
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
Was sind Salafisten?
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(Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr)
Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.
Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 03:49PM  

    Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand
    "O mein lieber Bruder! Wenn Allah einen Diener liebt, gewährt Er ihn die Reue un...
    Dec 14th 2013, 15:20
    "O mein lieber Bruder! Wenn Allah einen Diener liebt, gewährt Er ihn die Reue und die Rückkehr zu Ihm. Er gewährt die Religion, die Reue und die Rückkehr niemandem, außer demjenigen, den Er liebt. O Allah! Mache uns zu denjenigen, die Du liebst!." Sh. Muhammad al Mukhtar ash Shinqiti حفظه الله.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 03:46PM  

    Al Islamic-Events Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al Islamic-Events Facebook-Pinnwand
    Liebe Geschwister
    Al hamdu le Allah
    Die Lies! App ist jetzt online
    Dec 14th 2013, 15:32
    Liebe Geschwister
    Al hamdu le Allah
    Die Lies! App ist jetzt online

    Holen Sie sich „Islam" im App Store. Sehen Sie sich Screenshots, Bewertungen und Kundenrezensionen dazu an.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 03:44PM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Okulda bir kitapda senin ismin geçince ve O sınıf dönüp sana bakmıyorsa O sınıf...
    Dec 14th 2013, 14:54
    Okulda bir kitapda senin ismin geçince ve O sınıf dönüp sana bakmıyorsa O sınıf değildir. :D


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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 03:44PM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Kinder sagen ihrer Mutter sie soll Leise sein.
    Deutsche: Mama, halt die Fresse!...
    Dec 14th 2013, 15:14
    Kinder sagen ihrer Mutter sie soll Leise sein.

    Deutsche: Mama, halt die Fresse!
    Deutsche Mutter: Ich erkenne mein Kind nicht mehr!

    Ausländer: Mama, kannst du einwenig Leise sein?
    Ausländische Mutter: WAS????
    Ausländisches Kind: RIP..

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 03:44PM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Kennst du das wenn du dich im Bus an die Stange festhalten willst obwohl du weis...
    Dec 14th 2013, 15:10
    Kennst du das wenn du dich im Bus an die Stange festhalten willst obwohl du weist da waren schon 100 andere dran !!! Das Sage ich zu Personen die sowas wie eine Bus Stange sind schämt euch !!

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 03:44PM  

    IVAD - Islamische Vorträge auf Deutschs Facebook-Pinnwand
    IVAD - Islamische Vorträge auf Deutschs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Trifft unseren Humor. Wer mitlachen will und ab und an auch islamisch etwas mitn...
    Dec 14th 2013, 15:18
    Trifft unseren Humor. Wer mitlachen will und ab und an auch islamisch etwas mitnehmen will dem können wir Berber Feat. Araber empfehlen. :)
    NIEMAND kann Mama das Wasser reichen &lt;3 :D

    Für mehr &#064;[315012345301552:274:Berber Feat. Araber] Liken (y)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 03:41PM  

    Islamisten | Islamismus | in Deutschland und Europa
    Islamisten und Islamismus in Deutschland und Europa. Salafisten und Salafismus. Was sind Salafisten? Was ist Salafismus? Was ist Islamismus? Was sind Islamisten?
    Your 2 hourly digest for Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
    Dec 14th 2013, 14:55
    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. Microsoft Excel 2010 Training Course
    Beginner / Intermediate self-paced online course of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Enroll for just $99. From our sponsors Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Dec 14th 2013, 14:52, by Nahsaka Lasbhan Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand: "Wenn du siehst, wie du dich von etwas aus der Religion Allahs abgewandt hast; o... [1 Aktualisierung] We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: In 1908, the last illustrious 'Uthmani Khalifa, Sultan Abdülhamid II opened up a... [1 Aktualisierung] We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Thalaba Ibn AbdulRahman was a young man at the age of 16. He always ran errands... [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand: Contemplation is one of the greatest deeds performed by the heart; it is the key... [1 Aktualisierung] Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand: Ibn 'Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: "Contemplating over good deed... [1 Aktualisierung] Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand: CLUBSHOW | HEUTE! Zeitlos - Stadtbergen [1 Aktualisierung] Vergiss nicht Mashallah zu sagens Facebook-Pinnwand: Free Syrien [1 Aktualisierung] Vergiss nicht Mashallah zu sagens Facebook-Pinnwand: Indisch *.* ♡ [1 Aktualisierung] Ich liebe Allah swt. und alle seine Prophetens Facebook-Pinnwand: A1 [1 Aktualisierung] Islam Die Wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand: !!!!!!!! [1 Aktualisierung] Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand: Alle stolze Türken mal kräftig liken <3#Besra [1 Aktualisierung] Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand: Önce kizi kendine asik etmek icin pesinden kosan, asik ettikten sorna ayrilip 2... [1 Aktualisierung] Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand: Wie geil hahahah :D#Selçuk [1 Aktualisierung] Al Farasha - Kleidung für die tugendhafte Muslimas Facebook-Pinnwand: Indischer Churidar Set Farbe: pink/türkis bestehend aus einer Tunika, Hose und... [1 Aktualisierung] Al Farasha - Kleidung für die tugendhafte Muslimas Facebook-Pinnwand: Salwar Set in khaki bestehend aus einer Tunika, Hose und einem Schal mit Paile... [1 Aktualisierung] Al Farasha - Kleidung für die tugendhafte Muslimas Facebook-Pinnwand: Salwar Set in orange bestehend aus einer Tunika, Hose und einem Schal mit Pail... [1 Aktualisierung] Al Farasha - Kleidung für die tugendhafte Muslimas Facebook-Pinnwand: Salwar Set in pink bestehend aus einer Tunika, Hose und einem Schal mit Pailet... [1 Aktualisierung] Al Farasha - Kleidung für die tugendhafte Muslimas Facebook-Pinnwand: Jungen Salwar Set bestehend aus einem Oberteil, Salwar und Tuch Für die Alters... [1 Aktualisierung] El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Liebe kommt von Allah & führt zu Allah <3El - Hamdulillah [1 Aktualisierung] Lies Hannovers Facebook-Pinnwand: Infostand Hannover 14.12.2013 [1 Aktualisierung] Türken Style Wallah Geils Facebook-Pinnwand: Ranbir Kapoor. <3Süheyla [1 Aktualisierung] Türken Style Wallah Geils Facebook-Pinnwand: aus dem Film Ram-LeelaDeepika Padukone <3Süheyla [1 Aktualisierung] Türken Style Wallah Geils Facebook-Pinnwand: Islam Die Wahre Religion [1 Aktualisierung] Türken Style Wallah Geils Facebook-Pinnwand: Channai Express <3Süheyla [1 Aktualisierung] Amantu billahis Facebook-Pinnwand: Hahaha so gehört sich das :DFisebilillah [1 Aktualisierung] Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand: "Wenn du siehst, wie du dich von etwas aus der Religion Allahs abgewandt hast; o... Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 02:51PM

    Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand

    Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand

    "Wenn du siehst, wie du dich von etwas aus der Religion Allahs abgewandt hast; o...
    Dec 14th 2013, 14:20

    "Wenn du siehst, wie du dich von etwas aus der Religion Allahs abgewandt hast; oder du siehst, wie du dich von Allahs Buch abgewandt hast, indem man dessen Worte nicht rezitiert; indem man über dessen Bedeutungen nicht nachdenkt und indem man dessen Inhalte nicht in die Tat umsetzt, so musst du die Heilung dafür suchen - und wisse, dass der Grund für das Abwenden die Sünden sind." Sh. Muhammad Ibn Salih al 'Uthaimin رحمه الله.

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    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: In 1908, the last illustrious 'Uthmani Khalifa, Sultan Abdülhamid II opened up a... Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 02:50PM

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    In 1908, the last illustrious 'Uthmani Khalifa, Sultan Abdülhamid II opened up a...
    Dec 14th 2013, 14:01

    In 1908, the last illustrious 'Uthmani Khalifa, Sultan Abdülhamid II opened up an Islamic University in Beijing to educate China's Muslims.

    This is a photo of the University's opening ceremony.

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    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Thalaba Ibn AbdulRahman was a young man at the age of 16. He always ran errands... Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 02:50PM

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Thalaba Ibn AbdulRahman was a young man at the age of 16. He always ran errands...
    Dec 14th 2013, 14:36

    Thalaba Ibn AbdulRahman was a young man at the age of 16. He always ran errands for the prophet pbuh. One day while walking though the city of Medina, he passed by a house with an open door. Out of curiosity he took a glance inside. In this glance, he saw a light curtain being blown away from a bathroom entrance were a woman was bathing. He lowered his gaze.

    With an extreme feeling of guilt and hypocrisy his mind ran. Thinking to himself, ?How could I be of the companions, one that is close to the prophet pbuh, one who runs his errands and be so horrible as to disrespect peoples privacy??..

    He feared that Allah would reveal to the prophet pbuh evidence of his hypocrisy. His guilt denied him to ever show his face to the prophet pbuh. So he ran away. Days went by and the prophet kept asking the other companions if they had seen Thalaba. No one had seen him. With the prophet's worry about Thalaba he sent a few of the companions to look for him everywhere, among them were Omar Ibn Al Khattab and Salman Al Farisiy.

    They looked everywhere in Medina, and on the out skirts of Madina, until they came about a set of mountains between Mecca and Medina where some nomads where herding sheep. The companions asked the nomads if they had seen a young man with Thalaba's characteristics. They told the companions about a weeping boy. He had been here for 40 days. He came down from the mountains once a day weeping and drank the milk they would offer him. Then he went back up the mountains weeping, crying, always asking for Allah for forgiveness, and saying words of repentance.

    So the companions waited until he came down and watched him. He had lost weight. His countenance reflected sorrow as he drank the milk that was mixed with his tears.

    The companions insisted that they take him back to the prophet pbuh but he refused and asked them if Allah had revealed verses saying he was a hypocrite. They told him that they had no knowledge of any such verses. He was taken back to Medina where the prophet pbuh went to see him. He asked again if Allah had put him among the hypocrites or revealed that he was.

    The prophet pbuh assured him that there were no such verses. He laid out Thalaba's tired, weak body and placed Thalaba's head on his lap. He said, "Oh prophet of Allah remove the head of a sinner away from you." The prophet pbuh comforted him until he told the prophet pbuh "I feel as though ants are walking between my flesh and bones."

    The prophet told him it was death and his time had come.

    He witnessed while Thalaba's head was on his lap, Thalaba proclaim "There is no god worthy of worship other than Allah, and that Mohamed pbuh is the messenger of Allah".The prophet pbuh washed Thalaba and carried him to the grave.

    It is narrated that on their way to bury Thalaba, the prophet pbuh walked on his tippy toes as though he were in a crowd.

    When Omar asked about this, the prophet pbuh explained .....that he was being crowded with the angels...

    *Ya Allah... How many sins do we commit per day and don't feel a fraction guilty as Thalaba??? Ya Allah guide us!!*

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    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand: Contemplation is one of the greatest deeds performed by the heart; it is the key... Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 02:49PM

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand

    Contemplation is one of the greatest deeds performed by the heart; it is the key...
    Dec 14th 2013, 13:56

    Contemplation is one of the greatest deeds performed by the heart; it is the key that opens the door which allows the light of guidance to enter; it is the initial step in the direction of correct understanding and comprehension; many people know its virtue but are unaware of its reality, essence and its fruits. Allaah Has commanded us to contemplate, but few do so. He also praises the few who actually do.

    Allaah says:
    الذين يذكرون االله قياما ً وقعودا ً وعلى جنوبهم ويتفكرون في خلق السموات والأرض ربنا ما خلقت هذا باطلا ً

    which means: "[Those] Who remember Allaah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], 'Our Lord! You did not create this aimlessly...'" [Aal 'Imraan: 191]

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    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand: Ibn 'Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: "Contemplating over good deed... Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 02:49PM

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand

    Ibn 'Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: "Contemplating over good deed...
    Dec 14th 2013, 13:57

    Ibn 'Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: "Contemplating over good deeds causes one to perform them and regretting evil leads to one abandoning it. When the slave's main concern is to please Allaah, He will make his silence be spent in contemplation and his speech consist of praise and gratitude to Allaah."

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    Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand: CLUBSHOW | HEUTE! Zeitlos - Stadtbergen Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 02:48PM

    Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand

    Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand


    Zeitlos - Stadtbergen
    Dec 14th 2013, 14:43


    Zeitlos - Stadtbergen

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    Vergiss nicht Mashallah zu sagens Facebook-Pinnwand: Free Syrien Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 02:47PM

    Vergiss nicht Mashallah zu sagens Facebook-Pinnwand

    Vergiss nicht Mashallah zu sagens Facebook-Pinnwand

    Free Syrien
    Dec 14th 2013, 14:31

    Free Syrien

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    Vergiss nicht Mashallah zu sagens Facebook-Pinnwand: Indisch *.* ♡ Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 02:47PM


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 03:41PM  

    Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    I am your Syrian brother in Lebanon. This is my son I am carrying through this s...
    Dec 14th 2013, 15:11
    I am your Syrian brother in Lebanon. This is my son I am carrying through this snowstorm. He is too weak and young to withstand such a cold winter. I fear for him. They say this will be worst winter to hit this area in nearly 100 yrs, and what do we have to combat this? A tent, barely any supplies to keep ourselves warm and next to no food. I see children walking in sandals in the snow, their feet red in the freezing cold and I say Alhamdulillah that Allah has provided us with something.

    We live day by day here, hand to mouth. Struggling with each day as it comes and anxious over the future of our children. Will they be educated? Will they grow up to have a better life? Will they even survive this winter? I had so many hopes and dreams for my children when they were younger, like any other parent. Aspirations for their future, and now all I wish is for them to survive this ordeal. Is there no one who feels my pain and the pain of my children? My brothers and sister in Islam, do they not feel the heartache we live in watching our children die before our eyes??

    I pray that I am able to provide for them even until my last breath. That I am able to hold my head before my Rabb and bear witness to how I struggled for their wellbeing. May Allah grant us Sabr to bear this struggle, and give us a saviour to take us out of this nightmare. Ameen.

    "If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: If He forsakes you, who is there after that, that can help you ? In Allah, then, let Believers put their trust." (Surah Ale-Imran: 160)

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 03:41PM  

    Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    A brother leaves his views on our page regarding the university segregation issu...
    Dec 14th 2013, 15:31
    A brother leaves his views on our page regarding the university segregation issue. . Jzk Allah Khair.

    "May Allah reward sister Nasreen for conveying the clear truth in a difficult, biased and intellectually dishonest environment. This should show the utter fallacy in the concept of "freedom" where the british government is FORCING/pressurising people to mix.As muslims we need to be strong and convey the islamic argument without an apologetic stance that gives into societal pressure. Ask the government: "Why don't you mix the British Lions rugby team or the premier league football teams or the mens and the womens toilets and have joint showers?".
    Islamically, our thoughts come from a basis which tells us that the creator decides what is ought to be and what is not and as the creator has created human beings, the creator best knows their nature and has given rules to that effect. When Britain is swamped in crises ranging from rape pandemics (1000 rapes a week) to broken families of single mothers and workplaces which are rife in harrassment of women, why do they choose to bring this topic up for discussion. The facilitators, legislators and guarantors of brothels, prostitution, and a BILLION DOLLAR PORN industry cannot speak about the rights of women when they themselves have placed them in the gutter.

    Islam is that way of life under which the first university ever set up was set up by a woman under the Islamic Caliphate (Fatima Al-Fihri) in the 9th Century. Education in university; how apt is that !" (Sayhan Lyrical)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 14 03:37PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    شهيد البـــرد و الصقيــع
    الطفل الرضيـع : محمد رعــد
    العمر : ثلاثة أشهـر...
    Dec 14th 2013, 15:00
    ‫شهيد البـــرد و الصقيــع

    الطفل الرضيـع : محمد رعــد

    العمر : ثلاثة أشهـر

    المكان : بلدة أكروم شمالي لبنان

    آخر صورة للرضيع السوري محمد رعد وهو على قيد الحياة والذي قضى كأول "شهيد للصقيع والبرد"، يوم الجمعة في بلدة أكروم شمالي لبنان، بعدما عجز أهله عن تأمين التدفئة المناسبة وإسعافه خلال العاصفة الثلجية "يالو " التي تضرب ولليوم الثالث على التوالي بلاد الشام‬
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