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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

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Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


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Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


 takbir - Social Mention: .. KISAH KAIN BATIK DAN KAIN KAFAN ... Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim ... Sebuah toko kain yang sangat terkenal mendapat pesanan kain BATIK dan kain KAFAN pada hari yang sama. Kain BATIK telah dipesan oleh seorang pejabat negara dan kain KAFAN yang telah dipesan oleh keluarga seorang alim ulama yang soleh dan menjadi teladan untuk masyarakat. Sebelum kain-kain tersebut dibawa oleh pemesannya, terjadilah percakapan antara kain KAFAN dan kain BATIK…………. BATIK: "Hey….kain mayit. Selamat tinggal ya?! Sebentar lagi kamu mau masuk ke kubur. Ha…ha….ha…." KAFAN: "Ya….terimaksihsaudaraku sudah memberikan selamat untukku." BATIK: "Kasihan banget ya nasibmu. Kain murahan, dipakein buat bangkai manusia pula. Aku dong nih kain mahal, ada coraknya, bisa dibanggain sama yang make, apalagi jadi rebutan INDONESIA sama MALAYSIA. Ha….ha…ha…." KAFAN: "Aku bangga kok biarpun cuma jadi kain KAFAN…" BATIK: "Apanya yang bisa dibanggain??? Sebentar lagi kamu naik keranda menuju kubur yang gelap. Sedangkan aku akan naik mobil mewah dan menuju ke hotel berbintang tempat resepsi pernikahan. Aku akan dilihat artis, pejabat-pejabattinggi dan orang-orang hebat lainnya….." KAFAN: "Tidak apa-apa aku naik keranda. Aku bahagia karena dalam perjalananku orang-orang akan melafalkan tasbih,tahmid,tahlil,takbir serta do'a yang akan membuat jenazah yang memakaiku nyaman dalam keranda. Aku juga akan bertemu malaikat penjaga kubur. Aku siap menjadi saksi saat manusia soleh yang mengenakanku ditanya oleh malaikat" BATIK: "Ha…ha….kamu akan masuk tanah membungkusi bangkai manusia lalu akan dikerumunin cacing-cacing…." KAFAN: "Tidak apa-apa, aku merasa lebih beruntung dari kamu. Aku tidak akan merasakan sakitnya dijahit, tidak akan pernah merasakan betapa tersiksanya di dalam mesin cuci dikucek-kucek, diperes. Tidak sampai di situ penderitaanmu. Kamu akan dipanggang di bawah terik matahari, setelah kering kamu akan dihaluskan dengan setrika…" BATIK: (masih ngeyel dan sombong) "Pepatah mengatakan bersakit sakit dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian. Setelah penderitaan yang kamu sebutkan tadi aku akan jadi busana yang bisa membuat orang terkagum kagum. Sedang kamu akan ditelan BUMI bersama bangkai manusia. Selain itu aku tidak akan pernah masuk kubur. Soalnya belum denger tuh orang mati pake BATIK……" KAFAN: "Kamu lupa saudaraku??? Bahwa manusia cepat sekali bosan. Entah 2 bulan,6 bulan atau 1 tahun. Kamu akan dicampakkan oleh manusia. Setelah warnamu pudar atau jahitanmu sobek. Kamu hanya akan menjadi sampah yang berada di antara tumpukkan sampah yang baunya busuk dan dibakar. Atau tidak jarang juga manusia menggunakanmu untuk membersihkan kotoran." BATIK: "Arrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh……diam jangan bicara lagi!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sahabat muslimah … ... Janganlah sombong dengan kecantikan fisik dan limpahan materi .. Kita tidak berhak merendahkan orang lain .. Bahwa Tuhan tidak melihat manusia berdasar fisik dan kekayaan, Tapi amal kebaikan dan manfaat kita untuk orang lain .. Dan jadilah manusia yang berguna untuk orang lain dalam hal kebaikan ..
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:28AM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    .. KISAH KAIN BATIK DAN KAIN KAFAN ... Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim ... Sebuah toko kain yang sangat terkenal mendapat pesanan kain BATIK dan kain KAFAN pada hari yang sama. Kain BATIK telah dipesan oleh seorang pejabat negara dan kain KAFAN yang telah dipesan oleh keluarga seorang alim ulama yang soleh dan menjadi teladan untuk masyarakat. Sebelum kain-kain tersebut dibawa oleh pemesannya, terjadilah percakapan antara kain KAFAN dan kain BATIK…………. BATIK: "Hey….kain mayit. Selamat tinggal ya?! Sebentar lagi kamu mau masuk ke kubur. Ha…ha….ha…." KAFAN: "Ya….terimaksihsaudaraku sudah memberikan selamat untukku." BATIK: "Kasihan banget ya nasibmu. Kain murahan, dipakein buat bangkai manusia pula. Aku dong nih kain mahal, ada coraknya, bisa dibanggain sama yang make, apalagi jadi rebutan INDONESIA sama MALAYSIA. Ha….ha…ha…." KAFAN: "Aku bangga kok biarpun cuma jadi kain KAFAN…" BATIK: "Apanya yang bisa dibanggain??? Sebentar lagi kamu naik keranda menuju kubur yang gelap. Sedangkan aku akan naik mobil mewah dan menuju ke hotel berbintang tempat resepsi pernikahan. Aku akan dilihat artis, pejabat-pejabattinggi dan orang-orang hebat lainnya….." KAFAN: "Tidak apa-apa aku naik keranda. Aku bahagia karena dalam perjalananku orang-orang akan melafalkan tasbih,tahmid,tahlil,takbir serta do'a yang akan membuat jenazah yang memakaiku nyaman dalam keranda. Aku juga akan bertemu malaikat penjaga kubur. Aku siap menjadi saksi saat manusia soleh yang mengenakanku ditanya oleh malaikat" BATIK: "Ha…ha….kamu akan masuk tanah membungkusi bangkai manusia lalu akan dikerumunin cacing-cacing…." KAFAN: "Tidak apa-apa, aku merasa lebih beruntung dari kamu. Aku tidak akan merasakan sakitnya dijahit, tidak akan pernah merasakan betapa tersiksanya di dalam mesin cuci dikucek-kucek, diperes. Tidak sampai di situ penderitaanmu. Kamu akan dipanggang di bawah terik matahari, setelah kering kamu akan dihaluskan dengan setrika…" BATIK: (masih ngeyel dan sombong) "Pepatah mengatakan bersakit sakit dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian. Setelah penderitaan yang kamu sebutkan tadi aku akan jadi busana yang bisa membuat orang terkagum kagum. Sedang kamu akan ditelan BUMI bersama bangkai manusia. Selain itu aku tidak akan pernah masuk kubur. Soalnya belum denger tuh orang mati pake BATIK……" KAFAN: "Kamu lupa saudaraku??? Bahwa manusia cepat sekali bosan. Entah 2 bulan,6 bulan atau 1 tahun. Kamu akan dicampakkan oleh manusia. Setelah warnamu pudar atau jahitanmu sobek. Kamu hanya akan menjadi sampah yang berada di antara tumpukkan sampah yang baunya busuk dan dibakar. Atau tidak jarang juga manusia menggunakanmu untuk membersihkan kotoran." BATIK: "Arrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh……diam jangan bicara lagi!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sahabat muslimah … ... Janganlah sombong dengan kecantikan fisik dan limpahan materi .. Kita tidak berhak merendahkan orang lain .. Bahwa Tuhan tidak melihat manusia berdasar fisik dan kekayaan, Tapi amal kebaikan dan manfaat kita untuk orang lain .. Dan jadilah manusia yang berguna untuk orang lain dalam hal kebaikan ..
    Nov 20th 2013, 11:10
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 Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Why Shia do Matam and self flaggellation? complete proof from quran and hadiths(from sunni brothers books), must read and share. Mourning rituals and self harm as found in the Qur'an We read in Surah Nisa 004.148 YUSUFALI: Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done; for Allah is He who heareth and knoweth all things. We read in Tafseer Ibn Katheer Volume 2 page 20 Surah Nisa, under the commentary of this verse: "Ali bin Abi Talib(a.s) said that Ibn Abbas commented on the Ayah and said, "Allah does not like that the evil should be uttered in public, He does not like that any one should invoke Him against anyone else, unless one is wronged. In this case, Allah allows one to invoke Him against whoever wronged him. Hence Allah's statement Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done'" Shia Muslim mourning Imam Hussain This verse makes it clear that the public relaying of injustice is permissible. Relaying the suffering of a victim is permissible. The traditions from Bukhari also proves that mourning is permissible when one is citing the pains inflicted on the aggrieved party hence any tradition that contradicts this must be ignored. Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 2, Book 23, Number 336 : Narrated by Jabir bin 'Abdullah When my father was martyred, I lifted the sheet from his face and wept and the people forbade me to do so but the Prophet did not forbid me. Then my aunt Fatima began weeping and the Prophet said, "It is all the same whether you weep or not. The angels were shading him continuously with their wings till you shifted him (from the field). " Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 2, Book 23, Number 390 : Narrated by Anas bin Malik We went with Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) to the blacksmith Abu Saif, and he was the husband of the wet-nurse of Ibrahim (the son of the Prophet). Allah's Apostle took Ibrahim and kissed him and smelled him and later we entered Abu Saif's house and at that time Ibrahim was in his last breaths, and the eyes of Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) started shedding tears. 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf said, "O Allah's Apostle, even you are weeping!" He said, "O Ibn 'Auf, this is mercy." Then he wept more and said, "The eyes are shedding tears and the heart is grieved, and we will not say except what pleases our Lord, O Ibrahim ! Indeed we are grieved by your separation." Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 2, Book 23, Number 338 : Narrated by Anas bin Malik The Prophet said, "Zaid took over the flag and was martyred. Then it was taken by Jafar who was martyred as well. Then 'Abdullah bin Rawaha took the flag but he too was martyred and at that time the eyes of Allah's Apostle were full of tears. We Shias perform all these acts as Allah (swt) has permitted us to do so, and the opposition is only on account for their love and support for Imam Husayn (as)'s killers. Mourning and shedding blood is the Sunnah of Prophet Adam (as) We read in Ahlul Sunnah's authority work Ma'arij al Nubuwwa Chapter 1 page 248: Hadhrath Adam was so distressed that he smashed his hands onto his knees and the skin from his hands caused gashes from which bone could be seen. Those who deem the act of self-harm to be Haraam should look at the bloodletting actions of Hadrath Adam (as). If Hadrath Adam (as) can do this why cannot the Shia when mourning for Imam Husayn (as)? Mourning and hitting one self is the Sunnah of the Prophet (s) As evidence we shall cite the following works: Sunan al Nasai Volume 3 page 305 Adhaan al Mufreed page 426 Saheeh al Muslim Volume 1 page 291 Musnad Abu Awana Volume 2 page 292 All these books state: "Rasulullah (s) was in a state where he was hitting his chest." Ibn Hajr Asqalani in the commentary of this tradition in Fathul Bari Volume 3 page 90 writes: "This Hadeeth demonstrates that it is permissible to bang your hand at a moment of distress". If hitting oneself is Haraam then what Fatwa do the Nasibis have for the Prophet (s)? The Pillar of Shariah is himself hitting his chest, so if the Shia do the same, why are their actions Batil? Beating oneself in times of trouble is the Sunnah of Umar We read in Ahl'ul Sunnah's authority work Aqd al Fareed, Volume 1 page 342: ولما نُعي النًّعمان بن مُقَرَّن إلى عمر بن الخطاب وضع يدَه على رأسه وصاح يا أسفي على النعمان When Umar received news of the death of Numan ibn Muqran, he placed his hand on his head and wailed: 'O my grief for Numan!' We find a similar narration in Kanz al Ummal, Vol.8, Page 117, Kitab al Maut: When Umar heard of Nu'man ibn Muqran's death he beat his head and screamed, "O what a pity that Nu'man died". When Umar mourns the death of his friend in such a way, the descendents of Mu'awiya remain silent, but if the Shi'a mourn Imam Husayn (as) through such an act they are deemed Kaffirs. If Nasibis wish to accuse us of introducing Bidah into the religion then they should know that Umar introduced this long before the Rafidis! If such acts of hitting oneself and extreme wailing are prohibited then what was your Khalifa indulging in this act for? Thigh beating is the Sunnah of Maula 'Ali (as) We read in Taufa Ithna Ashari page 523 published in Karachi: "When Ayesha was defeated and Ali(a.s) saw the corpses on the ground he began to beat his thighs" Tauhfa Ithna Ashari, page 523 Proof of head beating from the Qur'an In Surah adh-Dhaariyaat we read that Hadrath Sara (as) struck her face when she was told that she would conceive a baby. "Then came forward his wife in grief, she smote her face and said (what! I) An old barren woman?" Quran 51:29 "Faskath" does not just mean rub or touch, it means slap and this is evidenced from Saheeh Muslim Book 030, Number 5851, Bab Fadail Musa: Beating oneself at a time of distress is the Sunnah of Prophet Adam (as) We read in Mudharij al Nubuwwa page 221: "When life was breathed into the spirit of Adam he hit his hand on his head and cried. He made this tradition of beating one's head with one's hand and crying in times of trouble for his descendants." Hitting one's head in times of trouble is the Sunnah of Prophet Yusuf (as) We read in Tafseer Kabeer Volume 5 page 158: "On one occasion Gibrael approached Prophet Yusuf (as) in Zundh and conveyed the news that his father had become blind on account of his weeping for him. Yusuf hit his hand on his head and said 'O I wish my mother did not give birth to me, so that I would have not become the cause of such sadness to my father '". We have proven that the acts of hitting one's head are not Jahiliyya or Un-Islamic. In fact it is the Sunnah of Prophets Adam (as) and Yusuf (as). The Shi'a mourn Imam Husayn (as) as a form of remembrance. We seek to remember and share his suffering and pain, since assisting one in trouble is a recommended (Mustahab) act and a kind of worship. We also deem mourning and presenting our sincerity to Imam Husayn (as) to be a form of worship. Before we expand on this reality let us begin by citing words that we had previously cited Ibn al Hashimi who claims: Additionally–and this point cannot be stressed enough–there were many Sahabah who were killed in the Path of Allah, but the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) never mourned their deaths in the manner in which the Shia mourn Hussain (رضّى الله عنه). The Prophet lost his own dear uncle, his own wife, and many of his dearest companions, but do we see that the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) ever resorted to self-flagellation or excessive mourning? The Shia can never provide such an example from the life of the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم), probably not even from Shia sources. Therefore, we find that it is not part of the Sunnah to mourn in such an uncivilized manner and we shall never take part in it because of this. Let us refute this Nasibi by citing Allamah Shibli Numani al Hanafi is a renowned Sunni scholar from the Indian subcontinent. In his Sirat-un Nabi (Eng translation Volume 2 pg 74) quoting Sirat Ibn Hisham we read the following about Hamzah (as) martyrdom: "The Holy Prophet (P) returned to Madina and found the whole city gone into mourning. Whenever he went, he heard wailing and lamentation in every house. He was grieved to find that all who were martyred in the battle had their mourners doing their duty to the memory of their dear ones. But there was none to mourn the death of Hamzah (ra). Overwhelmed with grief, the words that there was no one to mourn the loss of Hamzah escaped his lips. The Ansâris were touched to the core when they heard this remark from the Prophet(s). They asked their women to go to the house of the Prophet (S) and mourn for Hamzah. The Prophet (p) thanked them for their sympathy, prayed for their well-being, but added that it was not permissible to lament in memory of the dead. (Women in Arabia were used to wailing and lamenting aloud, they would tear off their garments, dig their nails into their cheeks, slap themselves on the face and put up loud screams. This undesirable practice was from that day stopped for future)" Nawasib such as Ibn al-Hashimi will no doubt take heart from the last few lines so let us pass a comment on them: Observation One Whilst these words are not acceptable for being contradictory to previous lines of the narration, our readers should also know that the words 'it is not permissible to lament in memory of the dead' is an addition that cannot be found in other history books. We read in the History of Tabari Volume 7 page 137: "The Messenger of God passed by a settlement of the Ansar of the Banu Abdal al-Ashhal and Zafat and heard sounds of lamentation and women weeping. The Messenger of God's eyes filled with tears and he wept, but then he said "Yet Hamzah has no women weeping for him". When Saad bin Muadh and Usayd b. Hudayr came back to the settlement of the Banu Abdal al-Ashhal, they told the women to gird themselves up and go and weep for the Messenger of God's uncle". [ref= tarikh_tabari_v7_p137.jpg]History of Tabari Volume 7 page 137 [/ref] Al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Haqq Dehlavi in 'Madarij un Nabuwat' records the event as follows: "When Holy Prophet (s) reached Madina, he saw that cries could be heard from most of the houses of Ansaar (the helpers) but not from Hamza's house. Holy Prophet (s) said that wasn't there anyone to cry over Hamza? The helpers (Ansaar) asked their women to mourn over Hamza first and then they may go and cry over their own martyr. The women went to Hamza's house in the evening and kept crying till midnight. When Holy Prophet(s) woke up and asked about it, he was told the whole thing. Holy Prophet(s) blessed them by saying" May Allah be pleased with you and your children." Madarij un Nabuwat, volume 2 page 179 It has been similarly recorded in Al-Isti'ab that after Holy Prophet's query,"none of the wives of the helpers cried over their own dead but cried for Hamza", Therefore through no tradition, reference or logic can it be proved that Holy Prophet (s) stopped Ummah from crying over the death of their dear ones. Observation Two Our assertion that the words "It is not permissible to mourn over the dead" is a later addition is confirmed when we observe the first edition of Shibli Numani's work. We relied on the Urdu to English translation of Numani's work. Of interest is the fact that the part in brackets wherein the practice of mourning is condemned was added in later editions. The original statement as narrated in the first edition is mentioned above. Look at this report from "Seerat Un Nabi" part 1, page 361, published in 1975 by "Deeni Kutb Khana Islami, Lahore." "Holy Prophet (s) reached Madina, the whole of Madina had turned into a mourning place, his Excellency could hear voices of people mourning from every house, and Holy Prophet (s) felt grieved that all martyrs were being cried upon by their relatives but there was no one to mourn over Hamza. In severe grief he said: "Isn't there anyone to cry over Hamza?" The Helpers (Ansaar) palpitated when they heard this and therefore all of them asked their wives to go and mourn over Hamza's martyrdom. When Holy Prophet(s) saw that the females of Ansaar (the helpers) were mourning for Hamza, he blessed them and thanked them for their sympathy but he further said "It is not permissible to cry over dead." After this a whole paragraph from "This was a tradition in Arabia" till "intense love for Hamza" has been removed from the frst edition and further replaced by this new statement. This is the ingenuity of Syed Salman Nadvi who completed this book of his teacher (Shabli Naumani) after his death. This new paragraph is not present in the first edition. "Women in Arabia were used to wailing and lamenting aloud, they would tear off their garments, dig their nails into their cheeks, slap themselves on the face and put up loud screams. This undesirable practice was from that day stopped for future". The Urdu/Arabic alphabet "seen" in the text denotes that this statement was not present in the earlier edition and Syed Suleman Nadvi added itafterwards. Later editions simply removed th 'Seen' so as to imply that these words were those of Numani! Observation Three Whilst this shows how dishonest these Nasibi are, let us also address the comments of Nadvi: If Lamenting were Haraam why would the Prophet (s) be sad on the fact that no one was mourning his slain Uncle? Why would the Prophet (s) allow the women to do something that is Haraam? (i,e mourning for their own dead ones) If as Numani tells that this was a common practice amongst Arab women and the Prophet banned it, this prohibition would have definitely received maximum publicity. Observation Four Even if it is believed that Holy Prophet (s) did say 'It is not permissible to cry over the dead' such a statement would not effect our mourning because Imam Husayn (as) is a martyr and it is forbidden to call them dead. Such restrictions are for those who die a natural death not those who are slain in the way of Allah (swt). Observation Five The reference makes it clear that our Holy Prophet (s) paid gratitude to those who consoled and mourned over Hamza's martyrdom. He approved of this act and blessed them with his prayers. Had it been a prohibited act the Prophet (s) would never have shown gratitude. This gratitude strengthens our point that the words 'It is not permissible to cry over the dead' has no correlation with the incident. Rather Syed Suleman Nadvi amended the statements in order to cover up Allamah Shibli Numani's blunder. The mourning of Hamza did not just end there; we have already cited the fact that the Holy Prophet (s) and the three Caliphs' would visit the graves of the martyrs every year. Beating and mourning by the wives of the Prophet (s) Curiously, not a single wife of the Prophet (s) ever heard of this ban (a claimed by Nadvi in the previous reference). On the contrary Ayesha regarded by Ahl'ul Sunnah as the most knowledgeable women on Qur'an and Sunnah performed the following act when the Prophet (s) left this earth. As narrated by al Tabari in History Volume 9 page 183 (English translation by Ismail Poonawala): Abbas narrates: "I heard Ayesha saying "The Messenger of God died on my bosom during my turn, I did not wrong anyone in regard to him. It was because of my ignorance and youthfulness that the Messenger of God died while he was in my lap. Then I laid his head on a pillow and got up beating my chest and slapping my face along with the women". Ibn Katheer al Nasibi in al Bidayah wa al Nihayah Volume 5 page 420 published by Nafees Academy Karachi records the event as follows: "Rasulullah (s) died while he was in my lap. Then I laid his head on a pillow and got up beating my face along with other women". Bidayah wa al Nihayah, Volume 5, page 420 Sirah Ibn Ishaq, page 713 (declared 'Hasan') Sirah Ibn Hisham, Volume 4 page 655 Do we need to say anymore? Would the wives of the Prophet (s) indulge in a Haraam activity? Look at the beating ritual by the women of Madina. Ibn Katheer mentions how extreme that beating was that their faces reddened with slapping. What do the Nasibi say about these women? Were they evil Rafidi innovators lead by Ayesha? Ayesha did matam for Holy prophet(sawa); from sunni books. "I heard Ayesha saying "The Messenger of God died on my bosom during my turn, I did not wrong anyone in regard to him. It was because of my ignorance and youthfulness that the Messenger of God died while he was in my lap. Then I laid his head on a pillow and got up beating my chest and slapping my face along with the women" if you see it is graded as HASSAN. also, we find this in as seerat un nabawia, ibn hisham Other references are given as well like tareekh tibri, and masnad abu yala Beating and mourning by Uthman's wives and daughter We read in Tareekh Kamil Volume 3 page 89: "When Uthman was killed his killers intended to sever his head. His wives Naila and Umm'ul Baneen lay over him screamed and began to beat their faces" Narrations also record that Uthman's daughter also acted likewise. As evidence we shall rely on the following Sunni works: Al Bidayah wa al Nihaya, Volume 7 page 371 Tareekh Tabari, Volume 6 page 302 Tareekh Aathim Kufi, page 159 "Ibn Jareer narrates that when the killer intended to sever Uthman's head, the women began to scream and strike their faces. This included Uthman's wives Naila, Ummul Baneen and daughter". Al Bidayah wa al Nihaya, Volume 7, page 371 If the wives of Uthman can mourn Uthman's killing in this way then the Shi'a of Maula 'Ali (as) can likewise mourn the slaying of Imam Husayn (as) in this way. The mourning of Fatima al-Zahra (as) In Madarij al Nubuwwh, Vol 2, page 163, the high ranking Sunni Scholar, Sheikh Abdul Haq Mohaddith Dehlavi recorded that: "Fatima Zahra (as) hearing the rumour of the martyrdom of the Holy Prophet (s) at Uhud came out of her house running and beating her head". Does it not transpire from the above that beating of head during the act of mourning for a martyr is allowed by the religion as Sayyida (as) was well aware of the religious code and was also infallible according to Ayah Tatheer (33:33). In addition an action of any member of Ahl'ul bayt is a Sunnah for the Ithna Ashari Shi'as. Thus mourning is not bidah but is a Sunnah of Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra (as). The mourning of Abu Hurraira We shall rely on the following Sunni works: Adaab al Mufarad, page 426 Sunan Ibn Majah, page 30 The narrator says that he saw Abu Hurrayra hitting his forehead and said 'o people of Iraq could you even imagine that I would lie about the Prophet?' Abu Huraryra's act here was out of shock and distress. If this Sahabi can act in such a manner then no fault should be found with the Shi'a when they mourn the loss of Imam Husayn (as) by hitting themselves. Beating and mourning by the wives of the Sahaba Allamah Shibli Numani al Hanafi is a renowned Sunni scholar from the Indian subcontinent. In his Sirat-un Nabi (Eng translation Volume 2 pg 74) quoting Sirat Ibn Hisham we read the following about Hadhrath Hamzah (as) martyrdom: "The Holy Prophet (P) returned to Madina and found the whole city gone into mourning. Whenever he went, he heard wailing and lamentation in every house. He was grieved to find that all who were martyred in the battle had their mourners doing their duty to the memory of their dear ones. But there was none to mourn the death of Hamzah (ra). Overwhelmed with grief, the words that there was no one to mourn the loss of Hamzah escaped his lips. The Ansâris were touched to the core when they heard this remark from the Prophet(s). They asked their women to go to the house of the Prophet (S) and mourn for Hamzah. The Prophet (p) thanked them for their sympathy, prayed for their well-being, but added that it was not permissible to lament in memory of the dead. (Women in Arabia were used to wailing and lamenting aloud, they would tear off their garments, dig their nails into their cheeks, slap themselves on the face and put up loud screams. This undesirable practice was from that day stopped for future)" The mourning of Bilal (ra) We read in Madharij al Nubuwwa Volume 2 page 441, whilst discussing the death of the Prophet (s): "When the situation of the Prophet worsened, Bilal emerged beating his head and loudly wailing,'I wish my mother had not given birth to me, and that if she had I wish that I had died before this day" The extreme mourning of Hadrath Uwais al-Qarni (ra) The most explicit proof of self-inflicted injury comes from Owais al-Qarni the great Muslim Sahabi, praised by both Shi'a and Sunni erudite. He had an immense love for the Holy Prophet (s). When the news reached him in Yemen that two teeth of the Holy Prophet (s) were broken in the battle of Ohad, he extracted all his teeth. When the Holy Prophet (s) got the news in Medina that Owais had struck down all his teeth, he (s) exclaimed, "Indeed Owais is our devoted friend". This event can be found written in Seerate Halbia' vol II, page 295. The renowned Scholar Shiekh Farid al Din Attaar in \'Tadhkhirathul Awliya\' Urdu translation page 17 and 18 writes: "Hadhrath Uways Qarni (ra) said to Umar: 'If you were true in friendship than why on the day when the holy teeth of the Prophet (s) were broken didn't you break your teeth in companionship? Because, it is a condition of companionship.' Then he showed his teeth all of which were broken and said 'I broke all of my teeth without seeing you (O Prophet) and in the state of Ghaybah in your companionship. I had broken one tooth but couldn't get satisfaction so kept on breaking them one by one until I had broken them all ". Comment Had the breaking of teeth by Uways Qarni (ra) been in opposition to Shariah, Umar would certainly have pointed it out at the time or at least commented and answered the accusation by Uways Qarni (ra) of his less than perfect companionship. The silence of Umar proves that he didn't deem the act of breaking one's teeth as done by Uways Qarni (ra) as opposed to Shariah but considered it an act of sincerity and also a proof of friendship. It is interesting that Ibn al Hashimi argues: In regards to the actual rituals of the Shia, these are barbaric practises of self-flagellation, violence, and paganism Tell us, would Uways Qarni'ss destruction of his teeth with a blunt instrument not fall within your definition of 'barbaric practises of self-flagellation, violence, and paganism'? If so, did the Prophet (s) agree with your view and condemn this extreme form of self harm? We should point out that breaking one's teeth is a thousand times more painful than the beating of one's chest for a few hours. It is more extreme than chest beating with chains or knives (Zanjeer) because those who have suffered from tooth ache will understand the immense pain that circulates in the mouth and head. Compare the removal of a tooth to the forced removal of a full set of teeth without the benefit of modern day anaesthetics and instruments. The pain must have been unbearable. This was clearly an act of great courage. Mourning following the death of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal We shall rely on the following esteemed Sunni works: Tareekh Baghdad, Volume 4 page 422 Hayaat al Haywaan, page 101 قال وسمعت الوركاني يقول يوم مات احمد بن حنبل وقع الماتم والنوح في أربعة أصناف من الناس المسلمين واليهود والنصارى والمجوس 'He (Abu Bakr al-Makki) said: 'I heard al-Warkani saying: 'The day on which Ahmad bin Hanbal died, in it 'Matam' and lamentation took place among four types of people, the Muslims, the Jews, the Christians and the Zoroastrians''. The Muslims killed Ibn Hanbal and also mourned him. The same people accuse the Shi'a of killing Imam Husayn (as) and mourning him for atonement. They acuse Shias for what has been their own practice. If Matam is such an extreme sin, then why was such sin committed for this Sunni Imam? Heavens mourning at the death of Umar! We read in Riyadh al Nadira page 187: "When Umar died the Djinns recited a elegy 'Umar female Djinns are mourning you in a loud voice and they are beating their faces' If mourning in such a manner is Bidah then why was it necessary for the women of Paradise to mourn in this manner? If it was Bidah why do you think the Sunni scholars coined such a fabricated tale? When Umar died the women of Paradise beat their faces but if Shi'a women mourn the slaying of Imam Husayn (as) and his supporters, mutilation of their bodies and the imprisonment of their women folk they are deemed evil innovators. Seven days of mourning of Khalid bin Waleed We read in Kanz al Ummal Volume Six page 118: "The narrator said people had attributed the prohibition of elegies to Umar, but the fact is that when Khalid bin Waleed died the women of Banu Mugheer indulged in seven days of mourning. They reddened their chests, wailed, food was distributed and elegies were recited. Umar did not place any prohibition on this mourning". When Ahl'ul Sunnah's great hero dies elegies and self beating occurs under the watchful eye of Umar and he takes no remedial steps to quash this alleged Bidah. However when the Shi'a do the same in memory of Imam Husayn (as) the Nasibi' come out in force to oppose them. An Arabs mourning before the Prophet (s) Malik's Muwatta Book 18, Number 18.9.29: Yahya related to me from Malik from Ata ibn Abdullah al-Khurasani that Said ibn al-Musayyab said, "A Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah, (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) beating his breast and tearing out his hair and saying, 'I am destroyed.' The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Why is that?', and he said, 'I had intercourse with my wife while fasting in Ramadan.' The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, asked him, 'Are you able to free a slave?', and the man said, 'No.' Then he asked him, 'Are you able to give away a camel?', and the man replied, 'No.' He said, 'Sit down,' and someone brought a large basket of dates to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and he said to the man, 'Take this and give it away as Sadaqa.' The man said, 'There is no one more needy than me,' and (the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace), said, 'Eat them, and fast one day for the day when you had intercourse.' " Worthy of note is the fact that Darr Qathani in his Sharh of Muwatta Volume 2 (this tradition) adds that that 'he was placing mud in his hair'. The incident should be considered in the light of the following facts: 1) He was beating his chest and tearing his hair in presence of Holy Prophet (s) who neither objected to it nor reprimanded him for the same. 2) The action of the Bedouin was a result of spiritual pain he suffered as his fast was invalidated. 3) Sunni traditionists have authentically recorded this incident. 4) The Bedouin's actions were a direct result of the agony he was going through. It led him to beat, his chest, tear his hair and place dirt in his hair. We suggest to those who deem mourning for Imam Husayn (as) Bidah to look at these Rafidi acts that were performed in the presence of the Prophet (s). If it was Haraam why did not the Prophet (s) tell him to refrain from such actions? Mourning at the time of Ayesha's death In the Sunni Magazine Khadim al Deen, published Lahore on the 18th of October 1976 page 20, in the topic of Ayesha we read: "People were saddened by the death of Ayesha; Masrooq said if certain situations had not arisen then I would have performed Matam for her. Look at the preparations for mourning Ayesha's death. If mourning is a gate to hell why were the Sahaba making this road for themselves by desiring to mourn her loss in such a manner?Islamic Law When the Imam of a Fiqh permits an act, then it is not permissible for those of other Madhabs to raise their objections. We deem Ahl'ul bayt (as) our Imams and uphold their words. If they ruled on the permissibility of Azadari, then we care little what the Imams from Mu'awiyah and Yazeed's lineage have to say against it. Sayyida Zaynab (s.a)-the sister of Imam Hussain (as) beat herself on three separate occasions First Occasion "When the enemy planned to attack the camp of Husayn(a.s), Zaynab(s.a) went to Husayn(a.s) and asked 'what is this noise outside our tents?' Imam Husayn [a.s] replied 'I just saw a dream wherein the Apostle of Allah(s.a) told me that he would reach me by tomorrow. Upon hearing this Sayyida Zaynab(s.a) became aggrieved and slapped her face" Al Bidaya wa al Nihaya Volume 8 page 176 Second occasion "When Sayyida Zaynab(s.a) listened to the verses from her brother that indicated his death, she mourned by beating her face, tearing her clothes and losing her senses by falling to the ground" Al Bidaya wa al Nihaya, Volume 8 page 177 Tareekh Kamil Volume 4 page 30 Tareekh Tabari Volume 7 Page 324. Third occasion Qurat bin Kas narrates that when the women of Bani Hashim(a.s) passed by the battlefield they wept bitterly by beating their faces. Al Bidaya wa al Nihaya Volume 8 page 93 Tareekh Kamil Volume 4 page 42 Tareekh Tabari Volume 7 Page 370. When the grand daughter of the Prophet (s) was brought into the city of Kufa as prisoner her calamity became more severe. When she saw the head of Imam (as) on the pointed end of lance, she stroke her head on the wooden part of the saddle in extreme grief and blood started flowing from her head. Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar's self harm mourning for Imam Husayn (as) Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar of Pak Patan is a major Sunni Sufi Saint. He commands thousands of adherents from the Indian Subcontinent. We read in the Sunni text From Uswa - e - Sufia Uzzaam, Page 8: He used to lament and cry for Imam Husayn (as) on the day of Ashura so much so that he would fall unconscious. It is narrated from him that there was a saintly man in Baghdad and when the tragedy of Karbala was described to him, he cried so piteously and profusely and smashed his head so hard on the ground out of grief that he died! The same night, people saw him in their dream and enquired of his condition to which he replied: I gave up my life for the love of Ahl - e - Bait (as) hence Allah has pardoned me and I now live with Imam Husayn (as). Comment Is not the status of an Azadaar equivalent to that of a Martyr? This shows that self - flagellate with knives and swords, doing Matam and giving up one's life for the love of these Infallibles is a cause of redemption and pardon from Allah (swt). The skies shed blood in grief of Imam Husayn (as) Allamah Ibn Hajar Makki writes: "Abu Said says that on the day of the martyrdom of Husayn(a.s), there was fresh blood found under every stone lifted; and the sky also rained blood whose result was evident on clothes for ages. Abu Naim says that on the day of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (as) our containers (of water) were full of blood." Sawaiq al-Muhriqa, Page 192 It is written in Tafseer al-Jalalayn, on page 411, Annotation no.7 (Print. Karachi): Under "Fama Bakta Alaihim Sama" Sa`di has been quoted as saying: "When the oppressed Imam was martyred, the sky wept on his martyrdom; the weeping of the sky is its being red and anger is the reason behind the bloody tears." Note : All the references quoted above are from renowned sunni sources Conclusion : Shias would never kill themself. and they do not beat themselves in a sense that it will kill them. Matam is a way that we can show the Imam that we are here for him and that we curse the ones who deceived him and and killed him and his family. Shia Views and The Message Over one thousand three hundred and fifty years ago, on the 10th of Muharram, just before 'asr, a man stood on a sand-dune at Kerbala. He was bleeding from several wounds on his body. He had lost everything. Since early morning he had carried several dead bodies into his camp. He had even buried his infant child. Of course that call was a call to Muslims of every generation in every land. It was a call to us where ever we may be. It was a call for help. Help against Yezeedism which in every age rears its ugly head to oppress justice, truth and morality. Our Imam was calling out to every Muslim of every age and time to combat Yezeedism, both within himself and as an external force. This was his battle cry for jihad-ul-akbar. He had already demonstrated that his objective had always been to create a spiritual awakening through amr bil ma'ruf and nahyi anal munkar. Now he was calling out for the continuation of this jihad at the individual, social and political levels. Evolution of Aza Muslims, and more particularly the Shias, have answered this call with the unique institution of aza-e-Hussain. With every tear that we shed for him we pledge to resist the oppression of injustice, immorality, inequity and falsehood. Every time we raise our hand and bring it down on our chest in matam, we are saying: "Labbaik, Labbaik Ya Mawla!" to our Imam, Hussain Ibne Ali, the grandson of the Holy Prophet (SAWA). For long the word aza-e-Hussain has been exclusively used in connection with the remembrance ceremonies for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain. Aza-e-Hussain includes mourning congregations, lamentations, matam and all such actions which express the emotions of grief, anger and, above all, repulsion against what Yezid stood for. These emotions, however, remain futile and hypocritical unless accompanied by a will to reform both at the individual level and the community level. Aza-e-Hussain was a phenomenon which gripped Muslim conscience immediately after the tragedy of Kerbala. The first majlis-e-Hussain was recited in the market-place of Kufa by a lady from whose head her veil had been ripped off, whose hopes and aspirations had been destroyed on the blood-drenched sands of Kerbala but whose indomitable spirit stepped forward to free the Islamic values from the yoke of tyranny and oppression. She was the first one to answer the call of Imam Hussain. Standing on her unsaddled camel, she looked at the multitude rejoicing the victory of Yezid. As soon as people saw her, they were quiet. They knew that a historic moment for Kufa had arrived. Looking straight at them, the daughter of Ali said: Sermon of Janab Zainab Bint Ali in Market-place of Kufa & Matam "Woe upon you O people of Kufa. Do you realise which piece of Muhammad's heart you have severed! Which pledge you have broken! Whose blood you have shed! Whose honour you have desecrated!. It is not just Hussain whose headless body lies unburied on the sands of Kerbala. It is the heart of the Holy Prophet. It is the very soul of Islam !" When the prisoners were finally freed by Yezid, Bibi Zainab asked for an opportunity to have rites of remembrance in Damascus. A house was made available to them and aza-e-Hussain went on for over a week. Bibi Zainab (A.S.) laid the foundation of aza-e-Hussain in the very capital of his murderer! The first majlis touched and moved the people of Kufa so deeply as to give rise to both the Tawwabun movement and al-Mukhtar's quest for vengeance. One year after the event of Kerbala, 3000 faithful Shias started their movement as a revenge for Imam Hussain (AS). After the Tawabbun movement, 3 years after the event of Kerbala, Al-Mukhtar ibn Abi Ubayd al Thaqafi led another Shia rebellion against the Ummayads, more political in nature. Mukhtar however, was martyred a year later. This is also one of the reasons why we can see the graves of the Ahlulbayt, and the followers of Ali (AS), spread throughout Iran, Iraq, Saudia and Syria. This might be proof enough of the exile and execution, the Ahlulbayt and their Shias went through during the tyrant era of Ummayads and Abbasids. Self Injury and Shia Views The most explicit proof of self inflicted injury comes Owais Qarni, the great Muslim Sahaba, praised by both Shia as well as Sunni erudites, had an immense love for the Holy Prophet (s.a.w). When the news reached him in Yemen that two teeth of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) were broken in the battle of Ohad, he extracted all his teeth. When the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) got the news in Medina that Owais had struck down all his teeth, he (s.a.w) exclaimed, "Indeed Owais is our devoted friend." This event can be found written in 'Tazkeratul Aulia' by Sheikh Fariddun Attar, also 'Ihsanul Uyun' commonly known as 'Seerate Halbia' vol II, page 295.295. We should point out that breaking one's teeth is a thousand times more painful than the beating of one's chest for a few hours. It is even more extreme than breast beating with chains or knives (Zanjir) because those who have suffered from tooth ache will understand the immense pain that circulates in the mouth and head. Compare the removal of a tooth to the forced removal of a full set of teeth without the benefit of modern day anaesthetic and instruments the pain must have been unbearable. This was clearly an act of great courage Hadrath Zaynab[sa] was the first person who hit her forehead to a bar inside the carriage she was in, causing considerable bleeding, when the head of al-Hussain was being paraded in Kufa. This is one evidence that the shedding of blood is permissible; whether from the head or from the back etc. The infallible Imam Zayn-el-'Aabidin used to address Lady Zaynab al-Kubra by saying to her "You are al-Hamdu-Lillah an untaught scholar" - "Anti al-Hamdu-Lillah 'Alimah Ghayr Mu'allimah"
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:56AM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Why Shia do Matam and self flaggellation? complete proof from quran and hadiths(from sunni brothers books), must read and share. Mourning rituals and self harm as found in the Qur'an We read in Surah Nisa 004.148 YUSUFALI: Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done; for Allah is He who heareth and knoweth all things. We read in Tafseer Ibn Katheer Volume 2 page 20 Surah Nisa, under the commentary of this verse: "Ali bin Abi Talib(a.s) said that Ibn Abbas commented on the Ayah and said, "Allah does not like that the evil should be uttered in public, He does not like that any one should invoke Him against anyone else, unless one is wronged. In this case, Allah allows one to invoke Him against whoever wronged him. Hence Allah's statement Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done'" Shia Muslim mourning Imam Hussain This verse makes it clear that the public relaying of injustice is permissible. Relaying the suffering of a victim is permissible. The traditions from Bukhari also proves that mourning is permissible when one is citing the pains inflicted on the aggrieved party hence any tradition that contradicts this must be ignored. Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 2, Book 23, Number 336 : Narrated by Jabir bin 'Abdullah When my father was martyred, I lifted the sheet from his face and wept and the people forbade me to do so but the Prophet did not forbid me. Then my aunt Fatima began weeping and the Prophet said, "It is all the same whether you weep or not. The angels were shading him continuously with their wings till you shifted him (from the field). " Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 2, Book 23, Number 390 : Narrated by Anas bin Malik We went with Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) to the blacksmith Abu Saif, and he was the husband of the wet-nurse of Ibrahim (the son of the Prophet). Allah's Apostle took Ibrahim and kissed him and smelled him and later we entered Abu Saif's house and at that time Ibrahim was in his last breaths, and the eyes of Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) started shedding tears. 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf said, "O Allah's Apostle, even you are weeping!" He said, "O Ibn 'Auf, this is mercy." Then he wept more and said, "The eyes are shedding tears and the heart is grieved, and we will not say except what pleases our Lord, O Ibrahim ! Indeed we are grieved by your separation." Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 2, Book 23, Number 338 : Narrated by Anas bin Malik The Prophet said, "Zaid took over the flag and was martyred. Then it was taken by Jafar who was martyred as well. Then 'Abdullah bin Rawaha took the flag but he too was martyred and at that time the eyes of Allah's Apostle were full of tears. We Shias perform all these acts as Allah (swt) has permitted us to do so, and the opposition is only on account for their love and support for Imam Husayn (as)'s killers. Mourning and shedding blood is the Sunnah of Prophet Adam (as) We read in Ahlul Sunnah's authority work Ma'arij al Nubuwwa Chapter 1 page 248: Hadhrath Adam was so distressed that he smashed his hands onto his knees and the skin from his hands caused gashes from which bone could be seen. Those who deem the act of self-harm to be Haraam should look at the bloodletting actions of Hadrath Adam (as). If Hadrath Adam (as) can do this why cannot the Shia when mourning for Imam Husayn (as)? Mourning and hitting one self is the Sunnah of the Prophet (s) As evidence we shall cite the following works: Sunan al Nasai Volume 3 page 305 Adhaan al Mufreed page 426 Saheeh al Muslim Volume 1 page 291 Musnad Abu Awana Volume 2 page 292 All these books state: "Rasulullah (s) was in a state where he was hitting his chest." Ibn Hajr Asqalani in the commentary of this tradition in Fathul Bari Volume 3 page 90 writes: "This Hadeeth demonstrates that it is permissible to bang your hand at a moment of distress". If hitting oneself is Haraam then what Fatwa do the Nasibis have for the Prophet (s)? The Pillar of Shariah is himself hitting his chest, so if the Shia do the same, why are their actions Batil? Beating oneself in times of trouble is the Sunnah of Umar We read in Ahl'ul Sunnah's authority work Aqd al Fareed, Volume 1 page 342: ولما نُعي النًّعمان بن مُقَرَّن إلى عمر بن الخطاب وضع يدَه على رأسه وصاح يا أسفي على النعمان When Umar received news of the death of Numan ibn Muqran, he placed his hand on his head and wailed: 'O my grief for Numan!' We find a similar narration in Kanz al Ummal, Vol.8, Page 117, Kitab al Maut: When Umar heard of Nu'man ibn Muqran's death he beat his head and screamed, "O what a pity that Nu'man died". When Umar mourns the death of his friend in such a way, the descendents of Mu'awiya remain silent, but if the Shi'a mourn Imam Husayn (as) through such an act they are deemed Kaffirs. If Nasibis wish to accuse us of introducing Bidah into the religion then they should know that Umar introduced this long before the Rafidis! If such acts of hitting oneself and extreme wailing are prohibited then what was your Khalifa indulging in this act for? Thigh beating is the Sunnah of Maula 'Ali (as) We read in Taufa Ithna Ashari page 523 published in Karachi: "When Ayesha was defeated and Ali(a.s) saw the corpses on the ground he began to beat his thighs" Tauhfa Ithna Ashari, page 523 Proof of head beating from the Qur'an In Surah adh-Dhaariyaat we read that Hadrath Sara (as) struck her face when she was told that she would conceive a baby. "Then came forward his wife in grief, she smote her face and said (what! I) An old barren woman?" Quran 51:29 "Faskath" does not just mean rub or touch, it means slap and this is evidenced from Saheeh Muslim Book 030, Number 5851, Bab Fadail Musa: Beating oneself at a time of distress is the Sunnah of Prophet Adam (as) We read in Mudharij al Nubuwwa page 221: "When life was breathed into the spirit of Adam he hit his hand on his head and cried. He made this tradition of beating one's head with one's hand and crying in times of trouble for his descendants." Hitting one's head in times of trouble is the Sunnah of Prophet Yusuf (as) We read in Tafseer Kabeer Volume 5 page 158: "On one occasion Gibrael approached Prophet Yusuf (as) in Zundh and conveyed the news that his father had become blind on account of his weeping for him. Yusuf hit his hand on his head and said 'O I wish my mother did not give birth to me, so that I would have not become the cause of such sadness to my father '". We have proven that the acts of hitting one's head are not Jahiliyya or Un-Islamic. In fact it is the Sunnah of Prophets Adam (as) and Yusuf (as). The Shi'a mourn Imam Husayn (as) as a form of remembrance. We seek to remember and share his suffering and pain, since assisting one in trouble is a recommended (Mustahab) act and a kind of worship. We also deem mourning and presenting our sincerity to Imam Husayn (as) to be a form of worship. Before we expand on this reality let us begin by citing words that we had previously cited Ibn al Hashimi who claims: Additionally–and this point cannot be stressed enough–there were many Sahabah who were killed in the Path of Allah, but the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) never mourned their deaths in the manner in which the Shia mourn Hussain (رضّى الله عنه). The Prophet lost his own dear uncle, his own wife, and many of his dearest companions, but do we see that the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) ever resorted to self-flagellation or excessive mourning? The Shia can never provide such an example from the life of the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم), probably not even from Shia sources. Therefore, we find that it is not part of the Sunnah to mourn in such an uncivilized manner and we shall never take part in it because of this. Let us refute this Nasibi by citing Allamah Shibli Numani al Hanafi is a renowned Sunni scholar from the Indian subcontinent. In his Sirat-un Nabi (Eng translation Volume 2 pg 74) quoting Sirat Ibn Hisham we read the following about Hamzah (as) martyrdom: "The Holy Prophet (P) returned to Madina and found the whole city gone into mourning. Whenever he went, he heard wailing and lamentation in every house. He was grieved to find that all who were martyred in the battle had their mourners doing their duty to the memory of their dear ones. But there was none to mourn the death of Hamzah (ra). Overwhelmed with grief, the words that there was no one to mourn the loss of Hamzah escaped his lips. The Ansâris were touched to the core when they heard this remark from the Prophet(s). They asked their women to go to the house of the Prophet (S) and mourn for Hamzah. The Prophet (p) thanked them for their sympathy, prayed for their well-being, but added that it was not permissible to lament in memory of the dead. (Women in Arabia were used to wailing and lamenting aloud, they would tear off their garments, dig their nails into their cheeks, slap themselves on the face and put up loud screams. This undesirable practice was from that day stopped for future)" Nawasib such as Ibn al-Hashimi will no doubt take heart from the last few lines so let us pass a comment on them: Observation One Whilst these words are not acceptable for being contradictory to previous lines of the narration, our readers should also know that the words 'it is not permissible to lament in memory of the dead' is an addition that cannot be found in other history books. We read in the History of Tabari Volume 7 page 137: "The Messenger of God passed by a settlement of the Ansar of the Banu Abdal al-Ashhal and Zafat and heard sounds of lamentation and women weeping. The Messenger of God's eyes filled with tears and he wept, but then he said "Yet Hamzah has no women weeping for him". When Saad bin Muadh and Usayd b. Hudayr came back to the settlement of the Banu Abdal al-Ashhal, they told the women to gird themselves up and go and weep for the Messenger of God's uncle". [ref= tarikh_tabari_v7_p137.jpg]History of Tabari Volume 7 page 137 [/ref] Al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Haqq Dehlavi in 'Madarij un Nabuwat' records the event as follows: "When Holy Prophet (s) reached Madina, he saw that cries could be heard from most of the houses of Ansaar (the helpers) but not from Hamza's house. Holy Prophet (s) said that wasn't there anyone to cry over Hamza? The helpers (Ansaar) asked their women to mourn over Hamza first and then they may go and cry over their own martyr. The women went to Hamza's house in the evening and kept crying till midnight. When Holy Prophet(s) woke up and asked about it, he was told the whole thing. Holy Prophet(s) blessed them by saying" May Allah be pleased with you and your children." Madarij un Nabuwat, volume 2 page 179 It has been similarly recorded in Al-Isti'ab that after Holy Prophet's query,"none of the wives of the helpers cried over their own dead but cried for Hamza", Therefore through no tradition, reference or logic can it be proved that Holy Prophet (s) stopped Ummah from crying over the death of their dear ones. Observation Two Our assertion that the words "It is not permissible to mourn over the dead" is a later addition is confirmed when we observe the first edition of Shibli Numani's work. We relied on the Urdu to English translation of Numani's work. Of interest is the fact that the part in brackets wherein the practice of mourning is condemned was added in later editions. The original statement as narrated in the first edition is mentioned above. Look at this report from "Seerat Un Nabi" part 1, page 361, published in 1975 by "Deeni Kutb Khana Islami, Lahore." "Holy Prophet (s) reached Madina, the whole of Madina had turned into a mourning place, his Excellency could hear voices of people mourning from every house, and Holy Prophet (s) felt grieved that all martyrs were being cried upon by their relatives but there was no one to mourn over Hamza. In severe grief he said: "Isn't there anyone to cry over Hamza?" The Helpers (Ansaar) palpitated when they heard this and therefore all of them asked their wives to go and mourn over Hamza's martyrdom. When Holy Prophet(s) saw that the females of Ansaar (the helpers) were mourning for Hamza, he blessed them and thanked them for their sympathy but he further said "It is not permissible to cry over dead." After this a whole paragraph from "This was a tradition in Arabia" till "intense love for Hamza" has been removed from the frst edition and further replaced by this new statement. This is the ingenuity of Syed Salman Nadvi who completed this book of his teacher (Shabli Naumani) after his death. This new paragraph is not present in the first edition. "Women in Arabia were used to wailing and lamenting aloud, they would tear off their garments, dig their nails into their cheeks, slap themselves on the face and put up loud screams. This undesirable practice was from that day stopped for future". The Urdu/Arabic alphabet "seen" in the text denotes that this statement was not present in the earlier edition and Syed Suleman Nadvi added itafterwards. Later editions simply removed th 'Seen' so as to imply that these words were those of Numani! Observation Three Whilst this shows how dishonest these Nasibi are, let us also address the comments of Nadvi: If Lamenting were Haraam why would the Prophet (s) be sad on the fact that no one was mourning his slain Uncle? Why would the Prophet (s) allow the women to do something that is Haraam? (i,e mourning for their own dead ones) If as Numani tells that this was a common practice amongst Arab women and the Prophet banned it, this prohibition would have definitely received maximum publicity. Observation Four Even if it is believed that Holy Prophet (s) did say 'It is not permissible to cry over the dead' such a statement would not effect our mourning because Imam Husayn (as) is a martyr and it is forbidden to call them dead. Such restrictions are for those who die a natural death not those who are slain in the way of Allah (swt). Observation Five The reference makes it clear that our Holy Prophet (s) paid gratitude to those who consoled and mourned over Hamza's martyrdom. He approved of this act and blessed them with his prayers. Had it been a prohibited act the Prophet (s) would never have shown gratitude. This gratitude strengthens our point that the words 'It is not permissible to cry over the dead' has no correlation with the incident. Rather Syed Suleman Nadvi amended the statements in order to cover up Allamah Shibli Numani's blunder. The mourning of Hamza did not just end there; we have already cited the fact that the Holy Prophet (s) and the three Caliphs' would visit the graves of the martyrs every year. Beating and mourning by the wives of the Prophet (s) Curiously, not a single wife of the Prophet (s) ever heard of this ban (a claimed by Nadvi in the previous reference). On the contrary Ayesha regarded by Ahl'ul Sunnah as the most knowledgeable women on Qur'an and Sunnah performed the following act when the Prophet (s) left this earth. As narrated by al Tabari in History Volume 9 page 183 (English translation by Ismail Poonawala): Abbas narrates: "I heard Ayesha saying "The Messenger of God died on my bosom during my turn, I did not wrong anyone in regard to him. It was because of my ignorance and youthfulness that the Messenger of God died while he was in my lap. Then I laid his head on a pillow and got up beating my chest and slapping my face along with the women". Ibn Katheer al Nasibi in al Bidayah wa al Nihayah Volume 5 page 420 published by Nafees Academy Karachi records the event as follows: "Rasulullah (s) died while he was in my lap. Then I laid his head on a pillow and got up beating my face along with other women". Bidayah wa al Nihayah, Volume 5, page 420 Sirah Ibn


 abu adam - Social Mention: During the reign of Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) people will live an extremely peaceful life filled with prosperity and abundance. Then the wall which imprisons Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will break and they will surge forth in large numbers. "But when Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj are let loose and they rush headlong down every hill" (Quran 21:97) Who are the Ya'jooj and Majooj?Zul Qarnain (A.S.) who was a pious and just Ruler travelled to many lands and conquered them, establishing justice and the Law of Allah therein. Allah Ta'ala provided him with all forms and material strength through which he was able to carry out his conquests and missions.He once carried out a mission in three directions, the far west, the far east, and then in a northerly direction. It was here that he came across a tribe of people who complained to him about the tribes of Ya'jooj and Majooj which inhabited the land behind two huge mountains and often emerged from behind these mountains to perpetrate acts of anarchy and plunder among them. They requested Zul Qarnain (A.S.) to erect a barrier between themselves and the tribes of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj so that they could be saved from their atrocities. With the material strength at his disposal, Zul Qarnain (A.S.) enlisted their physical labor and set about erecting a high wall between the two mountains. The height of the wall or its exact length is unknown. What is known is that the height of this wall reaches that of the summit of both mountains. It is made with blocks or sheets of iron, which is further strengthened by molten lead. In this manner Ya'jooj and Majooj are unable to scale the wall, or cross it, except when it is the will of Allah. "And when the promise of my Rabb approaces, He will level it to dust" (Quran 18:98) They are situated in a land of ice which is hidden from our gazes and the exact location of which is unknown. Though many interpretations do exist in this respect, none of these can be said to absolute. Ya'jooj and Majooj are human beings and according to a narration they are from the progeny of Yafith ibn Nooh (A.S.). Some Ahadith... In a lengthy hadith by Hadhrat Nawwas ibn Sam'aan (R.A.) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is reported to have said:"...Allah will send revelation upon Eesa (A.S.) that 'Such a creation of mine is now going to emerge that no power will be able to stop them. Therefore take my servants and ascend the Mount of Toor.' Then Ya'jooj and Majooj will emerge and surge forth in all their fury. When those from among them who constitute the former part of their army pass the lake of Tiberias (which is in northern Palestine), they will drink up all the water of that lake and by the time those that constitute the latter part of that same army pass the lake, they will say, "There used to be water here (long ago). When they reach the Mount of Khamr in Jerusalem, they will arrogantly proclaim: 'We have conquered the people of the earth, now we will annihilate those in the sky.' So saying they will fire their arrows towards the sky. When the arrows return to the ground they will be blood stained.In the meantime, Eesa (A.S.) will be on the Mount of Toor with his followers. At that time the head of and ox will be as valuable as is a hundred dinars to you in this day. [This indicates the scarcity of provisions]. Faced with these hardships, Eesa (A.S.) and his followers will make dua unto Allah (to remove this calamity). As a result, Allah will cause sores to appear on the necks of each and every individual of these people which will cause their death suddenly. When Eesa (A.S.) and his followers descend from the Mount of Toor there will not be a single space on the land where the dead rotting bodies of these people is not littered, giving off a horrendous odour. Eesa (A.S.) and his followers will once more supplicate unto Allah as a result of which Allah will send down huge birds whose necks will be as thick as that of the necks of camels, and they will dump these bodies in a place where Allah wills. (According to a narration by Tirmidhi, they will be dumped at a place called Nahbal). Allah Ta'ala will then send down a heavy rain, the waters of which will flow in every part of the earth cleansing it thoroughly. It will rain for a period of forty days. The Muslims will then burn the bows and arrows of the Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj for a period of seven years. Allah will order the earth to yield forth its crops in abundance and there will be such blessing and prosperity that one pomegranate will be sufficient for a whole group while the peel thereof will suffice to cast a shadow over them. The milk of one camel will be sufficient for many groups while one milk giving cow will be sufficient for a whole tribe. One milk giving goat will be sufficent for a whole family..."(Muslim) Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:"On the day of Qiyamah Allah will say to Adam (A.S.) to pick out the Jahannamis from his entire progeny. Adam (A.S.) will ask: 'O Rabb, who are they?' Allah will say: 'Nine hundred and ninety nine of a thousand are Jahannami while the one is a Jannati.' On hearing this the Sahaba were overtaken by fear and they asked "O Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), who will that one Janniti be?' Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: 'Do not grieve, the nine hundred and ninety nine will be Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj while you will be the Jannati."' (i.e. your numbers in relation to them will be one in a thousand).(Bukhari and Muslim) Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Umar (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:"Allah Ta'ala divided mankind into ten parts. Nine tenths constitute Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj while the remaining tenths constitutues the rest of mankind." Hadhrat Zainab bint Jahsh (R.A.) says: "...once Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) awoke from such a sleep that his face was red and these words were on his tongue: 'There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Destruction is upon the Arabs on account of the evil which has come close to them. Today a hole as big as this has opened up in the wall of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj.' ..and Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) indicated the size of the hole forming a ring with his index finger and thumb."(Bukhari and Muslim) Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) narrates that every day Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj break (dig) through the wall erected by Zul Qarnain (A.S.) until they reach the end of it to that extent that they can actually see the light on the other side. They then return (home) saying that 'We will break through tomorrow.' But Allah Ta'ala causes the wall to revert to its original thickness and the next day they start digging through the wall all over again, and this process continues each day until as long as Allah wills them to remain imprisoned. When Allah wishes them to be released, then at the end of the day they will say, "If Allah wills, tomorrow we will break through." The following day they will find the wall as they had left it the previous day (i.e. it will not have returned to its orginal state) and after breaking the remaining part of it they will emerge." (Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah) Commenting on the above hadith, Allamah Ibn Arabi says, Three miracles are evident in this Hadith:1.) It never occurs to these tribes that they must continue work during the night. After all, they are in such large numbers that they can easily delegate the work among themselves and work in shifts. But Allah does not allow this thought to occur to them. 2.) It never occurs to them that they can merely cross the mountains or scale the wall, which they can do through the aid of equipment and implements wich they possess in large numbers. According to a narration by Wahab ibn Munabbah it is known that these tribes are agriculturists and artisians possessing various types of equipment. 3.) The thought of saying "If Allah wills" never enters their minds and it will only occur to them to say it when Allah wills that they be released.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:58AM  

    abu adam - Social Mention
    During the reign of Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) people will live an extremely peaceful life filled with prosperity and abundance. Then the wall which imprisons Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will break and they will surge forth in large numbers. "But when Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj are let loose and they rush headlong down every hill" (Quran 21:97) Who are the Ya'jooj and Majooj?Zul Qarnain (A.S.) who was a pious and just Ruler travelled to many lands and conquered them, establishing justice and the Law of Allah therein. Allah Ta'ala provided him with all forms and material strength through which he was able to carry out his conquests and missions.He once carried out a mission in three directions, the far west, the far east, and then in a northerly direction. It was here that he came across a tribe of people who complained to him about the tribes of Ya'jooj and Majooj which inhabited the land behind two huge mountains and often emerged from behind these mountains to perpetrate acts of anarchy and plunder among them. They requested Zul Qarnain (A.S.) to erect a barrier between themselves and the tribes of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj so that they could be saved from their atrocities. With the material strength at his disposal, Zul Qarnain (A.S.) enlisted their physical labor and set about erecting a high wall between the two mountains. The height of the wall or its exact length is unknown. What is known is that the height of this wall reaches that of the summit of both mountains. It is made with blocks or sheets of iron, which is further strengthened by molten lead. In this manner Ya'jooj and Majooj are unable to scale the wall, or cross it, except when it is the will of Allah. "And when the promise of my Rabb approaces, He will level it to dust" (Quran 18:98) They are situated in a land of ice which is hidden from our gazes and the exact location of which is unknown. Though many interpretations do exist in this respect, none of these can be said to absolute. Ya'jooj and Majooj are human beings and according to a narration they are from the progeny of Yafith ibn Nooh (A.S.). Some Ahadith... In a lengthy hadith by Hadhrat Nawwas ibn Sam'aan (R.A.) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is reported to have said:"...Allah will send revelation upon Eesa (A.S.) that 'Such a creation of mine is now going to emerge that no power will be able to stop them. Therefore take my servants and ascend the Mount of Toor.' Then Ya'jooj and Majooj will emerge and surge forth in all their fury. When those from among them who constitute the former part of their army pass the lake of Tiberias (which is in northern Palestine), they will drink up all the water of that lake and by the time those that constitute the latter part of that same army pass the lake, they will say, "There used to be water here (long ago). When they reach the Mount of Khamr in Jerusalem, they will arrogantly proclaim: 'We have conquered the people of the earth, now we will annihilate those in the sky.' So saying they will fire their arrows towards the sky. When the arrows return to the ground they will be blood stained.In the meantime, Eesa (A.S.) will be on the Mount of Toor with his followers. At that time the head of and ox will be as valuable as is a hundred dinars to you in this day. [This indicates the scarcity of provisions]. Faced with these hardships, Eesa (A.S.) and his followers will make dua unto Allah (to remove this calamity). As a result, Allah will cause sores to appear on the necks of each and every individual of these people which will cause their death suddenly. When Eesa (A.S.) and his followers descend from the Mount of Toor there will not be a single space on the land where the dead rotting bodies of these people is not littered, giving off a horrendous odour. Eesa (A.S.) and his followers will once more supplicate unto Allah as a result of which Allah will send down huge birds whose necks will be as thick as that of the necks of camels, and they will dump these bodies in a place where Allah wills. (According to a narration by Tirmidhi, they will be dumped at a place called Nahbal). Allah Ta'ala will then send down a heavy rain, the waters of which will flow in every part of the earth cleansing it thoroughly. It will rain for a period of forty days. The Muslims will then burn the bows and arrows of the Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj for a period of seven years. Allah will order the earth to yield forth its crops in abundance and there will be such blessing and prosperity that one pomegranate will be sufficient for a whole group while the peel thereof will suffice to cast a shadow over them. The milk of one camel will be sufficient for many groups while one milk giving cow will be sufficient for a whole tribe. One milk giving goat will be sufficent for a whole family..."(Muslim) Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:"On the day of Qiyamah Allah will say to Adam (A.S.) to pick out the Jahannamis from his entire progeny. Adam (A.S.) will ask: 'O Rabb, who are they?' Allah will say: 'Nine hundred and ninety nine of a thousand are Jahannami while the one is a Jannati.' On hearing this the Sahaba were overtaken by fear and they asked "O Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), who will that one Janniti be?' Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: 'Do not grieve, the nine hundred and ninety nine will be Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj while you will be the Jannati."' (i.e. your numbers in relation to them will be one in a thousand).(Bukhari and Muslim) Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Umar (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:"Allah Ta'ala divided mankind into ten parts. Nine tenths constitute Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj while the remaining tenths constitutues the rest of mankind." Hadhrat Zainab bint Jahsh (R.A.) says: "...once Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) awoke from such a sleep that his face was red and these words were on his tongue: 'There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Destruction is upon the Arabs on account of the evil which has come close to them. Today a hole as big as this has opened up in the wall of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj.' ..and Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) indicated the size of the hole forming a ring with his index finger and thumb."(Bukhari and Muslim) Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) narrates that every day Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj break (dig) through the wall erected by Zul Qarnain (A.S.) until they reach the end of it to that extent that they can actually see the light on the other side. They then return (home) saying that 'We will break through tomorrow.' But Allah Ta'ala causes the wall to revert to its original thickness and the next day they start digging through the wall all over again, and this process continues each day until as long as Allah wills them to remain imprisoned. When Allah wishes them to be released, then at the end of the day they will say, "If Allah wills, tomorrow we will break through." The following day they will find the wall as they had left it the previous day (i.e. it will not have returned to its orginal state) and after breaking the remaining part of it they will emerge." (Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah) Commenting on the above hadith, Allamah Ibn Arabi says, Three miracles are evident in this Hadith:1.) It never occurs to these tribes that they must continue work during the night. After all, they are in such large numbers that they can easily delegate the work among themselves and work in shifts. But Allah does not allow this thought to occur to them. 2.) It never occurs to them that they can merely cross the mountains or scale the wall, which they can do through the aid of equipment and implements wich they possess in large numbers. According to a narration by Wahab ibn Munabbah it is known that these tribes are agriculturists and artisians possessing various types of equipment. 3.) The thought of saying "If Allah wills" never enters their minds and it will only occur to them to say it when Allah wills that they be released.
    Nov 20th 2013, 10:30
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 jihad - Social Mention: IMAM ALI A.S.W K 100 AQWAL Sayings During civil disturbance adopt such an attitude that people do not attach any importance to you - they neither burden you with complicated affairs, nor try to derive any advantage out of you. He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated; he who has no control over his tongue will often have to face discomfort. Avarice is disgrace; cowardice is a defect; poverty often disables an intelligent man from arguing his case; a poor man is a stranger in his own town; misfortune and helplessness are calamities; patience is a kind of bravery; to sever attachments with the wicked world is the greatest wealth; piety is the best weapon of defence Submission to Allah's Will is the best companion; wisdom is the noblest heritage; theoretical and practical knowledge are the best signs of distinction; deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem. The mind of a wise man is the safest custody of secrets; cheerfulness is the key to friendship; patience and forbearance will conceal many defects A conceited and self-admiring person is disliked by others; charity and alms are the best remedy for ailments and calamities; one has to account in the next world for the deeds that he has done in this world. Man is a wonderful creature; he sees through the layers of fat (eyes), hears through a bone (ears) and speaks through a lump of flesh (tongue). When this world favors somebody, it lends him the attributes, and surpassing merits of others and when it turns its face away from him it snatches away even his own excellences and fame. Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company. If you overpower your enemy, then pardon him by way of thankfulness to Allah, for being able to subdue him. Unfortunate is he who cannot gain a few sincere friends during his life and more unfortunate is the one who has gained them and then lost them (through his deeds). When some blessings come to you, do not drive them away through thanklessness. He who is deserted by friends and relatives will often find help and sympathy from strangers. Every person who is tempted to go astray, does not deserve punishment. Our affairs are attached to the destiny decreed by Allah, even our best plans may lead us to destruction. There is a tradition of the Holy Prophet "With the help of hair-dye turn old age into youth so that you do not resemble the Jews". When Imam Ali was asked to comment on this tradition, he said that in the early stage of Islam there were very few Muslims. The Holy Prophet advised them to look young and energetic and not to adopt the fashion of the Jews (priest) having long, white flowing beards. But the Muslims were not in minority then, theirs was a strong and powerful State, they could take up any style they liked. For those who refused to side with any party, Imam Ali or his enemies, Imam Ali said: They have forsaken religion and are of no use to infidelity also. One who rushes madly after inordinate desire, runs the risk of encountering destruction and death. Overlook and forgive the weaknesses of the generous people because if they fall down, Allah will help them. Failures are often the results of timidity and fears; disappointments are the results of bashfulness; hours of leisure pass away like summer-clouds, therefore, do not waste opportunity of doing good. If the right usurped from us is given back to us we shall take it, otherwise we shall go on claiming it. If someone's deeds lower his position, his pedigree cannot elevate it. To render relief to the distressed and to help the oppressed make amends for great sins. O son of Adam, when you see that your Lord, the Glorified, bestows His Favors on you while you disobey Him, you should fear Him (take warning that His Wrath may not turn those very blessings into misfortunes). Often your utterances and expressions of your face leak out the secrets of your hidden thoughts. When you get ill do not get nervous about it and try as much as possible to be hopeful. The best form of devotion to the service of Allah is not to make a show of it. When you have to depart from this world and have to meet death (eventually), then why wish delay (why feel nervous about death). Take warning ! He has not exposed so many of your sinful activities that it appears as if He has forgiven you (it may be that He has given you time to repent). When Imam Ali was asked about Faith in Religion, he replied that the structure of faith is supported by four pillars endurance, conviction, justice and jihad. Endurance is composed of four attributes: eagerness, fear, piety and anticipation (of death). so whoever is eager for Paradise will ignore temptations; whoever fears the fire of Hell will abstain from sins; whoever practices piety will easily bear the difficulties of life and whoever anticipates death will hasten towards good deeds. Conviction has also four aspects to guard oneself against infatuations of sin; to search for explanation of truth through knowledge; to gain lessons from instructive things and to follow the precedent of the past people, because whoever wants to guard himself against vices and sins will have to search for the true causes of infatuation and the true ways of combating them out and to find those true ways one has to search them with the help of knowledge, whoever gets fully acquainted with various branches of knowledge will take lessons from life and whoever tries to take lessons from life is actually engaged in the study of the causes of rise and fall of previous civilizations . Justice also has four aspects depth of understanding, profoundness of knowledge, fairness of judgment and dearness of mind; because whoever tries his best to under- stand a problem will have to study it, whoever has the practice of studying the subject he is to deal with, will develop a clear mind and will always come to correct decisions, whoever tries to achieve all this will have to develop ample patience and forbearance and whoever does this has done justice to the cause of religion and has led a life of good repute and fame. Jihad is divided into four branches: to persuade people to be obedient to Allah; to prohibit them from sin and vice; to struggle (in the cause of Allah) sincerely and firmly on all occasions and to detest the vicious. Whoever persuades people to obey the orders of Allah provides strength to the believers; whoever dissuades them from vices and sins humiliates the unbelievers; whoever struggles on all occasions discharges all his obligations and whoever detests the vicious only for the sake of Allah, then Allah will take revenge on his enemies and will be pleased with Him on the Day of Judgment. There are four causes of infidelity and loss of belief in Allah: hankering after whims, a passion to dispute every argument, deviation from truth; and dissension, because whoever hankers after whims does not incline towards truth; whoever keeps on disputing every argument on account of his ignorance, will always remain blind to truth, whoever deviates from truth because of ignorance, will always take good for evil and evil for good and he will always remain intoxicated with misguidance. And whoever makes a breach (with Allah and His Messenger) his path becomes difficult, his affairs will become complicated and his way to salvation will be uncertain. Similarly, doubt has also four aspects absurd reason- ing; fear; vacillation and hesitation; and unreasonable surrender to infidelity, because one who has accustomed himself to unreasonable and absurd discussions will never see the Light of Truth and will always live in the darkness of ignorance. One who is afraid to face facts (of life, death and the life after death) will always turn away from ultimate reality, one who allows doubts and uncertainties to vacillate him will always be under the control of Satan and one who surrenders himself to infidelity accepts damnation in both the worlds. A virtuous person is better then virtue and a vicious person is worse than vice. Be generous but not extravagant, be frugal but not miserly. The best kind of wealth is to give up inordinate desires. One who says unpleasant things about others, will himself quickly become a target of their scandal. One who hopes inordinately, impairs his deeds. When Imam Ali, marching at the head of his army towards Syria, reached Ambar, the landlords of the place came out to meet him in zeal of their love, faithfulness and respect, no sooner had they seen Imam Ali they got down from their horses and started running in front of him. Imam Ali asked the reason of their strange actions. They replied that it was their custom to show their love and respect in that way. Imam Ali replied: "By Allah, by your action you do no good whatsoever to your rulers but you tire yourself and put yourself in toils in this world and in trouble in the next. How unfortunate is that exertion, which brings harm here and in the Hereafter and how useful is that ease which keeps you in comfort in this world and away from the Hell in the next. Imam Ali once said to his son Imam Hasan, My son, learn four things from me and through them you will learn four more. If you keep them in mind your actions will not bring any harm to you: The greatest wealth is Wisdom; the greatest poverty is stupidity; the worst unso- ciableness is that of vanity and self-glorification; and the best nobility of descent exhibits itself in politeness and in refinement of manner. The next four things, my son, are: "Do not make friendship with a fool because when he will try to do you good he will do you harm; do not make a miser your friend because he will run away from you at the time of your dire need; do not be friendly with a vicious and wicked person because he will sell you and your friendship at the cheapest price and do not make friend of a liar because like a mirage he will make you visualize very near the things which lie at a great distance and will make you see at the great distance the things which are near to you". Recommended prayers cannot attain the pleasures of Allah for you when obligatory prayers are left unattended. A wise man first thinks and then speaks and a fool speaks first and then thinks. A fool's mind is at the mercy of his tongue and a wise man's tongue is under the control of his mind. One of the companions of Imam fell ill. Imam Ali called upon him and thus advised him: "Be thankful to Allah. He has made this illness a thing to atone your sins because a disease in itself has nothing to bring reward to anyone, it merely expiates one's sins and so far as reward is concerned, one has to earn it with his good words and good deeds. The Almighty Lord grants Paradise to his creatures on account of their piety and noble thoughts". May Allah Bless Kabbab bin Aratt. He embraced Islam of his own freewill and immigrated (from Makkah) cheerfully. He lived a contented life. He bowed happily before the Will of Allah and he led the life of a mujahid. Blessed is the man who always kept the life after death in his view, who remembered the Day of Judgment through all his deeds, who led a contented life and who was happy with the lot that Allah had destined for him. If I cut a faithful Muslim into pieces to make him hate me, he will not turn into my enemy and if I give all the wealth of this world to a hypocrite to make him my friend he will not befriend me. It is so because the Holy Prophet has said: " O Ali! No faithful Muslim will ever be your enemy and no hypocrite will ever be your friend. " The sin which makes you sad and repentant is more liked by Allah than the good deed which turns you arrogant. Value of a man depends upon his courage; his veracity depends upon his self-respect and his chastity depends upon his sense of honor. Success is the result of foresight and resolution, foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning and the most important factor of planning is to keep your secrets to yourself. Be afraid of a gentleman when he is hungry, and of a mean person when his stomach is full. Hearts of people are like wild beasts. They attach themselves to those who love and train them. So long as fortune is favouring you, your defects will remain covered. Only he who has the power to punish can pardon. Generosity is to help a deserving person without his request, and if you help him after his request, then it is either out of self-respect or to avoid rebuke. There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture and no greater support than consultation. Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet. Wealth converts a strange land into homeland and poverty turns a native place into a strange land. Contentment is the capital which will never diminish. Wealth is the fountain head of passions. Whoever warns you against sins and vices is like the one who gives you good tidings. Tongue is a beast, if it is let loose, it devours. Woman is a scorpion whose grip is sweet. If you are greeted then return the greetings more warmly. If you are favoured, then repay the obligation manifold; but he who takes the initiative will always excel in merit. The source of success of a claimant is the mediator. People in this world are like travelers whose journey is going on though they are asleep. ( Life's journey is going on though men may not feel it ). Lack of friends means, stranger in one's own country. Not to have a thing is less humiliating than to beg it. Do not feel ashamed if the amount of charity is small because to refuse the needy is an act of greater shame. To refrain from unlawful and impious source of pleasures is an ornament to the poor and to be thankful for the riches granted is the adornment of wealth. If you cannot get things as much as you desire than be contented with what you have. An ignorant person will always overdo a thing or neglect it totally. The wiser a man is, the less talkative will he be. Time wears out bodies, renews hopes, brings death nearer and takes away aspirations. Whoever gets anything from the world lives in anxiety for holding it and whoever loses anything passes his days grieving over the loss. Whoever wants to be a leader should educate himself before educating others. Before preaching to others he should first practice himself. Whoever educates himself and improves his own morals is superior to the man who tries to teach and train others. Every breath you take is a step towards death. Anything which can be counted is finite and will come to an end. If matters get mixed up then scrutinize the cause and you will know what the effects will be. Zirar bin Zamra Zibabi, known as Zirar Suda'i, was a companion of Imam Ali. When, after the martyrdom of Imam Ali, he went to Damascus, Muawiya called him and asked him to say something about Imam Ali. Zirar, knowing that Muawiya hated Imam Ali intensely tried to avoid this topic, but Muawiya forced him to speak. Thereupon, Zirar said: "O Amir, I had often seen Imam Ali in the depth of nights, when people were either sleeping or engrossed in amusements, he would be standing in the niche of the Masjid, with tears in his eyes and he would beseech Allah to help him maintain a pious, a virtuous and a noble character and to forsake the world. He would then address the world, saying 'O vicious world! Be away from me, why do you come in front of me like this ? Do you want to allure me ? Allah forbid that I should be allured and tempted by you and your pleasures. It is not possible. Go and try your allurements on somebody else. I do not desire to own you and do not want to have you. I have forsaken you thrice. It is like divorcing a woman thrice after which act she cannot be taken back as a wife. The life of pleasures that you offer is of a very little duration. There is no real importance in what you offer, the desire of holding you is an insult and a humiliation to sober minds. Sad is the plight of those who want to acquire you. They do not provide for the Hereafter. They have to pass through a long journey over a very difficult road towards a sat destination'. Zirar says that when he stopped, there were tears in the eyes of Muawiya who said, 'May peace of Allah be upon Abul Hasan Ali bin Abi Talib, he was undoubtedly like that. Now tell me, Zirar! How do you feel his separa- tion?' Zirar replied, "My sorrow and grief is like that of woman whose only child has been murdered in her lap". With this remark Zirar walked out of the court of Muawiya and left the city. After the Battle of Siffin, somebody asked Imam Ali whether they had been destined to fight against the Syrians. Imam Ali replied if by destiny you mean a compulsion (physical or otherwise) through which we are forced (by nature) to do a thing then it is not so. Had it been an obligation of that kind there would have been no question of reward for doing it and punishment for not doing it (when you are physically forced to do a thing, like breathing, sleeping, eating, drinking etc. then there can be no reward for doing it and no retribution for not doing it. In such cases nature forces you to do a thing and you cannot but do it), then the promised blessings and punishments in life after death will have no meaning. The Merciful Lord has given his creatures (human beings) complete freedom to do as they like, and then prohibited them from certain actions and warned them of the consequences of such actions (His Wrath and His Punishments). These orders of Allah carry in them the least trouble and lead us towards the most convenient ways of life and the rewards which He has promised for good deeds are many times more than the actions actually deserve. He sees people disobeying Him and tolerates them not because He can be overruled or be compelled to accept human supremacy over Him. He did not send His prophets to amuse Himself or provide amuse- ment for them. He did not reveal His orders without any genuine reason nor has He created the galaxies and the earth without any purpose. The Universe without plan, purpose and program is the idea of infidels and the pagans, sorry will be their plight in the leaping fires of Hell. Hearing this the man asked Imam Ali, "Then what kind of destiny was it that we had?" Imam Ali replied: "It was an order of Allah to do it like the order He has given in His Holy Book: You are destined by Allah to worship none but Him, here 'destined' means 'ordered' it does not mean physical compulsion". Acquire wisdom and truth from whomever you can because even an apostate can have them but unless they are passed over to a faithful Muslim and become part of wisdom and truth that he possesses, they have a confused existence in the minds of apostates. Knowledge and wisdom are really the privilege of a faithful Muslim. If you have lost them, get them back even though you may have to get them from the apostates. Value of each man depends upon the art and skill which he has attained. I want to teach you five of those things which deserve your greatest anxiety to acquire them: Have hope only in Allah. Be afraid of nothing but sins. If you do not know a thing never feel ashamed to admit ignorance. If you do not know a thing never hesitate or feel ashamed to learn it. Acquire patience and endurance because their relation with true faith is that of a head to a body, a body is of no use without a head, similarly true faith can be of no use without attributes of resignation, endurance and patience. A man hypocritically started praising Imam Ali, though he had no faith in him and Imam Ali hearing these praises from him said "I am less than what you tell about me but more than what you think about me". Those who have come alive out of a blood-bath live longer and have more children. One who imagines himself to be all-knowing will surely suffer on account of his ignorance. I appreciate an old man's cautious opinion more than the valor of a young man. I wonder at a man who loses hope of salvation when the door of repentance is open for him. Imam Muhammad Baqir says that Imam Ali once said: "There were two things in this world which softened the Wrath of Allah and prevented its descent upon man: One has been taken away from you; hold the other stead- fastly. The one which has been taken away from men is the Holy Prophet and the one which is still left with them and which they must hold steadfastly is repentance and atonement for sins because Allah at one place in the Holy Book addressed the Holy Prophet and said Allah would not punish them while you were among them nor while they were asking for forgiveness. (Surah Anfal, 8 : 33) Whoever keeps in order his affairs with Allah (follows His orders sincerely), Allah will also put his affairs with men in order. Whoever makes arrangement for his salvation, Allah will arrange his worldly affairs; whoever is a preacher for himself, Allah will also protect him. He is the wisest and the most knowing man who advises people not to lose hope and faith in the Mercy of Allah and not to be too sure and over-confident of immunity from His Wrath and Punishment. Like your body your mind also gets tired so refresh it by wise sayings. That knowledge which remains only on your tongue is very superficial. The intrinsic value of knowledge is that you act upon it. Take care and do not pray to the Lord, saying, "Lord! I pray to You to protect and guard me from temptations and trials", for there is none who is not tempted and tried. But beseech Him to guard you against such temptation as may lead you towards wickedness and sins because Allah says in His Holy Book, Know that your wealth and children are temptations. (Surah al-Anfal, 8: 28) it means Allah tried people through wealth and children so that it may be tested as to who is content with what he gets honestly and who is thankful to Allah for the position he is placed in with regard to his children. Though Allah knows them better than even they know themselves, yet those trials and tests are for the purpose of their realizing and knowing those deeds which merit reward or which deserve punishment. There are some people who love to have male children and hate daughters and there are some who simply crave for wealth and hate poverty. Imam Ali was asked the meaning of being well-off or well-provided for. Imam Ali replied, "Your welfare does not lie in your having enormous wealth and numerous children but it rests in your being highly educated and forbearing and in your being proud of your obedience to Allah. If you do a good deed then thank Allah for it and if you commit a sin then repent and atone for it. In this world there is a real welfare for two kinds of people, one is the person who, when commits a sin, atones for it and the other is anxious to do good as much as possible. Importance of the deeds that you have done with fear of Allah cannot be minimized and how can the deeds which are acceptable to Allah be considered unimportant. "Nearest to the prophets are those persons who have to those prophets and obey them". Saying this, Imam Ali cited a passage from the Holy Qur'an 'Best liked by Abraham and nearest to him were the people who obeyed him'. He further said, "That the present times are the times of our Holy Prophet and his faithful followers. The best friend of our Holy Prophet is he who, though not related to him, obeys the orders of Allah and his greatest enemy is the man who though related to him, disobeys Allah '. Imam Ali was told of a Kharijite that he got up in the night to pray and recite the Holy Book. Imam Ali said, "To sleep with having sincere faith in religion and Allah is better than to pray with wavering faith". Whenever a tradition of the Holy Prophet is related to you, scrutinize it, do not be satisfied with mere verbatim repetition of the same because there are many people who repeat the words containing knowledge but only few ponder over them and try to fully grasp the meaning they convey. Imam Ali heard somebody reciting the passage of the Holy Qur'an we belong to Allah and our return is towards Him, Imam Ali said, "How true it is ! Our declaring that we belong to Allah indicates that we accept Him as our Master, Owner and Lord. And when we say that our return is towards Allah indicates that we accept our mortality". Some people praised Imam Ali on his face. He replied, "Allah knows me very well and I also know myself more than you. Please, Lord ! make me better than what they imagine me to be and please excuse those Weaknesses of mine which they are not aware of".
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:02PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    IMAM ALI A.S.W K 100 AQWAL Sayings During civil disturbance adopt such an attitude that people do not attach any importance to you - they neither burden you with complicated affairs, nor try to derive any advantage out of you. He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated; he who has no control over his tongue will often have to face discomfort. Avarice is disgrace; cowardice is a defect; poverty often disables an intelligent man from arguing his case; a poor man is a stranger in his own town; misfortune and helplessness are calamities; patience is a kind of bravery; to sever attachments with the wicked world is the greatest wealth; piety is the best weapon of defence Submission to Allah's Will is the best companion; wisdom is the noblest heritage; theoretical and practical knowledge are the best signs of distinction; deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem. The mind of a wise man is the safest custody of secrets; cheerfulness is the key to friendship; patience and forbearance will conceal many defects A conceited and self-admiring person is disliked by others; charity and alms are the best remedy for ailments and calamities; one has to account in the next world for the deeds that he has done in this world. Man is a wonderful creature; he sees through the layers of fat (eyes), hears through a bone (ears) and speaks through a lump of flesh (tongue). When this world favors somebody, it lends him the attributes, and surpassing merits of others and when it turns its face away from him it snatches away even his own excellences and fame. Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company. If you overpower your enemy, then pardon him by way of thankfulness to Allah, for being able to subdue him. Unfortunate is he who cannot gain a few sincere friends during his life and more unfortunate is the one who has gained them and then lost them (through his deeds). When some blessings come to you, do not drive them away through thanklessness. He who is deserted by friends and relatives will often find help and sympathy from strangers. Every person who is tempted to go astray, does not deserve punishment. Our affairs are attached to the destiny decreed by Allah, even our best plans may lead us to destruction. There is a tradition of the Holy Prophet "With the help of hair-dye turn old age into youth so that you do not resemble the Jews". When Imam Ali was asked to comment on this tradition, he said that in the early stage of Islam there were very few Muslims. The Holy Prophet advised them to look young and energetic and not to adopt the fashion of the Jews (priest) having long, white flowing beards. But the Muslims were not in minority then, theirs was a strong and powerful State, they could take up any style they liked. For those who refused to side with any party, Imam Ali or his enemies, Imam Ali said: They have forsaken religion and are of no use to infidelity also. One who rushes madly after inordinate desire, runs the risk of encountering destruction and death. Overlook and forgive the weaknesses of the generous people because if they fall down, Allah will help them. Failures are often the results of timidity and fears; disappointments are the results of bashfulness; hours of leisure pass away like summer-clouds, therefore, do not waste opportunity of doing good. If the right usurped from us is given back to us we shall take it, otherwise we shall go on claiming it. If someone's deeds lower his position, his pedigree cannot elevate it. To render relief to the distressed and to help the oppressed make amends for great sins. O son of Adam, when you see that your Lord, the Glorified, bestows His Favors on you while you disobey Him, you should fear Him (take warning that His Wrath may not turn those very blessings into misfortunes). Often your utterances and expressions of your face leak out the secrets of your hidden thoughts. When you get ill do not get nervous about it and try as much as possible to be hopeful. The best form of devotion to the service of Allah is not to make a show of it. When you have to depart from this world and have to meet death (eventually), then why wish delay (why feel nervous about death). Take warning ! He has not exposed so many of your sinful activities that it appears as if He has forgiven you (it may be that He has given you time to repent). When Imam Ali was asked about Faith in Religion, he replied that the structure of faith is supported by four pillars endurance, conviction, justice and jihad. Endurance is composed of four attributes: eagerness, fear, piety and anticipation (of death). so whoever is eager for Paradise will ignore temptations; whoever fears the fire of Hell will abstain from sins; whoever practices piety will easily bear the difficulties of life and whoever anticipates death will hasten towards good deeds. Conviction has also four aspects to guard oneself against infatuations of sin; to search for explanation of truth through knowledge; to gain lessons from instructive things and to follow the precedent of the past people, because whoever wants to guard himself against vices and sins will have to search for the true causes of infatuation and the true ways of combating them out and to find those true ways one has to search them with the help of knowledge, whoever gets fully acquainted with various branches of knowledge will take lessons from life and whoever tries to take lessons from life is actually engaged in the study of the causes of rise and fall of previous civilizations . Justice also has four aspects depth of understanding, profoundness of knowledge, fairness of judgment and dearness of mind; because whoever tries his best to under- stand a problem will have to study it, whoever has the practice of studying the subject he is to deal with, will develop a clear mind and will always come to correct decisions, whoever tries to achieve all this will have to develop ample patience and forbearance and whoever does this has done justice to the cause of religion and has led a life of good repute and fame. Jihad is divided into four branches: to persuade people to be obedient to Allah; to prohibit them from sin and vice; to struggle (in the cause of Allah) sincerely and firmly on all occasions and to detest the vicious. Whoever persuades people to obey the orders of Allah provides strength to the believers; whoever dissuades them from vices and sins humiliates the unbelievers; whoever struggles on all occasions discharges all his obligations and whoever detests the vicious only for the sake of Allah, then Allah will take revenge on his enemies and will be pleased with Him on the Day of Judgment. There are four causes of infidelity and loss of belief in Allah: hankering after whims, a passion to dispute every argument, deviation from truth; and dissension, because whoever hankers after whims does not incline towards truth; whoever keeps on disputing every argument on account of his ignorance, will always remain blind to truth, whoever deviates from truth because of ignorance, will always take good for evil and evil for good and he will always remain intoxicated with misguidance. And whoever makes a breach (with Allah and His Messenger) his path becomes difficult, his affairs will become complicated and his way to salvation will be uncertain. Similarly, doubt has also four aspects absurd reason- ing; fear; vacillation and hesitation; and unreasonable surrender to infidelity, because one who has accustomed himself to unreasonable and absurd discussions will never see the Light of Truth and will always live in the darkness of ignorance. One who is afraid to face facts (of life, death and the life after death) will always turn away from ultimate reality, one who allows doubts and uncertainties to vacillate him will always be under the control of Satan and one who surrenders himself to infidelity accepts damnation in both the worlds. A virtuous person is better then virtue and a vicious person is worse than vice. Be generous but not extravagant, be frugal but not miserly. The best kind of wealth is to give up inordinate desires. One who says unpleasant things about others, will himself quickly become a target of their scandal. One who hopes inordinately, impairs his deeds. When Imam Ali, marching at the head of his army towards Syria, reached Ambar, the landlords of the place came out to meet him in zeal of their love, faithfulness and respect, no sooner had they seen Imam Ali they got down from their horses and started running in front of him. Imam Ali asked the reason of their strange actions. They replied that it was their custom to show their love and respect in that way. Imam Ali replied: "By Allah, by your action you do no good whatsoever to your rulers but you tire yourself and put yourself in toils in this world and in trouble in the next. How unfortunate is that exertion, which brings harm here and in the Hereafter and how useful is that ease which keeps you in comfort in this world and away from the Hell in the next. Imam Ali once said to his son Imam Hasan, My son, learn four things from me and through them you will learn four more. If you keep them in mind your actions will not bring any harm to you: The greatest wealth is Wisdom; the greatest poverty is stupidity; the worst unso- ciableness is that of vanity and self-glorification; and the best nobility of descent exhibits itself in politeness and in refinement of manner. The next four things, my son, are: "Do not make friendship with a fool because when he will try to do you good he will do you harm; do not make a miser your friend because he will run away from you at the time of your dire need; do not be friendly with a vicious and wicked person because he will sell you and your friendship at the cheapest price and do not make friend of a liar because like a mirage he will make you visualize very near the things which lie at a great distance and will make you see at the great distance the things which are near to you". Recommended prayers cannot attain the pleasures of Allah for you when obligatory prayers are left unattended. A wise man first thinks and then speaks and a fool speaks first and then thinks. A fool's mind is at the mercy of his tongue and a wise man's tongue is under the control of his mind. One of the companions of Imam fell ill. Imam Ali called upon him and thus advised him: "Be thankful to Allah. He has made this illness a thing to atone your sins because a disease in itself has nothing to bring reward to anyone, it merely expiates one's sins and so far as reward is concerned, one has to earn it with his good words and good deeds. The Almighty Lord grants Paradise to his creatures on account of their piety and noble thoughts". May Allah Bless Kabbab bin Aratt. He embraced Islam of his own freewill and immigrated (from Makkah) cheerfully. He lived a contented life. He bowed happily before the Will of Allah and he led the life of a mujahid. Blessed is the man who always kept the life after death in his view, who remembered the Day of Judgment through all his deeds, who led a contented life and who was happy with the lot that Allah had destined for him. If I cut a faithful Muslim into pieces to make him hate me, he will not turn into my enemy and if I give all the wealth of this world to a hypocrite to make him my friend he will not befriend me. It is so because the Holy Prophet has said: " O Ali! No faithful Muslim will ever be your enemy and no hypocrite will ever be your friend. " The sin which makes you sad and repentant is more liked by Allah than the good deed which turns you arrogant. Value of a man depends upon his courage; his veracity depends upon his self-respect and his chastity depends upon his sense of honor. Success is the result of foresight and resolution, foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning and the most important factor of planning is to keep your secrets to yourself. Be afraid of a gentleman when he is hungry, and of a mean person when his stomach is full. Hearts of people are like wild beasts. They attach themselves to those who love and train them. So long as fortune is favouring you, your defects will remain covered. Only he who has the power to punish can pardon. Generosity is to help a deserving person without his request, and if you help him after his request, then it is either out of self-respect or to avoid rebuke. There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture and no greater support than consultation. Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet. Wealth converts a strange land into homeland and poverty turns a native place into a strange land. Contentment is the capital which will never diminish. Wealth is the fountain head of passions. Whoever warns you against sins and vices is like the one who gives you good tidings. Tongue is a beast, if it is let loose, it devours. Woman is a scorpion whose grip is sweet. If you are greeted then return the greetings more warmly. If you are favoured, then repay the obligation manifold; but he who takes the initiative will always excel in merit. The source of success of a claimant is the mediator. People in this world are like travelers whose journey is going on though they are asleep. ( Life's journey is going on though men may not feel it ). Lack of friends means, stranger in one's own country. Not to have a thing is less humiliating than to beg it. Do not feel ashamed if the amount of charity is small because to refuse the needy is an act of greater shame. To refrain from unlawful and impious source of pleasures is an ornament to the poor and to be thankful for the riches granted is the adornment of wealth. If you cannot get things as much as you desire than be contented with what you have. An ignorant person will always overdo a thing or neglect it totally. The wiser a man is, the less talkative will he be. Time wears out bodies, renews hopes, brings death nearer and takes away aspirations. Whoever gets anything from the world lives in anxiety for holding it and whoever loses anything passes his days grieving over the loss. Whoever wants to be a leader should educate himself before educating others. Before preaching to others he should first practice himself. Whoever educates himself and improves his own morals is superior to the man who tries to teach and train others. Every breath you take is a step towards death. Anything which can be counted is finite and will come to an end. If matters get mixed up then scrutinize the cause and you will know what the effects will be. Zirar bin Zamra Zibabi, known as Zirar Suda'i, was a companion of Imam Ali. When, after the martyrdom of Imam Ali, he went to Damascus, Muawiya called him and asked him to say something about Imam Ali. Zirar, knowing that Muawiya hated Imam Ali intensely tried to avoid this topic, but Muawiya forced him to speak. Thereupon, Zirar said: "O Amir, I had often seen Imam Ali in the depth of nights, when people were either sleeping or engrossed in amusements, he would be standing in the niche of the Masjid, with tears in his eyes and he would beseech Allah to help him maintain a pious, a virtuous and a noble character and to forsake the world. He would then address the world, saying 'O vicious world! Be away from me, why do you come in front of me like this ? Do you want to allure me ? Allah forbid that I should be allured and tempted by you and your pleasures. It is not possible. Go and try your allurements on somebody else. I do not desire to own you and do not want to have you. I have forsaken you thrice. It is like divorcing a woman thrice after which act she cannot be taken back as a wife. The life of pleasures that you offer is of a very little duration.


 Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Salaat al Tarawih Tarawih betekent letterlijk "uitrusten" en is de naam van het gebed dat tussen de isha (nachtgebed) en de fadjr (ochtendgebed) wordt verricht. In de Heilige Koran (Hoofdstuk 73 : Vers 1-6) staat hierover: 'In de naam van Allah, de Barmhartige, de Genadevolle. O gij die u omwikkelt! Sta op in de nacht voor een korte tijd. De helft ervan of minder dan dat. Of maak het iets langer en zeg de Qoraan duidelijk en aandachtig op. Waarlijk Wij dragen u een gewichtig Woord op. Voorwaar des nachts opstaan is de zekerste weg en geeft het Woord krachtige uitwerking.' Verder vinden we in de Heilige Koran (Hoofdstuk 17 : Vers 79): "Blijf gedurende een deel van de nacht vrijwillig wakker, (voor het gebed) waarschijnlijk zal u Heer u een verheven rang verschaffen." Salaat al Tarawih is een essentieel deel van de Ramandan. De profeet moedigde zijn metgezellen aan om meer tijd en aandacht aan het gebed te besteden in de Ramadan, zodat de ziel gereinigd en verheven kan worden. Salaat al Tarawih wordt verricht na het Isha-gebed en voor het Fadjer gebed en is Soennah voor zowel de man als de vrouw. Hoe wordt Salaat Al Tarawih verricht? 'Abu Salama ibn Abderrahman vroeg aan Aicha (Moge Allah tevreden met haar zijn) over het nachtgebed van de boodschapper van Allah Sallalahu 'alaihi wasalam tijdens de maand Ramadan. Zij zei: 'Rasoel-Allah nam noch in Ramadan of in andere maanden, meer dan 11 Raka'ahs in acht. Hij nam in de eerste plaats 4 Raka'ahs in acht, vraag niet over de uitmuntendheid en hun lengte. (deze waren niet te evenaren in perfectie en lengte) Daarna nam hij weer 4 raka'ahs in acht en vraag niet over hun perfectie en lengte. Tot slot verrichtte hij de 3 Raka'ahs van het Witr-gebed. (Muslim) Zoals we in bovenstaande hadith lezen, bestaat Salaat al Tarawih nooit uit meer dan 8 Raka'ahs. En in een andere hadith staat: Overgelverd door Abdullah ibn Omar : Een man zei:' O Allah's apostel! Hoe is het gebed van de nacht? Hij zei:' Twee Raka'ahs gevolgd door twee Raka'ahs en zo verder. En wanneer je de naderende ochtend vreest offer dan ??n Rak'ah als Witr. (Buchari) Salaat al Tarawih kan zowel gezamelijk als alleen gebeden worden. Het merendeel van de geleerden is het er echter over eens, dat het beter is om het gebed gezamelijk te verrichten. (djama'a in de moskee) Voor de vrouw blijft het echter beter de gebeden thuis te verrichten, hetgeen we kunnen lezen in onderstaande hadith van Ahmed en Abu Dawud. "Je mag je vrouwen niet verbieden om naar de moskee te gaan, maar thuis is het beter voor hen. Tot slot nog de volgende hadith: "Degene die 's nachts (Tarawih) bidt in Ramadan, vanwege het geloof en de hoop op beloning, al zijn zonden zullen worden vergeven." (Sahih)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:56AM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Salaat al Tarawih Tarawih betekent letterlijk "uitrusten" en is de naam van het gebed dat tussen de isha (nachtgebed) en de fadjr (ochtendgebed) wordt verricht. In de Heilige Koran (Hoofdstuk 73 : Vers 1-6) staat hierover: 'In de naam van Allah, de Barmhartige, de Genadevolle. O gij die u omwikkelt! Sta op in de nacht voor een korte tijd. De helft ervan of minder dan dat. Of maak het iets langer en zeg de Qoraan duidelijk en aandachtig op. Waarlijk Wij dragen u een gewichtig Woord op. Voorwaar des nachts opstaan is de zekerste weg en geeft het Woord krachtige uitwerking.' Verder vinden we in de Heilige Koran (Hoofdstuk 17 : Vers 79): "Blijf gedurende een deel van de nacht vrijwillig wakker, (voor het gebed) waarschijnlijk zal u Heer u een verheven rang verschaffen." Salaat al Tarawih is een essentieel deel van de Ramandan. De profeet moedigde zijn metgezellen aan om meer tijd en aandacht aan het gebed te besteden in de Ramadan, zodat de ziel gereinigd en verheven kan worden. Salaat al Tarawih wordt verricht na het Isha-gebed en voor het Fadjer gebed en is Soennah voor zowel de man als de vrouw. Hoe wordt Salaat Al Tarawih verricht? 'Abu Salama ibn Abderrahman vroeg aan Aicha (Moge Allah tevreden met haar zijn) over het nachtgebed van de boodschapper van Allah Sallalahu 'alaihi wasalam tijdens de maand Ramadan. Zij zei: 'Rasoel-Allah nam noch in Ramadan of in andere maanden, meer dan 11 Raka'ahs in acht. Hij nam in de eerste plaats 4 Raka'ahs in acht, vraag niet over de uitmuntendheid en hun lengte. (deze waren niet te evenaren in perfectie en lengte) Daarna nam hij weer 4 raka'ahs in acht en vraag niet over hun perfectie en lengte. Tot slot verrichtte hij de 3 Raka'ahs van het Witr-gebed. (Muslim) Zoals we in bovenstaande hadith lezen, bestaat Salaat al Tarawih nooit uit meer dan 8 Raka'ahs. En in een andere hadith staat: Overgelverd door Abdullah ibn Omar : Een man zei:' O Allah's apostel! Hoe is het gebed van de nacht? Hij zei:' Twee Raka'ahs gevolgd door twee Raka'ahs en zo verder. En wanneer je de naderende ochtend vreest offer dan ??n Rak'ah als Witr. (Buchari) Salaat al Tarawih kan zowel gezamelijk als alleen gebeden worden. Het merendeel van de geleerden is het er echter over eens, dat het beter is om het gebed gezamelijk te verrichten. (djama'a in de moskee) Voor de vrouw blijft het echter beter de gebeden thuis te verrichten, hetgeen we kunnen lezen in onderstaande hadith van Ahmed en Abu Dawud. "Je mag je vrouwen niet verbieden om naar de moskee te gaan, maar thuis is het beter voor hen. Tot slot nog de volgende hadith: "Degene die 's nachts (Tarawih) bidt in Ramadan, vanwege het geloof en de hoop op beloning, al zijn zonden zullen worden vergeven." (Sahih)
    Nov 21st 2013, 08:42
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:49AM  

    ansaar international - Social Mention
    Nov 20th 2013, 07:31
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 khalifa - Social Mention: Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI : Mc Nego Do Borel - Oficial.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 06:39AM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI : Mc Nego Do Borel - Oficial.
    Nov 21st 2013, 06:31
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:51PM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    Tuan Presiden, Begini Cara Islam Menghadapi Penyadapan Walhasil, tidak diterapkannya syariah Islam dalam hubungan diplomasi negeri-negeri Islam, membuat kita menjadi negara pecundang. Sudah dirampok, dibunuh, masih penganggap perampok itu sebagai sahabat. Disamping itu, penguasa negeri Islam yang tidak berpegang pada 'izzah Islam telah menjadikan mereka sebagai penguasa yang pembebek dan pengecut. Tidak bisa bertindak tegas terhadap musuh. Karena itu solusi ganti sistem dang anti rezim dengan Khilafah Islam menjadi sangat penting.Mari kita berjuang bersama ! [Farid Wadjdi]
    Nov 20th 2013, 23:36
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