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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen


 islamist - Social Mention: Troops belonging to army unit involved in counterinsurgency operations targeted in bus en route to Cairo. At least 10 Egyptian soldiers were killled in a car-bomb attack in the volatile border region of northern Sinai, security officials say. They said the car bomb on Wednesday struck a bus carrying the off-duty soldiers as it travelled on the road between the border town of Rafah and the coastal city of el-Arish. Another 35 soldiers were wounded in the attack. In a statement on Egyptian television, the head of the army, General Abdel Fattah al- Sisi, said that the bombing would "strengthen our determination" and that anyone who raised arms against the army and the police was a "terrorist". State TV said three days of mourning had been declared. The soldiers belong to the 2nd Field Army, which is doing most of the fighting against armed groups waging an insurgency against security forces in Sinai. The bus was on its way to Cairo, the officials said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Wednesday's attack, but suicide car bombings are a signature method by armed groups linked to or inspired by al-Qaeda. The northern Sinai region, which borders Gaza and Israel, has been restless for years, but attacks have grown more frequent and deadlier since the overthrow in July of the Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi. Wednesday's car bombing was the latest in a series of similar attacks targeting army and police facilities and checkpoints. In August, armed men pulled 25 police conscripts off mini- buses in the Sinai and shot them dead on the side of the main road linking Rafah to el- Arish. Northern Sinai's violence occasionally has spilled over into cities in the southern part of the peninsula as well as mainland Egypt, targeting policemen, soldiers and politicians.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:54PM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    Troops belonging to army unit involved in counterinsurgency operations targeted in bus en route to Cairo. At least 10 Egyptian soldiers were killled in a car-bomb attack in the volatile border region of northern Sinai, security officials say. They said the car bomb on Wednesday struck a bus carrying the off-duty soldiers as it travelled on the road between the border town of Rafah and the coastal city of el-Arish. Another 35 soldiers were wounded in the attack. In a statement on Egyptian television, the head of the army, General Abdel Fattah al- Sisi, said that the bombing would "strengthen our determination" and that anyone who raised arms against the army and the police was a "terrorist". State TV said three days of mourning had been declared. The soldiers belong to the 2nd Field Army, which is doing most of the fighting against armed groups waging an insurgency against security forces in Sinai. The bus was on its way to Cairo, the officials said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Wednesday's attack, but suicide car bombings are a signature method by armed groups linked to or inspired by al-Qaeda. The northern Sinai region, which borders Gaza and Israel, has been restless for years, but attacks have grown more frequent and deadlier since the overthrow in July of the Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi. Wednesday's car bombing was the latest in a series of similar attacks targeting army and police facilities and checkpoints. In August, armed men pulled 25 police conscripts off mini- buses in the Sinai and shot them dead on the side of the main road linking Rafah to el- Arish. Northern Sinai's violence occasionally has spilled over into cities in the southern part of the peninsula as well as mainland Egypt, targeting policemen, soldiers and politicians.
    Nov 20th 2013, 23:01
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:50PM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    Ini artikel tahun 2009. Boleh dikata 90% tulisannya tentang persatuan Islam guna melawan kaum kafir yang memerangi Islam cukup menarik untuk dilihat. Selama bersyahadah dan sholat, darah dan harta ummat Islam itu haram untuk ditumpahkan dan dirampas. Namun sikap HT yang mendukung pertumpahan darah sesama Muslim di Libya dan Suriah tahun 2011 sepertinya berlawanan dengan artikel ini:
    Nov 20th 2013, 20:56
    Salah satu upaya kaum kafir memecah-belah kesatuan dan persatuan umat Islam adalah mengadu domba kaum Muslim melalui isu perbedaan mazhab, aliran kalam, kelompok dan golongan.Melalui agen-agennya, kaum kafir terus menanamkan fanatisme dan sentimen mazhab, kelompok dan golongan agar kaum Muslim sibuk...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:50PM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    Ini artikel tahun 2009. Boleh dikata 90% tulisannya tentang persatuan Islam guna melawan kaum kafir yang memerangi Islam cukup menarik untuk dilihat. Selama bersyahadah dan sholat, darah dan harta ummat Islam itu haram untuk ditumpahkan dan dirampas. Namun sikap HT yang mendukung pertumpahan darah sesama Muslim di Libya dan Suriah tahun 2011 sepertinya berlawanan dengan artikel ini:
    Nov 20th 2013, 20:56
    Salah satu upaya kaum kafir memecah-belah kesatuan dan persatuan umat Islam adalah mengadu domba kaum Muslim melalui isu perbedaan mazhab, aliran kalam, kelompok dan golongan.Melalui agen-agennya, kaum kafir terus menanamkan fanatisme dan sentimen mazhab, kelompok dan golongan agar kaum Muslim sibuk...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:20AM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    Perginya seorang Mujahid..Al-Fatihah.
    Nov 21st 2013, 08:09
    Pemergian Ahmad Ammar, seorang mujahid yg disayangi ramai telah membuka mata dan jiwa masyarakat bukan hanya di Malaysia tapi juga di Turki. Di bumi Indo-China (Kampuchea) pun ada yg bertanyakan tentang arwah. Begitu hebat penangan assyahid Ahmad Ammar. Semoga perjuangan dan coretan hidupnya akan me...
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 allahu akbar - Social Mention: Ahmad Ammar, Kisah Syahid Yang Tertangguh "Syahid Yang Tertangguh ", begitulah gelaran yang diberi oleh rakan allahyarham Ahmad Ammar. Ahmad Ammar Bin Ahmad Azam telah pergi menemui Tuhannya pada usia 20 tahun di dalam kemalangan jalan raya ketika Awal Muharram di Istanbul, Turki. Berikut adalah salinan/olahan dari beberapa artikel dari laman web yang menceritakan serba sedikit tentang biodata dan kisah ringkas allahyarham Ahmad Ammar. Ahmad Ammar telah memilih bidang sejarah di Universiti Marmara dengan mendapat biasiswa Kerajaan Turki. Semangatnya untuk mendalami sejarah Uthmaniyyah dan melihat Kerajaan Islam kembali tertegak selari dengan cita-cita ayahanda dan bondanya. Sememangnya beliau dilahirkan di dalam keluarga yang mementingkan ilmu, ibadah, dakwah dan pengorbanan. Ayahandanya Tuan Haji Ahmad Azam Abdul Rahman dan ibunya Puan Nur Azlina Aziz. Beliau merupakan anak keempat dan satu-satunya anak lelaki Tuan Haji Ahmad Azam Abd Rahman, mantan Presiden Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM). Ahmad Ammar merupakan pelajar yang sangat cemerlang SPM di RMC, namun memilih menyambung pengajian di bidang Sejarah di Turki, bersama harapan dan perancangan kedua ibu bapanya juga, untuk menjadikan dirinya pemimpin negara kita yang pakar dalam sejarah khususnya Sejarah Uthmaniyyah, dan fasih bertutur di dalam bahasa Turki serta mendapat pendidikan di sana. Sungguh bagi remaja semuda Ammar, untuk mendengar alunan Quran sebagai halwa telinga mungkin menjadi pilihan yang terakhir sekali. Namun tidak untuk Ammar. Beliau dikhabarkan keluar rumah setelah membaca al-Quran dalam tempoh yang panjang. Malah pada usia semuda itu beliau telah menyertai pelbagai misi kemanusiaan di beberapa negara di dunia. Misi ke Syria begitu menyayat hati, seolah-olah Ammar tertinggal hatinya di Syria. Meskipun letupan demi letupan meletus di kiri dan kanan malah terlalu hampir dengan hospital tempat penginapan mereka, namun Ammar teguh tidak gentar ingin terus membantu Syria. Allahu Akbar! Sejak pulang dari Syria itulah sahabat-sahabat menggelarnya "Syahid yang Tertangguh". Alangkah bertuahnya ayahanda dan bonda beliau kerana dapat menyaksikan sendiri perjalanan terakhir seorang anak dengan pengakhiran yang baik. Ribuan manusia memenuhi Masjid Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, malah dimakamkan berhampiran sahabat agung Rasulullah saw iaitu Abu Ayyub al-Ansari yang berjihad dalam angkatan pertama tentera kaum muslimin di dalam cubaan menakluk Kota Konstantinopel. Seorang sahabat menulis, Ammar adalah "Muhajir" dan menjadi tetamu kepada Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. Subhanallah indahnya "tawafuk" yang disusun Allah dan bukan kebetulan. Sekiranya kita masih mengingati sejarah hijrah Rasulullah s.a.w dari Makkah ke Madinah, bukankah Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w menjadi tetamu di rumah Sayyidina Abu Ayyub al-Ansari? Bukankah unta baginda s.a.w dengan hidayah Allah telah memilih rumah Abu Ayyub al-Ansari tidak yang lain? Secara simboliknya Ahmad Ammar Ahmad Azzam berhijrah menuntut ilmu dari Malaysia ke Turki seperti hijrahnya Baginda s.a.w dari Makkah ke Madinah. Taqdir Allah menentukan Sayyidina Abu Ayyub al-Ansari terpilih untuk memuliakan Rasulullah s.a.w di rumahnya, begitu jugalah Ahmad Ammar menjadi tetamu kepada Sayyidina Abu Ayyub al-Ansari di permakaman Eyup, Turki. Inilah rezeki beliau yang pastinya amat menggembirakan ayahanda dan bondanya yang kesedihan. Janji Allah amat jelas di dalam ayat 100 surah al-Nisa': "…Dan sesiapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dengan tujuan berhijrah kepada Allah dan RasulNya, kemudia ia mati, maka sesungguhnya telah tetap pahala hijrahnya di sisi Allah. Dan Allah itu Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani." Subhanallah, pada pagi kejadian, Ammar keluar menuju rumah pelajar-pelajar baru dari Asia Tenggara dengan semangat untuk berkongsi ilmu dan bermuzakarah Rasail Nur karangan Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Malah catatan terakhirnya dan di masukkan ke dalam beg sandang beliau berbunyi: "Perlu ada keredhaan Allah dalam amalan kalian. Sekiranya Allah redha sedangkan seluruh dunia berpaling daripadamu, maka itu tidak penting. Jika Dia telah menerima amalanmu sedangkan seluruh makhluk menolak maka ia tidak memberi apa-apa kesan pun… Kerana itu lah sepatutnya hanya redha Allah semata-mata yang menjadi tujuan utama di dalam khidmat dakwah ini." Namun seperti yang dicatatkan ayahandanya Tn. Hj. Azam beliau sempat melintasi jalan, namun kehilangan imbangan badan dan terjatuh lalu dirempuh sebuah ambulan. Beliau pergi pada usia 20 tahun, penuntut tahun dua Universiti Marmara. Beliau amat rindukan syahid. Rupa-rupanya Ahmad Ammar ini telah pun menyaksikan bidadarinya sehingga beliau tidak lagi menoleh ke kiri atau ke kanan dalam mengejar cita-citanya. Beliau terus berkhidmat untuk berdakwah dan tekun beramal sehingga pada tarikh itu berakhirlah tugasan beliau di bumi yang fana ini. Alhamdulillah kerana Allah dengan kasih sayang-Nya masih memelihara agama ini dengan adanya remaja-remaja seumpama Ammar. Masya Allah Tabarakallah! Al-Fatihah. "Setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati. Hanya pada hari Kiamat sajalah akan disempurnakan balasan kamu. Ketika itu sesiapa yang dijauhkan dari neraka dan di masukkan ke dalam Syurga maka sesungguhnya dia telah berjaya. (ingatlah bahawa) kehidupan di dunia ini (meliputi segala kemewahan dan pangkat kebesarannya) tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan yang memperdayakan." -al-imran:185 "Andai aku syahid, kebumikan aku di pinggir Constantinople. Agar pada suatu hari nanti, apabila aku mendengar tapak kaki kuda tentera Islam di atas kuburku, tahulah aku bahawa janji Nabi, telah tertunai!" – Abu Ayyub al-Ansari r.a. 44H –
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 03:32AM  

    allahu akbar - Social Mention
    Ahmad Ammar, Kisah Syahid Yang Tertangguh "Syahid Yang Tertangguh ", begitulah gelaran yang diberi oleh rakan allahyarham Ahmad Ammar. Ahmad Ammar Bin Ahmad Azam telah pergi menemui Tuhannya pada usia 20 tahun di dalam kemalangan jalan raya ketika Awal Muharram di Istanbul, Turki. Berikut adalah salinan/olahan dari beberapa artikel dari laman web yang menceritakan serba sedikit tentang biodata dan kisah ringkas allahyarham Ahmad Ammar. Ahmad Ammar telah memilih bidang sejarah di Universiti Marmara dengan mendapat biasiswa Kerajaan Turki. Semangatnya untuk mendalami sejarah Uthmaniyyah dan melihat Kerajaan Islam kembali tertegak selari dengan cita-cita ayahanda dan bondanya. Sememangnya beliau dilahirkan di dalam keluarga yang mementingkan ilmu, ibadah, dakwah dan pengorbanan. Ayahandanya Tuan Haji Ahmad Azam Abdul Rahman dan ibunya Puan Nur Azlina Aziz. Beliau merupakan anak keempat dan satu-satunya anak lelaki Tuan Haji Ahmad Azam Abd Rahman, mantan Presiden Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM). Ahmad Ammar merupakan pelajar yang sangat cemerlang SPM di RMC, namun memilih menyambung pengajian di bidang Sejarah di Turki, bersama harapan dan perancangan kedua ibu bapanya juga, untuk menjadikan dirinya pemimpin negara kita yang pakar dalam sejarah khususnya Sejarah Uthmaniyyah, dan fasih bertutur di dalam bahasa Turki serta mendapat pendidikan di sana. Sungguh bagi remaja semuda Ammar, untuk mendengar alunan Quran sebagai halwa telinga mungkin menjadi pilihan yang terakhir sekali. Namun tidak untuk Ammar. Beliau dikhabarkan keluar rumah setelah membaca al-Quran dalam tempoh yang panjang. Malah pada usia semuda itu beliau telah menyertai pelbagai misi kemanusiaan di beberapa negara di dunia. Misi ke Syria begitu menyayat hati, seolah-olah Ammar tertinggal hatinya di Syria. Meskipun letupan demi letupan meletus di kiri dan kanan malah terlalu hampir dengan hospital tempat penginapan mereka, namun Ammar teguh tidak gentar ingin terus membantu Syria. Allahu Akbar! Sejak pulang dari Syria itulah sahabat-sahabat menggelarnya "Syahid yang Tertangguh". Alangkah bertuahnya ayahanda dan bonda beliau kerana dapat menyaksikan sendiri perjalanan terakhir seorang anak dengan pengakhiran yang baik. Ribuan manusia memenuhi Masjid Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, malah dimakamkan berhampiran sahabat agung Rasulullah saw iaitu Abu Ayyub al-Ansari yang berjihad dalam angkatan pertama tentera kaum muslimin di dalam cubaan menakluk Kota Konstantinopel. Seorang sahabat menulis, Ammar adalah "Muhajir" dan menjadi tetamu kepada Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. Subhanallah indahnya "tawafuk" yang disusun Allah dan bukan kebetulan. Sekiranya kita masih mengingati sejarah hijrah Rasulullah s.a.w dari Makkah ke Madinah, bukankah Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w menjadi tetamu di rumah Sayyidina Abu Ayyub al-Ansari? Bukankah unta baginda s.a.w dengan hidayah Allah telah memilih rumah Abu Ayyub al-Ansari tidak yang lain? Secara simboliknya Ahmad Ammar Ahmad Azzam berhijrah menuntut ilmu dari Malaysia ke Turki seperti hijrahnya Baginda s.a.w dari Makkah ke Madinah. Taqdir Allah menentukan Sayyidina Abu Ayyub al-Ansari terpilih untuk memuliakan Rasulullah s.a.w di rumahnya, begitu jugalah Ahmad Ammar menjadi tetamu kepada Sayyidina Abu Ayyub al-Ansari di permakaman Eyup, Turki. Inilah rezeki beliau yang pastinya amat menggembirakan ayahanda dan bondanya yang kesedihan. Janji Allah amat jelas di dalam ayat 100 surah al-Nisa': "…Dan sesiapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dengan tujuan berhijrah kepada Allah dan RasulNya, kemudia ia mati, maka sesungguhnya telah tetap pahala hijrahnya di sisi Allah. Dan Allah itu Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani." Subhanallah, pada pagi kejadian, Ammar keluar menuju rumah pelajar-pelajar baru dari Asia Tenggara dengan semangat untuk berkongsi ilmu dan bermuzakarah Rasail Nur karangan Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Malah catatan terakhirnya dan di masukkan ke dalam beg sandang beliau berbunyi: "Perlu ada keredhaan Allah dalam amalan kalian. Sekiranya Allah redha sedangkan seluruh dunia berpaling daripadamu, maka itu tidak penting. Jika Dia telah menerima amalanmu sedangkan seluruh makhluk menolak maka ia tidak memberi apa-apa kesan pun… Kerana itu lah sepatutnya hanya redha Allah semata-mata yang menjadi tujuan utama di dalam khidmat dakwah ini." Namun seperti yang dicatatkan ayahandanya Tn. Hj. Azam beliau sempat melintasi jalan, namun kehilangan imbangan badan dan terjatuh lalu dirempuh sebuah ambulan. Beliau pergi pada usia 20 tahun, penuntut tahun dua Universiti Marmara. Beliau amat rindukan syahid. Rupa-rupanya Ahmad Ammar ini telah pun menyaksikan bidadarinya sehingga beliau tidak lagi menoleh ke kiri atau ke kanan dalam mengejar cita-citanya. Beliau terus berkhidmat untuk berdakwah dan tekun beramal sehingga pada tarikh itu berakhirlah tugasan beliau di bumi yang fana ini. Alhamdulillah kerana Allah dengan kasih sayang-Nya masih memelihara agama ini dengan adanya remaja-remaja seumpama Ammar. Masya Allah Tabarakallah! Al-Fatihah. "Setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati. Hanya pada hari Kiamat sajalah akan disempurnakan balasan kamu. Ketika itu sesiapa yang dijauhkan dari neraka dan di masukkan ke dalam Syurga maka sesungguhnya dia telah berjaya. (ingatlah bahawa) kehidupan di dunia ini (meliputi segala kemewahan dan pangkat kebesarannya) tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan yang memperdayakan." -al-imran:185 "Andai aku syahid, kebumikan aku di pinggir Constantinople. Agar pada suatu hari nanti, apabila aku mendengar tapak kaki kuda tentera Islam di atas kuburku, tahulah aku bahawa janji Nabi, telah tertunai!" – Abu Ayyub al-Ansari r.a. 44H –
    Nov 21st 2013, 03:24
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 dawa - Social Mention: ║▌║▌║█│─────────────── khubsurat hai woh lub, jo pyaari baatein karte hai, khubsurat hai woh muskurahat, jo dusron ke chehron per bhi muskaan saja de, khubsurat hai woh dil, jo kisi ke dard ko samajhe, jo kisi ke dard mein tadpe, khubsurat hai jazbaat, jo kisi ka ehsaas kare, khubsurat hai woh ehsaas, jo kisi ke dard ki dawa bane, khubsurat hai woh baaten, jo kisi ka dil na dukhaaein, khubsurat hai woh ankhein, jinme pakizagi ho,sharm-o-haya ho, khubsurat hai woh ansoon, jo kisi ke dard ko mehsoos karke beh jaye, khubsurat hai woh haath, ko kisiko mushkil waqt mein thaam le, khubsurat hai woh kadam, jo kisiki madad ke liye aage badhein, khubsurat hai insaan, jisko khuda ne yeh khubsurati adaa ki ....... #Akshay ───────────────║▌║▌║█│
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 01:55AM  

    dawa - Social Mention
    ║▌║▌║█│─────────────── khubsurat hai woh lub, jo pyaari baatein karte hai, khubsurat hai woh muskurahat, jo dusron ke chehron per bhi muskaan saja de, khubsurat hai woh dil, jo kisi ke dard ko samajhe, jo kisi ke dard mein tadpe, khubsurat hai jazbaat, jo kisi ka ehsaas kare, khubsurat hai woh ehsaas, jo kisi ke dard ki dawa bane, khubsurat hai woh baaten, jo kisi ka dil na dukhaaein, khubsurat hai woh ankhein, jinme pakizagi ho,sharm-o-haya ho, khubsurat hai woh ansoon, jo kisi ke dard ko mehsoos karke beh jaye, khubsurat hai woh haath, ko kisiko mushkil waqt mein thaam le, khubsurat hai woh kadam, jo kisiki madad ke liye aage badhein, khubsurat hai insaan, jisko khuda ne yeh khubsurati adaa ki ....... #Akshay ───────────────║▌║▌║█│
    Nov 21st 2013, 01:29
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 islamist - Social Mention: PAKISTAN Musharraf's treason trial a 'test' for democracy In an unprecedented move, the Pakistani government has asked the country's Supreme Court to try former President Pervez Musharraf on treason allegations, a move experts say could enrage the powerful military. Former Pakistani President and army chief General Pervez Musharraf speaking during a change of command ceremony as he hands over the Army command to his hand-picked successor, General Ashfaq Kayani in garrison town of Rawalpindi, Pakistan 28 November 2007 (Photo: EPA/INTER SERVICES PUBLIC RELATIONS EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Report+++) Never in the history of Pakistan has a military ruler been tried for treason. Pervez Musharraf, the former president and army chief, who ruled the country from 1999 to 2008, could be the first to face such a trial for declaring a state of emergency and suspending the constitution in 2007 at the end of his authoritarian rule. On Monday, November 18, the government submitted a petition in the apex court seeking the trial of the former president and his subordinate generals under Article 6 of the Pakistani constitution. If convicted, Musharraf could face the death penalty or life in prison. On Tuesday, the country's five high courts each submitted the name of one judge to Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, who will name three to preside over a special court for Musharraf's trial. Earlier this month, an Islamabad district court allowed the 70-year-old bail over a deadly raid on a radical mosque in the capital in 2007, the last of the charges against Musharraf dating back to his rule. Musharraf has faced charges over the murder of former PM Benazir Bhutto at an election rally in 2007, the death of a Akbar Bugti, a Baluch rebel leader in 2006, and the detention of judges in 2007. He had already received bail for those cases. Musharraf is, however, still banned from leaving the country. Pakistan to try Musharraf for treason # 17.11.2013 # Journal The general ruled the Islamic Republic with an iron fist for over eight years and was considered to be one of the most important US allies in the war against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Musharraf ousted the incumbent Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a bloodless military coup in 1999. When the elected government led by Yousuf Raza Gilani came to power in 2008, and Musharraf was impeached, he went into self-imposed exile for five years. Musharraf returned to Pakistan from Dubai on March 24 this year with the sole purpose of contesting May 11 parliamentary elections. But to the general's dismay, the Election Commission of Pakistan disqualified him from taking part in elections, as a number of cases were pending against him in courts. 'Embarrassment' for the military Raza Bokhari, a Musharraf spokesman, lashed out at the government's move to put Musharraf on trial, saying it was an attempt to embarrass the army. DW.DE Zardari's anti-Taliban legacy has no heirs President Zardari has urged the Pakistani government to curb terrorism in his last parliament address. But the newly-elected PM Sharif has made it clear he won't go against the Taliban - a path Zardari gladly took. (11.06.2013) Bhutto's murder case gets murkier with prosecutor's death A tale of two Pakistans "We not only forcefully reject these charges, but also view them as a vicious attempt to undermine the Pakistan military," Bokhari said in a statement. "It is also a botched attempt by the government to temporarily take the focus away from existential threats faced by Pakistan." Experts say that the military is indeed "embarrassed." Karachi-based defense and political analyst Ali K. Chishti told DW that Pakistani generals were "unhappy" with the developments. "The military is not happy and is watching the developments very cautiously. I spoke to some serving generals and they said they found the situation extremely embarrassing for their institution. The Pakistani army does not want to see their former chief behind the bars," Chishti said. Critics say that Musharraf, even after his arrest, got "privileged" treatment because of his military background. Had he been a civilian politician, he would not have received bail on such high-profile cases that soon, they say. Sharif's Muslim League party says that the latest move has nothing to do with Sharif's "personal vendetta" against Musharraf, but experts believe Sharif has taken a collision path with the army. Setting precedence Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif (R) flashes a victory sign as his brother Shabaz Sharif (L) looks on at a polling station in Lahore on February 18, 2008 (Photo: Arifali/AFP/Getty Images) Mushrraf ousted Sharif in 1999 and sent him into exile For those who want to see the supremacy of civilian rule in a country where the military generals have collectively ruled more than thirty years, Musharraf's treason trial could set a precedence. Ahsanuddin Sheikh, one of the applicants in the treason case against Musharraf, told DW that the apex court should try and punish the former president so that "no dictator would dare to break the constitution in future." Legal experts, however, say that the treason trial against Musharraf could "open a Pandora box," as it involves a number of retired and serving military officers and civil bureaucrats. "Musharraf still represents the army. The military commanders won't let him be convicted," Talat Bhat, a Sweden-based Kashmiri political activist told DW. "It is but a test for democracy and a defining moment for Pakistan, its army and the judicial system." Musharraf's legacy The general received the ire of Islamist groups for becoming an ally of the US in its "war on terror" and the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 but he has loyal supporters in Pakistan too. They say that during Musharraf's time in power, Pakistan's economy prospered and the security situation was better than now. In the southern port city of Karachi, which is also the financial capital of Pakistan, a lot of educated and liberal people are nostalgic about Musharraf's rule. Pakistani Taliban in Swat (Photo: DW/Adnan Gran) The Taliban have put a reward on Musharraf's head "Musharraf was a much better leader than Zardari and Sharif," Syed Meer, an entrepreneur in Karachi, told DW. "There was more investment in his era, and our businesses were flourishing. There was no energy crisis. I know he was a dictator, but what is the use of this democracy when people have no jobs and nothing to eat," he questioned. Musharraf's supporters also say that the latest move by PM Sharif's government is an attempt to divert people's attention from more pressing issues the country is facing, such as inflation, energy crisis, unemployment, and terrorism.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:50AM  

    islamist - Social Mention
    PAKISTAN Musharraf's treason trial a 'test' for democracy In an unprecedented move, the Pakistani government has asked the country's Supreme Court to try former President Pervez Musharraf on treason allegations, a move experts say could enrage the powerful military. Former Pakistani President and army chief General Pervez Musharraf speaking during a change of command ceremony as he hands over the Army command to his hand-picked successor, General Ashfaq Kayani in garrison town of Rawalpindi, Pakistan 28 November 2007 (Photo: EPA/INTER SERVICES PUBLIC RELATIONS EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Report+++) Never in the history of Pakistan has a military ruler been tried for treason. Pervez Musharraf, the former president and army chief, who ruled the country from 1999 to 2008, could be the first to face such a trial for declaring a state of emergency and suspending the constitution in 2007 at the end of his authoritarian rule. On Monday, November 18, the government submitted a petition in the apex court seeking the trial of the former president and his subordinate generals under Article 6 of the Pakistani constitution. If convicted, Musharraf could face the death penalty or life in prison. On Tuesday, the country's five high courts each submitted the name of one judge to Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, who will name three to preside over a special court for Musharraf's trial. Earlier this month, an Islamabad district court allowed the 70-year-old bail over a deadly raid on a radical mosque in the capital in 2007, the last of the charges against Musharraf dating back to his rule. Musharraf has faced charges over the murder of former PM Benazir Bhutto at an election rally in 2007, the death of a Akbar Bugti, a Baluch rebel leader in 2006, and the detention of judges in 2007. He had already received bail for those cases. Musharraf is, however, still banned from leaving the country. Pakistan to try Musharraf for treason # 17.11.2013 # Journal The general ruled the Islamic Republic with an iron fist for over eight years and was considered to be one of the most important US allies in the war against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Musharraf ousted the incumbent Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a bloodless military coup in 1999. When the elected government led by Yousuf Raza Gilani came to power in 2008, and Musharraf was impeached, he went into self-imposed exile for five years. Musharraf returned to Pakistan from Dubai on March 24 this year with the sole purpose of contesting May 11 parliamentary elections. But to the general's dismay, the Election Commission of Pakistan disqualified him from taking part in elections, as a number of cases were pending against him in courts. 'Embarrassment' for the military Raza Bokhari, a Musharraf spokesman, lashed out at the government's move to put Musharraf on trial, saying it was an attempt to embarrass the army. DW.DE Zardari's anti-Taliban legacy has no heirs President Zardari has urged the Pakistani government to curb terrorism in his last parliament address. But the newly-elected PM Sharif has made it clear he won't go against the Taliban - a path Zardari gladly took. (11.06.2013) Bhutto's murder case gets murkier with prosecutor's death A tale of two Pakistans "We not only forcefully reject these charges, but also view them as a vicious attempt to undermine the Pakistan military," Bokhari said in a statement. "It is also a botched attempt by the government to temporarily take the focus away from existential threats faced by Pakistan." Experts say that the military is indeed "embarrassed." Karachi-based defense and political analyst Ali K. Chishti told DW that Pakistani generals were "unhappy" with the developments. "The military is not happy and is watching the developments very cautiously. I spoke to some serving generals and they said they found the situation extremely embarrassing for their institution. The Pakistani army does not want to see their former chief behind the bars," Chishti said. Critics say that Musharraf, even after his arrest, got "privileged" treatment because of his military background. Had he been a civilian politician, he would not have received bail on such high-profile cases that soon, they say. Sharif's Muslim League party says that the latest move has nothing to do with Sharif's "personal vendetta" against Musharraf, but experts believe Sharif has taken a collision path with the army. Setting precedence Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif (R) flashes a victory sign as his brother Shabaz Sharif (L) looks on at a polling station in Lahore on February 18, 2008 (Photo: Arifali/AFP/Getty Images) Mushrraf ousted Sharif in 1999 and sent him into exile For those who want to see the supremacy of civilian rule in a country where the military generals have collectively ruled more than thirty years, Musharraf's treason trial could set a precedence. Ahsanuddin Sheikh, one of the applicants in the treason case against Musharraf, told DW that the apex court should try and punish the former president so that "no dictator would dare to break the constitution in future." Legal experts, however, say that the treason trial against Musharraf could "open a Pandora box," as it involves a number of retired and serving military officers and civil bureaucrats. "Musharraf still represents the army. The military commanders won't let him be convicted," Talat Bhat, a Sweden-based Kashmiri political activist told DW. "It is but a test for democracy and a defining moment for Pakistan, its army and the judicial system." Musharraf's legacy The general received the ire of Islamist groups for becoming an ally of the US in its "war on terror" and the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 but he has loyal supporters in Pakistan too. They say that during Musharraf's time in power, Pakistan's economy prospered and the security situation was better than now. In the southern port city of Karachi, which is also the financial capital of Pakistan, a lot of educated and liberal people are nostalgic about Musharraf's rule. Pakistani Taliban in Swat (Photo: DW/Adnan Gran) The Taliban have put a reward on Musharraf's head "Musharraf was a much better leader than Zardari and Sharif," Syed Meer, an entrepreneur in Karachi, told DW. "There was more investment in his era, and our businesses were flourishing. There was no energy crisis. I know he was a dictator, but what is the use of this democracy when people have no jobs and nothing to eat," he questioned. Musharraf's supporters also say that the latest move by PM Sharif's government is an attempt to divert people's attention from more pressing issues the country is facing, such as inflation, energy crisis, unemployment, and terrorism.
    Nov 20th 2013, 10:19
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 dschihad - Social Mention: Du musst dir bewusst sein, meine muslimische Schwester, dass deine Aufgabe größer ist, als was du dir vorstellst. Du bist für einen großen Teil der Niederlage des Islams heutzutage verantwortlich, denn wärst du deiner Verantwortung gewachsen, hätte diese Schande die Ummah nicht befallen. Und vielleicht sagst du: "Warum trage ich all diese Verantwortung ?" Wir sagen, weil deine Verantwortung die erste Verantwortung ist, die, wenn sie nicht korrekt getragen wurde, kaum ein Nutzen zu finden ist, in dem was danach kommt. Dies ist, weil der erste (Ort), an welchem das Kind auf wächst zwischen deinen Armen ist. Und wenn er zu einem jungen Mann heranwächst wird er nur deine Rechtleitung kennen, aufgrund seiner Liebe zu dir. Wenn du ihm also die Liebe zu Allah, Seinem Gesandten und dem Dschihad in Seinem Weg nicht einpflanzt in seiner Kindheit,wird keiner mehr fähig sein diese in sein Herz zu pflanzen wenn er älter wird, außer mit viel Mühe. Das Pflänzchen ist zwischen deinen Händen, zart und feucht. So steig zu deiner Rolle auf und du wirst das Ergebnis sehen in zwei Jahrzehnten, mit der Erlaubnis Allahs.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:52PM  

    dschihad - Social Mention
    Du musst dir bewusst sein, meine muslimische Schwester, dass deine Aufgabe größer ist, als was du dir vorstellst. Du bist für einen großen Teil der Niederlage des Islams heutzutage verantwortlich, denn wärst du deiner Verantwortung gewachsen, hätte diese Schande die Ummah nicht befallen. Und vielleicht sagst du: "Warum trage ich all diese Verantwortung ?" Wir sagen, weil deine Verantwortung die erste Verantwortung ist, die, wenn sie nicht korrekt getragen wurde, kaum ein Nutzen zu finden ist, in dem was danach kommt. Dies ist, weil der erste (Ort), an welchem das Kind auf wächst zwischen deinen Armen ist. Und wenn er zu einem jungen Mann heranwächst wird er nur deine Rechtleitung kennen, aufgrund seiner Liebe zu dir. Wenn du ihm also die Liebe zu Allah, Seinem Gesandten und dem Dschihad in Seinem Weg nicht einpflanzt in seiner Kindheit,wird keiner mehr fähig sein diese in sein Herz zu pflanzen wenn er älter wird, außer mit viel Mühe. Das Pflänzchen ist zwischen deinen Händen, zart und feucht. So steig zu deiner Rolle auf und du wirst das Ergebnis sehen in zwei Jahrzehnten, mit der Erlaubnis Allahs.
    Nov 20th 2013, 13:31
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 khilafah - Social Mention: "Renungan Bagi Pengemban Dakwah" Mengapa kemenangan dakwah tak kunjung datang,? padahal gerakan dakwah ini smakin lama smkin matang? mngapa Nasrullah tak knjung turun, pdhal prjuangan dakwah ini sudah brjalan puluhan tahun,? Mngapa Khilafah tak knjung tegak brdiri, pdhal jamaah dakwah ini, slama ini, konssten mngikuti manhaj Nabi saw ? Mungkin bbrapa prtnyaan d atas prnah trbrsit dalam jiwa stiap Pngemban mabda islam, yg snantiasa mnjadikan dakwah sbg fokus dan poros hidupnya. Tidak jarang, prtanyaan-prtanyaan smacam ini mmunculkan keraguan dlm jiwanya trhadap keshahihan Fikrah/pemikiran dan Thariqoh/metode dakwah, yg slama ini d tempuh grakan dakwahnya. Tidak jarang pula prtanyaan d atas mmbersitkan ketidak-siqoh-an dirinya trhadap harakah dakwah skaligus qiyadahnya. Prtanyaan-prtanyaan d atas sbtulnya wajar, bhkan harus slalu mnjdi bahan tafakur dan renungan stiap Pngmban dakwah. Dengan itu ia akan slalu brsikap kritis trhadap stiap penyimpangan. Namun, sudah selayaknya prtanyaan-prtanyaan itu juga mmunculkan sikap kritis trhadap dirinya sdiri. Sudahkah ia mnjadi Pengemban dakwah sejati sbgaimana Rasulullah saw dan para Sahabatnya? Sebab, jngan-jngan tertundanya Nasrullah n tak kunjung tegaknya Khilafah adlah karena kualitas keimanan maupun ktaqwaan kita yg masih sangat jauh d bandingkan dgn generasi Salafus-salih dulu. ***** Rasulullah saw n Para Sahabatnya, juga generasi Salafus-salih stlah mreka, mraih kmenangan demi kmenangan atas musuh-musuh mereka krn mereka snantiasa brpegang teguh pd agama ini. Di dlm bnyak kitab Sirah tlah d riwayatkan bhwa musuh manapun tdak sanggup brtahan lama mnghadapi para Sahabat dan Rasulullah saw, bhkan kerajaan Romawi skalipun yg saat itu mrupakan sbuah "Negara Adidaya". Mengapa pasuka romawi bs d kalahkan oleh kaum Muslim? Inilah juga yg mnjadi prtanyaan Heraklius, pnguasa Romawi saat itu. Saat brada di Antakiah dan pasukan Romawi pulang dlm keadaan kalah mnghadapi kaum Muslimin, Heraklius brkata kpada pasukannya,"Celaka kalian! jlaskan kpadaku ttg org-org yg brperang melawan klian ? Bukankah mereka juga manusia sprti klian?" Paukan Romawi mnjawab,"Benar." "Siapa yg lbh bnyak psukannya, klian atau mereka?" "Kami lbh bnyak psukannya bbrpa x lipat d smua tmpat." "Lalu mngpa klian bs d kalahkan?" Tnya Heraklius lagi. Salah satu tokoh Romawi mnjawab, "Krna mereka bs mlakukan sholat malam, brpuasa pd siang hari, mnepati janji, mlakukan amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, dan brlaku adil bgi sesama mereka. Sbliknya, kt biasa mnum-minuman keras, brzina, mlakukan kharaman, ingkar janji, mrampok, mndzolimi orang, mmrintahkan hal-hal haram, melarang hal-hal yg d ridhoi Tuhan srta mmbuat krusakan d muka bumi." Kpada Tokoh itu Heraklius brkata," Kamu benar!." (Diriwayatkan Ahmad bin Marwan al Malik, dlm kitab Al-Bidayah (VII/15) ; juga oleh Ibnu Asakir) Sebab-sbab pmbawa kemenangan juga prnah d jelaskan oleh salah satu intel Romawi yg d kirim utk mnyelidiki kondisi kaum Muslim. Usai mnjalankan tugasnya mnyelidki kondisi kaum Muslim, intel itu mnjelaskan kondisi mereka, " Mereka (kaum Muslim) adlah 'para Biarawan' (para ahli ibadah) pd malam hari dan para pendekar ulung pd siang hari. Jika anak pnguasa mereka mncuri, mereka memotong tangannya, dan jika ia brzina mereka merajamnya, utk mnegakkan kebenaran d tengah-tengah mereka." Mendengar itu, atasan sang intel itu brkata,"Jika laporanmu itu benar, perut bumi (kematian) lbh baik bagiku drpd brhadapan dgn mereka d atas bumi. Aku brharap Tuhan tdk mmprtemukan aku dgn mereka." (Diriwayatkan al-Baihaqi, dalam As-Sunan al Kubra, VIII/175). ***** Jelas, Kemenangan generasi Muslim trdahulu adalah krn keteguhan mereka dalam brpegang teguh dgn agama ini. Sbaliknya, kkalahan yg mereka alami adlah krna kbalikannya. Jika kita menelaah perang Uhud, misalnya, kita akan menemukan bahwa sbab kekalahan kaum muslim d dalamnya ialah krn prilaku mereka yg tdk mnaati prntah Rasulullah saw. Sbgian pasukan pemanah, yg jmlah mreka tdk mncapai 4% dari jumlah total pasukan kaum muslim ktika itu, mlakukan tndakan indispliner. Mreka brmaksiat trhadap printah Rasulullah saw. Akibatnya, 70 org Sahabat gugur ; perut mreka d belah ; hidung dan telinga mreka d mutilasi ; Rasulullah saw sdiri trluka, wajah Beliau trgores, dan gigi antara gigi seri dan gigi taring Beliau rontok. ***** Jadi, mngapa Nasrullah tak knjung turun, kmenangan tak kunjung datang, dan Khilafah tak kunjung tegak? Boleh jadi smua itu brpangkal dari kmaksiatan kita, bukan krn ktdakshahihan Fikrah dan Tariqoh dakwah kita. Mngkin krn slama ini kita pun brmaksiat kpd Allah swt. adn Rasulullah saw, Kita tdk bs mnjaga kbrsihan hati kita dr pnyakit riya, ujub, sombong, ambisi jabatan dll, tdk mampu mnjaga pandangan dr hal-hal haram, tdk snggup mnjaga lisan kita dr ucapan-ucapan yg tiada brguna, dan tdk mampu mngendalikan anggota tbuh kita dr prilaku maksiat. Kita juga srg mlakukan akad, Mngkhianati amanah, (truatama amanah dakwah) srta mlanggar janji dan sumpah (trutama utk taat dan patuh pd qiyadah atas nama Allah). Jika mmng smua itu yg mnjadi faktor mngapa Nasrullah , kemenangan, dan Khilafah tak kunjung sgra trwujud, maka tdak ada cara lain slain kita harus sgera brtobat dgn tobat-an nashuha ; kembali kepada Allah Azza wa jalla dgn sgala ksucian jiwa. Wa ma Tawfiqi Illa Billah...
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:53AM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    "Renungan Bagi Pengemban Dakwah" Mengapa kemenangan dakwah tak kunjung datang,? padahal gerakan dakwah ini smakin lama smkin matang? mngapa Nasrullah tak knjung turun, pdhal prjuangan dakwah ini sudah brjalan puluhan tahun,? Mngapa Khilafah tak knjung tegak brdiri, pdhal jamaah dakwah ini, slama ini, konssten mngikuti manhaj Nabi saw ? Mungkin bbrapa prtnyaan d atas prnah trbrsit dalam jiwa stiap Pngemban mabda islam, yg snantiasa mnjadikan dakwah sbg fokus dan poros hidupnya. Tidak jarang, prtanyaan-prtanyaan smacam ini mmunculkan keraguan dlm jiwanya trhadap keshahihan Fikrah/pemikiran dan Thariqoh/metode dakwah, yg slama ini d tempuh grakan dakwahnya. Tidak jarang pula prtanyaan d atas mmbersitkan ketidak-siqoh-an dirinya trhadap harakah dakwah skaligus qiyadahnya. Prtanyaan-prtanyaan d atas sbtulnya wajar, bhkan harus slalu mnjdi bahan tafakur dan renungan stiap Pngmban dakwah. Dengan itu ia akan slalu brsikap kritis trhadap stiap penyimpangan. Namun, sudah selayaknya prtanyaan-prtanyaan itu juga mmunculkan sikap kritis trhadap dirinya sdiri. Sudahkah ia mnjadi Pengemban dakwah sejati sbgaimana Rasulullah saw dan para Sahabatnya? Sebab, jngan-jngan tertundanya Nasrullah n tak kunjung tegaknya Khilafah adlah karena kualitas keimanan maupun ktaqwaan kita yg masih sangat jauh d bandingkan dgn generasi Salafus-salih dulu. ***** Rasulullah saw n Para Sahabatnya, juga generasi Salafus-salih stlah mreka, mraih kmenangan demi kmenangan atas musuh-musuh mereka krn mereka snantiasa brpegang teguh pd agama ini. Di dlm bnyak kitab Sirah tlah d riwayatkan bhwa musuh manapun tdak sanggup brtahan lama mnghadapi para Sahabat dan Rasulullah saw, bhkan kerajaan Romawi skalipun yg saat itu mrupakan sbuah "Negara Adidaya". Mengapa pasuka romawi bs d kalahkan oleh kaum Muslim? Inilah juga yg mnjadi prtanyaan Heraklius, pnguasa Romawi saat itu. Saat brada di Antakiah dan pasukan Romawi pulang dlm keadaan kalah mnghadapi kaum Muslimin, Heraklius brkata kpada pasukannya,"Celaka kalian! jlaskan kpadaku ttg org-org yg brperang melawan klian ? Bukankah mereka juga manusia sprti klian?" Paukan Romawi mnjawab,"Benar." "Siapa yg lbh bnyak psukannya, klian atau mereka?" "Kami lbh bnyak psukannya bbrpa x lipat d smua tmpat." "Lalu mngpa klian bs d kalahkan?" Tnya Heraklius lagi. Salah satu tokoh Romawi mnjawab, "Krna mereka bs mlakukan sholat malam, brpuasa pd siang hari, mnepati janji, mlakukan amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, dan brlaku adil bgi sesama mereka. Sbliknya, kt biasa mnum-minuman keras, brzina, mlakukan kharaman, ingkar janji, mrampok, mndzolimi orang, mmrintahkan hal-hal haram, melarang hal-hal yg d ridhoi Tuhan srta mmbuat krusakan d muka bumi." Kpada Tokoh itu Heraklius brkata," Kamu benar!." (Diriwayatkan Ahmad bin Marwan al Malik, dlm kitab Al-Bidayah (VII/15) ; juga oleh Ibnu Asakir) Sebab-sbab pmbawa kemenangan juga prnah d jelaskan oleh salah satu intel Romawi yg d kirim utk mnyelidiki kondisi kaum Muslim. Usai mnjalankan tugasnya mnyelidki kondisi kaum Muslim, intel itu mnjelaskan kondisi mereka, " Mereka (kaum Muslim) adlah 'para Biarawan' (para ahli ibadah) pd malam hari dan para pendekar ulung pd siang hari. Jika anak pnguasa mereka mncuri, mereka memotong tangannya, dan jika ia brzina mereka merajamnya, utk mnegakkan kebenaran d tengah-tengah mereka." Mendengar itu, atasan sang intel itu brkata,"Jika laporanmu itu benar, perut bumi (kematian) lbh baik bagiku drpd brhadapan dgn mereka d atas bumi. Aku brharap Tuhan tdk mmprtemukan aku dgn mereka." (Diriwayatkan al-Baihaqi, dalam As-Sunan al Kubra, VIII/175). ***** Jelas, Kemenangan generasi Muslim trdahulu adalah krn keteguhan mereka dalam brpegang teguh dgn agama ini. Sbaliknya, kkalahan yg mereka alami adlah krna kbalikannya. Jika kita menelaah perang Uhud, misalnya, kita akan menemukan bahwa sbab kekalahan kaum muslim d dalamnya ialah krn prilaku mereka yg tdk mnaati prntah Rasulullah saw. Sbgian pasukan pemanah, yg jmlah mreka tdk mncapai 4% dari jumlah total pasukan kaum muslim ktika itu, mlakukan tndakan indispliner. Mreka brmaksiat trhadap printah Rasulullah saw. Akibatnya, 70 org Sahabat gugur ; perut mreka d belah ; hidung dan telinga mreka d mutilasi ; Rasulullah saw sdiri trluka, wajah Beliau trgores, dan gigi antara gigi seri dan gigi taring Beliau rontok. ***** Jadi, mngapa Nasrullah tak knjung turun, kmenangan tak kunjung datang, dan Khilafah tak kunjung tegak? Boleh jadi smua itu brpangkal dari kmaksiatan kita, bukan krn ktdakshahihan Fikrah dan Tariqoh dakwah kita. Mngkin krn slama ini kita pun brmaksiat kpd Allah swt. adn Rasulullah saw, Kita tdk bs mnjaga kbrsihan hati kita dr pnyakit riya, ujub, sombong, ambisi jabatan dll, tdk mampu mnjaga pandangan dr hal-hal haram, tdk snggup mnjaga lisan kita dr ucapan-ucapan yg tiada brguna, dan tdk mampu mngendalikan anggota tbuh kita dr prilaku maksiat. Kita juga srg mlakukan akad, Mngkhianati amanah, (truatama amanah dakwah) srta mlanggar janji dan sumpah (trutama utk taat dan patuh pd qiyadah atas nama Allah). Jika mmng smua itu yg mnjadi faktor mngapa Nasrullah , kemenangan, dan Khilafah tak kunjung sgra trwujud, maka tdak ada cara lain slain kita harus sgera brtobat dgn tobat-an nashuha ; kembali kepada Allah Azza wa jalla dgn sgala ksucian jiwa. Wa ma Tawfiqi Illa Billah...
    Nov 21st 2013, 07:56
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 05:04AM  

    killuminati - Social Mention
    I am hoping to find some people in the SF Bay Peninsula area who are supporters of the Resource Based Economy and would like to form a group to raise awareness in this area...and maybe even work together to create a community. If anyone is interested, or even knows of anyone who might be interested...please like, share, comment, and even message me, if you want to. Thanks
    Nov 21st 2013, 03:41
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: JAMINAN RIZKI & PAHALA PADA SHALAT DHUHA Shalat dhuha merupakan salah satu diantara shalat-shalat sunah yang sangat dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Banyak sekali penjelasan hadits yang telah menyebutkan berbagai keutamaan dan keistimewaan shalat Dhuha bagi siapa saja yang melaksanakannya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa hadits Rasulullah Muhammad saw yang menceritakan tentang keutamaan shalat Dhuha, di antaranya: 1. Sedekah bagi seluruh persendian tubuh manusia Dari Abu Dzar al-Ghifari ra, ia berkata bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda: "Di setiap sendiri seorang dari kamu terdapat sedekah, setiap tasbih (ucapan subhanallah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid (ucapan alhamdulillah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahlil (ucapan lailahaillallah) adalah sedekah, setiap takbir adalah sedekah, menyuruh kepada kebaikan adalah sedekah, mencegah dari kemungkaran adalah sedekah. Dan dua rakaat Dhuha diberi pahala" (HR Muslim). 2. Ghanimah (keuntungan) yang besar Dari Abdullah bin `Amr bin `Ash radhiyallahu `anhuma, ia berkata: Rasulullah saw mengirim sebuah pasukan perang. Nabi saw berkata: "Perolehlah keuntungan (ghanimah) dan cepatlah kembali!". Mereka akhirnya saling berbicara tentang dekatnya tujuan (tempat) perang dan banyaknya ghanimah (keuntungan) yang akan diperoleh dan cepat kembali (karena dekat jaraknya). Lalu Rasulullah saw berkata; "Maukah kalian aku tunjukkan kepada tujuan paling dekat dari mereka (musuh yang akan diperangi), paling banyak ghanimah (keuntungan) nya dan cepat kembalinya?" Mereka menjawab; "Ya! Rasul saw berkata lagi: "Barangsiapa yang berwudhu', kemudian masuk ke dalam masjid untuk melakukan shalat Dhuha, dia lah yang paling dekat tujuanannya (tempat perangnya), lebih banyak ghanimahnya dan lebih cepat kembalinya." (Shahih al-Targhib: 666) 3. Sebuah rumah di surga Bagi yang rajin mengerjakan shalat Dhuha, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di dalam surga. Hal ini dijelaskan dalam sebuah hadits Nabi Muahammad saw: "Barangsiapa yang shalat Dhuha sebanyak empat rakaat dan empat rakaat sebelumnya, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di surga." (Shahih al-Jami`: 634) 4. Memeroleh ganjaran di sore hari Dari Abu Darda' ra, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw berkata: Allah SWT berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, shalatlah untuk-Ku empat rakaat dari awal hari, maka Aku akan mencukupi kebutuhanmu (ganjaran) pada sore harinya" (Shahih al-Jami: 4339). Dalam sebuah riwayat juga disebutkan: "Innallaa `azza wa jalla yaqulu: Yabna adama akfnini awwala al-nahar bi'arba`i raka`at ukfika bihinna akhira yaumika" (Sesungguhnya Allah `Azza Wa Jalla berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, cukuplah bagi-Ku empat rakaat di awal hari, maka aku akan mencukupimu di sore harimu"). 5. Pahala Umrah Dari Abu Umamah ra bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dalam keadaan bersuci untuk melaksanakan shalat wajib, maka pahalanya seperti seorang yang melaksanakan haji. Barang siapa yang keluar untuk melaksanakan shalat Dhuha, maka pahalanya seperti orang yang melaksanakan `umrah…" (Shahih al-Targhib: 673). Dalam sebuah hadits yang lain disebutkan bahwa Nabi saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang mengerjakan shalat fajar (shubuh) berjamaah, kemudian ia (setelah usai) duduk mengingat Allah hingga terbit matahari, lalu ia shalat dua rakaat (Dhuha), ia mendapatkan pahala seperti pahala haji dan umrah; sempurna, sempurna, sempurna.." (Shahih al-Jami`: 6346). 6. Ampunan Dosa "Siapa pun yang melaksanakan shalat dhuha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan." (HR Tirmidzi). Semoga sedikit kutipan mengenai Rahasia dan Keutamaan Shalat Dhuha ini bisa membuat kita lebih giat lagi dalam menjalankan shalat dhuha, dan bagi yang belum melaksanakannya bisa memulai untuk menjalankannya… Aamiin… TOLONG JANGAN DI ABAIKAN..!! --- Semoga Bermanfaat --- Sobat sekarang anda memiliki dua pilihan , 1. Membiarkan sedikit pengetahuan ini hanya dibaca disini 2. Membagikan pengetahuan ini kesemua teman facebookmu , Insyallah bermanfaat dan akan menjadi pahala bagimu
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 12:04AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    JAMINAN RIZKI & PAHALA PADA SHALAT DHUHA Shalat dhuha merupakan salah satu diantara shalat-shalat sunah yang sangat dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Banyak sekali penjelasan hadits yang telah menyebutkan berbagai keutamaan dan keistimewaan shalat Dhuha bagi siapa saja yang melaksanakannya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa hadits Rasulullah Muhammad saw yang menceritakan tentang keutamaan shalat Dhuha, di antaranya: 1. Sedekah bagi seluruh persendian tubuh manusia Dari Abu Dzar al-Ghifari ra, ia berkata bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda: "Di setiap sendiri seorang dari kamu terdapat sedekah, setiap tasbih (ucapan subhanallah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid (ucapan alhamdulillah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahlil (ucapan lailahaillallah) adalah sedekah, setiap takbir adalah sedekah, menyuruh kepada kebaikan adalah sedekah, mencegah dari kemungkaran adalah sedekah. Dan dua rakaat Dhuha diberi pahala" (HR Muslim). 2. Ghanimah (keuntungan) yang besar Dari Abdullah bin `Amr bin `Ash radhiyallahu `anhuma, ia berkata: Rasulullah saw mengirim sebuah pasukan perang. Nabi saw berkata: "Perolehlah keuntungan (ghanimah) dan cepatlah kembali!". Mereka akhirnya saling berbicara tentang dekatnya tujuan (tempat) perang dan banyaknya ghanimah (keuntungan) yang akan diperoleh dan cepat kembali (karena dekat jaraknya). Lalu Rasulullah saw berkata; "Maukah kalian aku tunjukkan kepada tujuan paling dekat dari mereka (musuh yang akan diperangi), paling banyak ghanimah (keuntungan) nya dan cepat kembalinya?" Mereka menjawab; "Ya! Rasul saw berkata lagi: "Barangsiapa yang berwudhu', kemudian masuk ke dalam masjid untuk melakukan shalat Dhuha, dia lah yang paling dekat tujuanannya (tempat perangnya), lebih banyak ghanimahnya dan lebih cepat kembalinya." (Shahih al-Targhib: 666) 3. Sebuah rumah di surga Bagi yang rajin mengerjakan shalat Dhuha, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di dalam surga. Hal ini dijelaskan dalam sebuah hadits Nabi Muahammad saw: "Barangsiapa yang shalat Dhuha sebanyak empat rakaat dan empat rakaat sebelumnya, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di surga." (Shahih al-Jami`: 634) 4. Memeroleh ganjaran di sore hari Dari Abu Darda' ra, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw berkata: Allah SWT berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, shalatlah untuk-Ku empat rakaat dari awal hari, maka Aku akan mencukupi kebutuhanmu (ganjaran) pada sore harinya" (Shahih al-Jami: 4339). Dalam sebuah riwayat juga disebutkan: "Innallaa `azza wa jalla yaqulu: Yabna adama akfnini awwala al-nahar bi'arba`i raka`at ukfika bihinna akhira yaumika" (Sesungguhnya Allah `Azza Wa Jalla berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, cukuplah bagi-Ku empat rakaat di awal hari, maka aku akan mencukupimu di sore harimu"). 5. Pahala Umrah Dari Abu Umamah ra bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dalam keadaan bersuci untuk melaksanakan shalat wajib, maka pahalanya seperti seorang yang melaksanakan haji. Barang siapa yang keluar untuk melaksanakan shalat Dhuha, maka pahalanya seperti orang yang melaksanakan `umrah…" (Shahih al-Targhib: 673). Dalam sebuah hadits yang lain disebutkan bahwa Nabi saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang mengerjakan shalat fajar (shubuh) berjamaah, kemudian ia (setelah usai) duduk mengingat Allah hingga terbit matahari, lalu ia shalat dua rakaat (Dhuha), ia mendapatkan pahala seperti pahala haji dan umrah; sempurna, sempurna, sempurna.." (Shahih al-Jami`: 6346). 6. Ampunan Dosa "Siapa pun yang melaksanakan shalat dhuha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan." (HR Tirmidzi). Semoga sedikit kutipan mengenai Rahasia dan Keutamaan Shalat Dhuha ini bisa membuat kita lebih giat lagi dalam menjalankan shalat dhuha, dan bagi yang belum melaksanakannya bisa memulai untuk menjalankannya… Aamiin… TOLONG JANGAN DI ABAIKAN..!! --- Semoga Bermanfaat --- Sobat sekarang anda memiliki dua pilihan , 1. Membiarkan sedikit pengetahuan ini hanya dibaca disini 2. Membagikan pengetahuan ini kesemua teman facebookmu , Insyallah bermanfaat dan akan menjadi pahala bagimu
    Nov 20th 2013, 23:29
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 Abu Adam - Social Mention: History has preserved the life-stories of men, thousands in number, who had achieved eminence in one field or the other. All of them have left their imprints on the pages of history. There are amongst them emperors surrounded by the splendor of royal courts, an array of military commanders and generals, philosophers lost in their thoughts, mighty conquerors intoxicated with power, poets singing to cheer their own solitude with sweet songs and the affluent rolling in riches . All of them have attraction of their own for the sons of Adam. Whether it be Hannibal of Carthage, or Alexander of Macedonia, or Caesar of Rome, or Darius of Iran, or yet Napoleon of France, the life of each has a fascination for the posterity. Similarly alluring are the lives of all philosophers from Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Diogenes of the ancients to Spencer of England. Even the lives of Nimrod and Pharaoh, Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab and Korah depict yet another trait of human nature and character; but the question is, who amongst these, can be deemed as a model of goodness and virtue fit to be followed by other human beings? Great generals and conquerors, indeed were they, who swept everything before them by their sword, but did they also succeed in leaving an ennobling example of their lives to be followed by others? They had won brilliant victories, but were they able to cut the shackles of superstition and credulous beliefs? Did they solve any social problem besetting equality and brotherhood of human beings? Did they succeed in restoring our moral and spiritual health and happiness or in eradicating the faults and failings of our desires? Did they present any model of moral rectitude and decorous behavior for the posterity? World has given birth to great poets. But, these were painters of fantasy, merely starry-eyed utopians unfit to be assigned any place in the Republic of Plato. There have been sages and philosophers who have plumbed the secrets of nature beyond the limits of perception and changed the concept of things and materials. They have, nevertheless, failed to produce any blueprint for the practical guidance of humanity. For their flight of imagination lacked practical wisdom, they could never provide man with any guidance in the discharge of his obligations. Aristotle was the precursor of ethical philosophy now studied in every university. His brilliant exposition of ethical impulsions is esteemed highly both by the learned and the learners, but how many of them have been able to betake the path of virtue by reading his dissertations? Teachers well-versed in ethical philosophy can be found almost in every institution of higher learning, who know all about its premises and principles, but has their impact been ever felt beyond their class-rooms? On the contrary, we find that very often their conduct and behavior are no better than those of the man on the street. To walk in the right path one has not to hear the sermons but to see the living examples of cardinal virtues. Powerful kings and emperors have also appeared on the stage of this world. They have extended their dominions, played with the life and property of their fellow beings, extracted wealth through taxes and tithes from some and bestowed their bounties on others. They have demeaned on to exalt the other. The Book of God presents, in the words of the Queen of Sheba, this rare picture of their doings on the earth: "Lo! kings, when they enter a township, ruin it and make the honor of its people shame." (Quran, 27:34) The swords of mighty kings have hanged over the heads of criminals in thoroughfares and market places, but they have failed to reach the guilt concealed in the minds and hearts of men. They have enforced law and order in the habitations and townships, but the kingdom of spirit has ever been beyond their reach, or, rather, their own courts and castles have been the breeding dens of moral confusion and spiritual anarchy. What else have the kings like Alexanders and Caesars left for us? How many lawgivers has the world seen from Solon to this day? Their laws were not only short-lived but also failed to cleanse the hearts and purify the morals. Subsequent rulers always placed a new set of laws on the statute book, albeit more often to further their own interests than to enforce the rules of equity. The world has not changed even today. Still, the legislatures in every country make and unmake laws endlessly, but seldom their labors are for the benefit of the people whom they profess to represent. It is more the interest of the powers that be which they seek to promote. The prophets adorn and illuminate the soul of man: the zealous preachings of Noah, the unshakable principle of God's oneness upheld by Abraham, the patrimony of resignation to Divine will bequeathed by Isaac, the self-sacrifice of Ishmael, the indefatigable efforts of Moses, the faithfulness of Aaron, the self-resignation of Jacob, the lamentations of David, the wisdom of Solomon, the litanies of Zachariah, the chastity of John, the piety of Jesus, the penitence of Jonah, the strenuous exertion of Lot and the endurance of Job have made the life of man winsome and bright These are, broadly, the higher sections of society which could be expected to work for the welfare of humanity. If you give further thoughts to the matter you would see that whatever light of goodness and virtue you find in the world today, it owes its existence to the pure-hearted souls whom you know by the name of prophets and messengers of God. Wherever you come across compassion and justice and a sincere desire to alleviate the sufferings of the poor and the downtrodden, no matter whether these are found in the cave of a mountain or a dense forest or a populous city, they are due to the call given by one of these men of God. The Quran tells us: "There is not a nation but a warner hath passed among them." (Quran, 35:24) "For every folk a guide." (Quran, 13:7) The lustre of their teachings is to be found today in every country and nation; savages and the civilized people of the world are both equally indebted to them for edification of their souls. Of all the groups of men we have mentioned afore, the most august are they, for they rule not over the bodies of men like the kings, but their authority is enshrined in the hearts of the people. Their kingdom is not of lands and countries, but of hearts and spirits: they do now wield the sword, yet they obliterate the stains of guilt and iniquity at one stroke; they are not dreamy-eyed songsmiths, yet the sweetness of their speech delights the soul; they are neither senators nor law-makers, yet the laws given by them regulate the conduct of statesmen and judges, kings and subjects from age to age. This is not a question of faith or conviction but a matter of fact and history. One has to see whether it has actually been so or not. The edicts of Patliputra's Ashoka are engraved on the pillars of stones, but those of the Buddha are inscribed in the hearts of people. The decrees of the rulers of Ujjain, Hastinapur, Delhi and Kannauj are no more to be found today, but the Dharma Shastra of Manu still prevails. The statutes of Hamurabbi, the King of Babel, have long been buried under the dust, but Abraham's teachings are still alive! Pharaoh's imprudent demand to pay divine honors to him was a transient as the clouds, but Moses still lives in his teachings. How long did the laws of Solon remain in force, but the laws of Torah are still the measure of justice! The Roman Law which persecuted Jesus Christ became extinct long ago, but the doctrines of love that flowed from the lips of Jesus still redeem the wrongdoers and wash them of their sins. The Abu Jahls of Mecca, the Chosroes of Iran and the Caesars of Rome are all dead and gone, but the Lord of Madina still rules over the hearts of people in every part of the world. If these facts are correct, one would have to concede, not on grounds of faith, but through reason and logic of stubborn facts, that no other class of people except the prophets has worked for the welfare and happiness of mankind in its truest sense; theirs was the endeavor consisting of virtue and goodness, purity of heart, moderation and temperance. They all came to this world as messengers of God to preach the gospel of Truth and Faith, and they left their footsteps of righteousness to be followed by the coming generations. It is from their teachings alone that the rulers and the ruled, the rich and the poor and the learned and the illiterate can derive equal benefit. "That is Our argument. We gave it unto Abraham against the folk. We raise unto degrees of wisdom whom We will. Lo! thy Lord is Wise, Aware. And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob; each of them We guided; and Noah did We guide aforetime; and of his seed (We guided) David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron. Thus do we reward the good. And Zachariah and John and Jesus and Elias. Each one (of them) was of the righteous. And Ishmael and Elisa and Jonah and Lot. Each one (of them) did We prefer above (Our) creatures, With some of their forefathers and their off-spring and their brethren; and We chose them and guided them unto a straight path. Such is the guidance of Allah wherewith He guideth whom he will of His bondmen. But if they had set up (for worship) aught beside Him, (all) that they did would have been vain. Those are they unto whom We gave the Scripture and command and prophethood. But if these disbelieve therein, then indeed We shall entrust it to a people who will not be disbelievers therein. Those are they whom Allah guideth, so follow their guidance." (Quran 6:84-91) These luminous verses of the Quran speak of a particular group among men, some of whom have been mentioned by name, who had been sent to cure the spiritual ailments of mankind and restore its moral health. They were men, holy and angelic in spirit, who preached the word of God in different times and climes and in every land. Whatever of moral rectitude and righteousness, purity and chastity man possesses today, it is all their legacy, and in following their footsteps alone lies the salvation and well-being of humanity. The prophets adorn and illuminate the soul of man: the zealous preachings of Noah, the unshakable principle of God's oneness upheld by Abraham, the patrimony of resignation to Divine will bequeathed by Isaac, the self-sacrifice of Ishmael, the indefatigable efforts of Moses, the faithfulness of Aaron, the self-resignation of Jacob, the lamentations of David, the wisdom of Solomon, the litanies of Zachariah, the chastity of John, the piety of Jesus, the penitence of Jonah, the strenuous exertion of Lot and the endurance of Job have made the life of man winsome and bright. To these consecrated souls can be traced every virtue and goodness found in the world today. There is, however, no denying the fact that culture and civilization, progress and improvement, in short, everything that has contributed towards the welfare and material progress of mankind and helped man to raise himself to the level of vicegerent of God on earth, has been brought about by the combined effort of all men. Astronomers have discovered the movements of heavenly bodies, chemists have found out the properties of substances, physicians have searched the medicines for curing diseases, architects have developed the science and designs of structures and artisans have give birth to useful crafts and fine arts, and all of them have thus a share in the making of our world. We ought to be thankful to all of them. Nevertheless, we are even more obliged to offer our thanks to those who have decorated the world within us. They are the physicians who have cured us of our greed and envy, diagnosed the ailments of our souls and refurbished its lost energy and vigor. They elaborated our behavior patterns and aptitudes, ideas and intentions and showed us the way of attaining purity of heart and sublimity of spirit. It was through the efforts of these God moved souls that the cultural attainments were refined and embellished, the link between man and God, the slave and the Lord, was established. How could the world have attained its excellence if we had been denied the knowledge received through prophetic teachings? We are, verily, indebted more to these men of God than to any other class or group of person. This is the compliment due to the prophets of God and it ought to be paid by all of us whenever their name comes on the lips of anyone. And, this is the benediction taught by Islam to be offered for them: "O God! Have mercy and peace on all of them." [by Riza Fahmi Ashadhy Novel - ed]
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 04:02AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    History has preserved the life-stories of men, thousands in number, who had achieved eminence in one field or the other. All of them have left their imprints on the pages of history. There are amongst them emperors surrounded by the splendor of royal courts, an array of military commanders and generals, philosophers lost in their thoughts, mighty conquerors intoxicated with power, poets singing to cheer their own solitude with sweet songs and the affluent rolling in riches . All of them have attraction of their own for the sons of Adam. Whether it be Hannibal of Carthage, or Alexander of Macedonia, or Caesar of Rome, or Darius of Iran, or yet Napoleon of France, the life of each has a fascination for the posterity. Similarly alluring are the lives of all philosophers from Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Diogenes of the ancients to Spencer of England. Even the lives of Nimrod and Pharaoh, Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab and Korah depict yet another trait of human nature and character; but the question is, who amongst these, can be deemed as a model of goodness and virtue fit to be followed by other human beings? Great generals and conquerors, indeed were they, who swept everything before them by their sword, but did they also succeed in leaving an ennobling example of their lives to be followed by others? They had won brilliant victories, but were they able to cut the shackles of superstition and credulous beliefs? Did they solve any social problem besetting equality and brotherhood of human beings? Did they succeed in restoring our moral and spiritual health and happiness or in eradicating the faults and failings of our desires? Did they present any model of moral rectitude and decorous behavior for the posterity? World has given birth to great poets. But, these were painters of fantasy, merely starry-eyed utopians unfit to be assigned any place in the Republic of Plato. There have been sages and philosophers who have plumbed the secrets of nature beyond the limits of perception and changed the concept of things and materials. They have, nevertheless, failed to produce any blueprint for the practical guidance of humanity. For their flight of imagination lacked practical wisdom, they could never provide man with any guidance in the discharge of his obligations. Aristotle was the precursor of ethical philosophy now studied in every university. His brilliant exposition of ethical impulsions is esteemed highly both by the learned and the learners, but how many of them have been able to betake the path of virtue by reading his dissertations? Teachers well-versed in ethical philosophy can be found almost in every institution of higher learning, who know all about its premises and principles, but has their impact been ever felt beyond their class-rooms? On the contrary, we find that very often their conduct and behavior are no better than those of the man on the street. To walk in the right path one has not to hear the sermons but to see the living examples of cardinal virtues. Powerful kings and emperors have also appeared on the stage of this world. They have extended their dominions, played with the life and property of their fellow beings, extracted wealth through taxes and tithes from some and bestowed their bounties on others. They have demeaned on to exalt the other. The Book of God presents, in the words of the Queen of Sheba, this rare picture of their doings on the earth: "Lo! kings, when they enter a township, ruin it and make the honor of its people shame." (Quran, 27:34) The swords of mighty kings have hanged over the heads of criminals in thoroughfares and market places, but they have failed to reach the guilt concealed in the minds and hearts of men. They have enforced law and order in the habitations and townships, but the kingdom of spirit has ever been beyond their reach, or, rather, their own courts and castles have been the breeding dens of moral confusion and spiritual anarchy. What else have the kings like Alexanders and Caesars left for us? How many lawgivers has the world seen from Solon to this day? Their laws were not only short-lived but also failed to cleanse the hearts and purify the morals. Subsequent rulers always placed a new set of laws on the statute book, albeit more often to further their own interests than to enforce the rules of equity. The world has not changed even today. Still, the legislatures in every country make and unmake laws endlessly, but seldom their labors are for the benefit of the people whom they profess to represent. It is more the interest of the powers that be which they seek to promote. The prophets adorn and illuminate the soul of man: the zealous preachings of Noah, the unshakable principle of God's oneness upheld by Abraham, the patrimony of resignation to Divine will bequeathed by Isaac, the self-sacrifice of Ishmael, the indefatigable efforts of Moses, the faithfulness of Aaron, the self-resignation of Jacob, the lamentations of David, the wisdom of Solomon, the litanies of Zachariah, the chastity of John, the piety of Jesus, the penitence of Jonah, the strenuous exertion of Lot and the endurance of Job have made the life of man winsome and bright These are, broadly, the higher sections of society which could be expected to work for the welfare of humanity. If you give further thoughts to the matter you would see that whatever light of goodness and virtue you find in the world today, it owes its existence to the pure-hearted souls whom you know by the name of prophets and messengers of God. Wherever you come across compassion and justice and a sincere desire to alleviate the sufferings of the poor and the downtrodden, no matter whether these are found in the cave of a mountain or a dense forest or a populous city, they are due to the call given by one of these men of God. The Quran tells us: "There is not a nation but a warner hath passed among them." (Quran, 35:24) "For every folk a guide." (Quran, 13:7) The lustre of their teachings is to be found today in every country and nation; savages and the civilized people of the world are both equally indebted to them for edification of their souls. Of all the groups of men we have mentioned afore, the most august are they, for they rule not over the bodies of men like the kings, but their authority is enshrined in the hearts of the people. Their kingdom is not of lands and countries, but of hearts and spirits: they do now wield the sword, yet they obliterate the stains of guilt and iniquity at one stroke; they are not dreamy-eyed songsmiths, yet the sweetness of their speech delights the soul; they are neither senators nor law-makers, yet the laws given by them regulate the conduct of statesmen and judges, kings and subjects from age to age. This is not a question of faith or conviction but a matter of fact and history. One has to see whether it has actually been so or not. The edicts of Patliputra's Ashoka are engraved on the pillars of stones, but those of the Buddha are inscribed in the hearts of people. The decrees of the rulers of Ujjain, Hastinapur, Delhi and Kannauj are no more to be found today, but the Dharma Shastra of Manu still prevails. The statutes of Hamurabbi, the King of Babel, have long been buried under the dust, but Abraham's teachings are still alive! Pharaoh's imprudent demand to pay divine honors to him was a transient as the clouds, but Moses still lives in his teachings. How long did the laws of Solon remain in force, but the laws of Torah are still the measure of justice! The Roman Law which persecuted Jesus Christ became extinct long ago, but the doctrines of love that flowed from the lips of Jesus still redeem the wrongdoers and wash them of their sins. The Abu Jahls of Mecca, the Chosroes of Iran and the Caesars of Rome are all dead and gone, but the Lord of Madina still rules over the hearts of people in every part of the world. If these facts are correct, one would have to concede, not on grounds of faith, but through reason and logic of stubborn facts, that no other class of people except the prophets has worked for the welfare and happiness of mankind in its truest sense; theirs was the endeavor consisting of virtue and goodness, purity of heart, moderation and temperance. They all came to this world as messengers of God to preach the gospel of Truth and Faith, and they left their footsteps of righteousness to be followed by the coming generations. It is from their teachings alone that the rulers and the ruled, the rich and the poor and the learned and the illiterate can derive equal benefit. "That is Our argument. We gave it unto Abraham against the folk. We raise unto degrees of wisdom whom We will. Lo! thy Lord is Wise, Aware. And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob; each of them We guided; and Noah did We guide aforetime; and of his seed (We guided) David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron. Thus do we reward the good. And Zachariah and John and Jesus and Elias. Each one (of them) was of the righteous. And Ishmael and Elisa and Jonah and Lot. Each one (of them) did We prefer above (Our) creatures, With some of their forefathers and their off-spring and their brethren; and We chose them and guided them unto a straight path. Such is the guidance of Allah wherewith He guideth whom he will of His bondmen. But if they had set up (for worship) aught beside Him, (all) that they did would have been vain. Those are they unto whom We gave the Scripture and command and prophethood. But if these disbelieve therein, then indeed We shall entrust it to a people who will not be disbelievers therein. Those are they whom Allah guideth, so follow their guidance." (Quran 6:84-91) These luminous verses of the Quran speak of a particular group among men, some of whom have been mentioned by name, who had been sent to cure the spiritual ailments of mankind and restore its moral health. They were men, holy and angelic in spirit, who preached the word of God in different times and climes and in every land. Whatever of moral rectitude and righteousness, purity and chastity man possesses today, it is all their legacy, and in following their footsteps alone lies the salvation and well-being of humanity. The prophets adorn and illuminate the soul of man: the zealous preachings of Noah, the unshakable principle of God's oneness upheld by Abraham, the patrimony of resignation to Divine will bequeathed by Isaac, the self-sacrifice of Ishmael, the indefatigable efforts of Moses, the faithfulness of Aaron, the self-resignation of Jacob, the lamentations of David, the wisdom of Solomon, the litanies of Zachariah, the chastity of John, the piety of Jesus, the penitence of Jonah, the strenuous exertion of Lot and the endurance of Job have made the life of man winsome and bright. To these consecrated souls can be traced every virtue and goodness found in the world today. There is, however, no denying the fact that culture and civilization, progress and improvement, in short, everything that has contributed towards the welfare and material progress of mankind and helped man to raise himself to the level of vicegerent of God on earth, has been brought about by the combined effort of all men. Astronomers have discovered the movements of heavenly bodies, chemists have found out the properties of substances, physicians have searched the medicines for curing diseases, architects have developed the science and designs of structures and artisans have give birth to useful crafts and fine arts, and all of them have thus a share in the making of our world. We ought to be thankful to all of them. Nevertheless, we are even more obliged to offer our thanks to those who have decorated the world within us. They are the physicians who have cured us of our greed and envy, diagnosed the ailments of our souls and refurbished its lost energy and vigor. They elaborated our behavior patterns and aptitudes, ideas and intentions and showed us the way of attaining purity of heart and sublimity of spirit. It was through the efforts of these God moved souls that the cultural attainments were refined and embellished, the link between man and God, the slave and the Lord, was established. How could the world have attained its excellence if we had been denied the knowledge received through prophetic teachings? We are, verily, indebted more to these men of God than to any other class or group of person. This is the compliment due to the prophets of God and it ought to be paid by all of us whenever their name comes on the lips of anyone. And, this is the benediction taught by Islam to be offered for them: "O God! Have mercy and peace on all of them." [by Riza Fahmi Ashadhy Novel - ed]
    Nov 21st 2013, 04:01
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