam a.s hingga kini adalah Islam. Semua rasul-rasul atau nabi-nabi yang muncul ke muka bumi baik yang tersebut dalam ayat-ayat Allah maupun yang tidak tersebut, menyeru kepada hal yang paling inti, yakin serta sujud kepada tuhan yang hanya satu, Allah. Qs Al Anbiya 92: Sesungguhnya (agama tauhid) ini adalah agama kamu semua; agama yang satu dan Aku adalah Tuhanmu, maka sembahlah Aku. Qs Al Anbiya 93: Dan mereka telah memotong-motong urusan (agama) mereka di antara mereka. Kepada Kamilah masing-masing golongan itu akan kembali. Qs Al Ikhlas 1: Katakanlah: "Dia-lah Allah, Yang Maha Esa, Tiap-tiap umat di berbagai belahan dunia, di manapun, sepanjang masa, sebenarnya memiliki istilah-istilah masing-masing untuk zat yang disebut sebagai tuhan. Allah adalah nama yang muncul pada masyarakat Arab, khususnya masa rasul/nabi terakhir umat manusia, Muhammad S.A.W. Nama Allah adalah nama dalam bahasa Arab, sehingga umat yang tidak berbahasa Arab memiliki nama yang berbeda untuk menyebut zat yang disebut sebagai tuhan, seperti Elohim/Adonai (Yahudi), Yahwe/Jehova (Nasrani), Aten (Yunani), Brahman (Hindu), Baha (Bahai), Waheguru (Sikhism), Ahura Mazda (Zoroastrianism), atau nama apapun yang muncul dalam setiap umat manusia di manapun mereka berada. Jika nama-nama yang berbeda itu memiliki konsistensi sifat-sifat Allah yang sebenarnya, seperti hanya satu (maha esa), tunggal, berbeda dengan ciptaan-ciptaannya (maha berbeda), tidak beranak, tidak diperanakkan, serta memiliki sifat-sifat maha lainnya, seperti maha mengetahui, maha mendengar, maha sayang/cinta, maha merahmati, maha bijaksana, maha adil, maha berkehendak, maha tinggi, maha suci, maha agung, maha mencipta, maha mengatur, maha pengampun, maha besar, maha kaya, maha memiliki, maha kuasa, serta sejumlah sifat maha lainnya dalam himpunan 99 nama-nama/sifat-sifat baik Allah (azmaul husna), maka zat yang berbeda-beda nama dalam bahasa umat yang berbeda-beda itu, juga adalah tuhan yang satu, Allah. Namun, jika tidak memiliki konsistensi sifat-sifat tersebut, seperti lebih dari dari satu (banyak), tidak berbeda dengan ciptaan-ciptaannya, memiliki anak, menyatu dengan alam semesta, dan sifat-sifat lainnya yang tidak konsisten dengan sifat Allah yang sebenarnya, maka tuhan-tuhan yang berbeda-beda nama tersebut bukanlah Allah. Dalam pandangan satu garis tauhid, tuhan hanya satu, Allah, maka apa yang Allah turunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W sebenarnya hanyalah menegaskan kembali tentang prinsip monotheism dalam keyakinan ketuhanan. Setiap umat dimanapun mereka berada di muka bumi memiliki syariat berbeda-beda dalam beribadah baik ritual agama maupun transaksi sosial/muamalah. Kunci kedua yang Allah tujukan dengan mengutus Nabi Muhammad S.A.W ke muka bumi sebagai rasul/nabi terakhir adalah menyempurnakan agama, agama Islam. Islam bukan sekedar keyakinan kepada tuhan yang satu, tetapi Islam juga adalah peraturan (syariat) yang wajib tegak. Islam yang Muhammad bawa adalah Islam yang menutup peraturan/hukum-hukum (syariat) dalam semua dimensi kehidupan; ibadah ritual, kepemimpinan, pemerintahan, ekonomi, bisnis, hukum-hukum/konstitusi, genetik/nazab, pernikahan, waris, keluarga, masyarakat, lingkungan, adab pribadi, adab sosial, dsb. Dengan demikian, ditutupnya masa kerasulan pada 6-7 Masehi telah tertutup pula jalan syariat yang hak, syariat Islam. Islam sebagai jalan tauhid, jalan peraturan yang hak telah sempurna ketika ayat terakhir Allah turun menjelang wafatnya manusia nabi pembawa risalah terakhir. Qs Al Maidah 3: "...Pada hari ini telah Kusempurnakan untukmu agamamu, Kucukupkan kepadamu NikmatKu, telah Kuridhoi Islam agamamu." Kesalahan yang paling fundamental tentang Islam baik dari orang-orang yang meyakini Islam (Muslim) maupun yang tidak meyakini Islam (non-Muslim) bahkan yang mendustakan atau memusuhi Islam adalah karena mencampurbaurkan Islam dengan Muslim, Islam dengan tradisi/kebudayaan, moral Islam dengan moral sosial. Apa yang saya ungkap ini adalah kunci yang paling fundamental bagi umat Islam secara khusus, serta umat manusia secara global. Sebuah kunci yang nilainya melampaui nilai dari kesimpulan-kesimpulan sains yang telah mendapatkan Hadiah Nobel. Islam sebenarnya hanya satu, sehingga siapapun atau apapun yang mengelompokkan atau membagi-bagi Islam pasti keliru. Apa yang mengelompok atau terbagi-bagi adalah manusia-manusia yang menyakini Islam yang populer dengan istilah Muslim (ah). Apa yang populer dengan istilah Sunni, Syiah, Muhammadiyah, Wahabi, Nahdhatul Ulama, Ikhwanul Mu'minun, Hizbut Tahrir, atau istilah apasaja, bukanlah kelompok-kelompok Islam, tapi kelompok-kelompok Muslim. Kesimpulan saya ini konsisten dengan sifat Allah yang hanya satu. Manusia-manusia atau kelompok-kelompok yang mendustakan Islam bahkan memusuhi Islam sebenarnya tidak memahami Islam dengan benar, memakai logika yang tidak konsisten, saling bertentangan satu sama lain, dangkal, dan fakta-fakta yang tidak representatif, serta kesimpulan-kesimpulan yang tidak sahih. Dr Ali Sina (mungkin nama samaran) dari Faith Freedom International mendustakan Qs Al Baqarah 2: Dzalikal kitaabu laraaeba fiihi hudallil muttaqiin (Kitab (Al Qur'an) ini tidak ada keraguan padanya; petunjuk bagi mereka yang bertakwa,) dengan dalil bahwa 80% masyarakarat Quraish Mekah saat itu tidak mempercayai atau meragukan Al Qur'an dari Allah. Ali Sina salah karena Allah tidak pernah menjadikan sumber kebenaran manusia sebagai dasar untuk membenarkan Al Qur'an sebagai kitab yang tidak ada keraguan padanya, tetapi benar dari sisi Allah yang memahami sumber Al Qur'an serta konsistensi dalil-dalil yang ada didalamnya. Mustahil bagi Allah yang sudah mengetahui pendustaan kelompok kafir Quraish Mekah pada saat itu, atau kelompok-kelompok yang mendustakannya hingga kini, sebagai dasar untuk menyatakan bahwa Al Qur'an tidak ada keraguan padanya. Ali Sina juga menuduh bahwa ayat-ayat Allah tentang sains bukanlah sains karena dalil-dalil itu adalah pengetahuan umum saat itu bahkan sudah ada sejak masa filosof-filosof Yunani, seperti istilah "dzarrah" yang bermakna atom yang sudah sejak Demokritus. Tuduhan Ali Sina ini juga salah karena apa yang membedakan sains dengan bukan sains bukan seperti pemahaman Ali Sina, tapi pada apakah suatu dalil atau kesimpulan tentang sesuatu dapat terverifikasi atau tidak. Jika mau jujur, bukanlah filosof-filosof Yunani yang merintis serta mengembangkan sains, tetapi filosof-filosof/saintis-saintis Muslim yang mendapatkan inspirasi dari ayat-ayat Allah, mensintesa pengetahuan-pengetahuan dari Yunani serta India, yang menjadi jalan terbukanya sains yang berkembang di Eropa, Amerika, serta berbagai belahan dunia. Hampir seluruh cabang-cabang sains yang kini manusia kenal, seperti Astronomi, Fisika, Kimia, Kedokteran, Matematika, Geologi, Geografi, Farmasi, Tanah, Pertanian, Ekonomi, Sejarah, Sosiologi, maupun cabang-cabang yang non-sains seperti Hukum, Sastra, Seni, dsb seluruhnya sudah berkembang sebelum Eropa atau Amerika mempelajari sains. Ali Sina juga membantahkan zat serta wujud tuhan yang dapat dipersonifikasikan (impersonal). Personifikasi bukanlah perlambangan tuhan seperti dalam penyembahan berhala-berhala (idolatry), sebagaimana yang terjadi pada masyarakat paganisme Arab Quraish serta berbagai umat lain sepanjang jaman, tetapi personifikasi bermakna bahwa tuhan memiliki zat, zat yang memiliki ruh yang dengannnya memiliki energi kehidupan berjiwa yang memunculkan sifat-sifat, seperti mencipta alam semesta, mencipta hukum-hukum universal alam semesta, mengatur seluruh kehidupan, mengakhiri kehidupan serta mengadili perbuatan-perbuatan makhluk. Tuhan menurut Ali Sina adalah prinsip-prinsip kehidupan, prinsip-prinsip alam semesta, sebagaimana halnya dengan manusia-manusia yang berpandangan pantheism, panentheism. Bagi Ali Sina tuhan bukan zat yang memiliki sifat baik (good), tetapi kebaikan (goodness) itu sendiri adalah tuhan, bukan pula zat yang memiliki sifat bijak (wise), tapi kebijakan (wisdom) itu sendiri adalah tuhan, bukan juga zat yang mencinta/menyayangi (loving), merahmati (mercying), tapi cinta/sayang (love), rahmat (mercy) itu sendiri adalah tuhan. Bagi Ali Sina tidak ada zat yang mencipta hukum-hukum alam semesta, tapi hukum-hukum alam semesta itu sendiri adalah tuhan. Pandangan Ali Sina sebenarnya juga adalah pandangan Albert Einstein serta sejumlah saintis yang berpaham agnostik bahkan atheis. Saya sudah membantah pandangan-pandangan salah tentang tuhan ketika pemikiran tentang Zat Allah, zat cahaya, zat ruh, dan zat setan serta sifat-sifatnya menjadi sebuah kesimpulan-kesimpulan yang begitu jelas, logik, memiliki fakta-fakta, dengan dasar ayat-ayat Allah serta kesimpulan-kesimpulan sains dari Einstein serta sejumlah saintis. Paham ketuhanan Ali Sina terpengaruh oleh paham ketuhanan Einstein, Einstein pun terpengaruh oleh paham ketuhanan Filosof Baruch Spinoza, filosof yang paling berpengaruh di Eropa awal abad ke 17 Masehi. Hampir semua paham-paham ketuhanan; seperti agnocism, atheism, pantheism, panenteism yang muncul serta berkembang di Eropa, Amerika serta berbagai dunia lainnya bersumber dari Filosof Spinoza. Sebenarnya Spinoza sebagaimana halnya dengan Einstein adalah keturunan Yahudi, namun nampak keduanya meninggalkan inti keyakinan Nabi Musa a.s, adanya zat tunggal yang mencipta alam semesta, zat yang mengatur kehidupan dengan syariat seperti "the ten commandement" ("10 Perintah Allah") dalam Kitab Taurat. Ke 10 Perintah Allah tersebut adalah tauhid (perintah meyakini/menyembah hanya kepada Allah/jangan berbuat syrik) serta syariat (memuliakan hari Sabbath/Sabtu, menghormati kedua orang tua/ibu-bapak, jangan membunuh, jangan mencuri, jangan berzina, jangan bersaksi bohong/palsu, jangan mengambil hak-hak tetangga). Spinoza, Einstein, Ali Sina serta begitu banyak manusia-manusia yang menyakini paham-paham ketuhanan yang menyimpang dari jalan lurus, jalan Allah, sebenarnya mempertuhankan ciptaan-ciptaan Allah, yakni hukum-hukum Allah yang mengatur seluruh kehidupan alam semesta, mempertuhankan benda-benda langit, bumi, manusia serta apa saja yang diasumsikan sebagai tuhan, mempertuhankan akal pikiran serta hawa nafsunya sendiri, dan mempertuhankan setan-setan; Setan Iblis, setan jin dan setan manusia. Mempertuhankan salah-satu dari empat jenis tipologi tuhan-tuhan buatan tersebut disebut sebagai perbuatan "syirik", manusia-manusia yang meyakininya disebut "musyrikiin", yang beban dosanya sama dengan perbuatan manusia-manusia yang mendustakan adanya zat serta dalil-dalil Allah, yang disebut sebagai "kafiruun". Qs Al Fusshilat 37: Dan sebagian dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah malam, siang, matahari dan bulan. Janganlah bersujud kepada matahari dan janganlah (pula) kepada bulan, tetapi bersujudlah kepada Allah Yang menciptakannya, jika kamu hanya kepada-Nya saja menyembah. Ke empat tipologi tuhan-tuhan buatan tersebut yang selalu ada dalam setiap masa perjalanan umat manusia di muka, sejak peradaban paling primitif hingga peradaban kini yang diasumsikan sebagai peradaban yang paling maju, paling modern. Apa yang diyakini Spinoza tentang tuhan yang menyatu dengan alam semesta (the unity of all that exists), sifat identik tuhan dengan alam (the identity of spirit and nature), atau tuhan adalah alam, alam adalah tuhan (the identity of spirit and nature), atau dua nama (god, nature) untuk realitas yang sama (God/Nature interchangeably) tidaklah berbeda dengan keyakinan sejumlah Filosof-filsosof Vedanta/Hindu dalam kitab Upanishads, serta Filosof-filosof Yunani tentang kesatuan (the unity), serta filosof China tentang Daoism, meski mereka hidup dalam masa peradaban yang berbeda. Spinoza serta Einstein sebenarnya begitu terkesima dengan keteraturan hukum-hukum universal alam semesta (the regularity of all that exists), sehingga mengasumsikannya sebagai tuhan, padahal justru dalam kemahateraturan hukum-hukum alam semesta itulah membenarkan adanya zat yang maha mencipta, maha mengatur. Manusia-manusia agnostik seperti Einstein, Spinoza, serta yang atheis seperti Richard Dwakin hanya memakai akalnya semata untuk membenarkan ada tidaknya tuhan atau mencari zat yang disebut tuhan, padahal akalnya sendiri sebenarnya sangat terbatas dalam memahami seluruh alam semesta, yang nampak maupun yang gaib. Apa yang terungkap dalam Buddhism sebenarnya adalah mempertuhankan manusia, Buddha, seperti halnya yang terjadi pada Nabi Isa Al Masih a.s. Buddha sebenarnya tidaklah pernah mengakui dirinya tuhan, seperti halnya dengan Isa Al Masih a.s, namun manusia-manusia yang mengikuti Buddhism serta Nasranism yang mempertuhankannya. Jika sebagian besar umat Nasrani kini mengikuti filsafat Trinity yang dengannya Nabi Isa Al Masih a.s menjadi tuhan, maka fenomena yang sama terjadi pada umat Buddha. Inti ajaran Buddha, yang muncul sekitar abad 6-4 sebelum masehi, dalam kitab Tripitaka sebenarnya sekedar ajaran-ajaran etika/moral, persis seperti sila-sila Pancasila (sila adalah bahasa sanskrit, pali, bahasa kitab tripitaka). Tripitaka bukanlah dalil-dalil mengenai ketuhanan. Buddha adalah filosof etik/moral tentang kehidupan, seperti halnya sejumlah filosof-filosof etik/moral China seperti Confusionism yang mencari nilai-nilai kebaikan melalui jalan meditasi, pemikiran secara mendalam (deep thinking/insight). Apa yang ada dalam kitab Buddha semuanya adalah pemikiran filsafat etik/moral, bukan dalil-dalil Allah. Belum ada bukti-bukti bahwa Buddha mengakui dirinya sebagai tuhan, tetapi umat Buddha yang mengasumsikan Buddha sebagai seorang yang terberkahi dari langit (the awakened one). Manusia-manusia tidak sekedar mempertuhankan hukum-hukum Allah dalam mengatur kehidupan alam semesta, benda-benda langit, bumi, serta manusia, atau apa saja yang diasumsikan tuhan, namun manusia-manusia juga telah mempertuhankan hawa nafsu serta akal pikirannya sendiri dengan membuat, menyakini, mengajarkan, mendukung, menyebar, mempraktekkan paham-paham (ism) yang tidak konsisten dengan ayat-ayat Allah. Sekularisme, demokrasi, nasionalisme, feminisme/genderisme, rasisme, etnisisme, regionalisme, kolonialisme/imperialisme, materialisme, komunisme, sosialisme, kapitalisme, satanism theims, atau isme-isme saja yang bertentangan dengan tauhid serta syariat yang hak. Seluruhnya perbuatan syirik yang ganjarannya sama dengan sifat kafir, kehidupan kekal akhirat yang sangat penuh siksaan. Bukan itu saja, manusia-manusia pun mempertuhankan setan-setan; setan iblis, setan jin dan setan manusia dengan membiarkan dirinya dibisiki kejahatan (kedhaliman, kemaksiatan, kebatilan, keburukan) ke dalam dadanya (hatinya) yang menggerakkan hawa nafsu serta akal pikirannya berbuat kejahatan. Perbuatan setanlah yang menjadikan yang adil menjadi dhalim, adil menjadi dhalim, yang hak menjadi batil, batil menjadi hak, yang benar menjadi salah, salah menjadi benar, yang baik menjadi buruk/maksiat, buruk/maksiat menjadi baik. Sebagian besar manusia sebenarnya telah tertipu oleh setan-setan yang zat dan sifat-sifatnya benar-benar ada dalam kehidupan. Setanlah yang ada diballik semua perbuatan-perbuatan tidak taat kepada tauhid serta syariat yang hak, menjerumuskan, menipu, dan senantiasa membisikkan kejahatan. Manusia-manusia bahkan membela, memuja dan benar-benar mempertuhankan setan secara nyata dalam paham ketuhanan setan (satanism theism). Akhirnya, beruntunglah manusia-manusia yang membersihkan jiwanya, sehingga ketika menghadap Allah mendapati jiwanya dalam keadaan damai, terberkahi (nafs mut'mainnah) karena telah menempuh jalan lurus. Rugilah manusia-manusia mengotori dan selalu mengotori jiwanya, sehingga mendapati jiwanya kotor, gelisah (nafs ammarah) serta menyesal (nafs lawwamah) ketika menghadap Allah karena keluar dari jalan lurus. Qs Asy Syams 9: sesungguhnya beruntunglah orang yang menyucikan jiwa itu, Qs Ays Syams 10: dan sesungguhnya merugilah orang yang mengotorinya. Referensi/Bacaan Al Qur'an; Qari CD for Digital Furqan, Sheikh Saad Said Al Ghamidi. Mawarsoft Wikipedia 2013 Mustafa Haji Alwy, Founder Islamic Paradigm, Founder, Owner & Executive Director Global Institute for Sustainable-Balanced Development; individual consultant for international/national institutes
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:52PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, Allah masih meridhoi jiwa ini untuk menikmati perputaran masa dalam kehidupan alam semesta dunia, awal tahun 1435 Hijrah, awal tahun Muslim, awal tahun yang menjadi momentum pergerakan fisik manusia yang paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah kehidupan manusia, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, dari suatu masyarakat yang memusuhi Islam ke masyarakat yang menegakkan Islam 1435 tahun lalu. Apa yang membuat masyarakat Mekah memusuhi Nabi Muhammad S.A.W saat itu sebenarnya bukanlah personaliti nabi, tetapi karena adanya agama baru yang berbeda dengan keyakinan masyarakat Quraish Mekah. Personaliti nabi siapapun tak dapat menyangkal sangat mulia sejak kecil; jujur, cerdas, amanah, sehingga mendapat gelar "Al Amin", yang maknanya orang jujur terpercaya. Munculnya agama baru menjadi ancaman baru bagi masyarakat Quraish Mekah, ancaman bagi keyakinan yang selama ini menjadi tradisi turun temurun. Mereka adalah masyarakat paganisme, masyarakat yang menyembah berhala-berhala sebagai personifikasi tuhan-tuhan mereka, Al Lath, Al Uzza, Al Manna. Dalam kehidupan sosial, mereka adalah masyarakat jahiliyah, masyarakat yang mengalami masa kebodohan seperti mengubur hidup-hidup anak perempuan mereka, senang minum khamar, berjudi, berzina, materialistik, serta sukuistik. Sehingga agama baru Muhammad sebenarnya juga ancaman tradisi sosial mereka. Qs Saba 43: Dan apabila dibacakan kepada mereka ayat-ayat Kami yang terang, mereka berkata: "Orang ini tiada lain hanyalah seorang laki-laki yang ingin menghalangi kamu dari apa yang disembah oleh bapak-bapakmu", dan mereka berkata: "(Al Qur'an) ini tidak lain hanyalah kebohongan yang diada-adakan saja". Dan orang-orang kafir berkata terhadap kebenaran tatkala kebenaran itu datang kepada mereka: "Ini tidak lain hanyalah sihir yang nyata". Penentangan kaum Quraish Mekah kepada Muhammad dengan sangat beragam cara jahat. Mereka membantah ayat-ayat Allah dengan argumen dangkal, tidak logik; memfitnah, memboikot kehidupan ekonomi, melakukan tindak kekerasan kepada pengikut nabi, hingga persekongkolan untuk membunuh nabi, dsb. Mereka dipimpin oleh Abu Jahal dan Abu Lahab, sebagaimana Allah mengabadikan ayat-ayatNya dalam surah Al Lahab. Qs Al Lahab 1: Binasalah kedua tangan Abu Lahab dan sesungguhnya dia akan binasa. Qs Al Lahab 2: Tidaklah berfaedah kepadanya harta bendanya dan apa yang ia usahakan. Qs Al Lahab 3: Kelak dia akan masuk ke dalam api yang bergejolak. Qs Al Lahab 4: Dan (begitu pula) istrinya, pembawa kayu bakar. Qs Al Lahab 5: Yang di lehernya ada tali dari sabut. Akhirnya, hijrah adalah pilihan nabi saat itu, 1435 tahun lalu. Masyarakat Madinah adalah mayarakat yang menyambut, melindungi nabi serta menegakkan Islam pertama kali. Islam lalu menyebar ke masyarakat Quraish Mekah yang bertaubat, lalu masyarakat Jazirah Arab serta negeri-negeri sekitarnya; Persia (Irak), Mesir, Afrika Utara, Eropa Selatan, India, hingga kini menjadi keyakinan bagi sekitar 1.6 milyar umat manusia, umat Islam di berbagai belahan dunia. Islam adalah satu-satunya agama yang memiliki kitab yang masih suci, satu-satunya agama yang Allah ridhoi. Tersebarnya umat Muslim yang kini ada pada setiap ras, bangsa manusia di muka bumi di semua benua; Asia, Afrika, Eropa, Amerika, Australia, karena Islam yang Muhammad S.A.W bawa adalah untuk seluruh umat manusia. Qs Saba 28: Dan Kami tidak mengutus kamu (Muhammad), melainkan kepada umat manusia seluruhnya sebagai pembawa berita gembira dan sebagai pemberi peringatan, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tiada mengetahui. Hijrah yang paling hakekat sebenarnya adalah pergerakan jiwa dari yang mengotorinya kepada hal-hal yang membersihkannya. Jiwa yang kotor sebenarnya dipimpin, diarahkan serta dikendalikan oleh setan jin maupun setan manusia, yang tujuannya jelas; menyimpangkan, membelokkan dan mengeluarkan manusia dari jalan lurus (sirathal mustaqiim), jalan Allah, jalan yang konsisten dengan Islam baik dalam keyakinan ketuhanan (tauhid) maupun dalam peraturan (syariat). Sebenarnya kunci yang paling fundamental tentang Islam adalah keyakinan bahwa tuhan cuma satu (monotheism), yakni Allah. Sehingga umat apapun di muka bumi ini yang meyakini monotheism, dari sejak Nabi Adam a.s hingga kini adalah Islam. Semua rasul-rasul atau nabi-nabi yang muncul ke muka bumi baik yang tersebut dalam ayat-ayat Allah maupun yang tidak tersebut, menyeru kepada hal yang paling inti, yakin serta sujud kepada tuhan yang hanya satu, Allah. Qs Al Anbiya 92: Sesungguhnya (agama tauhid) ini adalah agama kamu semua; agama yang satu dan Aku adalah Tuhanmu, maka sembahlah Aku. Qs Al Anbiya 93: Dan mereka telah memotong-motong urusan (agama) mereka di antara mereka. Kepada Kamilah masing-masing golongan itu akan kembali. Qs Al Ikhlas 1: Katakanlah: "Dia-lah Allah, Yang Maha Esa, Tiap-tiap umat di berbagai belahan dunia, di manapun, sepanjang masa, sebenarnya memiliki istilah-istilah masing-masing untuk zat yang disebut sebagai tuhan. Allah adalah nama yang muncul pada masyarakat Arab, khususnya masa rasul/nabi terakhir umat manusia, Muhammad S.A.W. Nama Allah adalah nama dalam bahasa Arab, sehingga umat yang tidak berbahasa Arab memiliki nama yang berbeda untuk menyebut zat yang disebut sebagai tuhan, seperti Elohim/Adonai (Yahudi), Yahwe/Jehova (Nasrani), Aten (Yunani), Brahman (Hindu), Baha (Bahai), Waheguru (Sikhism), Ahura Mazda (Zoroastrianism), atau nama apapun yang muncul dalam setiap umat manusia di manapun mereka berada. Jika nama-nama yang berbeda itu memiliki konsistensi sifat-sifat Allah yang sebenarnya, seperti hanya satu (maha esa), tunggal, berbeda dengan ciptaan-ciptaannya (maha berbeda), tidak beranak, tidak diperanakkan, serta memiliki sifat-sifat maha lainnya, seperti maha mengetahui, maha mendengar, maha sayang/cinta, maha merahmati, maha bijaksana, maha adil, maha berkehendak, maha tinggi, maha suci, maha agung, maha mencipta, maha mengatur, maha pengampun, maha besar, maha kaya, maha memiliki, maha kuasa, serta sejumlah sifat maha lainnya dalam himpunan 99 nama-nama/sifat-sifat baik Allah (azmaul husna), maka zat yang berbeda-beda nama dalam bahasa umat yang berbeda-beda itu, juga adalah tuhan yang satu, Allah. Namun, jika tidak memiliki konsistensi sifat-sifat tersebut, seperti lebih dari dari satu (banyak), tidak berbeda dengan ciptaan-ciptaannya, memiliki anak, menyatu dengan alam semesta, dan sifat-sifat lainnya yang tidak konsisten dengan sifat Allah yang sebenarnya, maka tuhan-tuhan yang berbeda-beda nama tersebut bukanlah Allah. Dalam pandangan satu garis tauhid, tuhan hanya satu, Allah, maka apa yang Allah turunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W sebenarnya hanyalah menegaskan kembali tentang prinsip monotheism dalam keyakinan ketuhanan. Setiap umat dimanapun mereka berada di muka bumi memiliki syariat berbeda-beda dalam beribadah baik ritual agama maupun transaksi sosial/muamalah. Kunci kedua yang Allah tujukan dengan mengutus Nabi Muhammad S.A.W ke muka bumi sebagai rasul/nabi terakhir adalah menyempurnakan agama, agama Islam. Islam bukan sekedar keyakinan kepada tuhan yang satu, tetapi Islam juga adalah peraturan (syariat) yang wajib tegak. Islam yang Muhammad bawa adalah Islam yang menutup peraturan/hukum-hukum (syariat) dalam semua dimensi kehidupan; ibadah ritual, kepemimpinan, pemerintahan, ekonomi, bisnis, hukum-hukum/konstitusi, genetik/nazab, pernikahan, waris, keluarga, masyarakat, lingkungan, adab pribadi, adab sosial, dsb. Dengan demikian, ditutupnya masa kerasulan pada 6-7 Masehi telah tertutup pula jalan syariat yang hak, syariat Islam. Islam sebagai jalan tauhid, jalan peraturan yang hak telah sempurna ketika ayat terakhir Allah turun menjelang wafatnya manusia nabi pembawa risalah terakhir. Qs Al Maidah 3: "...Pada hari ini telah Kusempurnakan untukmu agamamu, Kucukupkan kepadamu NikmatKu, telah Kuridhoi Islam agamamu." Kesalahan yang paling fundamental tentang Islam baik dari orang-orang yang meyakini Islam (Muslim) maupun yang tidak meyakini Islam (non-Muslim) bahkan yang mendustakan atau memusuhi Islam adalah karena mencampurbaurkan Islam dengan Muslim, Islam dengan tradisi/kebudayaan, moral Islam dengan moral sosial. Apa yang saya ungkap ini adalah kunci yang paling fundamental bagi umat Islam secara khusus, serta umat manusia secara global. Sebuah kunci yang nilainya melampaui nilai dari kesimpulan-kesimpulan sains yang telah mendapatkan Hadiah Nobel. Islam sebenarnya hanya satu, sehingga siapapun atau apapun yang mengelompokkan atau membagi-bagi Islam pasti keliru. Apa yang mengelompok atau terbagi-bagi adalah manusia-manusia yang menyakini Islam yang populer dengan istilah Muslim (ah). Apa yang populer dengan istilah Sunni, Syiah, Muhammadiyah, Wahabi, Nahdhatul Ulama, Ikhwanul Mu'minun, Hizbut Tahrir, atau istilah apasaja, bukanlah kelompok-kelompok Islam, tapi kelompok-kelompok Muslim. Kesimpulan saya ini konsisten dengan sifat Allah yang hanya satu. Manusia-manusia atau kelompok-kelompok yang mendustakan Islam bahkan memusuhi Islam sebenarnya tidak memahami Islam dengan benar, memakai logika yang tidak konsisten, saling bertentangan satu sama lain, dangkal, dan fakta-fakta yang tidak representatif, serta kesimpulan-kesimpulan yang tidak sahih. Dr Ali Sina (mungkin nama samaran) dari Faith Freedom International mendustakan Qs Al Baqarah 2: Dzalikal kitaabu laraaeba fiihi hudallil muttaqiin (Kitab (Al Qur'an) ini tidak ada keraguan padanya; petunjuk bagi mereka yang bertakwa,) dengan dalil bahwa 80% masyarakarat Quraish Mekah saat itu tidak mempercayai atau meragukan Al Qur'an dari Allah. Ali Sina salah karena Allah tidak pernah menjadikan sumber kebenaran manusia sebagai dasar untuk membenarkan Al Qur'an sebagai kitab yang tidak ada keraguan padanya, tetapi benar dari sisi Allah yang memahami sumber Al Qur'an serta konsistensi dalil-dalil yang ada didalamnya. Mustahil bagi Allah yang sudah mengetahui pendustaan kelompok kafir Quraish Mekah pada saat itu, atau kelompok-kelompok yang mendustakannya hingga kini, sebagai dasar untuk menyatakan bahwa Al Qur'an tidak ada keraguan padanya. Ali Sina juga menuduh bahwa ayat-ayat Allah tentang sains bukanlah sains karena dalil-dalil itu adalah pengetahuan umum saat itu bahkan sudah ada sejak masa filosof-filosof Yunani, seperti istilah "dzarrah" yang bermakna atom yang sudah sejak Demokritus. Tuduhan Ali Sina ini juga salah karena apa yang membedakan sains dengan bukan sains bukan seperti pemahaman Ali Sina, tapi pada apakah suatu dalil atau kesimpulan tentang sesuatu dapat terverifikasi atau tidak. Jika mau jujur, bukanlah filosof-filosof Yunani yang merintis serta mengembangkan sains, tetapi filosof-filosof/saintis-saintis Muslim yang mendapatkan inspirasi dari ayat-ayat Allah, mensintesa pengetahuan-pengetahuan dari Yunani serta India, yang menjadi jalan terbukanya sains yang berkembang di Eropa, Amerika, serta berbagai belahan dunia. Hampir seluruh cabang-cabang sains yang kini manusia kenal, seperti Astronomi, Fisika, Kimia, Kedokteran, Matematika, Geologi, Geografi, Farmasi, Tanah, Pertanian, Ekonomi, Sejarah, Sosiologi, maupun cabang-cabang yang non-sains seperti Hukum, Sastra, Seni, dsb seluruhnya sudah berkembang sebelum Eropa atau Amerika mempelajari sains. Ali Sina juga membantahkan zat serta wujud tuhan yang dapat dipersonifikasikan (impersonal). Personifikasi bukanlah perlambangan tuhan seperti dalam penyembahan berhala-berhala (idolatry), sebagaimana yang terjadi pada masyarakat paganisme Arab Quraish serta berbagai umat lain sepanjang jaman, tetapi personifikasi bermakna bahwa tuhan memiliki zat, zat yang memiliki ruh yang dengannnya memiliki energi kehidupan berjiwa yang memunculkan sifat-sifat, seperti mencipta alam semesta, mencipta hukum-hukum universal alam semesta, mengatur seluruh kehidupan, mengakhiri kehidupan serta mengadili perbuatan-perbuatan makhluk. Tuhan menurut Ali Sina adalah prinsip-prinsip kehidupan, prinsip-prinsip alam semesta, sebagaimana halnya dengan manusia-manusia yang berpandangan pantheism, panentheism. Bagi Ali Sina tuhan bukan zat yang memiliki sifat baik (good), tetapi kebaikan (goodness) itu sendiri adalah tuhan, bukan pula zat yang memiliki sifat bijak (wise), tapi kebijakan (wisdom) itu sendiri adalah tuhan, bukan juga zat yang mencinta/menyayangi (loving), merahmati (mercying), tapi cinta/sayang (love), rahmat (mercy) itu sendiri adalah tuhan. Bagi Ali Sina tidak ada zat yang mencipta hukum-hukum alam semesta, tapi hukum-hukum alam semesta itu sendiri adalah tuhan. Pandangan Ali Sina sebenarnya juga adalah pandangan Albert Einstein serta sejumlah saintis yang berpaham agnostik bahkan atheis. Saya sudah membantah pandangan-pandangan salah tentang tuhan ketika pemikiran tentang Zat Allah, zat cahaya, zat ruh, dan zat setan serta sifat-sifatnya menjadi sebuah kesimpulan-kesimpulan yang begitu jelas, logik, memiliki fakta-fakta, dengan dasar ayat-ayat Allah serta kesimpulan-kesimpulan sains dari Einstein serta sejumlah saintis. Paham ketuhanan Ali Sina terpengaruh oleh paham ketuhanan Einstein, Einstein pun terpengaruh oleh paham ketuhanan Filosof Baruch Spinoza, filosof yang paling berpengaruh di Eropa awal abad ke 17 Masehi. Hampir semua paham-paham ketuhanan; seperti agnocism, atheism, pantheism, panenteism yang muncul serta berkembang di Eropa, Amerika serta berbagai dunia lainnya bersumber dari Filosof Spinoza. Sebenarnya Spinoza sebagaimana halnya dengan Einstein adalah keturunan Yahudi, namun nampak keduanya meninggalkan inti keyakinan Nabi Musa a.s, adanya zat tunggal yang mencipta alam semesta, zat yang mengatur kehidupan dengan syariat seperti "the ten commandement" ("10 Perintah Allah") dalam Kitab Taurat. Ke 10 Perintah Allah tersebut adalah tauhid (perintah meyakini/menyembah hanya kepada Allah/jangan berbuat syrik) serta syariat (memuliakan hari Sabbath/Sabtu, menghormati kedua orang tua/ibu-bapak, jangan membunuh, jangan mencuri, jangan berzina, jangan bersaksi bohong/palsu, jangan mengambil hak-hak tetangga). Spinoza, Einstein, Ali Sina serta begitu banyak manusia-manusia yang menyakini paham-paham ketuhanan yang menyimpang dari jalan lurus, jalan Allah, sebenarnya mempertuhankan ciptaan-ciptaan Allah, yakni hukum-hukum Allah yang mengatur seluruh kehidupan alam semesta, mempertuhankan benda-benda langit, bumi, manusia serta apa saja yang diasumsikan sebagai tuhan, mempertuhankan akal pikiran serta hawa nafsunya sendiri, dan mempertuhankan setan-setan; Setan Iblis, setan jin dan setan manusia. Mempertuhankan salah-satu dari empat jenis tipologi tuhan-tuhan buatan tersebut disebut sebagai perbuatan "syirik", manusia-manusia yang meyakininya disebut "musyrikiin", yang beban dosanya sama dengan perbuatan manusia-manusia yang mendustakan adanya zat serta dalil-dalil Allah, yang disebut sebagai "kafiruun". Qs Al Fusshilat 37: Dan sebagian dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah malam, siang, matahari dan bulan. Janganlah bersujud kepada matahari dan janganlah (pula) kepada bulan, tetapi bersujudlah kepada Allah Yang menciptakannya, jika kamu hanya kepada-Nya saja menyembah. Ke empat tipologi tuhan-tuhan buatan tersebut yang selalu ada dalam setiap masa perjalanan umat manusia di muka, sejak peradaban paling primitif hingga peradaban kini yang diasumsikan sebagai peradaban yang paling maju, paling modern. Apa yang diyakini Spinoza tentang tuhan yang menyatu dengan alam semesta (the unity of all that exists), sifat identik tuhan dengan alam (the identity of spirit and nature), atau tuhan adalah alam, alam adalah tuhan (the identity of spirit and nature), atau dua nama (god, nature) untuk realitas yang sama (God/Nature interchangeably) tidaklah berbeda dengan keyakinan sejumlah Filosof-filsosof Vedanta/Hindu dalam kitab Upanishads, serta Filosof-filosof Yunani tentang kesatuan (the unity), serta filosof China tentang Daoism, meski mereka hidup dalam masa peradaban yang berbeda. Spinoza serta Einstein sebenarnya begitu terkesima dengan keteraturan hukum-hukum universal alam semesta (the regularity of all that


 khilafah - Social Mention: Jelang hari AIDS, Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional (KPAN) bekerjasama dengan perusahaan kondom yang berhasil menjual 150jt kondom pada tahun 2013 (sutra), akan menggelar pekan kondom nasional pada 30/11-7/12. Kampanye ini akan dilaksanakan di 12 kota besar & didukung dengan kampanye bus kondom ke sejumlah kampus & pusat keramaian di Jakarta. (tribunnews,16/11). Komentar : Astaghfirullaah! Alih-alih menutup rapat pintu maksiat, negara malah dengan bangga mlakukan kampanye yang justru akan mengkukuhkan pergaulan bebas & perzinahan di kalangan remaja/mahasiswa. Sungguh nyata, negara penganut sekulerisme & demokrasi hanya menjadikan manfaat sebagai landasan kebijakan. Tak peduli jikapun harus melanggar aturan Islam. Padahal Rasul Saw pernah bersabda, "Apabila zina & riba telah merajalela dalam suatu negeri, maka sungguh mereka telah menghalalkan azab Allah diturunkan kepada mereka" (HR.Hakim) Sampai kapan kita betah hidup dalam sistem yang melegalkan kemaksiatan? # MARI TOLAK DEMOKRASI, TEGAKKAN KHILAFAH !
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:47AM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    Jelang hari AIDS, Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional (KPAN) bekerjasama dengan perusahaan kondom yang berhasil menjual 150jt kondom pada tahun 2013 (sutra), akan menggelar pekan kondom nasional pada 30/11-7/12. Kampanye ini akan dilaksanakan di 12 kota besar & didukung dengan kampanye bus kondom ke sejumlah kampus & pusat keramaian di Jakarta. (tribunnews,16/11). Komentar : Astaghfirullaah! Alih-alih menutup rapat pintu maksiat, negara malah dengan bangga mlakukan kampanye yang justru akan mengkukuhkan pergaulan bebas & perzinahan di kalangan remaja/mahasiswa. Sungguh nyata, negara penganut sekulerisme & demokrasi hanya menjadikan manfaat sebagai landasan kebijakan. Tak peduli jikapun harus melanggar aturan Islam. Padahal Rasul Saw pernah bersabda, "Apabila zina & riba telah merajalela dalam suatu negeri, maka sungguh mereka telah menghalalkan azab Allah diturunkan kepada mereka" (HR.Hakim) Sampai kapan kita betah hidup dalam sistem yang melegalkan kemaksiatan? # MARI TOLAK DEMOKRASI, TEGAKKAN KHILAFAH !
    Nov 20th 2013, 11:10
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 06:10AM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    The I got the # 7:Represent God to doing My 5% days 1. I legally changed My name from Larry Alexander Jones,Jr to Hanif Mujahid Abdullah in 1997 @ J.R.W.C 2. My first child would have been by Ta-Tisha Housel(Milli)_Dad made her have an abortion 3.I been studying Islam since 16 I was first taught Moorish Science but I took my Shahaddah in 1995 I've been an Imam(Muslim Leader/Preacher) Twice while I was locked up 4. If I don't fuck with you, I don't speak 2 U 5.I want a wife & family 1 day 6. I love to write poems & read 7. I been 2 bootcamp
    Nov 20th 2013, 05:42
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 helfen in not - Social Mention: Robert hat leider immer noch keinen Platz wo er ausreisen kann, obwohl er schon seit einem Monat reisebereit ist! Wir verstehen es wirklich nicht, dass sich niemand in den Süßen verliebt hat! Robert wird auf ca. 1 Jahr geschätzt, mit Hündinnen hat er keine Probleme, dominanten Rüden mag er nicht. Katzen ignoriert er auf der Pflegestelle! Seine Schulterhöhe beträgt ca. 60 cm. Wir suchen ganz dringend für Robert eine Pflege- oder Endstelle! BITTE TEILEN!!! Kontakt: Sonya Cholakova Herzlichen Dank an Silke Epple, die für Robert gespendet hat! ♥ Wenn Sie die Robert mit der Rechnung helfen möchten, dann können Sie es hier machen: Bankverbindung: Tiere in Not-Bulgarien First Investment Bank IBAN: BG73FINV91501215967629 BIC: FINVBGSF Verwendungszweck: Spende Robert oder per Paypal: Verwendungszweck: Spende Robert
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:50PM  

    helfen in not - Social Mention
    Robert hat leider immer noch keinen Platz wo er ausreisen kann, obwohl er schon seit einem Monat reisebereit ist! Wir verstehen es wirklich nicht, dass sich niemand in den Süßen verliebt hat! Robert wird auf ca. 1 Jahr geschätzt, mit Hündinnen hat er keine Probleme, dominanten Rüden mag er nicht. Katzen ignoriert er auf der Pflegestelle! Seine Schulterhöhe beträgt ca. 60 cm. Wir suchen ganz dringend für Robert eine Pflege- oder Endstelle! BITTE TEILEN!!! Kontakt: Sonya Cholakova Herzlichen Dank an Silke Epple, die für Robert gespendet hat! ♥ Wenn Sie die Robert mit der Rechnung helfen möchten, dann können Sie es hier machen: Bankverbindung: Tiere in Not-Bulgarien First Investment Bank IBAN: BG73FINV91501215967629 BIC: FINVBGSF Verwendungszweck: Spende Robert oder per Paypal: Verwendungszweck: Spende Robert
    Nov 20th 2013, 19:51
    15.11.2013 - Robert hat leider immer noch keinen Platz wo er ausreisen kann, obwohl er schon seit einem Monat reisebereit ist! Wir verstehen es wirklich nicht, dass sich niemand in den Süßen verliebt hat! Robert wird auf ca. 1 Jahr geschätzt, mit Hündinnen hat er keine Probleme, dominanten Rüden mag er nicht. Katzen ignoriert er auf der Pflegestelle! Seine Schulterhöhe beträgt ca. 60 cm. Wir suchen ganz dringend für Robert eine Pflege- oder Endstelle! BITTE TEILEN!!! Kontakt: Sonya Cholakova Herzlichen Dank an Silke Epple, die für Robert gespendet hat!
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 IHED - Social Mention: News 19-11-13 toloi hopo kau toloa ki he aho 10-12 o Fepueli 2014. Ui faka'osi kinautolu i he 'aho ni ihe fakamaau'anga tatau pe. Na'e 'iai e fokotu'u mei he fakafofonga lao ke tapui e media mei he lipooti ngahai tikite ka na'e 'ikai tali e fakamaaupule Salesi Mafi koeuhii ko e open Court pea ko e totonu mitia ikai lava fakasi'isi'i. Na'e iai e ni'ihi na'e 'ikai lava ke nau kau mai kihe hopo pea e toki mahino he aho ni ka ikai kenau tali honau ui i falehopo e tohi puke leva 'a e niihi koeni i he fakamtala a e fakamaau pule aneafi. Koe toko 50 tupu 'oku ui ihe aho ni. Lolotonga ia oku kamata e hopo sula 'a e ateni seniale maloloo 'a tonga John Cauchi mo e pule'anga Tonga i he aho ni hiliange a e ui e kau sula aneafi moe fkamalanga e fa'ahi a cauchi 'oku fkafofonga'i e Laki Niu. Ko e Ateni Seniale lolotonga leva Neil Adsett mo Sione Sisifa ma'ae pule'anga.......Kuo kamata e fkaloloto 'a e ngaahi uafu i Tongatapu ni mei he uafu Faua 'a ia koe feing ke a'usia 'a e fiema'u ngaahi vaka muli ka emalva ke no'o mai ha ngaahi vaka meili moe vaka uata kola lahiange amui.......more on these stories with footages will upload later on today......good day everyone ......
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 08:50PM  

    IHED - Social Mention
    News 19-11-13 toloi hopo kau toloa ki he aho 10-12 o Fepueli 2014. Ui faka'osi kinautolu i he 'aho ni ihe fakamaau'anga tatau pe. Na'e 'iai e fokotu'u mei he fakafofonga lao ke tapui e media mei he lipooti ngahai tikite ka na'e 'ikai tali e fakamaaupule Salesi Mafi koeuhii ko e open Court pea ko e totonu mitia ikai lava fakasi'isi'i. Na'e iai e ni'ihi na'e 'ikai lava ke nau kau mai kihe hopo pea e toki mahino he aho ni ka ikai kenau tali honau ui i falehopo e tohi puke leva 'a e niihi koeni i he fakamtala a e fakamaau pule aneafi. Koe toko 50 tupu 'oku ui ihe aho ni. Lolotonga ia oku kamata e hopo sula 'a e ateni seniale maloloo 'a tonga John Cauchi mo e pule'anga Tonga i he aho ni hiliange a e ui e kau sula aneafi moe fkamalanga e fa'ahi a cauchi 'oku fkafofonga'i e Laki Niu. Ko e Ateni Seniale lolotonga leva Neil Adsett mo Sione Sisifa ma'ae pule'anga.......Kuo kamata e fkaloloto 'a e ngaahi uafu i Tongatapu ni mei he uafu Faua 'a ia koe feing ke a'usia 'a e fiema'u ngaahi vaka muli ka emalva ke no'o mai ha ngaahi vaka meili moe vaka uata kola lahiange amui.......more on these stories with footages will upload later on today......good day everyone ......
    Nov 19th 2013, 20:35
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 allahu akbar - Social Mention: " OTW Amrik Bismillahnirrohmannirrohim "Allahu Akbar,Allahu Akbar,Allahu Akbar,subhaan-alladhi sakhkhara lana hadha wa ma kunna lahu muqrineen,wa-inna illa rabbia lamunqaliboon,Allahumma inna nas'aluka fi safarina hadha al-birra wat-taqwa,wa minal-amali ma tardha,Allahumma hawwin alaina safarana hadha,watwi ana bu'dah,Allahumma antas-sahibu fis -safar,wal-khalifatu fil-ahl,Allahumma inni a'udhu bika min w'atha-is-safar,waka-aabatil-mandhar,wasy'-il-munqalabu fil-maali wal-ahl" "Allah maha besar,Allah maha besar,Allah maha besar.'Maha Suci Allah yang telah menundukan semua ini bagi kai,padahal kami sebelumnya tidak mampu menguasainya dan sesungguhnya kami akan kembali kepada Rabb kami,'(Qs.Az-Zukhruf:13-14) Ya Allah sungguh kami memohon kepada-Mu dalam perjalanan kami ini kebaikan dan ketakwaan,serta perbuatan yang Engkau ridhai.Ya Allah mudahkanlah perjalaan kami ini,dan dekatkanlah bagi kami jaraknya yang jauh.Ya Allah sungguh aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari letihnya perjalanan,pemandangan yang menyedihkan.dan kepulangan yang buruk dalam harta dan keluarga
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:31PM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    " OTW Amrik Bismillahnirrohmannirrohim "Allahu Akbar,Allahu Akbar,Allahu Akbar,subhaan-alladhi sakhkhara lana hadha wa ma kunna lahu muqrineen,wa-inna illa rabbia lamunqaliboon,Allahumma inna nas'aluka fi safarina hadha al-birra wat-taqwa,wa minal-amali ma tardha,Allahumma hawwin alaina safarana hadha,watwi ana bu'dah,Allahumma antas-sahibu fis -safar,wal-khalifatu fil-ahl,Allahumma inni a'udhu bika min w'atha-is-safar,waka-aabatil-mandhar,wasy'-il-munqalabu fil-maali wal-ahl" "Allah maha besar,Allah maha besar,Allah maha besar.'Maha Suci Allah yang telah menundukan semua ini bagi kai,padahal kami sebelumnya tidak mampu menguasainya dan sesungguhnya kami akan kembali kepada Rabb kami,'(Qs.Az-Zukhruf:13-14) Ya Allah sungguh kami memohon kepada-Mu dalam perjalanan kami ini kebaikan dan ketakwaan,serta perbuatan yang Engkau ridhai.Ya Allah mudahkanlah perjalaan kami ini,dan dekatkanlah bagi kami jaraknya yang jauh.Ya Allah sungguh aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari letihnya perjalanan,pemandangan yang menyedihkan.dan kepulangan yang buruk dalam harta dan keluarga
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:29
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 4. Harut and Marut Allah the Almighty says: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us). "And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew. And if they had believed and guarded themselves from evil and kept their duty to Allah, far better would have been the reward from their Lord, if they but knew!}. (Al-Baqarah, 102, 103) Narrated Al-`Ufi in his interpretation on the authority of Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) pertaining to Allah's Statement {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)."...} When Sulaiman lost his kingdom, great numbers from among mankind and the jinn renegaded and followed their lusts. But, when Allah restored to Sulaiman his kingdom and the renegade came to follow the Straight Path once again, Sulaiman seized their holy scriptures which he buried underneath his throne. Shortly after, Sulaiman (Peace be upon him) died. In no time, the men and the Jinn uncovered the buried scriptures and said: This was a book revealed by Allah to Sulaiman who hid it from us. They took it as their religion and Allah the Almighty revealed His Saying: {And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the Scripture threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know!}. (Al-Baqarah, 101) and they followed what the devils gave out, i.e. musical instruments, play and all that blocks the remembrance of Allah. Narrated Ibn Abu Hatim: I was told by Abu Sa' id Al-Ashaj after Abu Usamah after Al-A' mash after Al-Minhal after Sa'id Ibn Jubair after Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) as saying: Asif was Sulaiman's scribe. He knew the Greatest Name of Allah and used to write what he was ordered to by Sulaiman, then, bury it underneath the throne. After Sulaiman's death, the devils got it out and wrote between each two lines magical and blasphemous things. They said: "this is what Sulaiman used to apply and act upon." The ignorant among the people regarded Sulaiman as a disbeliever and continued to insult him till Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was sent with the Glorious Qur'an that reads: {They followed what the, Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved}. Narrated Ibn Jarir: I was told by Abu As-Sa'ib Salamah Ibn Junadah As-Sawa'i after Abu Mu`awiyah after Al-A`mash after Al-Minhal after Sa`id Ibn Jubair on the authority of Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) as saying: When Sulaiman wanted to answer the call of nature or to make love with any of his wives, he used to give his ring to a woman called Al-Jaradah. When Allah the Almighty wanted to afflict Sulaiman, he gave his ring to that woman. Afterwards, Satan came to her in the form of Sulaiman and took the ring from her. When Satan put the ring on, all mankind, the jinn and Devils submitted to him. Then, Sulaiman came seeking his ring from her and she said: "You are a liar, you are not Sulaiman." Thus, Sulaiman knew that it was a test from Allah the Almighty. Upon this, the devils were free to do whatever they wished. So, they wrote down books of black magic and blasphemy which they buried underneath the throne of Sulaiman. After Sulaiman's death, they uncovered these books and said to the people: Verily, Sulaiman used to prevail with the help of these books. Consequently, the people declared their innocence of Sulaiman and declared him to be a disbeliever till the advent of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who came with the Qur'anic Verse that reads: {Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved}. Then, Ibn Jarir said: I was told by Ibn Hamid after Jarir after Husain Ibn `Abdur Rahman after `Imran as saying: While we were with Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them), a man came and Ibn `Abbas asked him: Where do you come from? The man said: from Iraq. Ibn `Abbas asked: which city? The man said: Kufa. Ibn `Abbas asked: What is the latest news there? The man said: I left them talking about `Ali's departing for them. Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) said: how dare you say so! If we felt that (he is departing us for the people of Kufa), we would not marry his women, or divide his properties among us. However, I will tell you the truth: the angels used to descend on the clouds and mention this or that matter decreed in the Heaven. The devils listen stealthily to such a matter, come down to inspire the soothsayers with it, and the latter would add to it one hundred lies of their own. The people believe in them and regard them trustworthy. Allah the Almighty informed Sulaiman with the matter and enabled him to bury these lies under his throne. After his death, one of the devils said: I can lead you to Sulaiman's dearest and most precious treasure. It is under his throne. Consequently, they uncovered it and said: this is magic. Afterwards, it continued to be copied and acted upon and what the Iraqi people practice nowadays is nothing but its remnants. Allah the Almighty revealed: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us). " And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man, and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter}. As-Sadiy said: Allah's Saying: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved}, i.e. the devils used to listen stealthily to the talks of the angels concerning what happens to those on earth: death, unseen matters or divine ordainments. Then, they come down to inspire the soothsayers with it and the latter would tell the people with it. The people believe in them and regard them trustworthy. Time after time, the soothsayers trusted the devils who later on used to add to each word one-hundred lies of their own. The people started to write down these matters and it circulated among the Children of Israel that the Jinn know the Unseen. Sulaiman moved quickly and gathered all these writings and put them in a chest and buried it under his throne. All the devils who tried to even approach the chest were burnt alive. Sulaiman declared that he would behead anyone who claims that the devils know the Unseen. After Sulaiman's death and that of the godly-scholars who knew it well, a devil came in the form of a human being to the people and said: I will lead you to an everlasting treasure that will never run out. He ordered them to dig under Sulaiman's throne and he took a side. He said to them: kill me if you find nothing. They dug it and found these writings. Thereupon, the devil said: Only with this magic, Sulaiman could overcome mankind, the Jinn and birds. Then, he flew away. It was rumored and circulated that Sulaiman had been a sorcerer. The Children of Israel kept these writings and disputed with Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) regarding them. But Allah the Almighty revealed to him His Saying: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved}. Narrated Ar-Rabi' Ibn Anas: the Jews used to ask Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) about matters from the Torah, and every time they ask him, Allah reveals to him that with which he defeats and overcomes them. Thereupon, they said: Muhammad knows what has been revealed to us better than we do! Then, they asked him about sorcery and Allah revealed His Statement: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut}. And He informed His Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) that the devils wrote a book about sorcery and soothsaying and buried it under Sulaiman's throne. Verily, Sulaiman was not knowledgeable about the Unseen. When he died, the devils got that magic out and deceived the people by saying: this is the knowledge which Sulaiman used to secretly keep from you. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) informed the Jews of that narration and they went out lowering their heads defeated and humiliated. Mujahid said pertaining to Allah's Statement: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut}, the devils used to listen stealthily to the discussions of the angels and add to what they heard two-hundred lies. Then, Sulaiman seized what they wrote and after his death they regained it and taught it to the people, it was nothing but blackmagic. Sa'id Ibn Jubair said: Sulaiman used to look for and capture the magic of the devils and keep it buried under his throne. The devils could not reach it and thus they inspired to the people that it is the knowledge with which Sulaiman was able to overcome the Jinn, the wind, etc., and that it is buried under his own throne. Afterwards, the people got it out and practiced it. Later, the people of the Hejaz said: Sulaiman used to practice sorcery. Upon this, Allah the Almighty revealed His Saying: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut}. Muhammad Ibn Ishaq Ibn Yasar said: when the devils knew of the death of Sulaiman, they wrote down types of sorcery (magic) as thus: to fulfill such and such matters, practice such and such (procedures). They gathered all these in a book and sealed it with a ring bearing the inscription found on Sulaiman's ring and titled it with: This is what was written by Asif Ibn Barkhiya by order of King Sulaiman Ibn Dawud. Then, they buried it under the throne (of Sulaiman). After some time, the Children of Israel got it out and said: Verily, Sulaiman ruled over us only with this and they diffused sorcery among the people. When Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) mentioned Sulaiman Ibn Dawud as one of the former Messengers sent by Allah the Almighty, the Jews in Madinah said: Amazingly Muhammad claims that Sulaiman Ibn Dawud was a Prophet, by Allah, he was nothing but a sorcerer. Thereupon, Allah the Almighty revealed His Saying: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)." And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew). Narrated Ibn Jarir: I was told by Al-Qasim after Hussein Ibn Al-Hajjaj after Abu Bakr after Shahr Ibn Hawshab[1] as saying: The devils used to write sorcery down when Sulaiman was absent. "They wrote: whosoever wants to do such and such, he should stand facing the sun and say such and such. And, whosoever wants to do such and such, he should stand giving his back to the sun and say such and such." They wrote this in a book titled: "This is what has been written by Asif Ibn Barkhiya by the order of King Sulaiman Ibn Dawud: from the treasures of knowledge." Then, they buried it under Sulaiman's throne. When Sulaiman died, Satan established himself as an orator and said: "O people! Sulaiman was not a prophet; he was only a sorcerer! Go and seek his sorcery in his dwellings and luggage." And he led them to the buried "treasure". The people said: "By Allah! Sulaiman was a sorcerer who subjected us through his magic." The believers from among them said: "Nay, he was a faithful Prophet." When Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was sent and he mentioned Dawud and Sulaiman, the Jews said: "Muhammad confounds the truth with falsehood: he puts Sulaiman with the Prophets while he was just a sorcerer who was carried by the wind. Thereupon, Allah the Almighty revealed: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marutbut neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us). "And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew}. Narrated Ibn Jarir: I was told by Muhammad Ibn`Abdel A`la As-San`ani that he was told by Al-­Mu`tamir Ibn Sulaiman who said: I heard ` Imran Ibn Jarir who narrated from Abu Majliz as saying: Sulaiman (Peace be upon him) took from every living creature a covenant. So when any person gets afflicted with anything, he (Sulaiman) asks Allah with that covenant and the person recovers. Unfortunately, the people added to this sorcery and magic and said: this is what Sulaiman Ibn Dawud used to act upon. Thereupon, Allah the Almighty revealed His Saying: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did lot disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came town at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)." And from these (angels) people earn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew}. Narrated Ibn Abu Hatim: I was told by `Isam Ibn Rawwad after Adam after Al-Mas`udi after Ziyad the freed slave of Ibn Mus` ab after Al-Hasan pertaining to Allah's Statement: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon)}, as saying: one-third of poetry, one-third of sorcery (magic), and one-third of soothsaying. And, he said: I was told by AI-Hasan Ibn Ahmed after Ibrahim Ibn `Abdullah Ibn Bshshar Al-Wasiti after Surur Ibn Al-­Mughirah after `Abbad Ibn Mansur after Al-Hasan pertaining to Allah's Statement: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon)}, as saying: they were the Jews who followed what they gave out in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Peace be upon him). Prior to that the people knew sorcery, but it was only followed in the lifetime of Sulaiman. That was a summary of the sayings and narrations of the godly earlier scholars concerning this and it is obvious that there is no clear contradiction between any of them, may Allah guide us all to the Right and Straight Path of His! Allah's Statement: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon)}, i.e. the Jews ­who were given an earlier Divine Scripture -gave their backs to it and rejected Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and followed {what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic)},what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic), i.e. what was narrated and related by the devils {in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon)}. It is true that magic existed before the time of Sulaiman Ibn Dawud (Peace be upon them) because magicians were found in the lifetime of Musa (Moses) (Peace be upon him) and that Sulaiman came after Musa (Peace be upon them both). Allah the Almighty says: {Have you not thought about the group of the Children of Israel after (the time of) Musa (Moses)? When they said to a Prophet of theirs, "Appoint for us a king and we will fight in Allah's Way." He said, "Would you then refrain from fighting, if fighting was prescribed for you?" They said, "Why should we not fight in Allah's Way while we have been driven out of our homes and our children (families have been taken as captives)?" But when fighting was ordered for them, they turned away, all except a few of them. And Allah is All-Aware of the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers)}. (Al-Baqarah, 246) then, Allah mentioned the story in which, {and Dawud (David) killed Jalut (Goliath), and Allah gave him [Dawud (David)] the kingdom [after the death of Talut (Saul) and Samuel] and Al-Hikmah (Prophethood), and taught him of that which He willed}. (Al-­Baqarah, 251) and, the people of Salih who existed before Ibrahim (Peace be upon him) said to their Prophet Salih: {You are only of those bewitched!}. (Ash-Shu' ara', 153) Allah the Almighty says: {and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)." And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife), i.e. the Jew falsely claimed that Allah Almighty revealed magic on the tongues of Gabriel and Michael to Sulaiman Ibn Dawud, but Allah belied them and showed their falsehood. Moreover, Allah informed His Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him) that neither Gabriel, nor Michael has descended with magic and He declared the innocence of Sulaiman (Peace be upon him) from sorcery and black magic. Allah told the whole people that magic is nothing but the work of devils who teach it to the people in Babylon. And, that the two men who used to teach it to the people there were called Harut and Marut. The Related Hadith (And Comments) Narrated Imam Ahmed (May Allah rest his soul) in his Musnad: I was told by Yahya Ibn Bakir after Zuhair Ibn Muhammad after Musa Ibn Iubair after Nafi after `Abdullah Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) that he heard Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) as saying: "When Adam (Peace be upon him) was put down on earth, the angels said: 0 Lord! {Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, -while we glorify You with praises and thanks and sanctify You}. (Al-Baqarah, 30) They continued: Our Lord! We obey You more than man does. Allah the Almighty said to them: Appoint two angels from amongst you to descend to earth. The angels said: Our Lord! (We chose) Harut and Marut. They went down to earth where the flower appeared to them in the form of the most beautiful woman on earth. They asked her to have sexual intercourse with them. But, she said: only after you disbelieve in Allah. They refused and she went away for a while. Then, she came back holding a child in her arms and they asked her for the second time. She said: first, you must kill this boy. They refused to and she went away for a while and then, came back holding a glass of wine. They asked her for the third time. She said: First, you must drink this glass of wine. They drank the wine, committed adultery with her and finally killed the boy. When they restored their conscience, the woman said: By Allah! After you had drunk the wine, you committed all that which you refused to do at first. Thereupon, they were given the choice between receiving the torment of this like or that of the Hereafter. They' chose that of the present life." (Narrated by Imam Ahmed) The same was narrated by Abu Hatim Ibn Hibban in his Sahih after Al-Hasan after Sufyan after Abu Bakr Ibn Abu Shaibah after Yahya Ibn Bakir. However, this Hadith is an Unfamiliar[2] one from this Chain of Transmission. All its narrators are trustworthy but the one named Musa Ibn Iubair. Very Important: Many scholars and transmitters narrated various stories and narrations pertaining to the story of Harut and Marut, but all the details they mentioned could be traced down to the narrations made by the Children of Israel. However, there is not a single Hadith or Narration that can be traced down to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), the infallible one who says nothing but the truth. In addition, the text of the Glorious Qur'an does not relate this story in details, and thus we believe in what is mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an as it is without any increase or decrease. Finally, Allah knows best! Allah Almighty says: {But neither of these two taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us) "}, Ibn 'Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) said: they used to warn anyone who came to them to learn magic and say to him: {We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)}, that they knew what is good, bad, belief and disbelief and thus they knew that magic is of disbelief. Ibn 'Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) continued: if they could not dissuade him, they told him to go to such and such place. There he could find Satan who teaches him. The same time one is taught magic, his belief (symbolized as light) gets out of his body and he could see it flying away in the sky. Upon this, he would say: woe to me! In addition: Al-Hasan Al-­Basri said: the two angels were sent with magic to teach the people as a test for them and Allah took their covenant that they do not teach anybody {till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)"}. (Narrated by Ibn Abu Hatim) Narrated Qatadah: The Covenant was taken from them that they don't teach anyone till they say: {We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)}. Moreover, As-Sadiy said: they used to warn anyone who came to them to learn magic and say to him: {We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)}. But, if he insisted, they would say: Go to that pile of ashes and "squeeze the lemon thereon". If the man goes and does what he was ordered, he would see a light coming out of that ashes and flies till it reaches the sky -verily, this is belief. Instead, there would come a black object that would look like smokes and enters his ears and the whole of his body -verily, this is Allah's Wrath. After that, the man tells them of what happened and they consequently teaches him magic. This is the interpretation of Allah's Saying: {But neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)." And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew}. In the interpretation of this Qur'anic Verse, Sunaid Ibn Hajjaj narrates after Ibn Juraij his saying: there is no one who practices magic but a disbeliever. As for the word "trial", it means a test and an ordeal. Some scholars found a textual proof in this Verse that whosoever practices magic; he becomes a disbeliever. This is supported by the Prophetic Hadith that has been narrated by Al-Hafiz Abu Bakr Al-Bazzar after Muhammad Ibn Al­-Muthanna after Mu'awiyah after Al-A'mash after Ibrahim after Hammam on the authority of 'Abdullah as saying: "Whosoever attends himself to (or comes to) a soothsayer or a magician and believes in what he says: he will become a disbeliever in what has been sent to Muhammad (Peace be upon him) ". (An Authentic Hadith) Allah the Almighty says: {And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife}, i.e. the people learns from Harut and Marut the magic by which they cause separation between man and his wife though they (the man and his wife) have some kind of affinity and passion. This is caused by cunning of the devils as transmitted in Imam Muslim's Sahih from the Hadith narrated by Jabir Ibn 'Abdullah that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) says: "Iblis places his throne upon water; he then sends detachments (for creating dissension); the nearer to him in rank are those who are most notorious in creating dissension. One of them comes and says: I did so and so. And he says: You have done nothing. Then one amongst them comes and says: I did not spare so and so until I sowed the seed of discord between a husband and a wife. The Satan goes near him and says: 'You have done well. "Al-­A'mash said: "He then embraces him." The dissension between a husband and his wife can be created through magic in that the devil let each one of them imagine something bad -a view, or manner, etc. -about the other. Allah the Almighty says: {But they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave}, Abu Sufyan Ath-Thawri said: they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Decree. In addition, Muhammad Ibn Ishaq said: they could not thus harm anyone except in case Allah enables them to do so. Al-Hasan Al-Basri (May Allah be pleased with him) said: {But they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave}, i.e. whomsoever Allah wants to be affected, he will be affected. And, whomsoever Allah does not want to be affected, he will not be affected. In addition, they cannot harm anyone except by Allah's Leave and Decree. Allah the Almighty says: {And they learn that which harms them and profits them not}, i.e. they learn that which harms their religion and faith and profits them not. Allah says: {And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter}, i.e. the Jews who took magic instead of following Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) knew that anyone who did as what they have done, he would have not share in the Hereafter. Allah Almighty says: {And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew. And if they had believed and guarded themselves from evil and kept their duty to Allah, far better would have been the reward from their Lord, if they but knew!}, that they took magic instead of following Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), {And if they had believed and guarded themselves from evil and kept their duty to Allah, far better would have been the reward from their Lord} , i. e. if they had believed in Allah and His Messengers and did not violate His Boundaries, they would have received a far better reward from Allah Almighty. This is compatible with Allah's Saying that reads: {But those who had been given (religious) knowledge said: "Woe to you! The Reward of Allah (in the Hereafter) is better for those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and this none shall attain except those who are As­ Sabirun (the patient in following the truth) "}. (Al-­Qasas, 80) Some scholars found textual proof that a magician is a disbeliever in the Qur'anic Verse that reads: {And if they had believed and guarded themselves from evil and kept their duty to Allah}. Other scholars viewed that a magician is not a disbeliever, but his neck must be cut off. `Amr Ibn Dianr narrated from Bajabla Ibn `Abdah as saying: `Umar Ibn Al-Khattab ordered every magician and witch to be killed. Thereupon, they killed three witches. In addition, it is true that the Mother of the Faithful, Hafsah was bewitched by a maid. Consequently, Hafsah ordered that she had to be killed. Moreover, Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal said: it was transmitted from three of the Prophet's Companions that a magician must be killed. Besides, At-Tirmidhi narrated from Isma'il Ibn Muslim after Al-Hasan after Jundub Al-Azdi as saying: Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) says: "The Prescribed Penalty set for a magician is a blow with the sword." It was narrated that Al-Walid Ibn 'Uqbah had a magician who used to make shows before him. He used to cut off a man's head, then calls it to get back to its proper place. The people said: Glory be to Allah! The magician revives the dead. However, a man from the pious migrants saw him and intended something. The next day he came and cut the magician's head and said: if he is truthful, he can revive himself! And, he recited Allah's Statement that reads: {Will you submit to magic while you see it}. (Al-Anbiya', 4) Consequently, Al-Walid raged because the migrant did not ask for his permission first (to kill the magician), he imprisoned him for a while, then set him free. Allah knows best! Imam Abu Bakr Al-Khallal said: One of the princes used to have a magician who makes shows of his magic and one day Jundub came and killed him saying: I believe he was a magician. .................... [1] Shahr Ibn Hawshab is a Weak (i.e. not trustworthy) Narrator. [2] The Unfamiliar Hadith: That is narrated only by one narrator even if he were in one class. Many scholars name the Unfamiliar Hadith as (the Single). (Translator)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 06:55AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 4. Harut and Marut Allah the Almighty says: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us). "And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew. And if they had believed and guarded themselves from evil and kept their duty to Allah, far better would have been the reward from their Lord, if they but knew!}. (Al-Baqarah, 102, 103) Narrated Al-`Ufi in his interpretation on the authority of Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) pertaining to Allah's Statement {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)."...} When Sulaiman lost his kingdom, great numbers from among mankind and the jinn renegaded and followed their lusts. But, when Allah restored to Sulaiman his kingdom and the renegade came to follow the Straight Path once again, Sulaiman seized their holy scriptures which he buried underneath his throne. Shortly after, Sulaiman (Peace be upon him) died. In no time, the men and the Jinn uncovered the buried scriptures and said: This was a book revealed by Allah to Sulaiman who hid it from us. They took it as their religion and Allah the Almighty revealed His Saying: {And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the Scripture threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know!}. (Al-Baqarah, 101) and they followed what the devils gave out, i.e. musical instruments, play and all that blocks the remembrance of Allah. Narrated Ibn Abu Hatim: I was told by Abu Sa' id Al-Ashaj after Abu Usamah after Al-A' mash after Al-Minhal after Sa'id Ibn Jubair after Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) as saying: Asif was Sulaiman's scribe. He knew the Greatest Name of Allah and used to write what he was ordered to by Sulaiman, then, bury it underneath the throne. After Sulaiman's death, the devils got it out and wrote between each two lines magical and blasphemous things. They said: "this is what Sulaiman used to apply and act upon." The ignorant among the people regarded Sulaiman as a disbeliever and continued to insult him till Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was sent with the Glorious Qur'an that reads: {They followed what the, Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved}. Narrated Ibn Jarir: I was told by Abu As-Sa'ib Salamah Ibn Junadah As-Sawa'i after Abu Mu`awiyah after Al-A`mash after Al-Minhal after Sa`id Ibn Jubair on the authority of Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) as saying: When Sulaiman wanted to answer the call of nature or to make love with any of his wives, he used to give his ring to a woman called Al-Jaradah. When Allah the Almighty wanted to afflict Sulaiman, he gave his ring to that woman. Afterwards, Satan came to her in the form of Sulaiman and took the ring from her. When Satan put the ring on, all mankind, the jinn and Devils submitted to him. Then, Sulaiman came seeking his ring from her and she said: "You are a liar, you are not Sulaiman." Thus, Sulaiman knew that it was a test from Allah the Almighty. Upon this, the devils were free to do whatever they wished. So, they wrote down books of black magic and blasphemy which they buried underneath the throne of Sulaiman. After Sulaiman's death, they uncovered these books and said to the people: Verily, Sulaiman used to prevail with the help of these books. Consequently, the people declared their innocence of Sulaiman and declared him to be a disbeliever till the advent of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who came with the Qur'anic Verse that reads: {Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved}. Then, Ibn Jarir said: I was told by Ibn Hamid after Jarir after Husain Ibn `Abdur Rahman after `Imran as saying: While we were with Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them), a man came and Ibn `Abbas asked him: Where do you come from? The man said: from Iraq. Ibn `Abbas asked: which city? The man said: Kufa. Ibn `Abbas asked: What is the latest news there? The man said: I left them talking about `Ali's departing for them. Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) said: how dare you say so! If we felt that (he is departing us for the people of Kufa), we would not marry his women, or divide his properties among us. However, I will tell you the truth: the angels used to descend on the clouds and mention this or that matter decreed in the Heaven. The devils listen stealthily to such a matter, come down to inspire the soothsayers with it, and the latter would add to it one hundred lies of their own. The people believe in them and regard them trustworthy. Allah the Almighty informed Sulaiman with the matter and enabled him to bury these lies under his throne. After his death, one of the devils said: I can lead you to Sulaiman's dearest and most precious treasure. It is under his throne. Consequently, they uncovered it and said: this is magic. Afterwards, it continued to be copied and acted upon and what the Iraqi people practice nowadays is nothing but its remnants. Allah the Almighty revealed: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us). " And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man, and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter}. As-Sadiy said: Allah's Saying: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved}, i.e. the devils used to listen stealthily to the talks of the angels concerning what happens to those on earth: death, unseen matters or divine ordainments. Then, they come down to inspire the soothsayers with it and the latter would tell the people with it. The people believe in them and regard them trustworthy. Time after time, the soothsayers trusted the devils who later on used to add to each word one-hundred lies of their own. The people started to write down these matters and it circulated among the Children of Israel that the Jinn know the Unseen. Sulaiman moved quickly and gathered all these writings and put them in a chest and buried it under his throne. All the devils who tried to even approach the chest were burnt alive. Sulaiman declared that he would behead anyone who claims that the devils know the Unseen. After Sulaiman's death and that of the godly-scholars who knew it well, a devil came in the form of a human being to the people and said: I will lead you to an everlasting treasure that will never run out. He ordered them to dig under Sulaiman's throne and he took a side. He said to them: kill me if you find nothing. They dug it and found these writings. Thereupon, the devil said: Only with this magic, Sulaiman could overcome mankind, the Jinn and birds. Then, he flew away. It was rumored and circulated that Sulaiman had been a sorcerer. The Children of Israel kept these writings and disputed with Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) regarding them. But Allah the Almighty revealed to him His Saying: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved}. Narrated Ar-Rabi' Ibn Anas: the Jews used to ask Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) about matters from the Torah, and every time they ask him, Allah reveals to him that with which he defeats and overcomes them. Thereupon, they said: Muhammad knows what has been revealed to us better than we do! Then, they asked him about sorcery and Allah revealed His Statement: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut}. And He informed His Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) that the devils wrote a book about sorcery and soothsaying and buried it under Sulaiman's throne. Verily, Sulaiman was not knowledgeable about the Unseen. When he died, the devils got that magic out and deceived the people by saying: this is the knowledge which Sulaiman used to secretly keep from you. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) informed the Jews of that narration and they went out lowering their heads defeated and humiliated. Mujahid said pertaining to Allah's Statement: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut}, the devils used to listen stealthily to the discussions of the angels and add to what they heard two-hundred lies. Then, Sulaiman seized what they wrote and after his death they regained it and taught it to the people, it was nothing but blackmagic. Sa'id Ibn Jubair said: Sulaiman used to look for and capture the magic of the devils and keep it buried under his throne. The devils could not reach it and thus they inspired to the people that it is the knowledge with which Sulaiman was able to overcome the Jinn, the wind, etc., and that it is buried under his own throne. Afterwards, the people got it out and practiced it. Later, the people of the Hejaz said: Sulaiman used to practice sorcery. Upon this, Allah the Almighty revealed His Saying: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut}. Muhammad Ibn Ishaq Ibn Yasar said: when the devils knew of the death of Sulaiman, they wrote down types of sorcery (magic) as thus: to fulfill such and such matters, practice such and such (procedures). They gathered all these in a book and sealed it with a ring bearing the inscription found on Sulaiman's ring and titled it with: This is what was written by Asif Ibn Barkhiya by order of King Sulaiman Ibn Dawud. Then, they buried it under the throne (of Sulaiman). After some time, the Children of Israel got it out and said: Verily, Sulaiman ruled over us only with this and they diffused sorcery among the people. When Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) mentioned Sulaiman Ibn Dawud as one of the former Messengers sent by Allah the Almighty, the Jews in Madinah said: Amazingly Muhammad claims that Sulaiman Ibn Dawud was a Prophet, by Allah, he was nothing but a sorcerer. Thereupon, Allah the Almighty revealed His Saying: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)." And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew). Narrated Ibn Jarir: I was told by Al-Qasim after Hussein Ibn Al-Hajjaj after Abu Bakr after Shahr Ibn Hawshab[1] as saying: The devils used to write sorcery down when Sulaiman was absent. "They wrote: whosoever wants to do such and such, he should stand facing the sun and say such and such. And, whosoever wants to do such and such, he should stand giving his back to the sun and say such and such." They wrote this in a book titled: "This is what has been written by Asif Ibn Barkhiya by the order of King Sulaiman Ibn Dawud: from the treasures of knowledge." Then, they buried it under Sulaiman's throne. When Sulaiman died, Satan established himself as an orator and said: "O people! Sulaiman was not a prophet; he was only a sorcerer! Go and seek his sorcery in his dwellings and luggage." And he led them to the buried "treasure". The people said: "By Allah! Sulaiman was a sorcerer who subjected us through his magic." The believers from among them said: "Nay, he was a faithful Prophet." When Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was sent and he mentioned Dawud and Sulaiman, the Jews said: "Muhammad confounds the truth with falsehood: he puts Sulaiman with the Prophets while he was just a sorcerer who was carried by the wind. Thereupon, Allah the Almighty revealed: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marutbut neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us). "And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew}. Narrated Ibn Jarir: I was told by Muhammad Ibn`Abdel A`la As-San`ani that he was told by Al-­Mu`tamir Ibn Sulaiman who said: I heard ` Imran Ibn Jarir who narrated from Abu Majliz as saying: Sulaiman (Peace be upon him) took from every living creature a covenant. So when any person gets afflicted with anything, he (Sulaiman) asks Allah with that covenant and the person recovers. Unfortunately, the people added to this sorcery and magic and said: this is what Sulaiman Ibn Dawud used to act upon. Thereupon, Allah the Almighty revealed His Saying: {They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon).


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 02:05PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    Larutan kesedihan bertambah kuat menjadi prisai kehidupan... Menentukan jalan tidak harus menetapkan keberhasilan... Tp menerima dg hati lapang lebih berharga dri pada para petinggi negara yg gila jabatan bertaburkan harta rakyat yg di sengsarakan.... Terus maju para mujahid muda,..@! Allah paasti akan memberikan kemenangan kepada hambanya yang yaqin dan bersungguh-sungguh mejalankan syari'at-Nya... janji Allah pasti nyata.....
    Nov 19th 2013, 13:45
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 12:43AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Is it hard to see the sun without its orbit?
    Where would...
    Nov 22nd 2013, 00:37

    Is it hard to see the sun without its orbit?
    Where would it be if motion was not there?
    We can see a complete picture
    of gravitational pulls and navigating cores,
    Water cycles and rains reliable
    enriched is God's earth with minerals and ores !
    Do we not see the bigger picture
    with the resumption of Khilafah?
    Do we not see the gravity
    of the force once before?
    The protector of Salaat
    The implementer of Qiraat
    Collector of Jizya, Ushr and Kharaj and Zakaat
    The one that made Allah's word the highest
    Through the honour of Da'wah
    And the liberation in Jihad..
    The universe in perfect sync
    With Allah's word, the truth
    And when it is realised that Islam is holistic:
    "Oh my most dear beloved,
    Tell me something new !!"

    - Sayhan Lyrical
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: AURAT LELAKI Hadis Riwayat Muslim , Ahmad, Abu Daud, At-Tirmizi, Bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW Bersabda maksudnya: "Seorang Lelaki tidak boleh melihat aurat lelaki lain , demikian juga wanita tidak boleh melihat aurat wanita yang lain. Tidak boleh dua orang lelaki berada (TIDUR) dalam satu selimut demikian juga dengan wanita dilarang berbuat demikian". Imam Maliki dan Imam Syafi'e berpendapat: "Aurat lelaki ada dua keadaan: 1. Auratnya dengan sesama lelaki dan perempuan yang mahram dengannya. Auratnya ialah di antara PUSAT HINGGA LUTUT sahaja. 2. Auratnya dengan perempuan yang bukan mahramnya. Auratnya adalah SELURUH TUBUH BADANNYA (tidak termasuk rambut). (Rujuk al-Fiqh 'Ala al-Mazahib Al-Arba'ah, jilid 1 dalam bab Mabhas Sitr Al Aurah). Wahai KAUM ADAM, ingatlah! bukannya pusat dan lutut... tetapi pusat hingga lutut Main bola tidak haram, tetapi bermain bola nampak lutut itu adalah HARAM... sekiranya dilanggar, NANTIKAN KEMUNCULAN AZAB YANG AMAT PEDIH.... BERKASIH SAYANG KERANA ALLAH Wallahua'lam
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:55PM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    AURAT LELAKI Hadis Riwayat Muslim , Ahmad, Abu Daud, At-Tirmizi, Bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW Bersabda maksudnya: "Seorang Lelaki tidak boleh melihat aurat lelaki lain , demikian juga wanita tidak boleh melihat aurat wanita yang lain. Tidak boleh dua orang lelaki berada (TIDUR) dalam satu selimut demikian juga dengan wanita dilarang berbuat demikian". Imam Maliki dan Imam Syafi'e berpendapat: "Aurat lelaki ada dua keadaan: 1. Auratnya dengan sesama lelaki dan perempuan yang mahram dengannya. Auratnya ialah di antara PUSAT HINGGA LUTUT sahaja. 2. Auratnya dengan perempuan yang bukan mahramnya. Auratnya adalah SELURUH TUBUH BADANNYA (tidak termasuk rambut). (Rujuk al-Fiqh 'Ala al-Mazahib Al-Arba'ah, jilid 1 dalam bab Mabhas Sitr Al Aurah). Wahai KAUM ADAM, ingatlah! bukannya pusat dan lutut... tetapi pusat hingga lutut Main bola tidak haram, tetapi bermain bola nampak lutut itu adalah HARAM... sekiranya dilanggar, NANTIKAN KEMUNCULAN AZAB YANG AMAT PEDIH.... BERKASIH SAYANG KERANA ALLAH Wallahua'lam
    Nov 19th 2013, 12:32
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 12:00PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Eignet euch beim Tragen der Dawa gute Charakterzüge an.Denn wenn du zu grob und...
    Nov 21st 2013, 11:28
    Eignet euch beim Tragen der Dawa gute Charakterzüge an.Denn wenn du zu grob und zu streng bist wird dir keiner zuhören. Man kann die Wahrheit nur auf die beste Art und Weise den Menschen nahe bringen.
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