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::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen


 abu adam - Social Mention: Taufan Haiyan: Istighfar atas musibah MOHD RIDUAN KHAIRI Jabatan Penerbitan, Ilmuan Malaysia (iLMU) SEBUAH agensi berita Barat melaporkan, Maryan Tayag seorang mangsa Taufan Haiyan di Tacloban Filipina menceritakan: "Detik yang paling menyayat hati ialah menyaksikan ibu anda terkapai-kapai dalam bah dan anda tidak tahu apa yang dapat anda lakukan untuk menyelamatkannya." Taufan Haiyan yang melanda Filipina kemudian Vietnam dan China dianggarkan selaju 315 kilometer sejam. Lebih 40 daerah terjejas dan kerugian harta benda sehingga kini disebutkan mencecah AS$10 juta untuk di Filipina sahaja. Atas rasa tanggungjawab dan semangat kejiranan Malaysia menghantar pasukan Misi Bantuan Kemanusiaan Taufan Haiyan. Walaupun parut onar dan angkara durja sebilangan rakyat Filipina di Lahad Datu masih berbisa, namun ia dilupakan buat seketika atas nama kemanusiaan. Mungkin ramai yang tidak perasan bahawa inilah roh dan intipati ajaran Islam yang diturunkan untuk membawa rahmat ke seluruh alam. Nikmat atau musibah keduanya adalah kebaikan di sisi orang beriman. Ujian atau musibah yang dihadapi dengan sabar dan reda itu menjadi pengampunan atas dosa-dosa dan mengangkat darjat seseorang di sisi Allah SWT. Dan tidaklah sesuatu musibah dan bencana itu berlaku dan menimpa umat manusia melainkan ia adalah akibat daripada tangan-tangan manusia itu sendiri. Kisah bencana dan kemusnahan besar-besaran dirakamkan dalam banyak ayat di dalam al-Quran. Antaranya termasuk kehancuran Firaun yang angkuh beserta tenteranya yang ramai di dalam Laut Merah. Begitu juga kaum 'Aad yang gagah perkasa lagi rajin, namun takbur menentang Allah dan Nabi Hud, lalu mereka semuanya Allah hancurkan dalam ribut yang amat dahsyat. Juga kaum lain seperti kaum Thamud di zaman Nabi Solleh, Kaum Nabi Syuaib di kota Madyan dan beberapa umat lain lagi. Selepas menyebutkan kaum-kaum yang musnah ini Allah menyatakan hikmah dan tujuan ia diceritakan semula kepada umat akhir zaman. Firman Allah maksudnya, "Agar kami jadikan peristiwa itu peringatan bagi kamu dan agar diperhatikan oleh telinga yang mau mendengar." (Surah Al-Haqqah: 12) Taufan Haiyan dilaporkan adalah yang terburuk di dunia yang pernah dicatatkan oleh teknologi satelit moden. Namun lama sebelum itu sudah tentu lebih banyak taufan dan bencana yang berlaku namun luput dari catatan dan rakaman teknologi mutakhir. Al-Quran sendiri merakamkan sekurang-kurangnya dua fenomena taufan yang pernah berlaku dalam sejarah ketamadunan umat manusia. Satu darinya adalah pada zaman kekejaman Firaun dan tenteranya. Firman Allah maksudnya: "Maka Kami kirimkan kepada mereka taufan, belalang, kutu, katak dan darah sebagai bukti yang jelas, tetapi mereka tetap menyombongkan diri dan mereka adalah kaum yang berdosa." (Surah al-Araf: 133) Betapa besarnya bencana yang melanda sehingga ahli tafsir dan sejarah Islam meriwayatkan tatkala mereka dilanda taufan katak, jumlah katak menjadi sangat banyak di negaranya. Sehingga tatkala mereka membuka mulut sahaja, nescaya akan ada katak yang melompat masuk ke dalam mulut mereka. Lantaran banyaknya kata yang berkeliaran. Awal lagi sebelum zaman Firaun, dunia pertama kali menerima bencana taufan yang paling besar direkodkan dalam peradaban manusia. Tidak ada taufan dan bah yang lebih membawa kerosakan pada seluruh kaum manusia daripada taufan yang pertama kali berlaku itu. Itulah taufan dan bah besar yang melanda ketika zaman Nabi Nuh AS. Firman Allah maksudnya, "Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus Nuh kepada kaumnya, maka ia tinggal di antara mereka 1,000 tahun kurang 50 tahun. Maka mereka ditimpa banjir besar (taufan) , dan mereka adalah orang-orang yang zalim." (Surah Al-Ankabut: 14) Imam Ibnu Kathir memperincikan peristiwa besar ini di dalam Kitab Bidayah wan Nihayah, "Hari dan azab yang dijanjikan pun tiba. Pada hari yang mengerikan itu, bumi seakan-akan memuntahkan apa yang ada di dalamnya, angin taufan dan banjir besar yang dahsyat, bencana besar kepada kaum yang kafir dan azab yang mereka nanti-nantikan… Sekelompok ahli tafsir berkata, air pasang ke atas permukaan bumi hingga mencapai gunung-gunung, 15 hasta dan itu merupakan pendapat ahli kitab (HR Ibnu Jarir (At-Tafsir 2954); Abdurrazzaq (no. 3306); dan disebutkan As-Suyuthi (Ad-Duur Al-Mantsur 6407)). Ada yang mengatakan hingga 80 hasta (HR Ibnu Abu Hatim (At-Tafsir no. 1594)), hingga semua isi bumi terselimuti air tersebut dan tidak ada makhluk hidup yang tersisa baik yang kecil maupun yang besar. Besar dan dahsyatnya kemusnahan yang melanda manusia ketika itu sehingga sumber Israiliyat membahagikan fasa usia peradaban manusia di dunia kepada dua; fasa sebelum banjir besar (dikenal sebagai antediluvian) dan selepasnya. Penduduk bumi ketika itu sudah mencapai tahap kemajuan dan ketamadunan yang tinggi. Dianggarkan oleh beberapa pengkaji Barat populasi manusia sebelum peristiwa banjir besar sejumlah 500 juta orang (William Whiston: A New Theory of Earth). Dan akhirnya semua umat manusia itu dilenyapkan. Ahli tafsir menyatakan jumlah paling ramai yang beriman dan naik ke atas bahtera besar dan sofistikated Nabi Nuh ialah sebanyak 80 orang sahaja. Selebihnya semua itu mati dalam taufan dan bah besar itu. SOLUSI MENGHADAPI BENCANA Islam agama yang sempurna dan Allah Tuhan Yang Esa itu bersifat dengan sifat Maha Adil dan Maha Penyayang. Sama sekali Allah tidak akan pernah mengazab hambanya sebelum diutusnya para rasul untuk mengajak kepada kebenaran. Dan Allah berjanji untuk tidak mengazab mereka yang sering memohon ampun kepadanya. Firman Allah maksudnya, "Dan tidaklah (pula) Allah akan mengazab mereka, sedang mereka meminta ampun." (Surah Al-Anfal: 33) Allah mengutus Hud, Soleh, Syuaib dan semua Nabi yang lain kepada kaum mereka tatkala mereka berbuat ingkar dan maksiat. Dan maksiat dan kemungkaran yang paling besar di sisi Allah ialah apabila manusia berbuat syirik yakni mengangkat sesuatu yang lain menandingi kuasa Allah SWT. Demikian juga kaum Nuh yang dilanda taufan besar. Ini dirakamkan dalam firman yang bermaksud, ""maka aku katakan kepada mereka: 'Mohonlah ampun kepada Tuhanmu, -sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Pengampun." (Surah Nuh: 10) Kepada penduduk Tacluban dan wilayah lain yang terjejas, kisah-kisah ini bukanlah asing kepada mereka yang membaca kitab suci mereka. Lebih 90 peratus warga Filipina adalah beragama Kristian Katolik dan kurang dari 5% sahaja dari mereka Muslim dan kebanyakannya di wilayah selatan. Maka tiada perkataan yang lebih baik buat merawat kedukaan melainkan kita mengajak mereka yang mengaku beriman kepada Allah dan seluruh rasul-NYA dari Adam sehingga Isa bin Maryam AS agar memohon ampun kepada Allah. SWT. Hanya dengan istighfar dan memohon ampun dari Allah yang akan menyelamatkan umat manusia dari ditimpa azab yang berat baik di dunia dan di akhirat. Jika tidak babak menyayat hati seperti yang dialami Maryan Tayag akan terus berulang dari zaman ke zaman sebagaimana yang pernah dilalui oleh Nabi Nuh AS ketika menyaksikan anaknya yang kufur itu tenggelam dalam gelombang dan taufan, "Dan gelombang menjadi penghalang antara keduanya; maka jadilah anak itu termasuk orang-orang yang ditenggelamkan." (Surah Huud: 43)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:57AM  

    abu adam - Social Mention
    Taufan Haiyan: Istighfar atas musibah MOHD RIDUAN KHAIRI Jabatan Penerbitan, Ilmuan Malaysia (iLMU) SEBUAH agensi berita Barat melaporkan, Maryan Tayag seorang mangsa Taufan Haiyan di Tacloban Filipina menceritakan: "Detik yang paling menyayat hati ialah menyaksikan ibu anda terkapai-kapai dalam bah dan anda tidak tahu apa yang dapat anda lakukan untuk menyelamatkannya." Taufan Haiyan yang melanda Filipina kemudian Vietnam dan China dianggarkan selaju 315 kilometer sejam. Lebih 40 daerah terjejas dan kerugian harta benda sehingga kini disebutkan mencecah AS$10 juta untuk di Filipina sahaja. Atas rasa tanggungjawab dan semangat kejiranan Malaysia menghantar pasukan Misi Bantuan Kemanusiaan Taufan Haiyan. Walaupun parut onar dan angkara durja sebilangan rakyat Filipina di Lahad Datu masih berbisa, namun ia dilupakan buat seketika atas nama kemanusiaan. Mungkin ramai yang tidak perasan bahawa inilah roh dan intipati ajaran Islam yang diturunkan untuk membawa rahmat ke seluruh alam. Nikmat atau musibah keduanya adalah kebaikan di sisi orang beriman. Ujian atau musibah yang dihadapi dengan sabar dan reda itu menjadi pengampunan atas dosa-dosa dan mengangkat darjat seseorang di sisi Allah SWT. Dan tidaklah sesuatu musibah dan bencana itu berlaku dan menimpa umat manusia melainkan ia adalah akibat daripada tangan-tangan manusia itu sendiri. Kisah bencana dan kemusnahan besar-besaran dirakamkan dalam banyak ayat di dalam al-Quran. Antaranya termasuk kehancuran Firaun yang angkuh beserta tenteranya yang ramai di dalam Laut Merah. Begitu juga kaum 'Aad yang gagah perkasa lagi rajin, namun takbur menentang Allah dan Nabi Hud, lalu mereka semuanya Allah hancurkan dalam ribut yang amat dahsyat. Juga kaum lain seperti kaum Thamud di zaman Nabi Solleh, Kaum Nabi Syuaib di kota Madyan dan beberapa umat lain lagi. Selepas menyebutkan kaum-kaum yang musnah ini Allah menyatakan hikmah dan tujuan ia diceritakan semula kepada umat akhir zaman. Firman Allah maksudnya, "Agar kami jadikan peristiwa itu peringatan bagi kamu dan agar diperhatikan oleh telinga yang mau mendengar." (Surah Al-Haqqah: 12) Taufan Haiyan dilaporkan adalah yang terburuk di dunia yang pernah dicatatkan oleh teknologi satelit moden. Namun lama sebelum itu sudah tentu lebih banyak taufan dan bencana yang berlaku namun luput dari catatan dan rakaman teknologi mutakhir. Al-Quran sendiri merakamkan sekurang-kurangnya dua fenomena taufan yang pernah berlaku dalam sejarah ketamadunan umat manusia. Satu darinya adalah pada zaman kekejaman Firaun dan tenteranya. Firman Allah maksudnya: "Maka Kami kirimkan kepada mereka taufan, belalang, kutu, katak dan darah sebagai bukti yang jelas, tetapi mereka tetap menyombongkan diri dan mereka adalah kaum yang berdosa." (Surah al-Araf: 133) Betapa besarnya bencana yang melanda sehingga ahli tafsir dan sejarah Islam meriwayatkan tatkala mereka dilanda taufan katak, jumlah katak menjadi sangat banyak di negaranya. Sehingga tatkala mereka membuka mulut sahaja, nescaya akan ada katak yang melompat masuk ke dalam mulut mereka. Lantaran banyaknya kata yang berkeliaran. Awal lagi sebelum zaman Firaun, dunia pertama kali menerima bencana taufan yang paling besar direkodkan dalam peradaban manusia. Tidak ada taufan dan bah yang lebih membawa kerosakan pada seluruh kaum manusia daripada taufan yang pertama kali berlaku itu. Itulah taufan dan bah besar yang melanda ketika zaman Nabi Nuh AS. Firman Allah maksudnya, "Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus Nuh kepada kaumnya, maka ia tinggal di antara mereka 1,000 tahun kurang 50 tahun. Maka mereka ditimpa banjir besar (taufan) , dan mereka adalah orang-orang yang zalim." (Surah Al-Ankabut: 14) Imam Ibnu Kathir memperincikan peristiwa besar ini di dalam Kitab Bidayah wan Nihayah, "Hari dan azab yang dijanjikan pun tiba. Pada hari yang mengerikan itu, bumi seakan-akan memuntahkan apa yang ada di dalamnya, angin taufan dan banjir besar yang dahsyat, bencana besar kepada kaum yang kafir dan azab yang mereka nanti-nantikan… Sekelompok ahli tafsir berkata, air pasang ke atas permukaan bumi hingga mencapai gunung-gunung, 15 hasta dan itu merupakan pendapat ahli kitab (HR Ibnu Jarir (At-Tafsir 2954); Abdurrazzaq (no. 3306); dan disebutkan As-Suyuthi (Ad-Duur Al-Mantsur 6407)). Ada yang mengatakan hingga 80 hasta (HR Ibnu Abu Hatim (At-Tafsir no. 1594)), hingga semua isi bumi terselimuti air tersebut dan tidak ada makhluk hidup yang tersisa baik yang kecil maupun yang besar. Besar dan dahsyatnya kemusnahan yang melanda manusia ketika itu sehingga sumber Israiliyat membahagikan fasa usia peradaban manusia di dunia kepada dua; fasa sebelum banjir besar (dikenal sebagai antediluvian) dan selepasnya. Penduduk bumi ketika itu sudah mencapai tahap kemajuan dan ketamadunan yang tinggi. Dianggarkan oleh beberapa pengkaji Barat populasi manusia sebelum peristiwa banjir besar sejumlah 500 juta orang (William Whiston: A New Theory of Earth). Dan akhirnya semua umat manusia itu dilenyapkan. Ahli tafsir menyatakan jumlah paling ramai yang beriman dan naik ke atas bahtera besar dan sofistikated Nabi Nuh ialah sebanyak 80 orang sahaja. Selebihnya semua itu mati dalam taufan dan bah besar itu. SOLUSI MENGHADAPI BENCANA Islam agama yang sempurna dan Allah Tuhan Yang Esa itu bersifat dengan sifat Maha Adil dan Maha Penyayang. Sama sekali Allah tidak akan pernah mengazab hambanya sebelum diutusnya para rasul untuk mengajak kepada kebenaran. Dan Allah berjanji untuk tidak mengazab mereka yang sering memohon ampun kepadanya. Firman Allah maksudnya, "Dan tidaklah (pula) Allah akan mengazab mereka, sedang mereka meminta ampun." (Surah Al-Anfal: 33) Allah mengutus Hud, Soleh, Syuaib dan semua Nabi yang lain kepada kaum mereka tatkala mereka berbuat ingkar dan maksiat. Dan maksiat dan kemungkaran yang paling besar di sisi Allah ialah apabila manusia berbuat syirik yakni mengangkat sesuatu yang lain menandingi kuasa Allah SWT. Demikian juga kaum Nuh yang dilanda taufan besar. Ini dirakamkan dalam firman yang bermaksud, ""maka aku katakan kepada mereka: 'Mohonlah ampun kepada Tuhanmu, -sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Pengampun." (Surah Nuh: 10) Kepada penduduk Tacluban dan wilayah lain yang terjejas, kisah-kisah ini bukanlah asing kepada mereka yang membaca kitab suci mereka. Lebih 90 peratus warga Filipina adalah beragama Kristian Katolik dan kurang dari 5% sahaja dari mereka Muslim dan kebanyakannya di wilayah selatan. Maka tiada perkataan yang lebih baik buat merawat kedukaan melainkan kita mengajak mereka yang mengaku beriman kepada Allah dan seluruh rasul-NYA dari Adam sehingga Isa bin Maryam AS agar memohon ampun kepada Allah. SWT. Hanya dengan istighfar dan memohon ampun dari Allah yang akan menyelamatkan umat manusia dari ditimpa azab yang berat baik di dunia dan di akhirat. Jika tidak babak menyayat hati seperti yang dialami Maryan Tayag akan terus berulang dari zaman ke zaman sebagaimana yang pernah dilalui oleh Nabi Nuh AS ketika menyaksikan anaknya yang kufur itu tenggelam dalam gelombang dan taufan, "Dan gelombang menjadi penghalang antara keduanya; maka jadilah anak itu termasuk orang-orang yang ditenggelamkan." (Surah Huud: 43)
    Nov 20th 2013, 01:35
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 mujahid - Social Mention: Attention brothers..!! never trust any unknown person online.. So 'Nusaybah' has finally closed her page, and we pray that it never returns. For those who are unaware of what this is about, a person going by the name Nusaybah had been running a number of accounts and pages on FB and had been in contact with many Muslims online. She claimed to be an American convert living in Syria and working as a nurse while supporting those fighting against the Assad regime. 'Nusaybah' had in fact been around for quite some time and had many different accounts, each time closing the account due to some scandal, at one point even pretending that she had died, only to reappear a short while later claiming that the 'death' was just a hoax. Over time people began to realise that she was a liar, that she was not in Syria as she suggested and that she had a shocking way of speaking to other Muslims. For example when a sister told her off for flirting with men on her page, she blocked the sister and messaged her calling her a 'very very ugly extremist'. Her outrageous character and many online affairs became well known. From this page alone many brothers attested that they were engaged to her, and some showed messages where she expressed love for them and false promises that they could come to Syria and marry her. It is not possible to know how many brothers she was flirting with or was 'engaged' to, but it seems that there were at least 10 that we know of, and many more. It became clear over time that 'Nusaybah' was focused only on one thing, and that was getting Muslim men to come to Syria, promising to help them become Mujahidin. Some young brothers fell for this and believed that she really wanted to help them, and one brother found out the hard way that she was nothing more than a spy working with the FBI to help arrest Muslims. This was proven when a brother was arrested as he was supposedly planning to go to Syria to fight. The FBI had trapped him using spies and arrested him before leaving the USA. The transcript of the indictment shows that it was through Facebook that a spy working with the FBI helped to trap him and to get him arrested. What is clear from the indictment is that the spy was 'Nusaybah'. Now Nusaybah, before deleting her account accused somebody else of being the spy. She admitted that yes she spoke with Abdul-Basit but denied being the spy and insisted that it was an Australian brother who was the spy mentioned in the report. Of course Nusaybah would not admit that it was her that was the spy, however the fact that she accused this brother alone showed that she is very clumsy as well as being a rotten liar. What was agreed upon was that brother Abdul-Basit had only spoken to 2 people about Syria and they were Nusaybah and the brother, so Nusaybah tried to insist that it was not her, so let us look at the indictment to see why it was Nusaybah and not the brother who was the spy. The indictment mentions 2 spies, one is called the CHS (confidential human source), and the OCE (online undercover employee). The term CHS means that the person (Nusaybah) is not an FBI agent but was being used by them. The OCE is an FBI member who supervised the CHS and helped in trapping Abdul-Basit. The indictment begins by describing the CHS (Nusaybah) as maintaining a Facebook PAGE which promoted the ideology of Islamic extremism. Now we know that Nusaybah's page promoted what the FBI would call 'extremist', as for the Australian brother he did not run any such pages. The indictment then mentions that Abdul-Basit maintained a friendship with the CHS, which Nusaybah confirmed, and that Abdul-Basit then sought out a *relationship* with the CHS. Now, a friendship is possible with any Muslim, however the indictment then mentions that in addition to a friendship he sought a *relationship* with the CHS. It is clear then that the CHS was a female and not a male, meaning again that Nusaybah's claim that the Australian brother was the spy holds no water, rather she was the one that he sought a relationship with. In fact Nusyabh's own private messages that she posted confirmed that Abdul-Basit sought a relationship with her, exposing herself to the fact that she was the CHS/spy. Of course as has been shown, Nusaybah was notorious for her online relationships with Muslim brothers, as many on this page can attest to. Further to this, any claims that the Australian brother could be a spy are debunked entirely by the fact that I personally know him and can tell you that he is active in the community organising protests against the Assad regime, he is involved in the community, he has dealt with many who have gone to Syria and he never betrayed any of them nor were any of them arrested. I have personally shared things with him that I know a spy would have reported, yet nothing was ever reported and I have seen that the brother is sincere, honest and a hard worker dedicated to the cause of the Mujahidin. To call him a spy makes no sense, as if he were a spy then all those he knew who went to Syria would have been arrested, yet this never happened. As for Nusaybah, nobody knows her. Not a single Muslim can say that they have met her. She has been exposed as a liar countless times. She is abusive towards Muslims and perfectly fits the description of the spy that the FBI gave. She is unknown and refuses to let anyone know where she is, and the descriptions that she gives do not add up. Those in Syria do not know of a single American nurse working on the side of the mujahidin or rebels. The only time that she offered a photo of herself, it was quickly proven that the photo was a fake and was not only not of her but was not even from Syria. She is a fake, she is not real, she is the spy and she has proven it by her own fumbled words and she has exposed herself. Further to this is the fact that the FBI is American, and the Americans would not reach out to non-Americans to spy on other Americans. It would make no sense for the FBI to use a young Muslim from Australia or any other country to spy on American Muslims, no rather they would use Americans to do this and Nusaybah admits that she is an American. Also a spy who works online would not mix with the Muslim community in person, and Nusaybah again fits this perfectly. She was only ever online, she was the only female American with an extremist page who Abdul-Basit supposedly wanted a relationship who spoke with him, and therefore is clearly the spy that trapped him and helped him to get arrested. Nobody else that dealt with Abdul-Basit fits this description, only her. So her efforts to point the finger at others fails miserably. Her next effort was to attack me for exposing her. Mind you I was not the first to do so, but I was the first to point out that she was posting fake photos pretending that they were of her. Despite being asked numerous times if the photo really was of her, she lied each time and said that it was. Whenever anyone asked her about the photo she blocked them from her page and deleted their question, proving that she was not only a liar, but a fraud who thought that she could lie her way out of things. Eventually she managed to admit in a brief sentence that the photo was a fake and that she did lie about it, meaning that she is an admitted liar who purposefully tried to deceive Muslims. Again, those who she accuses never did anything like this, she is the only admitted liar and fraud. As for those that she attacks, the Muslims know us, yet as for her nobody knows her and she has never been seen, nor does she want to be seen, nor does she want anybody to know where she really is. Her attacks continued, trying very poorly to deflect attention away from her lies by accusing myself and others of unjustly attacking her. She tried as hard as she could, but only proved yet again that she was a liar. For example she accused me of calling her a kafir, even though I never said anything of the sort. She went on a rant about how there was some conspiracy to create fitnah to discredit her, yet the only fitnah that anyone saw was her fitnah of lies, lies and more lies. As it became clear that she was the FB spy many began to realise just how serious the matter was. Nusaybah messaged people and told them that she would be deleting her page as she was going to go get married and she would not post online any more. A nice escape of course for the spy, yet we can be sure that she will be back again ready to try and trap more Muslims into getting arrested. What we must learn from this Nusaybah fiasco is that the FBI admits that they work with people who act like 'Jihadis' and pretend to be Muslims in order to trap Muslims and arrest them. It is a reality that we all knew about, but have seen up close this time. So we should be extra careful not to fall into this, because as was seen with Abdul-Basit, it is not always clear that you are dealing with a spy. the OCE (FBI employee) spoke with Abdul-Basit after Nusaybah got the 2 in contact over Skype and he pretended that he was in Syria and could help him get there. He pretended to be a Muslim, he spoke like a Muslim, he spoke like a Jihadi, he pretended that he was a Mujahid wanting to help Abdul-Basit. The FBI agent even had the nerve to pretend that he suspected Abdul-Basit of being a spy (while he was the spy himself), and Abdul-Basit responded by saying that he suspected that he thought that the one he was speaking to might be a spy as well! Of course Abdul-Basit was right, that he was speaking with a spy as the indictment shows, yet he did not stop dealing with him and was convinced somehow to trust him. So brothers and sisters, do not deal with ANYBODY online that you do not know. Even if they talk like Muslims, speak about Jihad, pretend to be pious, do not trust them if you do not know them. There are spies who will recite from the Qur'an, quote Ahadith and seem like Muslims, but they are not. Only deal with those who you know personally and can trust. Never deal with anybody online especially if you do not know them. Be aware of this and realise that 'Nusaybah' will be back, with a new identity and a new fake story. Just be aware that there are many others like her out there, and they will work very hard just to get 1 Muslim behind bars. Do not let it be you. Shut your mouth and do not talk about these things online. Some people message me and ask me about these things, I am telling you that you should not even message me or ANYONE online. Do not message your friends, not your Imam, not your own brother. If you want to speak about anything do it in person and do not do it online. May Allah protect us all and may He cover the eyes, ears and hearts of the spies and the hypocrites who wish to harm the Muslims.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:20PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    Attention brothers..!! never trust any unknown person online.. So 'Nusaybah' has finally closed her page, and we pray that it never returns. For those who are unaware of what this is about, a person going by the name Nusaybah had been running a number of accounts and pages on FB and had been in contact with many Muslims online. She claimed to be an American convert living in Syria and working as a nurse while supporting those fighting against the Assad regime. 'Nusaybah' had in fact been around for quite some time and had many different accounts, each time closing the account due to some scandal, at one point even pretending that she had died, only to reappear a short while later claiming that the 'death' was just a hoax. Over time people began to realise that she was a liar, that she was not in Syria as she suggested and that she had a shocking way of speaking to other Muslims. For example when a sister told her off for flirting with men on her page, she blocked the sister and messaged her calling her a 'very very ugly extremist'. Her outrageous character and many online affairs became well known. From this page alone many brothers attested that they were engaged to her, and some showed messages where she expressed love for them and false promises that they could come to Syria and marry her. It is not possible to know how many brothers she was flirting with or was 'engaged' to, but it seems that there were at least 10 that we know of, and many more. It became clear over time that 'Nusaybah' was focused only on one thing, and that was getting Muslim men to come to Syria, promising to help them become Mujahidin. Some young brothers fell for this and believed that she really wanted to help them, and one brother found out the hard way that she was nothing more than a spy working with the FBI to help arrest Muslims. This was proven when a brother was arrested as he was supposedly planning to go to Syria to fight. The FBI had trapped him using spies and arrested him before leaving the USA. The transcript of the indictment shows that it was through Facebook that a spy working with the FBI helped to trap him and to get him arrested. What is clear from the indictment is that the spy was 'Nusaybah'. Now Nusaybah, before deleting her account accused somebody else of being the spy. She admitted that yes she spoke with Abdul-Basit but denied being the spy and insisted that it was an Australian brother who was the spy mentioned in the report. Of course Nusaybah would not admit that it was her that was the spy, however the fact that she accused this brother alone showed that she is very clumsy as well as being a rotten liar. What was agreed upon was that brother Abdul-Basit had only spoken to 2 people about Syria and they were Nusaybah and the brother, so Nusaybah tried to insist that it was not her, so let us look at the indictment to see why it was Nusaybah and not the brother who was the spy. The indictment mentions 2 spies, one is called the CHS (confidential human source), and the OCE (online undercover employee). The term CHS means that the person (Nusaybah) is not an FBI agent but was being used by them. The OCE is an FBI member who supervised the CHS and helped in trapping Abdul-Basit. The indictment begins by describing the CHS (Nusaybah) as maintaining a Facebook PAGE which promoted the ideology of Islamic extremism. Now we know that Nusaybah's page promoted what the FBI would call 'extremist', as for the Australian brother he did not run any such pages. The indictment then mentions that Abdul-Basit maintained a friendship with the CHS, which Nusaybah confirmed, and that Abdul-Basit then sought out a *relationship* with the CHS. Now, a friendship is possible with any Muslim, however the indictment then mentions that in addition to a friendship he sought a *relationship* with the CHS. It is clear then that the CHS was a female and not a male, meaning again that Nusaybah's claim that the Australian brother was the spy holds no water, rather she was the one that he sought a relationship with. In fact Nusyabh's own private messages that she posted confirmed that Abdul-Basit sought a relationship with her, exposing herself to the fact that she was the CHS/spy. Of course as has been shown, Nusaybah was notorious for her online relationships with Muslim brothers, as many on this page can attest to. Further to this, any claims that the Australian brother could be a spy are debunked entirely by the fact that I personally know him and can tell you that he is active in the community organising protests against the Assad regime, he is involved in the community, he has dealt with many who have gone to Syria and he never betrayed any of them nor were any of them arrested. I have personally shared things with him that I know a spy would have reported, yet nothing was ever reported and I have seen that the brother is sincere, honest and a hard worker dedicated to the cause of the Mujahidin. To call him a spy makes no sense, as if he were a spy then all those he knew who went to Syria would have been arrested, yet this never happened. As for Nusaybah, nobody knows her. Not a single Muslim can say that they have met her. She has been exposed as a liar countless times. She is abusive towards Muslims and perfectly fits the description of the spy that the FBI gave. She is unknown and refuses to let anyone know where she is, and the descriptions that she gives do not add up. Those in Syria do not know of a single American nurse working on the side of the mujahidin or rebels. The only time that she offered a photo of herself, it was quickly proven that the photo was a fake and was not only not of her but was not even from Syria. She is a fake, she is not real, she is the spy and she has proven it by her own fumbled words and she has exposed herself. Further to this is the fact that the FBI is American, and the Americans would not reach out to non-Americans to spy on other Americans. It would make no sense for the FBI to use a young Muslim from Australia or any other country to spy on American Muslims, no rather they would use Americans to do this and Nusaybah admits that she is an American. Also a spy who works online would not mix with the Muslim community in person, and Nusaybah again fits this perfectly. She was only ever online, she was the only female American with an extremist page who Abdul-Basit supposedly wanted a relationship who spoke with him, and therefore is clearly the spy that trapped him and helped him to get arrested. Nobody else that dealt with Abdul-Basit fits this description, only her. So her efforts to point the finger at others fails miserably. Her next effort was to attack me for exposing her. Mind you I was not the first to do so, but I was the first to point out that she was posting fake photos pretending that they were of her. Despite being asked numerous times if the photo really was of her, she lied each time and said that it was. Whenever anyone asked her about the photo she blocked them from her page and deleted their question, proving that she was not only a liar, but a fraud who thought that she could lie her way out of things. Eventually she managed to admit in a brief sentence that the photo was a fake and that she did lie about it, meaning that she is an admitted liar who purposefully tried to deceive Muslims. Again, those who she accuses never did anything like this, she is the only admitted liar and fraud. As for those that she attacks, the Muslims know us, yet as for her nobody knows her and she has never been seen, nor does she want to be seen, nor does she want anybody to know where she really is. Her attacks continued, trying very poorly to deflect attention away from her lies by accusing myself and others of unjustly attacking her. She tried as hard as she could, but only proved yet again that she was a liar. For example she accused me of calling her a kafir, even though I never said anything of the sort. She went on a rant about how there was some conspiracy to create fitnah to discredit her, yet the only fitnah that anyone saw was her fitnah of lies, lies and more lies. As it became clear that she was the FB spy many began to realise just how serious the matter was. Nusaybah messaged people and told them that she would be deleting her page as she was going to go get married and she would not post online any more. A nice escape of course for the spy, yet we can be sure that she will be back again ready to try and trap more Muslims into getting arrested. What we must learn from this Nusaybah fiasco is that the FBI admits that they work with people who act like 'Jihadis' and pretend to be Muslims in order to trap Muslims and arrest them. It is a reality that we all knew about, but have seen up close this time. So we should be extra careful not to fall into this, because as was seen with Abdul-Basit, it is not always clear that you are dealing with a spy. the OCE (FBI employee) spoke with Abdul-Basit after Nusaybah got the 2 in contact over Skype and he pretended that he was in Syria and could help him get there. He pretended to be a Muslim, he spoke like a Muslim, he spoke like a Jihadi, he pretended that he was a Mujahid wanting to help Abdul-Basit. The FBI agent even had the nerve to pretend that he suspected Abdul-Basit of being a spy (while he was the spy himself), and Abdul-Basit responded by saying that he suspected that he thought that the one he was speaking to might be a spy as well! Of course Abdul-Basit was right, that he was speaking with a spy as the indictment shows, yet he did not stop dealing with him and was convinced somehow to trust him. So brothers and sisters, do not deal with ANYBODY online that you do not know. Even if they talk like Muslims, speak about Jihad, pretend to be pious, do not trust them if you do not know them. There are spies who will recite from the Qur'an, quote Ahadith and seem like Muslims, but they are not. Only deal with those who you know personally and can trust. Never deal with anybody online especially if you do not know them. Be aware of this and realise that 'Nusaybah' will be back, with a new identity and a new fake story. Just be aware that there are many others like her out there, and they will work very hard just to get 1 Muslim behind bars. Do not let it be you. Shut your mouth and do not talk about these things online. Some people message me and ask me about these things, I am telling you that you should not even message me or ANYONE online. Do not message your friends, not your Imam, not your own brother. If you want to speak about anything do it in person and do not do it online. May Allah protect us all and may He cover the eyes, ears and hearts of the spies and the hypocrites who wish to harm the Muslims.
    Nov 20th 2013, 19:58
    So 'Nusaybah' has finally closed her page, and we pray that it never returns. For those who are unaware of what this is about, a person going by the name Nusaybah had been running a number of accounts and pages on FB and had been in contact with many Muslims online. She claimed to be an American convert living in Syria and working as a nurse while supporting those fighting against the Assad regime. 'Nusaybah' had in fact been around for quite some time and had many different accounts, each time closing the account due to some scandal, at one point even pretending that she had died, only to reappear a short while later claiming that the 'death' was just a hoax. Over time people began to realise that she was a liar, that she was not in Syria as she suggested and that she had a shocking way of speaking to other Muslims. For example when a sister told her off for flirting with men on her page, she blocked the sister and messaged her calling her a 'very very ugly extremist'. Her outrageous character and many online affairs became well known. From this page alone many brothers attested that they were engaged to her, and some showed messages where she expressed love for them and false promises that they could come to Syria and marry her. It is not possible to know how many brothers she was flirting with or was 'engaged' to, but it seems that there were at least 10 that we know of, and many more. It became clear over time that 'Nusaybah' was focused only on one thing, and that was getting Muslim men to come to Syria, promising to help them become Mujahidin. Some young brothers fell for this and believed that she really wanted to help them, and one brother found out the hard way that she was nothing more than a spy working with the FBI to help arrest Muslims. This was proven when a brother was arrested as he was supposedly planning to go to Syria to fight. The FBI had trapped him using spies and arrested him before leaving the USA. The transcript of the indictment shows that it was through Facebook that a spy working with the FBI helped to trap him and to get him arrested. What is clear from the indictment is that the spy was 'Nusaybah'. Now Nusaybah, before deleting her account accused somebody else of being the spy. She admitted that yes she spoke with Abdul-Basit but denied being the spy and insisted that it was an Australian brother who was the spy mentioned in the report. Of course Nusaybah would not admit that it was her that was the spy, however the fact that she accused this brother alone showed that she is very clumsy as well as being a rotten liar. What was agreed upon was that brother Abdul-Basit had only spoken to 2 people about Syria and they were Nusaybah and the brother, so Nusaybah tried to insist that it was not her, so let us look at the indictment to see why it was Nusaybah and not the brother who was the spy. The indictment mentions 2 spies, one is called the CHS (confidential human source), and the OCE (online undercover employee). The term CHS means that the person (Nusaybah) is not an FBI agent but was being used by them. The OCE is an FBI member who supervised the CHS and helped in trapping Abdul-Basit. The indictment begins by describing the CHS (Nusaybah) as maintaining a Facebook PAGE which promoted the ideology of Islamic extremism. Now we know that Nusaybah's page promoted what the FBI would call 'extremist', as for the Australian brother he did not run any such pages. The indictment then mentions that Abdul-Basit maintained a friendship with the CHS, which Nusaybah confirmed, and that Abdul-Basit then sought out a *relationship* with the CHS. Now, a friendship is possible with any Muslim, however the indictment then mentions that in addition to a friendship he sought a *relationship* with the CHS. It is clear then that the CHS was a female and not a male, meaning again that Nusaybah's claim that the Australian brother was the spy holds no water, rather she was the one that he sought a relationship with. In fact Nusyabh's own private messages that she posted confirmed that Abdul-Basit sought a relationship with her, exposing herself to the fact that she was the CHS/spy. Of course as has been shown, Nusaybah was notorious for her online relationships with Muslim brothers, as many on this page can attest to. Further to this, any claims that the Australian brother could be a spy are debunked entirely by the fact that I personally know him and can tell you that he is active in the community organising protests against the Assad regime, he is involved in the community, he has dealt with many who have gone to Syria and he never betrayed any of them nor were any of them arrested. I have personally shared things with him that I know a spy would have reported, yet nothing was ever reported and I have seen that the brother is sincere, honest and a hard worker dedicated to the cause of the Mujahidin. To call him a spy makes no sense, as if he were a spy then all those he knew who went to Syria would have been arrested, yet this never happened. As for Nusaybah, nobody


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 05:54AM  

    Deutschlandistans Facebook-Pinnwand
    Deutschlandistans Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ein Gedicht von Abu Musab
    Die Löwen die sich nach dem Paradies sehnten
    Am Ziel...
    Nov 22nd 2013, 05:43
    Ein Gedicht von Abu Musab

    Die Löwen die sich nach dem Paradies sehnten

    Am Ziel sind sie erst wenn sie im höchsten Paradies landen,
    der Tod eröffnete ihnen das Tor, zum Ziel auf welches sie zu rannten,

    weil sie das wahre Gesicht dieses weltliche Leben erkannten,
    ließen sie sogar ihre Familien, Freunde und ihre Bekannten,

    sie hatten Sehnsucht nach dem Ziel mehr als zu ihren Verwandten,
    wir hörten von ihnen nur was wir von ihnen kannten,
    sie waren Löwen die jagd auf Hyänen machten.

    Abu Mussab
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 islam fatwa - Social Mention: Semoga Bermanfaat.................................... Istri Selingkuh, Wajib Dicerai? Pertanyaan: Apa hukumnya bila istri selingkuh, dan bgmn klau mau rujuk dan minta maaf sama suami? Dari: Ir. Tanawali Jawaban: Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala rasulillah, amma ba'du, Seringkali dalam kasus perzinaan, yang lebih disalahkah adalah pihak lelaki. Padahal perempuan yang berzina, tidak lebih baik dari pada lelaki yang berzina. Terlebih ketika sudah menikah, dosa jauh lebih besar, karena Allah sudah memberikan pilihan yang halal untuknya.ceramah agama untuk kaum laki-laki Ketika seorang istri selingkuh, ulama memberikan rincian sebagai berikut, Pertama, istri bertaubat dan sangat menyesali perbuatannya, bahkan dia berusaha meminta maaf kepada suaminya, mengubah cara pergaulannya dan cara berpakaiannya. Dia menjadi wanita yang dekat dengan Allah, menutup aurat dan menghindari pergaulan dengan lelaki yang bukan mahram. Untuk kondisi ini, suami boleh mempertahankan istrinya dan tidak menceraikannya. Dengan dua syarat, Suami harus siap memaafkan istrinya dan tidak mengungkit masa lalunya, setelah dia bertaubat. Suami siap merahasiakan kasus istrinya dan tidak menceritakannya kepada siapapun. Dengan sikap ini, insyaaAllah akan menjadi sumber pahala bagi suami, karena ini termasuk bentuk kesabaran. Pernyataan kami 'suami boleh mempertahankan istrinya' artinya bukan kewajiban. Suami bisa mempertimbangkan dampak baik dan buruknya, untuk menentukan pilihan, cerai ataukah dipertahankan. (Fatwa Islam, no. 162851) Ada sebagian suami yang tak kuasa menceraikan istrinya, namun sangat sulit baginya memaafkan perselingkuhan yang dilakukan istrinya. Sehingga yang terjadi, suami hanya bisa marah dan marah, bahkan menzalimi istrinya. Dalam kondisi ini, pilihan cerai insyaaAllah lebih baik, dari pada mempertahankan istrinya, agar tidak menimbulkan perbuatan maksiat yang baru. Kedua, sang istri belum bertaubat dan tidak menunjukkan penyesalan, bahkan pergaulannya masih bebas seperti sebelumnya, meskipun bia jadi dia hanya meminta maaf kepada suaminya. Untuk kondisi ini, ulama berbeda pendapat, apakah suami wajib menceraikan istrinya atakah boleh mempertahankannya. Pendapat pertama, suami boleh mempertahankannya. Ini adalah pendapat mayoritas ulama. Dr. Muhammad Ali Farkus mengatakan, فالمعلوم شرعا أنّ زنى أحـــد الزوجين يوجب الرجم، لكنّه إذا انتفى بانـتـفاء شروطه فلا ينفسخ النـكاح بزنا أحدهما ولا يوجب فسخه سـواء قبل الدخول أو بعده عند عامة أهل العلم "Seperti yang telah dipahami dalam aturan syariat, bahwa zina yang dilakukan salah satu diantara suami istri, menjadi sebab ditegakkannya hukum rajam. Namun jika hukuman ini tidak bisa ditegakkan, karena persyaratan untuk itu tidak terpenuhi, ikatan nikah tidak difasakh (dibubarkan) disebabkan zina yang dilakukan salah satunya. Dan tidak wajib difasakh, baik kasus zina itu terjadi sebelum hubungan badan atau sesudahnya, menurut pendapat mayoritas ulama." ( Pendapat kedua, suami tidak boleh mempertahankan istrinya dan harus menceraikannya. Karena ketika sang suami mempertahankan istrinya, dia dianggap tidak memiliki rasa cemburu, dan tergolong suami dayuts. Dan sikap ini termasuk dosa besar. Dari Abdullah bin Umar radhiyallahu 'anhuma, Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, ثَلَاثَةٌ لَا يَنْظُرُ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ إِلَيْهِمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ : الْعَاقُّ لِوَالِدَيْهِ ، وَالْمَرْأَةُ الْمُتَرَجِّلَةُ ، وَالدَّيُّوثُ "Tiga orang yang tidak akan Allah lihat mereka pada hari kiamat: Orang yang durhaka kepada kedua orang tuanya, wanita tomboi, dan lelaki dayuts." (HR. Ahmad 5372, Nasai 2562, dan dishahihkan Syuaib Al-Arnauth). Dalam Musnad Imam Ahmad terdapat penjelasan siapakah Dayuts, وَالدَّيُّوثُ الَّذِي يُقِرُّ فِي أَهْلِهِ الْخَبَثَ "Lelaki dayuts yang membiarkan perbuatan keji pada keluarganya." (Musnad Ahmad no. 6113). Syaikhul Islam pernah ditanya: ada seorang suami yang masuk rumahnya, tiba-tiba dia memergoki istrinya sedang bersama lelaki yang bukan mahram. Apa yang harus dilakukan si suami? Jawaban Syaikhul Islam, في الحديث عنه صلى الله عليه وسلم {أن الله سبحانه وتعالى لما خلق الجنة قال: وعزتي وجلالي لا يدخلك بخيل ولا كذاب ولا ديوث} " والديوث " الذي لا غيرة له. وفي الصحيح عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: {إن المؤمن يغار وإن الله يغار وغيرة الله أن يأتي العبد ما حرم عليه} Dalam hadis dari Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Bahwa Allah ta'ala ketika menciptakan surga, Dia berfirman: 'Demi keagungan dan kebesaran-Ku, tidak akan ada yang bisa memasukimu (surga), orang yang bakhil, pendusta, dan dayuts." Dayuts adalah orang yang tidak memiliki rasa cemburu. Dalam hadis shahih, Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, "Sesungguhnya seorang mukmin memliki rasa cemburu, dan Allah juga cemburu. Cemburunya Allah adalah ketika ada seorang hamba melakukan apa yang Dia haramkan untuknya." Kemudian Syaikhul Islam melanjutkan penjelasannya, وقد قال تعالى: {الزاني لا ينكح إلا زانية أو مشركة والزانية لا ينكحها إلا زان أو مشرك وحرم ذلك على المؤمنين} . ولهذا كان الصحيح من قولي العلماء: أن الزانية لا يجوز تزوجها إلا بعد التوبة وكذلك إذا كانت المرأة تزني لم يكن له أن يمسكها على تلك الحال بل يفارقها وإلا كان ديوثا "Dan Allah telah berfirman: الزَّانِي لَا يَنْكِحُ إِلَّا زَانِيَةً أَوْ مُشْرِكَةً وَالزَّانِيَةُ لَا يَنْكِحُهَا إِلَّا زَانٍ أَوْ مُشْرِكٌ وَحُرِّمَ ذَلِكَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ Lelaki yang berzina tidak boleh menikahi melainkan perempuan yang berzina, atau perempuan yang musyrik; dan perempuan yang berzina tidak dinikahi kecuali oleh laki-laki yang berzina atau laki-laki musyrik, dan yang demikian itu diharamkan atas oran-orang yang mukmin. (QS. An-Nur: 3). Oleh karena itu, pendapat yang kuat di antara pendapat ulama, bahwa wanita pezina, tidak boleh dinikahi kecuali setelah dia bertaubat. Demikian pula ketika seorang istri berzina, tidak boleh bagi sang suami untuk tetap mempertahankannya, selama dia belum bertaubat dari zina, dan dia harus menceraikannya. Jika tidak, dia termasuk dayuts." (Majmu' Fatawa, 32/141). Semoga Allah melindungi kaum muslimin dari tipuan Iblis yang membinasakan. Amin
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:44AM  

    islam fatwa - Social Mention
    Semoga Bermanfaat.................................... Istri Selingkuh, Wajib Dicerai? Pertanyaan: Apa hukumnya bila istri selingkuh, dan bgmn klau mau rujuk dan minta maaf sama suami? Dari: Ir. Tanawali Jawaban: Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala rasulillah, amma ba'du, Seringkali dalam kasus perzinaan, yang lebih disalahkah adalah pihak lelaki. Padahal perempuan yang berzina, tidak lebih baik dari pada lelaki yang berzina. Terlebih ketika sudah menikah, dosa jauh lebih besar, karena Allah sudah memberikan pilihan yang halal untuknya.ceramah agama untuk kaum laki-laki Ketika seorang istri selingkuh, ulama memberikan rincian sebagai berikut, Pertama, istri bertaubat dan sangat menyesali perbuatannya, bahkan dia berusaha meminta maaf kepada suaminya, mengubah cara pergaulannya dan cara berpakaiannya. Dia menjadi wanita yang dekat dengan Allah, menutup aurat dan menghindari pergaulan dengan lelaki yang bukan mahram. Untuk kondisi ini, suami boleh mempertahankan istrinya dan tidak menceraikannya. Dengan dua syarat, Suami harus siap memaafkan istrinya dan tidak mengungkit masa lalunya, setelah dia bertaubat. Suami siap merahasiakan kasus istrinya dan tidak menceritakannya kepada siapapun. Dengan sikap ini, insyaaAllah akan menjadi sumber pahala bagi suami, karena ini termasuk bentuk kesabaran. Pernyataan kami 'suami boleh mempertahankan istrinya' artinya bukan kewajiban. Suami bisa mempertimbangkan dampak baik dan buruknya, untuk menentukan pilihan, cerai ataukah dipertahankan. (Fatwa Islam, no. 162851) Ada sebagian suami yang tak kuasa menceraikan istrinya, namun sangat sulit baginya memaafkan perselingkuhan yang dilakukan istrinya. Sehingga yang terjadi, suami hanya bisa marah dan marah, bahkan menzalimi istrinya. Dalam kondisi ini, pilihan cerai insyaaAllah lebih baik, dari pada mempertahankan istrinya, agar tidak menimbulkan perbuatan maksiat yang baru. Kedua, sang istri belum bertaubat dan tidak menunjukkan penyesalan, bahkan pergaulannya masih bebas seperti sebelumnya, meskipun bia jadi dia hanya meminta maaf kepada suaminya. Untuk kondisi ini, ulama berbeda pendapat, apakah suami wajib menceraikan istrinya atakah boleh mempertahankannya. Pendapat pertama, suami boleh mempertahankannya. Ini adalah pendapat mayoritas ulama. Dr. Muhammad Ali Farkus mengatakan, فالمعلوم شرعا أنّ زنى أحـــد الزوجين يوجب الرجم، لكنّه إذا انتفى بانـتـفاء شروطه فلا ينفسخ النـكاح بزنا أحدهما ولا يوجب فسخه سـواء قبل الدخول أو بعده عند عامة أهل العلم "Seperti yang telah dipahami dalam aturan syariat, bahwa zina yang dilakukan salah satu diantara suami istri, menjadi sebab ditegakkannya hukum rajam. Namun jika hukuman ini tidak bisa ditegakkan, karena persyaratan untuk itu tidak terpenuhi, ikatan nikah tidak difasakh (dibubarkan) disebabkan zina yang dilakukan salah satunya. Dan tidak wajib difasakh, baik kasus zina itu terjadi sebelum hubungan badan atau sesudahnya, menurut pendapat mayoritas ulama." ( Pendapat kedua, suami tidak boleh mempertahankan istrinya dan harus menceraikannya. Karena ketika sang suami mempertahankan istrinya, dia dianggap tidak memiliki rasa cemburu, dan tergolong suami dayuts. Dan sikap ini termasuk dosa besar. Dari Abdullah bin Umar radhiyallahu 'anhuma, Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, ثَلَاثَةٌ لَا يَنْظُرُ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ إِلَيْهِمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ : الْعَاقُّ لِوَالِدَيْهِ ، وَالْمَرْأَةُ الْمُتَرَجِّلَةُ ، وَالدَّيُّوثُ "Tiga orang yang tidak akan Allah lihat mereka pada hari kiamat: Orang yang durhaka kepada kedua orang tuanya, wanita tomboi, dan lelaki dayuts." (HR. Ahmad 5372, Nasai 2562, dan dishahihkan Syuaib Al-Arnauth). Dalam Musnad Imam Ahmad terdapat penjelasan siapakah Dayuts, وَالدَّيُّوثُ الَّذِي يُقِرُّ فِي أَهْلِهِ الْخَبَثَ "Lelaki dayuts yang membiarkan perbuatan keji pada keluarganya." (Musnad Ahmad no. 6113). Syaikhul Islam pernah ditanya: ada seorang suami yang masuk rumahnya, tiba-tiba dia memergoki istrinya sedang bersama lelaki yang bukan mahram. Apa yang harus dilakukan si suami? Jawaban Syaikhul Islam, في الحديث عنه صلى الله عليه وسلم {أن الله سبحانه وتعالى لما خلق الجنة قال: وعزتي وجلالي لا يدخلك بخيل ولا كذاب ولا ديوث} " والديوث " الذي لا غيرة له. وفي الصحيح عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: {إن المؤمن يغار وإن الله يغار وغيرة الله أن يأتي العبد ما حرم عليه} Dalam hadis dari Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Bahwa Allah ta'ala ketika menciptakan surga, Dia berfirman: 'Demi keagungan dan kebesaran-Ku, tidak akan ada yang bisa memasukimu (surga), orang yang bakhil, pendusta, dan dayuts." Dayuts adalah orang yang tidak memiliki rasa cemburu. Dalam hadis shahih, Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, "Sesungguhnya seorang mukmin memliki rasa cemburu, dan Allah juga cemburu. Cemburunya Allah adalah ketika ada seorang hamba melakukan apa yang Dia haramkan untuknya." Kemudian Syaikhul Islam melanjutkan penjelasannya, وقد قال تعالى: {الزاني لا ينكح إلا زانية أو مشركة والزانية لا ينكحها إلا زان أو مشرك وحرم ذلك على المؤمنين} . ولهذا كان الصحيح من قولي العلماء: أن الزانية لا يجوز تزوجها إلا بعد التوبة وكذلك إذا كانت المرأة تزني لم يكن له أن يمسكها على تلك الحال بل يفارقها وإلا كان ديوثا "Dan Allah telah berfirman: الزَّانِي لَا يَنْكِحُ إِلَّا زَانِيَةً أَوْ مُشْرِكَةً وَالزَّانِيَةُ لَا يَنْكِحُهَا إِلَّا زَانٍ أَوْ مُشْرِكٌ وَحُرِّمَ ذَلِكَ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ Lelaki yang berzina tidak boleh menikahi melainkan perempuan yang berzina, atau perempuan yang musyrik; dan perempuan yang berzina tidak dinikahi kecuali oleh laki-laki yang berzina atau laki-laki musyrik, dan yang demikian itu diharamkan atas oran-orang yang mukmin. (QS. An-Nur: 3). Oleh karena itu, pendapat yang kuat di antara pendapat ulama, bahwa wanita pezina, tidak boleh dinikahi kecuali setelah dia bertaubat. Demikian pula ketika seorang istri berzina, tidak boleh bagi sang suami untuk tetap mempertahankannya, selama dia belum bertaubat dari zina, dan dia harus menceraikannya. Jika tidak, dia termasuk dayuts." (Majmu' Fatawa, 32/141). Semoga Allah melindungi kaum muslimin dari tipuan Iblis yang membinasakan. Amin
    Nov 19th 2013, 23:43
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 takbir - Social Mention: -=/[※ ''DZIKIR'' ※]\=- Dzikir adalah ibadah yang sangat mulia. Di antara fadilahnya dzikir adalah bisa lebih menenangkan jiwa. Fadilah lainnya pun amat banyak. Di antara dzikir yang bisa dirutinkan setiap saat, dibaca agar lisan terus basah dengan dzikrullah adalah empat kalimat mulia, yaitu: ①. SUBHANALLAH. ②. ALHAMDULILLAH ③. LAA ILAHA ILLALLAH. ④. ALLAHU AKBAR. 业 ''④ (empat) KALIMAT MULIA DALAM BERDZIKIR'' 业 Yang dimaksud bacaan tasbih (subhanallah = Maha Suci Allah) adalah menyucikan Allah dari segala kekurangan yang tidak layak bagi-Nya. Yang dimaksud bacaan tahmid (alhamdulillah = segala puji bagi Allah) adalah menetapkan kesempurnaan pada Allah dalam nama, sifat dan perbuatan-Nya yang mulia. Yang dimaksud bacaan tahlil (laa ilaha illallah = tidak ada sesembahan yang berhak disembah selain Allah) adalah berbuat ikhlas dan mentauhidkan Allah serta berlepas diri dari kesyirikan. Yang dimaksud bacaan takbir (Allahu akbar = Allah Maha Besar) adalah menetapkan keagungan atau kebesaran pada Allah Ta'ala dan tidak ada yang melebihi kebesarannya. ④ (empat) kalimat mulia tersebut bisa berfaedah jika bukan hanya di lisan, namun direnungkan maknanya di dalam qolbu, dalam hati yang paling dalam. ***** Semoga amalan yang sederhana ini bisa jadi rutinitas kita sehingga lisan ini selalu terucap dengan dzikrullah. Insya ALLAH.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:28AM  

    takbir - Social Mention
    -=/[※ ''DZIKIR'' ※]\=- Dzikir adalah ibadah yang sangat mulia. Di antara fadilahnya dzikir adalah bisa lebih menenangkan jiwa. Fadilah lainnya pun amat banyak. Di antara dzikir yang bisa dirutinkan setiap saat, dibaca agar lisan terus basah dengan dzikrullah adalah empat kalimat mulia, yaitu: ①. SUBHANALLAH. ②. ALHAMDULILLAH ③. LAA ILAHA ILLALLAH. ④. ALLAHU AKBAR. 业 ''④ (empat) KALIMAT MULIA DALAM BERDZIKIR'' 业 Yang dimaksud bacaan tasbih (subhanallah = Maha Suci Allah) adalah menyucikan Allah dari segala kekurangan yang tidak layak bagi-Nya. Yang dimaksud bacaan tahmid (alhamdulillah = segala puji bagi Allah) adalah menetapkan kesempurnaan pada Allah dalam nama, sifat dan perbuatan-Nya yang mulia. Yang dimaksud bacaan tahlil (laa ilaha illallah = tidak ada sesembahan yang berhak disembah selain Allah) adalah berbuat ikhlas dan mentauhidkan Allah serta berlepas diri dari kesyirikan. Yang dimaksud bacaan takbir (Allahu akbar = Allah Maha Besar) adalah menetapkan keagungan atau kebesaran pada Allah Ta'ala dan tidak ada yang melebihi kebesarannya. ④ (empat) kalimat mulia tersebut bisa berfaedah jika bukan hanya di lisan, namun direnungkan maknanya di dalam qolbu, dalam hati yang paling dalam. ***** Semoga amalan yang sederhana ini bisa jadi rutinitas kita sehingga lisan ini selalu terucap dengan dzikrullah. Insya ALLAH.
    Nov 20th 2013, 11:27
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 dawah - Social Mention: The true Muslim whose personality was corrected by Islam deals with the people and is patient from their annoyance because he has a cause, a pioneer of the message, a tongue of the Dawah and a man of jihad. So the one who addresses these tasks has to make himself ready to sacrifice for this cause and be patient for the costs of message, the consequences of the Dawah, the hardships of the jihad for the sake of Allah, to be patient for the opinions of the rude people, their bad behavior, their frequent bad thinking and explanations, their staleness nature, their slow answering to the truth, their heavy clinging to the Dunya and earth, going around the interests and desires. The real issue is that he should think that his Lord will grant him victory over the enemies and won't disappoint him. #GOODMORNiNG !! #tumpakk #INeedAllahInMyLife :))
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 12:48AM  

    dawah - Social Mention
    The true Muslim whose personality was corrected by Islam deals with the people and is patient from their annoyance because he has a cause, a pioneer of the message, a tongue of the Dawah and a man of jihad. So the one who addresses these tasks has to make himself ready to sacrifice for this cause and be patient for the costs of message, the consequences of the Dawah, the hardships of the jihad for the sake of Allah, to be patient for the opinions of the rude people, their bad behavior, their frequent bad thinking and explanations, their staleness nature, their slow answering to the truth, their heavy clinging to the Dunya and earth, going around the interests and desires. The real issue is that he should think that his Lord will grant him victory over the enemies and won't disappoint him. #GOODMORNiNG !! #tumpakk #INeedAllahInMyLife :))
    Nov 21st 2013, 00:00
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 04:51AM  

    dawah - Social Mention
    Kashmir issue
    Nov 1st 2013, 03:00
    THIS refers to the letter 'US on Kashmir issue' by S.M. Anwar (Oct 24). The Indian position is that the Simla Accord warrants resolving disputes with Pakistan through bilateral negotiations, including the issue of Jammu and Kashmir.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 10:28PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Natori Bushido Two King Pillowcases ANH1RUQ Kitchen & Dining Features NDIIZ29F Natori QUXL 9WM6D . All details can be found by clicking on the link below Natori Bushido Two King Pillowcases 9EC3KX 6403. MORE DETAILS HERE: SKU No.: 5ER0E MPN No. : L2XM9E NKHOM Object name:Natori Bushido Two King Pillowcases IFU7ZPH Category name.: Kitchen & Dining Features Natori EPJFNZ P.N.: Q5PPYE Everything is quality Natori Bushido Two King Pillowcases SYWDJ3 Home & Kitchen 4ZWXUZP express this. Natori Bushido Two King Pillowcases AOVS was appreciated by all who bought. Natori Bushido Two King Pillowcases 675716343897 CTCP1VH Home YJU2VU 20x40in P5U72 will be able to meet the high standards.
    Nov 21st 2013, 22:18
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