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- No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand: #Colonial west is not in your lands to save you from oppression they're in your... [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:42AM
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Dr Shefqet Krasniqi A mund njeriu te hyj ne xhennet pa namaz
Dec 5th 2013, 03:34
Dr Shefqet Krasniqi A mund njeriu te hyj ne xhennet pa namaz
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:25AM
We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Signs of victory...
When the enemy steps up its aggression against Islam and...
Dec 5th 2013, 02:30
Signs of victory...
When the enemy steps up its aggression against Islam and Muslims.
As the Prophet (saw) became more influential, receiving the support from the people of Yathrib, then did we see the attempts to kill the Prophet (saw) in order to silence his call.
The fact is as Muslims globally return back to their Deen and rejecting secularism we will see greater antagonism by western powers to preserve their hegemony. If carrots don't work to seduce the Muslims the stick comes out, trying to beat us into submission.
It is a sign of strength within the Ummah and a sign of desperation by Western governments.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:18AM
No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
#Colonial west is not in your lands to save you from oppression they're in your...
Dec 5th 2013, 02:56
#Colonial west is not in your lands to save you from oppression they're in your lands to steal your possessions
wake up to reality of #westernintervention
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:18AM
Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
Dec 5th 2013, 02:39
Al Quran was revealed on Prophet Muhammed saw. — mit <a href="" data-ft="{"tn":";"}" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/user.php?id=100007044540461&extragetparams=%7B%22directed_target_id%22%3Anull%2C%22viewer_id%22%3A0%7D">Geni Aman</a>.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:11AM - Social Mention
Konvertierung + Lies! Street Dawah Herne und Duisburg 30.11.2013
Dec 1st 2013, 10:59 h...
Ibn Yakub - Stellungnahme zu Mouhanad Khorchide und Islamunterricht
Nov 30th 2013, 21:38 h...
Mouhanad Khorchide; Die neue Rechtschule nach M Khorchide
Nov 29th 2013, 21:03 h...
Pierre Vogel - 3. Blamage für Prof. Mouhanad Khorchide [Debatte 28.11.13 in Münster]
Nov 29th 2013, 19:41 h...
Nov 29th 2013, 18:15 h...
Nov 27th 2013, 17:22 h...
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:08AM
Abu Walaa - Social Mention
KISAH JIN IFRIT YANG HANCUR OLEH AYAT KURSI Ayat kursi memiliki banyak fadilah atau keutamaan. Salah satunya adalah bisa untuk menaklukkan makhluk halus. Hal ini seperti yang dilakukan oleh Saudagar kaya raya bernama Ka'ab yang membunuh Jin Ifrit dengan bacaan Ayat Kursi. Imam Ghazali menerangkan dalam kitabnya, Khawasul Qur'an: bahwa ibnu Kutaibah meriwayat-kan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi dinegeri Basrah. Pada Suatu hari, seorang pedagang bernama Ka'ab melakukan perjalanan ke negeri Basrah. Ia membawa barang dagangannya untuk dijual. Setelah Ka'ab sampai di Basrah, dia mencari tempat penginapan, akan tetapi semua penginapan pada hari itu ternyata tidak ada yang kosong. Semua telah dipesan oleh pedagang yang lebih dahulu datang sebelum Ka'ab. Karena kehabisan penginapan, Ka'ab berinisiatif mencari tempat istirahat. Ia kemudian menemukan sebuah rumah kosong yang pada dindingnya terdapat banyak sarang laba-laba. Ka'ab akhirnya berhasil menemui pemiliknya. Ia bermaksud menyewa rumah itu selama kurang lebih satu minggu. "Rumah ini aneh sekali, selalu menjadi pembicaraan masyarakat disini," kata si pemilik rumah. "Apa yang terjadi pada rumahmu in?" tanya Ka'ab. "Kata beberapa orang, rumah ini didiami oleh Jin Ifrit. Sudah banyak orang yang mencoba menempatinya, namun akhirnya mereka semua binasa," jelas si pemilik rumah. Rumah Kosong Yang Angker .. Merasa terpaksa karena tidak menemukan penginapan, akhirnya Ka'ab bersedia menempati rumah kosong itu. "Meskipun orang lain berkata demikian, saya sanggup tinggal disini asalkan Tuan mengizinkan saya," pinta Ka'ab. "Baiklah, saya tidak keberatan dan saya tidak akan meminta bayaran sedikitpun," jawab si pemilik rumah. Ka'ab akhirnya tinggal di rumah kosong yang angker itu. Pada malam itu, tidak ada hal ganjil yang dialaminya. Keesokan harinya Ka'ab berkeliling untuk menjual barang dagangannya, dan ketika matahari hampir terbenam, ia kembali pulang. Malam itu Ka'ab mengalami beberapa keanehan. Matanya sulit sekali untuk dipejamkan. Kemudian dalam kondisi yang sepi, tiba-tiba ia dikejutkan dengan sosok bayangan hitam yang memiliki dua mata menyala-nyala seperti bara api yang mendekatinya. Maka secara spontan, Ka'ab terjaga dan membaca ayat Kursi. Akan tetapi bayang-bayang itu tidak menghilang, malah sosok hitam itu turut mengikuti apa yang dibaca oleh Ka'ab, hingga hampir sampai pada akhir ayat Kursi. Jin Ifrit Terbakar Sampai Jadi Abu ... Akan tetapi setelah Ka'ab membaca akhir ayat KursiWalaa Yauuduhu hifzuhumaa wa huwal aliyyul 'adziim, bayang-bayang hitam itu lenyap dan suaranya sudah tidak terdengar lagi. Ka'ab heran dan ia terus mengulangi bacaannya hingga ayat Kursi yang terakhir untuk memastikan bayang-bayang hitam itu benar-benar hilang. Lenyapnya Jin Ifrit itu disertai bau seperti barang yang terbakar. Keesokan paginya, Ka'ab mendapati di salah satu sudut rumah itu terdapat bekas-bekas abu seperti ada sesuatu yang telah terbakar. Di saat itu, Ka'ab mendengar suara gaib, "Hai Ka'ab, engkau telah membakar Jin Ifrit yang kuat." "Dengan apa aku membakarnya?" tanya Ka'ab. "Dengan firman Allah,Walaa Yauuduhu hifzuhumaa wa huwal aliyyul 'adziim,"jawab suara gaib itu. Demikian kisah Tewasnya Jin Ifrit oleh Ayat Kursi .. Seperti diketahui, Ayat Kursi diwahyukan kepada Rasulullah SAW diiringi oleh ribuan malaikat karena kebesaran dan kesucian ayat tersebut. Karena itu, Jin Ifrit yang kuat pun tidak mampu menahan kehebatan Ayat Kursi. SUBHANALLAH Semoga ALLAH senantiasa membimbing kita dalam kesabaran, dan memberikan kita segala pertolongan sehingga setiap persoalan yang kita hadapi selalu mendapatkan naungan dan kemudahan-Nya. Aamiin Silahkan Klik "SUKA" dan "BAGIKAN", Jika dinilai baik & bermanfaat bagi sahabat semua. Semoga menjadi kebaikan Kita semua. (Cantumkan jika ada doa khusus, agar kami para jamaah bisa mengaminkannya) Ya ALLAH... ✔ Muliakanlah orang yang membaca tausiah ini ✔ Entengkanlah kakinya untuk melangkah ke masjid ✔ Lapangkanlah hatinya ✔ Bahagiakanlah keluarganya ✔ Luaskan rezekinya seluas lautan ✔ Mudahkan segala urusannya ✔ Kabulkan cita-citanya ✔ Jauhkan dari segala Musibah ✔ Jauhkan dari segala Penyakit,Fitnah,Prasangka Keji,Berkata Kasar dan Mungkar. ✔ Dan dekatkanlah jodohnya untuk orang yang membaca dan membagikan tausiah ini. Aamiin ya Rabbal'alamin
Dec 5th 2013, 03:00
قناة الرسميه وعلي زيدان
Dec 5th 2013, 02:19
Hussien Eazzie - Barra 3anny 6 ( VI ) Listen n leave ya feedback w share 3la awsaa3 netaaaq :)
Dec 5th 2013, 01:43
Hussien Eazzie straight from Cairo , Egypt Rapper , Producer ( Mastering , Beat Productions ) Much Love ,
what i find disturbing is they say bashar is a kafir 100% okay agreed but then there are some who defend that khanzir on the left and say oh he is a ruler and he is a fasiq and this and that and that and this my minds spinning man but if the pig on the right is a kafir then what does that make the piglet on the left, please explain...
Dec 5th 2013, 01:17
military junta is headed by a general of the Egyptian air force, writes� UmmaNews .
dpt kbr dri kwn ane dia meninggal dadakan malam ini padahal gk ada sakit gk apa bru kmren lusa mampir ke toko nyari dasi ama kemeja buat wisuda.. ehh skrang dpt kabar tau2 meninggal.. dia org padang dan dia trmasuk penyetor kemeja alisan polo dan kemeja boss dan aksesoris jas dan baju koko juga gamis mencakup semua lapak di tanah abang dan dia jga pnya konter d pgc ane yakin ini psti dia di santet krna sblumnya dia brkata ada org china ama org batak yg iri ama pribumi yg sukses.. psti pelakunya china kampret ini .. org china mang jago nyantet diem2 bro prjanjian mreka dgn iblis di gunung kawi dan kuncenya pasti gusdurian.. gk heran klo bnyak org2 china jdi satanic luciferian jdi buat prjanjian dgn iblis dgn raja iblis bapakya ifrit.. org china dri 2 thn yg lalu sering iri ama kbanyakan pribumi yg sukses gk heran bro.. ane berani yakin neh psti sebelum dia meninggal di ajak makan minum dah.. krna kata syaikh abdul rauf ben halima santet bsa lewat makanan dan melekat sprti lem di usut dan perut.. org2 china jga syirik2 ama pribumi yg success beda di depan beda di belakang lahir ama batinnya itu beda.. neh kwn ane org yg jga islamnya kuat org minang yg bnr2 islamnya kuat.. bnr2 di tanah abang itu padang vs china bro ... china2nya tomy winata kebanyakan culas2 dan maen santet jga.. dlu da ane wanti2 biar gk trlalu dket ama tuh china nnti bsa di culasin ane yakin neh china bakal menang leluasa dan beli saham dia di produsen2 krna rivalnya da gk ada ... Yonx Putra Yasnadi Abu Annisa Ahmad Alkazimy klo matinya buat tumbal biasanya malam hari krna yg namanya setan dan iblis bkerja di malam hari mnyerang dmalam hari bhkan sebelum fajar terbit itu .. jgn mau di kasih makanan ama org china nnti jdi tumbal bro.. kwn ane dri kmren ane suruh baca2an dri syaikh abdul rauf ben halima bacaan2 menangkis khodam jin kafir gk di amalkan ya jdinya gni mati mendadak gk sakit gk apa prcaya psti sblum mati dia di ajak makan minum ama tuh china krna itu bsa melekat di perut sprti lem.. syetan jin iblis yg brbau2 kuntilanakn genderuwo itu ada nyata kta hrs prcaya ada kekuatan gaib kta hrs prcaya ada makluk lain mreka itu makluk yg lebh dulu ada yg ingkar ama perintah ALLAH krna tidak sujud ama adam nabi adam bapaknya manusia.. itu tmen ane dgn pedenya blang ahh saya gk pcaya yg gtu2an ..... rumah tangga dia hancur krna di kirim jin kafir ama org china tsb tpi dia ttp tak mnyadarinya.. itu krna mnurut dia prcaya hal gaib syirik itu cuma ALLAH yg tau hal gaib .. its oke saya ngrti mmang hanya ALLAH yg tau hal gaib itu.. akan ttpi kta hrs tau ada jin iblis dan maklu yg lbh dulu hidup di dunia nmn dia rusak dunia dan ALLAH ciptakan adam kaum manusia sbgai khalifah danyg menolak itu jin iblis krna tdak mo sujud trhadap adam sehingga tugas dia mngajak manusia masuk neraka mnjrumsukan kdalam ksesatan.. kta hrs prcaya adanya makluk gaib akan ttpi jgn mmprcayai dukun dan brusaha mmnta bantuan jin iblis tsb. apalagi datang ke dukun minta bantuan paranormal dgn tumbal ayam hitam sesajen dan tumbal kepala burung dara or kepala kerbau or kepala sapi dan sbgaianya ini baru di sini syirik dsini kesetananya yg nyata krna mnta bantuan kpda selain ALLAH... klo saja saat itu dia mo manut prkataan saya buat yassinan rutin di rumahnya selama seminggu berturut2 yassinana dzikir wirid mmbaca al kahfi yassin ... tapi kata dia yassin bidah baca yassin bisa masuk neraka.. untung dia sohib ane mski sdkit prbedaan tpi dia sohib ane jdi ane iyain aja.. ... 1 kata dia gk percaya kuntilanak gernderuwo tuyul or gk prcaya yg namanya wewe gombel or pocong itu syirik percaya bgtuan (yg namanya JIN setan iblis tuyul genedruwo itu penjelmaan iblis jin dan itu sdah ada sejak zaman dahulu sebelum manusia di ciptakan .. jinkafir iblis di laknat ALLAH krna tdak sujud pada nabi adam) 2 kata dia yassin bidah baca itu bsa masuk neraka ... (jika baca yassin smbari mmberikan sesajen tnpa mmahami suratnya ya syirik apalagi yassin untuk pesugihan itu syirik dna mntanya ke jin kafir or iblis jelas syirik) 3 kata dia gk prcaya dgn jin iblis tpi rumah tanngganya cerai pdahal da brtahun2 tdak ada msalah sblumnya.. itu krna kiriman jin kafir itu benar adanya jin kafir di kirim buat rusak rumah tangga org.. giliran waktu itu ane sarankan gelar yassinan 1 minggu full yassinan ama surat2 al kahfi dan surat2 pendek lain2nya dia bilang itu ibadah syirik bisa masuk neraka itu bidah pdahal ini juga di pelajari ulama salaf di pelajar syaikh abdul rauf ben halima dan ulama2 nusantara khususnya ulama kerajaan islam di kalimantan melawan setan iblis jin kafir dgn surat2 dan tidak memakai sesajen... "al falaq ayat 4 al an'aam 128 al baqoroh 275 al baqoroh 102 air di taruh di wadah air di bacakan al fatihah ayat kursi al falaq an naas al araaf 117 sampai 122 surat yunus 81 dan 82 surat thaha 68 sampai 70 baca semua 11 kali mandi selama 12 hari daun jati cina daun senna bismillah allahuakbar dan ayat2 kursi , al ikhlas , al falaq an naas usapkan tubuh anda 3 kali kemudian baca ainama takunu ya'ti bikumullahu jami'a innallaha 'ala kulli syaiin qodir baqoroh 148 la yaghfiru an yusyraka bihi audzubikalimatillaahi ttammatim minsyarrimaakholaq bismillahilladzi laa yadhurru ma asmihi syai un fil ardhi walaa fissama i wahuwassami'ul'aliim allahumma inna naudzubika min sururihim wa najae aluka fi nukurihim bismillahi tawakkaltu alallah lahawla walaquwwata illa billah panggil jin al baqoroh 148 ar ruum 47 an nisa 76 al baqoroh 257 yaa siin 82 jgn bilang itu syirik tapi belum bisa memahaminya .. jin iblis setan itu ada dari dulu mreka mnyrupai org yg sdah meninggal untuk menakut2in manusia pdahal mreka jin kafir yg mnyrupai sosok tsb.. melawna kiiriman khodam jin santet itu bsa dlakukan dgn mnggunakan surat2 al quran tanpa sesajen tnpa sesembahan tanpa kepala kerbau sapi tanpa darah ayam hitam tnpa burung dara or tanpa sesajen lain2nya ini dlakukan oleh raja2 kesultanan islam di nusantara dari dulu dan ini dgunakan rasulullah melawan sahara melawan sihir melawan ahli nujum.. yg jdi syirik jka dia pke sesajen sesembahan dan make sesuai permintaan jin... ana bertahun2 maki2 gusdurian gk sdkit di serang ama org2 gusdurian para kuncen ilmu hitam tpi nyatanya sampe skrang ane sehat wal afiat itu krna ane mnta ke ALLAH tnapa sesajen tnpa sesembahan tnpa embel2... sultan2 pontianak sultan2 kutai itu smua hajar jin hajar iblis hajar syaitan make amalan islam tnapa embel2 tanpa sesajen dan sbgaianya ini amalan ulama dri dlu.. klo da yg masih bilang ini syirik dmana letak ksyirikannnya syaikh abdul rauf ben halima itu trmasuk ulama salaf yg tnggal di inggris krna dia brhasil bicara dgn jin ifrit lewat badan manusia yg dmana jin ifirt tsb brkata klo raja saudi dan mufti al saud jga ikutan dlm pesta satanic luciferian itu abdul rauf mo dbnuh ama agen2 al saud dan dia ini trmasuk ulama yg bnyak mengislamkan jin kafir dia juga di tuduh syirik oleh salapi yamani salapi al saud.. dan amalan dia trbukti mampu memanggil jin sdah saya coba dan yg mencoba nyantet saya psti orgnya bakal ketawan krna komunikasi dgn khodam jin kiriman tsb.. d fb saya yg dulu itu ada note isi nya surat2 amalan2 sesuai alquran dan sunnah melawan dan menangkal jin dan khodam ehh banyak yg private mesagge ngatain saya dukun ngatain saya syirik sesat huft.. skrang di tambah amalan dari syaikh abdul rauf ben halima itu nambah joss ini amalan ini sesuai al quran dan sunnah lngsung mnta bantuan ke ALLAH.. tnpa sesajen tnpa sesembahan darah ayam hitam tnpa komat kamit jampe2 nujum tnpa kepala sapi kerbau MASIH ADA YG GK YAKIN DGN SURAT YASSIN DALAM MENANGKAL BALA MEMBERIKA KESELAMATAN YG GK PRCAYA BUDAK2 AL SAUD.. YG GK YASSINAN JAUH LEBIH BIDAH DRIPDA YG MEMBACA YASSIN KRNA ORG2 YG YASSINAN BKN BEAARTI CMA BACA YASSIN SAJA DIA JGA MMBACA DZIKRULLOH SHOLAWAT DNA SURAT2 PENDEK KLO AD AYG KUAT DI BACA DGN SURAT AL KAHFI.. INI AMALAN AHLU SUNNAH WAL JAMAAH TIDAK HARAM TIDAK BIDAH TIDAK SYIRIK OR SESAT btul bgtu Sultan Bersandar Husni Ba'bud Ratono Efendi Bramantyo Prahoro Jail Jail Jail Jaisyu Muhammad Macan Asia Santri Satriä Faridzi Al Irfan Irianto Pedang Kayu Harum Bzonk Pejuang Fpi Arif Kusnandar Johan Jauharuzzaman II Ren Muhammad Satriany Ayah Alfazidari Muhammad Misbahulanam Rudi Siswanto
Dec 4th 2013, 23:38
ارجوكم يعني لو مافيش زعل كد او كد صوتو لصديق لي عزيز عليا إلكل يصوت عشان خطري لرقم 14 (ilyass mougar)
Dec 4th 2013, 23:22
وبالاسحار هم يستغفرون #أستغفر_الله_وأتوب_إليه
Dec 4th 2013, 23:13 انا ماقريتش خلاص :D
Dec 4th 2013, 23:02
Original dp Walaa Kon kon Hai YaHaan ?? Zara comments To karo ?? [[xathehe]] o.O #Basanti 3:)
Dec 4th 2013, 22:52
Dalam surat quran berbunyi : "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, berzdikirlah (dengan menyebut nama) Allah, zikir yang sebanyak-banyaknya. Dan bertasbihlah kepada-Nya diwaktu pagi dan petang. Dialah yang memberi rahmat kepadamu dan malaikat-Nya (memohonkan ampunan untukmu), supaya Dia mengeluarkan kamu dari kegelapan kepada cahaya (yang terang). Dan adalah Dia Maha Penyayang kepada orang-orang yang beriman" (Q.S. Al Ahzab, 33 : 42-43) Berikut ini adalah beberapa kumpulan doa-doa dan dzikir ketika sudah melakukan sholat fardu yang bisa anda gunakan. 1. Istighfar 3 X 2. Dzikir dengan membaca : اللهم أنت السـلام ومنك السلام تباركت يا ذاالجلال ولإكرام (alloohumma antassalaam waminkassalaam tabaarokta yaa dzaljalaali wal ikroom) "Ya Allah, Engkaulah Salam, dan daripada-Mu kesejahteraan, serta Maha Besar kebaikan-Mu, ya Allah yang mempunyai Kebesaran dan Kemuliaan." (H.R. Jamaah selain Bukhary) 3. Bertasbih (subhaanallooh) سُبْحَانَ اللَّهُ bertakbir (alloohu akbar) اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ dan bertahmid (alhamdulillaah) الحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ bacalah masing masing sebanyak 33x 4.
- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:09AM
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
لواء العمري من غنائم كتيبة التسليح الله اكبر والعزة لله
الادمن الحموي
Dec 5th 2013, 02:57
لواء العمري من غنائم كتيبة التسليح الله اكبر والعزة لله
الادمن الحموي
لواء العمري من غنائم كتيبة التسليح الله اكبر والعزة لله
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:07AM
street dawa - Social Mention
Please share if naniniwala ka sa true love sana may magmahal din sakin ng ganto
Dec 4th 2013, 23:38
Mga MASTER SUINNY muli nating panoorin ang istoryang "Love In The Time of Yolanda." Para sa lahat ng naniniwala sa kapangyarihan ng pag-ibig na kayang malampasan ang anumang trahedya, paki-share po ang video na ito. Patuloy nating tulungan at ipagdasal ang mga sinalanta ni bagyong Yolanda. Maraming salamat po
QUARTA É DIA DE GOLD #VEMPRAGOLD Uma noite perfeita com toda magia que só a cidade maravilhosa possui. Esta é a festa Rio 40 Graus da Gold Street Bar. Desta vez os Djs Baba e Fabio Zulu comandarão a festa. Da 0h à 1h tem open bar de vodka e cerveja. A casa abre às 22h. NOMES NA LISTA PELO MURAL DO EVENTO OU E-MAIL ABNER@GOLDSTREETBAR.COM.BR
Dec 4th 2013, 18:48
ব্রেকিং নিউজঃ এরশাদ এই মুহূর্তে বেশ কিছু সাংবাদিকদের কাছে জানাইয়াছেন "তাকে গ্রেফতার করার চেষ্টা করা হলে সে আত্নহত্যা করবে" এরশাদ আরো বলিয়াছেন "উত্তরবঙ্গ সহ বিশেষ করে রংপুরবাসী ও সারা দেশের জাতীয় পার্টির সকলকে রাজপথে নেমে এসে ১৮ দলীয় জোটের সাথে "হাসিনা হটাও..বাকশাল হটাও--ইসলাম বাঁচাও" আন্দোলনকে আরো জোরদার করার নির্দেশনা দিয়াছেন।
Dec 4th 2013, 18:37
KILA nalopanga nachofanya juu yako mpenzi.....kuwa na subira
Dec 4th 2013, 17:34
__NIGHT__ADDA__TOPIC__ __Manuser Jibone Amn Kisu Kisu Muhurto Ase, Ja Nirob Hoye Dekha Sara r Kisu Korar Thake Na......... Tai Na FrndzZ?????
Dec 4th 2013, 16:49
Teacher : '3 Idiots' film dekhne ke baad aap ko kya lesson mila ? Pappu : Madam yahi ki... Engineering padh kar bhi Medical ki ladki fasaai jaa sakti hai..!!! Teacher : Shut up and get out ! Tinku : Madam main bataaun ? Teacher : Haan Tinku, tum bataao. Tinku : Madam college ke 1st day Underwear zaroor pehenna chahiye..!!! Teacher : You also get out ! Chintu : Madam main bataun ? Teacher : Arre Chintu, you are a brilliant student, I'm sure ki tum sahi bataoge. Chintu : Madam, sirf Doctors hi nahin Engineers bhi delivery karwa sakta hai...!!!
Dec 4th 2013, 15:43
আম্মু তড়িঘড়ি কইরা রুমে ঢুকলো। বিস্মিত, অবিশ্বাস ভাব নিয়া ডাক দিলো, "সজীব?" চিন্তা লাগাইলাম কত ২৪ ঘণ্টায় কী কী অকাজ করসি। :/ ঘুম ছাড়া আর কিছু মাথায় আইলো না। তখন আম্মু কয়, "দুপুরে খাস নাই কেন? -_- " পুনশ্চঃ লাঞ্চ শেষ করিলাম। শিম আর মাছের তরকারি দিয়া। কী মাছ তাহা জানতে চাহিয়া ভাব লইবার সুযোগ করিয়া দিবেন না। :3 :3
Dec 4th 2013, 15:14
Aje aje Shadrack Mafie Jujuman James Ben John Magwira Maigestar Json Maureen Chriss Tajiri Eastafrica Street Swagz Jr. #2404
Dec 4th 2013, 10:25
Dedicate a song to your eX?
Dec 3rd 2013, 21:41
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:07AM - Social Mention
Konvertierung + Lies! Street Dawah Herne und Duisburg 30.11.2013
Dec 1st 2013, 10:59 h...
Mouhanad Khorchide; Die neue Rechtschule nach M Khorchide
Nov 29th 2013, 21:03 h...
Pierre Vogel - 3. Blamage für Prof. Mouhanad Khorchide [Debatte 28.11.13 in Münster]
Nov 29th 2013, 19:41 h...
Nov 29th 2013, 18:15 h...
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:04AM
dawah news - Social Mention
PM taskforce recommends new powers to tackle extremism - News stories - GOV.UK - The proposals include: considering if there is a case for new civil powers, similar to the new anti-social behaviour powers, to target the behaviours extremists use to radicalise others considering if there is a case for new types of order to ban groups which seek to undermine democracy or use hate speech, when necessary to protect the public or prevent crime and disorder consulting on new legislation to strengthen the powers of the Charity Commission working with internet companies to restrict access to terrorist material online which is hosted overseas but illegal under UK law and help them with their continuing efforts to identify what material to include in family-friendly filters improving the process for the public to report extremist content online making delivery of the Channel programme, which supports individuals at risk of being radicalised, a legal requirement in England and Wales ensuring prisoners who have demonstrated extremist views in prison receive intervention and support on release Prime Minister David Cameron said: This summer we saw events that shocked the nation with the horrific killing of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich and murder of Mohammed Saleem in Birmingham. These tragedies were a wakeup call for government and wider society to take action to confront extremism in all its forms, whether in our communities, schools, prisons, Islamic centres or universities. I have been absolutely clear that this is not something we should be afraid to address for fear of cultural sensitivities. We have already put in place some of the toughest terrorism prevention controls in the democratic world, but we must work harder to defeat the radical views which lead some people to embrace violence. The taskforce I set up has proposed a broad range of measures to counter the extremist narrative and I will make sure they are taken forward." The implementation of these practical steps to tackle extremism in all its forms will be closely monitored
Dec 5th 2013, 00:37
MISSION STATEMENT It is our position that shariah law imposes second class status on women and is incompatible with the standards of liberal Western societies and the basic principles of human rights that include equality under the law and the protection of individual freedoms. The shariah code mandates the complete authority of men over women, including the control of their movement, education, marital options, clothing, bodies, place of residence and all other aspects of their existence. Further, it calls for the beating, punishment, and murder of women who don't comply with shariah requirements. In our efforts to stem the encroachment of shariah in the West, we are focusing on the following objectives: Education of the American public about the inherent human rights violations and the attempt to undermine or replace U.S. law and American statutes with Islamic shariah Publicizing of important issues related to sharia requirements such as honor killings, forced marriages, child marriage, polygamy, female genital mutilation, violence against women, etc. Alerting policy makers and legislators to potential human rights and equal rights violations and working toward the development of possible remedies and legal actions Building coalitions with like-minded organizations to develop policy initiatives and interventions for victims of shariah. IMPORTANT TERMS Shariah: an all-encompassing and in-transmutable system of Islamic jurisprudence, found in the Koran and the Sunnah, that covers all aspect of life, including daily routines, hygiene, familial roles and responsibilities, social order and conduct, directives on relationships with Muslims and non-Muslims, religious obligations, financial dealings and many other facets of living. Ird: the sexual purity of a woman that confers honor to her husband, family and community. Ird is based on the traditional standards of behavior set forth in the shariah code and includes subservience to male relatives, modest dress which could include veiling and the covering of the body, and restricted movement outside of the home. The loss of a woman's ird confers shame upon her family and can result in ostracism by the community, economic damage, political consequences and the loss of self esteem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zina: the Koranic word for sexual relations outside of marriage. Under shariah law, Zina is punished by lashings, imprisonment or stoning to death. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGM: female genital mutilation refers to the partial or complete removal of the female genitalia for religious and cultural reasons. It is practiced to preserve a female's chastity and dampen her sexual desire. FGM is permitted in the Koran but required by the Shafi'i, one of the four schools of shariah law within Sunni Islam. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honor Killing: a murder, usually of a female, committed to restore the social and political standing of a family or community when it is believed that the victim has violated traditional behavioral expectations. Such violations can include improper covering of the body, appearing in public without a male relative chaperone, talking to an unrelated male, or exhibiting independence in thought and action. An honor killing can also be based on hearsay or gossip that is perceived as damaging to a woman's relatives. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forced Marriage: a marriage that is conducted without the consent of one or both parties in which duress is a factor. Such duress can include violence or physical intimidation, psychological abuse, blackmailing, kidnapping, or threats of imprisonment or institutional confinement. ============================================================= SLAVERY IN ISLAM Islam permits the taking of slaves as "booty" or as a reward for waging jihad. Slavery became a Muslim tradition at the time that Mohammed moved to Medina and amassed sufficient power for the enslavement of non-Muslims. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slavery is an accepted part of Islamic society and is never viewed in a negative way in the Koran, Sira or Hadith. In fact, it is a God-given right for Muslims to have slaves. [6:7] Allah has given more of His gifts of material things to some rather than others. In the same manner, those who have more do not give an equal share to their slaves so that they would share equally. Would they then deny the favors of Allah. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although Islam has sustained slavery for 1400 years, a Muslim may never be enslaved. Only non-believers or kafirs may be enslaved and may be eligible for freedom upon conversion to Islam at the discretion of the slave owner. Slavery is viewed as a moral good in Islam as it transforms a kafir into a believer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slaves have no means for legal action in Islam and their rights are based solely on the good will of their master. If a slave flees his master, this is view as a sin against Allah. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slaves have few civil or legal rights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following are rules pertaining to slavery from the Shariah: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Muslim men may have sex with female slaves at any time and it is not possible to "rape" a slave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Slaves have the same status as animals and it is permissible to whip them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) No Muslim can be put to death for murdering a slave. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) A slave's testimony is inadmissible in court. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5) Slaves can be forced to marry whomever their master chooses and may not choose their marriage mate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Christians and Jews who do not pay the jizya or protection tax can be enslaved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In his book, Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, historian Robert Davis estimates that North African Muslims abducted and enslaved more than 1 million white Christian Europeans from the coastal towns from Sicily to Cornwall between 1530 and 1780. Muslim slavers also seized people from Britain, Ireland, Iceland and even American seaman on ships in the Atlantic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In a recent case of Muslim slavery in the United States, Sarah Khonaizan and her husband Homaidan Al-Turki were arrested for forced labor, sexual abuse and harboring an alien for enslaving an Indonesian housekeeper in their home in Colorado . The couple reportedly brought the housekeeper to Colorado from Saudi Arabia to care for their five children and to cook and clean for the family. The Indonesian woman slept on the basement floor, was paid less than $2 per day and was the victim of rape. Al-Turki and his defense attorney complained that they were being persecuted for their beliefs and stated, "The state has criminalized these basic Muslim behaviors. Attacking traditional Muslim behaviors was the focal point of the prosecution." Al-Turki received letters of support from the local Muslim community and from his academic colleagues at the University of Colorado. This case continues to arouse strong feelings in Saudi Arabia where there is great sympathy and support for Al-Turki. On March 26, 2008, a high level Saudi official brought up the case in a meeting with Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. He urged Americans to review the case and mentioned the strong support for Al-Turki in Saudi Arabia. ================================================================ Favorite Websites (FOR FUTURE VIEWING TO BE INFORMED) MGP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answering Muslims American Islamic Forum for Democracy Art Against Radical Islam Cox & Forkum Dangers of Allah Debate it Out Honest Reporting Infidel Task Force Islam in Europe Investigative Project on Terror Jihad Watch Logan's Warning Money Jihad Muslims Against Sharia Pierre Rehov Principles of a Free Society Radarsite Shariah Finance Watch Stop Stoning The West, Islam, and Sharia Translating Jihad UN Watch Un:Dhimmi Vlad Tepes Weasel Zippers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELIGION OF PEACE Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11 IMPORTANT NOTE Click on the title of each story in order to go to the original news story. Women Against Shariah does not claim copyright on any of the stories. This site should be considered a repository of news stories relating to Islamic matters. We aim to put all relevant news on this site so our viewers can locate these important stories in one place. Thank you. ================================================================ ABOUT US Women Against Shariah The mission of Women Against Shariah is to prevent and outlaw the imposition of shariah law in the United States for both Muslim and American women as either a parallel legal system or a replacement for existing laws. Additionally, we hope to empower women worldwide to resist shariah. =============================================================== View my complete profile BLOG ARCHIVE LABELS Militant Islam (3235) Terror (2024) Jihad (1604) United States (1113) human rights abuses (1039) Oppression (978) Violence (835) Oppression of Women (812) Pakistan (782) Creeping Shariah (763) Persecution of Christians (745) Islam (704) UK (684) Shariah (683) Egypt (560) Al-Qaeda (493) Antisemitism (489) Iran (480) Women in Islam (423) Israel (402) Muslim Demands (396) Child Abuse (387) Iraq (326) Saudi Arabia (313) Afghanistan (311) Taliban (310) Censorship (307) Syria (303) Islamism (300) Arab Spring (282) Religious Fanaticism (271) Murder (269) Hamas (266) Islamic civil war (264) Honor Killing (235) Turkey (184) Christianity (167) Muslim Brotherhood (166) Protests (164) France (163) Somalians (160) India (158) Indonesia (151) Suicide Bombings (146) Muslims (141) Palestinians (139) Libya (134) Rape (132) EU (125) Nigeria (123) CAIR (122) Arab Antisemitism (113) Muhammad (113) Al Shabaab (112) Foreign Policy (110) Gaza (110) Canada (109) Homosexual Persecution (109) Mobs (109) Palestinian Authority (109) Yemen (109) War on Terror (108) Quran (103) Child Rape (101) Dhimmitude (101) Shiites (99) Sunni (91) Lebanon (90) Women's Rights (87) nuclear (87) Child Marriage (86) Germany (86) Moderate Muslims (83) Tunisia (83) Shariah Finance (81) Bombings (80) Bangladesh (79) Death Threats (78) Hezbollah (77) Jordan (75) Riots (74) Copts (73) Culture (73) Australia (72) Prisons (72) Italy (71) Ramadan (71) Kidnapping (70) Middle East (69) Police (69) Immigration (68) President Obama (68) Propaganda (67) Shariah Law (67) Apostasy (65) Malaysia (65) Honor Violence (64) Jews (64) Salafi (64) Burka (62) Polygamy (62) Morocco (59) Osama Bin Laden (59) Sudan (59) Justice (57) Tyrants (56) Algeria (55) Veiling (55) Journalists (54) United Arab Emirates (54) Forced Marriage (53) Sweden (53) Women Jihadists (53) the Netherlands (53) Beheading (52) Mosque (51) Muslim Marriage (51) NATO (51) Russia (51) Threats (51) FBI (50) Hijab (50) Integration (50) cyberjihad (50) Hindus (49) Democracy (48) United Nations (48) UN (47) Blasphemy (46) Denmark (46) Honor Crime (46) Muslim Conversion (46) Philippines (45) Boko Haram (44) Racism (44) Education (43) Chechnya (42) Kuwait (42) US Military (42) Dubai (41) Female Genital Mutilation (41) Kenya (41) Mali (41) Car Bombs (40) Fatwas (40) Health Workers (40) Seculars (40) Segregation of Sexes (40) Universities (40) Catholics (39) Free Speech (39) Imam (38) Islamic Dress (38) Stoning (38) Arabs (37) Alcohol Ban (36) Domestic Violence (35) Syrian Military (35) Thailand (33) Forced Conversion (32) Sexual Harassment (32) Muslim Dress for Women (31) Norway (31) Forced Amputation (30) Hate-Crime (30) Spain (30) Wife Abuse (30) Abuse (29) Lashings (28) multiculturalism (28) Adultery (27) Vandalism (27) Animal Abuse (26) Arab League (26) Genocide (26) Kurdistan (26) Muslim Gangs (26) North Africa (26) Executions (25) Facebook (25) Guantanamo Bay (25) Mosque Near Ground Zero (25) Africa (24) Freeing Terrorists (24) Muslim Divorce (24) Ahmadinejad (23) Converts (23) Danish Cartoons (23) Egyptian Military (23) Fatah (23) Shariah
- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:01AM
domeus - Neues von
Abu AL-Hussain - Sûra 15 Al-Hiǧr (Die Auswanderung);jsessionid=CFB16A81771D8E82679427810123345D;dom64?gid=156714&mid=34781628
Apr 2nd 2013, 09:37
news: Abu AL-Hussain - Sûra 15 Al-Hiǧr (Die Auswanderung) (02.04.2013 09:37 CEST)
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:01AM
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Neue mp3 zu verschiedene Themen;jsessionid=CFB16A81771D8E82679427810123345D;dom64?gid=156714&mid=34797628
May 7th 2013, 09:53
news: Neue mp3 zu verschiedene Themen (07.05.2013 09:53 CEST)
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:01AM
domeus - Neues von
Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14);jsessionid=CFB16A81771D8E82679427810123345D;dom64?gid=156714&mid=34802258
May 16th 2013, 08:33
news: Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) (16.05.2013 08:33 CEST)
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:01AM
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Der Bock zum Gärtner;jsessionid=CFB16A81771D8E82679427810123345D;dom64?gid=156714&mid=34885885
Nov 24th 2013, 09:39
news: Der Bock zum Gärtner (24.11.2013 10:39 CET)
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:01AM
Alba Kingz Offiziells Facebook-Pinnwand
Alba Kingz Offiziells Facebook-Pinnwand
Unsere Gegend
Ein Klassiker oder !!!
Dec 4th 2013, 21:43
Unsere Gegend
Ein Klassiker oder !!!
♛Alba Kingz♛ - Unsere Gegend 1 / "Offizielles Video" WERDE FAN BEI UNSERER OFFIZIELLEN FANPAGE IN FACEBOOK!! Alba Kingz Präsentiert: Ylli, Lil-Ham, Vetto, Gjilan G, Sec...
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 03:01AM - Social Mention
Allah? Description: Do Muslims worship the same God as the Jews and Christians? What does the word Allah mean? Is Allah the Moon-god? By Abdurrahman Robert Squires (edited by Published on 20 Feb 2006 - Last modified on 12 Nov 2013 Viewed: 252713 (daily average: 89) - Rating: 3.8 out of 5 - Rated by: 248 Printed: 2150 - Emailed: 149 - Commented on: 6 Category: Articles > Beliefs of Islam > About God Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the word "Allah." For various reasons, many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews. This is totally false, since "Allah" is simply the Arabic word for "God" - and there is only One God. Let there be no doubt - Muslims worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus - peace be upon them all. However, it is certainly true that Jews, Christians and Muslims all have different concepts of Almighty God. For example, Muslims - like Jews - reject the Christian beliefs of the Trinity and the Divine Incarnation. This, however, does not mean that each of these three religions worships a different God - because, as we have already said, there is only One True God. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim to be "Abrahamic Faiths", and all of them are also classified as "monotheistic." However, Islam teaches that other religions have, in one way or another, distorted and nullified a pure and proper belief in Almighty God by neglecting His true teachings and mixing them with man-made ideas. First of all, it is important to note that "Allah" is the same word that Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews use for God. If you pick up an Arabic Bible, you will see the word "Allah" being used where "God" is used in English. This is because "Allah" is a word in the Arabic language equivalent to the English word "God" with a capital "G". Additionally, the word "Allah" cannot be made plural, a fact which goes hand-in-hand with the Islamic concept of God. It is interesting to note that the Aramaic word "El", which is the word for God in the language that Jesus spoke, is certainly more similar in sound to the word "Allah" than the English word "God." This also holds true for the various Hebrew words for God, which are "El" and "Elah", and the plural or glorified form "Elohim." The reason for these similarities is that Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic are all Semitic languages with common origins. It should also be noted that in translating the Bible into English, the Hebrew word "El" is translated variously as "God", "god" and "angel"! This imprecise language allows different translators, based on their preconceived notions, to translate the word to fit their own views. The Arabic word "Allah" presents no such difficulty or ambiguity, since it is only used for Almighty God alone. Additionally, in English, the only difference between "god", meaning a false god, and "God", meaning the One True God, is the capital "G". Due to the above mentioned facts, a more accurate translation of the word "Allah" into English might be "The One -and-Only God" or "The One True God." More importantly, it should also be noted that the Arabic word "Allah" contains a deep religious message due to its root meaning and origin. This is because it stems from the Arabic verb ta'allaha (or alaha), which means "to be worshipped." Thus in Arabic, the word "Allah" means "The One who deserves all worship." This, in a nutshell, is the Pure Monotheistic message of Islam. Suffice it to say that just because someone claims to be a "monotheistic" Jew, Christian or Muslim, that does not keep them from falling into corrupt beliefs and idolatrous practices. Many people, including some Muslims, claim belief in "One God" even though they've fallen into acts of idolatry. Certainly, many Protestants accuse Roman Catholics of idolatrous practices in regards to the saints and the Virgin Mary. Likewise, the Greek Orthodox Church is considered "idolatrous" by many other Christians because in much of their worship they use icons. However, if you ask a Roman Catholic or a Greek Orthodox person if God is "One", they will invariably answer: "Yes!." This claim, however, does not stop them from being "creature worshipping" idolaters. The same goes for Hindus, who just consider their gods to be "manifestations" or "incarnations" of the One Supreme God. Before concluding… there are some people out there, who are obviously not on the side of truth, that want to get people to believe that "Allah" is just some Arabian "god" [1] , and that Islam is completely "other" - meaning that it has no common roots with the other Abrahamic religions (i.e. Christianity and Judaism). To say that Muslims worship a different "God" because they say "Allah" is just as illogical as saying that French people worship another God because they use the word "Dieu", that Spanish-speaking people worship a different God because they say "Dios" or that the Jews worshipp a different God because they sometimes call Him "Yahweh." Certainly, reasoning like this is quite ridiculous! It should also be mentioned, that claiming that any one language uses the only the correct word for God is tantamount to denying the universality of God's message to mankind, which was to all nations, tribes and people through various prophets who spoke different languages. We would like to ask our readers about the motives of these people? The reason is that the Ultimate Truth of Islam stands on solid ground and its unshakeable belief in the Unity of God is above reproach. Due to this, Christians can't criticize its doctrines directly, but instead fabricate things about Islam that aren't true so that people lose the desire to learn more. If Islam were presented in the proper way to the world, it surely might make many people reconsider and re-evaluate their own beliefs. It is quite likely that when they find out that there is a universal religion in the world that teaches people to worship and love God, while also practicing Pure Monotheism, would at least feel that they should re-examine the basis for their own beliefs and doctrines. Footnotes: [1] Such as the claim propagated by Robert Morey in his work, The Moon-god Allaah in the Archeology of the Middle East . For a discussion of this work, please see the following links: ( moongod.html) Article Tools Poor Best Rate it Back to top
Dec 4th 2013, 21:50
Do Muslims worship the same God as the Jews and Christians? What does the word Allah mean? Is Allah the Moon-god? This web site is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. &nb...
Catégorie: Le Paradis - La religion de l'Islam -
Dec 4th 2013, 21:47
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 02:59AM - Social Mention
Leider hat sich die Angewohnheit verbreitet,islamisches Wissen ohne Beweise weiterzugeben.Jedem ist es sicher schon mal passiert,das man ohne authentische Quelle gesagt hat, "Der Imam hat gesagt..." , "Mein Mann hat gesagt...".Der Islam jedoch besteht aus dem Koran und aus der Sunnah des Propheten (sallah Allahu aleihi wa salam).Wir dürfen kein islamisches Urteil (Fatwa) ohne Beweis geben, auch keine Antwort "einfach mal so". Denn wie schwerwiegend ist es über Allah subhana wa tahla oder über Seinen Gesandten (sallah Allahu aleihi wa salam) zu lügen! [3:94] "Und diejenigen, die danach eine Lüge gegen Allah erdichten, sind die Ungerechten." [6:21] Und wer ist ungerechter als derjenige, der eine Lüge gegen Allah ersinnt oder Seine Verse für Lüge erklärt? Wahrlich, die Ungerechten erlangen keinen Erfolg. [10:17] "Wer ist wohl ungerechter als jener, der eine Lüge gegen Allah erdichtet oder Seine Zeichen für Lügen erklärt? Wahrlich, die Verbrecher haben keinen Erfolg." [18:15]"{...}Warum bringen sie dann keinen klaren Beweis dafür? Und wer verübt einen größeren Frevel, als der, der eine Lüge gegen Allah erdichtet?" [7:37] "Wer ist wohl frevelhafter als der, der eine Lüge gegen Allah erdichtet oder Seine Zeichen der Lüge bezichtigt?{...} "{...}Wisst ihr es denn besser als Allah?" "{...}Oder sagt ihr etwa über Allah,was ihr nicht wisst?"[2:80] Ali (radiya Allahu anhu) berichtete: Der Gesandte Allahs,Allahs Segen und Heil auf ihm,sagte:lügt nicht über mich;denn wer über mich lügt,der geht ins Höllenfeuer! (Der Imam Ibn Hadschar schließt in seinem Kommentar noch folgende Bedeutung ein:Belügt mich nicht,bezichtigt mich nicht der Lüge und verbreitet keine Lüge über mich.)Sahih Muslim "Über mich zu lügen ist nicht wie über irgendjemanden zu lügen.Jemand,der über mich Lügen erzählt wird seinen Platz in der Hölle einnehmen."Buchari 1229 (der Hadith ist mutawatir) Einige Gelehrte sind sogar der Ansicht,dass jemand,der absichtlich eine Lüge über den Gesandten (sallah Allahu aleihi wa salam) erzählt,zum Kafir wird,andere sagen,dass es "nur" eine der großen Sünden (Kabir) ist.Dies ist unter anderem abhängig vom Inhalt des Erzählten. Oder wie ernsthaft ist die Angelegenheit,etwas zu behaupten und einer folgt dieser Aussage und praktiziert den Islam falsch und gibt das falsch Gelernte sogar noch weiter!(Eine Tatsache,die über die Jahrhunderte zu vielen Irrtümer und falschen Praktiken geführt hat) Um zu sagen,was halal und was haram ist,bezieht wir uns auf das Wort Allah,die Sunnah,die Aussagen der Sahaba und Schüler der Sahaba,also den ersten Generationen des Islam,und dem Idschtihad (der Urteilsfindung) der Gelehrten,die sich dabei auch auf die eben genannten Quellen der Scharia berufen. Es ist auch nicht erlaubt,eine Aussage oder Fatwa zu geben,die auf blindem Folgen von Meinungen (ohne Beweise) beruht,denn der Nachahmer ist kein Alim und darf daher keine Fatwa geben.Ibn Batta sagte zum Beispiel,dass man solch eine Fatwa nicht weitergeben darf,die man gehört hat,sondern nur für sich selber verwenden soll. Man darf generell keine Meinungen weitergeben,wenn man deren beweise nicht kennt.Und selbst wenn man deren Beweise kennt,sollte man sich damit zurückhalten,weil man die Argumente und Beweise anderer Meinungen nicht kennt und somit nicht sicher abwägen kann,was nun wirklich den Quellen des Islam am ehesten entspricht. Wenn wir in den uns bekannten Texten keinen Hinweis finden,so müssen wir uns an vertrauenswürdige Gelehrte wenden,deren Meinungen wir wegen den Beweisen befolgen,nicht weil wir uns emotional an sie gebunden fühlen. [16:43]"{...}frage jene,die wissen,wenn ihr es nicht wisst." Diese Gelehrten sind als einzige dazu fähig,Idschtihad zu machen,oder Analogieschlüsse zu ziehen,denn sie beachten allgemeine Grundsätze der Scharia,sehen,was gut und was schlecht ist,und beachten Notwendigkeiten,Ausnahmen usw. Natürlich ist es meist einfacher und schneller zu sagen"das ist so und so",aber warum bringt man nicht den Beweis dazu,wenn man es doch angeblich weiss! Wissen wir etwas wirklich ,dann müssen wir dazu auch den Beweis kennen,andernfalls wissen wir es nicht und müssten uns erst einmal selber informieren,bevor wir andere dazu verleiten,das Unsichere zu praktizieren. [Surat Al-An'am Aya 116] "Und wenn du der Mehrzahl derer folgst,die auf der Erde sind,führen sie dich vom Wege Allahs ab in die Irre.Sie gehen nur Vermutungen nach und raten nur (statt Sicheres zu wissen)." [6:144]{...}?"" Wer ist also ungerechter als der, welcher eine Lüge gegen Allah ersinnt, um die Leute ohne Wissen irrezuführen? {...} [10:36]"Die meisten von ihnen gehen nur Vermutungen nach.Und Vermutungen helfen hinsichtlich der Wahrheit nichts.Allah weiss Bescheid über das,was sie tun." Der Islam besteht aus Beweisen,denn ohne Beweise kann sich jeder selber seinen "eigenen kleinen Islam" zusammenschustern und davon profitieren auch die verschiedenen Gruppen und Sekten inner_ und außerhalb des Islam. [31:6] Und unter den Menschen gibt es solche, die leeres Gerede vorziehen, um (Menschen) ohne Wissen von Allahs Weg hinweg in die Irre zu führen, und um damit Spott zu treiben. Solchen (Menschen) harrt eine schmähliche Strafe. [24:11] Diejenigen, welche die große Lüge vorbrachten, bilden eine Gruppe von euch. Glaubt nicht, dies sei übel für euch; im Gegenteil, es gereicht euch zum Guten. Jedem von ihnen soll die Sünde, die er begangen hat, (vergolten werden); und der von ihnen, der den Hauptanteil daran verschuldete, soll eine schwere Strafe erleiden. Als Abschluss: Bitte sprecht (bzw. schreibt) nie ohne Beweis.Behauptet nicht einfach etwas,sondern bemüht Euch,vorher Wissen zu haben.Dabei sollte man die allgemeinen Grundlagen des islamsichen Rechts beachten,dass alles erlaubt ist,außer es wurde durch einen Text verboten also derjenige,der sagt,dass etwas verboten ist,der muss auch den Beweis bringen,nicht umgekehrt.Anders allerdings in Angelegenheiten wie der Aquida (Glaubensthema)(und des Bereiches der sog. Ibadat,wie Gebet,Fasten etc.)hier darf nichts ohne Beweis geglaubt oder praktiziert werden,denn in diesem Bereich kann man nicht mit Logik argumentieren (z.B ob es logisch ist vier oder fünf Raka zu beten). Bedenkt und macht Euch bewußt ,dass Ihr dafür verantwortlich seid,was Ihr über Allah subhana wa tahla und den Gesandten (sallah Allahu aleihi wa salam) behauptet und dafür,dass jemand Eure Antwort akzeptiert und danach handelt. Der Tag der Auferstehung ist die Wahrheit,alhamdulilah,und wir werden dafür bestraft werden,wenn wir Menschen wissentlich Irregeleitet haben" Wer etwas unwissend behauptet,sollte besser schweigen,das ist sicherer für ihn.Wer etwas wissentlich weitergibt,sollte auch selber wissen,dass Allah subhana wa tahla nicht nur barmherzig ist,sondern auch hart im Strafen! Und an diesem Tage wird jeder über jedes einzelne Wort,das er je gesprochen hat Rechenschaft ablegen müssen. Gepriesen sei Er,der Gerechte.Erhaben sei Er über das ,was wir an Lügen über ihn sagen. Quelle: - User: Deen-ul-Haqq [A6]
Dec 4th 2013, 23:54
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 02:59AM
guelen-bewegung - Social Mention
Die libanesische Hisbollah-Bewegung hat die Ermordung ...
Dec 4th 2013, 23:12
From: Die libanesische Hisbollah-Bewegung hat die Ermordung ...
Die libanesische Hisbollah-Bewegung hat die Ermordung …
Dec 4th 2013, 23:12
Source: Die libanesische Hisbollah-Bewegung hat die Ermordung …
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 01:58AM
Sheikh Abdellatifs Facebook-Pinnwand
Sheikh Abdellatifs Facebook-Pinnwand
Dec 5th 2013, 01:15
So wie du lebst, so wird dein Ende sein - Sheikh Abdellatif
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 01:58AM
Sheikh Abdellatifs Facebook-Pinnwand
Sheikh Abdellatifs Facebook-Pinnwand
Dec 5th 2013, 01:15
Was machst du wenn du alleine bist - Sheikh Abdellatif
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 01:57AM
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
Life Is About Change - *Amazing Reminder*
Dec 5th 2013, 01:16
Life Is About Change - *Amazing Reminder*
Life Is About Change ᴴᴰ | Amazing Reminder
Life is all about change an amazing reminder from our brother Moutasem Al-Hameedi that reminds us to change our selves first before shaytan changes us, Subha...
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 01:48AM
Kakerlaken dieser Welts Facebook-Pinnwand
Kakerlaken dieser Welts Facebook-Pinnwand
Dec 5th 2013, 00:47
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 01:41AM
I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand
I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand
Dec 5th 2013, 00:43
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 10:18AM
Ibrahim Abou Nagie - Social Mention
Dec 4th 2013, 10:16
الصفحة الرسمية لكلية الحقوق جامعة الاسكندرية
Dec 4th 2013, 07:35
صباااح العسل يا حلوين ممكن لايك للبيج والتفاعل باستمرار معه ☺ فديتكووو ☺ ☺ ♥ ♥ والي حااب يصير ادمن فيه يحكي اناااا
Dec 4th 2013, 04:25
ياريت كل الناس تشارك معانا فا لبيدج ده بالايك
Dec 3rd 2013, 22:44 Tel : 01022789892
أعلن معنا :
Dec 3rd 2013, 22:39
Dec 3rd 2013, 22:07
الصفحة الرسمية. والباقي تقليد
طلب عاجل .. لو سمحتم أرقام الموبايل فى رسالة .. انبوكس من أصدقائى وأحبائى يرسلوا لى أرقام موبايلاتهم علشان الموبايل وقع سوفت ولما نزلت له سوفت جديد اتمسحت كل الأرقام بسرعة بقى لو سمحتم
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:11
صفحة حركة شباب 6 ابريل فى ايدينا دلوقتى .. :D
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:24
نحن مجموعة من الشباب المصري لا يجمعنا إلا حب هذا البلد و الرغبه فى إصلاحه لا ندعو إلى جماعة جديدة.. أو حزب جديد ولكننا ندعو كل المصريين(أفراد - جماعات - أحزاب – (المخلصين في كل القطاعات) إلى الالتقاء على مشروع واحد: هو إيقاظ هذا الشعب و كف الظالم عن ظلمه وإزالة عصابة الفساد والاستبداد (نحاول ان نكو...
قبل ما تشتم على التاج ياريت تدخل الايفنت وترا الاول يمكن افيدك او افيد حد تبعك يلا يا جودعان ساعدوا صحابكوا بقى واعملوا خير فى دنيتكوا المنحة دي لاى حد فى اسكندرية اللى يعرف حد ياريت يقولوا التقديم من بكرة لغايه يوم 17 يلا شدوا حيلكوا عشان العدد والفرص قليلة ومتنسوش اللى بيعمل خير يلقاه وهنيالك يا فاعل الخير وممكن تيجي تدخلها انت وتتعلم وبعدها تشتغل بدل مانت اعد فاضى ومرازينا على فكرة اى شغل بيبقى لازم مع الشهاده كورسات وكفائات علميه او مهارات وده بقى دور الكورسات دي ومتنساش شير للايفينت
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:14
عااااااااااجل القبض على احمد دومة اليوم بسبب هذا الفيديو الذى سيوصله للمشنقه اقسمت عليكم بالله العظيم كل اللى يشوف الفيديو لايك وشييير عشان نوصل احمد دومة لحبل المشنقه شيييييير وافضح الخونة
Dec 3rd 2013, 16:08
احمد سبايدر يفضح احمد دومة على قناة التحرير ويتم القبض عليه اليوم بعد فضحه اقسمت عليكم بالله كل اللى يشوف الفيديو لايك وشييير عشان نوصل احمد دومة لحبل المشنقه شيييييير وافضح الخونة شييييييييير بكل قوة بقدر كرهك للعميل احمد دومة ملحوظة : اللى الفيديو بيقف عنده يلغى الاتش دى يقلل الجودة عشان الفيديو يشتغل على طول اشتركوا فى صفحتنا ليصلكم كل فيديوهاتنا اول باول ........................... عاوز منشوراتنا توصلك اول باول وفضايح الخرفان والطابور الخامس اضغط هنا
منورين يا جدعان :D
Dec 3rd 2013, 15:05
انا عندي ♥ 5000 صديق وبدي احذف الي ما يشاركني ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ فديت الي يشاركني
Dec 3rd 2013, 14:24
يلا بقي كام لايك ليا ♥ ☺ ♥
Dec 3rd 2013, 12:42
لا حول ولا قوه الا بالله ☺ ☺ اللهم انا نسالك الجنه ☺ ☺
Dec 3rd 2013, 11:35
Pierre Vogel - Ibrahim Abou Nagie; Verteidigung von Ibrahim Abou Nagie
Sep 13th 2012, 14:30
Islamfeindlichkeit in Deutschland - Ibrahim Abou-Nagie (1/2)
Oct 28th 2010, 13:15
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 10:18AM
El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Wenn du einer Person mehr Wert als Allah gibst , wird Allah ihn dir entnehmen
Dec 4th 2013, 09:37
Wenn du einer Person mehr Wert als Allah gibst , wird Allah ihn dir entnehmen
Also liebe ich dich für Allah mein Geliebter
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