
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
Was sind Salafisten?
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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 19 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:17PM  

    Islam & Liebe - für die Ewigkeits Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam & Liebe - für die Ewigkeits Facebook-Pinnwand
    Montags pflegte unser Prophet Muhammed (sas) zu fasten, also lasst uns morgen au...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:55
    Montags pflegte unser Prophet Muhammed (sas) zu fasten, also lasst uns morgen auch fasten in sha Allah. Die Tage sind sowieso nur kurz...

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Begreift ihr nicht, dass unsere Ummah immer mehr kaputt gehen wird, wenn wir auf...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:30
    Begreift ihr nicht, dass unsere Ummah immer mehr kaputt gehen wird, wenn wir auf dem Trip sind: "Der hat keine Salafi-Aqida, dem höre ich erst gar nicht zu..."

    Jeder Muslim hat die selbe Aqida, egal wie viele kaputte Verständnisse und Ideen er über den Islam hat, solange (!!!) sie keinen Austritt aus dem Islam bedeuten.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Begreift ihr nicht, dass unsere Ummah immer mehr kaputt gehen wird, wenn wir auf...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:30
    Begreift ihr nicht, dass unsere Ummah immer mehr kaputt gehen wird, wenn wir auf dem Trip sind: "Der hat keine Salafi-Aqida, dem höre ich erst gar nicht zu..."

    Jeder Muslim hat die selbe Aqida, egal wie viele kaputte Verständnisse und Ideen er über den Islam hat, solange (!!!) sie keinen Austritt aus dem Islam bedeuten.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Möge Allah(t) unsere Ummah, die ja eigentlich die beste Ummah der Welt ist verei...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:45
    Möge Allah(t) unsere Ummah, die ja eigentlich die beste Ummah der Welt ist vereinigen und uns nicht aufgrund banaler Kleinigkeiten auseinander gehen lassen!

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Möge Allah(t) unsere Ummah, die ja eigentlich die beste Ummah der Welt ist verei...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:45
    Möge Allah(t) unsere Ummah, die ja eigentlich die beste Ummah der Welt ist vereinigen und uns nicht aufgrund banaler Kleinigkeiten auseinander gehen lassen!

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Der Prophet (sas) sagte: "Bald werden Nationen andere einladen. Sie werden über...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:22
    Der Prophet (sas) sagte: "Bald werden Nationen andere einladen. Sie werden über euch herfallen und euch zerstören, wie bei Leuten, die andere einladen und über eine Speise herfallen." Die Sahaba fragten: "Ya RasuluAllah! Wird dies geschehen, weil wir zu jener Zeit gering an der Zahl sein werden?" Er antwortete: "Nein! Eure Anzahl wird groß sein, jedoch werdet ihr wie der Schaum auf dem Meer und schwach wie Stöcke und Strohhalme sein! Allah wird die Furcht und die Angst der Feinde gegenüber euch aus ihren Herzen entfernen, und Er wird eure Herzen mit Wahn füllen." Die Sahaba fragten: "Was ist Wahn?" Er antwortete: "Die Liebe für die Welt (Dunya) und die Abscheu vor dem Tod!" (Abu Dawud)


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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Der Prophet (sas) sagte: "Bald werden Nationen andere einladen. Sie werden über...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:22
    Der Prophet (sas) sagte: "Bald werden Nationen andere einladen. Sie werden über euch herfallen und euch zerstören, wie bei Leuten, die andere einladen und über eine Speise herfallen." Die Sahaba fragten: "Ya RasuluAllah! Wird dies geschehen, weil wir zu jener Zeit gering an der Zahl sein werden?" Er antwortete: "Nein! Eure Anzahl wird groß sein, jedoch werdet ihr wie der Schaum auf dem Meer und schwach wie Stöcke und Strohhalme sein! Allah wird die Furcht und die Angst der Feinde gegenüber euch aus ihren Herzen entfernen, und Er wird eure Herzen mit Wahn füllen." Die Sahaba fragten: "Was ist Wahn?" Er antwortete: "Die Liebe für die Welt (Dunya) und die Abscheu vor dem Tod!" (Abu Dawud)


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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Frage immer nach geliebten Menschen wie es ihnen geht den oft trügt der äußere A...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:15
    Frage immer nach geliebten Menschen wie es ihnen geht den oft trügt der äußere Anschein und lenkt oft vom tatsächlichen Zustand einer Person ab.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Frage immer nach geliebten Menschen wie es ihnen geht den oft trügt der äußere A...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:15
    Frage immer nach geliebten Menschen wie es ihnen geht den oft trügt der äußere Anschein und lenkt oft vom tatsächlichen Zustand einer Person ab.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:11PM  

    Jung&Muslim - Elhamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Jung&Muslim - Elhamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Wenn du im Duâ bestätigt bist, dann soll die Verspätung am Abend kein Grund zur...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:25
    "Wenn du im Duâ bestätigt bist, dann soll die Verspätung am Abend kein Grund zur Hoffnungslosigkeit sein.
    Denn Er hat die Möglichkeit, dein Duâ zu beantworten, indem Er dir was auswählt und nicht, indem du es willst.
    Und zu der Zeit, zu der Er will und nicht, zu der du willst."

    Macht immer schön Duâs meine lieben Geschwister. :)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:11PM  

    Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    °•.♥Wallah he is mine♥.•°
    °•.♥Wallah she is mine♥.•°
    Mashaa allah, wie süss...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:18
    °•.♥Wallah he is mine♥.•°
    °•.♥Wallah she is mine♥.•°

    Mashaa allah, wie süss diese Pullover sind..!!

    Allah ta'ala sagt :
    „Und Allâh hat euch aus euch selbst Gattinnen gemacht und von euren Gattinnen Söhne und Enkel gemacht und euch von den guten Dingen versorgt […]."
    (Sûra 16:72)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:07PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    "We should always make sure that our differences, our personal egos and party interests are set aside for the greater good and rather we must prioritise national progress. When we think and act in this way our differences will not be a means of impairment but will actually play a positive role in our nation's future well-being and development." On 23 November 2013, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of Algeria, Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda and Uganda with an event organised by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community's Pan-African Association. Dignitaries and guests representing a number of African countries attended the function at Baitul Futuh Mosque in South West London. Africa 50 The highlight of the event was the keynote address given by the Khalifa and World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. During his address, His Holiness appealed for the true independence of all nations and called for all people to be granted self-determination. His Holiness spoke of Africa's rich potential and said it could only be realised if its people became united and put aside all personal interests. His Holiness also warned against the further spread of terrorism in the region. The Khalifa began his address by explaining that Islam was against all forms of slavery and oppression. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: "True Muslims and Muslim Governments should always promote independence and help others gain freedom – whether it is personal independence or whether it is national independence." Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued: "Based upon Islam's true teachings, we (Ahmadi Muslims) strive and work towards the achievement of universal independence and self-determination, with the ambition that every single person in the world is able to live autonomously. All people should have fundamental freedoms, such as religious, political, national and civil freedom." Africa 50 The Khalifa said that even in the modern world slavery continued as powerful nations preyed on the weaknesses of the less powerful. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: "The powerful nations take advantage of the weaker nations and dictate their own preferred policies and so in this way they have practically enslaved the developing countries. Sadly, the major powers take benefit and advantage of the natural resources of the poorer nations and do not give what is the due right of the weaker nations in return." The Khalifa spoke of the importance of national unity and placing national interests ahead of any personal interest. He gave the example of the recent financial crisis in the United States, where despite strong disagreements the Republican and Democrat Parties were able to reach a last minute budget deal for the sake of the country. Africa 50 Continuing, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: "We should always make sure that our differences, our personal egos and party interests are set aside for the greater good and rather we must prioritise national progress. When we think and act in this way our differences will not be a means of impairment but will actually play a positive role in our nation's future well-being and development." Later, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke of his concerns over the spread of terrorism and extremism in Africa. He said that if extremist elements were able to "spread their networks of hatred" it would cause for all progress and development to cease. Turning to Africa's future, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke with hope and expectation. Africa 50 His Holiness said: "Africa, with the Grace of Allah, has the ability to lead and guide the world. But you need to work hard and stay united to realise this potential, so that instead of succumbing to enslavement, you are those who stand at the forefront of the world." Concluding, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: "It is my prayer that may Allah enable all African countries – their people and their governments – to understand the true benefits of living together in peace, harmony and unity. It is my prayer that they all realise that prioritising their national interests above their personal interests are the golden keys that unlock the gates to permanent freedom and success." Africa 50 Earlier in the evening, His Holiness held a meeting with dignitaries including the Uganda High Commissioner, Her Excellency Prof Joyce Kakuramatsi Kikafunda and Ghana's Leader of the Opposition, Hon Nana Akufo-Addo.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:06
    Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivers the keynote address at ?Africa at 50? event Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivers the keynote address at ?Africa at 50? event On 24 November 2013, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of Algeria, Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda and...
    Rollin weed! Got mah wiz khalifa paperz!
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:05
    I like the song wiz khalifa get your shit !! Dope shit!,
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:05
    Só os que adoram safadeza vai curtir :3 EU GOSTO E DAI ?
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:05
    Wiz Khalifa
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:04
    demain resté branché sur le net,le tout dernier album de booba sortira en intégralité et exclusivité avec un feat avec kaaris,wiz khalifa et maitre gim's
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:04
    Wiz Khalifa
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:04
    Somebody give me a song!
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:03
    Rick Ross always barking. Tyga got a sore throat. Gucci got the flu, Lil Wayne's lighter is broke, & Wiz Khalifa thinks everything is funny (Comic Ass Rappers)
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:03
    Back to reality 󾌹󾌡󾌹󾌡 No more holiday post, no more check ins, no more living out of our suit cases lol arrived back home mid night last night now back at work 󾌣 miss everyone sooo much had an awesome holiday love seeing our family, sooo hapy i got to see my grl Prathna Odiar been 4years since our last catch up. Good to be back missed our bed missed our Khalifa miss the short drives to the beach lol now cant wait to finish work just blob out and sleep day tmrw, prbli wont unpack til nxd week haha
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:03
 Jovens, selvagens e livres E daí se ficamos bêbados? E daí se fumamos maconha? Estamos apenas nos divertindo Não importa quem veja E daí se saímos? É assim que deve ser Viver jovens, selvagens e livres Uh, Uh huh E daí que eu guardo uns baseados Ando com a calça arriada, não importa o que aparece Fico na boa com meus manos Sou o jogados com as putas Pareço limpo pra você, não pareço? Lavei no outro dia, vejo como você se inclina Me dê umas calças jeans 501 E enrola uns baseados maiores que um dedo do King Kong E fumo essa porra até o talo Você é o palhaço da classe e se eu pular um dia Vou estar com você fumando um classe A Quer saber? É como eu tivesse 17 anos outra vez Só uns pelinhos no rosto Olhando o caso Tentando encontrar um belo gosto Oh Meu Deus, eu estou na perseguição Chevy, está ficando pesado, relevante, vendendo Deslizando, o tempo continua fugindo Tranque no cofre, implorando pelo pagamento Viajando como se estivesse pingando de tinta 4 baseados bem na frente tipo Khalifa, enrola essa maconha" E daí se ficamos bêbados? E daí se fumamos maconha? Estamos apenas nos divertindo Não importa quem veja E daí se saímos? É assim que deve ser Viver jovens, selvagens e livres E agora eu nem ligo Porque se eu e a minha turma estamos aqui então vai ter fumaça de maconha no ar Fala pra eles, Mac Soprando pra tudo quanto é lugar agora você vai ficar sabendo se eu chegar Vou pegar meu isqueiro pra acender É assim que deveria ser feito Quando achar que caiu Descubra como dar meia volta, nada parece promissor Do chão pra cima, toca aí, é a gangue do Taylor Aumente meu som, volte aqui e faça comigo Estou relaxando, acabei de sair da aula Como se estivesse sozinho, posso comprar um prédio Não tenho emprego e nem filhos Tinha o trabalho de Ciências Eu e o Mac destruímos THC MAC DEV HD3 Oi, sou eu Somos nós, vamos causar Vamos brigar, vamos enrolar Viver a nossa vida E daí se ficamos bêbados? E daí se fumamos maconha? Estamos apenas nos divertindo Não importa quem veja E daí se saímos? É assim que deve ser Viver jovens, selvagens e livres É, enrola um, fuma um Quando você vive assim, você deve curtir Enrola um, fuma um, vamos nos divertir A gente só enrola um, fuma um Quando você vive assim, você deve curtir Enrola um, fuma um, vamos nos divertir E daí se ficamos bêbados? E daí se fumamos maconha? Estamos apenas nos divertindo Não importa quem veja E daí se saímos? É assim que deve ser Viver jovens, selvagens e livres Letra enviada por Guilherme Sambüc Link:
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:02
    Watch the best videos on YouTube from Wiz Khalifa here: Wiz Khalifa's new album O.N.I...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:01
    Ha! I just imagined Wiz Khalifa as a bee keeper singing "Black and Yellow."
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:01
    Life isn't short. Its actually pretty long. YOLO is stupid. Skinny girls/guys you're not fat. Every 'decent guy' most of you girls are looking for, are in the friend zone. Guys, if you sleep around, you will end up with a slut. No, Lil Wayne, Drake and Wiz Khalifa are not philosophers, that's a quote on a picture. Anyone who says stop acting black wen u type lyke dis #SWAG, you're racist, black people don't talk like that. Guys have some respect, drunk or sober, girls are still human. Girls if you put pictures like that on Facebook you WILL attract creepy guys, it's your own damn fault. You do drugs? Cool. So does 90% of teenagers, so stop telling everyone how awesome you are because you got sooooo messed up last night and can't remember what you did. Honestly nobody cares but you. If everyone would just stop and realize you're acting like an imaginary bunch of 'Reality' tv stars, maybe we wouldn't be such a messed up generation. *found this on a picture.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:00
    • OPEN BAR • OPEN BAR • OPEN BAR • OPEN BAR • OPEN BAR • OPEN BAR • #! SÓ PRAS MULHERES, INGRESSO DUPLO! COMPRE UM, GANHE OUTRO! !# #! SÓ PRAS MULHERES, INGRESSO DUPLO! COMPRE UM, GANHE OUTRO! !# JOGO DAS PULSEIRAS ◌ Pulseira verde - Vem cá meter sua boca na minha ◌ Pulseira amarela - 5 minutinhos de solteiro ◌ Pulseira vermelha - Vai ficar querendo CADEIRA GAME OVER Um representante da Inside vai escolher alguém na plateia para subir ao palco, o escolhido irá se sentar em uma cadeira, direcionar os braços para atrás, e levantar a cabeça, então começa. O representante vai virar uma garrafa de "Big Apple" na boca do escolhido, com o apoio da galera agitando intensamente até ele chegar no game over ou pedir pra parar, quando parar o representante irá sacudir a cabeça do escolhido intensamente, iremos ver o resultado. Se o escolhido for do sexo masculino, será uma representante do sexo feminino que fará a brincadeira, se o escolhido for do sexo feminino, será um representante do sexo masculino. Lembrando que no momento em que o escolhido pedir pra parar, a brincadeira para, é sacudida a cabeça e será escolhida outra pessoa // BEIJO CEGO // #NEW Ao começar a brincadeira, será escolhido uma menina, ela subirá ao palco e terá seus olhos vendados, igual a brincadeira "cabra cega" todos poderão ver a escolhida no palco, porém ela não saberá quem irá beija-la, iremos escolher um menino (vai ser bunitinho rs) ele subirá ao palco e terá os olhos vendados, então os dois irão se beijar, e depois se virão (coragem). A brincadeira começa com uma menina subindo ao palco, depois um menino, e vice versa.. Não vale dar tapa na cara, apenas beijo, vai que forme um casal a partir dai.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:00
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:00
    Have you ever had the experience of having braces? fortunately, no!  Your last text is from? Bubar What are you most excited for? Summer!!  What was the last song you listened to? Back For You by 1D Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision? If only!  Do you share your birthday with a celebrity? Pink & Wiz Khalifa that I know of  Have you ever made a complete fool of yourself in public? I'm sure I have  Have you ever been stereotyped? Everyone has  What type of cell phone do you have? IPhone 4s  Do you have your driver's license yet? No, ha.  What school do you currently attend? Fort Fairfield  Is there a book you're currently reading? Noo  Describe your current outfit: Just a shirt and jeans!  Are you currently pleased or annoyed with your hair? Ehh, annoyeeddd Are you at all good at drawing? I can draww actually  When you were young, did you get in trouble a lot? Not really  What color is your hairbrush? pinkish/ purple  If you were to move out right now, do you think you would be successful? not without help haha  Have you seen the movie Dear John? Yes!  Are you overwhelmed with the thought of the future? Little bit, but I believe God has a plan, so I try to not over think it!  Has someone ever told you that you were insane, and meant it? doubtful but I suppose maybe haha  Are you a fan of Lady GaGa? Not really, her new albums not too bad tho  How long have you been with your significant other? I don't have a significant other!  What are you doing this weekend? ITS VACATION :) So who knowss Do you have feelings for anyone? I do!  Where are you located right now? my room!  What's between you and the last person you texted? she's a good friend :)  Have you ever liked someone that was in a relationship? Yes!  Would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter or the same height as you? Taller!  When you're getting ready for something, do you listen to music? Its what I do!  Day been rough? Not at all :)  Someone says "all guys are players" You say? Untrue! What's your middle name? Shea  Kissed someone with a name beginning with a T?   Yes Where is your phone? right next to me!  How often do you talk on the phone? About once a


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:06PM  

    Wenn Allâh alles ist, was du noch hast, hast du alles, was du brauchst ಌs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wenn Allâh alles ist, was du noch hast, hast du alles, was du brauchst ಌs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wenn wir anderen etwas gebieten, aber dies selbst nicht einhalten sind wir wie e...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:09
    Wenn wir anderen etwas gebieten, aber dies selbst nicht einhalten sind wir wie eine Kerze, die zwar den Raum erhellt, innerlich aber verbrennt.
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