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::: DOKUS :::
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Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen


 islam fatwa - Social Mention: Pemahaman Bid'ah Hasanah. Oleh : Kurniawan Woles. Sekarang kalau kita menarik mundur ke belakang sejarah Islam, bila Alqur'an tidak dibukukan oleh para Sahabat radiyallahu anhum, apa sekiranya yang terjadi pada perkembangan sejarah Islam ? Alqur'an masih bertebaran di tembok - tembok, di kulit onta, di hafalan para Sahabat ra yang hanya sebagian dituliskan, maka akan muncul beribu - ribu versi Alqur'an di zaman sekarang, karena semua orang akan mengumpulkan dan membukukannya, yang masing - masing dengan riwayatnya sendiri, maka hancurlah Alqur'an dan hancurlah Islam. Namun dengan adanya Bid'ah Hasanah, sekarang kita masih mengenal Alqur'an secara utuh dan dengan adanya bid'ah hasanah ini pula kita masih mengenal hadits – hadits Rasulullah saw, maka jadilah Islam ini kokoh dan abadi. Jelaslah sudah sabda Rasul saw yang telah membolehkannya, beliau saw telah mengetahui dengan jelas bahwa hal - hal baru yang berupa kebaikan (Bid'ah Hasanah), mesti dimunculkan kelak, dan beliau saw telah melarang hal – hal baru yang berupa keburukan (Bid'ah Dhalalah). Saudara - saudaraku, jernihkan hatimu menerima ini semua, ingatlah ucapan Amirulmukminin pertama ini, ketahuilah ucapan - ucapannya adalah Mutiara Alqur'an, sosok agung Abubakar Asshiddiq ra berkata mengenai Bid'ah hasanah : "sampai Allah menjernihkan dadaku dan aku setuju dan kini aku sependapat dengan Umar". Lalu berkata pula Zeyd bin Haritsah ra : "..bagaimana kalian berdua (Abubakar dan Umar) berbuat sesuatu yang tak diperbuat oleh Rasulullah saw??", maka Abubakar ra mengatakannya bahwa hal itu adalah kebaikan, hingga ia pun (Abubakar ra) meyakinkanku (Zeyd) "sampai Allah menjernihkan dadaku dan aku setuju dan kini aku sependapat dengan mereka berdua". Maka kuhimbau saudara - saudaraku muslimin yang kumuliakan, hati yang jernih menerima hal – hal baru yang baik adalah hati yang sehati dengan Abubakar Asshiddiq ra, hati Umar bin Khattab ra, hati Zeyd bin Haritsah ra, hati para sahabat, yaitu hati yang dijernihkan Allah swt. Dan curigalah pada dirimu bila kau temukan dirimu mengingkari hal ini, maka barangkali hatimu belum dijernihkan Allah, karena tak mau sependapat dengan mereka, belum setuju dengan pendapat mereka, masih menolak bid'ah hasanah. Dan Rasul saw sudah mengingatkanmu bahwa akan terjadi banyak ikhtilaf, dan peganglah perbuatanku dan perbuatan khulafa'urrasyidin, gigit dengan geraham (yang maksudnya berpeganglah erat – erat pada tuntunanku dan tuntunan mereka). Semoga Allah menjernihkan sanubariku dan sanubari kalian hingga sehati dan sependapat dengan Abubakar Asshiddiq ra, Umar bin Khattab ra, Utsman bin Affan ra, Ali bin Abi Thalib kw dan seluruh sahabat.. amiin I.2.1 Pendapat para Imam dan Muhadditsin mengenai Bid'ah 1. Al Muhaddits Al Imam Muhammad bin Idris Assyafii rahimahullah (Imam Syafii) Berkata Imam Syafii bahwa bid'ah terbagi 2, yaitu Bid'ah Mahmudah (terpuji) dan Bid'ah Madzmumah (tercela), maka yang sejalan dengan sunnah maka ia terpuji, dan yang tidak selaras dengan sunnah adalah tercela, beliau berdalil dengan ucapan Umar bin Khattab ra mengenai shalat tarawih : "inilah sebaik baik bid'ah". (Tafsir Imam Qurtubiy juz 2 hal 86-87) 2. Al Imam Al Hafidh Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Qurtubiy rahimahullah "Menanggapi ucapan ini (ucapan Imam Syafii), maka kukatakan (Imam Qurtubi berkata) bahwa makna hadits Nabi saw yang berbunyi : "seburuk - buruk permasalahan adalah hal yang baru, dan semua bid'ah adalah dhalalah" (wa syarrul umuuri muhdatsaatuha wa kullu bid'atin dhalaalah), yang dimaksud adalah hal – hal yang tidak sejalan dengan Alqur'an dan Sunnah Rasul saw, atau perbuatan Sahabat radhiyallahu 'anhum, sungguh telah diperjelas mengenai hal ini oleh hadits lainnya : "Barangsiapa membuat buat hal baru yang baik dalam Islam, maka baginya pahalanya dan pahala orang yang mengikutinya dan tak berkurang sedikitpun dari pahalanya, dan barangsiapa membuat buat hal baru yang buruk dalam Islam, maka baginya dosanya dan dosa orang yang mengikutinya" (Shahih Muslim hadits No.1017) dan hadits ini merupakan inti penjelasan mengenai bid'ah yang baik dan bid'ah yang sesat". (Tafsir Imam Qurtubiy juz 2 hal 87) 3. Hujjatul Islam Al Imam Abu Zakariya Yahya bin Syaraf Annawawiy rahimahullah (Imam Nawawi) Penjelasan mengenai hadits : "Barangsiapa membuat buat hal baru yang baik dalam Islam, maka baginya pahalanya dan pahala orang yang mengikutinya dan tak berkurang sedikitpun dari pahalanya, dan barangsiapa membuat – buat hal baru yang buruk dalam Islam, maka baginya dosanya". Hadits ini merupakan anjuran untuk membuat kebiasaan - kebiasaan yang baik, dan ancaman untuk membuat kebiasaan yang buruk, dan pada hadits ini terdapat pengecualian dari sabda beliau saw : "semua yang baru adalah Bid'ah, dan semua yang bid'ah adalah sesat", sungguh yang dimaksudkan adalah hal baru yang buruk dan bid'ah yang tercela". (Syarh Annawawi 'ala Shahih Muslim juz 7 hal 104-105) Dan berkata pula Imam Nawawi : "Bahwa Ulama membagi bid'ah menjadi 5, yaitu bid'ah yang wajib, bid'ah yang mandub, bid'ah yang mubah, bid'ah yang makruh dan bid'ah yang haram. Bid'ah yang wajib contohnya adalah mencantumkan dalil – dalil pada ucapan – ucapan yang menentang kemungkaran. Contoh bid'ah yang mandub (mendapat pahala bila dilakukan dan tak mendapat dosa bila ditinggalkan) adalah membuat buku - buku ilmu syariah, membangun majelis taklim dan pesantren. Dan Bid'ah yang mubah adalah bermacam – macam dari jenis makanan, dan Bid'ah makruh dan haram sudah jelas diketahui. Demikianlah makna pengecualian dan kekhususan dari makna yang umum, sebagaimana ucapan Umar ra atas jamaah tarawih bahwa "inilah sebaik - sebaiknya bid'ah". (Syarh Imam Nawawi ala Shahih Muslim Juz 6 hal 154-155) 4. Hujjatul isla m Al Imam Jalaluddin Abdurrahman Assuyuthiy rahimahullah Mengenai hadits "Bid'ah Dhalalah" ini bermakna "Aammun Makhsush", (sesuatu yang umum anyg ada pengecualiannya), seperti firman Allah : "… yang Menghancurkan segala sesuatu" (QS. Al-Ahqaf : 25) dan kenyataannya tidak segalanya hancur, (*atau pula ayat : "Sungguh telah KU-pastikan ketentuan-KU untuk memenuhi jahannam dengan jin dan manusia keseluruhannya" (QS. Assajdah : 13), dan pada kenyataannya bukan semua manusia masuk neraka, tapi ayat itu bukan bermakna keseluruhan tapi bermakna seluruh musyrikin dan orang dhalim) atau hadits : "aku dan hari kiamat bagaikan kedua jari ini" (dan kenyataannya kiamat masih ribuan tahun setelah wafatnya Rasul saw) (Syarh Assuyuthiy Juz 3 hal 189). Kemudian bila muncul pemahaman di akhir zaman yang bertentangan dengan pemahaman para Muhaddits dan para Imam maka mestilah kita berhati - hati darimanakah ilmu mereka? Berdasarkan apa pemahaman mereka? atau seorang yang disebut imam padahal ia tak mencapai derajat Hafidh atau Muhaddits? atau hanya ucapan orang yang tak punya sanad, hanya menukil menukil hadits dan mentakwilkan semaunya tanpa memperdulikan fatwa - fatwa para Imam? (Wabillahittaufiq)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:51PM  

    islam fatwa - Social Mention
    Pemahaman Bid'ah Hasanah. Oleh : Kurniawan Woles. Sekarang kalau kita menarik mundur ke belakang sejarah Islam, bila Alqur'an tidak dibukukan oleh para Sahabat radiyallahu anhum, apa sekiranya yang terjadi pada perkembangan sejarah Islam ? Alqur'an masih bertebaran di tembok - tembok, di kulit onta, di hafalan para Sahabat ra yang hanya sebagian dituliskan, maka akan muncul beribu - ribu versi Alqur'an di zaman sekarang, karena semua orang akan mengumpulkan dan membukukannya, yang masing - masing dengan riwayatnya sendiri, maka hancurlah Alqur'an dan hancurlah Islam. Namun dengan adanya Bid'ah Hasanah, sekarang kita masih mengenal Alqur'an secara utuh dan dengan adanya bid'ah hasanah ini pula kita masih mengenal hadits – hadits Rasulullah saw, maka jadilah Islam ini kokoh dan abadi. Jelaslah sudah sabda Rasul saw yang telah membolehkannya, beliau saw telah mengetahui dengan jelas bahwa hal - hal baru yang berupa kebaikan (Bid'ah Hasanah), mesti dimunculkan kelak, dan beliau saw telah melarang hal – hal baru yang berupa keburukan (Bid'ah Dhalalah). Saudara - saudaraku, jernihkan hatimu menerima ini semua, ingatlah ucapan Amirulmukminin pertama ini, ketahuilah ucapan - ucapannya adalah Mutiara Alqur'an, sosok agung Abubakar Asshiddiq ra berkata mengenai Bid'ah hasanah : "sampai Allah menjernihkan dadaku dan aku setuju dan kini aku sependapat dengan Umar". Lalu berkata pula Zeyd bin Haritsah ra : "..bagaimana kalian berdua (Abubakar dan Umar) berbuat sesuatu yang tak diperbuat oleh Rasulullah saw??", maka Abubakar ra mengatakannya bahwa hal itu adalah kebaikan, hingga ia pun (Abubakar ra) meyakinkanku (Zeyd) "sampai Allah menjernihkan dadaku dan aku setuju dan kini aku sependapat dengan mereka berdua". Maka kuhimbau saudara - saudaraku muslimin yang kumuliakan, hati yang jernih menerima hal – hal baru yang baik adalah hati yang sehati dengan Abubakar Asshiddiq ra, hati Umar bin Khattab ra, hati Zeyd bin Haritsah ra, hati para sahabat, yaitu hati yang dijernihkan Allah swt. Dan curigalah pada dirimu bila kau temukan dirimu mengingkari hal ini, maka barangkali hatimu belum dijernihkan Allah, karena tak mau sependapat dengan mereka, belum setuju dengan pendapat mereka, masih menolak bid'ah hasanah. Dan Rasul saw sudah mengingatkanmu bahwa akan terjadi banyak ikhtilaf, dan peganglah perbuatanku dan perbuatan khulafa'urrasyidin, gigit dengan geraham (yang maksudnya berpeganglah erat – erat pada tuntunanku dan tuntunan mereka). Semoga Allah menjernihkan sanubariku dan sanubari kalian hingga sehati dan sependapat dengan Abubakar Asshiddiq ra, Umar bin Khattab ra, Utsman bin Affan ra, Ali bin Abi Thalib kw dan seluruh sahabat.. amiin I.2.1 Pendapat para Imam dan Muhadditsin mengenai Bid'ah 1. Al Muhaddits Al Imam Muhammad bin Idris Assyafii rahimahullah (Imam Syafii) Berkata Imam Syafii bahwa bid'ah terbagi 2, yaitu Bid'ah Mahmudah (terpuji) dan Bid'ah Madzmumah (tercela), maka yang sejalan dengan sunnah maka ia terpuji, dan yang tidak selaras dengan sunnah adalah tercela, beliau berdalil dengan ucapan Umar bin Khattab ra mengenai shalat tarawih : "inilah sebaik baik bid'ah". (Tafsir Imam Qurtubiy juz 2 hal 86-87) 2. Al Imam Al Hafidh Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Qurtubiy rahimahullah "Menanggapi ucapan ini (ucapan Imam Syafii), maka kukatakan (Imam Qurtubi berkata) bahwa makna hadits Nabi saw yang berbunyi : "seburuk - buruk permasalahan adalah hal yang baru, dan semua bid'ah adalah dhalalah" (wa syarrul umuuri muhdatsaatuha wa kullu bid'atin dhalaalah), yang dimaksud adalah hal – hal yang tidak sejalan dengan Alqur'an dan Sunnah Rasul saw, atau perbuatan Sahabat radhiyallahu 'anhum, sungguh telah diperjelas mengenai hal ini oleh hadits lainnya : "Barangsiapa membuat buat hal baru yang baik dalam Islam, maka baginya pahalanya dan pahala orang yang mengikutinya dan tak berkurang sedikitpun dari pahalanya, dan barangsiapa membuat buat hal baru yang buruk dalam Islam, maka baginya dosanya dan dosa orang yang mengikutinya" (Shahih Muslim hadits No.1017) dan hadits ini merupakan inti penjelasan mengenai bid'ah yang baik dan bid'ah yang sesat". (Tafsir Imam Qurtubiy juz 2 hal 87) 3. Hujjatul Islam Al Imam Abu Zakariya Yahya bin Syaraf Annawawiy rahimahullah (Imam Nawawi) Penjelasan mengenai hadits : "Barangsiapa membuat buat hal baru yang baik dalam Islam, maka baginya pahalanya dan pahala orang yang mengikutinya dan tak berkurang sedikitpun dari pahalanya, dan barangsiapa membuat – buat hal baru yang buruk dalam Islam, maka baginya dosanya". Hadits ini merupakan anjuran untuk membuat kebiasaan - kebiasaan yang baik, dan ancaman untuk membuat kebiasaan yang buruk, dan pada hadits ini terdapat pengecualian dari sabda beliau saw : "semua yang baru adalah Bid'ah, dan semua yang bid'ah adalah sesat", sungguh yang dimaksudkan adalah hal baru yang buruk dan bid'ah yang tercela". (Syarh Annawawi 'ala Shahih Muslim juz 7 hal 104-105) Dan berkata pula Imam Nawawi : "Bahwa Ulama membagi bid'ah menjadi 5, yaitu bid'ah yang wajib, bid'ah yang mandub, bid'ah yang mubah, bid'ah yang makruh dan bid'ah yang haram. Bid'ah yang wajib contohnya adalah mencantumkan dalil – dalil pada ucapan – ucapan yang menentang kemungkaran. Contoh bid'ah yang mandub (mendapat pahala bila dilakukan dan tak mendapat dosa bila ditinggalkan) adalah membuat buku - buku ilmu syariah, membangun majelis taklim dan pesantren. Dan Bid'ah yang mubah adalah bermacam – macam dari jenis makanan, dan Bid'ah makruh dan haram sudah jelas diketahui. Demikianlah makna pengecualian dan kekhususan dari makna yang umum, sebagaimana ucapan Umar ra atas jamaah tarawih bahwa "inilah sebaik - sebaiknya bid'ah". (Syarh Imam Nawawi ala Shahih Muslim Juz 6 hal 154-155) 4. Hujjatul isla m Al Imam Jalaluddin Abdurrahman Assuyuthiy rahimahullah Mengenai hadits "Bid'ah Dhalalah" ini bermakna "Aammun Makhsush", (sesuatu yang umum anyg ada pengecualiannya), seperti firman Allah : "… yang Menghancurkan segala sesuatu" (QS. Al-Ahqaf : 25) dan kenyataannya tidak segalanya hancur, (*atau pula ayat : "Sungguh telah KU-pastikan ketentuan-KU untuk memenuhi jahannam dengan jin dan manusia keseluruhannya" (QS. Assajdah : 13), dan pada kenyataannya bukan semua manusia masuk neraka, tapi ayat itu bukan bermakna keseluruhan tapi bermakna seluruh musyrikin dan orang dhalim) atau hadits : "aku dan hari kiamat bagaikan kedua jari ini" (dan kenyataannya kiamat masih ribuan tahun setelah wafatnya Rasul saw) (Syarh Assuyuthiy Juz 3 hal 189). Kemudian bila muncul pemahaman di akhir zaman yang bertentangan dengan pemahaman para Muhaddits dan para Imam maka mestilah kita berhati - hati darimanakah ilmu mereka? Berdasarkan apa pemahaman mereka? atau seorang yang disebut imam padahal ia tak mencapai derajat Hafidh atau Muhaddits? atau hanya ucapan orang yang tak punya sanad, hanya menukil menukil hadits dan mentakwilkan semaunya tanpa memperdulikan fatwa - fatwa para Imam? (Wabillahittaufiq)
    Nov 20th 2013, 12:41
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 Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Sebenarnya saya nie cukup malas hendak mengomen post anda ini.Tapi saya selaku pelihat dan pemerhati post-post di sini harus juga mengomen di status anda.Mungkin anda akan berasa letih membacanya tapi saya tetap mahu menulis sepanjang ini kerana saya begitu berharap anda akan membacanya.Saya merasakan bahawa saya wajib mengomennya dan itu terpulang kepada anda jika anda tidak mahu membacanya.Saya merasakan jika saya mengomen di status anda,saya berasa comment sayalah yang paling bagus dari semua comment-comment yang ada di status anda.Mungkin ada yang mulutnya akan berbuih jika membaca comment ini.Tapi saya selaku pengoment akan tetap menulis sepanjang mana comment yang saya dapat tulis.Saya meminta maaf jika comment ini membuatkan anda menyampah dan ingin memblock anda dari status kawan saya.Tapi saya redoh dengan keputusan itu.Mungkin dalam fikiran anda,anda berfikir kenapa saya mengomen sepanjang mungkin.Kerana saya sudah jelaskan tadi,saya selaku pengoment harus memberi komen terbaik dari yang terbaik dari pengoment- pengoment yang lain.Bagi saya,ini satu kepuasan bagi saya jika saya dapat mengoment status anda sepanjang yang mungkin dan saya harap comment sepanjang ini dapat memuaskan hati saya dan juga semua pihak.Saya merasakan bahawa anda harus membaca comment ini kerana ini juga salah satu ilmu dan anda harus terokai.Jika saya menulis comment ini sepanjang-panjang mana yang boleh.Ini dapat meningkatkan lagi kemahiran bertulis saya terhadap komputer.Untuk pengetahuan anda,saya menghabiskan masa selama 30 minit menulis comment ini dan saya berasa ini comment terbaik dari yang terbaik yang pernah saya tulis.Maafkan saya sekali lagi,tapi saya harap anda mengerti comment saya yng begitu panjang ini.Mungkin sekarang nie sebahagian dari pembaca sudah matanya juling kerana pening membaca comment ini.Tetapi ini ialah hakikat,saya tetap mahu mengommentnya.Saya sangat menghargai anda kerana anda sanggup tekan "See More" semata-mata mahu membaca comment saya.Saya sangat terharu dan ini juga membangkitkan semangat saya bagi terus mengomment dan mengomment status anda sebanyak yang mampu.Bagi menulis comment ini,saya telah membeli KFC dan juga PIZZA HUT bagi membolehkan saya tidak keletihan bagi mengoment status anda ini.Kerana saya merasa anda ialah seorang yang sangat bertuah kerana telah mendapat comment saya nie.Mungkin sebahagian dari tuan punya status ini suka dengan comment saya ini,dan mungkin juga sebahagiannya tidak suka,tapi saya tetap berharap supaya anda menyukai comment saya kerana saya telah menghabiskan duit bagi membeli KFC dan PIZZA HUT SEMATA-MATA mahu mengomment di status anda ini.Kerja saya di facebook ini hanyalah mengomment status orang dan ramai sekali menyampah dan ada juga orang ketawa melihat comment saya yang begitu panjang lebar nie.Saya berharap selama anda membaca comment saya ini.Sedikit-sebanyak ada juga ilmu yang akan masuk ke kepala otak anda.Sebenarnya saya berfikir mahu menulis lagi.Tetapi saya fikir cukuplah comment saya setakat ini kerana saya berfikir,mesti ada orang sudah masuk hospital gara-gara membaca comment saya ini.Sekian saja di sini.Dan terima kasih sekali lagi kerana sudah membaca comment saya sehingga di akhirnya Kepada tuan punya status, dengan ini saya meminta izin daripada anda supaya saya boleh mengomen status anda. Suka atau tidak terpulang kepada anda untuk membacanya dan berharap anda dapat memahami apa yang saya komen. Sebenarnya saya tidak ...tahu apa yang saya komenkan di sini, tapi sebagai tukang komen status, bahawasanya status anda terpilih untuk dikomen oleh saya, sesuai dengan kerja saya sebagai tukang komen. Sekali lagi saya menyatakan bahawa diharap anda dapat memahami komen saya kerana apa yang saya komenkan disini amatlah panjang. Tapi tidak salahlah jika komen saya panjang jika isinya padat dan lengkap memenuhi informasi semasa. Mungkin anda hairan apa yang saya komenkan disini, tapi ternyata status anda memang tiada kaitan dengan apa yang saya komenkan kerana secara tidak lansung komen saya ini akan memberi manafaat kepada status anda supaya status anda lebih menyerlah berbanding biasa. Dengan itu teruslah membaca komen saya kerana apa yang saya komenkan disini akan memberi inspirasi kepada anda untuk mengupdate status baru yang lebih informatif, kreatif, progresif dan innovatif. Namun cerita saya disini belum habisnya, masih ada banyak lagi kesempatan yang saya ingin komenkan disini selagi facebook masih online selagi itulah saya tidak hentinya mengomen status siapa-siapa saja yang saya mahu komen. Jadi anda harus berasa bertuah kerana anda bukan saja terpilih, tetapi status anda menang menjadi kesukaan saya, ya saya suka dengan status anda dengan itulah saya tidak henti mengomen tentang kesukaan saya terhadap status anda. Namun komen saya belum lagi berakhir disini. Mungkin anda berasa pening mahupun juling kerana membacanya tetapi tangan saya masih mampu untuk menaip komen untuk anda biarpun apa yang saya fikirkan di benak fikiran hanyalah kosong tetapi tangan ini terus menaip komen. Alangkah sukanya saya jika dapat mengomen status anda di hari-hari yang berikutnya selagi facebook masih online, maka disitulah saya mengomen dan terus mengomen siapa saja yang saya suka. Jikalaulah anda tidak meneruskan membaca komen saya disini, mungkin anda telah pengsan, mahupun sedang dibawa ambulance pergi hospital, tetapi jika anda sedang membaca apa yang saya komenkan disini, maka tahniah!! kerana anda seorang yang penyabar. Kerana itulah saya menyukai anda dan juga status anda. Maka dengan itulah lah saya akhiri komen saya disini. Tidaklah saya mampu untuk menaip dengan lebih panjang lagi kerana apa yang saya komenkan tidaklah saya sendiri memahaminya, adalah kemungkinan anda seorang yang gila membacanya. Namun ketahuilah anda bahawa dalam pada saya sedang menaip komen anda, telah habis Mee Sedap 3 bungkus dikala mencari idea untuk menaip komen status anda. Ya itulah kesanggupan saya mengomen status anda, dan dengan itulah berakhirnya komen saya disini.. saya dgn seluruh ahli keluarga saya ............ ............... ............ ....... serta ............... Perdana Menteri Timbalan Perdana Menteri ......................... Menteri Agama Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Menteri Pertahanan Menteri Dalam Negeri Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Menteri Kebudayaan dan kesenian Menteri Kehutanan Menteri sumber manusia Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Menteri Kesihatan Menteri Kewangan Menteri Komunikasi Menteri Koperasi Menteri Luar Negeri Menteri Tenaga kerja Menteri Pembangunan Daerah Desa Menteri kebudayaan dan kesenian Menteri Belia Dan Sukan Menteri Pendidikan Menteri Perdagangan Menteri Ekonomi Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Menteri Perhubungan Menteri Perindustrian Menteri Pertahanan Menteri Pertanian Menteri Perumahan Rakyat Menteri Teknologi Menteri sastera Negara Menteri Sosial Menteri Tenaga pengetua guru besar cikgu kanan cikgu hem cikgu seni cikgu sejarah cikgu math cikgu pjk pembantu kerani cleaner mat dispet mat pet mat lima suku mat rempit mat belia pemilik facebook pekerja facebook chef tukang basuh pinggan pelayan Doktor nurse pesakit pelawat pesakit kerani hospital Manager Hotel Manager Restoran Manager Sea food Manager Supermarket pekerja hotel pekerja angkat barang hotel pembawak lori encik Mark Zuckerberg encik abu encik hassan encik anuar cik siti cik joyah cik minah abg manan abg mior abg sepul ah Long ah Chai mutusamy Karupiah ranjit singh tok mudim tok ketua tog guru pak imam bilal ketua daerah penjawat awam penjawat swasta kaki lepak budak skola budak skola perempuan pekerja mydin pekerja the store budak emall budak skim cepat kaya budak siber kaki anta virus kaki cilok cips poker org orang gila Pengemis dan Seluruh Kampung geng wasted's stuyvesant ............ ............ 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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:49AM  

    Abu Bilal - Social Mention
    Sebenarnya saya nie cukup malas hendak mengomen post anda ini.Tapi saya selaku pelihat dan pemerhati post-post di sini harus juga mengomen di status anda.Mungkin anda akan berasa letih membacanya tapi saya tetap mahu menulis sepanjang ini kerana saya begitu berharap anda akan membacanya.Saya merasakan bahawa saya wajib mengomennya dan itu terpulang kepada anda jika anda tidak mahu membacanya.Saya merasakan jika saya mengomen di status anda,saya berasa comment sayalah yang paling bagus dari semua comment-comment yang ada di status anda.Mungkin ada yang mulutnya akan berbuih jika membaca comment ini.Tapi saya selaku pengoment akan tetap menulis sepanjang mana comment yang saya dapat tulis.Saya meminta maaf jika comment ini membuatkan anda menyampah dan ingin memblock anda dari status kawan saya.Tapi saya redoh dengan keputusan itu.Mungkin dalam fikiran anda,anda berfikir kenapa saya mengomen sepanjang mungkin.Kerana saya sudah jelaskan tadi,saya selaku pengoment harus memberi komen terbaik dari yang terbaik dari pengoment- pengoment yang lain.Bagi saya,ini satu kepuasan bagi saya jika saya dapat mengoment status anda sepanjang yang mungkin dan saya harap comment sepanjang ini dapat memuaskan hati saya dan juga semua pihak.Saya merasakan bahawa anda harus membaca comment ini kerana ini juga salah satu ilmu dan anda harus terokai.Jika saya menulis comment ini sepanjang-panjang mana yang boleh.Ini dapat meningkatkan lagi kemahiran bertulis saya terhadap komputer.Untuk pengetahuan anda,saya menghabiskan masa selama 30 minit menulis comment ini dan saya berasa ini comment terbaik dari yang terbaik yang pernah saya tulis.Maafkan saya sekali lagi,tapi saya harap anda mengerti comment saya yng begitu panjang ini.Mungkin sekarang nie sebahagian dari pembaca sudah matanya juling kerana pening membaca comment ini.Tetapi ini ialah hakikat,saya tetap mahu mengommentnya.Saya sangat menghargai anda kerana anda sanggup tekan "See More" semata-mata mahu membaca comment saya.Saya sangat terharu dan ini juga membangkitkan semangat saya bagi terus mengomment dan mengomment status anda sebanyak yang mampu.Bagi menulis comment ini,saya telah membeli KFC dan juga PIZZA HUT bagi membolehkan saya tidak keletihan bagi mengoment status anda ini.Kerana saya merasa anda ialah seorang yang sangat bertuah kerana telah mendapat comment saya nie.Mungkin sebahagian dari tuan punya status ini suka dengan comment saya ini,dan mungkin juga sebahagiannya tidak suka,tapi saya tetap berharap supaya anda menyukai comment saya kerana saya telah menghabiskan duit bagi membeli KFC dan PIZZA HUT SEMATA-MATA mahu mengomment di status anda ini.Kerja saya di facebook ini hanyalah mengomment status orang dan ramai sekali menyampah dan ada juga orang ketawa melihat comment saya yang begitu panjang lebar nie.Saya berharap selama anda membaca comment saya ini.Sedikit-sebanyak ada juga ilmu yang akan masuk ke kepala otak anda.Sebenarnya saya berfikir mahu menulis lagi.Tetapi saya fikir cukuplah comment saya setakat ini kerana saya berfikir,mesti ada orang sudah masuk hospital gara-gara membaca comment saya ini.Sekian saja di sini.Dan terima kasih sekali lagi kerana sudah membaca comment saya sehingga di akhirnya Kepada tuan punya status, dengan ini saya meminta izin daripada anda supaya saya boleh mengomen status anda. Suka atau tidak terpulang kepada anda untuk membacanya dan berharap anda dapat memahami apa yang saya komen. Sebenarnya saya tidak ...tahu apa yang saya komenkan di sini, tapi sebagai tukang komen status, bahawasanya status anda terpilih untuk dikomen oleh saya, sesuai dengan kerja saya sebagai tukang komen. Sekali lagi saya menyatakan bahawa diharap anda dapat memahami komen saya kerana apa yang saya komenkan disini amatlah panjang. Tapi tidak salahlah jika komen saya panjang jika isinya padat dan lengkap memenuhi informasi semasa. Mungkin anda hairan apa yang saya komenkan disini, tapi ternyata status anda memang tiada kaitan dengan apa yang saya komenkan kerana secara tidak lansung komen saya ini akan memberi manafaat kepada status anda supaya status anda lebih menyerlah berbanding biasa. Dengan itu teruslah membaca komen saya kerana apa yang saya komenkan disini akan memberi inspirasi kepada anda untuk mengupdate status baru yang lebih informatif, kreatif, progresif dan innovatif. Namun cerita saya disini belum habisnya, masih ada banyak lagi kesempatan yang saya ingin komenkan disini selagi facebook masih online selagi itulah saya tidak hentinya mengomen status siapa-siapa saja yang saya mahu komen. Jadi anda harus berasa bertuah kerana anda bukan saja terpilih, tetapi status anda menang menjadi kesukaan saya, ya saya suka dengan status anda dengan itulah saya tidak henti mengomen tentang kesukaan saya terhadap status anda. Namun komen saya belum lagi berakhir disini. Mungkin anda berasa pening mahupun juling kerana membacanya tetapi tangan saya masih mampu untuk menaip komen untuk anda biarpun apa yang saya fikirkan di benak fikiran hanyalah kosong tetapi tangan ini terus menaip komen. Alangkah sukanya saya jika dapat mengomen status anda di hari-hari yang berikutnya selagi facebook masih online, maka disitulah saya mengomen dan terus mengomen siapa saja yang saya suka. Jikalaulah anda tidak meneruskan membaca komen saya disini, mungkin anda telah pengsan, mahupun sedang dibawa ambulance pergi hospital, tetapi jika anda sedang membaca apa yang saya komenkan disini, maka tahniah!! kerana anda seorang yang penyabar. Kerana itulah saya menyukai anda dan juga status anda. Maka dengan itulah lah saya akhiri komen saya disini. Tidaklah saya mampu untuk menaip dengan lebih panjang lagi kerana apa yang saya komenkan tidaklah saya sendiri memahaminya, adalah kemungkinan anda seorang yang gila membacanya. Namun ketahuilah anda bahawa dalam pada saya sedang menaip komen anda, telah habis Mee Sedap 3 bungkus dikala mencari idea untuk menaip komen status anda. Ya itulah kesanggupan saya mengomen status anda, dan dengan itulah berakhirnya komen saya disini.. saya dgn seluruh ahli keluarga saya ............ ............... ............ ....... serta ............... Perdana Menteri Timbalan Perdana Menteri ......................... Menteri Agama Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Menteri Pertahanan Menteri Dalam Negeri Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Menteri Kebudayaan dan kesenian Menteri Kehutanan Menteri sumber manusia Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Menteri Kesihatan Menteri Kewangan Menteri Komunikasi Menteri Koperasi Menteri Luar Negeri Menteri Tenaga kerja Menteri Pembangunan Daerah Desa Menteri kebudayaan dan kesenian Menteri Belia Dan Sukan Menteri Pendidikan Menteri Perdagangan Menteri Ekonomi Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Menteri Perhubungan Menteri Perindustrian Menteri Pertahanan Menteri Pertanian Menteri Perumahan Rakyat Menteri Teknologi Menteri sastera Negara Menteri Sosial Menteri Tenaga pengetua guru besar cikgu kanan cikgu hem cikgu seni cikgu sejarah cikgu math cikgu pjk pembantu kerani cleaner mat dispet mat pet mat lima suku mat rempit mat belia pemilik facebook pekerja facebook chef tukang basuh pinggan pelayan Doktor nurse pesakit pelawat pesakit kerani hospital Manager Hotel Manager Restoran Manager Sea food Manager Supermarket pekerja hotel pekerja angkat barang hotel pembawak lori encik Mark Zuckerberg encik abu encik hassan encik anuar cik siti cik joyah cik minah abg manan abg mior abg sepul ah Long ah Chai mutusamy Karupiah ranjit singh tok mudim tok ketua tog guru pak imam bilal ketua daerah penjawat awam penjawat swasta kaki lepak budak skola budak skola perempuan pekerja mydin pekerja the store budak emall budak skim cepat kaya budak siber kaki anta virus kaki cilok cips poker org orang gila Pengemis dan Seluruh Kampung geng wasted's stuyvesant ............ ............ 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    Nov 20th 2013, 06:56
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:12AM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    Austin Hatch reveals strong character in news conference
    Nov 20th 2013, 18:01
    News Sentinel - Found 2 hours ago... in June 2011. Hatch started the news conference ... crash two years ago was the second plane crash ... Much media coverage over the last two ... Austin Hatch keeps faith after plane crashes - USA Today Michigan recruit Austin Hatch uses basketball to recover from ... - Detroit News Michigan recruit Austin Hatch uses recover from tragedies11:32 pm - Detroit News After tragedies, Austin Hatch heals with hoops - Miami Herald Explore All Detroit News
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 09:14PM  

    Zum Islam konvertierte Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Zum Islam konvertierte Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nov 19th 2013, 21:03
    Doch der Gesandte hat das Bewusstsein der Muslime für die Einheit der einen globalen Umma treffend beschrieben: „Die Muslime sind wie ein Körper. Schmerzt ein Körperteil, reagiert der übrige Körper mit Fieber und Wachsein." (Buchary+Muslim)

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 al-ansar - Social Mention: or a place to enter, they surely had resorted thither swift as runaways. (57) And of them is he who defameth thee in the matter of the alms. If they are given thereof they are content, and if they are not given thereof, behold! they are enraged. (58) (How much more seemly) had they been content with that which Allah and His messenger had given them and had said: Allah sufficeth us. Allah will give us of His bounty, and (also) His messenger. Unto Allah we are suppliants. (59) The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who collect them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and the debtors, and for the cause of Allah, and (for) the wayfarer; a duty imposed by Allah. Allah is Knower, Wise. (60) And of them are those who vex the Prophet and say: He is only a hearer. Say: A hearer of good for you, who believeth in Allah and is true to the believers, and a mercy for such of you as believe. Those who vex the messenger of Allah, for them there is a painful doom. (61) They swear by Allah to you (Muslims) to please you, but Allah, with His messenger, hath more right that they should please Him if they are believers. (62) Know they not that whoso opposeth Allah and His messenger, his portion verily is hell, to abide therein? That is the extreme abasement. (63) The hypocrites fear lest a surah should be revealed concerning them, proclaiming what is in their hearts. Say: Scoff (your fill)! Lo! Allah is disclosing what ye fear. (64) And if thou ask them (O Muhammad) they will say: We did but talk and jest. Say: Was it at Allah and His revelations and His messenger that ye did scoff? (65) Make no excuse. Ye have disbelieved after your (confession of) belief. If We forgive a party of you, a party of you We shall punish because they have been guilty. (66) The hypocrites, both men and women, proceed one from another. They enjoin the wrong, and they forbid the right, and they withhold their hands (from spending for the cause of Allah). They forget Allah, so He hath forgotten them. Lo! the hypocrites, they are the transgressors. (67) Allah promiseth the hypocrites, both men and women, and the disbelievers fire of hell for their abode. It will suffice them. Allah curseth them, and theirs is lasting torment. (68) Even as those before you who were mightier than you in strength, and more affluent than you in wealth and children. They enjoyed their lot awhile, so ye enjoy your lot awhile even as those before you did enjoy their lot awhile. And ye prate even as they prated. Such are they whose works have perished in the world and the Hereafter. Such are they who are the losers. (69) Hath not the fame of those before them reached them - the folk of Noah, 'Aad, Thamud, the folk of Abraham, the dwellers of Midian and the disasters (which befell them)? Their messengers (from Allah) came unto them with proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty). So Allah surely wronged them not, but they did wrong themselves. (70) And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends one of another; they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and they establish worship and they pay the poor-due, and they obey Allah and His messenger. As for these, Allah will have mercy on them. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Wise. (71) Allah promiseth to the believers, men and women, Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide - blessed dwellings in Gardens of Eden. And - greater (far)! - acceptance from Allah. That is the supreme triumph. (72) O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end. (73) They swear by Allah that they said nothing (wrong), yet they did say the word of disbelief, and did disbelieve after their Surrender (to Allah). And they purposed that which they could not attain, and they sought revenge only that Allah by His messenger should enrich them of His bounty. If they repent it will be better for them; and if they turn away, Allah will afflict them with a painful doom in the world and the Hereafter, and they have no protecting friend nor helper in the earth. (74) And of them is he who made a covenant with Allah (saying): If He give us of His bounty we will give alms and become of the righteous. (75) Yet when He gave them of His bounty, they hoarded it and turned away, averse; (76) So He hath made the consequence (to be) hypocrisy in their hearts until the day when they shall meet Him, because they broke their word to Allah that they promised Him, and because they lied. (77) Know they not that Allah knoweth both their secret and the thought that they confide, and that Allah is the Knower of Things Hidden? (78) Those who point at such of the believers as give the alms willingly and such as can find naught to give but their endeavours, and deride them - Allah (Himself) derideth them. Theirs will be a painful doom. (79) Ask forgiveness for them (O Muhammad), or ask not forgiveness for them; though thou ask forgiveness for them seventy times Allah will not forgive them. That is because they disbelieved in Allah and His messenger, and Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk. (80) Those who were left behind rejoiced at sitting still behind the messenger of Allah, and were averse to striving with their wealth and their lives in Allah's way. And they said: Go not forth in the heat! Say: The fire of hell is more intense of heat, if they but understood. (81) Then let them laugh a little: they will weep much, as the reward of what they used to earn. (82) If Allah bring thee back (from the campaign) unto a party of them and they ask of thee leave to go out (to fight), then say unto them: Ye shall never more go out with me nor fight with me against a foe. Ye were content with sitting still the first time. So sit still, with the useless. (83) And never (O Muhammad) pray for one of them who dieth, nor stand by his grave. Lo! they disbelieved in Allah and His messenger, and they died while they were evil-doers. (84) Let not their wealth nor their children astonish thee! Allah purposeth only to punish them thereby in the world, and that their souls shall pass away while they are disbelievers. (85) And when a surah is revealed (which saith): Believe in Allah and strive along with His messenger, the men of wealth among them still ask leave of thee and say: Suffer us to be with those who sit (at home). (86) They are content that they should be with those who remain behind and their hearts are sealed, so that they apprehend not. (87) But the messenger and those who believe with him strive with their wealth and their lives. Such are they for whom are the good things. Such are they who are the successful. (88) Allah hath made ready for them Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide. That is the supreme triumph. (89) And those among the wandering Arabs who had an excuse came in order that permission might be granted them. And those who lied to Allah and His messenger sat at home. A painful doom will fall on those of them who disbelieve. (90) Not unto the weak nor unto the sick nor unto those who can find naught to spend is any fault (to be imputed though they stay at home) if they are true to Allah and His messenger. Not unto the good is there any road (of blame). Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (91) Nor unto those whom, when they came to thee (asking) that thou shouldst mount them, thou didst tell: I cannot find whereon to mount you. They turned back with eyes flowing with tears, for sorrow that they could not find the means to spend. (92) The road (of blame) is only against those who ask for leave of thee (to stay at home) when they are rich. They are content to be with the those who remind behind. Allah hath sealed their hearts so that they know not. (93) They will make excuse to you (Muslims) when ye return unto them. Say: Make no excuse, for we shall not believe you. Allah hath told us tidings of you. Allah and His messenger will see your conduct, and then ye will be brought back unto Him Who knoweth the Invisible as well as the Visible, and He will tell you what ye used to do. (94) They will swear by Allah unto you, when ye return unto them, that ye may let them be. Let them be, for lo! they are unclean, and their abode is hell as the reward for what they used to earn. (95) They swear unto you, that ye may accept them. Though ye accept them. Allah verily accepteth not wrongdoing folk. (96) The wandering Arabs are more hard in disbelief and hypocrisy, and more likely to be ignorant of the limits which Allah hath revealed unto His messenger. And Allah is Knower, Wise. (97) And of the wandering Arabs there is he who taketh that which he expendeth (for the cause of Allah) as a loss, and awaiteth (evil) turns of fortune for you (that he may be rid of it). The evil turn of fortune will be theirs. Allah is Hearer, Knower. (98) And of the wandering Arabs there is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day, and taketh that which he expendeth and also the prayers of the messenger as acceptable offerings in the sight of Allah. Lo! verily it is an acceptable offering for them. Allah will bring them into His mercy. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (99) And the first to lead the way, of the Muhajirin and the Ansar, and those who followed them in goodness - Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him, and He hath made ready for them Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide for ever. That is the supreme triumph. (100) And among those around you of the wandering Arabs there are hypocrites, and among the townspeople of Al-Madinah (there are some who) persist in hypocrisy whom thou (O Muhammad) knowest not. We, We know them, and We shall chastise them twice; then they will be relegated to a painful doom. (101) And (there are) others who have acknowledged their faults. They mixed a righteous action with another that was bad. It may be that Allah will relent toward them. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (102) Take alms of their wealth, wherewith thou mayst purify them and mayst make them grow, and pray for them. Lo! thy prayer is an assuagement for them. Allah is Hearer, Knower. (103) Know they not that Allah is He Who accepteth repentance from His bondmen and taketh the alms, and that Allah is He Who is the Relenting, the Merciful. (104) And say (unto them): Act! Allah will behold your actions, and (so will) His messenger and the believers, and ye will be brought back to the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, and He will tell you what ye used to do. (105) And (there are) others who await Allah's decree, whether He will punish them or will forgive them. Allah is Knower, Wise. (106) And as for those who chose a place of worship out of opposition and disbelief, and in order to cause dissent among the believers, and as an outpost for those who warred against Allah and His messenger aforetime, they will surely swear: We purposed naught save good. Allah beareth witness that they verily are liars. (107) Never stand (to pray) there. A place of worship which was founded on piety from the first day is more worthy that thou shouldst stand (to pray) therein, wherein are men who love to purify themselves. Allah loveth the purifiers. (108) Is he who founded his building upon duty to Allah and His good pleasure better; or he who founded his building on the brink of a crumbling, overhanging precipice so that it toppled with him into the fire of hell? Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk. (109) The building which they built will never cease to be a misgiving in their hearts unless their hearts be torn to pieces. Allah is Knower, Wise. (110) Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph. (111) (Triumphant) are those who turn repentant (to Allah), those who serve (Him), those who praise (Him), those who fast, those who bow down, those who fall prostrate (in worship), those who enjoin the right and who forbid the wrong and those who keep the limits (ordained) of Allah - And give glad tidings to believers! (112) It is not for the Prophet, and those who believe, to pray for the forgiveness of idolaters even though they may be near of kin (to them) after it hath become clear that they are people of hell-fire. (113) The prayer of Abraham for the forgiveness of his father was only because of a promise he had promised him, but when it had become clear unto him that he (his father) was an enemy to Allah he (Abraham) disowned him. Lo! Abraham was soft of heart, long-suffering. (114) It was never Allah's (part) that He should send a folk astray after He had guided them until He had made clear unto them what they should avoid. Lo! Allah is Aware of all things. (115) Lo! Allah! Unto Him belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He quickeneth and He giveth death. And ye have, instead of Allah, no protecting friend nor helper. (116) Allah hath turned in mercy to the Prophet, and to the Muhajirin and the Ansar who followed him in the hour of hardship. After the hearts of a party of them had almost swerved aside, then turned He unto them in mercy. Lo! He is Full of Pity, Merciful for them. (117) And to the three also (did He turn in mercy) who were left behind, when the earth, vast as it is, become straitened for them, and their own souls were straitened for them till they bethought them that there is no refuge from Allah save toward Him. Then turned He unto them in mercy that they (too) might turn (repentant unto Him). Lo! Allah! He is the Relenting, the Merciful. (118) O ye who believe! Be careful of your duty to Allah, and be with the truthful. (119) It is not for the townsfolk of Al-Madinah and for those around them of the wandering Arabs to stay behind the messenger of Allah and prefer their lives to his life. That is because neither thirst nor toil nor hunger afflicteth them in the way of Allah, nor step they any step that angereth the disbelievers, nor gain they from the enemy a gain, but a good deed is recorded for them therefor. Lo! Allah loseth not the wages of the good. (120) Nor spend they any spending, small or great, nor do they cross a valley, but it is recorded for them, that Allah may repay them the best of what they used to do. (121) And the believers should not all go out to fight. Of every troop of them, a party only should go forth, that they (who are left behind) may gain sound knowledge in religion, and that they may warn their folk when they return to them, so that they may beware. (122) O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him). (123) And whenever a surah is revealed there are some of them who say: The faith ofwhich one of you hath this increased in faith? As for those who believe, it hath increased them in faith and they rejoice (therefor). (124) But as for those in whose hearts is disease, it only addeth wickedness to their wickedness, and they die while they are disbelievers. (125) See they not that they are tested once or twice in every year? Still they turn not in repentance, neither pay they heed. (126) And whenever a surah is revealed, they look one at another (as who should say): Doth anybody see you? Then they turn away. Allah turneth away their hearts because they are a folk who understand not. (127) There hath come unto you a messenger, (one) of yourselves, unto whom aught that ye are overburdened is grievous, full of concern for you, for the believers full of pity, merciful. (128) Now, if they turn away (O Muhammad) say: Allah sufficeth me. There is no God save Him. In Him have I put my trust, and He is Lord of the Tremendous Throne. (129)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 11:49AM  

    al-ansar - Social Mention
    or a place to enter, they surely had resorted thither swift as runaways. (57) And of them is he who defameth thee in the matter of the alms. If they are given thereof they are content, and if they are not given thereof, behold! they are enraged. (58) (How much more seemly) had they been content with that which Allah and His messenger had given them and had said: Allah sufficeth us. Allah will give us of His bounty, and (also) His messenger. Unto Allah we are suppliants. (59) The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those who collect them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and the debtors, and for the cause of Allah, and (for) the wayfarer; a duty imposed by Allah. Allah is Knower, Wise. (60) And of them are those who vex the Prophet and say: He is only a hearer. Say: A hearer of good for you, who believeth in Allah and is true to the believers, and a mercy for such of you as believe. Those who vex the messenger of Allah, for them there is a painful doom. (61) They swear by Allah to you (Muslims) to please you, but Allah, with His messenger, hath more right that they should please Him if they are believers. (62) Know they not that whoso opposeth Allah and His messenger, his portion verily is hell, to abide therein? That is the extreme abasement. (63) The hypocrites fear lest a surah should be revealed concerning them, proclaiming what is in their hearts. Say: Scoff (your fill)! Lo! Allah is disclosing what ye fear. (64) And if thou ask them (O Muhammad) they will say: We did but talk and jest. Say: Was it at Allah and His revelations and His messenger that ye did scoff? (65) Make no excuse. Ye have disbelieved after your (confession of) belief. If We forgive a party of you, a party of you We shall punish because they have been guilty. (66) The hypocrites, both men and women, proceed one from another. They enjoin the wrong, and they forbid the right, and they withhold their hands (from spending for the cause of Allah). They forget Allah, so He hath forgotten them. Lo! the hypocrites, they are the transgressors. (67) Allah promiseth the hypocrites, both men and women, and the disbelievers fire of hell for their abode. It will suffice them. Allah curseth them, and theirs is lasting torment. (68) Even as those before you who were mightier than you in strength, and more affluent than you in wealth and children. They enjoyed their lot awhile, so ye enjoy your lot awhile even as those before you did enjoy their lot awhile. And ye prate even as they prated. Such are they whose works have perished in the world and the Hereafter. Such are they who are the losers. (69) Hath not the fame of those before them reached them - the folk of Noah, 'Aad, Thamud, the folk of Abraham, the dwellers of Midian and the disasters (which befell them)? Their messengers (from Allah) came unto them with proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty). So Allah surely wronged them not, but they did wrong themselves. (70) And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends one of another; they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and they establish worship and they pay the poor-due, and they obey Allah and His messenger. As for these, Allah will have mercy on them. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Wise. (71) Allah promiseth to the believers, men and women, Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide - blessed dwellings in Gardens of Eden. And - greater (far)! - acceptance from Allah. That is the supreme triumph. (72) O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end. (73) They swear by Allah that they said nothing (wrong), yet they did say the word of disbelief, and did disbelieve after their Surrender (to Allah). And they purposed that which they could not attain, and they sought revenge only that Allah by His messenger should enrich them of His bounty. If they repent it will be better for them; and if they turn away, Allah will afflict them with a painful doom in the world and the Hereafter, and they have no protecting friend nor helper in the earth. (74) And of them is he who made a covenant with Allah (saying): If He give us of His bounty we will give alms and become of the righteous. (75) Yet when He gave them of His bounty, they hoarded it and turned away, averse; (76) So He hath made the consequence (to be) hypocrisy in their hearts until the day when they shall meet Him, because they broke their word to Allah that they promised Him, and because they lied. (77) Know they not that Allah knoweth both their secret and the thought that they confide, and that Allah is the Knower of Things Hidden? (78) Those who point at such of the believers as give the alms willingly and such as can find naught to give but their endeavours, and deride them - Allah (Himself) derideth them. Theirs will be a painful doom. (79) Ask forgiveness for them (O Muhammad), or ask not forgiveness for them; though thou ask forgiveness for them seventy times Allah will not forgive them. That is because they disbelieved in Allah and His messenger, and Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk. (80) Those who were left behind rejoiced at sitting still behind the messenger of Allah, and were averse to striving with their wealth and their lives in Allah's way. And they said: Go not forth in the heat! Say: The fire of hell is more intense of heat, if they but understood. (81) Then let them laugh a little: they will weep much, as the reward of what they used to earn. (82) If Allah bring thee back (from the campaign) unto a party of them and they ask of thee leave to go out (to fight), then say unto them: Ye shall never more go out with me nor fight with me against a foe. Ye were content with sitting still the first time. So sit still, with the useless. (83) And never (O Muhammad) pray for one of them who dieth, nor stand by his grave. Lo! they disbelieved in Allah and His messenger, and they died while they were evil-doers. (84) Let not their wealth nor their children astonish thee! Allah purposeth only to punish them thereby in the world, and that their souls shall pass away while they are disbelievers. (85) And when a surah is revealed (which saith): Believe in Allah and strive along with His messenger, the men of wealth among them still ask leave of thee and say: Suffer us to be with those who sit (at home). (86) They are content that they should be with those who remain behind and their hearts are sealed, so that they apprehend not. (87) But the messenger and those who believe with him strive with their wealth and their lives. Such are they for whom are the good things. Such are they who are the successful. (88) Allah hath made ready for them Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide. That is the supreme triumph. (89) And those among the wandering Arabs who had an excuse came in order that permission might be granted them. And those who lied to Allah and His messenger sat at home. A painful doom will fall on those of them who disbelieve. (90) Not unto the weak nor unto the sick nor unto those who can find naught to spend is any fault (to be imputed though they stay at home) if they are true to Allah and His messenger. Not unto the good is there any road (of blame). Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (91) Nor unto those whom, when they came to thee (asking) that thou shouldst mount them, thou didst tell: I cannot find whereon to mount you. They turned back with eyes flowing with tears, for sorrow that they could not find the means to spend. (92) The road (of blame) is only against those who ask for leave of thee (to stay at home) when they are rich. They are content to be with the those who remind behind. Allah hath sealed their hearts so that they know not. (93) They will make excuse to you (Muslims) when ye return unto them. Say: Make no excuse, for we shall not believe you. Allah hath told us tidings of you. Allah and His messenger will see your conduct, and then ye will be brought back unto Him Who knoweth the Invisible as well as the Visible, and He will tell you what ye used to do. (94) They will swear by Allah unto you, when ye return unto them, that ye may let them be. Let them be, for lo! they are unclean, and their abode is hell as the reward for what they used to earn. (95) They swear unto you, that ye may accept them. Though ye accept them. Allah verily accepteth not wrongdoing folk. (96) The wandering Arabs are more hard in disbelief and hypocrisy, and more likely to be ignorant of the limits which Allah hath revealed unto His messenger. And Allah is Knower, Wise. (97) And of the wandering Arabs there is he who taketh that which he expendeth (for the cause of Allah) as a loss, and awaiteth (evil) turns of fortune for you (that he may be rid of it). The evil turn of fortune will be theirs. Allah is Hearer, Knower. (98) And of the wandering Arabs there is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day, and taketh that which he expendeth and also the prayers of the messenger as acceptable offerings in the sight of Allah. Lo! verily it is an acceptable offering for them. Allah will bring them into His mercy. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (99) And the first to lead the way, of the Muhajirin and the Ansar, and those who followed them in goodness - Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Him, and He hath made ready for them Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide for ever. That is the supreme triumph. (100) And among those around you of the wandering Arabs there are hypocrites, and among the townspeople of Al-Madinah (there are some who) persist in hypocrisy whom thou (O Muhammad) knowest not. We, We know them, and We shall chastise them twice; then they will be relegated to a painful doom. (101) And (there are) others who have acknowledged their faults. They mixed a righteous action with another that was bad. It may be that Allah will relent toward them. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (102) Take alms of their wealth, wherewith thou mayst purify them and mayst make them grow, and pray for them. Lo! thy prayer is an assuagement for them. Allah is Hearer, Knower. (103) Know they not that Allah is He Who accepteth repentance from His bondmen and taketh the alms, and that Allah is He Who is the Relenting, the Merciful. (104) And say (unto them): Act! Allah will behold your actions, and (so will) His messenger and the believers, and ye will be brought back to the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, and He will tell you what ye used to do. (105) And (there are) others who await Allah's decree, whether He will punish them or will forgive them. Allah is Knower, Wise. (106) And as for those who chose a place of worship out of opposition and disbelief, and in order to cause dissent among the believers, and as an outpost for those who warred against Allah and His messenger aforetime, they will surely swear: We purposed naught save good. Allah beareth witness that they verily are liars. (107) Never stand (to pray) there. A place of worship which was founded on piety from the first day is more worthy that thou shouldst stand (to pray) therein, wherein are men who love to purify themselves. Allah loveth the purifiers. (108) Is he who founded his building upon duty to Allah and His good pleasure better; or he who founded his building on the brink of a crumbling, overhanging precipice so that it toppled with him into the fire of hell? Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk. (109) The building which they built will never cease to be a misgiving in their hearts unless their hearts be torn to pieces. Allah is Knower, Wise. (110) Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph. (111) (Triumphant) are those who turn repentant (to Allah), those who serve (Him), those who praise (Him), those who fast, those who bow down, those who fall prostrate (in worship), those who enjoin the right and who forbid the wrong and those who keep the limits (ordained) of Allah - And give glad tidings to believers! (112) It is not for the Prophet, and those who believe, to pray for the forgiveness of idolaters even though they may be near of kin (to them) after it hath become clear that they are people of hell-fire. (113) The prayer of Abraham for the forgiveness of his father was only because of a promise he had promised him, but when it had become clear unto him that he (his father) was an enemy to Allah he (Abraham) disowned him. Lo! Abraham was soft of heart, long-suffering. (114) It was never Allah's (part) that He should send a folk astray after He had guided them until He had made clear unto them what they should avoid. Lo! Allah is Aware of all things. (115) Lo! Allah! Unto Him belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He quickeneth and He giveth death. And ye have, instead of Allah, no protecting friend nor helper. (116) Allah hath turned in mercy to the Prophet, and to the Muhajirin and the Ansar who followed him in the hour of hardship. After the hearts of a party of them had almost swerved aside, then turned He unto them in mercy. Lo! He is Full of Pity, Merciful for them. (117) And to the three also (did He turn in mercy) who were left behind, when the earth, vast as it is, become straitened for them, and their own souls were straitened for them till they bethought them that there is no refuge from Allah save toward Him. Then turned He unto them in mercy that they (too) might turn (repentant unto Him). Lo! Allah! He is the Relenting, the Merciful. (118) O ye who believe! Be careful of your duty to Allah, and be with the truthful. (119) It is not for the townsfolk of Al-Madinah and for those around them of the wandering Arabs to stay behind the messenger of Allah and prefer their lives to his life. That is because neither thirst nor toil nor hunger afflicteth them in the way of Allah, nor step they any step that angereth the disbelievers, nor gain they from the enemy a gain, but a good deed is recorded for them therefor. Lo! Allah loseth not the wages of the good. (120) Nor spend they any spending, small or great, nor do they cross a valley, but it is recorded for them, that Allah may repay them the best of what they used to do. (121) And the believers should not all go out to fight. Of every troop of them, a party only should go forth, that they (who are left behind) may gain sound knowledge in religion, and that they may warn their folk when they return to them, so that they may beware. (122) O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him). (123) And whenever a surah is revealed there are some of them who say: The faith ofwhich one of you hath this increased in faith? As for those who believe, it hath increased them in faith and they rejoice (therefor). (124) But as for those in whose hearts is disease, it only addeth wickedness to their wickedness, and they die while they are disbelievers. (125) See they not that they are tested once or twice in every year? Still they turn not in repentance, neither pay they heed. (126) And whenever a surah is revealed, they look one at another (as who should say): Doth anybody see you? Then they turn away. Allah turneth away their hearts because they are a folk who understand not. (127) There hath come unto you a messenger, (one) of yourselves, unto whom aught that ye are overburdened is grievous, full of concern for you, for the believers full of pity, merciful. (128) Now, if they turn away (O Muhammad) say: Allah sufficeth me. There is no God save Him.


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:51AM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    Sekretaris Jenderal Organisasi Kerjasama Islam, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu mengatakan bahwa ia tidak mampu menahan tangis pada saat pertemuannya dengan anggota etnis Muslim "#Rohingya" di #Myanmar. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DUKUNG SYARIAH & KHILAFAH LIKE, TAG, SHARE: Syabab.Com
    Nov 21st 2013, 02:36
    Syabab.Com, membuka cakrawala dunia - dipersembahkan untuk ummah yang mencita-citakan kebangkitan Islam
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 12:55AM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    I hate to say it, but Allen West has finally made a statement that I just can't agree with. Yes someone CAN be that stupid.... "This week's plummeting approval ratings are bad news for President Obama, but they signal bad news for America as well, because we're stuck with him for three more years. As more and more information comes out about the disaster that is Obamacare, as well as lapses in national security that have allowed Islamist bomb makers into the US as "refugees," one really has to ask if all of this is symptomatic of incompetence or something more sinister? As the picture continues to reveal itself, I have trouble believing someone can be that consistently stupid." -- Allen West
    Nov 21st 2013, 00:18
    This week's plummeting approval ratings are bad news for President Obama, but they signal bad news for America as well, because we're stuck with him for three more years. As more and more informati...
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 dawa news - Social Mention: LIFE OF HUZOOR MUFTI E AAZAM E AALAM Upon the birth of Ghousul Waqt, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) Sayyiduna Shah Abul Hussain Ahmadi Noori (radi Allahu anhu) told A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu), "Maulana! When I come to Bareilly Shareef, then I will definitely see this child. He is a very blessed child." As promised, when Sayyiduna Abul Hussain Ahmadi Noori (radi Allahu anhu) went to Bareilly Shareef, he immediately summoned to see Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) who was only six (6) months old. Sayyiduna Noori Mia (radi Allahu anhu), as he was also famously known, congratulated A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) and said, "This child will be of great assistance to the Deen and through him the servants of Almighty Allah will gain great benefit. This child is a Wali. From his blessed sight thousands of stray Muslims will become firm on the Deen. He is a sea of blessings." On saying this, Sayyiduna Noori Mia (radi Allahu anhu) placed his blessed finger into the mouth of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) and made him a Mureed. He also blessed him with I'jaazat and Khilafat at the same time. (Mufti Azam Hind Number, pg. 341). Not only did he receive Khilafat in the Qaderi Silsila (Order), but also in the Chishti, Nakshbandi, Suharwardi, and Madaari Orders. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) also received Khilafat from his blessed father, A'la Hazrat, Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al Qaderi (radi Allahu anhu). EARLY EDUCATION : Ghousul Waqt, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) attained most of his early education from his illustrious family - from his father, A'la Hazrat, Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al Qaderi (radi Allahu anhu) the Mujaddid of Islam, whose status and position even at that time cannot be explained in these few lines. He also studied Kitaabs under the guidance of Hazrat Moulana Haamid Raza Khan (his elder brother), Maulana Shah Rahm Ilahi Maglori and Maulana Sayed Basheer Ahmad Aligarhi and Maulana Zahurul Hussain Rampuri (radi Allahu anhum). He studied various branches of knowledge under the guidance of his most learned and blessed father, A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu). He gained proficiency in the many branches of Islamic knowledge from among which are: Tafseer; Hadith; Fiqh; Laws of Jurisprudence; Sarf; Nahw; Tajweed; Conduct of Language; Philosophy; Logistics; Mathematics; History etc.; Arithmetic; Aqaid (Belief); Taasawwaf; Poetry; Debating; Sciences; etc. HIS FIRST FATAWA: Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu's) brilliance as an Islamic Scholar manifested itself when he was a still a youth, but overflowing with knowledge and wisdom. He wrote his first historical Fatawa (Islamic Ruling) when he was only 13 years old. It dealt with the topic of "Raza'at" - affinity between persons breast fed by the same woman. The following has been recorded with regards to this occasion. Hazrat Maulana Zafrud'deen and Hazrat Maulana Sayed Abdur Rasheed (radi Allahu anhum) were at the Darul Ifta (Fatawa Department) at this stage. One day, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) walked into the Darul Ifta and noticed that Hazrat Maulana Zafrud'deen (radi Allahu anhu) was writing a certain Fatawa. He was taking "Fatawa Razvia" from the shelf as his reference. On seeing this, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) said, "Are you relying on Fatawa Razvia to write an answer?" Maulana Zafrud'deen (radi Allahu anhu) replied, "Alright then, why don't you write the answer without looking." Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) then wrote a powerful answer without any problem. This was the Fatawa concerning "Raza'at" - the very first Fatawa which he had written. The answer was then sent to his father, Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) for correction and verification. On seeing the authenticity of the Fatawa, Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) became delighted and immediately certified the Fatawa with the following words: Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) then signed the Fatawa. He also commanded Hafiz Yaqeenudeen (radi Allahu anhu) to make a stamp for Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) as a gift and said that it should read as follows: "Abul Barkaat Muhiy'yuddeen Jilani Aale Rahmaan urf Mustapha Raza Khan." This incident took place in 1328 AH. After this incident Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) spent another 12 years writing Fatawas at the feet of A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu). He was given this immense responsibility of issuing Fatawas even while A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) was in this physical world. He continued this trend until his last breath. The stamp which was given to him was mislaid during his second Hajj when his bags were lost. MARRIAGE : Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) married the blessed daughter of his paternal uncle, Hazrat Muhammad Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu). He had 6 daughters and one son, Hazrat Anwaar Raza (radi Allahu anhu), who passed away during childhood. VISIT TO HARAMAIN SHARIFAIN< "Khuda Kheyr se Laaye Wo Din Bhi Noori, Madine ki Galiya Buhara Karoo me" Tajedaare Ahle Sunnah, Taaje Wilayat Wa Karaamat, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) went twice for Hajj - in 1905 and 1945. He performed his third Hajj in 1971. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was the first person to go for Hajj without a photograph in his passport. He refused to take a photograph. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was allowed to go for Hajj without a photograph in his passport and without taking any vaccinations. During his trip to Makkatul Mukarramah, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu), also had the opportunity of meeting those Ulema whom his father, Sayidduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu), met during his visit to Haramain Sharifain. These great Ulema were from amongst the students of Sayed Yahya Almaan (radi Allahu anhu). A few of the Ulema that he met were Allamah Sayed Ameen Qutbi; Allamah Sayed Abbas Alawi and Allamah Sayed Noor Muhammad (radi Allahu anhum) - to mention just a few. They narrated many incidents which had taken place during Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu's) visit to Haramain Sharifain. They then requested Khilafat from Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, (radi Allahu anhu) which he bestowed upon them. WISAAL Tajedaare Ahle Sunnah, Taaje Wilayat Wa Karaamat, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was aware of the actual time of his Wisaal. On the 6th of Muharram (1981) he said, "All those who intended to become my Mureed but for some reason or the other could not come to me, I have made all of them Mureed and I have given their hands into the hand of Sayidduna Ghousul Azam (radi Allahu anhu)." On the 12th of Muharram (1981) Hazrat said, "All those who asked me to make Dua for them, I have made Dua for their Jaiz (permissible) intentions to be fulfilled. May Allah accept this Dua." On this day he asked those that were present concerning date. They told him that it was the 12th of Muharram. On hearing this he became silent. On the 13th of Muharram, he again asked concerning the date and the Mureedeen present said that it was Wednesday, the 13th of Muharram. On hearing this Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) said, "Namaaz will be held at Nau Mahla Musjid". Those present did not understand what he meant, but remained silent out of respect. After some time again Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) said, "Did anybody tell you about the Namaaz. I will read Jumma Namaaz in Nau Mahla Masjid." After some time Hazrat said, "Did anybody say anything about the Fatiha." Those present just gazed at each others faces and remained silent. Only later did they realise what Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was implying. Hazrat was spiritally present for Jummah at the Nau Mahla Masjid! Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was not only giving hope to the Mureedeen but also informing them of his Wisaal. The shining star of A'la Hazrat, Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu), the glitter and the hope for the hearts of millions throughout the world, the Mujaddid of the 15th Century, the Imam of his time, Huzoor Sayyidi Sarkaar Mufti-e- Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) left the Aalame Duniya to Journey towards the Aalame Aakhira. It was 1.40 p.m. on the eve of the 14th of Muharram 1402 AH (1981). "Chal diye tum Aankho me ashko ka darya chor kar, har jigar me dard apna meetha meetha chor kar" "Chaman Khaamoosh Ghamgin chand Taare Mufti-e-Azam, Nahi ab Noor o Nikhat ke Nazaare Mufti-e-Azam Rawa Aankho se he Ashko ke Dhaare Mufti-e-Azam, Kaha Ho Be Saharo Ka Sahara Mufti-e-Azam" GHUSL On Friday, the 15th of Muharram, at 8. 00 a.m. the Ghusl of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) took place. His nephew, Hazrat Maulana Rehan Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) performed the Wudhu. Hazrat Allamah Mufti Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari performed the Ghusl. Sultan Ashraf Sahib used the jug to pour water. The following persons were present during the Ghusl : Hazrat Maulana Rehan Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu), Hazrat Allamah Mufti Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan, Sayed Mustaaq Ali, Maulana Sayed Muhammad Husain, Sayed Chaif Sahib, Maulana Naeemullah Khan Sahib Qibla, Maulana Abdul Hamid Palmer Razvi, Muhammad Esa of Mauritius, Ali Husain Sahib, Hajji Abdul Ghaffar, Qari Amaanat Rasool Sahib and a few other Mureeds and family members. Hazrat Allamah Mufti Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari and Hazrat Maulana Rehan Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) have stated that at the time of the Ghusl Shareef of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) the Chaadar mistakenly moved a little. Immediately, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) held the Chaadar between his two fingers and covered the area that the Chaadar exposed. Those present thought that the Chaadar had just got caught between Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu's) fingers. They tried to remove the Chaadar from between his fingers but it would not move. The first person to notice this Karaamat was Hazrat Allamah Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari. He showed this to everyone. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu's) fingers did not move until the area was properly covered. "Zinda hojate he jo marte he haq ke Naam par, Allah, Allah Maut ko kis ne Masiha Kardiya" "Janaaze se utha kar haath Pakri Chaadare Aqdas, He too Zinda He ye Zinda Karaamat Mufti e Azam" JANAZA SALAAH : As he had wished, the Janaza Salaah of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was performed by Maulana Sayed Mukhtar Ashraf Jilani at the Islamia Inter College grounds in Bareilly Shareef. Two and a half million (2 500 000) Muslims attended his Janazah Salaah. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) is buried on the left-hand-side of Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu). Those who lowered Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) in his Qabr Shareef have stated that they were continously wiping out perspiration from the forehead of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) right up to the last minute. CHARACTER AND HABITS: "Maangne Waala sub kuch paaye rota aaye hasta Jaaye", "Ye He Unki Adna Karamat Mufti Azam Zinda Baad" Wealth, presidency, minister ship, worldly satisfaction and happiness can be given to a person by anyone, but such people do not have the spiritual insight to give tranquility to a disturbed heart and they cannot put a smile onto the face of a depressed person. But Tajedaare Ahle Sunnah, Taaje Wilayat Wa Karaamat, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) gave both the treasures of the physical world and the spiritual worlds to those in need. To be his servant was not less than kingship. Every day hundreds and thousands of people in need of spiritual, physical and academic needs would come to him and each one of them returned with complete satisfaction. "Jhuki Hai Gardane Dar Par Tumhare, Taaj Waalo Ki, Mere Aqa Mere Maula Wo Taajul Auliyah Tum Ho" Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) is that light of such an illustrious family whose radiance reflected itself in his character and manners that he displayed - such qualities that very few would be able to reach perfection. His character was the true embodiment of the Sunnah of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). He shone like a star in the darkness of the night. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) possessed great heights of good character, moral standards, kindness, sincerity, love and humbleness. He never refused the invitation of any poor Muslim. He always stayed away from those who were very wealthy and lavish. He was the possessor of great moral and ethical values. It is stated that once Akbar Ali Khan, a Governor of U.P., came to visit Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu). Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) did not meet him but left to a place called Puraana Shahar (Old City) to visit a poor Sunni Muslim who was very ill and at the doorstep of death. In another occasion, Fakhruddeen Ali Ahmad, the President of a Political Party, came to visit Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) but was refused this opportunity. Many other proud ministers had also come to meet Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) but met with the same fate. This was due to his extreme dislike for politics and involvement in worldly affairs. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) never fell short in entertaining those who came to visit him. When he was physically fit he used go into the Visitors Section and ask each person whether they had eaten or not. He used to ask them if they partook in tea or not. He used to continuously enquire as to whether they were experiencing any difficulties or not. It was often seen that he would personally carry the dishes into the house for the visitors! He was definitely blessed with the characters of the "Salfe Saliheen" or The Pious Servants of Allah. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was a pillar of hospitality and humbleness. If he reprimanded a certain person for doing something un-Islamic or if he became displeased with anyone for some reason or the other, he used to also explain to the person in a very nice way and also try to cheer that person. He would then make Dua in abundance for such a person. His Mureeds (Disciples), on many ocassions, used to recite Manqabats (Poetry) in his praise. On hearing such Manqabats he would say, "I am not worthy of such praise. May Allah make me worthy." Many people came to him for his blessings. Others would come for Ta'weez. He never refused anyone. It is also not known how many homes were being supported through the kindness and hospitality of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu). He always entertained those who came from far and near to the best of his means. He used to even give most of his visitors train and bus fares to travel. In winter, he would give warm clothes, warm sheets and blankets to the poor and the needy. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) gave Khilafat to many Ulema-e-Ikraam and personally tied the Amaama (Turban) on their heads. He gave cloaks, turbans and hats to many people. Once, during winter, a few of the Khaadims were present with Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu). He was lying on his bed and covered with a shawl. A certain Maulana Abu Sufyaan touched Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu's) shawl and commented as to how beautiful it was. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) immediately removed the shawl and presented it to him. Although the Moulana refused to accept it Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) gave it to him forcefully. All of his Mehfils were full of knowledge and Barkah. Many questions on Tassawuf were easily answered by him. It seemed as if the rains of mercy and rays of Noor were spread all over his Mehfils. A FEW OF HIS UNIQUE HABITS : Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) always wanted to see a Muslim's inner and outer personality. He always advised them to mould their lives according to the principles and the commands of Islam. He always showed discomfort to those who did not have beards, those who wore hats and to those who wore ultra-western clothes. He used to warn such Muslims. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) used to show his displeasure towards those who wore ties. He used to tug at their ties and commanded them to abstain from wearing a tie. He also asked them to make Tauba from such acts. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) always commanded Muslims to give or take anything with their right hand. He stopped the Muslims from calling the governments as their "Sarkaar" or leaders. He never kept any ordinary Kitaab on the books of Tafseer or Hadith. Whenever he sat in a Meelad-un-Nabi (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) or Mehfil-e-Zikr, he always sat with utmost respect until the very end. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) never spat towards the Qibla. He never stretched his legs in the direction of the Qibla. Whenever he entered the cemetery, he never used his entire feet to walk on the ground. He always walked on his toes. At times, he would stand on his toes for about half an hour in the graveyard making Dua-e- Maghfirat! He always stopped Muslims from doing any false fortune telling. If any death or loss took place in the house of a Muslim, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) would go to comfort the people of that house but he would never eat there. He always advised those in sorrow to make Sabr and remember Almighty Allah. He always respected Ulema-e-Ikraam. He respected the Sayeds in such a manner as a slave will respect his King. He prohibited Muslims from keeping un-Islamic names. He preferred such names as Abdullah, Abdur Rahmaan, Muhammad and Ahmad. IBAADAT AND RIYAAZAT: Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) always performed his Salaah in Jamaah whether he was on journey or not. The moment he put his foot out of his house to go towards the Masjid, he used to be surrounded by his Mureeds (disciples) and well-wishers who would follow him till the Masjid door which was just a few feet away from his house. While some would be kissing his blessed hands, others tried to talk with him. He would reply to all those who made Salaam to him. On entering the Masjid, he would immediately recite the dua prescribed. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) would then remove his Amaama and then sit down to perform Wudhu. He would wash all the parts thoroughly so that the Sunnahs were accomplished. He would perform his Salaah with great sincerity and used to be lost in the worship of his Creator. The person who looked at him from a distance would have instantly understood that Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) had left all the worldly desires and was intent upon pleasing his Creator. Once, while Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was traveling from Nagpur, it was time for Maghrib Salaah. He immediately disembarked from the train. The people told Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) that the train was about to leave, but he was intent on performing his Salaah. His companions also disembarked with him. They had just performed their Wudhu and were making Niyyah for Salaah when the train left the station. All of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu's) and his companions luggages' were left on the train. A few un-Islamic people who were there said "the Mias train had left him". Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was still in Salaah. When they all had completed their Salaah, they noticed that the station platform was empty. They became a little worried since all their luggage had gone with the train, but still Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) looked undisturbed. His companions were busy talking about the luggage when they noticed the station guard, followed by a group of travellers, running towards them. The guard came up to Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) and said, "Huzoor! The train is stuck!" Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) said, "The engine is damaged." The train was brought back and Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) and his companions sat in the train. After some repairs the train left with him and his companions seated in it! LOVE FOR THE HOLY PROPHET (SALLAL LAAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM) Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was drowned in the love for the Holy Prophet, Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Everything he did was for the pleasure of Almighty Allah and Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). All that he had gained was due to the intense love which he possessed for the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). His extreme and intense love for the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) can be understood by the fact that during the latter stages of his life, even though he was very ill, he would sit for hours with great respect in the Naath Mehfils and would shed tears in his love for Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). He used to celebrate the Meelad-un-Nabi (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) each year with great splendour. The programme used to begin on the eve of the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal and used to continue till the next day just before lunch. The invitation was open to all Muslims and they all used to be fed. Even after examining the Naath Shareefs written by Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) one would see that every word written dislayed his measureless love for the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). LOVE FOR NAATH SHAREEF: In the world of poetry, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was a Giant of his time. Most of his poems were in the form of Humd (Praise of Allah), Naath Shareef, Qasidas and Manqabats compiled in the Arabic, Urdu, Persian and Hindi languages. All these poems were compiled into a book which is famously known as "Samaane Bakhshish" which is still available toady. Samaane Bakhshsish is a treasure chest which flows with pearls of love for Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). The compilation of Samaane Bakhshish is through the blessings of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). When Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) returned from his journeys he would become engrossed in the writing of Fatawas, yet he found the time to prepare Samaane Bakhshsish and many other kitaabs. In the world of poetry, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was known as "Noori". One of his most famous Naaths, "Too Shama'e Risalat" is transliterated below for our readers: NAATH SHARIEF TOO SHAMAE RISALAT HE ALAM TERA PARWANA TOO MAHE NABUIWAT HE AI JALWA'E JANANA KHAATE HE TERE DAR KA PEETE HE TERE DAR KA PANI HE TERA PAANI DAANA HE TERA DAANA JO SAQI E KOUSAR KE CHEHRE SE NAQAB UTHE HAR DIL BANE MAIKHANA HAR AANKH HO PAIMANA WO KEHTE NA KEHTE KUCH WO KARTE NA KARTE KUCH AI KASH WO SUN LETE MUJH SE MERA AFSANA TUM AYE CHATI BAAZI RONAK HUWI PHIR TAAZI KAABA HUWA PHIR KAABA KAR DAALA THA BUTKHANA KYU ZULFE MU'AMBAR SE KOOCHE NA MAHAK UTHE AI PANJA'E QUDRAT KA ZULFO KA TERI SHAANA SANGE DAR JAANA PAR KARTA HOON JABHI SAAIN SAJDA NA SAMAJ NAJDI SAR DETA HOO NAZRANA IS DAR KI HUZOORI HI ISYA KI DAWA TEHRI AI ZEHRE MU'AASI KA TAIBA HI SHIFA KHANA HAR GUL ME HE BOO TERI HAR SHAM'A ME ZOU TERI BUL BUL HE TERA BUL BUL PARWANA HE PARWANA THE PAUW ME BEKHUD KE CHAALE TO CHALA SAR SE HOSHYAR HE DIWANA HOSHYAR HE DIWANA ABAAD ISSE FARMA WEERAN HE DILLE NOORI JALWE TERE BASJAYE ABAAD HO WEERANA SARKAAR KE JALWO SE ROSHAN HE DILLE NOORI TA HASHR RAHE ROSHAN NOORI KA YE KASHANA LOVE FOR SAYYIDUNA GHOUSUL AZAM (RADI ALLAHU ANHU): "Ye Dil Ye Jigr Hai Ye Aankhe Ye Sar Hai, Jaha Chaaho Rakho Qadam Ghause Azam" Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) possessed profound love for Sayyiduna Ghousul Azam, Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu). He wrote many poems in which he praised Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) with great respect. His love for Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) can be understood from the following incident: "Once a very young descendant of Sayyiduna Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu), Hazrat Peer Taahir Ala'uddeen (radi Allahu anhu), visited Bareilly Shareef. The respect and honour that Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) showed towards him was out of this world. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) used to walk bare feet behind him with great respect." The great Ulema of the time have stated that Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was lost to such an extent in the love for Sayyiduna Ghousul Azam, Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) that even physically he began to resemble Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu). "Dekh Kar Shakle Mufti Azam, Ghause Azam ki Yaad Aayi he" RESPECT FOR SAYEDS AND ULEMA : Ghousul Waqt, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) had great respect and love for the Ulema and for Sayeds (Descendants of Sayyiduna Rasulullah sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). The respect which he showed towards them is beyond explanation. One day, in 1979, a lady came with her little child to ask for Ta'weez. It was a very hot day and she was informed that Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was resting. The lady, however, was in great need for the particular Ta'weez. She asked someone to see if Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was awake but nobody had the nerve of going near him while he was resting as they considered this to be disrespectful. Taking her child she commented, "What did we know that the words of Sayeds will not be heard in this place". It is not known how Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) heard this, but he immediately summoned one of the Mureeds. He instructed him to call the lady and not give her grief. The woman then sent her child to Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu). He asked the child's name and showed great love and respect towards this young child. With great affection, he placed his hand on the child's head. He even asked someone to bring an apple for the child. From behind the curtain, he spoke to the lady concerning her problem and immediately wrote a Ta'weez for her. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) then sent a message to his family requesting that the mother and child should only be allowed to leave after the heat became less intense; that they should be well entertained and that no shortage should be spared in entertaining these Sayeds. When Allamah Sadru Shariah Maulana Amjad Ali Al Qadri (radi Allahu anhu), the author of the famous "Bahare Shariah," used to come to Bareilly Shareef for the Urs Shareef of Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu), Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) used to go to the railway station to welcome him and showed great respect towards this Scholar of Islam. He also showed great respect towards Sayyidi Hafiz-e-Millat and Hazrat Maulana Hasmat Ali Khan Sahib (radi Allahu anhum). He also showed respect towards his own Mureeds and Khalifas who were Alims. HIS BOLDNESS AND FEARLESSNESS: "Hawa he Gotand wa Tez lekin Chiraagh Apna Jala Raha he, Wo Marde Durwesh jis ko Haq ne diye the Andaze Khusrawana" The sign of a true Mo'min is that he never submits himself before an enemy. In the worst of circumstances a Mo'min announces that which is the truth. Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said, "To speak the truth before a tyrant King is a great Jihad." So imagine the excellence of a person who always spoke the truth at all times, a person who always raised the flag of truth and honesty, and a person who never left the path of truth in his entire life! Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was one such person. He is one of the greatest leaders of the Sunnis. His boldness and fearlessness is difficult to explain. His entire life was spent speaking against Deobandis, Wahabis and all the other misleading sects, whether is was against the West, Qadianism, or Najdism he always challenged them right till the very end. He always propagated the true Deen and the Path of the Ahle Sunnah Wa Jamaah. With his Fatawas, he helped protect the Imaan of not only the Muslims in India and Pakistan, but of Muslims throughout the world. He attacked the enemies of Islam through his writings, sayings, actions, etc. He did everything in his capacity to challenge the enemies of Islam. No person in his presence could say or do anything against Shariah. No person could speak against that which was the truth. It is stated by one of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu's) Khaadim's, who accompanied him on a journey by train, that there were some people in the train who were consuming alcohol. When Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) saw them, he reprimanded them and told them to desist from such a Haraam act. They did not listen to his advise so he scolded the leader of the group who was a young and well-built person. He gave the young person a hard slap which caused the bottle of alcohol to fall far from his hand. The Khaadim expected the person to retaliate but, who had the nerve to retaliate against this Lion of Islam! They became afraid and sat down quietly. Later some of them came up to Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) and begged for forgiveness for their shameful behavior. HIS POSITION IN KNOWLEDGE OF FIQH "Tassawuf, Philsafa, Tafseer ki fiqhi Masa'il, Subhi kahte hai ke Aqida Kusha he Mufti Azam" Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu), who after writing his first Fatawa while still a student at "Darul Uloom Manzare Islam", was given the status of Mufti due to his immense knowledge. When the Muslim World began to see his knowledge and Fatawas brightenening the world, they began calling him "Mufti-e-Azam" or The Most Exalted Mufti of the Time. This title alone became the name he was recognised by. Whenever the name "Mufti Azam Hind" was mentioned, it referred to none other than his exalted personality. Remember that he or she only is exalted who has been blessed with this excellence by Almighty Allah and His Beloved Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was a personality free from pride, lavishness and self- fame. His status was bestowed upon him by Almighty Allah and His Beloved Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). That person to whom Almighty Allah and His Rasool (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) grants such excellence, then such excellence cannot be understood by ordinary mortals. This is one of the reasons why the entire world was brightened and received the benefits of his knowledge of Fiqh. There came a stage when Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was not only known as "Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind" but he was also known as "Mufti-e-Azam-e-Alam" or The Grand Mufti of the World. It is recorded that on his trip to the Haramain Sharifain the Ulema of the Hejaz (Arabia), Syria, Egypt, Iraq, and from many other countries came to him to solve Fiqh Mas'alas. Many became his Mureeds. This is how his Faiz of Shariah and Tariqah spread its rays throughout the world. While in the Hejaz Shareef, he also had to deal with many Fatawas that poured in from various countries, such as, Africa, Mauritius, United Kingdom, America, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and many other places. He answered every single one of them in a very dedicated and professional manner. WRITING OF BOOKS: Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was a great Muhaqqiq (Philosopher) and Musannif (Author). His writings were filled with the rays of knowledge of his distinguished father, A'la Hazrat, Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al Qaderi (radi Allahu anhu). All his works displayed great research. It seemed as if his works were overflowing with the "research of Imam Ghazzali (radi Allahu anhu), the rareness of Imam Raazi (radi Allahu anhu) and the rays of knowledge of Imam Jalaluddeen Suyuti (radi Allahu anhu)". Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) wrote a number of books in his blessed lifetime. The names of a few of these books are being stated below: Tanweerul Hujjat Bi Tawaaril Hajjah; Tardush Shaitaan; Hujatul Da'ira Bi Jawaabil Hujjatul Hazira; Alqaulul Ajeeb fi Ajoobatit Tasweeb; Masa'ile Sima; Adkhalul Insaan; Almautul Ahmar; Fatawa Mustafawiya Part 1 & 2; Noorul Irfaan; Saiful Jabbaar; Malfoozate A'la Hazrat FATAWA ON SIGHTING OF THE MOON VIA AN AEROPLANE: During the reign of General Ayub Khan a "Rooyat Hilal Committee" was formed in Pakistan for the purpose of sighting the moon for every Islamic Month, and more importantly, for Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. An aeroplane was flown up to a certain height and the moon would be sighted from there. This form of Shahaadah (Confirmation) of the sighting of the moon via an aeroplane was readily accepted by the Pakistani Government. In this manner, Eid was celebrated. On a specific occasion, on the 29th of Ramadaan, an aero plane was flown from the East to the West of Pakistan and the moon was reported to be sighted. This sighting was announced by the Hilaal Committee, but the Sunni Ulema of Pakistan did not accept this confirmation. The Ulema of Pakistan sent questionnaires to the Ulema throughout the world for clarification and one such questionnaire was sent to Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu). Many Ulema replied that the confirmation had to be accepted and that it was permissible, but Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) clearly replied that this was not permissible. His Fatawa read as follows:" The Command of Shariah is to sight the Moon and fast or celebrate Eid. Where the Moon is not sighted the Qazi should give an Islamic decision in connection with a confirmation. The moon must be sighted from the ground level or any place attached to the ground. With regards to the matter of using the plane - to sight the moon via a plane is wrong because the moon sets and does not perish. This is why it is sometimes sighted on the 29th and sometimes on the 30th. If to fly in a plane to sight the moon is a condition, then by increasing altitude the moon will be sighted even on the 27th and 28th. In this case, will the sighting be confirmed for the 27th or 28th? No person in his right sense will accept this. Thus under these circumstances, how would it be proper to sight the moon on the 29th?" This Fatawa of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) appeared in every newspaper in Pakistan as "Headline News". The following month, on the 27th and the 28th, the Pakistan Government sent an aeroplane at a higher altitude and found that the moon was visible on these days. The Government of Pakistan then accepted the Fatawa of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) and the Hilaal Committee of Pakistan was disbanded. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) wrote more or less 50 000 Fatawas in his lifetime. His word was accepted by great Ulema. Shamsul Ulema, Hazrat Maulana Shamsud'deen Ja'fari (radi Allahu anhu) stated: "In this era, there is no greater expert in Fiqha than Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu). Whenever I present myself in his high court I always sit with my head bowed and I listen to his words in silence. I do not have the audacity to talk in abundance to him." VASECTOMY IS HARAAM IN ISLAM: "Amaanat Hind-o-Paak he is baat ke Shaahid, Ke badal deti he minto me Huqumat Mufti-e-Azam" The year 1976 was a very difficult period for the Muslims in India. Certain Ulema, bought of by the Saudi Riyals and American Dollars, passed the Fatawa making Vasectomy (male sterilization to prevent birth of children) permissible. The Indian Government made Vasectomy necessary for every male in India at that time. Muslims of India were in search of a Saviour to prevent such a law from being passed as this would mean them not having any more children. They were looking for someone who would stand and fight for their religious rights. All the Muslims looked towards the city of Bareilly Shareef, the city of light and truth, for an answer to this controversy. All of a sudden that Mujahhid of Islam rose with the torch of knowledge and light against the winds of enmity and destruction - Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu). He immediately issued the true Fatawa on vasectomy and said, "Vasectomy is Haraam, Haraam, Haraam." This news spread throughout India. Through the Dua and firmness of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) on this issue, the Government that wished to pass this law had lost power, and a new government came into power. The law on Vasectomy was abolished! MAS'ALA ON TASSAWWUF: Once, Maulana Abdul Hadi Al Qaderi and Soofi Iqbal Sahib asked Ghousul Waqt, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) the following question: "Huzoor! Can one remember his Sheikh in Namaaz?" Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) answered by saying, "If you need to remember anyone in Namaaz then you should remember Tajedare Do Aalam, Habbibe Khuda (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Yes, just as people tend to gaze here and there in Namaaz - if, in this way, the thought of one's Peer comes into the mind, then there is no hindrance". Subhan-Allah! Such caution is in this answer! This answer has also contradicted the Deobandi belief. By looking at the life of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) and reading his Fatawas, one would see his status and excellence in the spiritual domain. His spiritual life was according to that of his renowned and distinguished father, Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu). A PHILOSOPHICAL POINT: When the Americans were announcing there journey to the moon, a few Ulema were present with Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu). Amongst these Ulema were Shamsul Ulema Hazrat Maulana Shamsud'deen and Allamah Ghulam Jilani Mirati (radi Allahu anhum). They were discussing the concepts concerning the sun and the moon. Mufti-e-Azam-e- Hind (radi Allahu anhu) said that the sky and the earth are both stationary and that the moon and the sun are in motion. On hearing this Allama Ghulam Jilani Mirati (radi Allahu anhu) said, "In the Holy Quran it is said, 'Wash Shamsu Tajri Li Mustaqaril'laha'. In other words, the sun is in motion in its fixed abode. From the word 'Tajri', it is obvious that the sun is in motion and from the word 'Mustaqaril'laha' it is obvious that it is stationary in one place. How can both these concepts be right?" In answer to this, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) immediately said, "It was commanded to Hazrat Adam (alaihis salaam) and Hazrat Hawa (radi Allahu anha) (as follows): 'Walakum fil Ardi Mustaqar'. Does this mean that they were stationary in only one portion of the earth? Did they not walk around (on the earth)? To be Mustaqar means to be stationary in your surrounding, not to come out of your boundaries. To move but to move within your boundaries of movement." On hearing this Allama Mirati Sahib (radi Allahu anhu) became silent. IN THE EYES OF THE ULEMA Hazrat Muhaddith-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) said: "IN THIS TIME, THAT PERSONALITY WHOSE TAQWA (PIETY) IS MORE THAN HIS FATAWA, IS NONE OTHER THAN THE SON OF SAYYIDI A'LA HAZRAT (RADI ALLAHU ANHU) WHOSE BEAUTIFUL NAME IS MUSTAPHA RAZA AND THIS NAME COMES ON MY TONGUE WITHOUT PROBLEM AND IT ALLOWS ME TO GAIN GREAT BLESSINGS." Once Hazrat Muhaddith-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu) wrote the following words on the Fatawa of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu): "THIS IS THE SAYING OF SUCH AN AALIM WHOM TO FOLLOW IS COMPULSORY " Huzoor Sayyidi Hafiz-e-Millat (radi Allahu anhu) stated, "A PERSON DOES NOT GET PROPER RESPECT AND ACCEPTANCE IN HIS OWN TOWN, BUT THE ACCEPTANCE AND RESPECT THAT HUZOOR MUFTI AZAM HAS GAINED IN HIS TOWN CANNOT BE FOUND ANYWHERE ELSE. THIS IS OPEN PROOF OF HIS KARAMAAT AND WILAYAT". He then said, "MUFTI AZAM IS A KING, HE IS A KING". (Which means that he should be respected and treated as a King). Huzoor Mujjahid-e-Millat (radi Allahu anhu) said, "IN THIS TIME, THE PERSONALITY OF HUZOOR MUFTI AZM HIND (RADI ALLAHU ANHU) IS A UNIQUE ONE, ESPECIALLY IN THE FIELD OF IFTA, BUT ALSO IN HIS DAILY CONVERSATIONS - THE MANNER IN WHICH HE SPOKE AND EXPLAINED CAN BE UNDERSTOOD BY ONLY THE PEOPLE OF KNOWLEDGE." The "Imam Ghazzali" of his time, Allama Saeed Ahmad Kazmi Shah Sahib (radi Allahu anhu) says, "THE STATUS OF SAYYIDI MUFTI AZAM HIND (RADI ALLAHU ANHU) CAN BE UNDERSTOOD FROM THIS THAT HE IS THE SON AND THE BELOVED OF MUJJADIDE DEEN-O-MILLAT, IMAM AHLE SUNNAT, ASH SHAH IMAM AHMAD RAZA KHAN (RADI ALLAHU ANHU)." Hazrat Qari Maslihud'deen (radi Allahu anhu) says, "AFTER THE WISAAL OF MY MURSHAD, THE CENTRAL POINT OF MY FOCUS WAS THE PERSONALITY OF HUZOOR MUFTI AZAM HIND (RADI ALLAHU ANHU) AND NOT ONLYWAS HE THE POINT OF MY FOCUS, BUT ALSO THAT OF THE ENTIRE SUNNI POPULATION." KARAMAT: One of the greatest Karamats of a Mo'min is for him to be always steadfast on Shariat-e-Mustapha and Sunnat-e-Mustapha (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). A Mo'min must be prepared to accept all the difficulties and calamities of life. When faced by any calamity he should always make Shukr to Allah Almighty. These outstanding qualities can be found in the life of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu). He was always steadfast and firm on Shariat-e-Mustapha (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). It is said that it is impossible to move a mountain from its place but it was not possible to move Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) from the Shariat-e-Mustapha (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Every second in the life of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was a Karaamat. Volumes can be written about the Karaamats of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu). He himself is a living Karaamat! "Kaha tak Raaz likhoge karaamat Mufti-e-Azam, Sarapa hi Sarapa he karaamat Mufti-e-Azam" For the purpose of Fuyooz-o-barkaat we will quote one such Karaamat. Once Hazrat went for the Urs of Hazrat Mahboob-e-Ilahi, Kwaja Nizaamud'deen Awliyah (radi Allahu anhu) to Delhi. He stayed at a place called 'Koocha Jilan' with Ashfaaq Ahmad Sahib. At this place, a certain Wahabi Maulvi began arguing with Hazrat concerning the Ilme Ghaib (Knowledge of the Unseen) of Huzoor Anwar (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Ashfaaq Ahmad Sahib asked Hazrat not to argue with this person as it would not make any difference to him. Hazrat said, "Let him speak. I will listen to him and all those who are present should also listen attentively. The reason why nothing makes a difference to Maulvi Sahib is because nobody listens to him properly. So let him say that which he wishes." Maulvi Saeedud'deen then spoke for approximately 15 minutes explaining how Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) did not possess Ilme Ghaib. He spoke for some time and then became silent. Hazrat then said, "If you have forgotten anything concerning your argument then please try to remember." The Maulvi Sahib spent another half an hour trying to prove that Huzoor (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) did not possess Ilme Ghaib. After listening to his arguments Hazrat said, "You should immediately repent from your false belief. Allah has definitely blessed Huzoor (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) with Ilme Ghaib and you have tried to contradict it in every way you could. If you do not mind, then also listen to my argument". Then very sarcastically Hazrat said, "What is the responsibility of a son towards his widowed mother?" Maulvi Sahib in answer said, "I will not answer this as it is not relevant to the topic of discussion". Hazrat then said, "I did not mind when you questioned me, but in any case just listen to my questions. There is no need to answer them". The second question Hazrat asked was, "How is it to take a loan from someone and then hide from him? Can you become weary of your crippled son and leave him to beg? To make Hajj Badal from... " This question was not yet completed when the Wahabi Maulvi fell at the feet of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) and said, "Hazrat! It is enough. The problem has been solved. Today I have realised that Huzoor (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has Ilme Ghaib. If not by now the Munaafiqeen would have destroyed the Islamic Missions. If Almighty Allah has shown you those things about me which nobody else here knows about, then I cannot imagine all that which He has informed Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) of". The Wahabi Maulvi immediately repented and became Mureed of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu). Each year, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) used to go to Calcutta for missionary work. The Pope used to also visit Calcutta and although he received good coverage in the media, very few Christians turned up to meet the Pope. The Christians of Calcutta became very jealous whenever Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) visited that city as, without any news coverage, he attracted thousands of people who came to see him. The Christians decided to insult Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) and lower his personality in the eyes of the people. They trained three Christians to approach Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) with the pretence that they were going to become his Mureeds. This was their plan: Whenever Hazrat was going to make any person his Mureed, he would ask the person to say, "Say that you have given your hand into the hands of Ghous-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu)." The Christians where then going to say that Hazrat is a liar (Allah forbid) since that was not the hand of Ghous-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu)! The three Christians, now disguised as Muslims went to Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu) with the pretence of becoming his Mureed. When two of the Christians saw Hazrat's noorani face they became afraid of carrying out their plans, but the third Christian, who was very stubborn, decided to carry out the plan. He sat in front of Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) and Hazrat proceeded with making him a Mureed. When Hazrat said, "Say that you have given your hand into the hands of Ghous-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu)," he said, "I am giving my hand in the hand of Mufti-e-Azam." He was implying that Hazrat was asking him to lie when he was made to say a moment ago that he is not going to lie. Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) again commanded him to say, "Say that you have given your hand into the hands of Ghous-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu)." He again said, "I am giving my hand in the hand of Mufti-e-Azam." Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) came into a Jalaal (Spiritual Anger) state and said, "Say that you are giving your hands into the hands of Ghous-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu)." To the surprise of many, the Christian began continuously saying, "I have given my hands into the hands of Ghous-e-Azam, I have my given hands into the hands of Ghous-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu) . . .." When asked about his behavior, the Christian said that as Huzoor Mufti-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) commanded him for the final time to say that he has given his hands into the hands of Ghous-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu), he actually saw two bright hands emerging from Hazrat's hands and the Christian says that he is sure that these hands were none other the mubarak hands of Ghous-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu). That Christian then asked Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) for forgiveness and explained to him what his true intentions were. He immediately accepted Islam and became a Mureed. The news of this Karaamat spread far and wide and thousands of Christians accepted Islam at Hazrat's hands. Subhan-Allah! This incident was narrated by Hazrat Moulana Abdul Hamid Palmer Noori Razvi, a close Khalifa of Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu)
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 11:31AM  

    dawa news - Social Mention
    LIFE OF HUZOOR MUFTI E AAZAM E AALAM Upon the birth of Ghousul Waqt, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) Sayyiduna Shah Abul Hussain Ahmadi Noori (radi Allahu anhu) told A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu), "Maulana! When I come to Bareilly Shareef, then I will definitely see this child. He is a very blessed child." As promised, when Sayyiduna Abul Hussain Ahmadi Noori (radi Allahu anhu) went to Bareilly Shareef, he immediately summoned to see Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) who was only six (6) months old. Sayyiduna Noori Mia (radi Allahu anhu), as he was also famously known, congratulated A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) and said, "This child will be of great assistance to the Deen and through him the servants of Almighty Allah will gain great benefit. This child is a Wali. From his blessed sight thousands of stray Muslims will become firm on the Deen. He is a sea of blessings." On saying this, Sayyiduna Noori Mia (radi Allahu anhu) placed his blessed finger into the mouth of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) and made him a Mureed. He also blessed him with I'jaazat and Khilafat at the same time. (Mufti Azam Hind Number, pg. 341). Not only did he receive Khilafat in the Qaderi Silsila (Order), but also in the Chishti, Nakshbandi, Suharwardi, and Madaari Orders. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) also received Khilafat from his blessed father, A'la Hazrat, Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al Qaderi (radi Allahu anhu). EARLY EDUCATION : Ghousul Waqt, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) attained most of his early education from his illustrious family - from his father, A'la Hazrat, Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Al Qaderi (radi Allahu anhu) the Mujaddid of Islam, whose status and position even at that time cannot be explained in these few lines. He also studied Kitaabs under the guidance of Hazrat Moulana Haamid Raza Khan (his elder brother), Maulana Shah Rahm Ilahi Maglori and Maulana Sayed Basheer Ahmad Aligarhi and Maulana Zahurul Hussain Rampuri (radi Allahu anhum). He studied various branches of knowledge under the guidance of his most learned and blessed father, A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu). He gained proficiency in the many branches of Islamic knowledge from among which are: Tafseer; Hadith; Fiqh; Laws of Jurisprudence; Sarf; Nahw; Tajweed; Conduct of Language; Philosophy; Logistics; Mathematics; History etc.; Arithmetic; Aqaid (Belief); Taasawwaf; Poetry; Debating; Sciences; etc. HIS FIRST FATAWA: Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu's) brilliance as an Islamic Scholar manifested itself when he was a still a youth, but overflowing with knowledge and wisdom. He wrote his first historical Fatawa (Islamic Ruling) when he was only 13 years old. It dealt with the topic of "Raza'at" - affinity between persons breast fed by the same woman. The following has been recorded with regards to this occasion. Hazrat Maulana Zafrud'deen and Hazrat Maulana Sayed Abdur Rasheed (radi Allahu anhum) were at the Darul Ifta (Fatawa Department) at this stage. One day, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) walked into the Darul Ifta and noticed that Hazrat Maulana Zafrud'deen (radi Allahu anhu) was writing a certain Fatawa. He was taking "Fatawa Razvia" from the shelf as his reference. On seeing this, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) said, "Are you relying on Fatawa Razvia to write an answer?" Maulana Zafrud'deen (radi Allahu anhu) replied, "Alright then, why don't you write the answer without looking." Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) then wrote a powerful answer without any problem. This was the Fatawa concerning "Raza'at" - the very first Fatawa which he had written. The answer was then sent to his father, Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) for correction and verification. On seeing the authenticity of the Fatawa, Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) became delighted and immediately certified the Fatawa with the following words: Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) then signed the Fatawa. He also commanded Hafiz Yaqeenudeen (radi Allahu anhu) to make a stamp for Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) as a gift and said that it should read as follows: "Abul Barkaat Muhiy'yuddeen Jilani Aale Rahmaan urf Mustapha Raza Khan." This incident took place in 1328 AH. After this incident Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) spent another 12 years writing Fatawas at the feet of A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu). He was given this immense responsibility of issuing Fatawas even while A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) was in this physical world. He continued this trend until his last breath. The stamp which was given to him was mislaid during his second Hajj when his bags were lost. MARRIAGE : Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) married the blessed daughter of his paternal uncle, Hazrat Muhammad Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu). He had 6 daughters and one son, Hazrat Anwaar Raza (radi Allahu anhu), who passed away during childhood. VISIT TO HARAMAIN SHARIFAIN< "Khuda Kheyr se Laaye Wo Din Bhi Noori, Madine ki Galiya Buhara Karoo me" Tajedaare Ahle Sunnah, Taaje Wilayat Wa Karaamat, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) went twice for Hajj - in 1905 and 1945. He performed his third Hajj in 1971. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was the first person to go for Hajj without a photograph in his passport. He refused to take a photograph. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was allowed to go for Hajj without a photograph in his passport and without taking any vaccinations. During his trip to Makkatul Mukarramah, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu), also had the opportunity of meeting those Ulema whom his father, Sayidduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu), met during his visit to Haramain Sharifain. These great Ulema were from amongst the students of Sayed Yahya Almaan (radi Allahu anhu). A few of the Ulema that he met were Allamah Sayed Ameen Qutbi; Allamah Sayed Abbas Alawi and Allamah Sayed Noor Muhammad (radi Allahu anhum) - to mention just a few. They narrated many incidents which had taken place during Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu's) visit to Haramain Sharifain. They then requested Khilafat from Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, (radi Allahu anhu) which he bestowed upon them. WISAAL Tajedaare Ahle Sunnah, Taaje Wilayat Wa Karaamat, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was aware of the actual time of his Wisaal. On the 6th of Muharram (1981) he said, "All those who intended to become my Mureed but for some reason or the other could not come to me, I have made all of them Mureed and I have given their hands into the hand of Sayidduna Ghousul Azam (radi Allahu anhu)." On the 12th of Muharram (1981) Hazrat said, "All those who asked me to make Dua for them, I have made Dua for their Jaiz (permissible) intentions to be fulfilled. May Allah accept this Dua." On this day he asked those that were present concerning date. They told him that it was the 12th of Muharram. On hearing this he became silent. On the 13th of Muharram, he again asked concerning the date and the Mureedeen present said that it was Wednesday, the 13th of Muharram. On hearing this Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) said, "Namaaz will be held at Nau Mahla Musjid". Those present did not understand what he meant, but remained silent out of respect. After some time again Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) said, "Did anybody tell you about the Namaaz. I will read Jumma Namaaz in Nau Mahla Masjid." After some time Hazrat said, "Did anybody say anything about the Fatiha." Those present just gazed at each others faces and remained silent. Only later did they realise what Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was implying. Hazrat was spiritally present for Jummah at the Nau Mahla Masjid! Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was not only giving hope to the Mureedeen but also informing them of his Wisaal. The shining star of A'la Hazrat, Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu), the glitter and the hope for the hearts of millions throughout the world, the Mujaddid of the 15th Century, the Imam of his time, Huzoor Sayyidi Sarkaar Mufti-e- Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) left the Aalame Duniya to Journey towards the Aalame Aakhira. It was 1.40 p.m. on the eve of the 14th of Muharram 1402 AH (1981). "Chal diye tum Aankho me ashko ka darya chor kar, har jigar me dard apna meetha meetha chor kar" "Chaman Khaamoosh Ghamgin chand Taare Mufti-e-Azam, Nahi ab Noor o Nikhat ke Nazaare Mufti-e-Azam Rawa Aankho se he Ashko ke Dhaare Mufti-e-Azam, Kaha Ho Be Saharo Ka Sahara Mufti-e-Azam" GHUSL On Friday, the 15th of Muharram, at 8. 00 a.m. the Ghusl of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) took place. His nephew, Hazrat Maulana Rehan Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) performed the Wudhu. Hazrat Allamah Mufti Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari performed the Ghusl. Sultan Ashraf Sahib used the jug to pour water. The following persons were present during the Ghusl : Hazrat Maulana Rehan Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu), Hazrat Allamah Mufti Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan, Sayed Mustaaq Ali, Maulana Sayed Muhammad Husain, Sayed Chaif Sahib, Maulana Naeemullah Khan Sahib Qibla, Maulana Abdul Hamid Palmer Razvi, Muhammad Esa of Mauritius, Ali Husain Sahib, Hajji Abdul Ghaffar, Qari Amaanat Rasool Sahib and a few other Mureeds and family members. Hazrat Allamah Mufti Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari and Hazrat Maulana Rehan Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) have stated that at the time of the Ghusl Shareef of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) the Chaadar mistakenly moved a little. Immediately, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) held the Chaadar between his two fingers and covered the area that the Chaadar exposed. Those present thought that the Chaadar had just got caught between Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu's) fingers. They tried to remove the Chaadar from between his fingers but it would not move. The first person to notice this Karaamat was Hazrat Allamah Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari. He showed this to everyone. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu's) fingers did not move until the area was properly covered. "Zinda hojate he jo marte he haq ke Naam par, Allah, Allah Maut ko kis ne Masiha Kardiya" "Janaaze se utha kar haath Pakri Chaadare Aqdas, He too Zinda He ye Zinda Karaamat Mufti e Azam" JANAZA SALAAH : As he had wished, the Janaza Salaah of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was performed by Maulana Sayed Mukhtar Ashraf Jilani at the Islamia Inter College grounds in Bareilly Shareef. Two and a half million (2 500 000) Muslims attended his Janazah Salaah. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) is buried on the left-hand-side of Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu). Those who lowered Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) in his Qabr Shareef have stated that they were continously wiping out perspiration from the forehead of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) right up to the last minute. CHARACTER AND HABITS: "Maangne Waala sub kuch paaye rota aaye hasta Jaaye", "Ye He Unki Adna Karamat Mufti Azam Zinda Baad" Wealth, presidency, minister ship, worldly satisfaction and happiness can be given to a person by anyone, but such people do not have the spiritual insight to give tranquility to a disturbed heart and they cannot put a smile onto the face of a depressed person. But Tajedaare Ahle Sunnah, Taaje Wilayat Wa Karaamat, Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) gave both the treasures of the physical world and the spiritual worlds to those in need. To be his servant was not less than kingship. Every day hundreds and thousands of people in need of spiritual, physical and academic needs would come to him and each one of them returned with complete satisfaction. "Jhuki Hai Gardane Dar Par Tumhare, Taaj Waalo Ki, Mere Aqa Mere Maula Wo Taajul Auliyah Tum Ho" Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) is that light of such an illustrious family whose radiance reflected itself in his character and manners that he displayed - such qualities that very few would be able to reach perfection. His character was the true embodiment of the Sunnah of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). He shone like a star in the darkness of the night. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) possessed great heights of good character, moral standards, kindness, sincerity, love and humbleness. He never refused the invitation of any poor Muslim. He always stayed away from those who were very wealthy and lavish. He was the possessor of great moral and ethical values. It is stated that once Akbar Ali Khan, a Governor of U.P., came to visit Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu). Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) did not meet him but left to a place called Puraana Shahar (Old City) to visit a poor Sunni Muslim who was very ill and at the doorstep of death. In another occasion, Fakhruddeen Ali Ahmad, the President of a Political Party, came to visit Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) but was refused this opportunity. Many other proud ministers had also come to meet Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) but met with the same fate. This was due to his extreme dislike for politics and involvement in worldly affairs. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) never fell short in entertaining those who came to visit him. When he was physically fit he used go into the Visitors Section and ask each person whether they had eaten or not. He used to ask them if they partook in tea or not. He used to continuously enquire as to whether they were experiencing any difficulties or not. It was often seen that he would personally carry the dishes into the house for the visitors! He was definitely blessed with the characters of the "Salfe Saliheen" or The Pious Servants of Allah. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was a pillar of hospitality and humbleness. If he reprimanded a certain person for doing something un-Islamic or if he became displeased with anyone for some reason or the other, he used to also explain to the person in a very nice way and also try to cheer that person. He would then make Dua in abundance for such a person. His Mureeds (Disciples), on many ocassions, used to recite Manqabats (Poetry) in his praise. On hearing such Manqabats he would say, "I am not worthy of such praise. May Allah make me worthy." Many people came to him for his blessings. Others would come for Ta'weez. He never refused anyone. It is also not known how many homes were being supported through the kindness and hospitality of Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu). He always entertained those who came from far and near to the best of his means. He used to even give most of his visitors train and bus fares to travel. In winter, he would give warm clothes, warm sheets and blankets to the poor and the needy. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) gave Khilafat to many Ulema-e-Ikraam and personally tied the Amaama (Turban) on their heads. He gave cloaks, turbans and hats to many people. Once, during winter, a few of the Khaadims were present with Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu). He was lying on his bed and covered with a shawl. A certain Maulana Abu Sufyaan touched Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu's) shawl and commented as to how beautiful it was. Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) immediately removed the shawl and presented it to him. Although the Moulana refused to accept it Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind (radi Allahu anhu) gave it to him forcefully. All of his Mehfils were full of knowledge and Barkah. Many questions on Tassawuf were easily answered by him. It seemed as if the rains of mercy and rays of Noor were spread all over his Mehfils. A FEW OF HIS UNIQUE HABITS : Mufti-e-Azam-e-Hind, Moulana Mustapha Raza Khan


 khalifa - Social Mention: Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Psiu, Mô Fica comigo Para sempre ?
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 01:33AM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Psiu, Mô Fica comigo Para sempre ?
    Nov 21st 2013, 01:28
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:32PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Psiu, Mô Fica comigo Para sempre ?
    Nov 20th 2013, 23:27
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:29PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI. Psiu, Mô Fica comigo Para sempre ?
    Nov 20th 2013, 13:28
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 jihad - Social Mention: Breaking: SSS Parades 5 Boko Haram Suspects Including A University Lecturer . The State Security Service (SSS) today in Abuja paraded five suspected Boko Haram members alleged to have planned deadly attacks on Igala, Kogi State. Among the suspects were Dr. Mohammad Nazeef Yunus, an Assistant Lecturer in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Kogi State University. He was said to be the Spiritual Leader and Coordinator for Boko Haram in the State, and the leader of the gang. Nazeef, who was born in Idah, Kogi State, attended the Arabic Central Primary School in that town, and El-Kanemi College, Maiduguri. He also studied at the Islamic School, University of Medina, in Saudi Arabia and served in the National Youth Service Corp in 1995 at Al-Iman Secondary School, Dogon Dutse, in Jos. Nazeef earned a Masters Degree in Arabic from the University of Jos. Just last year, he earned a Ph.D in Islamic Studies from Kogi State University. Also arrested by the SSS were Umar Musa (Instructor), Mustapha Yusuf, Ismaila Yunusa, Mohammed Nasir, and Ibrahim Isa. SSS spokesperson Marilyn Ogar said the suspects were planning to carry out an attack on Igala Land but were arrested at Zuba white mosque near Abuja on their way to Zambisa in Maiduguri for training. They were also going to install Sharia in Kogi State. Umar Musa (Head of Operations/Instructor) confessed publicly that he was employed by Boko Haram as Instructor after he lost his job with the state teaching hospital, and was taken to the Sambisa camp of the sect for a week's training on handling weapons. He said he was deployed to the education unit of the camp as Munzi (instructor) and placed on a monthly salary of N50,000. He further stated that he and Yusuf later returned from Sambisa and re-united with Nazeef in Kogi State where they plotted to carry out violent attacks in Igala land. He maintained that Nazeef appointed him the Head of Operations and munzir. Mustapha Yusuf (Armourer/Chief Courier) and Ismaila Abdulazeez (Foot soldier) confessed that that Nazeef was their teacher who teaches them Jihad and Islamic Sharia. Ogar told newsmen that the suspects will soon be charged to court.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:12AM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Breaking: SSS Parades 5 Boko Haram Suspects Including A University Lecturer . The State Security Service (SSS) today in Abuja paraded five suspected Boko Haram members alleged to have planned deadly attacks on Igala, Kogi State. Among the suspects were Dr. Mohammad Nazeef Yunus, an Assistant Lecturer in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Kogi State University. He was said to be the Spiritual Leader and Coordinator for Boko Haram in the State, and the leader of the gang. Nazeef, who was born in Idah, Kogi State, attended the Arabic Central Primary School in that town, and El-Kanemi College, Maiduguri. He also studied at the Islamic School, University of Medina, in Saudi Arabia and served in the National Youth Service Corp in 1995 at Al-Iman Secondary School, Dogon Dutse, in Jos. Nazeef earned a Masters Degree in Arabic from the University of Jos. Just last year, he earned a Ph.D in Islamic Studies from Kogi State University. Also arrested by the SSS were Umar Musa (Instructor), Mustapha Yusuf, Ismaila Yunusa, Mohammed Nasir, and Ibrahim Isa. SSS spokesperson Marilyn Ogar said the suspects were planning to carry out an attack on Igala Land but were arrested at Zuba white mosque near Abuja on their way to Zambisa in Maiduguri for training. They were also going to install Sharia in Kogi State. Umar Musa (Head of Operations/Instructor) confessed publicly that he was employed by Boko Haram as Instructor after he lost his job with the state teaching hospital, and was taken to the Sambisa camp of the sect for a week's training on handling weapons. He said he was deployed to the education unit of the camp as Munzi (instructor) and placed on a monthly salary of N50,000. He further stated that he and Yusuf later returned from Sambisa and re-united with Nazeef in Kogi State where they plotted to carry out violent attacks in Igala land. He maintained that Nazeef appointed him the Head of Operations and munzir. Mustapha Yusuf (Armourer/Chief Courier) and Ismaila Abdulazeez (Foot soldier) confessed that that Nazeef was their teacher who teaches them Jihad and Islamic Sharia. Ogar told newsmen that the suspects will soon be charged to court.
    Nov 21st 2013, 08:08
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 khilafah - Social Mention: It's funny that Musa Cerantonio refuses to let me post my response to his allegations. I've also had 7 brothers tell me that he banned them from his page when they asked for proof against his allegations that I am a spy, a fake and a kaafir. Isn't that what he criticized me for throughout his feeds the past 3 days? Anyway, I have only banned those that have cursed me and slandered me on the page or in private messages. But for the benefit of truth and so that no one is denied access to it, I am unbanning all of those so they can read this note. It perhaps explains everything. Please read it, think about it, and make dua that Allah guides you to the truth. For those of you who got carried away in Musa Cerantonio's personal emotions and participated in slander, I encourage you to see taubah and remember that Allah has said that slander is worse than Zinnah. We abhor Zinnah and stay far from it, so imagine slander is WORSE than it!
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 07:52AM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    It's funny that Musa Cerantonio refuses to let me post my response to his allegations. I've also had 7 brothers tell me that he banned them from his page when they asked for proof against his allegations that I am a spy, a fake and a kaafir. Isn't that what he criticized me for throughout his feeds the past 3 days? Anyway, I have only banned those that have cursed me and slandered me on the page or in private messages. But for the benefit of truth and so that no one is denied access to it, I am unbanning all of those so they can read this note. It perhaps explains everything. Please read it, think about it, and make dua that Allah guides you to the truth. For those of you who got carried away in Musa Cerantonio's personal emotions and participated in slander, I encourage you to see taubah and remember that Allah has said that slander is worse than Zinnah. We abhor Zinnah and stay far from it, so imagine slander is WORSE than it!
    Nov 21st 2013, 07:08
    There was a minor Fitnah going on because some of us had suspected "Ahla Suriya" of being the spy and contact that got Abdul-Basit arrested, but it was totally Musa Cerantonio and his love to be the c
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:11AM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    Panduan Memilih Exposure Mode
    Nov 20th 2013, 07:04
    Exposure mode adalah di antara setting yang paling penting pada sesebuah kamera, membolehkan korang memilih setting yang sesuai dengan subjek atau situasi yang korang nak shot. Mode-mode exposure yang biasa terdapat pada DSLR atau kamera kompak ialah: P (Program) A / Av (Aperture Priority) S / Tv (Shutter Priority) M (Manual) Selain mode-mode di atas, korang boleh perhatikan terdapat mode exposure yang ada icon-icon kecik (scene mode) yang mana saya takkan terangkan sebab tu semua mode otomatik. Setiap exposure mode ada kegunaannya tersendiri, macam yang saya cakap tadi, bergantung kepada subjek atau situasi. Kalau korang baca kat web atau blog fotografi lain, memang boleh buat karangan, panjang berjela penjelasannya. Tapi kat blog ni saya cuba ringkaskan supaya korang mudah faham. Dipendekkan cerita: Kalau korang pakai DSLR, diharamkan pakai mode ni, kamera ribu-ribu tapi pakai auto, baik pakai kamera digital biasa je. Dalam mode auto, semua setting akan dikawal oleh kamera, korang tak dapat nak adjust apa-apa setting Sama je macam auto, kamera akan set aperture dan shutter speed secara automatik, yang bezanya dalam mode ni, korang masih boleh nilai exposure dan setting lain. Korang boleh adjust aperture sesuka hati dan kamera akan sesuaikan shutter speed secara automatik. Untuk potret, kecikkan nilai F (cth: f1.8,f2.8) untuk dapat kesan bokeh, untuk landskap, naikkan nilai F (f9, f10) supaya semua objek terfokus. Biasanya otai-otai pakai mode ni dalam kebanyakan shot diorang. Berlawanan dengan A mode, S mode membolehkan korang mengawal shutter speed dan aperture dikawal oleh kamera secara automatik. Biasanya digunakan dalam "sport photography" dimana kita nak "freeeze" pergerakan. Dalam mode manual, korang boleh control kedua-dua shutter speed dan aperture. Sesuai digunakan dalam keadaan cahaya yang tetap seperti dalam studio. Tak berapa praktikal digunakan untuk outdoor memandangkan cahaya sentiasa berubah. Ingin menerima tips-tips berkaitan AutoCAD / Fotografi / Illustrator / Websdesign terus ke emel anda? ....Taip Emel dalam kotak dibawah & Klik Langgan: belajar fotografi dslr , belajar fotografi online , belajar teknik fotografi , cara belajar fotografi , belajar fotografi digital , belajar fotografi download , belajar fotografi pdf , belajar fotografi bokeh , belajar fotografi canon , belajar fotografi dasar , belajar fotografi gratis , belajar fotografi landscape , belajar fotografi makro , belajar fotografi nikon , belajar fotografi otodidak , belajar fotografi pemula , belajar fotografi perkahwinan , buku belajar fotografi , panduan belajar fotografi , situs belajar fotografi , tips belajar fotografi , tutorial belajar fotografi , belajar angle fotografi , belajar edit fotografi , belajar komposisi fotografi , belajar lighting fotografi , belajar pencahayaan fotografi , kursus autocad percuma , kursus autocad 2012 , kursus autocad utm , kursus i autocad , kursus autocad online , kursus drafter autocad , harga kursus autocad , biaya kursus autocad , kursus komputer autocad , autocad kursus , autocad kursused , kelas illustrator langsir , kursus illustrator , kelas illustrator manik , kelas illustrator mara , kelas illustrator kemas , kelas illustrator tudung , kelas illustrator online , kelas illustrator 2012 , kelas illustrator mujahid , kelas illustrator epal , kelas illustrator percuma , kelas illustrator blouse , kelas illustrator klang , kelas illustrator penang , kelas illustrator intensif , kelas illustrator bangi , kursus web design , cara buat roti web design , kursus cake and web design , kue web design , cara membuat web design , kursus buat website , kursus buat website mara , kursus buat website 2012 , kursus buat website percuma , KLIK ICON TWITTER & FACEBOOK DIBAWAH DAN SHARE INFO DI LAMAN INI BERSAMA KENALAN ANDA.... berkongsi itu terpuji ! >> Kursus Fotografi / AutoCAD / Illustrator / Web Design di Seluruh Malaysia/Brunei/Singapura >> Jawatan Kosong (P/Time) Pengajar Fotografi / AutoCAD / Illustrator / Reka Bentuk Web @ Malaysia/Brunei/Singapura ! (RM3700 /USD2400)
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 jihad - Social Mention: Surat Cinta Dari Sang Kekasih .... Surat untuk Calon Istriku Lebih Banyak Lagi Perkongsian Menarik Hanya Di Muslimah sejati & 1001 tips suami isteri Buat calon istriku tersayang. Rasanya aneh sekali yah ketika aku menuliskan surat ini untukmu. Kita sama-sama belum pernah bertemu, tahu namamu apalagi melihat wajahmu. Saya pun tak tahu siapa, dimana dan bagaimana rupa dirimu itu. Tapi satu hal yang aku yakini bahwa kamu ada dan nyata dihadapanku. Calon istriku, sudah lama aku merindukan kehadiranmu. Telah lama aku menantimu dan terus mencarimu. Tetapi selama ini yang aku temui adalah mereka yang hanya singgah sesaat lalu pergi, dan bukan kau yang akan abadi di sampingku seperti kehendak-Nya. Calon istriku, engkau adalah belahan jiwaku, kekasihku, aku tak punya arti apa-apa tanpamu disisiku. Aku tak akan pernah bosan mencarimu. Saat ini, Dia masih saja menyembunyikanmu dariku. Sayapun tahu, jodoh adalah suatu misteri yang telah Allah tetapkan bagi hambanya. Namun, aku yakin suatu saat kita pasti dipertemukan dalam situsi yang dianggap tepat oleh-Nya. Calon istriku, Jika saatnya Dia telah berkenan mempertemukan kita, aku akan menjagamu, di sampingmu selalu, sampai batas waktu yang tak ditentukan. Dan akan menjalani hidup yang abadi juga bersamamu. Aku selalu sayang padamu, merindukanmu, kini dan kelak. Siapapun engkau, aku yakin kau adalah orang yang sangat istimewa seperti doa-doa yang aku panjatkan selama ini kepada-Nya. EngKau pasti jauh lebih cantik dari mereka yang hanya selintas dalam pandangan mataku. Aku menantimu selalu, wahai calon istriku. Semoga calon istriku dilindungi Allah SWT selalu. Engkau akan selalu ada dalam hatiku. Siapapun engkau, masih dirahasiakan Tuhan dariku. Aku jatuh cinta padamu. Jika saatnya tiba, aku akan tahu bahwa itu adalah engkau, orang yang aku cari selama ini dengan hatiku. Aku akan tahu bahwa itu kau, dengan mata hatiku. Salam dari calon suamimu…Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.... Assalamu'alaikum…apa kabar buat calon suamiku. Semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati dan memberkati dirimu yang tidak pernah kutemui, namun doaku tidak pernah putus mengiringi setiap langkahmu demi meraih keridhaanNya Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda: "Seindah perhiasan dunia adalah wanita yang solehah," Alhamdulillah, itulah anjuran Islam melalui Rasulullah SAW yang kita cintai. Pilihlah wanita yang mampu menyejukkan pandanganmu dan juga rumah tangga muslim yang bakal dibina saat menikah nanti. Wahai calon suamiku, "Dinikahi seorang wanita karena empat perkara, karena hartanya, keturunannya, kecantikannya dan agamanya. Maka pilihlah agamannya, maka beruntunglah kedua tanganmu". Itulah sebuah pijakan utama buatmu memilih calon isteri. Sebuah pijakan utama itu telah menjadi hafalanku sejak aku beranjak dewasa (baca; baligh). Wahai calon suamiku, Jika harta yang engkau idamkan, maka ketahuilah diriku bukanlah orang yang berada. Tiada harta yang dapat kupersembahkan dalam ijab-kabul kita nanti. Tiada harta sebagai jaminan bahwa engkau akan menikmati sedikit kesenangan apabila ijab-kabul telah dilafazkan. "Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikan-Nya diantaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berfikir". (QS Ar Ruum: 21) Jika keturunan yang engkau dambakan, ketahuilah bahwa aku hanyalah manusia biasa dari keluarga yang biasa pula. Namun apa yang pasti. Aku adalah keturunan yang mulia, ayahanda adalah Nabi Adam as dan bunda Siti Hawa as, sama seperti mu. "…Maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang bertawakkal kepada-Nya. Jika Allah menolong kamu, Maka tak adalah orang yang dapat mengalahkan kamu; jika Allah membiarkan kamu (tidak memberi pertolongan), Maka siapakah gerangan yang dapat menolong kamu (selain) dari Allah sesudah itu? karena itu hendaklah kepada Allah saja orang-orang mukmin bertawakkal. (QS. Ali Imran: 159-160) Kecantikan, itulah pandangan pertama setiap insan. Malah aku meyakini bahwa engkau juga tidak terlepas seperti manusia yang lainnya. Ketahuilah wahai calon suamiku, jika kecantikan itu yang engkau inginkan dari diriku, maka engkau telah salah langkah. Tiada kecantikan yang terlihat orang lain yang dapat kupertontonkan padamu. Telah aku hijabkan (baca; jilbab) kecantikan diriku ini dengan amalan ketaatan kepada tuntutan agama yang kucintai. Engkau hanya akan sia-sia jika hanya menginginkan kecantikan lahiriah semata. Dan aku tidak dapat menjanjikan, bahwa aku mampu membahagiakan rumahtangga kita nantinya, karena aku memerlukan engkau untuk bersamaku untuk menegakkan dakwah islam ini, dan aku merelakan diri ini menjadi penolongmu untuk membangunkan sebuah markaz dakwah dan tarbiyah islamiyah ke arah jihad hambaNya kepada Penciptanya yang agung, Allahu Rabbi. Mencari ilmu agama secara bersama, marilah kita jadikan pernikahan ini sebagai risalah demi meneruskan perjuangan Islam. Aku masih kekurangan ilmu agama, tetapi berbekal ilmu agama yang ada ini, aku ingin menjadi isteri yang sentiasa mendapat keridhaan dari Allah dan suamiku. Hal itu tak lain untuk memudahkan aku membentuk rumah tangga muslim antara aku, engkau dan anak-anak kita nantinya untuk dibina dan diberikan pendidikan dengan ketaatan kepada Allah SWT. Aku pun hanya akan bercita-cita untuk bisa bergelar pendamping solehah bagi sang suami, seperti yang dijanjikan Rasulullah SAW. "Hai sekalian manusia, bertakwalah kepada Tuhan-mu yang telah menciptakan kamu dari seorang diri, dan dari padanya Allah menciptakan isterinya; dan dari pada keduanya Allah memperkembang biakkan laki-laki dan perempuan yang banyak. dan bertakwalah kepada Allah yang dengan (mempergunakan) nama-Nya kamu saling meminta satu sama lain, dan (peliharalah) hubungan silaturrahim. Sesungguhnya Allah selalu menjaga dan mengawasi kamu". (QS An Nisa: 1) Calon Suamiku yang dirahmati Allah "Kaum laki-laki itu adalah pemimpin bagi kaum wanita, oleh karena Allah telah melebihkan sebahagian mereka (laki-laki) atas sebahagian yang lain (wanita), dan karena mereka (laki-laki) telah menafkahkan sebagian dari harta mereka". (QS. An Nisaa: 34.) Aku yakin bahawa engkau adalah pemimpin untuk diriku dan anak-anakku sebagai pewaris dakwah Islam. Maka, jadikanlah pernikahan ini nantinya sebagai asas pembangunan iman, bukannya untuk memuaskan bisikan syaitan yang menjadikan ikatan pernikahan sebagai hawa nafsu semata. Semoga diriku dan dirimu sentiasa didampingi rahmat dan keridhaanNya. Lakukanlah tanggungjawabmu itu dengan nilai kesabaran, dan ketabahan. Semoga kita akan menjadi salah satu daripada jamaah menuju ke syurga, insya Allah. Ketahuilah wahai calon suamiku, bahwa aku tidak pernah mendambakan mas khawin yang hanya akan menyebabkan hatiku buta dalam menilai arti kita dipertemukan Allah atas dasar agama. Cukuplah seandainya, maharku adalah sebuah qalam mulia, Al-Quran, karena aku meyakini qalam itu mampu memimpin rumahtangga kita untuk meraih keridhaanNya bukan kekayaan dunia yang bersifat hanya sementara. Bantulah aku dalam memperjuangkan dakwah Allah ini melalui pernikahan, karena ia adalah tempat untuk aku menyempurnakan separuh daripada agamaku, insyaAllah. Akhlakmu yang terdidik indah oleh ibu bapa dan orang sekelilingmu, itulah yang aku harapkan daripada harta duniawi yang ingin kau sediakan untukku. Kutitipkan sebagian dari pengetahuanku melalui buku "Jalan Dakwah" karya Syaikh Mustafa Masyhur, yang tidak lagi berwujud keborosan dan kebakhilan karena semuanya berada di dalam sikap qana'ah (berpuas hati dengan apa yang ada), ridha dan yakin. Wahai calon suamiku, Lihatlah rumahtangga Rasulullah SAW, terkadang sebulan pernah dapurnya tidak berasap karena tidak ada bahan makanan yang dapat dimasak. Namun, walau begitu susahnya, rumahtangga Rasulullah SAW tetap menjadi rumahtangga yang paling bahagia, yang tidak ada bandingnya hingga hari ini. Terlalu panjang rasanya aku mencoretkan surat ini. Cukup dahulu aku buat surat ini, andai diizinkan aku akan kembali menitipkankan lagi kiriman bertintakan hati ini. Akhirnya, saya mohon maaf, biarlah rindu ini ditumpahkan dalam tinta daripada jemu tatkala kita disatukan. Wassalam Calon istrimu ... Semoga bermanfaat dan penuh Kebarokahan dari Allah..... Marilah Setiap detak-detik jantung.., selalu kita isi dengan.. Asma Teragung diseluruh jagad semesta raya ini... ============================== Share untuk manfaat sahabat anda bersama Apa komen anda? Anda ada sebarang perkongsian/pertambahan? ==============================
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:59AM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Surat Cinta Dari Sang Kekasih .... Surat untuk Calon Istriku Lebih Banyak Lagi Perkongsian Menarik Hanya Di Muslimah sejati & 1001 tips suami isteri Buat calon istriku tersayang. Rasanya aneh sekali yah ketika aku menuliskan surat ini untukmu. Kita sama-sama belum pernah bertemu, tahu namamu apalagi melihat wajahmu. Saya pun tak tahu siapa, dimana dan bagaimana rupa dirimu itu. Tapi satu hal yang aku yakini bahwa kamu ada dan nyata dihadapanku. Calon istriku, sudah lama aku merindukan kehadiranmu. Telah lama aku menantimu dan terus mencarimu. Tetapi selama ini yang aku temui adalah mereka yang hanya singgah sesaat lalu pergi, dan bukan kau yang akan abadi di sampingku seperti kehendak-Nya. Calon istriku, engkau adalah belahan jiwaku, kekasihku, aku tak punya arti apa-apa tanpamu disisiku. Aku tak akan pernah bosan mencarimu. Saat ini, Dia masih saja menyembunyikanmu dariku. Sayapun tahu, jodoh adalah suatu misteri yang telah Allah tetapkan bagi hambanya. Namun, aku yakin suatu saat kita pasti dipertemukan dalam situsi yang dianggap tepat oleh-Nya. Calon istriku, Jika saatnya Dia telah berkenan mempertemukan kita, aku akan menjagamu, di sampingmu selalu, sampai batas waktu yang tak ditentukan. Dan akan menjalani hidup yang abadi juga bersamamu. Aku selalu sayang padamu, merindukanmu, kini dan kelak. Siapapun engkau, aku yakin kau adalah orang yang sangat istimewa seperti doa-doa yang aku panjatkan selama ini kepada-Nya. EngKau pasti jauh lebih cantik dari mereka yang hanya selintas dalam pandangan mataku. Aku menantimu selalu, wahai calon istriku. Semoga calon istriku dilindungi Allah SWT selalu. Engkau akan selalu ada dalam hatiku. Siapapun engkau, masih dirahasiakan Tuhan dariku. Aku jatuh cinta padamu. Jika saatnya tiba, aku akan tahu bahwa itu adalah engkau, orang yang aku cari selama ini dengan hatiku. Aku akan tahu bahwa itu kau, dengan mata hatiku. Salam dari calon suamimu…Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.... Assalamu'alaikum…apa kabar buat calon suamiku. Semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati dan memberkati dirimu yang tidak pernah kutemui, namun doaku tidak pernah putus mengiringi setiap langkahmu demi meraih keridhaanNya Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda: "Seindah perhiasan dunia adalah wanita yang solehah," Alhamdulillah, itulah anjuran Islam melalui Rasulullah SAW yang kita cintai. Pilihlah wanita yang mampu menyejukkan pandanganmu dan juga rumah tangga muslim yang bakal dibina saat menikah nanti. Wahai calon suamiku, "Dinikahi seorang wanita karena empat perkara, karena hartanya, keturunannya, kecantikannya dan agamanya. Maka pilihlah agamannya, maka beruntunglah kedua tanganmu". Itulah sebuah pijakan utama buatmu memilih calon isteri. Sebuah pijakan utama itu telah menjadi hafalanku sejak aku beranjak dewasa (baca; baligh). Wahai calon suamiku, Jika harta yang engkau idamkan, maka ketahuilah diriku bukanlah orang yang berada. Tiada harta yang dapat kupersembahkan dalam ijab-kabul kita nanti. Tiada harta sebagai jaminan bahwa engkau akan menikmati sedikit kesenangan apabila ijab-kabul telah dilafazkan. "Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikan-Nya diantaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berfikir". (QS Ar Ruum: 21) Jika keturunan yang engkau dambakan, ketahuilah bahwa aku hanyalah manusia biasa dari keluarga yang biasa pula. Namun apa yang pasti. Aku adalah keturunan yang mulia, ayahanda adalah Nabi Adam as dan bunda Siti Hawa as, sama seperti mu. "…Maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang bertawakkal kepada-Nya. Jika Allah menolong kamu, Maka tak adalah orang yang dapat mengalahkan kamu; jika Allah membiarkan kamu (tidak memberi pertolongan), Maka siapakah gerangan yang dapat menolong kamu (selain) dari Allah sesudah itu? karena itu hendaklah kepada Allah saja orang-orang mukmin bertawakkal. (QS. Ali Imran: 159-160) Kecantikan, itulah pandangan pertama setiap insan. Malah aku meyakini bahwa engkau juga tidak terlepas seperti manusia yang lainnya. Ketahuilah wahai calon suamiku, jika kecantikan itu yang engkau inginkan dari diriku, maka engkau telah salah langkah. Tiada kecantikan yang terlihat orang lain yang dapat kupertontonkan padamu. Telah aku hijabkan (baca; jilbab) kecantikan diriku ini dengan amalan ketaatan kepada tuntutan agama yang kucintai. Engkau hanya akan sia-sia jika hanya menginginkan kecantikan lahiriah semata. Dan aku tidak dapat menjanjikan, bahwa aku mampu membahagiakan rumahtangga kita nantinya, karena aku memerlukan engkau untuk bersamaku untuk menegakkan dakwah islam ini, dan aku merelakan diri ini menjadi penolongmu untuk membangunkan sebuah markaz dakwah dan tarbiyah islamiyah ke arah jihad hambaNya kepada Penciptanya yang agung, Allahu Rabbi. Mencari ilmu agama secara bersama, marilah kita jadikan pernikahan ini sebagai risalah demi meneruskan perjuangan Islam. Aku masih kekurangan ilmu agama, tetapi berbekal ilmu agama yang ada ini, aku ingin menjadi isteri yang sentiasa mendapat keridhaan dari Allah dan suamiku. Hal itu tak lain untuk memudahkan aku membentuk rumah tangga muslim antara aku, engkau dan anak-anak kita nantinya untuk dibina dan diberikan pendidikan dengan ketaatan kepada Allah SWT. Aku pun hanya akan bercita-cita untuk bisa bergelar pendamping solehah bagi sang suami, seperti yang dijanjikan Rasulullah SAW. "Hai sekalian manusia, bertakwalah kepada Tuhan-mu yang telah menciptakan kamu dari seorang diri, dan dari padanya Allah menciptakan isterinya; dan dari pada keduanya Allah memperkembang biakkan laki-laki dan perempuan yang banyak. dan bertakwalah kepada Allah yang dengan (mempergunakan) nama-Nya kamu saling meminta satu sama lain, dan (peliharalah) hubungan silaturrahim. Sesungguhnya Allah selalu menjaga dan mengawasi kamu". (QS An Nisa: 1) Calon Suamiku yang dirahmati Allah "Kaum laki-laki itu adalah pemimpin bagi kaum wanita, oleh karena Allah telah melebihkan sebahagian mereka (laki-laki) atas sebahagian yang lain (wanita), dan karena mereka (laki-laki) telah menafkahkan sebagian dari harta mereka". (QS. An Nisaa: 34.) Aku yakin bahawa engkau adalah pemimpin untuk diriku dan anak-anakku sebagai pewaris dakwah Islam. Maka, jadikanlah pernikahan ini nantinya sebagai asas pembangunan iman, bukannya untuk memuaskan bisikan syaitan yang menjadikan ikatan pernikahan sebagai hawa nafsu semata. Semoga diriku dan dirimu sentiasa didampingi rahmat dan keridhaanNya. Lakukanlah tanggungjawabmu itu dengan nilai kesabaran, dan ketabahan. Semoga kita akan menjadi salah satu daripada jamaah menuju ke syurga, insya Allah. Ketahuilah wahai calon suamiku, bahwa aku tidak pernah mendambakan mas khawin yang hanya akan menyebabkan hatiku buta dalam menilai arti kita dipertemukan Allah atas dasar agama. Cukuplah seandainya, maharku adalah sebuah qalam mulia, Al-Quran, karena aku meyakini qalam itu mampu memimpin rumahtangga kita untuk meraih keridhaanNya bukan kekayaan dunia yang bersifat hanya sementara. Bantulah aku dalam memperjuangkan dakwah Allah ini melalui pernikahan, karena ia adalah tempat untuk aku menyempurnakan separuh daripada agamaku, insyaAllah. Akhlakmu yang terdidik indah oleh ibu bapa dan orang sekelilingmu, itulah yang aku harapkan daripada harta duniawi yang ingin kau sediakan untukku. Kutitipkan sebagian dari pengetahuanku melalui buku "Jalan Dakwah" karya Syaikh Mustafa Masyhur, yang tidak lagi berwujud keborosan dan kebakhilan karena semuanya berada di dalam sikap qana'ah (berpuas hati dengan apa yang ada), ridha dan yakin. Wahai calon suamiku, Lihatlah rumahtangga Rasulullah SAW, terkadang sebulan pernah dapurnya tidak berasap karena tidak ada bahan makanan yang dapat dimasak. Namun, walau begitu susahnya, rumahtangga Rasulullah SAW tetap menjadi rumahtangga yang paling bahagia, yang tidak ada bandingnya hingga hari ini. Terlalu panjang rasanya aku mencoretkan surat ini. Cukup dahulu aku buat surat ini, andai diizinkan aku akan kembali menitipkankan lagi kiriman bertintakan hati ini. Akhirnya, saya mohon maaf, biarlah rindu ini ditumpahkan dalam tinta daripada jemu tatkala kita disatukan. Wassalam Calon istrimu ... Semoga bermanfaat dan penuh Kebarokahan dari Allah..... Marilah Setiap detak-detik jantung.., selalu kita isi dengan.. Asma Teragung diseluruh jagad semesta raya ini... ============================== Share untuk manfaat sahabat anda bersama Apa komen anda? Anda ada sebarang perkongsian/pertambahan? ==============================
    Nov 20th 2013, 07:57
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