- bushido - Social Mention: Leute guckt euch bitte das Video von COSIMO auf YouTube an was Er über Kay One und Bushido sagt!! Hahahahahhahaha Ich kann nicht mehr [1 Aktualisierung]
- islamist - Social Mention: Tunisias Islamist leadership meets with US military to discuss ... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: Hela VELA VEL VELA - Hey Maşallah :D Tvorli İsmeel :D [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: KAY ONE IST TOT? :O [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: sooo ein quatsch diese bushido scheisse! :D [1 Aktualisierung]
- jihad - Social Mention: Cinta kepada allah dngan ketaatan,cinta kpda rasul dngan keperibadian media,cinta kpda jihad dngan prjuangan cinta kpda mhluk dngan mntaati allah mncntohi rasul dlm berpribdi dan hdup dngan prjuangan yg pstix mnagi pngorbanan.... [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: hola hola bushido isch de einzig vo dütscheland wo eppis cha de rest verkriecht sech is löchli cyeaaaj [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Omggggg ihr nervt alle mit euren bushido und kayone !!!! Was geht Mitläufer oder wie ?,!!! Offff -.- [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Regel Nummer eins… Leg dich nicht mit bushido an ! Kay One ist ja ein richtiger Lappen :D richtiger Witz der Kenneth Das war kein Disstrack sondern ne Hinrichtung Gute Arbeit @bushido [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Respekt Bushido! R.I.P Kay One [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: vu, dass e puer vu mengen Frenn dem Bushido säin leschten "track" feieren, erlaaben ech mär mol ze konteren. E Beispill waat een mat der däitscher Sprooch ufänken kann! E Beispill waat "flow" ass! E Beispill wéi musekalesch Spriechgesang kann sin! Do kann deen Bushido sech am Busch verstoppen goen... Daat hei ass Hip-Hop!!!!!! [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Retweeted Bushido (@Bushido78): Das Video nun wieder für alle unter 18 Jahren!!! Danke Youtube!!! #lebenundtoddeskennethglöckler #sonnyblack [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Bushido - Leben und Tod des Kenneth Glöckler (Kay One Diss) [1 Aktualisierung]
- islamist - Social Mention: The leader of Tunisia's Islamist party explains that political Islam just needs to tune up a bit before helping to solve mankind's problems. RC [1 Aktualisierung]
- projekt lies - Social Mention: –DODGY SMITH FINAL COME-UPANCE [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Kay one fickt bushido [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Ich Feier bushido seit ich 8 bin vallah [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Mega Hammer geiler Track und dann soll jmd sagen bushido Ist scheisse!!!!! [1 Aktualisierung]
- salafisten - Social Mention: Deso Dogg ist tot! Hahaha #Hölle #Terror #haha #nochmalhahaha #nochmalhölle [1 Aktualisierung]
- islam fatwa - Social Mention: (*) Maher Zane concert Fatwa(*) : We have been inundated with queries regarding this concert. Our Fatwa is: it is not an Islamic event. His music is not a reflection of Islam. It is the same like attending lady gaga and other corrupt singers. الله سبحانه و تعالي will not reward you. U will be accountable for wasting money Qiyama. Fear الله سبحانه و تعالي . Read Quran an spend in الله سبحانه و تعالي 's path. Music of this nature is Haraam. Mixing of sexes is Haraam. No Alim(qualified) will sanction it. Think of death instead. Mufti Ebrahim.Darul Iftaa Western Cape. 0823659644 (*) Plz forward (*) [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: was für Bushido & Kay ? Summer Cem is king [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Skandal-Rapper Bushido beleidigt in seinem Lied Stress ohne ... [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: Um verdadeiro absurdo ... As 29 Leis mais absurdas impostas às mulheres do Taliban O regime taliban, em sua aplicação radical do Sharia (código de leis do islamismo), marginaliza a mulher de uma forma tão brutal e desumana que causa indignação a qualquer ser humano. É impossível resumir em alguns pontos o abuso e aos maus-tratos permanentes a que são submetidas as mulheres mas mesmo assim a RAWA (Associação Revolucionária das Mulheres do Afeganistão) elencou 29 pontos, cada um mais humilhante e cruel que outro. 1 – Total proibição do trabalho feminino fora de casa. Apenas algumas médicas e enfermeiras estão autorizados a trabalhar nos hospitais de Cabul. 2 – Total proibição de qualquer atividade feminina fora de casa se a mulher não estiver acompanhada por um mahram (parente próximo do sexo masculino, como pai, irmão ou marido). 3 – Impedidas de fazer compras com comerciantes masculinos. 4 – Não podem ser tratadas por médicos do sexo masculino. 5 – Proibidas de estudar em escolas, universidades ou qualquer outra instituição educacional (o Taliban converteu as escolas para meninas em seminários religiosos). 6 – Obrigação do uso da burca, vestimenta que as cobre da cabeça aos pés. 7– As mulheres que não se vistam conforme as regras do Taliban ou que não estejam acompanhadas por um mahram são açoitadas, espancadas ou ofendidas verbalmente. 8 – Açoites públicos contra as mulheres que não escondem seus tornozelos. 9 – Apedrejamento público contra as mulheres acusadas de ter relações sexuais fora do casamento (muitas delas são apedrejadas até a morte). 10 – Proibição do uso de cosméticos (muitas mulheres que pintaram as unhas tiveram os dedos amputados). 11 – Proibição de falar ou apertar as mãos de homens não-mahram . 12 – Proibição de rir alto (nenhum estrangeiro pode ouvir a voz de uma mulher). 13 – São proibidas de usar sapatos de salto alto, que podem produzir som ao caminhar (um homem não pode ouvir os passos de uma mulher). 14 – Proibidas de andar em táxi sem o mahram. 15 – Proibidas de participar de programas de rádio, televisão ou de reuniões públicas de qualquer espécie. 16 – Proibidas de praticar esportes e de entrar em centros esportivos ou clubes. 17 – Proibidas de andar de bicicleta ou motos . 18 – Proibidas de usar roupas muitos coloridas. Para o Taliban, isso as tornam sexualmente atrativas. 19 – Proibidas de participar de encontros festivos com fins recreativos. 20 – Proibidas de lavar as roupas em rios ou qualquer outro lugar público. 21 – Alteração de todos os nomes de ruas e praças que tenham a palavra. "mulher" . Por exemplo, "Jardim das Mulheres" se chama agora "Jardim da Primavera". 22 – Proibidas de aparecer nas varandas de seus apartamentos ou casas. 23 – Janelas de vidro são pintadas para que as mulheres não sejam vistas do lado de fora de suas casas. 24 – Os alfaiates são proibidos de costurar roupas femininas ou até tomar as suas medidas. 25 – Proibidas de usar banheiros públicos. 26 – Mulheres e homens são proibidos de viajar no mesmo ônibus. Os ônibus são divididos em "só para homens" ou "só para mulheres". 27 – Proibidas de usar calças, mesmo debaixo da burca. 28 – É proibido fotografar ou filmar mulheres. 29 – É proibido publicar imagens de mulheres em revistas, jornais, livros ou cartazes de qualquer ordem. Além dessas restrições, as mulheres também não podem ouvir música, assistir filmes, de comemorar a chegada do ano novo (Nowroz) -21 de março. Para os talibans essa é uma festa pagã. [1 Aktualisierung]
- kafir - Social Mention: Some mistakes: 1. Du'aa containing aspects of shirk in worship (i.e invoking others or other along with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala). 'O young man, I am going to teach you some words: Be mindful of Allah, and He will be mindful of you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him before you. When you ask, ask Allah. When you wish to seek help, seek help from Allah. Remember that if all the people come together to bring you benefit they cannot benefit you except what Allah has written. On the other hand, if they come together to cause (you) any harm they will not be able to do it except for what Allah has written. The pens have been laid aside, and the scrolls have dried.' (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi who declared it Hasan Sahih). 2. Forbidden types of tawassul That he makes tawassul to Allaah in his du`aa by the honour of the Prophet or his sanctity, or his blessing, or by the honour of those besides him from the Saaliheen, or their sanctity or their right or their blessing, so he says, by way of example, "O Allaah, by the honour of your Prophet, or his sanctity, or his blessing, give me wealth and offspring or enter me into Paradise and save me from the Fire", then he is not a Mushrik with the major shirk which expels him from Islaam, but it is forbidden in order to close the means (leading) to Shirk and in order to distance a Muslim from doing anything that leads towards Shirk. And there is no doubt that tawassul through the honour of the Prophets and righteous is one of the means of Shirk, that eventually lead to it after the passing of days (i.e. time), according to what has been indicated by (practical) experience and what the reality testifies to… (Fataawaa Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, (1/338), [Check Here for further resources] 3. Dua asking for Death The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "No one should wish death for any affliction that has befallen him. If he finds his situation unbearable, let him pray: "Allahumma ahyini ma kanati al-hayatu khayran li wa tawaffani ma kanat al-wafatu khayran li (O Allah, grant me life if life is good for me, and grant me death if death is good for me)." (Muslim) 4. Dua to Hasten the punishmentin this life to save punishment in the hereafter, Imam Ahmad reported that Anas said, "Allah's Messenger visited a Muslim man who had become as weak as a sick small bird. Allah's Messenger said to him, `Were you asking or supplicating to Allah about something' He said, `Yes. I used to say: O Allah! Whatever punishment you saved for me in the Hereafter, give it to me in this life.' Allah's Messenger said: ((All praise is due to Allah! You cannot bear it -or stand it-. You should have said: (Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!)) The man began reciting this Du`a and he was cured." Muslim also recorded it. 5. Invoke for something fobidden or a sin, for e.g, asking Allaah to make some one as drug addict or asking Allaah that someone to die as kafir e.t.c 6. Severing ties of kinship, 7. As a way of testing Allah's Power, response etc, 8. Abandoning du'aa due to despair 'The servant's du'a will be answered provided he does not ask for what is sinful or for the breaking off of relations, and also if he does not show impatience.' He was asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, what is impatience?' And he replied, 'That the servant says: "I invoked, but I do not think it (my invocation) was answered", and he becomes disappointed and abandons du'a.' (Narrated by Muslim in his "Sahih" from Abu Hurairah). 9. Excessiveness in raising voice 'Be kind to yourselves for you are not calling upon One who is deaf or absent. You are calling upon One who is All-Hearing and All-Seeing.' (Bukhari & Muslim reported it from Abu Musa). 10. You should'nt ask Allah to make His decree that is bad for you, easy for you but rather Allah should ward it off. 11. Conditioning the du'aa on the mashee'ah Ask with absolute resolve, and believe with certainty that your du'a will be answered. The Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: 'When one of you makes du'a he should not say, 'O Allah, forgive me if You wish, have mercy on me if you wish, give me provision if you wish,' but he should ask with resolve because he does what he likes; no one can force Him.' (Bukhari) The Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) also said: 'Ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when you are sure of His response, and remember that Allah does not accept the du'a of the unmindful and neglect heart.' (Declared Hasan by Sheikh Al-Albani in "Silsilah al-Ahadith Al-Sahihah" no 594) 12. Invoke Allah against oneself, property, wealth or family : Jabir (radhiAllahu 'anhu) said the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: 'Do not make du'a against yourself, nor make du'a against your children, nor your property, for your du'a may coincide with the time when Allah grants all supplication, and your du'a might be granted (and cause you harm).' (Muslim). [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: World View: Lebanon Bombing Sharply Escalates Sectarian Mideast Conflict [1 Aktualisierung]
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 02:34PM
bushido - Social Mention
Leute guckt euch bitte das Video von COSIMO auf YouTube an was Er über Kay One und Bushido sagt!! Hahahahahhahaha Ich kann nicht mehr
Nov 23rd 2013, 14:27
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:57AM
islamist - Social Mention
Tunisias Islamist leadership meets with US military to discuss ...
Nov 21st 2013, 09:36
Big News Network - Found 21 minutes agoThe hardline Islamist groups are often considered responsible for the spike in arms trafficking in the country as well (File ...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:48AM
Masallah - Social Mention
Hela VELA VEL VELA - Hey Maşallah :D Tvorli İsmeel :D
May 5th 2012, 13:30
Yok böyle birşey :
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 10:40PM
bushido - Social Mention
Nov 22nd 2013, 22:36
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 02:34PM
bushido - Social Mention
sooo ein quatsch diese bushido scheisse! :D
Nov 23rd 2013, 14:33
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:02PM
jihad - Social Mention
Cinta kepada allah dngan ketaatan,cinta kpda rasul dngan keperibadian media,cinta kpda jihad dngan prjuangan cinta kpda mhluk dngan mntaati allah mncntohi rasul dlm berpribdi dan hdup dngan prjuangan yg pstix mnagi pngorbanan....
Nov 20th 2013, 11:58
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 02:34PM
bushido - Social Mention
hola hola bushido isch de einzig vo dütscheland wo eppis cha de rest verkriecht sech is löchli cyeaaaj
Nov 23rd 2013, 14:28
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 01:35PM
bushido - Social Mention
Omggggg ihr nervt alle mit euren bushido und kayone !!!! Was geht Mitläufer oder wie ?,!!! Offff -.-
Nov 23rd 2013, 13:33
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 02:34PM
bushido - Social Mention
Regel Nummer eins… Leg dich nicht mit bushido an ! Kay One ist ja ein richtiger Lappen :D richtiger Witz der Kenneth Das war kein Disstrack sondern ne Hinrichtung Gute Arbeit @bushido
Nov 23rd 2013, 14:32
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 02:34PM
bushido - Social Mention
Respekt Bushido! R.I.P Kay One
Nov 23rd 2013, 14:33
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 02:34PM
bushido - Social Mention
vu, dass e puer vu mengen Frenn dem Bushido säin leschten "track" feieren, erlaaben ech mär mol ze konteren. E Beispill waat een mat der däitscher Sprooch ufänken kann! E Beispill waat "flow" ass! E Beispill wéi musekalesch Spriechgesang kann sin! Do kann deen Bushido sech am Busch verstoppen goen... Daat hei ass Hip-Hop!!!!!!
Nov 23rd 2013, 14:28
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 02:34PM
bushido - Social Mention
Retweeted Bushido (@Bushido78): Das Video nun wieder für alle unter 18 Jahren!!! Danke Youtube!!! #lebenundtoddeskennethglöckler #sonnyblack
Nov 23rd 2013, 14:29
►Bushido bei YouTube abonnieren:◄ ►„Sonny Black" Box Set bei Amazon:◄ ►„Sonny Black" Album bei iTunes: http://bit...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 10:37AM
bushido - Social Mention
Bushido - Leben und Tod des Kenneth Glöckler (Kay One Diss)
Nov 23rd 2013, 10:06 Yesterday the rapper Bushido released a diss-track against his former friend and label-signing Kay One. The song is the peak of the now a year long wrangle between […]
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:51PM
islamist - Social Mention
The leader of Tunisia's Islamist party explains that political Islam just needs to tune up a bit before helping to solve mankind's problems. RC
Nov 20th 2013, 12:27
What is known as political Islam is not in a state of decline, but is in the process of correcting its mistakes and is preparing for a new phase, in the near future, of better governance
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:42AM
projekt lies - Social Mention
Nov 20th 2013, 11:20
BROKEN BRITISH POLITICS –DODGY SMITH FINAL COME-UPANCE ID Smiths integrity has always been in question so why has it taken a Petition with 105,069 signatures to try to […]
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 02:34PM
bushido - Social Mention
Kay one fickt bushido
Nov 23rd 2013, 14:31
PRINCE KAY ONE - Nichts als die Wahrheit (Bushido Diss) - NEU (01.08.2013) PRINCE KAY ONE - Nichts als die Wahrheit (Bushido Diss) - NEU (01.08.2013) PRINCE ...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 02:34PM
bushido - Social Mention
Ich Feier bushido seit ich 8 bin vallah
Nov 23rd 2013, 14:30
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bushido - Social Mention: Mega Hammer geiler Track und dann soll jmd sagen bushido Ist scheisse!!!!!
- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 10:37AM
bushido - Social Mention
Mega Hammer geiler Track und dann soll jmd sagen bushido Ist scheisse!!!!!
Nov 23rd 2013, 10:33
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:47PM
salafisten - Social Mention
Deso Dogg ist tot! Hahaha #Hölle #Terror #haha #nochmalhahaha #nochmalhölle
Nov 20th 2013, 20:46
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:58AM
islam fatwa - Social Mention
(*) Maher Zane concert Fatwa(*) : We have been inundated with queries regarding this concert. Our Fatwa is: it is not an Islamic event. His music is not a reflection of Islam. It is the same like attending lady gaga and other corrupt singers. الله سبحانه و تعالي will not reward you. U will be accountable for wasting money Qiyama. Fear الله سبحانه و تعالي . Read Quran an spend in الله سبحانه و تعالي 's path. Music of this nature is Haraam. Mixing of sexes is Haraam. No Alim(qualified) will sanction it. Think of death instead. Mufti Ebrahim.Darul Iftaa Western Cape. 0823659644 (*) Plz forward (*)
Nov 21st 2013, 09:24
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 02:34PM
bushido - Social Mention
was für Bushido & Kay ? Summer Cem is king
Nov 23rd 2013, 14:32
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 23 10:37AM
bushido - Social Mention
Skandal-Rapper Bushido beleidigt in seinem Lied Stress ohne ...
Nov 22nd 2013, 23:49
Credit: Skandal-Rapper Bushido beleidigt in seinem Lied Stress ohne ...
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:50PM
sharia - Social Mention
Um verdadeiro absurdo ... As 29 Leis mais absurdas impostas às mulheres do Taliban O regime taliban, em sua aplicação radical do Sharia (código de leis do islamismo), marginaliza a mulher de uma forma tão brutal e desumana que causa indignação a qualquer ser humano. É impossível resumir em alguns pontos o abuso e aos maus-tratos permanentes a que são submetidas as mulheres mas mesmo assim a RAWA (Associação Revolucionária das Mulheres do Afeganistão) elencou 29 pontos, cada um mais humilhante e cruel que outro. 1 – Total proibição do trabalho feminino fora de casa. Apenas algumas médicas e enfermeiras estão autorizados a trabalhar nos hospitais de Cabul. 2 – Total proibição de qualquer atividade feminina fora de casa se a mulher não estiver acompanhada por um mahram (parente próximo do sexo masculino, como pai, irmão ou marido). 3 – Impedidas de fazer compras com comerciantes masculinos. 4 – Não podem ser tratadas por médicos do sexo masculino. 5 – Proibidas de estudar em escolas, universidades ou qualquer outra instituição educacional (o Taliban converteu as escolas para meninas em seminários religiosos). 6 – Obrigação do uso da burca, vestimenta que as cobre da cabeça aos pés. 7– As mulheres que não se vistam conforme as regras do Taliban ou que não estejam acompanhadas por um mahram são açoitadas, espancadas ou ofendidas verbalmente. 8 – Açoites públicos contra as mulheres que não escondem seus tornozelos. 9 – Apedrejamento público contra as mulheres acusadas de ter relações sexuais fora do casamento (muitas delas são apedrejadas até a morte). 10 – Proibição do uso de cosméticos (muitas mulheres que pintaram as unhas tiveram os dedos amputados). 11 – Proibição de falar ou apertar as mãos de homens não-mahram . 12 – Proibição de rir alto (nenhum estrangeiro pode ouvir a voz de uma mulher). 13 – São proibidas de usar sapatos de salto alto, que podem produzir som ao caminhar (um homem não pode ouvir os passos de uma mulher). 14 – Proibidas de andar em táxi sem o mahram. 15 – Proibidas de participar de programas de rádio, televisão ou de reuniões públicas de qualquer espécie. 16 – Proibidas de praticar esportes e de entrar em centros esportivos ou clubes. 17 – Proibidas de andar de bicicleta ou motos . 18 – Proibidas de usar roupas muitos coloridas. Para o Taliban, isso as tornam sexualmente atrativas. 19 – Proibidas de participar de encontros festivos com fins recreativos. 20 – Proibidas de lavar as roupas em rios ou qualquer outro lugar público. 21 – Alteração de todos os nomes de ruas e praças que tenham a palavra. "mulher" . Por exemplo, "Jardim das Mulheres" se chama agora "Jardim da Primavera". 22 – Proibidas de aparecer nas varandas de seus apartamentos ou casas. 23 – Janelas de vidro são pintadas para que as mulheres não sejam vistas do lado de fora de suas casas. 24 – Os alfaiates são proibidos de costurar roupas femininas ou até tomar as suas medidas. 25 – Proibidas de usar banheiros públicos. 26 – Mulheres e homens são proibidos de viajar no mesmo ônibus. Os ônibus são divididos em "só para homens" ou "só para mulheres". 27 – Proibidas de usar calças, mesmo debaixo da burca. 28 – É proibido fotografar ou filmar mulheres. 29 – É proibido publicar imagens de mulheres em revistas, jornais, livros ou cartazes de qualquer ordem. Além dessas restrições, as mulheres também não podem ouvir música, assistir filmes, de comemorar a chegada do ano novo (Nowroz) -21 de março. Para os talibans essa é uma festa pagã.
Nov 20th 2013, 12:44
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:46AM
kafir - Social Mention
Some mistakes: 1. Du'aa containing aspects of shirk in worship (i.e invoking others or other along with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala). 'O young man, I am going to teach you some words: Be mindful of Allah, and He will be mindful of you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him before you. When you ask, ask Allah. When you wish to seek help, seek help from Allah. Remember that if all the people come together to bring you benefit they cannot benefit you except what Allah has written. On the other hand, if they come together to cause (you) any harm they will not be able to do it except for what Allah has written. The pens have been laid aside, and the scrolls have dried.' (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi who declared it Hasan Sahih). 2. Forbidden types of tawassul That he makes tawassul to Allaah in his du`aa by the honour of the Prophet or his sanctity, or his blessing, or by the honour of those besides him from the Saaliheen, or their sanctity or their right or their blessing, so he says, by way of example, "O Allaah, by the honour of your Prophet, or his sanctity, or his blessing, give me wealth and offspring or enter me into Paradise and save me from the Fire", then he is not a Mushrik with the major shirk which expels him from Islaam, but it is forbidden in order to close the means (leading) to Shirk and in order to distance a Muslim from doing anything that leads towards Shirk. And there is no doubt that tawassul through the honour of the Prophets and righteous is one of the means of Shirk, that eventually lead to it after the passing of days (i.e. time), according to what has been indicated by (practical) experience and what the reality testifies to… (Fataawaa Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, (1/338), [Check Here for further resources] 3. Dua asking for Death The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "No one should wish death for any affliction that has befallen him. If he finds his situation unbearable, let him pray: "Allahumma ahyini ma kanati al-hayatu khayran li wa tawaffani ma kanat al-wafatu khayran li (O Allah, grant me life if life is good for me, and grant me death if death is good for me)." (Muslim) 4. Dua to Hasten the punishmentin this life to save punishment in the hereafter, Imam Ahmad reported that Anas said, "Allah's Messenger visited a Muslim man who had become as weak as a sick small bird. Allah's Messenger said to him, `Were you asking or supplicating to Allah about something' He said, `Yes. I used to say: O Allah! Whatever punishment you saved for me in the Hereafter, give it to me in this life.' Allah's Messenger said: ((All praise is due to Allah! You cannot bear it -or stand it-. You should have said: (Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!)) The man began reciting this Du`a and he was cured." Muslim also recorded it. 5. Invoke for something fobidden or a sin, for e.g, asking Allaah to make some one as drug addict or asking Allaah that someone to die as kafir e.t.c 6. Severing ties of kinship, 7. As a way of testing Allah's Power, response etc, 8. Abandoning du'aa due to despair 'The servant's du'a will be answered provided he does not ask for what is sinful or for the breaking off of relations, and also if he does not show impatience.' He was asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, what is impatience?' And he replied, 'That the servant says: "I invoked, but I do not think it (my invocation) was answered", and he becomes disappointed and abandons du'a.' (Narrated by Muslim in his "Sahih" from Abu Hurairah). 9. Excessiveness in raising voice 'Be kind to yourselves for you are not calling upon One who is deaf or absent. You are calling upon One who is All-Hearing and All-Seeing.' (Bukhari & Muslim reported it from Abu Musa). 10. You should'nt ask Allah to make His decree that is bad for you, easy for you but rather Allah should ward it off. 11. Conditioning the du'aa on the mashee'ah Ask with absolute resolve, and believe with certainty that your du'a will be answered. The Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: 'When one of you makes du'a he should not say, 'O Allah, forgive me if You wish, have mercy on me if you wish, give me provision if you wish,' but he should ask with resolve because he does what he likes; no one can force Him.' (Bukhari) The Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) also said: 'Ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when you are sure of His response, and remember that Allah does not accept the du'a of the unmindful and neglect heart.' (Declared Hasan by Sheikh Al-Albani in "Silsilah al-Ahadith Al-Sahihah" no 594) 12. Invoke Allah against oneself, property, wealth or family : Jabir (radhiAllahu 'anhu) said the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: 'Do not make du'a against yourself, nor make du'a against your children, nor your property, for your du'a may coincide with the time when Allah grants all supplication, and your du'a might be granted (and cause you harm).' (Muslim).
Nov 21st 2013, 02:42
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- Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:48PM
Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
World View: Lebanon Bombing Sharply Escalates Sectarian Mideast Conflict
Nov 20th 2013, 12:36
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