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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Benachrichtigungen in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Aug 06 02:05AM +0100  

    ‎Al Risalah • الرسالة‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎Al Risalah • الرسالة‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ibn `Umar, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf beiden, berichtete; Der #Prophet, #Allahs Seg...
    Aug 6th 2014, 00:20
    Ibn `Umar, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf beiden, berichtete; Der #Prophet, #Allahs Segen und Heil auf ihm, sagte: Hören und Gehorchen ist jedem muslimischen Menschen zur Pflicht, was er mag oder hasst, solange von ihm keine sündhafte Tat verlangt wird. Wird von ihm eine sündhafte Tat verlangt, so ist er zum Hören und Gehorchen nicht verpflichtet.

    #Sahih #Muslim Nr. 3423
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 06 02:01AM +0100  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Aug 6th 2014, 00:12
    هذا ملك ام خادم للصهيونيه مع قتل و اصرارالشعوب العربيه في اليمن و العراق في ليبيا في لبنان و الصومال وافغنستان وباكستان و سوريا و فلسطين
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 06 02:01AM +0100  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Fidel Castro slams Israel's 'disgusting fascism'

    Former Cuban leader Fidel Cas...
    Aug 6th 2014, 00:14
    Fidel Castro slams Israel's 'disgusting fascism'

    Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro has compared Israel's terror campaign against Palestinians in Gaza to a "disgusting form of fascism" that its ally, the United States, is unable to control.

    "I think that a new and disgusting form of fascism is emerging with considerable force at this moment in human history," Castro wrote in a column in the newspaper Granma titled "Palestinian Holocaust in Gaza."

    Castro's article appeared as a 72-hour truce took hold in the Gaza Strip, with Israel withdrawing occupation forces after a month of relentless attacks on mostly civilian targets that killed nearly 1,900 Palestinians, including over 400 children.

    Why does Israel think that the world will be impervious to this "macabre genocide" that is being committed today against the Palestinian people? he asked.

    "Maybe it hopes that the complicity of the North American (US) empire will be ignored in this shameless massacre?" the 87-year-old former president said.

    "There are facts that reflect the near total inability of the United States to face the current world problems," said Castro, who handed over power to his brother Raul in 2006 for health reasons.

    Communist Cuba broke diplomatic relations with Israel in 1973 after the October War.

    Fidel Castro slams Israel's "disgusting form of fascism"
    Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro has compared Israel's terror campaign against Palestinians in Gaza to a "disgusting form of fascism" that its ally, the United States, is unable to control.
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 06 02:01AM +0100  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Gaza's doctors: The other face of the Resistance

    For 29 days, doctors in Gaza...
    Aug 6th 2014, 00:15
    Gaza's doctors: The other face of the Resistance

    For 29 days, doctors in Gaza have been working amid blood and body parts. As hundreds of people suffering serious injuries continue to stream in, they are unfortunately forced to give priority only to those they can save. In the meantime, janitors working by their side have not stopped rinsing the blood away.

    Dr. Nidal Ahmed has just finished operating on one of the victims of Israel's war on the Gaza Strip. Taking his gloves off, he wiped the sweat dripping off of his forehead and took a deep breath. He is exhausted. In half an hour, he is scheduled to re-enter the operating room to perform a surgery on a patient who lost one of his limbs.

    For about 20 days, Dr. Ahmed – who is in his mid 30s – has been working as a surgeon in the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza. What makes him persevere, he said, is "the humanitarian mission he is performing, which is no less important than that of the fighters on the battlefield."

    A large number of physicians, especially those affiliated with the former Hamas government, have not been paid their salaries for four months. Nevertheless, they are still doing their job just like the rest of the doctors who have been paid by the national consensus government because they had been appointed by the former Ramallah government.

    Ahmed sipped a cup of coffee and held a cigarette in his hand as he stood in front of a window overlooking the gate of the only hospital in the area. He has not seen his family in more than 10 days and has not slept in many hours. He decided to have coffee instead of food since he lost his appetite because of the harrowing scenes of the martyrs and the wounded arriving in droves.

    Less than five minutes into his break, two ambulances arrived at the Kamal Adwan Hospital carrying people who had been injured in the Abraj al-Sheikh Zayed area north of the Jabalya refugee camp. With his stethoscope dangling around his neck, he rushed forward to check on the condition of the wounded.

    Most of the doctors in Gaza have not been able to see their families during the war that has lasted for more than 29 days, resulting in over 1,850 martyrs and close to 9,000 injured persons. Some of them even exchanged their Eid al-Fitr wishes with their families over the phone.

    The spokesperson for the Health Ministry in Gaza, Dr. Ashraf al-Qudra, took advantage of the temporary truce announced on Friday morning to rush from al-Shifa Hospital in central Gaza where he works to Khan Younis in southern Gaza to check on his wife and four children.

    Qudra, who holds a degree in alternative medicine from Pakistan, said this was the second time he sees his family since the start of the war.

    Nevertheless, he cut his visit short because Israel violated the truce and resumed bombing in the southern province. Qudra, like many others, rushed back to al-Shifa Hospital in his white coat. His phone did not stop ringing as local and international media outlets were calling him repeatedly to know the number of the martyrs and the wounded that fell as a result of the bombing.

    As the Health Ministry spokesperson, he talked about the immense difficulties they are facing because most of the hospitals and emergency centers in Gaza have been targeted. This has become a major concern for physicians in general and the medical staff in al-Shifa Hospital particularly. They cannot keep up with the number of the wounded who keep arriving around the clock. It is more than they can handle.

    Qudra said the doctors are suffering tremendously, "especially those who lost loved ones and whose houses were destroyed while they were working." He pointed out that many physicians would break their fast with a sip of water inside the operating room during Ramadan. "Some of them did not have enough time to change their blood-soaked clothes before sitting down to eat their meals," he added. There are even stories of doctors whose dead or injured relatives, sometimes their own children, arrived at the hospitals where they work unbeknownst to them.

    As to the question of dealing with thousands of cases that exceed the capacity of medical centers, Qudra pointed out that there are huge shortages in the number of hospital beds and a large number of wounded people were being treated on hospital floors. He added: "Some patients could not spend the needed duration of treatment inside a hospital. They had to be discharged in order to accommodate hundreds of incoming cases."

    Mohammed Abu Arab, a Palestinian physician living in Norway, came to Gaza with a number of other doctors to help after the war broke out. He said the priority in treating the injured is given to those who can be saved. Abu Arab explains: "We faced tough choices. We were forced sometimes not to treat cases that could not be saved or were unlikely to survive in order to save people who are more likely to make it."

    He told Al-Akhbar that doctors make their decisions based on the kind of injury and how serious it is. "They spare no effort to treat cases where the hope of recovery is high."

    He said the cases that affected him the most and caused him a great deal of pain were those of children, "especially those with amputated limbs." He pointed out that a quarter of the martyrs in the Gaza Strip are children "which contradicts Israeli claims of striking terrorist forces."

    It should be noted that the war has claimed the lives of more than 10 medical workers in Gaza. Furthermore, about 13 hospitals were targeted and nine ambulances destroyed. According to the Health Ministry's statistics, the Israeli war led to the closure of 27 medical centers in different areas of the Gaza Strip while health facilities are experiencing severe shortages in equipment and medications.

    It is not an exaggeration to say that doctors cannot find even a little bit of time to be interviewed. In a short visit to al-Shifa Hospital, they appear hard at work as though in a beehive, especially in the reception area where the injured are registered and transferred to beds in order to be treated as physicians' outfits get soaked with blood.

    Janitors too do not have a chance to take a breath. They work around the clock to wash the blood off of hospital floors and sterilize anything it is needed. They are having to spray air freshener in mortuary refrigerators to get rid of the stench of decomposing bodies pulled from under the rubble.

    Source: Al-Akhbar

    Gaza's doctors: The other face of the Resistance
    For 29 days, doctors in Gaza have been working amid blood and body parts. As hundreds of people suffering serious injuries continue to stream in, they are unfortunately forced to give priority only to those they can save. In the meantime, janitors working by their side have not stopped rinsing the b…
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 06 02:01AM +0100  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    US senate divided over disclosing details of CIA tortures

    Redactions by the W...
    Aug 6th 2014, 00:16
    US senate divided over disclosing details of CIA tortures

    Redactions by the White House on a controversial classified report about CIA torture techniques has delayed public disclosure of the document, hinting widening rifts between US senators over making the public aware of the details.

    The Obama administration insists on its decision to delete even the fake names before releasing a public version of the long-awaited report on the CIA's use of torture on suspected terrorists, McClatchy reported on Monday.

    The redaction of the report which some believe is the product of the most intensive congressional investigation of CIA operations in decades is likely to increase hostilities between the Senate panel and the CIA, the Hill reported.

    "Redactions are supposed to remove names or anything that could compromise sources and methods, not to undermine the source material so that it is impossible to understand," Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-New Mexico), a member of the committee, said Sunday in a statement. "Try reading a novel with 15 percent of the words blacked out. It can't be done properly."

    The spy agency has already admitted to spying on some Senate staffers in the run-up to the report's release, which drew ire from lawmakers in the first place.

    The Senate panel has been working for months to make public a summary of its 6,800-page analysis the CIA's torture techniques used during the presidency of George W. Bush.

    The public executive summary of the top-secret report will be only 480 pages and has been in the process of declassification for months.

    The report was expected to be released in coming days, but on Friday the committee received edits from the White House that redacted a significant chunk of the text for "protecting US intelligence and security".

    "We need additional time to understand the basis for these redactions and determine their justification," committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-California) said in a statement late on Friday. "Therefore the report will be held until further notice and released when that process is completed."

    "No covert CIA personnel or foreign countries are named in the report," Tom Mentzer, a spokesman for Feinstein, said. "Only pseudonyms were used, precisely to protect this kind of information. Those pseudonyms were redacted (by the administration)."

    Lawmakers seem willing to accept some redactions, but others made by the CIA and the White House would make it difficult or impossible to understand the subject being discussed, especially when a pseudonym appears in multiple references, said a person familiar with the issue, who requested anonymity because of the matter's sensitivity.

    US senate divided over disclosing details of CIA tortures
    Redactions by the White House on a controversial classified report about CIA torture techniques has delayed public disclosure of the document, hinting widening rifts between US senators over making the public aware of the details.
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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 06 02:01AM +0100  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Robert Fisk: ISIL Brings War to Lebanon

    British journalist Robert Fisk wrote i...
    Aug 6th 2014, 00:19
    Robert Fisk: ISIL Brings War to Lebanon

    British journalist Robert Fisk wrote in "The Independent" Tuesday that after all warnings about a war that would spill over Syria's border, the Abu Baker Al-Baghdadi "savage" fighters have arrived in Lebanon.Nusra

    Fisk wrote that the bloody events are the same that accompanied the expansion of the terrorists and extremists in Iraq and Syria: reports of executions against civilians, government soldiers being held hostage, and at least 12 civilians confirmed dead, including five children.

    Fisk acknowledged that the world's attention is currently concentrated on the slaughter in Gaza, which was dominated by the events taking place in Syria and extended the organization of the ISIL in Western Iraq.

    However, he added that in the event that the implications being seen in Arsal extend towards north Lebanon, the battles would be "much more serious" than those being witnessed in Gaza.

    "In Arsal, the fighters - officially from Al-Nusra, whose members are already joining those of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's caliphate – adopted their usual practice of seizing large buildings in the centre of the town (in this case, the technical college, a hospital and a mosque) and clinging to them in the hope that their opponents would disintegrate," Fisk wrote.

    "The Lebanese army, which has twice defeated Islamist rebellions inside Lebanon in the past 15 years, claimed to have retaken the college, but the statements from both the Lebanese commander and Prime Minister may be taken as accurate: that the takeover of Arsal had been preemptive and is part of a far greater rebel strategy."

    Fisk went on to say that Sunni Muslims make up the majority of the Lebanese forces, who are among the best integrated of Middle East armies. However, "this has never prevented them from subduing Sunni Muslim rebels in the past, first at Sir el-Diniyeh in 2000, and then within the Palestinian camp of Nahr el Bared in 2007, at a cost of almost 500 dead soldiers, fighters, and civilians."

    The British journalist said the Lebanese army tried in vain, for more than a year, to close the eastern border of Arsal. He added that the Syrian army's victory over rebels in Yabroud earlier this year suggested that the armed groups might leave Arsal before being eliminated.

    Robert Fisk said that the battle between militants opposed to Syria - who are also responsible for the recent bombings in Lebanon - and the Lebanese army are inevitable.


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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 06 02:01AM +0100  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Western Diplomats: Hezbollah's Preemptive Strike Repelled Terrorrists

    Arsal b...
    Aug 6th 2014, 00:20
    Western Diplomats: Hezbollah's Preemptive Strike Repelled Terrorrists

    Arsal battles represent partial scene of the regional collapse taking place from Iraq to Gaza, passing by Syria and Lebanon. These battles are considered as the most dangerous aspects of Syrian war's spilling into Lebanon.Takfiris

    Western diplomats in Beirut share this pessimistic view to the ongoing battles between the Lebanese army and ISIL militants in Arsal and its outskirts.

    The scenario of the 2007 Nahr al-Bared conflict is still in mind of these diplomats, however they agree that the "current situation is the more dangerous."

    US Ambassador to Lebanon David Hale visited army commander General Jean Qahwaji earlier on Sunday, hours after the clashes erupted in Arsal. Such visit proves the gravity of the battle in against gangs who set up a cohesive plan to force security forces out of Arsal in a bid to take control of the town and its people.

    Diplomatic sources report that the US has not and will not refrain from supporting the Lebanese army, which on its part rely on this support in its battle.

    These sources also question the reasons behind the delay in the delivery of the French weapons to the Lebanese army especially that Saudi Arabia had paid for the aid worth $3bn.

    Following the eruption of the clashes in Arsal, European and Western diplomats in Lebanon were concerned over the war against militant groups who adopt the strategy of attack in retreat in a bid to exhaust the army.

    However, when Arsal battle started on Sunday, these diplomats regain some optimism: "although the situation is dangerous, it's obvious that the Lebanese army is surly able to regain control."

    The diplomats consider that the explosion of the situation in Arsal was expected, based on information, which were available months ago, about arming the Syrian refugees in the area and sowing discord between them and people in the northern Bekaa who belong to various sects.

    This plan was waiting the "Zero Hour" which was quickened directly as the commander of Fajr Al-Islam Brigade; the wanted Imad Jomaa was arrested by the Lebanese army, according to the diplomats.

    Meanwhile, the thing which holds the attention is the diplomats' acknowledgment, in the private meetings, that Hezbollah had essential role in confronting the terrorists' attacks in Lebanon. The diplomats also liken Hezbollah's preemptive strike in Qusair and Qalamoun to the strikes launched by the US against al-Qaeda in Afghanistan in a bid to prevent the global terror group from carrying out abroad attacks.

    The diplomatic sources also acknowledge that without Hezbollah's preemptive actions, the Syrian war would have transferred to Lebanon.

    Concerning south Lebanon, the diplomatic sources say that this area witnesses balance of power which was apparent recently, since the outbreak of Gaza war. They consider that the Israeli army was engaged in its war against Hamas in Gaza, while Hezbollah was fighting the terrorists in Syria, leading to a balance which prevents an imminent war between the two sides, especially on the Lebanese territories.

    On the other hand, the diplomatic sources warned that the terror threat in the region is serious, noting that terrorism grows by vacuum and weakness within institutions in several countries.


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    Blogtrottr <> Aug 06 02:01AM +0100  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    ISIL, Nusra Side by Side Fight Lebanese Army

    ISIL-NusraThe Islamic State in I...
    Aug 6th 2014, 00:21
    ISIL, Nusra Side by Side Fight Lebanese Army

    ISIL-NusraThe Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and Nusra terrorist groups side by side fight the Lebanese army in Arsal.

    To coordinating their terrorist activities, ISIL and Nusra established a joint operations room to manage the battles and to deploy their militants, according to security sources.

    The Lebanese army had arrested ISIL's Imad Ahmad Joumaa who was preparing for the group's plot in Arsal and killed "Abu Hasan Al- Falastinin" who was ISIL's leader in Qalamoun.

    These strikes led ISIL to speed up carrying out its plot which mainly aims at controlling Arsal town through coordinating with Nusra the military attacks against the Lebanese army.

    The security sources noted that ISIL's attacks on the Lebanese army in Arsal aims at controlling the bordering town to dwell in it during the winter season as the Syrian army advances in Qalamoun and besieges the terrorists on the rugged barrens of Arsal.


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