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Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:46PM  

    Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bittgebet nach Beendigung des essens
    Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee 'at'amanee haatha...
    Jan 26th 2014, 17:24
    Bittgebet nach Beendigung des essens

    Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee 'at'amanee haathaa, wa razaqaneehi, min ghayri hawlin minnee wa laa quwwatin.

    Lob sei Allah, Der mich damit gespeist und versorgt hat, ohne Macht noch Kraft von mir.

    At-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:46PM  

    Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bittgebet nach Beendigung des essens
    Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee 'at'amanee haatha...
    Jan 26th 2014, 17:24
    Bittgebet nach Beendigung des essens

    Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee 'at'amanee haathaa, wa razaqaneehi, min ghayri hawlin minnee wa laa quwwatin.

    Lob sei Allah, Der mich damit gespeist und versorgt hat, ohne Macht noch Kraft von mir.

    At-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:45PM  

    Weg der Salafs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Weg der Salafs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Muskdüfte für die
    Ummah Muhammads
    󾭻% Öle in 3ml Fläschen
    Jan 26th 2014, 17:41

    Muskdüfte für die
    Ummah Muhammads
    󾭻% Öle in 3ml Fläschen
    󾭈Ohne Alkohol⛔
    🚱Ohne Wassermischung🚱
    Preise wie nirgendwo sonst ✅

    Für Männer

    1. Hugo Boss
    2. Hugo Boss Orange
    3. Diesel Fuel four LIFE
    4. BLUE Chanel
    5. 212 Vip
    6. One Million
    7. Jean Paul Gaultier
    8. Givenchy Play
    9. Musk Mekka

    Je Flasche 3,50 €

    9. Body Musk
    10. Juzuur At Tiib

    Je Flasche 4,50 €
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    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:43PM  

    Freiheit oder Illuminatis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Freiheit oder Illuminatis Facebook-Pinnwand
    1. Syriens Zentralbank ist in staatlicher Hand
    2. Syrien hat keine Schulden beim...
    Jan 26th 2014, 17:35
    1. Syriens Zentralbank ist in staatlicher Hand
    2. Syrien hat keine Schulden beim IWF
    3. Syrien lehnt Monsanto und alle GMO Nahrungsmittel ab
    4. Syrien besitzt riesige Ölvorkommen.
    5. Syrien hat natürliches Erdgas
    6. Syrien hat Wasser, das die Nachbarländer begehren
    7. Syrien ist mit dem Iran eng Verbündet
    8. Syrien ist gegen die NWO

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    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:39PM  

    Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anas berichtete, dass der Gesandte Allāhs (SallAllāhu 'alayhi wa Sallam) sagte:...
    Jan 26th 2014, 17:22
    Anas berichtete, dass der Gesandte Allāhs (SallAllāhu 'alayhi wa Sallam) sagte:
    "Zu den Vorzeichen der Stunde gehört, dass das (göttliche) Wissen verschwindet,
    die Unwissenheit herrscht,
    der Alkohol gewöhnlich getrunken und die Unzucht (Zina) offenkundig wird."
    [Sahīh Al-Bukhārī Nr. 0080]

    enes c.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:39PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Prisoners' release tops Syria talks as al-Qaeda seeks unity
    Representatives of...
    Jan 26th 2014, 17:24
    Prisoners' release tops Syria talks as al-Qaeda seeks unity

    Representatives of Syrian government and foreign-backed opposition have held talks for the second straight day in the Swiss city of Geneva, as al-Qaeda-linked groups fighting at the side of the opposition seek more alliance to stop their infighting.

    The talks resumed on Sunday with UN-Arab League Special Representative for Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, acting as a go-between.

    Bouthaina Shaaban, the political and media adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, told reporters that the Syrian delegation seeks to make arrangement for stopping terrorism in the Arab country and reconstructing it.

    Sunday's negotiations, centered on the release of prisoners, come after the two sides sat together in the same room for the first time on Saturday and held two face-to-face meetings which according to Brahimi did not achieve much.

    The UN envoy said Saturday's second meeting focused on humanitarian affairs in the Arab country.

    Brahimi added that he hoped a deal could be reached on sending a convoy carrying humanitarian aid on Sunday or Monday to Homs.

    "If we achieve success on Homs we hope that this will be the beginning," he said.

    The Geneva II conference on Syria kicked off in the Swiss town of Montreux on January 22, as the fighting goes on the ground in Syria with no sign of a possible stop.

    Al-Qaeda-linked groups fighting at the side of the opposition are seeking to unite after months of deadly clashes, especially the two main groups of Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) and al-Nusra Front.

    According to a report by Arabic language al-Hadath news, the leader of al-Nusra Front Abu-Mohammad al-Jolani has agreed with a peace plan, offered by a Saudi Salafist leader, in order to end fighting between al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant.

    Both groups entered the war in Syria, pledging loyalty to al-Qaeda and fighting for the opposition.

    On Thursday Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri called on his followers to stop fighting each other and set up a judicial committee to sort out their differences.

    A British defense study published last September showed that about 100,000 militants, fragmented into 1,000 groups, were fighting in Syria against the government and people.

    According to the study, some 10,000 militants were fighting for groups affiliated with al-Qaeda and the rest fight for different militant groups.

    The United Nations says more than four million Syrians will be forced out of their homes in 2014 by the escalating conflict in the country that has displaced millions so far.
    Prisoners' release tops Syria talks as al-Qaeda seeks unity
    Representatives of Syrian government and foreign-backed opposition have held talks for the second straight day in the Swiss city of Geneva, as al-Qaeda-linked groups fighting at the side of the opposition seek more alliance to stop their infighting.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:39PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Lebanese militant group pledges loyalty to al-Qaeda's ISIL

    A militant group i...
    Jan 26th 2014, 17:25
    Lebanese militant group pledges loyalty to al-Qaeda's ISIL

    A militant group in Lebanon has pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda's terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and Levant which has been responsible for countless atrocities against people and army personnel in Syria's war.

    "We pledge allegiance to [ISIS chief] Abu Bakr al-Husseini al-Qurshi al-Baghdadi to listen and obey," a man identifying himself as Abu Sayyaf al-Ansari and claiming to be based in the northern city of Tripoli said in an audio message released late Saturday.

    "We ask [Baghdadi] to reactivate its [ISIS] cells in Lebanon to carry on with jihadist [operations] that have intimidated America," Abu Sayyaf said in the recording, which was circulated on social media websites and widely covered on local news outlets.

    In an article published Saturday, Al-Akhbar newspaper described Abu Sayyaf as an Al-Qaeda commander based in Lebanon but little else is known about the man in the recording.

    In the message, Abu Sayyaf also urged Lebanese soldiers from the Sunni sect to desert because the national army was supported by Hezbollah resistance group.

    "The Umma (nation) has been shaken as a result of the betrayal of the crusader Lebanese Army that is backed by Hezbollah," he said, asking Muslim Scholars in Tripoli to support his cause.

    The Lebanese Army has in recent days been targeted during sporadic clashes between opponents and supporters of Syria's foreign-charged insurgency in Tripoli. Two soldiers have been killed in the attacks.

    Tripoli has witnessed some 19 rounds of fighting between militants in Bab al-Tabbaneh and of Jabal Mohsen neighborhoods since the war in Syria began in March of 2011.

    A Lebanese cleric, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, was quoted by Lebanese Daily Star that ISIL and the al-Nusra Front, which is al-Qaeda's main branch in Syria, sought to transform Lebanon into a front.

    ISIL and Nusra Front in Lebanon have claimed responsibility for three bombings in the country.

    Lebanese militant group pledges loyalty to al-Qaeda's ISIL
    A militant group in Lebanon has pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda's terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and Levant which has been responsible for countless atrocities against people and army personnel in Syria's war.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:39PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    UK Police: We have records of British girls joining Syria war

    A senior Britis...
    Jan 26th 2014, 17:30
    UK Police: We have records of British girls joining Syria war

    A senior British police chief has informed of a plan to arrest Britons returning from Syria at the borders, as more people, including young women, go to join terror gangs in Syria.

    Sir Peter Fahy, Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police, told the BBC on Saturday that there was "huge concern" that Britons arriving back after fighting in Syria posed a threat to the UK.

    This month 16 people have been arrested on suspicion of terror offences after travelling between Syria and the UK. This compares with 24 in the whole of 2013.

    A Metropolitan Police spokesman said some of those going to Syria to train in terror camps or fight were as young as 17, and that the majority were young men - although they were aware of some young women also travelling there.

    According to BBC, Sir Peter, who leads the Association of Chief Police Officer's "Prevent" strategy on counter-terrorism, said that those returning from Syria "may well be charged and investigated, but they will be put into our programs".

    "Clearly we've got all sorts of ways of trying to establish that [they have been to Syria]. We have links with intelligence agencies across Europe.

    "This is a very difficult situation because Syria is so close. It is very close to tourist destinations, but it is an incredibly dangerous place."

    He said those stopped at the border were put on programs - which saw police work with local agencies such as schools and youth organizations, "essentially to make sure these people haven't been affected and try and make sure they're not a threat to this country".

    Sir Peter continued that the main problem was safeguarding the welfare of those going to Syria "who may be driven because of the huge concern over there - some for humanitarian purposes - naively to go out there".

    But there was also "a real worry about those who may be radicalized, who may have been engaged in terrorist training", he added.

    Militants with suspected links to al-Qaeda have been heading to war-torn Syria from many other countries since war broke out in 2011.

    Reports say at least 500 British militants are operating in Syria.

    The war in Syria started in March 2011, when pro-reform protests turned into a massive insurgency following intervention of western and regional states.

    The unrest, which took in terrorist groups from across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, has transpired as one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history.
    UK Police: We have records of British girls joining Syria war
    A senior British police chief has informed of a plan to arrest Britons returning from Syria at the borders, as more people, including young women, go to join terror gangs in Syria.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:39PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bahraini activist died of sustained injuries: Report

    A young protester has di...
    Jan 26th 2014, 17:31
    Bahraini activist died of sustained injuries: Report

    A young protester has died of injuries sustained during a protest in Bahrain's northern village of Markh, a report says.

    Bahraini main opposition group, al-Wefaq, said in a message posted on Twitter on Sunday that Fadhil Abbas Muslim, 19, "died today due to severe wounds from live ammunition" he sustained when security forces opened fire on protesters two weeks ago, Shia Post reported.

    It added that Abbas Muslim "was denied family visits at hospital."

    On January 24, thousands of anti-regime protesters held a demonstration in the northeastern village of Sitra.

    The participants in the protest, dubbed People's Cause, called on Bahraini authorities to stop suppressing Shia Muslims and denying their rights. They also slammed the ruling Al Khalifa regime for its crackdown on anti-regime protests, demanding freedom of the country's political prisoners.

    Since mid-February 2011, thousands of pro-democracy protesters have staged numerous demonstrations in the streets of the country, calling for the Al Khalifa royal family to relinquish power.

    On March 14, 2011, troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates moved in to assist the Bahraini regime in its crackdown on peaceful protesters.

    International human rights organizations have repeatedly slammed the Manama regime for the excessive force it uses against peaceful protests.
    Bahraini activist died of sustained injuries: Report
    A young protester has died of injuries sustained during a protest in Bahrain's northern village of Markh, a report says.
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    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:39PM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    1 in 2 Afghan children suffer lifetime damage for food shortage

    One-third of...
    Jan 26th 2014, 17:36
    1 in 2 Afghan children suffer lifetime damage for food shortage

    One-third of the Afghanistan population do not get enough food to live healthy, active lives, and another third hover around the borderline of "food insecurity", or not knowing where their next meal will come from.
    More than half of Afghan girls and boys suffer damage to their minds and bodies that cannot be undone because they are poorly fed in the crucial first two years of life, doctors and experts say.

    The revelation raises serious questions about the legacy of more than 10 years of western involvement in Afghanistan.

    "After the age of two years, stunting is largely irreversible, and has an impact on growth and development and cognitive function," says Carrie Morrison from the World Food Program.

    "Over the longer term, it can have a very damaging effect on the national economy. Young people are not able to attain what they should be able to attain. Women who marry young and are stunted themselves give birth to a small infant and the cycle goes on."

    The problem of children who are not getting enough nutrients from their food is known as chronic malnutrition. It afflicts poorer countries worldwide, but in Afghanistan it is particularly widespread and persistent.

    The malnutrition problem is caused by the basic poverty of those who can't afford healthy food, as well as poor hygiene and healthcare, child marriage, and a web of other issues.

    "We have whole families where food insecurity means they are all malnourished, but we [also] even have rich families that have one child who is sick," says Alam Mohammad, a 25-year-old doctor who swapped the chance of an easy city practice to work in Feroz Nakhchair, on the grueling frontline of a fight for the country's future.

    Extreme poverty and a harsh climate mean many Afghans go hungry. One-third of the population do not get enough food to live healthy, active lives, and another third hover around the borderline of "food insecurity", or not knowing where their next meal will come from. But the food shortages are particularly damaging to young children, who need to develop fast.

    Overall malnutrition shaves 2%-3% off Afghanistan's national income each year, the World Bank says. That's around half a billion dollars lost to an already very poor country.


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    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:37PM  

    ‎ملة إبراهيم السبالة • Millatu Ibrahim Cebbala‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ملة إبراهيم السبالة • Millatu Ibrahim Cebbala‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Jan 26th 2014, 16:37
    عاجــــــــــــــــــــل //

    ردا على قرار العزل الذي صدر في الشيخ أبو جاد القيرواني إمام جامع أبو بكر الصديق المروج 4 بدعوى عدم التزامه بالخطة المسجدية فإن المصلين بهذا الجامع قرّروا الوقوف لمساندة أخيهم و ذلك بالتظاهر يوم الإربعاء على الساعة العاشرة صباحا أمام معتمدية المروج 1 مطالبين بالغاء قرار العزل و مواصلة تولي الشيخ لمنبر الخطابة بالجامع كما أكد المصلون على أن لا تراجع أبدا عن تغيير الإمام مؤكّدين أن محاولة إعادة تجفيف المنابع كما فعل البائد لن تعود إلا على جثثنا و الحاضر يعلم الغائب
    حسبــــنا الله ونعـــــــم الوكيــــــل

    انشــــــــــر يا موحّــــــــــد (ة)
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    Blogtrottr <> Jan 26 05:36PM  

    Salafi Dawah - authentisches Wissens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Salafi Dawah - authentisches Wissens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ibn Kathir rahimahullah:
    "Eine Eigenschaft der Dunya ist, dass sie vor demjenig...
    Jan 26th 2014, 17:00
    Ibn Kathir rahimahullah:

    "Eine Eigenschaft der Dunya ist, dass sie vor demjenigen flieht, der ihr hinterherläuft und demjenigen hinterherläuft, der vor ihr flieht."

    [Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 4/197]

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