- muslimehelfens Facebook-Pinnwand: Es darf einfach nicht sein, dass ein hilfsbedürftiger Mensch sich selbst überlas... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Im Herzen grüner Vogels Facebook-Pinnwand: Anas berichtet, dass der Prophet sall Allahu alayhi wa salam gesagt hat:"Das b... [1 Aktualisierung]
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- LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand: Pentagons Strategy against Al Qaeda Here is Pentagon's strategy against the Muj... [1 Aktualisierung]
- LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand: Learn patience from Asiyah, Loyalty from Khadijah, Purity from Maryam, Sincerity... [1 Aktualisierung]
- ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand: الجبهة الاسلامية::القاء القبض على عميل للنظام يقوم بالقاء الشرائح الليزرية في ال... [1 Aktualisierung]
- ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand: زعيم حزب إيران اللبناني- على قومها جنت براقشالخبر:تتوارد الأنباء عن سقوط أعد... [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 11:47PM
muslimehelfens Facebook-Pinnwand
muslimehelfens Facebook-Pinnwand
Es darf einfach nicht sein, dass ein hilfsbedürftiger Mensch sich selbst überlas...
Dec 3rd 2013, 22:55
Es darf einfach nicht sein, dass ein hilfsbedürftiger Mensch sich selbst überlassen wird. Jeder und wirklich jeder hat Anrecht auf Teilhabe an der Gesellschaft.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 11:42PM
Im Herzen grüner Vogels Facebook-Pinnwand
Im Herzen grüner Vogels Facebook-Pinnwand
Anas berichtet, dass der Prophet sall Allahu alayhi wa salam gesagt hat:
"Das b...
Dec 3rd 2013, 22:42
Anas berichtet, dass der Prophet sall Allahu alayhi wa salam gesagt hat:
"Das bedachte Handeln ist von Allah und das Hasten ist vom Teufel."
Dies berichteten Abu Ja'la in seinem Musnad und Baihaqi in den Sunan al-Kubra (10/104). Albani erklärte den Hadith für gut (hasan) in der Silsila as-Sahiha (1795).
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 11:42PM
domeus - Neues von
Abu AL-Hussain - Sûra 15 Al-Hiǧr (Die Auswanderung);jsessionid=6B635E17050C7F7D6376245469CFE4FB;dom56?gid=156714&mid=34781628
Apr 2nd 2013, 09:37
news: Abu AL-Hussain - Sûra 15 Al-Hiǧr (Die Auswanderung) (02.04.2013 09:37 CEST)
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 11:42PM
domeus - Neues von
Neue mp3 zu verschiedene Themen;jsessionid=6B635E17050C7F7D6376245469CFE4FB;dom56?gid=156714&mid=34797628
May 7th 2013, 09:53
news: Neue mp3 zu verschiedene Themen (07.05.2013 09:53 CEST)
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 11:42PM
domeus - Neues von
Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14);jsessionid=6B635E17050C7F7D6376245469CFE4FB;dom56?gid=156714&mid=34802258
May 16th 2013, 08:33
news: Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) (16.05.2013 08:33 CEST)
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 11:42PM
domeus - Neues von
Der Bock zum Gärtner;jsessionid=6B635E17050C7F7D6376245469CFE4FB;dom56?gid=156714&mid=34885885
Nov 24th 2013, 09:39
news: Der Bock zum Gärtner (24.11.2013 10:39 CET)
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 11:41PM
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
Simply Beautiful :)
Dec 3rd 2013, 23:04
Simply Beautiful :)
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New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21: Pierre Vogel - Schlusswort der Debatte 28.11.13 in Münster
- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:57PM
New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21
Pierre Vogel - Schlusswort der Debatte 28.11.13 in Münster
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:48
Pierre Vogel - Schlusswort der Debatte 28.11.13 in Münster
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:57PM
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Mandarine und Clementine helfen beim abnehmen - Lebensmittel der Woche
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:23
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:57PM
LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
Pentagons Strategy against Al Qaeda
Here is Pentagon's strategy against the Muj...
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:11
Pentagons Strategy against Al Qaeda
Here is Pentagon's strategy against the Mujahideen, a strategy that has fooled most people, especially Muslims. The initial pentagon documents on strategy flat out said Mujahideen are undeterrable, they cannot be stopped because of their willingness to give their lives for Islam. Then in the 2nd document they re-strategised and said there maybe aspects of deterrence that can be brought to bear. in the 3rd document "The National Military Strategy" signed out by Admiral Mullen formally and officially adopts deterrence as American counter Mujahideen/Khilafa strategy.
in thew bowels of the pentagon, some interesting research were being done by some specific analysts and policy people. amd they were looking at the question, are there elements of cold war detterents that can be updated and adapted to go after mujahideen. and what they found was even though mujahideen are stateless, they dont have territory they hold dear to them, like the US against the USSR, mujahideen dont have the kremlins, the dachas, ballerinas or military bases they can target, they discovered there are other things the mujahideen holds dear, like their prestige, their honor, their sense of success for the Ummah in their activities. and the idea that if the US can somehow target that, and undermine that, that they can delay or disrupt or lessen the ferocity of the attacks of the mujahideen against the kuffar. this went hand in hand with looking at the mujahideen as a network. the pentagon was saying maybe you cant deter the martyrdom bombers, the usama bin ladens, but there are many people in the middle, the enablers, the supporters, the people who are the gun runners for these operations, the financiers, the logisticians, people who are largely in it for the money, if their livelihood were taken away from them they would deal with others instead of the mujahideen. The US military would go in and kill some of these people, their families, wives and children, then they will warn the others, deal with the mujahideen and the rest of you will get slaughtered also like your counterparts. this has been the strategy mainly in Afghanistan.
another strategy the pentagon adopted was on the internet. they realized mujahideen use the internet for propaganda, and spread operations information to other groups. the NSA with its technical eavesdropping capabilities has systems for monitoring world wide cell phone calls, the internet for certain code words they know mujahideen use as part of their discussions. the mujahideen, to hide their diuscussions now go onto online video gaming sites. on these sites you are playing war games where the vocabulary is exactly the same as mujahideen plannings. the pentagon found out mujahideen log on at pre-determined times and they carry out their operational discussions, hidden in the vast network of online gaming.
but really where the US military is focusing it efforts is in the area of propaganda. the military has become an expert in forging the water marks of Al Qaeda. when Al Qaeda puts its messages online, it has a stamp, like a water mark or seal to show that is genuinely from them. but the military and intelligence community can go online, post contradictory and confusing messages that has the bonafides of an Al Qaeda water mark. this confuses people and it disrupts what they are thinking. it also has become expert in hacking into the cell phones of the mujahideen. so they go into the cell phones of the leaders of mujahideen, and leave messages like "the guy over there, he is being funny with money", this sows discord, distrust and dissent among the mujahideen. another way the pentagon disrupts the safe haven of the internet is the arabic speakers working for the government and military are logging on to jihadi chat rooms, and they are posing kind of interesting questions like we just read about this attack on in pakistan, most of the ppl killed were muslims, tell us brothers, how is this keeping with our jihadi movements, to be killing innocents. so they are trying to forment a discussion and questioning of Al Qaeda and other mujahideen are doing to put off the day of the next attack.
another strategy is to get Muslim spies or Arabic or Pushtu speakers, or other key language speakers to work for the military, these people will go to jihadi websites and chat rooms, mix it up with the people. a CIA bomb might go off in a market in Pakistan that targeted women and children, or a Shia mosque gets bombed by the US military, then they blame it on Al Qaeda or the Taliban in the media, then these spies pretending they support the mujahideen go to the chat rooms and forums and cause more doubts by saying the mujahideen killed innocent women and children as is reported on TV, but this is forbidden in islam. how can they be real mujahideen when they are killing innocents? causing more dissension among Muslims, and hate and intolerance for the mujahideen. the people get fooled by the fake media reports, and the spies in the chat rooms exaggerating the events.
sometimes these spies take videos, for example as the Egyptian spring was unfolding in Tahrir square, these spies are taking the statements of Zawahiri for instance in the jihadi websites, how you need to be in arm conflict to bring down these apostate governments, and they are juxtaposing it on these videos they make over at the state department through their contractors, with the scenes of the mass of humanity there in Tahrir square, Al Qaeda having no role in generating that support. so they discredit the methodology of Al Qaeda, showing peaceful protests are better than arm conflicts because it generates more support, and they change the minds of their supporters, making them think, there might be a better way, instead of fighting. the Pentagon uses these efforts in stemming and engaging the mujahideen, putting doubts into the minds of their supporters so that Muslims abandon them, and they are left alone to shoulder the burden of bringing back the Khilafa, and they are not on the offensive. psychological warfare. they forget to tell you mubarak might be out, but his regime still runs the government. so nothing really changes except the figure head.
another strategy they use at the state department under Dan Benjamin (coordinator of counter khilafa) is they are working with the embassies, and instead of having one strategy for all, they tailor make the strategies for each locality by looking at their grievances, country by country, using the embassies to try to combat some of the root causes of these things. the strategy that might be applied in Yemen might be different than the one applied in Afghanistan for example. Yemeni solution for Yemeni problem, which is drone bombing them all, mujahideen and innocent people that are not involved at all.
distrust, dissent, confusion, the pentagon thinks is the most effective deterrence strategy against the black banner movement. this is how they confuse the masses, and it makes them not know what is really happening. they end up believing the disinformation and spreading it.
Rand institue in its 2007 report states that the struggle underway throughout much of the muslim world is essentially a war of ideas. its outcome will determine the future direction of the muslim world. so there is a struggle of ideas going on right now in the muslim world (our world). according to the US defense department in its quadrennial defense review report, the united states is involved in a war that is both a battle of arms, and a battle of ideas. a war in which ultimate victory will be achieved only when khilafa ideologies are discredited in the eyes of their host population and passive supporters.
so according to Rand and according to the pentagon, and truthfully so, there is a struggle of ideas going on in the muslim world. but what is their position regarding this internal affair that concerns muslims? this battle of ideas between those who want to follow islam as it was revealed by the prophet (pbuh) in its entirety, and those who want to pick and choose from islam (secularists/modernists/moderates/democratic or Rand muslims = hypocrites). the US is spending millions of dollars to change islam, to dilute it, to sugar coat it and it is funding the secularists/modernists/moderates/democratic or Rand muslims to push in this version of islam on muslims. this report was written by Sheryl Bernard, a Jew, married to a murtard/apostate. The Sufi are the main van of this movement in the West.
This version of Islam they are trying to push in is the one that does not tolerate an Islamic state, let alone the caliphate. They say in the report that muslims must follow man made laws willingly and openly, they say in the report the dividing line between moderate muslims and radical islamists is whether sharia should apply. Some of the recommendations the Rand report suggests to the pentagon to discredit the mujahideen who want to bring back the khilafa and make jerusalem its capital are, some innocent people would be killed and the media should blow that out of proportion and make a big deal out of it. And when the US army kills and bombs entire residences with the elderly, women and children dead, put that aside and forget about it. If it becomes know to the world, find an excuse and down play it. However if the muslims in their fighting fi-sabilillah commit a mistake or an unintentional accident happen, make a big deal out of it and blow it out of proportion. This is why the world thinks muslims are violent people who have no regards whatsoever for the rights of innocent people, which is simply not true. Fallacy spread by the western media, this is the agenda of the west, because what they fear most is the return of the khilafa. Any decent human being with the least amount of intelligence would be able to see that the US is the one doing what the media is saying muslims are doing. They would also be able to see upon interacting with muslims, how decent muslims are.
The next recommendation Sherryl Bernard gave is to avoid showing respect or admiration for feats of the mujahideen. She said cast them as disturbed and cowardly, not as evil heroes. How is it that the Israeli soldier, wearing his bullet proof vest and steel helmet, and is cowering behind a pile of sand bags, and still runs away from the stones thrown by Palestinian children is courageous, while the Palestinian children charging at the soldiers full speed, armed with nothing but rocks and wearing nothing but trousers and t shirts are cowards? and the American heroic soldiers fighting from the comfort of their armored Bradley's and strikers, boiling in layers of bullet proof gear with jets, b2 bombers, drones, combat helicopters and tanks, facing the mujahideen armed only with light weapons of guerilla warfare (AK47's) are cowards. How can the martyr who willingly and happily hands over his soul to his creator, who walks and faces death with pleasure and a smile on his face be called a coward? But that is what they have been called, and that is what the parrots in the muslim world have been repeating.
Sheryl Bernard also recommends encourage journalists to investigate issues of corruption, hypocrisy and immorality among circles of mujahideen. In other words invent fake accusations and sentence them to ridiculous amount of prison time. Like Dr Aafia Siddiqui, who was sentenced to 86 years in prison for allegedly shooting at US military personnel in detention, in a cramped room with about a dozen people, missing everyone and getting shot herself. A crime scene that had no bullet holes or bullet shells she supposedly fired. There is a long list of fake and false accusations made by the US, just to liquidate them, to get them out of the scene. They have used false accusations like adultery and pornography to arrest people and lock them up forever. This is how they are discrediting the mujahideen, ruining their reputation, and muslims are eating up all the lies even they know muslims who follow the Quran and sunna will never act that way, and all the mujahideen follow Quran and sunna strictly, with deep yaqin, that's why they give their lives with no hesitation for Islam. This should be proof enough for muslims, but they are deaf and blind, almost becoming like cattle in their lack of understanding.
but with all these scheming, plotting and planning, spending and executing, they were defeated, and the movement has increased rather than decreased or failed.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:57PM
LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
Learn patience from Asiyah, Loyalty from
Khadijah, Purity from Maryam, Sincerity...
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:52
Learn patience from Asiyah, Loyalty from
Khadijah, Purity from Maryam, Sincerity
from Aishah, And Steadfastness from
Fatimah. May Allah be pleased with them all.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:53PM
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
الجبهة الاسلامية::القاء القبض على عميل للنظام يقوم بالقاء الشرائح الليزرية في ال...
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:59
الجبهة الاسلامية::القاء القبض على عميل للنظام يقوم بالقاء الشرائح الليزرية في المناطق المحررة
الادمن الحموي
الجبهة الاسلامية::القاء القبض على عميل للنظام يقوم بالقاء الشرائح الليزرية في المناطق المحررة
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:53PM
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
زعيم حزب إيران اللبناني- على قومها جنت براقش
تتوارد الأنباء عن سقوط أعد...
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:24
زعيم حزب إيران اللبناني- على قومها جنت براقش
تتوارد الأنباء عن سقوط أعداد كبيرة من مقاتلي حزب إيران في ريف دمشق، ولا سيما في منطقة القلمون.
حين صرح زعيم حزب إيران اللبناني لأول مرة بإرسال مرتزقته إلى سوريا للمساهمة في قتل أهل الشام، مبررا ذلك بأنه أرسلهم لقتال التكفيريين، استمر في خطابه العنجهي فوعدهم بالنصر في سوريا، وذكرهم أنه وعد بالنصر على الجيش الإسرائيلي أكثر من مرة وأنه وفى بوعده.
لقد أعمى الغرور بصرك وبصيرتك أيها الزعيم. اعتاد مقاتلوك أن يقاتلوا أجبن خلق الله اليهود الذين قال الله تعالى فيهم: ﴿لتجدنهم أحرص الناس على حياة ومن الذين أشركوا يود أحدهم لو يعمر ألف سنة﴾، وكان مقاتلوك يقاتلون عدوهم في أرضهم مدافعين عنها، فكانوا في موقع رد اعتداء المعتدين.
أما قتالهم أهل الشام داخل سوريا، فالواقع مختلف جدا أيها المغرور. أرسلتهم ليواجهوا هناك أبناء أمة ثارت على الظالم الفاجر العميل، وليقاتلوا على أرض ليست أرضهم، وليواجهوا أبطالا هم، على النقيض من جند يهود، عشاق شهادة لا يفرقون بين الموت والحياة، معنوياتهم في الأعالي، وأبصارهم وقلوبهم ترنو إلى أعلى عليين، وجندك يقاتلون دفاعا عن أحد أقذر طغاة الأرض. فمن أولى الفريقين بنصر الله أيها المفتون؟!
يا زعيم المفتونين، لقد أوردت قومك دار البوار، وأقحمتهم في حرب قذرة ضد أمتهم، هذا إن كنت ترى نفسك منتميا إلى هذه الأمة!
قررت أن تصنف كل من يرفع راية من ثائري الشام أعداء تحت عنوان قبيح: التكفيريين، وصرحت أنهم يشكلون جل الثورة، فوضعت نفسك وجندك في مواجهة أمة قررت أن تعود إلى أصالة إسلامها، فأنتم بذلك تحاولون ارتقاء مرتقى عال لن تبلغوا معشار معشاره، فهذه الأمة حين تنطلق من عقيدتها فإنها تكون أعصى الأمم على أعدائها.
فهلا وعيت وأدركت أي مورد تورده أتباعك أيها الزعيم.
قديما قال العرب مقولة لا يزالون يتوارثونها حتى يومهم هذا: على قومها جنت براقش!
كتبه لإذاعة المكتب الإعلامي المركزي لحزب التحرير
أحمد القصص - رئيس المكتب الإعلامي لحزب التحرير / ولاية لبنان
30 من محرم 1435 الموافق 2013/12/03م
الادمن الحموي
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:53PM
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand
هناك كثير من الناس والاعلام الحر الكاذب وسياسين والمتاجرين والمستنفعين والائتلاف...
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:09
هناك كثير من الناس والاعلام الحر الكاذب وسياسين والمتاجرين والمستنفعين والائتلاف والاركان والحكام الطغات
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:49PM
kuffar - Social Mention
Chercher entre vous & nous ce qui ne colle pas ( je répète )chercher entre les mecréant & les croyants sincère ce qui ne colle pas sur cet affiche que vois-tu ? masha'allah ...kuffar aménager - toi .
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:48
(Only Razawiyaat Conversation) GUMRAAH PROFESSOR TAHIRUL QADRI KI BADMAZHABIYAT TAHIRUL QADRI BADMAZHAB AUR GUMRAAH HAI AUR USKA ISLAM SE NAAM KA BHI RISHTA NAHI,WOH QADRI NAHI PADRI HAI PART-1 --AAJ FITNO KA DAUR DAURAH HAI. -- AAYE DIN NIT NAYE FITNE ZAHOOR ME AAKAR UMMATE MUSLIMA KO GUMRAAH KAR RAHE HAIN. --MAUJOODA DAUR KA SAB SE BADA FITNA APNE NAAM KE AAGE QADRI LAGA KAR SUNNIYAT KA LIBAADAH ODHE ROO NUMA HUA, IBLEES E LA'EEN KI TARAH APNI SHIREE'N KHITAABAT SE UMMAT PER ASAR ANDAAZ HO RAHA HAI. --YEH FITNA PAKISTAN SE UTHA, JAB ULEMA E EHLE SUNNAT NE WAHAN USKA BOYCOTT KIYA TO YEH FARAAR HO KAR CANADA MEIN PANAAH GAZEE'N HUA. --AUR WAHAN SE T.V KE ZARIYE GUMRAAHIYAT KA ZEHAR POORI DUNIYA ME PHAILAA RAHA HAI. --JAISE HI IS FITNE KI INDIA AAMAD AAMAD HUI ULEMA E EHLE SUNNAT NE APNI DEENI BEDAARI KA SABOOT DETE HUE IS KE SADBAAB KE LIYE KAMAR KAS LI AUR SAB NE APNE APNE TAUR SE USKE RADD WA ABTAAL KI KOSHISHE'N SHURU KAR DI. --MUMBAI KE SUNNI JANNATI BHAIYO'N KO YEH KHUSH GAWAAR MAUQA MAYASSAR AAYA KE UN DEENO HUZOOR TAJUSHSHARIA ALLAMA AKHTAR RAZA KHAN SAHAB AZHARI YAHAN TASHREEF FARMAA THHE. --EHBAAB E EHLE SUNNAT NE YE ZAROORI SAMJHAA KE TAHIRUL PADRI KE MUTA'ALLIQ HUZOOR TAJUSHSHARIA KA MAUQIF AWAAM E EHLE SUNNAT TAK PAHUNCHAAYA JAAYE. --ISI MAQSAD KE PESHE NAZAR 25 FEB 2012,BAROZ HAFTA MUMBAI KE CUTCCHI MEMON JAMAAT KHANA MUHAMMED ALI ROAD ME EK IJLAAS KA INEQAAD KIYA GAYA. --JISME HAZRAT NE AWAAM E EHLE SUNNAT KE SAAMNE APNA MAUQIF BAYAAN KIYA NICHE ISKI --LINK-- . Tahirul Padri KI Kufri Ibarate'n Kufri Aqaaed Kufri Bayanat Or un par lage fatwa e kufr ko Dekhne Sunne Jaanne K liye Zaroor Zaroor Visit Kijiye MASLAK E A'ALA HAZRAT ZINDABAAD (Only Razawiyaat Conversation) GUMRAAeH PROFESSOR TAHIRUL QADRI KI BADMAZHABIYAT PART - 2 QAZIUL QUZZA HUZOOR TAJUSHSHARIA ALLAMA ALHAJJ MUFTI MUHAMMED AKHTAR RAZA QADRI BAREILVI MADDA ZILLAHUL A'ALI SE DR.TAHIRUL QADRI KE TA'LLUQ SE POOCHE GAYE SAWAALAAT KE JAWAABAAT 12 JANUARY 2009 Q1)TAHIRUL QADRI NE KAHA HAI KE HAMARI MASJIDEIN YAHUDIYO'N AUR ISAAIYO'N KE LIYE KHULI HAI KYUNKI WOH BELEIVERS YAANI AHLE IMAAN ME SE HAIN A1)WOH APNE BAARE ME KHABAR DE RAHA HAI., --TAHIRUL QADRI YEH KEH RAHA HAI KE WOH (BELEIVERS) ME SE HAUN YAANI UNKO IMAAN WALA BATA RAHA HAI, AUR QURAAN NE JO SARKAR SALALLAHU ALAIHEWASALLAM PER NAAZIL HUA UNKO KAAFIR KAHA TO YEH QURAAN KO JHOOTLA RAHA HAI, AUR JO QURAAN KO JHOOTLAAYE WOH IMAAN WALA NAHI HO SAKTA, WOH YAHUDIYO'N AUR NASRAANIYO'N KI TARAH BALKE UNSE BHI AAGE BADH KAR KUFR KE DALDAL ME PHANSA HUA HAI KE YAHUDO NASAARA NE TO SHURU SE HI KALMA NAHI PADHA.,AUR YEH KALMA PADHKAR SARKAR SALALLAHU ALAIHEWASALLAM KE DEEN SE AUR ALLAH KE DEEN SE MUNHARRIF HO GAYA. KHUDA JAB DEEN LETA HAI AQLEI'N CHEEN LETA HAI TO BE CONT... Q2. Tahirul Padri ki Kufri Ibarate'n Kufri Aqaaed Kufri Bayanat or Un Par Lage Fatwa E Kufr Ko Dekhne Sunne Jaanne Ke Liye Zaroor Zaroor visit kijiye MASLAK E A'ALA HAZRAT ZINDABAAD (Only Razawiyaat Conversation) GUMRAAH PROFESSOR TAHIRUL QADRI KI BADMAZHABIYAT PART - 3 QAZIUL QUZZA HUZOOR TAJUSHSHARIA ALLAMA ALHAJJ MUFTI MUHAMMED AKHTAR RAZA QADRI BAREILVI MADDA ZILLAHUL A'ALI SE DR.TAHIRUL QADRI KE TA'LLUQ SE POOCHE GAYE SAWAALAAT KE JAWAABAAT Q2)Tahirul Qadri Ko Log Aaj Kal Is (Mazkoora Bala) wajah se Tahirul Padri Kehte Hain.-Aisa Kehne Me Koi Karaahiyat to nahi? A2)Karaahiyat Kaisi woh Padri hi to hai Balke Padriyo'n se badtar hai,,Isliye ke woh Musalmaan Kehlaakar aur Kalma Padhkar Yahudiyo'n aur Nasraaniyon Ka Kaam Kar Raha hai,,Yahudi Nawaazi Aur Christian Nawaazi Kar Raha Hai,, To Woh Yaqeenan Unhi Ka Aadmi Hai aur Woh Qadri Nahi Balke Padri Hi Hai. Tahirul Padri ki Kufri Ibarate'n Kufri Aqaaed Kufri Bayanat or Un Par Lage Fatwa E Kufr Ko Dekhne Sunne Jaanne Ke Liye Zaroor Zaroor visit kijiye MASLAK E A'ALA HAZRAT ZINDABAAD (Only Razawiyaat Conversation) GUMRAAH PROFESSOR TAHIRUL QADRI KI BADMAZHABIYAT PART - 4 March 22, 2009 Question: Recently there are a lot of statements made by Tahir ul Qadri that there are two types of Khilafat: 1- Political or the Worldly: He says that Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique Razi Allah o Ta'ala Anhu was the first Political Khalifa and he was chosen by the people. 2- Spiritual: Hazrat Ali Razi Allah o Ta'ala Anhu was the first Spiritual Khalifa and he was chosen by Allah, not by the people. What is the correct view of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah in this issue and what is the status of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique Razi Allah o Ta'ala Anhu in terms of spirituality and Vilayat? Answer: The statement made by Tahir ul Qadri is totally wrong and he is just misleading the people in a very wrong way. Whatever he claimed is not proved and it will be considered as a blame, as if he is blaming Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Ta'ala Alaihe Wasallam, as Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Ta'ala Alaihe Wasallam has chosen him for his Caliphate and he indicated very clearly that after his demise Abu Bakr will be the first Caliph of Muhammad Sallallaho Ta'ala Alaihe Wasallam and it has been narrated from Hazrat Ali.Hazrat Ali is reported as saying that our Messenger Muhammad Sallallaho Ta'ala Alaihe Wasallam passed away from this holy universe and he was pleased, delighted and happy with Abu Bakr and Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Ta'ala Alaihe Wasallam has chosen him to lead the congregational prayer at the last moment when he was on the point to pass away from this world.He has chosen him to lead the prayer. Since Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Ta'ala Alaihe Wasallam has chosen him for this religious action, Hazrat Ali said we are happy with him regarding our worldly efforts. Tahirul Padri ki Kufri Ibarate'n Kufri Aqaaed Kufri Bayanat or Un Par Lage Fatwa E Kufr Ko Dekhne Sunne Jaanne Ke Liye Zaroor Zaroor visit kijiye MASLAK E A'ALA HAZRAT ZINDABAAD (only Razawiyaat Conversation) GUMRAAH PROFESSOR TAHIRUL PADRI KI BADMAZHABIYAT PART-5 QAZIUL QUZZA HUZOOR TAJUSHSHARIA ALLAMA AKHTAR RAZA QADRI BAREILVI MADDA ZILLAHUL A'ALI SE DR. TAHIRUL PADRI KE TA'LLUQ SE POOCHE GAYE SAWAALAAT KE JAWAABAAT Q4) Dr Tahirul Qadri ki taqareer Ahle Sunnat ke aqaeed per mabni hoti hai aur Ishq O Muhabbat Per mabni hoti hai to kya unhein sunna chaahiye? Aur yeh bhi suna gaya hai ke Dr Tahirul Qadri Sunni nahi --to hazrat kya farmaate hain? A4) Yeh to Bilkul yaqeeni baat hai ke Dr.Tahirul Qadri sunni nahi hai aur woh sunniyat ka naam lekar aur Maslak E Aala hazrat ka naam lekar sunniyon ko gumraah kar raha hai. Aur woh apni gumraahi me bahut aage badh chuka hai. Mai ne to yeh bhi suna hai ke woh yahudiyo'n ko BELEIVES (EHLE EEMAAN) Kehta hai aur I'saaiyo'n ke baare mein kehta hai ke Hamari masjidei'n I'saai bhaiyo'n ke liye khuli hui hain aur bahut saare kufriyaat woh bakta hai lihaza aise shaks ki taqreer agarche ba zaahir apni samajh me khilaaf e sharah ya khilaaf e aqeeda baat na ho lekin aise shakhs ki taqreer sunna is baat ka maujabb hai ka dil ka jhukaau us ki taraf hoga aur jab dil ka jhukaau uski taraf hoga to shar'an . (Tarjuma) "JO ZAALIM HAI UNKI TARAF JHUKO MAT WARNA TUM KO JAHANNUM KI AAG CHOOEGI"(SURAH HOOD AAYAT 113) Jab dil ka jhukaau uski taraf hoga to zaahir si baat hai ke Ta'azeem aur Muhabbat e saath hoga aur murtad ki Ta'azeem karna aur usse Muhabbat karna manafi e Imaan hai aur Gaarat Gar e Imaanhai- isliye apne eeman ko bachaane ke liye logo'n ko chaahiye ke badmazhabo'ka literature Padhne aur unki taqaree sunne Unke, waaz aur unki Taqareer sunne se PARHEZ karein TAHIRUL PADRI KI KUFRI IBARATEI'N KIFRI AQAAED KUFRI BAYANAT AUR UN PAR LAGE FATWA E KUFR KO DEKHNE SUNNE JAANNE LE LIYE ZAROOR ZAROOR VISIT KIJIYE MASLAK E A'ALA HAZRAT ZINDABAAD (only Razawiyaat Conversation) GUMRAAH PROFESSOR TAHIRUL PADRI KI BADMAZHABIYAT PART-6 QAZIUL QUZZA HUZOOR TAJUSHSHARIA ALLAMA AKHTAR RAZA QADRI BAREILVI MADDA ZILLAHUL A'ALI SE DR. TAHIRUL PADRI KE TA'LLUQ SE POOCHE GAYE SAWAALAAT KE JAWAABAAT Q) Dr Tahirul Qadri ke mureedeen aur muheebeen ka aitraaz hai ke Sayyedi Tajushsharia aur deegar aulamaa ko logo'n ne Dr. Sahab ke baare me galat aitelaaein di jis ke mutaabiq unho'n ne bagair tehqeeq kiye fatwa jaari farmaa diya-- Hazrat is baare me kya farmaate hain? AUR woh kya wajoohaat hai jin ki binaa per Dr. Tahirul Qadri Sunni Nahin ? Kya sirf "DIYYAT" hi ke muaamle mein fatwa diya jaata hai yaa aur bhi kuch muaamlaat hain? Tafseeli Jawab inayat farmayein A) DIYYAT ke muaamle me bhi Tahirul Qadri ne Hazrat IMAM E A'AZAM RADIALLAHU TAALA ANHU Ke mazhab ke khilaaf likha aur Tahirul Qadri ke ustaad HAZRAT ALLAMA AHMED SAEED KAAZMI Ne Tahirul Qadri ka radd likhaa-- DIYYAT ke mas'ale me ikhtelaaf to Gair muqallidiyat hai aur sirf DIYYAT hi ka muaamla nahi hai iske elaawa Tahirul Qadri ne ek kitaab "FIRQA PARASTI KA KHAATMA KYUN KAR MUMKIN HAI" Likhi jo maine khud dekhi is me Tahirul Qadri ne saaf saaf yeh likha ke DEOBANDIYAT, BAREILWIYAT, SHIYYAT Me koi farq Nahin hai sirf taabeeri ikhtelaaf hai aur sab ek hain aur isi me yeh likha hai ke HUZOOR SARWARE A'ALAM SALALLAHU ALAIHE WASALLAM Ne kisi ek firqe kp najaat ka parwaana Nahin diya hai aur SOUTH AFRICA me hum log (mai aur Hazrat aur allama ziaul mustafa azmi) maujood they aur hum ne Tahirul Qadri ko munaazre ki daawat di aur woh hamare sawaalaat ke jawaab diye bagair wahan se faraar ho gaya aur hamare sawaalaat ka isne jawaab nahi diya aur ab to ye bhi muta'adid logo'n se suna jaa raha hai ke woh yahudiyo'n ko BELEIVERS yaani ehle eemaan batata hai aur ye bhi kehta hai ke Hamari masjidei'n I'saai bhaiyo'n ke liye khuli hui hain aur DEEDO SHANEED RISAALE me is ne saaf saaf likha hai ke meri namaz deobandiyo'n, Najdiyo'n aur Wahabiyon ke peeche ho jaati hai aur iska amal bhi ye hai ke jab BANORI TOWN me jaata hai to wahan padhaata hai aur MINHAJUL QURAN ME jab BANORI TOWN ke log aate hain to un deobandiyo'n ke peeche woh namaz padhta hai-- Yeh sari wujooh muhaqqeeq hain, maaloom hain aur unke baare me yeh saari baatein mutawaatir hain-- In wujooh ki binaa per hum log Tahirul Qadri ko sunni Nahin jaante hain aur yeh galat hai ke hamein kisi ne galat ittelaa di hai aur hum ne bagair tehqeeq ke is ke baare mein fatwa diya hai. TAHIRUL PADRI KI KUFRI IBARATEI'N KIFRI AQAAED KUFRI BAYANAT AUR UN PAR LAGE FATWA E KUFR KO DEKHNE SUNNE JAANNE LE LIYE ZAROOR ZAROOR VISIT KIJIYE MASLAK E A'ALA HAZRAT ZINDABAAD (Only Razawiyaat Conversation) GUMRAAH PROFESSOR TAHIRUL PADRI KI BADMAZHABIYAT PART-7 QAZIUL QUZZA HUZOOR TAJUSHSHARIA ALLAMA AKHTAR RAZA QADRI BAREILVI MADDA ZILLAHUL A'ALI SE DR. TAHIRUL PADRI KE TA'LLUQ SE POOCHE GAYE SAWAALAAT KE JAWAABAAT Q) Kisi Aise A'alim e Deen Ka Jo Dr. Tahirul Qadri ko Sunni Mantaa Ho Aur Us Ke Programme Me Shirkat Karta Ho is ka Inteqaal Ho Jaaye To Kya Is Ke Liye Dua E Magfirat Ya Faatihaa Padhi Jaayegi! Yeh To Us Per Mauqoof hai Ke A'alim e Deen Tahirul Qadri Ke Kufrya Aqaaed se Mutal'a The yaa Nahi. Agar Mutal'a The To Unka Hukm Wahi Hai jo Tahirul Qadri ka Hukm Hai Aur Agar un ko Itela'a nahin thi to is Soorat me un per woh Hukm Nahi Hai Aur Unki Dua e Magfeerat aur un ke liye Faatihaa padhne me Harj Nahi Hai Q)Tahirul Qadri ne apne ek khitaab me challenge kiya hai ke koi bhi A'alim Shariat ke tehat yaa hadeese Hasan se yeh saabit karde ke ek qabza dadhi rakhna waajib hai-kya uska yeh challenge durust hai! A)NAHIN!WOH HAQ PAR NAHIN HAI Aur us ne na sirf Hanafi Mazhab ke Khilaaf warzi ki hai balke us ne tamaam A'imma se Alag Raah Ikhteyaar ki hai kyun ke Chaaro'n A'imma IMAM E A'AZAM ABU HANIFA,IMAM SHAAFAEE,IMAM MAALIK,IMAM AHMED IBNE HA'NBAL,NE MUTAFAQQA TAUR PER KAHA HAI KE EK QABZA SE KAM DADHI RAKHNA HARAAM HAI. Q)Tahirul Qadri Kehta Hai Ke Peer Mehr Ali Shah,U'lemaa e Firangi Mahal,Maulana Irshad Hussain Rampuri,Aur Hazrat Peer Jama'at Ali Shah Alipoori Ko Bhi Deobandiyo'n ki I'baaratein pesh ki gayee'n magar un U'lema ne phir bhi sukoot kiya- To Jo Taqfeer Karte hai'n woh bhi Saheeh Hai'n aur Jo Sukoot karte hai'n woh bhi Theek Karte Hain Hazrat Kya Irshad Farmaate Hain? A) Tahirul Qadri Ka Bayaan Galat Hai Aur Tahirul Qadri Ne Jin Logo'n ke Muta'alliq Ye Baat Kahi woh Naaqaabile Yaqeen Hai Us Per Kaan Dharna Jaaiz Nahin. TAHIRUL PADRI KI KUFRI IBARATEI'N KIFRI AQAAED KUFRI BAYANAT AUR UN PAR LAGE FATWA E KUFR KO DEKHNE SUNNE JAANNE LE LIYE ZAROOR ZAROOR VISIT KIJIYE MASLAK E A'ALA HAZRAT ZINDABAAD (Only Razawiyaat Conversation) GUMRAAH PROFESSOR TAHIRUL PADRI KI BADMAZHABIYAT PART-8 QAZIUL QUZZA HUZOOR TAJUSHSHARIA ALLAMA AKHTAR RAZA QADRI BAREILVI MADDA ZILLAHUL A'ALI SE DR. TAHIRUL PADRI KE TA'LLUQ SE POOCHE GAYE SAWAALAAT KE JAWAABAAT Q) KYA TAHIRUL QADRI KI KITAABO'N KA MUTAAL'AA KIYA JAA SAKTA HAI? A) YEH MAS'ALA TO LOG BAAR BAAR POOCHTE HAIN AUR TAHIRUL QADRI KE AQAAED AUR US KE AHWAAL AUR KHAAS TAUR SE AB INTERNET PER DOOSRE ZARA'E SE JO US KE HAALAAT MAALOOM HO RAHE HAIN UN KI ROSHNI ME YE LOG KHUD FAISLA KAREIN KE TAHIRUL QADRI KIS QISM KA AADMI HAI AUR US KI KITAABO'N KA MUTAAL'AA DEEN KE LIYE KITNA FAIDAMAND HAI Q) EK PEER SAHAB APNI DAADHI TARASHWAATE HAIN ,, WOH BAD MAZHABO'N KE PEECHE NAMAZ ADAA KARNA DURUST SAMAJHTE HAIN AUR WOH YEH BHI KEHTE HAIN KE TAHIRUL QADRI SUNNI HAI,,, UNKI PERVI AUR UNKE MUREEDO'N KE BAARE ME KYA HUKM HAI? A) APNI DAADHI HADDE SHARHA (EK QABZA) SE KAM KARAANE KA GUNAAH KARNE KE BAAIS WOH SHARIAT KI NAZAR ME PERVI KA AHEL NAHI. .MAZEED BAR'AAN WOH GUMRAAH HAI KYUN KE BAD MAZHABO'N KE PEECHE NAMAZ KE JAWAAZ KA QAUL KARKE AUR TAHIRUL QADRI KO SUNNI QARAAR DE KAR US NE SHARIAT KI KHILAAF VARZI KI HAI. .US KE MUREEDO'N KO HIDAYAT KI JAATI HAI KE WOH USKI PERVI NA KAREIN WARNA WOH BHI USI KI TARAH GUMRAAH QARAAR PAAYEINGE. Q) ) BADMAZHAB HADDE KUFR KO PAHUNCHNE KE BAARE ME KUCH TAFSEEL FARMA DEIN KYA TAHIRUL QADRI KI BADMAZHABI HADDE KUFR KO PAHUNCH CHUKI HAI? A) ) TAHIRUL QADRI KE MUKHTALEEF BAYANAT AUR US KI KITAAB FIRQA PARASTI KA KHAATMA KYUN KAR MUMKIN HAI YA FIRQA PARASTI KA KHAATMA US ME BAHUT SAARE MAQAALAAT AUR KALIMAAT AUT I'BAARAT KUFRIYA MAUJOOD HAIN JIN KA KHULAASA YE HAI KE US KE NAZDEEK YE HAI KE SARKAR ALAIHE SALATO WASALAAM NE 72 FIRQO'N ME KISI KO NAJAAT KA PAIMAANA NAHIN DIYA. .IS TAUR PER US KE QAUL SE LAAZIM AATA HAI KE NA EHLE SUNNAT NA JEE HAIN AUR DOOSRE BHI NA JEE NAAJI NAHIN HAI. .AIR YEH KEHTA HAI KE JITNE FIRQE HAIN SUNNI AUR GAIR E SUNNI UN ME SAB ME TAA'BEERI AUR TASHREEHI IKHTELAAF HAI. .AUR BAAQI SAB EK HAIN AUR USKE ELAAWA BAHUT SAARE US KE KUFRIYAAT HAIN. .DEED O SHUNEED WAGAIRA ME AUR DOOSRI KITAABO'N ME AUR INTERNET PER AB TO US KE AQWAAL AUR US KE KALIMAAT WAGAIRA SAB DASTYAAB HAIN. .WAHAN SE AAP JAAKER UNKI MAALOOMAAT KAR SAKTE HAIN. .LIHAZA USKI BADMAZHABI HADDE KUFR TAK PAHUNCHNE ME KOI SHAQ NAHIN. TAHIRUL PADRI KI KUFRI IBARATEI'N KUFRI AQAAED KUFRI BAYANAT AUR UN PAR LAGE FATWA E KUFR KO DEKHNE SUNNE JAANNE LE LIYE ZAROOR ZAROOR VISIT KIJIYE MASLAK E A'ALA HAZRAT ZINDABAAD (Only Razawiyaat Conversation) GUMRAAH PROFESSOR TAHIRUL PADRI KI BADMAZHABIYAT PART-9 QAZIUL QUZZA HUZOOR TAJUSHSHARIA ALLAMA AKHTAR RAZA QADRI
- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:48PM
nasheed - Social Mention
Bottle pe bottle pine se kya fayda dost, rat dhalte dhalte puri ki puri utar jayegi, peeni h to sirf ek bar kisi ki bewafai piyo, mohabbat ki kasam, sari jindagi nashe me gujar jayegi..
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:45
टुकड़े हुए कुछ इस कदर हमारे, एक को उठाता हूँ... तो दुसरे के फिसल कर चार हो जाते.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:45
Mashoor Hona Par Magroor Na Hona Kamyabi Ke Nashe Main Choor Na Hona Mil Jaye Sari Saynat Aapko Magar Iske Liye Apnon Se Kabhi Door Mat Hona…..
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:44
Kbhi hum nashe mein hote hain , Aur Raat guzar jati hai . Ek din Raat nashe mein hogi , Aur hum guzar jayenge
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:38
Duniya mein bahut gum milenge Such mano ache dost bahut kum milenge Jis mod par sab chod denge sath tumhara, Dost usi mod par khade hum milenge ... Jam pe jam pine se kya fayda, Sham ko pi subah utar jayegi. Arey do boond humari dosti ke pi le, Zindagi saari nashe mein guzar jayegi Din k saath kabhi raat nahi hoti, Chand k saath kabhi mulaqat nahi hoti, Jinko chahte hai hum jaan se bhi jyada, Unhi se hamari baat nahi hoti ... Ek lamhe mein unhone hamari zindagi sawaar di, Ek lamhe mein unhone hamari zindagi ujaad di, Kasoor unka nahi kasoor hamara tha, Jo un DO LAMHO mein hamne apni zindagi guzaar di. Waqt guzrega hum bikhar jayenge, kaun jaane ke hum kidhar jayenge, hum aapke dost hain yaad rakhna, jahan tanhai mili waha hum nazar aayenge Tusi hasde ho saanu hasaan waaste, Tusi ronde ho saanu rulaan waaste. Ik waari rooth ke to dekho soneyo, Mar jawange twanu manaan waaste. ... roya hai dil aankh muskrai hai........ yun hi humne wafa nibhai hai.......... jo na ek lamha bhi humen de n saka............ uski khatir humne saari umar bitayi hai............ Zindagi k tufano ka sahil hai teri dosti, dil k armano ki manzil hai teri dosti, zindagi bann jaayegi jannat agar sada saath rahegi teri dosti… ... Har dhadkan mein ek raaz hota hai, Har baat ko batane ka ek andaz hota hai, Jab tak thokar na lage bewafai ki, Har kisi ko apne pyar par naaz hota hai... Tute khawbao ko phir sajana aata hai, Ruthe dil ko manana aata hai... Aap hamare gum ko dekhkar pareshaan na ho, Humein to dard mein bhi muskarana aata hai... ... Saath rehte rehte yuhi waqt guzar jayega, dur hone k baad kaun kise yaad aiga, Jeelo yeh pal jab hum saath hai, kal ka kya pata waqt kaha le jayega Raat chup hai magar chand khamosh nahi, kaise keh du aaj hosh nahi, aisa dooba teri ankhon ki gehrai me, hath me jam hai magar pineka hosh nahi… Mehfil na hoti Nazare na hote, Yun Chand k pehlu me sitare na hote, Hum isi liye karte hai Aapki parwah, Kyonki Dil k kareeb saare nahi hote. ... Subney kaha Pyaar ek Dard Hai,Humney Kaha Humeay Yeah Dard Kabool Hai, Subney kaha Es Dard Ke Sath Jee Nahee Paogey Per .... Humney Kaha Us Dard ke Sath to Marna Bhee Kabool Hai.... Har khushi kam hai, Tera ghum bhulane ke liye, Ik tera ghum hi kaafi hai, Mujhe umr bhar rulane ke liye!! Kaun jane kab maut ka paigam aa jaye, Zindagi ki akhari sham aa jaye, Hum toh dhundhte hain waqt aisa jab, Hamari zindagi apke kam aa jaye. ... Tufan me khasti ko kinare bhi milte hai, jahan me logon ko sahare bhi milte hai. Duniya me sabse pyari hai zindagi, kuch log zindagi se bhi pyare milte hai AANKHON MEIN AANSU AA JAATE HAIN PHIR BHI LABO PE HANSI RAKHNI PADTI HAI YEH MOHABBAT BHI KYA CHEEZ HAI YAARON, JISSE KARTE HAI USEESE CHUPANI PADTI HAI ... KABHI DOST' KEHTE HO, KABHI DUA DETE HO, KABHI BEWAKT NEEND SE JAGA DETE HO, PAR JAB BHI HUME MILA KARTE HO, KHUDA KASAM KHUSHI HI KHUSHI DIL MAIN JAGA DETE HO... Apki palko pe khwab rakh jayenge Apki saso pe naam likh jayenge chalo vada hai aapse bhool jana hame Agar humse accha dost aapko mil jaaye koi ... Aaj fir ek udasisi chai hai. Tanhai me baithe yaad aapki aayi hai. In palko ko bandh kaise karlu, inn aankho me tasvir joh apki aayi hai... Jam pe jam pine se kya fayda, Sham ko pi subah utar jayegi. Arey do boond humari dosti ke pi le, Zindagi saari nashe mein guzar jayegi Kaate nahi kat te hain lamhe intezaar ke Nazarein jama ke baithe hain raste pe yaar ke Dil ne kaha dekhein jo jalwe husn-e-yaar ke Layaa hai koun inko, phalak se utaar ke( from HAHK) Har kadam par imtihaan leti hai zindagi, Har waqt naya sadma deti hai zindagi. Hum jindagi se kya shikwa kare, Aap jaise dost bhi to deti hai zindagi... Logo ko aksar kehte suna: "Zinda rahe toh phir milenge". Magar aap se mil ke iss dil ne mehsoos kiya hai ki: "Milte rahe toh Zinda Rahenge". Dil ki hasti mit gayi hoti, aur sare dard badh gaye hote, Zindgi aap jaise dosto ki amanat hai, varna hum to kab ke bikhar gaye hote... Pani ka ek katra aankh se gira abhi abhi.. kya tum ne mujko yaad kiya abhi abhi.. tujh se mile zamana hua magar... yun laga koi mujse mil k gaya abhi abhi.. ... Rishtey ki dastan jab waqt sunata hai, toh hame bhi koi rishta yaad aata hain, Bhool jate hain hum zindagi ke gam ko,jab aapke saath bitaya waqt yaad aata hai. Ek din hamare annsoon humse pooch baithe, humey roz -roz kyon bulate ho,Humne kaha hum yaad to unhe karte hain tum kyon chale aate ho. ...
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:37
اول پور سینا به نام یه دانشمند عرب ثبت شد :) حالا چوگان به نام کشور دوست و همسایه آذربایجان :) کم کم آماده شین قراره ما هم از اول افغانی فرض شیم ^_^
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:36
هااا ؟! چيه چپ نگاه ميكنى طلب كارى ؟ جديدن در اومدى از فاز طرفدارى !!!
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:30
Samjh na sake unki baato ko, hum pyar k nashe m choor the, aaj samjh n aaya, jiske liye hm jaan chidkte the wo dil todne k lye mashur the., good night frnds
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:28
khanooma plz rooshoon ziad nashe
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:26
رابطہ د پارہ مزید پوسٹو نو دپارہ زمو نگہ پیج لائک کئ۔ خدوخیل Khudukhail
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:23
خدوخیل تہ پخیر راغلے دخدوخیل سماجی سیاسی،ثقافتی او روزمرہ حالاتو او واقعات دخدوخیل تازہ ترین خبرونہ او د ملکی او بہرملکی خبرونو پوسٹ کیگی دی د پارہ دا پیج لائک کئ
Naa Jaane Woh Neend Ke Nashe Mein Kaise Doob Jaate Hai'n. . Hum Toh Karwat Bhi Lete He, Toh Woh Yaad Aate Hain. . . . .!
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:23
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:21
This all has to be worked out before I can start work on the Motions for Summary Judgment. Adrienne takes Martin back to Hell, thinking that Billie Joe will be at the pretrial conference (Adrienne does not know that pretrial conferences often are short hearings). She and Martin run into Billie Joe and Eugene, who are working diligently on the Motion for Summary Judgment. They are just finishing it up. Billie Joe sees Adrienne and gets up to tell her about the Monastery. As he walks across the room, he trips over a small burning skeleton and falls face first onto a hot bed of coals. He sustains burns over 90% of his body. Adrienne rushes to his aid. He can't move. Martin goes over to where Eugene is working on the Motion for Summary judgment. He begins to read what they have done and forgets all about Adrienne. He begins to put notes in the margins. After a few minutes, he tells Eugene he has a real office where they can finish up the Motion. Eugene and Martin begin talking. They will obviously become a pair as they are kind of the same person. They will end up starting a new monastery. Billie Joe is nursed back to health in Hell by Adrienne, whose love for him is renewed by the sight of his injuries. Billie Joe wants to die but her love for him prevents this. As he recovers, his love for her is very solid. Odysseus, the narrator, Mike, go back to Helen's house after Thomas Nashe and Helen leave to go to the pretrial conference. Tre and his girlfriend and the big white winged horse are there already. Captain Kirk is also there. They all decide to make some cookies. IN a kitchen drawer, the narrator finds some papers that Helen and Thomas Nashe have been working on. See Below. See the Complaint or the Answer for references to the pamphlet war. "WHAT IS HAPPENING WHEN KATHY READS THOMAS NASHE?" AN ALMOND FOR A PARRAT (McKerrow, Vol. 4, P. 351, lines, 2VIII-end (3VIII) – P. 354, line 25) Part 1 If I am not sure what something means, I am totally going to make something up. That is the point of this. It is a creative work designed to provide some liberation and fun rebellion in the face of what is extraordinarily difficult reading. That said, I will try to provide the best "translation" that I can of Thomas Nashe's words. I have also taken the liberty of chopping up Nashe's sentences into phrases that I find to be potentially meaningful and/or helpful in providing a translation that may be totally off base. It is possible that this type of thing might be helpful in giving actual Nashe scholars ideas or it could be particularly funny to these people. We will begin on page 351 of McKerrow's Vol. 4, An Almond for A Parrat: All the methodology here is my idea (including the table), as well as are the wrong interpretations of the Nashe text. I hope anon, maister Martin, I shall bee meetelie euen with you for your knauerie, if I goe but two mile further in your Ministrie. I hope that soon, Macgyver, I mean Martin, To be even with you In mischief (for you set the standard in mischief), If I defeat you on the merits. This is an ass-backwards compliment and you should appreciate how highly I think of you as a comedian. It is not the Pimimitiue Church shall beare out the Vicar of little Down[. abbreviation] In Norfolke, It is not the Catholic Church That will produce for the eyes of the world to see The spectacle, So-and-so, of such-and-such parish, in groaping his owne hennes, like a Cotqueane; Gathering eggs from his own chickens' nests (with a suggestion of sexual misconduct that makes me wonder if this is related to Henry VIII), what was I talking about? In gathering eggs from his own chickens' nests, like a man who is doing the work of a woman (implying perhaps that Anglicanism is some sort of second-rate, feminized, weak and ignoble form of Catholicism, one that is stealing from its own household, and worse, sexually harrassing the hens!, but this only makes sense if you are sexist), I am to come ouer him, when I haue more leasure , for his tenne shillings Sermons at Thetforde; I will come to visit this train wreck When I am not so busy because I am very busy right now having fun with Martin, and so, another time, I will listen to this fool's lectures which are of very low quality. Wherein if he raue And if during said lectures, which I will attend someday, just to be a dick, if he talks like he is out of his mind as hee was wont to doe, As he typically does, Ile make him wishe that hee had beene still Vsher of Westminster. I'll make him wish he was still working at that 7-11 down on the corner and that he had never been promoted into a situation that could lead to him running into someone like me, Thomas Nashe. Because I know what I'm doing. Well, to the purpose. You saie Bishopees are no Magistrates, because they are no lawfull Magistrates. But let's boogie, shall we, Martin? You say Anglican Bishops are not legitimate civil officers Because religious leaders should never be civil officers. Is it euen so, brother Timothie, will it neuer be better (emphasis added) And for crying out loud, Martin, let me make a reference to Timothy, who was stoned to death by pagans for preaching the gospel, will you never learn? must I euer leade you vp and downe antiquitie by the nose lyke an Asse? Must I always draw your attention to these things from history, over and over, trying to explain to you the situation you are in; at the same time really mainly what I like to do is show everyone how frighteningly educated, genuinely devoted to scholarship, in love with myself, good looking and breathtakingly brilliant that I am and God, Martin, why do you have to be such a dumbass? May neither Scriptures nor Fathers goe for payment with you, It is no use for either The written words of God or Catholic priests To seek the credit that they deserve with you, but still you will bee reducing vs to the president of the persecuted Church, For always You will be bringing everybody down like Buddy the Elf in the North Pole, With all your reforms You would make it look like Henry VIII actually had a leg to stand on if you had your way, Despite the fact that all he wanted was the presidency of England; and never cared for our souls. Not to mention this destroyed the Catholic Church in England and I am so upset by this, and so confounde the discipline of warre and peace? And in mixing up the matters of State with Church, You have mixed the art of war with the art of peace, and that is an error. If you will needs make vs the apes of all their extremities, If you will be a ridiculous extreme position Of their position, Make us their tools, And put us on a stage, why doe not you vrge the vse of that communities wherein Ananias and Saphira were vnfaythfull? Why not a recommendation of embezzlement? Urge the use Of holy property and possessions To your private gain As did Ananais and Saphira, people who did that or something like that in another time, whose names are beautiful words? Or am I talking about the Anglicans again? I love you, Martin. Perswade Noble men and Gentlement to sell theyr lands, and laie the money at your feete; You go ahead and try to talk those all the Republican men into selling their lands for your stupid "Reformed" church, and give you all the profit that is gained from it. take awaie the title of mine and thine from amongst vs, and let the worlde knowe you hereafter by the name of Anabaptistes. Here Nashe seems to be accusing Barack Obama of being an Anabaptist. Take away my private rights, And your own private rights, Take away private rights in general, And let the world know that you are a Muslim Terrorist Communist Anabaptist Socialist, oh, Martin. Admit that the authoritie of Bishoppes were as vnlawfull as you would make it, Admit it. If the authority of the bishops is unlawful (because, as you say, religious leaders cannot be civil authorities), yet since it is imposed vnto them by the Princes
- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:48PM
Amantu billahis Facebook-Pinnwand
Amantu billahis Facebook-Pinnwand
Ich wundere mich über den Menschen, der weiß, dass er sterben wird, aber trotzde...
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:02
Ich wundere mich über den Menschen, der weiß, dass er sterben wird, aber trotzdem zu Gelächter neigt.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:48PM
Kuffr - Social Mention
Lasst mich euch eine kleine, jedoch wunderschöne Geschichte erzählen :) Shaykh Ahmad az-Zayaat war ein Lehrer der in seinem Leben nichts anderes kannte außer der Azhar (berühmte Universität in Kairo in Ägypten) an der er unterrichtete, das Haus in dem er lebte und den Weg zwischen seinem Haus und der Azhar. Als die Jahre vergingen, er älter wurde, seine Gesundheit sich verschlechterte und er Ruhe benötigte, drängte ihn schließlich sein Arzt eine Auszeit zu nehmen. Er schlug ihm vor einen ruhigen und erholsamen Park weit ab von seinem Arbeitsplatz und seinem Haus in der Nähe des Nils aufzusuchen. Eines Tages ging der Shaykh raus und stoppte eine Kutsche (zu dieser Zeit waren Autos noch nicht verfügbar). Er sagte zum Fahrer: „Mein Sohn, bring mich bitte an einen schönen Ort wo ich die Aussicht genießen und mich entspannen kann." Der Fahrer, ein boshafter und übler Mensch brachte den Shaykh an einen Platz in Ägypten an dem es zu dieser Zeit sehr viele Bordelle gab. Als sie dort ankamen sagte der Fahrer zum Shaykh: „wir sind da." Der Shaykh sagte: „O mein Sohn, das Maghreb-Gebet ist nahe, wo kann ich dieses verrichten? Bring mich bitte zuerst zur Moschee." Der Fahrer (mit seinem Finger auf eines dieser Häuser zeigend) sagte: „ die Moschee ist dort drüben." Die Tür (an diesem Ort) war offen und die Frau die das Bordell betrieb saß dort in einer Art wie es für solche Frauen aus diesem Milieu bekannt ist. Als der Shaykh sie sah senkte er seinen Blick. Er sah einen Sitzplatz und schritt darauf zu und setze sich um auf den Adhan (Gebetsruf) zu warten. Die Frau starrte ihn verwirrt an. Was brachte diesen Mann hierher? Er sieht nicht aus wie einer ihrer gewöhnlichen Kunden. Sie dachte weiterhin nach und traute sich nicht ihn danach zu fragen was er hier suchte. Was sie davon abhielt war ihre Scham die sie in ihrem Herzen immer noch empfand, selbst als Prostituierte. Diese Scham zeigt sich nur in Anwesenheit von frommen Menschen. Er (der Shaykh) hingegen sprach weiterhin Tasbih (mit den Worten „Subhan Allah" (Gepriesen sei Allah)) während er auf seine Uhr schaute bis er den Adhan des Maghreb-Gebet aus der Ferne hörte. Er fragte sie: „Wo ist der Muadhin (Gebetsrufer)? Warum rief er den Adhan nicht aus als die Zeit des Gebets eintraf? Bist du seine Tochter?" Sie blieb still. Er wartete eine Weile und dann sagte er: „Meine Tochter die Zeit des Maghreb-Gebet ist kurz, es ist nicht gestattet es zu verspäten und ich sehe hier niemanden. Solltest du Wudu (Gebetswaschung) verrichtet haben, dann bete hinter mir in Gemeinschaft." Er rief zum Gebet ohne nach ihr zu schauen. Als er den Iqamah (zweite Gebetsruf) ausrief, vernahm er eine Stille hinter sich. Er fragte: „was ist los? Hast du keinen Wudu?" Auf einmal erwachte ihr Iman (in etwa tiefe Glaube) und sie erinnerte sich an ihre alten Tage. Die Tage an denen sie voller Reinheit und weit ab von Sünde war. Sie schrie ganz laut und warf sich ihm zu Füßen. Der Shaykh war völlig überrascht und wusste nicht wie er sie beruhigen konnte. Sie fing schließlich an ihre Geschichte zu erzählen. Er sah in ihren Worten großes Bedauern und er fühlte die Wahrhaftigkeit ihrer Reue. Er erkannte die Aufrichtigkeit in dem was sie erzählte. So sagte er zu ihr: „Höre meine liebe Tochter was der Herrscher aller Welten und Geschöpfe sagt: (Ich suche meine Zuflucht bei Allah vor dem gesteinigten Satan) „Sag: O meine Diener, die ihr gegen euch selbst maßlos seit, verliert nicht die Hoffnung auf Allahs Barmherzigkeit. Gewiss, Allah vergibt die Sünden alle…" [Qur´an Surah az-Zumar (39):53] Alle Sünden meine Tochter, alle Sünden… Die Tore der Reue sind jedem Sünder offen und so weit geöffnet dass sie alle (Sünder) aufnehmen können, gleichwohl wie schwer sie (Sünden) aufgeladen haben, sogar Kuffr (Unglaube am Islam). Wer auch immer an den Allmächtigen ungläubig geworden ist nachdem er geglaubt hat aber bereut bevor die Stunde seines Todes eintrifft, aufrichtig in seiner Reue ist und seinen Islam erneuert, dem wird Allah die Reue annehmen. Allah, meine liebe Tochter, ist der Freigiebigste von allen. Hast du je von einem Freigiebigen gehört der die Tür jenem zuknallt der von ihm bittet? Steh auf, gehe dich waschen und bedecke dich. Reinige deine Haut mit Wasser und dein Herz mit Reue und Bedauern und nähere dich Allah. Ich werde hier auf dich warten. Aber verspäte dich nicht so dass wir das Maghreb-Gebet nicht verpassen." Sie tat worum er sie bat und kehrte zu ihm mit neuer Kleidung und einem reinen Herzen zurück. Sie stellte sich hinter ihm und betete. Sie fühlte und schmeckte die Süße dieses Gebetes und fühlte auch wie das Gebet ihr Herz reinigte. Als sie das Gebet beendeten, sprach er zu ihr: „Komm mit mir und brich alle Verbindung ab die du mit diesem Ort und diesen Leuten hast. Versuche die Zeit die du an diesem Ort verbracht hast aus deinem Gedächtnis zu löschen. Bitte Allah regelmäßig um Vergebung und mehre deine guten Taten. Wahrlich, die Sünde der Unzucht ist nicht größer als Kuffr und Hind [bint `Utbah - möge Allah wohlzufrieden mit ihr sein) war eine Ungläubige und erbitterte Feindin des Gesandten (Allah segne ihn und schenke ihm Heil) die sogar beabsichtigte die Leber von Hamza (möge Allah wohlzufrieden mit ihm sein) dem Onkel des Gesandten (Allah segne ihn und schenke ihm Heil) zu essen. Sie wurde danach eine rechtschaffene Gläubige und wir sagen: „möge Allah wohlzufrieden mit ihr sein."" Der Shaykh nahm sie und brachte sie zu einem Haus mit gläubigen Frauen und fand für sie einen rechtschaffenen Ehemann und wies ihn an sich gut um sie zu kümmern. - Auszug aus seiner Autobiographie über Shaykh Ahmad az-Zayaat (möge Allah ihm barmherzig sein) Aus dem arabischen übersetzt von Abu Ilias Al-Maghriby
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:46
Assalamualaikum 1. Sur-E-Fatiha: ALLAH Ke Aazab Se Bachata Hai. 2. Sur-E-Yaasin: Qayamat Ke Din Pyas Se Bachata Hai. 3. Sur-E-Waqia: Fikar, Faaqa Se, 4. Sur-E-Mulk: Azab-E-Qabar Se, 5. Sur-E-Kausar: Dushmano Ki Dushmani Se, 6. Sur-E-Kaaferun:Maut Ke Waqt Kuffr Se, 7. Sur-E-Ikhlaas: Munafiqat Se, 8. Sur-E-Falak: Haadso Se 9. Sur-E-Naas: Waswason Se Bachata Hai. Ye Bahut Qimti Tohfa Hai Dusro Ko Bhi Ye Tohfa Dijye Q Ki ALLAH TOHFA Dene Walon Ko pasand Farmata Hai..
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:18
Assalamualaikum 1. Sur-E-Fatiha: ALLAH Ke Aazab Se Bachata Hai. 2. Sur-E-Yaasin: Qayamat Ke Din Pyas Se Bachata Hai. 3. Sur-E-Waqia: Fikar, Faaqa Se, 4. Sur-E-Mulk: Azab-E-Qabar Se, 5. Sur-E-Kausar: Dushmano Ki Dushmani Se, 6. Sur-E-Kaaferun:Maut Ke Waqt Kuffr Se, 7. Sur-E-Ikhlaas: Munafiqat Se, 8. Sur-E-Falak: Haadso Se 9. Sur-E-Naas: Waswason Se Bachata Hai. Ye Bahut Qimti Tohfa Hai Dusro Ko Bhi Ye Tohfa Dijye Q Ki ALLAH TOHFA Dene Walon Ko pasand Farmata Hai..
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:49
BREAKING NEWS BAD: attaccato Kuffr Qaddum oggi alle 15,30 dai soldati israeliani. Un ferito alla mano da sparo diretto di tear gas, ma, soprattutto hanno arrestato un ragazzo di 21 anni, GHALEB HILMI SHTAIWI.
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:35
NABI (S.A.W)Ne Farmaya: Jab Tum Kuch Bhul JaoTo Mujh Pe Darood behjo. INSHA ALLAH Yaad Aa JaeGa.Ye Bahut Kimti Hadees Hai Sab Ko Batao apne dil me mat rakhna. Ek tohfa aap k liye 1. Sur-E-Fatiha: ALLAH K Aazab Se Bachata Hai 2. Sur-E-Yaasin: Qayamat K Din Pyas Se 3. Sur-E-Waqia: Fikar, Faaqa Se 4. Sur-E-Mulak: Azab-E-Qabar Se 5. Sur-E-Kausar; Dushmano Ki Dushmani Se 6. Sur-E-Kaafirun:Maut K Waqt Kuffr Se 7. Sur-E-Ikhlaas: Munafiqat Se 8. Sur-E-Falak: Haadso Se 9. Sur-E-Naas: Waswaso Se, Bachata Hai. Ye Bahot Qimti TOHFA Hai Dusro Ko B Ye TOHFA Dijye Q Ki ALLAH TOHFA Dene Walo Ko PASAND Farmata Hai. irfam khan
Dec 3rd 2013, 16:24
Auraton ko azaab 11 Gunah Gaar Auretein RAB k Azaab sy Nahi Bach Saktien. 1.Be Parda. 2.Taiz Zuban Wali. 3.har waqt mout mangny wali. 4.deen ka mazaq urany wali. 5.chughal khor. 6.ehsan jatany wali. 7.shohar ki nafarman. 8.gheebat karnay wali. 9.baal khol kar chalny wali. 10.bila zarorat ghar sy nikalny wali. 11. Had se zayada bolne wali. Sab larkiyon ko send karo aur larkon ko bhi ta ke wo apni maa behan,beti,aur bivi ko bacha saken Malik-e- kainat k azab sy.....* NABI (S.A.W)Ne Farmaya: Jab Tum Kuch Bhul JaoTo Mujh Pe Darood behjo. INSHA ALLAH Yaad Aa JaeGa.Ye Bahut Kimti Hadees Hai Sab Ko Batao apne dil me mat rakhna. Ek tohfa aap k liye 1. Sur-E-Fatiha: ALLAH K Aazab Se Bachata Hai 2. Sur-E-Yaasin: Qayamat K Din Pyas Se 3. Sur-E-Waqia: Fikar, Faaqa Se 4. Sur-E-Mulak: Azab-E-Qabar Se 5. Sur-E-Kausar; Dushmano Ki Dushmani Se 6. Sur-E-Kaafirun: Maut K Waqt Kuffr Se 7. Sur-E-Ikhlaas: Munafiqat Se 8. Sur-E-Falak: Haadso Se 9. Sur-E-Naas: Waswaso Se, Bachata Hai. Ye Bahot Qimti TOHFA Hai Dusro Ko B Ye TOHFA Dijye Q Ki ALLAH TOHFA Dene Walo Ko PASAND Farmata Hai. Qabristaan Ke Baahar Likha Tha: . "Manzil To Teri Yahi Thi, Bas Zindgi Guzar Gayi Aate Aate, Kya Mila Tujhe Is Duniya Se, Apno Ne Hi Dafna Diya Tujhe Jaate Jaate." . "Aaj Amal hai, Hisaab nahi. Kal Hisaab hoga, Amal nahi..!" . .."THINK ABOUT IT".. DON'T FORGET TO SHARE Dosto Hamari Daa'wat par koi na aye to hum naraz ho jatey hain, ALLAH ki taraf se humen rozana 5-martaba Daa'wat hoti ha Aur hum uske Ghar nahi jatey; Kya ALLAH hum se naraaz na hoga? Yeh message nahi 1 Haqeeqat Hai. Please Namaz qaaem karen, Dusron ko bhi hidaayat karen... ALLAH is message bhejne wale per aur uss k walidain par apni rehmat farmaae, Our jo ise usi waqt farwd kare ALLAH us k dil ki naik hajaten poori karey... Aameen. Namaz ki Fikr karo Balance ki Tarah, Azaan sun kar Utho Ring tone ki Tarah, Quran dhiyan se parho SMS ki Tarah, Zindagi Hamesha Nahi Rahegi NETWORK ki Tarah. "Namaaz" ko Chodna... ye "ALLAH" Ko Naraz Kerna Hai. "FAJR" 6 Mint "ZUHAR" 15 Mint "ASAR" 8 Mint "MAGHRIB" 10 Mint "ISHAA" 18 Mint Total 57 Mint hn? 80% log is msg ko frwrd nahi krte. Lekin aap zaroor karre Hume ye acha mauqa hai allah ki baat ko dusro tak pauchane ka. Sun Ke Azaan Ko An-Suna Kar Dete Ho, Aye Insano Itna Yaad Rakhna, Zarurat TuMhe Rab Ki Hai, Rab Ko TuMhari Nahi..!
Dec 3rd 2013, 15:18
Ek tohfa aap k liye 1. Sur-E-Fatiha: ALLAH K Aazab Se Bachata Hai 2. Sur-E-Yaasin: Qayamat K Din Pyas Se 3. Sur-E-Waqia: Fikar, Faaqa Se 4. Sur-E-Mulak: Azab-E-Qabar Se 5. Sur-E-Kausar; Dushmano Ki Dushmani Se 6. Sur-E-Kaafirun:Maut K Waqt Kuffr Se 7. Sur-E-Ikhlaas: Munafiqat Se 8. Sur-E-Falak: Haadso Se 9. Sur-E-Naas: Waswaso Se, Bachata Hai. Ye Bahot Qimti TOHFA Hai Dusro Ko B Ye TOHFA Dijye Q Ki ALLAH TOHFA Dene Walo Ko PASAND Farmata Hai #mir
Dec 3rd 2013, 14:18
Allah sagt [5:51] Und wer sie von euch zu Beschützern nimmt, der gehört wahrlich zu ihnen. [4:76] Die da glauben, kämpfen für Allahs Sache, und die nicht glauben, kämpfen für den Taghut; darum kämpft gegen die Anhänger des Taghuts! Wahrlich, die List des Satans ist schwach. Es gibt entweder die Menschen die fisabilillah für Allah kämpfen oder auf der anderen Seite für den Taghut. Nun müssen wir wissen was ist der Taghut. Allah sagt im Koran: Und in jedem Volk erweckten Wir einen Gesandten (,der da predigte): "Dient Allah und meidet den Taghut. Dann waren unter ihnen einige, die Allah leitete, und es waren unter ihnen einige, die das Schicksal des Irrtums erlitten. So reist auf der Erde umher und seht, wie das Ende der Leugner war! [16:36] Allah hat deswegen extra Gesandte geschickt um die menschen dies zu lehren! 2.256. Es gibt keinen Zwang im Glauben. Der richtige Weg ist nun klar erkennbar geworden gegenüber dem unrichtigen. Wer nun den Taghut verleugnet, an Allah aber glaubt, der hat gewiß den sichersten Halt ergriffen, bei dem es kein Zerreißen gibt. Und Allah ist Allhörend, Allwissend. Nun müssen wir erst mal wissen was Taghut ist und bedeutet Um das kurz zu fassen insha allah. Taghut ist alles was neben Allah angebetet und damit zufrieden ist oder sich versucht auf die Stufe von Allah zu stellen. Dazu gehören z.b Falsche Götter, Falsche Systeme oder Regierungen wie wir gleich sehen. Ein Taghut ist jemand der in seinem Unglauben übertreibt. Sheikhul islam muhammad ibn abdel wahab rahimallah sagt in seiner risala (risala fi ma'na attaghut) Das Schreiben über die Bedeutung des Taghuts: (Da ich das gerade nur aus dem Kopfe mache, fasse ich das etwas zusammen.) Er sagt, das die erste Pflicht für den Sohn Adams Kuffr bi Taghout und iman billah ist. Also es ist praktisch das erste was du machen musst um überhaupt Muslim zu werden. Er sagt, die Pflicht für den SOHNE ADAMS um erstmal Muslim zu werden! Dies sehen wir in der zuvor gepostet Aya. Allah spricht zu erst die Verleugnung des Taghuts an und dann den glauben an Allah an zweiter Stelle. (kuffr bi taghut wal iman billah) Wer nun den Taghut verleugnet, an Allah aber glaubt, der hat gewiß den sichersten Halt ergriffen, bei dem es kein Zerreißen gibt (2.256) Und wir sehen auch an der Shahada wenn wir zu erst sprechen La illaha. Es gibt niemand der es verdient angebetet zu werden. Du verneinst, negierst und sagst dich los von allen tawaghit (Mehrzahl von taghut) die statt Allah angebetet werden. Und dann sagst du als zweites illa Allah. Ausser Allah. Du siehst du kommst erst in den Islam wenn du dich erst mal von allen gereinigt hast und dann an Allah glaubst. Und glauben bedeutet nicht einfach nur zu wissen, dass Allah existiert und du betest und fertig. Nein! Dazu gehört viel mehr. Wenn das bloße Wissen um die Existens Allahs reicht um Muslim zu sein, dann wäre der Satan auch Muslim. Denn er weiß auch das Allah existiert und er weis auch das es keinen Gott gibt außer Allah. Was wichtiger ist und Pflicht für jeden Muslim ist, ist es sich den Gesetzen Allahs zu fügen und nur ihn in allen Fassetten der Ibada anzubeten. Sei es gehorsam, Angst, Liebe und sich ihm alleine untertan machen und sich vor ihm alleine erniedrigen. Ad-dhullu lillah. Das ist kurz gesagt die Ibada. Als der Prophet sas die ungläubigen Mekkaner gefragt hat: Und wenn du sie fragst: "Wer hat die Himmel und die Erde erschaffen und die Sonne und den Mond dienstbar gemacht?", dann sagen sie gewiss: "Allah." Wie können sie sich dann doch abwenden? (Quran, 29:61) 29.63. Und wenn du sie fragst: "Wer sendet Wasser vom Himmel nieder und belebt damit die Erde nach ihrem Tod?" - dann werden sie gewiß sagen: "Allah." Sprich: "Aller Preis gebührt Allah." Jedoch die meisten von ihnen begreifen es nicht Und viele andere Stellen. Sie wussten, das Allah der einzige Gott ist. Sie dachten nicht das es andere Götter gibt, die das Universum lenken usw. Das hat sie aber nicht zu Muslimen gemacht. Sie haben sich nicht Allah allein gefügt und ihn alleine angebetet. Sie haben sich nicht seinen Gesetzen gefügt. Das Wissen darum allein reicht nicht um Muslim zu sein. Sie waren trotzdem kuffar. Der Sheikh sagt in der Risala, dass die Tawaghit viele sind aber ihre Köpfe sind fünf. Also die schlimmsten Ungläubigen überhaupt. 1. Der Sheitan Habe Ich euch, ihr Kinder Adams, nicht geboten, nicht Satan zu dienen - denn er ist euer offenkundiger Feind [Yā-Sīn:60] 2. Der Herrscher der nach anderen Gesetzen außer die des Korans geht. Hast du nicht jene gesehen, die behaupteten, an das zu glauben, was zu dir und was vor dir hinabgesandt worden ist? Sie wollen (nun) eine
- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:47PM
kafir - Social Mention
Kafir kafir shia kafir
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:47
ملائیشیا حکومت نے 1996ء میں ایک قانون پاس کیا جس میں اسلام کو بدنام کرنے والے گمراہ مذاہب پر پابندی عائد کی۔ اب ملائیشیا حکومت نے گزشتہ ماہ نومبر 2013ء میں اس قانون کی تجدید کرتے ہوئے ملائیشیا میں شیعہ اثنا عشریہ کی تعلیم پر مکمل طور پر پابندی عائد کردی ہے اور شیعہ مذہب کو غیر اسلامی مذہب قرار دیتے ہوئے اسے اسلام کو بدنام کرنے والا گمراہ ترین مذہب قرار دیا ہے اور انشاءاللہ یہ وقت پاکستان میں بھی بہت جلد آنیوالا ہے ۔ جب پاکستان کی حکومت بھی شیعہ کو مرتدکافر قرار دے گی ۔۔
Sama2 Amalkan, Keep Sharing! ✿~✿ ۞ Surah Yasin dapat menghilangkan rasa dahaga atau kehausan pada hari Kiamat. ۞ Surah Dukhan dapat membantu kita ketika menghadapi ujian Allah SWT pada hari kiamat. ۞ Surah Al-Waqi'ah dapat melindungi kita daripada ditimpa kesusahan atau fakir. ۞ Surah Al-Mulk dapat meringankan azab di dalam kubur.. ۞ Surah Al-Kauthar dapat merelaikan segala perbalahan. ۞ Surah Al-Kafirun dapat menghalang kita daripada menjadi kafir ketika menghadapi kematian. ۞ Surah Al-Ikhlas dapat melindungi kita daripada menjadi golongan munafiq. ۞ Surah Al-Falq dapat menghapuskan perasaan hasad dengki. ۞ Surah An-Nas dapat melindungi kita daripada ditimpa penyakit was-was.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:47
Ap SAW ne farmaya agr Allah k nazdeek duniya ki qadar wo qeemat machar k par k barabr bhi hoti to kisi kafir ko wo ek ghont pani b nahi daita
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:47
kafir başı tayhitler ağzını açınca yalan der
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:47
but shia people are Kafir...
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:47
Join Us
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:46
V hissə Egeydə döyüşlər şiddətlənir. İtalyan donanması var gücü ilə hücuma keçirdi. Osmanlı ordusu inadla müqavimət göstərirdi. Osmanlılar İtalyanların 6 gəmisini dənizin dibinə göndərmişdi. Osman əlində silah səngərdə dayanmışdı. Hüseyn əlində məktub Osmanın yanına gəldi. Hüseyn – Osman sənə məktub var, al. Osman – Kimdəndir? Hə... İlknur yazıb. Osman məktubu oxudu. Qaraxəbəri aldı. Suad Osmanı narahat etməmək üçün yazmamışdı. Ona görə İlknur yazmışdı. Osman (ürəyində) – Mən qayıtmalıyam. Ailəm dardadır. Qoy gedim. Yox! Atama söz vermişəm qayıda bilmərəm. Qoy İlknura məktub yazım. Kağız-qələmi götürür, başlayır yazmağa. Osman – "İlknur, məni bağışla, atama söz verdiyim üçün gələ bilmirəm. Xahiş edirəm Suada kömək edin. Məni xain bilməsin. Atama söz vermişəm. Qayıda bilməyəcəm. Burda döyüşlər şiddətlənir. Salamat qalın." Osman birdən düşünür. Axı mənim ailəm dardadır. Osman – Mən burda olsam nə olacaq ki? Uduzsaq da, udsaq da mənim burda nə qatqım olacaq? Hə, mən gedim. Ailəmə kömək edim. Mənim kimi neçə-neçə igidlər var burda. Durub getmək istəyir. Sonra dayanır. Osman – Tfu... Lənət şeytana. Mən nə edirəm belə. Verdiyim sözdən dönürəm. Atam mənə söz tapşırdı axı. İlknur, Ərhan qoymazlar ki, evimizi əlimdən alsınlar. Yox getməyəcəm. Çöldə top gurultusu eşidilir. Osman silahın götürüb gedir. İlhan ara bir Suadgili məcbur edir ki, evdən çıxsınlar. Amma alınmır. İlhan yatdığı zaman, birdən ayılıb gördü ki, Atası Orxan, ağ geyimdə qarşısında dayanıb. İlhan – Ata, sən burda nə edirsən? Nə vaxt gəlmisən? Orxan – İlhan, sən niyə pislik edirsən? İlhan – Nə pislik ata! Kimə pislik etmişəm? Orxan – O, yazıqlardan nə istiyirsən axı. İlhan – Kimi deyirsən ata, anlamadım? Orxan – Guya bilmirsən, kimi deyirəm! Osmanın ailəsin deyirəm. Onların evin niyə almaq istiyirsən. Mən evi Osmana, tarlanı sənə vermişəm. Payını almısan. Naşükürlük etmə. Birdən onlardan evi istəsən haqqımı sənə halal etməm. Səni lənətləyərəm. Anladın məni. İlhan yuxudan ayıldı. Çox qorxmuşdu. Səhər açılan kimi İlhan Suadgilə getdi. Suad qapını açan kimi İlhan yalvarmağa başladı. İlhan – Suad bacı, məni bağışla. Mən səhv etmişəm. Bağışla məni. əgər məni bağışlamalıdırsa bağışlayın. Bax Suad bacı, istəmirəm sizin evinizi. Hələ sizə köməklik də edəcəm. Siz Osmanın əmanətisiniz. Suad – Sən nə etmisən ki, bağışlayam. Yenə də bağışlayıram. İlhan – Çox sağ ol Suad bacı. Allah razı olsun. Cəbhədə vəziyyət gərgindi. İtalyanların hücumu şiddətlənir. Osman 10 nəfər əsgərlə, toplarla gəmilərə gözlənilməz zərbə vurmaq üçün səngərdən 1 km uzaqlaşırlar. Osman – İsgəndər səssizcə topu doldurun. Və atəş açın. Gözləməyin, yeyin atın. Toplarla gəmilərə zərbələr endirilir. Gəmidə yanğınlar başlayır. Bir gəmi topu Osmangilə tuşlayır. Osman qışqırır: Osman – Qaçın! Kafir bizi qıracaq, qaçın. əsgərlər qaçana qədər top aşılır. Onlar yerə sərilir. 10 nəfərdən 1 nəfər sağ qalır. O, Osman idi. Baxdı ki, gəmilər cəbhəyə doğru gedir. Osman qolundan yaralı idi. Bir güç ilə silahını götürdü. Gördü ki, gəmilərin birində petrol çəlləri var. Osman silahın ora tuşladı. Osman – Allah kömək et. Daha məndən keçib, o birilər yazıqdı. Osman gülləni atır. Gəmidən alov qalxır. Alov digər gəmilərə də keçir. Gəmilər cəbhəyə gedə bilmirlər. 2000-ci il. İstanbul, Mədəniyyət evi. Salonda alimlər oturublar. Onlar arasında 100 yaşlı bir qadın da var idi. Bu Bərfin Zəki Osman qızı idi. Bütün bu hekayələri o ziyalılara danışırdı. Bir ziyalı – Atanızı bir daha görmədiniz? Bərfin – Ancaq bircə dəfə gördüm. 1923-cü il, 29 oktyabrda, Cümhuriyyət yaranan vaxt gördüm. Əlində türk bayrağı yanıma gəldi. Digər ziyalı – Sizə bir şey dedi? Bərfin – Bəli! Mənə dedi ki, Türkiyə Cümhuriyyətinin var olmasında Egey döyüşü mühüm rol oynadı. Əgər mən benzin çəlləklərini partlatmasayıdım, İstanbul işğal olunardı. Başqa ziyalı – Sonra nə oldu? Bərfin – Mənə dedi ki, Atatürkün nitqinə qulaq as. Atatürkə baxıb, atama tərəf döndüm. Atam yox idi. Bir ziyalı – Hara getmişdi? Bərfin – Şəhidlərin uyuduğu müqəddəs məkana Göy üzündəki olan, cənnətə getdi.
to wo zaalim hai jo dil mn rhe kr b mera na ban saka. Aur dil wo kafir jo mujh main reh kr b tera hogaya....
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:46
bayan kafir neden ben kafir değilim
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:46
Apabila kemunafikan telah tunduk, tidak ada orang yang berani mengusikmu, kecuali datang dalam keadaan beriman ,........... ..............._/\_...... rahayu
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:45
Bolehkah orang terkena sihir di rawat dengan terapi BEKAM?.... Mengusir Sihir Diriwayatkan, suatu ketika Nabi merasa tidak enak, ada rasa mudah lupa, maka Nabi tau itu adalah angkara orang kafir yang memang sebagian ahli sihir. Kemudian Nabi meminta bekam dikepala. Jadi inilah kenapa bekam dapat mengusir sihir tidak lain sesuai petunjuk Nabi. Jika seseorang didalam tubuhnya ada pengaruh sihir, maka jika dibekam akan mengalami sebuah proses yang berbeda, kadang muntah, kadang gelisah bahkan jika kerasukan jin, melihat ahli bekam saja mereka sha Allah JOM SEHAT BERSAMA BEKAM Hubungi 013 2269 458
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:44
Woiii...klo wa ibrt nsi bsi.. Lu lbh prh ge dr pd nsi bsi mlainkan nsi yg da bsuk berulat2 yg dJdikan mknan hewan org kafir.. Pahammm !!!!!! Ttd; org yg skrg bhgya hdup лŷª { insy allah } amiieennn ya allah
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:44
Kafir pendengki tak pernah kehabisan ide dan punya kreativitas tinggi dalam menggelincirkan umat Islam terutama yang masih AWAM, Berbagai fitnah,ideologi dan paham sesat mereka domplengkan kepada Islam.. Ini sangat banyak ditemui di dunia internet.. disisi lain Bid'ah tahayul dan kurafat masih merajalela seperti penyakit kudis yang menular...Mari bekali diri kita dengan Ilmu agama yang sesuai dengan sunnah dan terus menerus belajar disela2 kesibukan duniawi, karna butuh ilmu/pengetahuan yang cukup untuk sampai kepada pemahaman dan kesimpulan yang benar..Jangan sampai kita merasa asing dengan syariat agama sendiri... satu2nya agama yang selamanya diterima oleh hati kecil. sesuai dengan fitrah manusia...
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:43
Kafir bile olsa , hiç kimsenin kalbini kırma ! Kalp kırmak, Allah' ü Teala' yı incitmek demektir..
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:43
Jawaharlal Nehru's grand father a Muslim Mugal Ghiyasuddin Ghazi who adopted the name Gangadhar Nehru Some hidden facts about the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty The Nehru-Gandhi dynasty starts with the Mughal man named Ghiyasuddin Ghazi. He was the City Kotwal i.e. police officer of Delhi prior to the uprising of 1857, under the Mughal rule. After capturing Delhi in 1857, in the year of the mutiny, the British were slaughtering all Mughals everywhere. The British made a thorough search and killed every Mughal so that there were no future claimant to the throne of Delhi. The Hindus on the other hand were not targeted by the British unless isolated Hindus were found to be siding with the Mughals, due to past associations. Therefore, it became customary for many Mohammedans to adopt Hindu names. So, the man Ghiyasuddin Ghazi (the word means kafir-killer) adopted a Hindu name Gangadhar Nehru and thus saved his life by the subterfuge. Ghiyasuddin Ghazi apparently used to reside on the bank of a canal (or Nehr) near the Red Fort. Thus, he adopted the name 'Nehru' as the family name. Through out the world, we do not find any descendant other than that of Gangadhar, having the surname Nehru. The 13th volume ofthe "Encyclopedia of Indian War of Independence" (ISBN: 81-261-3745-9) by M.K. Singh states it elaborately. The Government of India have been hiding this fact. City Kotwal was an important post like today's Commissioner of Police. It appears from Mughal records that there was no Hindu Kotwal employed. It was extremely unlikely for a Hindu to be hired for that post. Compulsorily only Mohammedans of foreign ancestry were hired for such important posts. Jawaharlal Nehru's second sister Krishna Hutheesing also mentions in her memoirs that her grandfather was the city Kotwal of Delhi prior to 1857's uprising when Bahadur Shah Zafar was still the sultan of Delhi. Jawaharlal Nehru, in his autobiography, states that he have seen a picture of his grandfather which portrays him like a Mughal nobleman. In that picture it appears that he was having long & very thick beard, wearing a Muslim cap and was having two swords in his hands. Jawaharlal Nehru also states in his autobiography that on their way to Agra (a seat of Mughal influence) from Delhi, the members of his grand father's family were detained by the British. The reason for the detention was their Mughal features. They however pleaded that they were Kashmiri Pandits and thus got away. The Urdu literature of the 19thcentury, especially the works of Khwaja Hasan Nizami, are full of the miseries that the Mughals and Mohammedans have to face then. They also describe how Mughals escaped to other cities to save their lives. In all probability, Jawahar Nehru's Mughal grandfather and his family were among them. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Jawaharlal Nehru was a person that India adores. He was undoubtedly a very sound politician and a gifted individual. But, the Government of India has not built a memorial of Jawaharlal Nehru at his birth place 77 Mirganj in Allahabad, because it is a brothel. The entire locality is a well known red light area since long. It has not become a brothel recently, but it has been a brothel even before Jawaharlal Nehru's birth. A portion of the same house was sold by his father Motilal Nehru to a prostitute named Lali Jaan and it came to be known as "Imambada". If you have some doubt, you may visit the place. Several dependable sources and also & Wikipedia say this. Motilal Nehru along with his family, later shifted to Anand Bhawan. Remember that Anand Bhawan is Jawaharlal Nehru's ancestral house and not his birth place. M. O. Mathai of Indian Civil Service served as the Private Secretary to Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Mathai has written a book "Reminiscences of the Nehru Age" (ISBN-13: 9780706906219).In the book Mathai reveals that there was intense love affair between Jawaharlal Nehru and Edwina Mountbatten (wife of the last Viceroy to India, Louis Mountbatten). The romance was a source of great embarrassment for Indira Gandhi, who used to seek Maulana Abul Kalam Azad's help in persuading her father to be little discreet about their relationship. - See more at:
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:43
Nice Dersaneler gördüm içinde kafir yok. Nice münafıklar gördüm içinde Dersane sevgisi yok!
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:42
bir yiğide bir bozkurta yedi kafir az olur...
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:42
Puchea Ek Din Khuda Nu Mai.. Raat Uth K Teri Bandagi Krn da Fayda Ki Hai.? Te J Na Kariye Ta Nuksaan Ki Hai.. Khuda ne Jwab Dita. ''..Kafir., J Raat Kde Teri Akh Khulh Jawe Te Tu Fir So Jaye Ta Smjh Lwi Tu Mere Nal Bewafai Kiti.. Par J Teri Akh Khulh Jawe Te Tu Uth k Ibadat Kre, Menu Yaad Kre.. Te Baad vich Mere Kolo Kuj Manghe Te Mai Na Dita., Ta Smjh Lwi Mai Tere Nal Bewafai Kiti.. Jo Ki Mai Kde Nahi Krda.. RajNish
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:42
jika umat islam gk mau jihad dengan pedang, maka orang kafir akan menghabisi kita dengan senjata mereka , hukum Alloh dan da'wah sudah tidak dihiraukan, maka benarlah, "islam itu bisa tegak dengan pedang Alloh"
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:41
kudeta di mesir menambah pelajaran berharga bahwa SUARA MAYORITAS di parlemen KALAH dengan
- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:47PM
Like A Halid :3s Facebook-Pinnwand
Like A Halid :3s Facebook-Pinnwand
Willkommen auf der Welt
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:04
Willkommen auf der Welt
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:47PM
jihad - Social Mention
Once we get 1000 likes (and brothers and sisters, it is AMAZING how the average Sunni hates the Mushrik Rawaafidh, almost a thousand likes in just about 2 days!), we will upload our new video, it is going to be the most hilarious Anti-Majos video EVER, I repeat EVER, In sha Allah! But come on, until then keep sharing this website to every single person (even non-Muslim) on facebook, your reward is for Allah, remember, fighting the people of Shirk and Zandaqa and Bid'ah like the Rafidah is considered Jihad, the Jihad of the pen is actually regarded as one of the greatest Jihad.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:46
A pious practising woman is better than 70 wali Allah. A corrupt woman is worse than 1000 corrupt men. Two rakaats namaz prayed by a pregnant woman is better than 80 rakaats prayed by a non pregnant woman. A breastfeeding woman is rewarded for every drop of milk fed to her baby. when a woman's husband returns home stressed and she welcomes him n supports him, she is rewarded for half of jihad. If a woman is unable to sleep due to her baby crying she is rewarded for freeing 20 slaves. when a woman gazes at her husband with love and he gazes at her with love, then Allah looks upon both of them with love. when a woman sends her husband in the path of deen and safegaurds her chastity, she will enter paradise 500 years before the man and she will be made chief of 70, 000 angels and Maids (hoors). She will be given ghusl in Jannat and will ride on a horse dressed in heavenly jewels awaiting her husband's arrival. when a woman is anxious and doesn't get rest due to her baby being ill and is busy in comforting her child, she is rewarded 13 years of accepted worship and all her sins are forgiven. If a woman does zikr whilst sweeping her house, she is rewarded for sweeping inside the Ka'baa Sharif. SUBHANALLAH
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:46
Live Review: Slayer's Reign of Thud, 11.30.13 @ Tsongas Center
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:46
What the fuck happened to the mighty fucking Slayer? For fans of the band, or fans of metal of any type, it's a real question; and more than just […]
Official Tea Party USA - Creeping sharia creeps along thanks to Barack HUSSEIN Obama Creeping slowly over this year into cities across America, sharia law...a form of soft the first step in Obama�s and his muslim buddies goal of turning our beloved America into an islamic caliphate.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:45
Creeping slowly over this year into cities across America, sharia law...a form of soft the first step in Obama�s and his muslim buddies goal of turning our beloved America into an islamic caliphate.
FLUSH out>IMF intruders invaders international MONSTERS' filth USA united SLAVERY alliance IMF'S filth WORLD sophisticated SLAVERYIMF'S filth USA{ CANDO amnesia}.yes OR no}{THE Romans' 666 DOGS}God WE Trust"ROUT" BIPOLAR T'ota CH'SH'M kala BAGH Team>{"Please JOIN biolar work TEAM"}.{GO ogle ADULTERY filth SMELL Bo OGLE Bibble PLURAL Bible's FILTH pope PAPACY Papal Western CULTURE Liberty BABTISED filth SMELL Bo ogle 666 GO ogle PRODUCTION of ADULTERY fathers UNKNOWN{}Come INTO senses INSANITY Bipolar{JEWISH' Holocaust MUSLIMS' Genocide}{Cell: 647 965-9870 Hailian B.COM. Punjab University}{Toronto CONDO specialist INDUSTRIAL commercial INVESTMENT properties SALES representative} Come INTO senses BIPOLAR insanity Drugs BACKING smoke}>RECIPROCAL
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:45
Hamza Al Mouahid Au jour de la résurrection, chaque femmes et enfants demanderont des comptes.... Tant de musulmans dans le monde, tant de beaux discours sur le sham mais dans les actions on voit rien.... Craigniez Allah, craigniez le chatiment du feu et faites le jihad pour sauver votre ame...
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:44
YAMAN !!! Setelah negara Syuriah dibantai, kini Syiah menyerang Sunni di Yaman!!! Apakah Indonesia berikutnya??? Na'udzubillah. Info Terbaru Dari Yaman Inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'uun. Telah meninggal dunia saudara kita, Husain Al-Awlaqi (salah satu orang terkaya di Yaman) dalam pertempuran melawan pemberontak Syiah di Kitaf, Yaman. Selama ini, beliau banyak membantu rakyat (mujahidin) Yaman yang berperang : ▬ melawan pemberontak Syiah, ▬▬ dengan mendermakan harta beliau untuk jihad. Syiah memerangi duluan, maka wajiblah kita melawannya! Semoga Allah ta'ala mengampuni kesalahan-kesalahan beliau dan menerima amal ibadah beliau. Aamiin. ⋙ Rasulullah Shallallahu'alaihi Wasallam bersabda : "Barangsiapa menyiapkan bekal bagi seorang mujahid di jalan Allah sungguh ia telah berjihad dan barangsiapa menjaga keluarga yang ditinggalkan seorang mujahid maka sungguh ia telah berjihad" (HR.Muslim : 12/425) "Barangsiapa menginfakkan hartanya di jalan Allah maka di tetapkan pahala baginya 700 kali lipat". (HR. Tirmidzi : 6/363 dengan sanad hasan) ⋙ PROGRAM PEDULI YAMAN Bagi Anda yang mau turut berpartisipasi dalam Program Peduli Yaman, dapat menyalurkan donasi melalui: ■Bank BNI Syariah, nomor ■atas nama Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al Atsari Agar tidak tercampur dengan : ▬ donasi program Suriah, ▬▬ donatur diharapkan memberikan sms konfirmasi ke nmr CP/Bendahara Program Dammaj: +62.8232.258.9997 (Ramdhan Hidayat) Format sms: BNI37#Yaman#Nama#nominal Donasi#Tanggal Transfer#Bank Asal Transfer Contoh: BNI37#Yaman#Ahmad#50.000#15/11/2013#BCA ----- Untuk keperluan operasional & pembiayaan relawan, donasi dapat disalurkan melalui: ■Bank BNI Syariah, nomor: atas nama Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al Atsari, atau ■Pengiriman pulsa ke nomor telkomsel +6281.329.312.394 (dari nomor ini, sebagian pulsa akan ditransfer ke nomor-nomor telkomsel relawan di lapangan: Dammaj/Suriah/lokal) ___ Info donasi: Muslim.Or.Id __ Kalau sudah begini, masihkah kita membela syi'ah??? Jangan sampai demikian...! Ketika Indonesia sudah dibantai barulah menyesal...! #SyiahBukanIslam #SyiahSesat
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:44
Belum selesai pikiran kita tercurahkan untuk membantu Saudara-Saudara kita di Suriah yang didzalimi rezim Sosialis Syiah Bashar Al Assad, muncul kembali kaum syiah suku Hutsiy di Yaman yang mengepu...
Bae we meja urangmah meja paragi jihad no.! Lain meja koruptor..! Lain meja paragi menta duit kakolot,,! Pokonamah lain dari yg lain.!
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:42
jika umat islam gk mau jihad dengan pedang, maka orang kafir akan menghabisi kita dengan senjata mereka , hukum Alloh dan da'wah sudah tidak dihiraukan, maka benarlah, "islam itu bisa tegak dengan pedang Alloh"
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:41
kudeta di mesir menambah pelajaran berharga bahwa SUARA MAYORITAS di parlemen KALAH dengan senjata!!!!!!! masih adakah yg menerima pendapat jika ISLAM bisa tegak dengan sistem demokrasi???????????
lbaraka fryoskom jihad lah irhamha
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:40
Potret Ummat di Akhir Zaman Banyak diantara agama, dan sunnah Nabi -Shollallahu 'alaihi wasallam- yang dilalaikan orang pada hari ini sehingga terkadang menjadi sesuatu yang mahjur (ditinggalkan). Inilah yang pernah diisyaratkan oleh Nabi -Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam- ketika beliau bersabda dalam sebuah hadits, بَدَأَ الْإِسْلَامُ غَرِيْبًا وَسَيَعُوْدُ كَمَا بَدَأَ غَرِيْبًا فَطُوْبَى لِلْغُرَبَاءِ "Islam muncul dalam keadaan asing, dan akan kembali (asing), sebagaimana ia muncul dalam keadaan asing. Maka beruntunglah orang-orang asing". [HR. Muslim dalam Kitab Al-Iman (232)] Semua ini disebabkan karena kurangnya perhatian kaum muslimin terhadap agamanya dan sunnah Rasul-Nya-shollallahu alaihi wasallam-. Kurangnya perhatian mereka menuntut ilmu syar'i karena kesibukan duniawi yang memalingkan mereka. Sementara mereka tak ada perhatian lagi dengan majelis ilmu dan majelis ta'lim. Akibatnya, agama dan Sunnah Nabi -Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam- terasa asing dan aneh di sisi mereka. Memang mereka terkadang mendatangi majelis ta'lim. Namun jika mereka hadir, nampak pada wajah mereka lelah dan keterpaksaan ikut majelis ta'lim. Yah, hanya sekedar hadir agar orang tidak mencelanya. Maka anda akan lihat orang semacam ini jika hadir di majelis ta'lim, ada yang ngantuk , bahkan tidur. Ada yang bersandar di tembok, jauh dari ustadz. Ada yang sengaja duduk di belakang untuk sembunyi; jika ngantuk dan tertidur, ia bisa sembunyikan wajahnya di balik punggung kawannya. Ada yang cerita dengan temannya sehingga mengganggu ceramah ustadz. Ada yang melayang pikirannya sampai Amerika. Inilah kondisi mereka sehingga tak heran jika mereka tetap jahil terhadap agamanya. Jika mendengar cerita yang menguntungkan dunianya, maka matanya terbelalak. Betul dunia adalah nikmat yang Allah berikan. Namun jangan dijadikan tujuan hidup dan pusat perhatian. Dunia diambil sekedar bekal menuju Allah -Ta'ala-. Allah tidak memberikan nikmat kepada seorang hamba-Nya, kecuali nikmat itu hanya sekedar alat dan sarana yang dipakai untuk beribadah dan beramal sholeh. Dunia dengan segala nikmatnya bukanlah merupakan tujuan dan terminal terakhir bagi seorang muslim. Akan tetapi merupakan tempat persinggahan mengambil bekal menuju perjalanan akhir, yaitu akhirat. Fenomena berlombanya kaum muslimin memperbanyak harta benda dan fasilitas duniawi sehingga membuat mereka lupa terhadap agamanya merupakan sebab tersebarnya kejahilan. Jika semakin hari, semakin tersebar kejahilan, maka ketahuilah bahwa ini adalah salah satu diantara ciri dan tanda dekatnya hari kiamat. Nabi-shollallahu alaihi wasallam- bersabda, مِنْ أَشْرَاطِ السَّاعَةِ : أَنْ يُرْفَعَ الْعِلْمُ وَ يُثْبَتَ الْجَهْلُ "Diantara tanda-tanda kiamat: Diangkatnya ilmu, dan kokohnya (banyaknya) kejahilan". [HR. Al-Bukhoriy dalam Shohih-nya (80), dan Muslim dalam Shohih-nya (2671)] Di akhir zaman, seperti zaman kita ini, sebelum datangnya hari kiamat akan ada hari-hari yang di dalamnya turun dan tersebar kejahilan yang disebabkan oleh malasnya manusia dan enggannya mereka dari menuntut ilmu agama, yaitu ilmu tentang Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah. Nabi-shollallahu alaihi wasallam- bersabda, إِنَّ بَيْنَ يَدَيِ السَّاعَةِ لَأَيَّامًا يَنْزِلُ فِيْهَا الْجَهْلُ وَيُرْفَعُ الْعِلْمُ "Sesungguhnya di depan hari kiamat ada hari-hari yang kejahilan diturunkan di dalamnya, dan ilmu diangkat". [HR. Al-Bukhoriy (6654)] Di tengah kabut kejahilan menyelimuti manusia, tersebarlah berbagai macam maksiat berupa pembunuhan, pencurian, perzinaan, dan kerakusan terhadap harta. Ini semua diakibatkan oleh hilangnya ilmu agama yang bermanfaat di tengah manusia. Nabi-shollallahu alaihi wasallam- bersabda dalam riwayat lain ketika menyebutkan tanda dekatnya hari kiamat, يَتَقَارَبُ الزَّمَانُ وَيُقْبَضُ الْعِلْمُ وَتَظْهَرُ الْفِتَنُ وَيُلْقَى الشُّحُّ وَيَكْثُُرُ الْهَرْجُ "Zaman akan saling mendekat, diangkatnya ilmu, munculnya berbagai fitnah (masalah), diletakkan kerakusan, dan banyaknya peperangan". [HR. Al-Bukhoriy (989) dan Muslim (157)] Al-Imam Ibnu Baththol –rahimahullah- berkata , "Semua yang dikandung oleh hadits ini berupa tanda-tanda kiamat sungguh kami telah melihatnya dengan mata kepala. Ilmu sungguh telah diangkat, kejahilan muncul, dile tak kannya penyakit rakus dalam hati, fitnah (musibah) merata, dan pembunuhan banyak". [Lihat Fath Al-Bari (13/16)] Ini di zamannya Ibnu Baththol –rahimahullah-, maka bagaimana lagi di zaman kita ini kejahilan merata dimana-mana, baik di kota maupun di pedalaman. Kejahilan di negeri kita bukan hanya mengenai rakyat jelata yang tak berpendidikan agama, bahkan juga mengenai kaum terpelajar. Hal ini sebagaimana yang disabdakan oleh Nabi-shollallahu alaihi wasallam-, إِنَّ اللهَ لَا يَقْبِضُ الْعِلْمَ اِنْتِزَاعًا يَنْتَزِعُهُ مِنَ النَّاسِ وَلَكِنْ يَقْبِضُ الْعِلْمَ بِقَبْضِ الْعُلَمَاءِ حَتَّى إِذَا لَمْ يَتْرُكْ عَالِمًا اِتَّخَذَ النَّاسُ رُؤُسًا جُهَّالًا فُسُئِلُوْا فَأَفْتَوْا بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ فَضَلُّوْا وَأَضَلُّوْا "Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengangkat ilmu dengan sekali mencabutnya dari manusia. Akan tetapi Allah mencabut ilmu dengan mematikan para ulama' sehingga apabila Allah tidak menyisakan lagi seorang ulama'pun, maka manusiapun mengangkat pemimpin-pemimpin yang jahil. Mereka (para pemimpin tsb) ditanyai, lalu merekapun memberikan fatwa tanpa ilmu. Akhirnya mereka sesat dan menyesatkan (manusia)" .[HR.Al-Bukhory dalam Kitab Al-Ilm (100), dan Muslim dalam Kitab Al-Ilm (2673)] Al-Imam Abu Zakariya An-Nawawiy-rahimahullah- berkata ketika menjelaskan makna hadits di atas, "Hadits ini menjelaskan maksud tercabutnya ilmu dalam hadits-hadits lalu yang muthlak (umum), bukan menghapusnya dari dada para penghafal (pemilik) ilmu itu. Akan tetapi maknanya, para pembawa ilmu itu (yakni para ulama) akan mati. Lalu manusia mengangkat orang-orang jahil (sebagai pemimpin dalam agama). Orang-orang jahil itu memutuskan perkara berdasarkan kejahilan-kejahilannya. Lantaran itu ia sesat, dan menyesatkan orang". [Lihat Al-Minhaj Syarh Shohih Muslim ibn Al-Hajjaj (16/224), cet. Dar Ihya' At-Turots Al-Arabiy] Alangkah banyaknya pemimpin dan ustadz-ustadz seperti ini. Mereka diangkat oleh manusia sebagai seorang ulama' dan ustadz. Padahal ia tidaklah pantas dijadikan panutan, karena ia jahil. Kalaupun ia berilmu, namun ilmu itu di buang di belakang punggungnya. Manusia jenis ini banyak bermunculan bagaikan jamur di musim hujan. Coba lihat disana, manusia mengangkat seorang pelawak sebagai "da'i sejuta ummat". Padahal bisanya cuma tertawa dan menggelitik para pendengar. Dari arah lain, muncul para normal yang dulunya dijauhi oleh manusia, karena dikenal memiliki sihir. Sesaat kemudian berubah menjadi "da'i sejuta ummat", karena sekedar pernah memimpin dzikir jama'ah yang dihadiri oleh sebagian kiyai jahil dan orang-orang yang memiliki kedudukan. Dulunya tukang sihir dan dukun (para normal), kini menjadi ustadz, bahkan terakhir bergelar "KH". Artis pun tak ketinggalan ambil job dalam kancah dakwah dengan bermodalkan semangat kemampuan tampil di depan publik dan wajah ganteng sebagai modal dengkul untuk menarik ummat menuju ke neraka. Bagaimana tidak, sebab seorang yang berdakwah tanpa ilmu akan mengantarkan dirinya berbicara tanpa batas, sehingga terkadang ia telah merusak dan menghancurkan agama pendengarnya, namun ia tak sadar karena memandang dirinya lebih pandai dari pendengar. Padahal ia jahil atau mungkin
- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:47PM
dawa - Social Mention
Jaanu I Miss u so Much..Mai nahi Jee sakta Hu Ap Ke Bager..Bus apne Mot Ka ItzaR Kar Raha hu..par wo Bhi nHai aate hai..Ap Jaha Bhi ho Khush Rehana aur Hastye Rehana..because ap ko mai hamesha khush dekhana cahta hu. Hur din ap ke yad aate hai.bal ke hur pal..pata hai jaanu hum Phale Bar cinemax cinema k yaha milye thye.. kabhi kabhi jata hu..Mai ap kaa itzar karta hu par ap nahi atte ho..Kyu itna yaad aate ho jaanu..kyu.. kya ap ko bhi itne yaad aate hai mare.. mai is janam mai to har gya par agle janam mai nahi haruga.. I misss u a lot much..I love u a 2 lot much. Apna dhyan rakhana mare jaan.. aur apne hato kaa hath mat jalanna ager jal jye to plz jaanu barnol jarur lagana.. aur haa ap jab bhi bimar hogye to tym par dawa le lena because ap ko dawa dene wala chye aise nahi late ho..Ap khush rehana..aur apne mummy daddy ko mera sorry kehana..mai kya kahu jaanu bus ap ke bahot yaad aate hai bahot pyar karne kaa man hota hai ap ko.aur apne bahyo ko bhi sorry kehana jaanu..aur apne life bannao aur khush waqt tumarye sath gujrye wo mare married life the..ab mai single hu..mujhe koi nahi chye apni life mai tumare siwa..bus tumare siwa..
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:46
Idaning crkt game gulo besi besi khela hcce....gum,khawa dawa,study and add vaji..agulo aktu olt palt hoe gesi bt khelte o kharp lagena jani extra kno kichui valo r krrar ami amoni...i love crkt
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:46
Happy,happier,happiest....that is wat I am ...sku hizo furaha ndo zangu,a clean mynd,a loving heart yes that is wat I am sijui mtafanya aje aki bt hamuezi change that ataaaaaaa!!!ataa,,ata kwa dawa never..
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:46
Dawać Górnicy i cisnac z Pedalami!!!
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:45
dawa bado?? nkt!
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:45
Her chand k us ka taqaza nahi karte.... ....kis dil se kahen k teri tamana nahi karte... ....tanhai main lab par aajaye ga tera nam..... ....hum tujh ko bhola denge yeh dawa nahi karte....
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:45
...dawa ya dry cough ni gani?....
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:43
Dawać mi te hajsy, mogę psa wyprowadzić
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:43
-------------------------------- ZAMÓW ALBUM: -------------------------------- Artist: KęKę; Title: Ja się pyt...
betapa sakit.a mengharapknmu yg tak pernah peka terhadap perasaanku.. hanya aku yg slalu ,, tp ........kau tak pernah menganggap.ku ada.. diri inih' seperti layaknya orang mati' .. berbicara.. melambai.. berjalan menyertai langkah pernah sedikitpun kau hiraukn.. usahlah memberi harapan tuk diri inih, hanya membunuh nurani dlam jiwa inih.. dan..... mulai saat inih biarlah q brjalan dngan cara.ku sndiri, mungkin akn lebih baik jika aku tak slalu .. biar waktu.ku tak terbuang sia" yg hanya yg tak pasti bsa memberi aph yg kuharapkn selama inih.. maaf .... jika q memilih tuk menjauh perlahan pergi dr .. q percaya kamu mampu tanpa ada kabar.ku disetiap detik ..detakn .. denyut nadi ...
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:43
Dawa v kaam na aaye Koi dua na lage.... Mere khuda kavi kisi ko pyar ki hawa na lage..
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:42
Ghai ati nilíingia job mrng,naninatokea kesho mrng surely..!BANIANI MMBAYA LAKINI Kiatu chake dawa...!
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:42
''Panua.... aki Baby panua, ni tamu...plz si upanue....sio kubwa panua!....toa mkono wacha kushika utafanya nimwage nje!sikubwa sana panua,sitaingiza yote baby panua plz...'Baby panua' mama kamwambia ¡mtoto wake katika harakati za kumpa dawa kwa kijiko kidogo.Wacha fikra chafu.Hii nmetranslate u c jali.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:42
Ngeno k !tafuta dawa b4 19th umeze on that dei when Hon MKK went 2 N A Nrk C.mekerer met zaidi KK sio mbaya,Vt HIM.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:41
Mwasema penzi sumu mbona bac watu hunywa dawa kujiugwa?
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:41
Stori: Gladness Mallya na Chande Abdallah AMA kweli duniani kuna mambo! Mzee Juma Kondo (80) mkazi wa Mkuranga mkoani Pwani amejiua kwa kunywa dawa ya macho hivi karibuni kutokana na wivu wa kimapenzi, Risasi Mchanganyiko limefukunyua. Mke wa …
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:41
Barbaad Kar Gaye Wo Zndgi Pyar Ke Naam Pe, Bewafai Mili Hume Wafa Ke Naam Pe, Aisa Zakhm De Gaye Wo Dawa Ke Naam Pe, Ki Khuda Bhi Roo Pada Meri Mohabbat Ke Anjaam Pe!
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:40
Hamri dawa ha k ap k axem achy hn ar ap achy numbron se pas ho jao or hamin achy lafzon mn yd kro bs ya daw ha hamre Ayesha Malik
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:40
Golden tips" Dosti k baad mohabat ho sakti hai mgr mohabat k baad dosti nhi ho sakti Q K ???????? "dawa mout se pehle hi asar karti hai mout k baad nahi"
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:39
Nijajionea mmi ngero uctumie dawa ovyo jo!
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:39
funguka Cox Dawa Yao
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:39
# NIMEJARIBU KUCHUNGUZA WANAWAKE WA HUMU FACEBOOK NIKAGUNDUA KITU # (y) Kuna Mwingine Ukimtongoza Anakukubali Mnachat Fresh Kumbe Nia Yake Akupeleleze Maisha Unayoishi Hapo Ukimpa Tu Ukweli Kuhusu Life Lako Utaona Kaanza Kukupotezea (y) Mwingine Ukimtongoza Anakukubalia Mnachat Fresh Tu Kumbe Nia Yake Akuone Live Ulivyo Hapo Mkionana Live Utaona Mdogo Mdogo Aanakupotezea (y) Kuna Mwingine Ukimtongoza Anakukubalia Kwa Ajili Ya Kuuza Naye Sura Humu Ndani Muitane Bby/Cwty/ Muandikiane Status Muwekane Profile Pict Ukimgusia Tu Swala La Kuonana Kila Siku Virungu Kibao (y) Kuna Mwingine Ukimtongoza Anakukubali Ili Awe Anakupiga Vizinga Akiona Tu Hueleweki Huna Pesa Anaanza Kukukwepa (y) Wengi Wakiona Msela Maisha Anayoishi Humu Facebook Na Anayoishi Mtaani Yapo Tofauti Wanaanzaga Dharau Mfano Humu Uwe Unaonekana Kwenye Picha Zako Handsome Una Swaga/Au Picha Zako Nyingi Uwe Unaonekana Wa Kishua/Mwengine Anaweza Akakupenda Sababu Ya Status Zako/ Ila Siku Akikuona Live Akiona Upo Tofauti Na Alivyokuwa Anakufikiria Anakupotezea # Hongera Xana Girls Msiopenda Kuchagua/Kubagua/Kudharau/ Wanaume Yani Mnampenda Mtu Jinsi Alivyo # Mlaaniwe Nyie Girls Wenye Dharau Mnaopenda Kuwadharau/Kuwazuga/Kuchagua/ Kubagua/ Wanaume Tena Wengi Wenu Wenye Hizo Tabia Mnakuwaga Wakawaida/Vicheche/ Na Mtazidi Kugongwa Na Kuachwa Daily
"Maray ta Naaraman ko na igwa kaning page na arog kani!! hahhahahahahaa! wew! naiimba ako sa mga GALAWAN MOVES kang mga nagshare o bida sa pigshare ninda! Ako igwa man ako isshare... Ini 3 years ago pa! 2nd year garo ako kani ta pang 5 years ko na digdi?! :D hahaha... ini nangyari sa bakong tagong lugar... bakong madiklom... bakong alanganin na oras! aram nindo kung sain????!! sa LIBRARY! Short story lang ni... puruunan pa lang kang semester kadto... syempre civilian pa lang... nagbabarasa kami sa 3rd flr kang library with my FRIENDS! tapos syempre duman baga mejo pwede magribok ta gurang ang bantay (kang panahon na to)... tapos, saro sa mga barkada ko, narisa ang magbata sa atubangan ming table... SWEETUN! wew!~ tapos... nabisto mi! si Akahito Murusaki-san tapos si Bozusima'the'Cameleon-kun! sabi mi! woa! amfufufufu! Oh edi iyo to... si kamot kang Ninja nagbababa... edi pigmamasdan mi sana man with matching padangog. Tapos mahiling mi na, nasa laog na kang pants ni girl... sa pitchi pitchi amfufufu! hilinga na yan! Tama talaga garo talaga ang kasabihan na ""Sa Sex/Foreplay, ang babae kaipuhan rason... ang lalaki, ang kaipuhan lang LUGAR!"" hahaha. dawa library dae pinatawad! :D" #ADNUusmak - Pando, College of Computer Studies, BaS IT 2014
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:37
Dziś urodzinki obchodzi Ozzy,oby zdrowie mu dopisywało i dalej dawał nam szatana!
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:37
Kabhi ankahi baaton ki ada hai Dosti, Kabhi Gam ki dawa hai Dosti. Kami hai pujne walon ki, Warna Zameen par Khuda hai DOSTI..:-):-):-):-):-):-):-) Be Friend Forever
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:36
CO WIEMY O KUCHACH FELIŃSKICH!!! 3/20 dlaczego teraz nie piętnuje się kuców felińskich?? a) bo jest to niezgodne z ustawą o obronie zwierząt? b) bo numerki by zajmowały je całe ;) c) bo znakowanie i tak niewiele dawało /Gładka
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:36
Koro dawa nyar Siprosa Nyar Ndaya osepidha kod del moolo echak mopwoo. Koro ayieng.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:35
Will the U.S. Allow Iraq to Steal a Jewish Treasure?
Dec 3rd 2013, 16:56 - Found 1 hour agoFor good measure the Prime Minister's� Dawa Party went further and called on all Islamic countries to sever any and all relations with...
Increase in Electricity Tariffs Required to Realise Power Generating ...
Dec 3rd 2013, 12:58 - Found 5 hours ago... the Gilgel Gibe III, with 1,870MW and the Genale Dawa III, with 254MW, are the hydropower plants under construction.
Most wanted Hafiz shapes Pakistan policy towards India
Dec 3rd 2013, 05:15
The memo says that Pakistan's notorious intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), 'listens' to Saeed and 'follows his diktats'.
Street cleaners get sweaters to fight cold
Dec 3rd 2013, 00:38
A group of Saudi women in Riyadh has launched a campaign to distribute sweaters among street cleaners in the capital to help protect them from the cold.
DPC: the danger within
Dec 2nd 2013, 19:40
The Nation Pakistan - Found 11 hours agoJamaatud Dawa (JuD), the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Sami (JUI-S), Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), Alhamdia Students and others participated in the rally. Pakistan: thousands rally against US drone attacks - Hindustan Times Mumbai mastermind Saeed calls on Nawaz govt to stop construction of ... - Malaysia Sun Thousands rally in Lahore against US drone attacks - Daily Times Mumbai mastermind Saeed cal... - Siasat Daily Explore All The News International
Street cleaners get sweaters to fight cold
Dec 2nd 2013, 15:11
Arab News - Found 15 hours agoMuna bint Nasser Al-Khaledi, director of the women's section at the Dawa Center in North Riyadh, said: "We want to support cleaning...
Dire Dawa (ድሬዳዋ)
Jun 6th 2013, 04:16
A glimpse of Dire Dawa City, Ethiopia.
Make My DayTHE End of Petrosexual Man,872/565.html
May 27th 2010, 07:00
A 13-year-old American boy, Jordan Romero, became the youngest person to scale the Mt.
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- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:46PM
takbir - Social Mention
,.haty terpenuh,i takbir kepalsuan.. .,hingga semakin ku tk berdaaya.!!! #.v
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:46
Tuhan, lihatlah betapa kaum beragama negeri ini mereka tak mau kalah dengan kaum beragama lain di negeri-negeri lain, demi mendapatkan ridha Mu mereka rela mengorbankan saudara-saudara mereka untuk berebut tempat terdekat di sisi Mu mereka bahkan tega menyodok dan menikam hamba-hamba Mu sendiri demi memperoleh rahmat Mu mereka memaafkan kesalahan dan mendiamkan kemungkaran bahkan mendukung kelaliman untuk membuktikan keluhuran budi mereka terhadap setanpun mereka tak pernah berburuk sangka Tuhan, lihatlah betapa baik kaum beragama negeri ini mereka terus membuatkan Mu rumah-rumah mewah di antara gedung-gedung kota hingga tengah-tengah sawah dengan kubah-kubah megah dan menara-menara menjulang untuk meneriakkan nama Mu menambah segan dan keder hamba-hamba kecil Mu yang ingin sowan kepada Mu nama Mu mereka nyanyikan dalam acara hiburan hingga pesta agung kenegaraan mereka merasa begitu dekat dengan Mu hingga masing-masing merasa berhak mewakili Mu yang memiliki kelebihan harta membuktikan kedekatannya dengan harta yang Engkau berikan yang memiliki kelebihan kekuasaan membuktikan kedekatannya dengan kekuasaan yang Engkau limpahkan yang memiliki kelebihan ilmu membuktikan kedekatannya dengan ilmu yang Engkau karuniakan mereka yang Engkau anugerahi kekuatan seringkali bahkan merasa diri Engkau sendiri mereka bukan saja ikut menentukan ibadah tapi juga menetapkan siapa ke sorga siapa ke neraka mereka sakralkan pendapat mereka dan mereka akbarkan semua yang mereka lakukan hingga takbir dan ikrar mereka yang kosong bagai perut bedug
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:42
NASIBAH BIN KA'AB MUJAHIDAH YANG DIRINDUKAN SURGA Nasibah bin Ka'ab adalah putra dari Abdulloh bin Kaab yang bergelar Ummu Umaroh , Beliau sosok wanita pertama yang mengangkat senjata berperang bersama Rosululloh Saw dalam perang UHUD yang telah menewaskan ribuan Sahabat – sahabat Rosululloh saw termasuk keluarga Nasibah bin Ka'ab yang semuanya gugur ikut berperang mendampingi Rosululloh saw. Ketika kaum Muslimin yang dipimpin Rosululloh saw berperang di Bukit UHUD , kala itu Nasibah bin Ka'ab sedang berada di rumah dan berkumpul dengan anggota keluarganya. Nasibah mendengar Teriakan riuh dan gema Takbir 'Alloh huakkbar", dan Nasibah memberitahu suaminya "Sa'id " bahwa Rosululloh SAW dan pasukannya sedang bertempur di bukit UHUD. Seketika itu bangkitlah Sa'id dan menyuruh istrinya mempersiapkan Kuda dan senjata untuk ikut bergabung dengan rosululloh berperang melawan tentara kafir. Bawalah Pedang ini dan jangan Pulang sampai kau memperoleh kemenangan" kata Nasibah memberi semangat suaminya yang akan berperang. Ditatap wajah istrinya dengan penuh Cinta berangkatlah Sa'id dan bergabung dengan Rosululloh saw dan Rosulpun menatap Said dengan senyuman. mujahiddes Dengan gagah Said bertempur dengan pasukan kafir hingga akhirnya Said gugur ditebas pedang oleh tentara kafir. Lalu Rosululloh mengutus Sahabat untuk menemui istri Sa'id dirumah bahwa suaminya telah gugur. Berangkatlah utusan tersebut untuk menemui Nasibah bin Kaab istri Sa'id di rumah. "Assalamualaikum " Wahai Nasibah ada Salam dari Rosululloh dan Suamimu Said telah gugur " ,kata Utusan Rosululloh ." Innalillahi wa inna ilahi roji'un , alhamdulillah suamiku telah memperoleh kemenangan , lihatlah Wahai kedua anakku , Ayahmu telah memperoleh kemenangan , dia telah menjadi Syahid, Ibu menangis bukan karena sedih kehilangan Ayahmu Nak….tapi ibu sedih karena tidak ada yang menggantikan ayahmu untuk berjuang bersama Rosululloh . Bangkitlah Amar putra tertua Nasibah bin Kaab , Wahai ibu biar aku yang menggantikan posisi ayah untuk berjuang bersama Nabi Muhammad saw . Alhamdulillah pergilah Nak….jangan kau biarkan Rosulullloh terluka. Berangkatlah Amar bin Said bersama utusan Rosululloh dan menghadap Rosululloh SAW. Wahai Rosululloh Saya Amar putra Said akan bergabung dengan mu membela agama Alloh. Rasululloh saw memeluknya dengan haru" Engkau pemuda islam sejati dan Alloh memberkatimu. Bertempurlah Amar bin Said dengan gagahnya menghalau pasukan kafir. Hingga akhirnya Amar gugur sebagai Syahid. Datanglah utusan kembali menemui Nasibah bin Ka'ab dan mengabarkan berita gugurnya Amar putra tertua Nasibah. Meneteslah air mata Nasibah mendengar berita tersebut, melihat hal itu Ututsan Rosululloh mencoba menghiburnya . Namun Nasibah dengan Tegar mengatakan "Aku menangis bukan karena kehilangan putraku Amar , tapi siapa lagi yang aku utus untuk membantu Rosululloh saw berperang, sedangkan putra keduaku Saad masih terlalu remaja untuk ikut berperang melawan pasukan kafir " Tiba tiba Saad putra kedua Nasibah bangkit' Wahai ibu biar aku masih remaja izinkan aku juga membantu Rosulullloh dan akan aku buktikan bahwa aku mampu berperang seperti Ayah dan kakakku. Mendengar hal itu bukan main senangnya Nasibah bin Kaab, Alhamdulillah berangkatlah nak sampaikan salam ku untuk Rosululloh . Walaupun masih remaja namun kemampuan Saad untuk bertempur sangat luar biasa, banyak pasukan kafir yang tewas ditangan Saad. Bak singa mengamuk Saad mempora porandakan pertahanan pasukan kafir, hingga akhirnya sebilah anak panah menembus jantungnya dan gugurlah Saad dengan senyum kemenangan. Dan rosulullloh pun kembali mengutus sahabatnya untuk menyampaikan gugurnya Saad kerumah Nasibah . Wahai sahabat Rosul aku sudah tidak punya siapa siapa lagi , hanya tubuh renta ini yang aku miliki maka bawalah aku menemui Rosululoh untuk ikut berperang dengannya dengan lantang Nasibah mengutarakan Niatnya untuk berperang bersama Rosululloh. Menghadaplah Nasibah menemui Rosululloh untuk ikut angkat senjata bersamanya." Wahai Nasibah belum waktunya perempuan untuk angkat senjata kata Rosululloh, untuk itu kau Rawatlah para prajurit yang terluka karena pahalanya sama dengan orang yang berperang. Nasibah turut berjuang bersama pasukan muslimin dalam perang Uhud. Nasibah hanya membawa kantong air untuk memberi minum para pejuang serta perban untuk membalut luka mereka. Namun saat Nasibah melihat kemenangan kaum muslimin yang telah digenggam tiba tiba lepas karena banyak pasukan yang tidak menaati rasullulloh,Pasukan Rasululloh meninggalkan Bukit Uhud dan beberapa mereka mengumpulkan harta rampasan Perang dan Nasibah melihat orang orang meninggalkan rasululloh, maka Nasibahpun pun maju untuk membentengi rasullulloh dari serangan orang- orang kafir kafir. Ia berjuang begitu gigih demi melindungi Rosululloh SAW, dengan sebilah pedang Nasibah ikut berperang melindungi Rosululloh . Orang orang yang tadinya meninggalkan rosululloh tercengang ketika Rosulullloh di serang oleh pasukan kafir. Keadaan semakin kacau pasukan Rosululloh banyak yang gugur. Tangan Kanan Nasibah putus terhempas pedang kaum Kafir, namun tak mematahkan semangatnya untuk tetap berjuang membela agama Alloh. Dengan lengan yang putus Nasibah mencari Rosululloh dan merasa khawatir akan keselamatan Rosululloh dan hatinya galau takut Rosululloh Saw terluka, dan tiba tiba Pedang kaum kafir menebas lehernya robohlah tubuh Nasibah ketanah . dan seketika itu pula langit menjadi Gelap dan mendung . kedua pasukan yang saling bertempur terperangah melihat kejadian tersebut. Rasululloh saw pun bersabda" Kalian lihat langit tiba tiba mendung? itu adalah bayangan ribuan malaikat yang menyambut kedatangan arwah Nasibah Syahidah yang perkasa". Subhahanalloh
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:23
RENUNGAN DINI HARI MENANTI KEPAK MENTARI **" Eps. LOVE 1 "** Assalamu alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh Permisiii .. Numpang ngamen .. CINTA .. CINTA .. DAN CINTA .. Cinta memang indah .. Bahkan cinta konon adalah anugerah .. Hidup tanpa cinta konon bagai pohon tak berbuah .. Cinta kadang datang saat pandang pertama .. Tapi tak jarang cinta juga baru bersemi setelah beranak dua .. "HA..HA..HA" .. Cinta kadang diawali dengan PDKT lalu klik dan janji setia tuk jalin bersama dalam suka dan duka .. "OH YAACH" .. Dan itu artinya , ada proses yang harus dilaluinya yang masyhur dikalangan pecinta dengan istilah pacaran .. "HEHEHE" .. Tentunya sebagian dari kita , bahkan mungkin mayoritas dari kita pernah mengalaminya .. Dan itu artinya kita masih ingat , bahkan mungkin tak terhapuskan dalam memori kita tentang masa - masa indah kala memadu kasih .. "IYA KAAN" ..? Betapa kala itu adanya hanya rindu dan ingin selalu bertemu memadu cumbu rayu .. Betapa pada saat itu yang ada hanyalah hasrat ingin selalu bersatu .. Tak terpisahkan oleh jarak dan waktu .. Betapa saat itu tak kenal lelah , tak kenal keluh , dan tak kenal payah .. Apa pun dilakukan , bahkan mempertaruhkan nyawa satu - satunya demi kebahagiaan sang kekasihnya .. Sampai banyak anjing menggonggong namun kafilah tetap berlalu .. "HUBBUKASY SYAI TU'MI WA TUSIM" .. Cintamu pada sesuatu membuat dirimu buta dan tuli .. Begitulah kata pepatah Arab .. Biar badai menghalang .. Biar gunung menghadang .. Biar samudera membentang .. Kan Ku terjang demi mendapatkan cintamu , sayang .. "CIE .. CIEE .. WIRO SABLENG KALEE ?.. Hingga dalam hikayah Nabiyulloh Sulaiman AS, diceritakan bahwa Beliau tersenyum saat mendengar dua sejoli burung pipit sedang asyik masyuk memadu asmara di atas kubah kerajaannya .. Sang jantan merayu pada sang betina dengan rayuan yang tak kalah mautnya dari rayuan manusia .. "LAU ARADTI AN UQOLLIBA LAKI MULKU SULAIMAN LAFA'ALTUHU LI AJLIK" Andai kau minta daku tuk menjungkir balikkan kerajaan Sulaiman , akan Ku lakukan demi untukmu sayang .. "BURUNG GILA KALI YAAACH" ?.. Namun begitulah bahasa cinta yang kadang tak dapat dicerna oleh akal lahir manusia .. Sahabat - sahabat dumay yang Ku cinta .. Dari paparan penghantar diatas, saya hanya ingin mengatakan bahwa: Alangkah indahnya jika semua itu dijadikan GURU RUH kita untuk belajar mencinta dan di cintai Alloh Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala .. "SUBHANALLOH" Betapa beruntungnya kita .. Betapa indahnya jika mulut kita senantiasa mendendangkan Asma - asma Alloh disetiap tempat dan waktu .. Karena kerinduan kita kepadanya selalu menggebu - gebu .. Betapa indahnya jika mata dan angan kita tak bosan - bosannya memandangi serta menghayati keindahan alam cipataan Ilahi .. Sehingga hati menjeritkan takbir ALLOOOOHU AKBAR dan tanpa disadari air mata mengucur deras karena gemuruh dada meng-agungkan kebesaran Alloh Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala .. Betapa indahnya jika kita tak kenal lelah selalu dan selalu bersujud serta bersimpuh dipangkuan kasihnya .. Demi mengharapkan perhatiaanya .. Demi mendapatkan belai cintanya .. Demi mendapatkan Ampunannya .. Demi mendapatkan Rohmatnya .. Demi mendapatkan Hidayahnya .. Dan demi mendapatkan Keridloannya .. Di sepanjang hela nafas kita .. Dan di sepanjang detak jantung kita .. Hinnga sang pencabut nyawa menyongsong kita kembali kehadirat yang Maha kuasa .. Alloh Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala .. "LAA ILAAHA ILLALLOH MUHAMMADUR ROSULULLOH" .. ALLOOOOHU AKBAR .. Sahabat dumay semua .. Semoga kita senantiasa dituntun oleh Alloh Ta'ala menuju hidayahnya, Amin ya Robbal alamiin. Laa haula wala quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adziim
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:15
Bagi setiap anggota sendi serta ruas-ruas tulang perlu mengeluarkan sedekah bagi menunjukkan ketaatan kita kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Justeru itu solat Dhuha adalah amalan yang dapat menunaikan tanggung jawab tersebut. Daripada Abu Dzarr radhiallahu' anh, daripada Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, baginda bersabda: يُصْبِحُ عَلَى كُلِّ سُلاَمَى مِنْ أَحَدِكُمْ صَدَقَةٌ فَكُلُّ تَسْبِيحَةٍ صَدَقَةٌ وَكُلُّ تَحْمِيدَةٍ صَدَقَةٌ وَكُلُّ تَهْلِيلَةٍ صَدَقَةٌ وَكُلُّ تَكْبِيرَةٍ صَدَقَةٌ وَأَمْرٌ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ صَدَقَةٌ وَنَهْيٌ عَنْ الْمُنْكَرِ صَدَقَةٌ وَيُجْزِئُ مِنْ ذَلِكَ رَكْعَتَانِ يَرْكَعُهُمَا مِنْ الضُّحَى. Maksudnya: Bagi tiap-tiap ruas dari anggota tubuh salah seorang di antara kalian harus dikeluarkan sedekahnya setiap pagi hari. Setiap tasbih (Subhaanallah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid (Alhamdulillah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahlil (Laa Ilaaha Illallah) adalah sedekah, setiap takbir (Allahu Akbar) adalah sedekah, menyuruh untuk berbuat baik juga sedekah, dan mencegah kemungkaran juga sedekah. Dan semua itu boleh diganti dengan dua rakaat solat Dhuha. - Hadis riwayat Imam Muslim dalam Shahihnya, Kitab Sholaatul Musaafiriin wa Qashruha, no: 720.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:14
question fan:bjr les amies brabi ans7ouni,ena m3arsa w 3andi mochkla m3a 7meti meli ma5touba mahich behia du style ma tkabarch bia w 7ata fel mwesm 7asilou hedha kolou rien du tout,meli 3arast kebrou el machekl rajli y7ebna chak semaine nemchiw w nbetou tt en sachant eli kolna nosknou fard region ma3neha moch b3ad,ena ma nalkach ra7ti w nbet besif 3lia ,hia du genre t9oul kelmetha w ma yhemhech w ma t9adarch wena nasma3 maghir ma njeweb ,lemra 3amel mechia w t9awi fel vocab vulgiare mte3ha w dima t7eb tet7akem fina w tofrodh rayha rajli kbal el 3ers ken dima yet3arek m3aha mais ba3d el 3ers tbadel meme si yraha ghalta yji m3aha ,ena motrobia w calme walit jebda rou7i w 7a9retha ,ena trabit fi milieu ken la9dar leklem el 5ayeb ma ydourech fi darna , w hia normal etaya7 9dar weldha wala rajelha 9odem la3bed 3adi jedan,7asilou fel 3id lekbir jit n3awen fiha 3la edawara nebzetni katli bara nadhef dawartek ma tmesech m3aya sket w chadit blasti ,3andi bb fi chbih yebki dima fi 3mal el 3ar fi moch normal ma ta3rfouch trabiw ect... nharet el 3id daret el weldha katlou kelma 7abit twasel eli howa mahouch rajel w martou to7kom fih tsawrou rajli k3ad bouchbé w sket ,ena ghadhetni barcha,zedet 5etmetha katli ki enti bech thez edawara el omek fech 9am tnadhaf fiha hazitha 7achekom bel "kaka" mte3ha moch 5ir w baaaaaaaaaarcha fazet o5rin mchouma barcha chadetni ghosa w bké men waktha nabaht 3la rajli w kotlou darkom ma3adch na3fasha mché rajli 3arek omou w men waktha ma3adch nemchiw,7ata hia ghalta w meme pas selet 3la a7fedha tsawrou,tawa ka3ed yemrej fia wy3arek fia 9alli enti esbab ba3atni 3la darna brabi koulouli ech na3mel ena s7i7a wala ghalta ki jbet rouhi rajli dima nkolou emchi ykoli lé enti temchi totlob esme7 menha !!!!
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:14
takbir. . ALLAHUAKHBAR ALLAHUAKHBAR ALLAHUAKHBAR. . assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:10
Ya Allah….Izinkan aku menggelar sajadah bersamanya.. Beralas cinta berujung surga Yang menenggelamkan kami dalam sujud penuh kerinduan kepada-Mu Dalam takbir yang mengakui Keagungan-Mu Dalam salam yang mengingatkan kami bermanfaat bagi sesama Dalam wudhu yang membersihkan hati kami untuk melihat Wajah-Mu Dalam tilawah yang kami lantunkan penuh haru Dalam dzikir yang tiada akhir Yang membuat kami semakin kagum akan Pesona-Mu Menyukuri ayat-ayat Cinta-Mu yang Kau bentangkan pada kami Yang menetapkan kami menjadi Akhlakul Karimah Rohmatan lil Alamin Ya Allah…. Izinkan aku menggelar sajadah bersamanya… Aamin ya Rabbal'Alamin…
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:08
- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:46PM
khilafah - Social Mention
"The Ummah is not ready for Khilafah.." Something we may hear from some Muslims brought up in the West, translates as, we would rather live under the laws of ignorance than the laws of Allah.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:43
"The Ummah is not ready for Khilafah.." Something we may hear from some Muslims brought up in the West, translates as, we would rather live under the laws of ignorance than the laws of Allah.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:39
"The Ummah is not ready for Khilafah.." Something we may hear from some Muslims brought up in the West, translates as, we would rather live under the laws of ignorance than the laws of Allah.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:38
HTI Press. Sukabumi. Ahad, 1 Desember 2013 Lembaga Dakwah Sekolah (LDS) MHTI SUKABUMI Mengadakan aksi bertemakan 'Tolak Monster Pergaulan Bebas Dengan Khilafah Islamiyah' lebih dari 50 remaja, mahasiswa dan umum mengikuti aksi yang digelar atas aksi …
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:36
la 'Aqidah Islamique a cessée d'être une 'Aqidah politique depuis la destruction de l'Etat Islamique. Les systèmes qui découlent de cette 'Aqidah furent abandonnés en raison de l'invasion culturelle occidentale. Ainsi, l'encre qui expliquaient ces systèmes a sécha, les livres prirent de la poussière et furent oubliés et délaissés par la Oumma. Les 'Oulémas arrêtèrent d'écrire sur la 'Aqidah politique de l'Islam, et ainsi la Oumma se dirigea vers les autres 'Aqidahs politiques qui traitaient les affaires de la vie. Ce qui a empiré la situation a été que les musulmans écrivèrent sur la 'Aqidah spirituelle tout en délaissant la 'Aqidah politique. Ils écrivèrent sur la 'Aqidah spirituelle en général et en détails, les pages devinrent des livres, les livres devinrent des tomes et les tomes devinrent des encyclopédies, mais aucune mention ne fut faite de la 'Aqidah politique jusqu'à qu'elle fut oubliée. Les discours sur la 'Aqidah devinrent académiques ayant aucune pertinence pour la vie, ils allèrent en profondeur dans les détails mais ils n'apportèrent guère changement dans les affaires des gens jusqu'à la Oumma cessa de percevoir la pertinence de la 'Aqidah dans cette vie; alors, comme des mendiants, nous nous penchèrent vers les autres 'Aqidahs politiques afin de résoudre nos problèmes. Mais ces 'Aqidah politiques, que ce soit le capitalisme ou le communisme, causèrent plus de misère et de destruction pour la Oumma. وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَنْ ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنْكًا وَنَحْشُرُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَعْمَىٰ "Et quiconque se détourne de Mon Rappel, mènera certes, une vie plein de gêne, et le Jour de la Résurrection Nous l'amènerons aveugle au rassemblement." (Traduction du Sens Du Coran 20:124) La 'Aqidah islamique est politique et spirituelle et les sytèmes qui en découlent doivent être appliqués, sinon que cela signifie pour notre 'Aqidah? Que l'on croit en la 'Aqidah spirituelle mais que que nous délaissaont les systèmes qui en découlent. Nous ne voulons pas être de ceux qui prennent la moitié de la 'Aqidah et qui laissent le reste. أَفَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِبَعْضِ الْكِتَابِ وَتَكْفُرُونَ بِبَعْضٍ "Croyez-vous donc en une partie du Livre et rejetez-vous le reste ?"(Traduction du Sens du Coran 2:85) Ainsi, cette Oumma doit se jeter corps perdu dans le travail pour appliquer dans cette vie la 'Aqidah politique et les systèmes qui en découlent sous l'ombre du Khilafah afin que cette noble Oumma puisse ré-établire la 'Aqidah Islamique dans cette vie et la propager au reste du monde.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:31
Aik bukan HT sahaja yang buat Persidangan Khilafah rupanya sebelum ini dah ada banyak.
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:20
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:56
رضا بالحاج: السلطة بصدد التخطيط لاجهاض القصبة 4الثلاثاء 01 صفر 1435 في اخبار محليةاضف تعليقذكر رضا بالحاج الناطق الرسمي باسم حزب التحرير في تونس على صفحته الرسمية على الفايسبوك ان السلطة تعمل على افشال القصبة 4 بناء على معلومات لديه نظرا لتعارض النفس الثوري الجديد مع مصلحتها.ولم يستثني بالحاج المع...
Negri ironi adalah negri yang di pimpin oleh orang 2 yang tidak sehat akalnya (orang -orang yang bebas dari beban hukum /gila ) wajar kalau kemudian mereka menolak syariah Dan khilafah. memang Alloh tidak akan mengadzab orang gila
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:53
ustadz Ismail Yusanto (@ismailyusanto) tentang NEGERI PENUH IRONI : 1. Negeri penuh ironi. Jilbab polwan ditunda, katanya krn tak ada anggaran. Pekan Kondom bergegas dijalankan. AIDS diributkan, zina dibiarkan. 2. Negeri penuh ironi. Riba dihalalkan, nikah dini diharamkan. Pelaku zina bebas berkeliarkan, Syekh Puji yg menikahi Ulfa malah dikriminalkan 3. Negeri penuh ironi. Lawan dianggap kawan. Kawan dianggap lawan. Australia nganggap Indonesia lawan, eh kita malah nganggap dia kawan. Duh 4. Negeri penuh ironi. Allah SWT diakui, tp hukumNya dikebiri. Surganya diingini, tp perintahNya dikhianati. Kalo lg susah pertolnganNya dinanti 5. Negeri penuh ironi. Kalau sekolah Islam boleh. Ekonomi Islam boleh. Bank Islam boleh. Kenapa negara Islam tidak boleh? 6. Negeri penuh ironi. Ini negeri mayoritas muslim. Tapi usaha menegakkan syariah Islam dianggap kejahatan. Sedang sekularisme sbg kebaikan #Sebarkan..
'Umar ibn abdul azeez was shaken by his appointment and although he had acted justly in his life, before this he was accustomed to an extremely lavish lifestyle as lived by the Ummayah household. However his appointment had a radical affect upon him and the weight that he now felt upon his shoulders made him change into something that would be spoken about for over a thousand years.Upon his appointment the Khaleefah's carriage was brought for him and he refused saying that his mule was sufficient for him. Al-Laith narrated: "When he became Khaleefah he started with himself and family and then the people of his household and he took from them their possessions and counted their wealth as Mazhaalim (acts of injustices that needed to be restored). He moved out of the palace and built a small house with two rooms. He freed his slaves and returned any wealth and property that he had attained due to privileges to the Bait Al-Maal. He approached his wife Faatimah who had jewellery that was given to her by her father which no one had seen the like of and he said to her: 'Either you return this to the Bait ul Maal or you permit me to separate from you because I cannot stand for you and me to be in the same house (whilst you have it).' He also explained to her that they would have no luxuries in their life and that they would live the simplest of lives and he gave her the choice to return back to the palace and continue living in luxury or remain with him with only Allah سبحانه وتعالى and His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. This daughter of a Khaleefah and sister to two former Khaleefahs responded to his call, returned the jewels and accepted Allah سبحانه وتعالى and His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم, and she remained loyal to this throughout his Khilafah and after his death, may Allah's mercy be upon her."One day 'Umar approached his wife and asked: "Do you have a Dirham so that I can buy some grapes?" She said no and said: "You are the Ameer Al-Mu'mineen and you are not even able to find a dirham to buy some grapes?"He replied: "This is less for us to bear than the chains that will be around us in Jahannum tomorrow." Faatimah said: "I do not know of a single time that he made Ghusl from the state of Janaabah from the time that he became Khalifah."'Umar understood the words of the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم when he said:ما من أحد يؤمر على عشرة فصاعدا لايقسط فيهم إلا جاء يوم القيامة في الأسفاد والأغلال"No one who is placed in leadership over 10 or more, then does not act justly between them, except that on the Day of Judgement he will be brought in shackles and chains." (Al-Haakim)
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:53
yaaaa kapitalisme memang mnjadi dasar sbuah pertimbangan Hukum.... mimpi khilafah ala minhaj nubuwah jadinya nih gmn ya jika bendera TAUHID berdiri kokoh di Indonesia????????????
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:49
Society conditions the mind into accepting a particular way of thinking, it encourages the embracing of "normalised" values and ideas. A society which is not governed according to Islamic text is a dangerous place to live in, yet currently the world is plagued by unislamic governing... I believe its time Islam was put back on the map, The Khilafah was established and the true "normalization" of society began to flourish...
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:40
Dec 3rd 2013, 17:30
Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) yang ada di Indonesia dapat didefinisikan sebagai rencana keuangan tahunan Pemerintah Indonesia yang disetujui oleh DPR. APBN berisi daftar sistematis dan rinci yang memuat rencana penerimaan dan pengeluaran negara selama satu tahun anggaran (1 Januari – 31 Desember). APBN, perubahan APBN dan pertanggungjawaban APBN setiap tahun ditetapkan dengan undang-undang. APBN dilaksanakan secara terbuka dan bertanggung jawab untuk sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat. Secara garis besar, susunan APBN dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 3 bagian: 1) Anggaran Pendapatan. Anggaran Pendapatan dalam APBN adalah penerimaan anggaran negara yang meliputi penerimaan pajak, penerimaan bukan pajak dan hibah. 2) Anggaran Belanja. Anggaran Belanja dalam APBN adalah anggaran yang digunakan untuk keperluan penyelenggaraan tugas pemerintahan pusat dan pelaksanaan perimbangan keuangan antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah. 3) Pembiayaan. Pembiayaan dalam APBN adalah setiap penerimaan yang perlu dibayar kembali dan atau pengeluaran yang akan diterima kembali, baik pada tahun anggaran yang bersangkutan maupun tahun-tahun anggaran berikutnya. Paradigma Penyusunan APBN di Indonesia Penyusunan APBN oleh Pemerintah Indonesia sesungguhnya dibangun dari sebuah paradigma tertentu. Penyusunan APBN yang dilakukan Pemerintah direncanakan dan dibuat dalam rangka untuk mencapai tujuan politik ekonomi. Dalam teori ekonomi konvensional, kebijakan politik ekonomi ini biasa dikenal dengan istilah kebijakan fiskal. Kebijakan fiskal dapat didefinisikan sebagai kebijakan ekonomi yang dilakukan pemerintah dalam rangka untuk mengarahkan kondisi perekonomian agar menjadi lebih baik dengan jalan mengubah penerimaan dan pengeluaran Pemerintah (APBN). Kebijakan fiskal yang dapat diambil Pemerintah ini dapat dikelompokkan dalam 3 pilihan kebijakan: 1. Anggaran Defisit (Defisit Budget)/Kebijakan Fiskal Ekspansif. Anggaran defisit adalah kebijakan Pemerintah untuk membuat pengeluaran lebih besar dari pemasukan negara guna memberi stimulus pada perekonomian. Kebijakan ini umumnya digunakan jika keaadaan ekonomi sedang resesif. Peningkatan belanja Pemerintah dan atau penurunan pajak ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan permintaan agregat dalam perekonomian. Tujuan dari kebijakan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produk domestik bruto dan menurunkan angka pengangguran. 2. Anggaran Surplus (Surplus Budget)/Kebijakan Fiskal Kontraktif. Anggaran surplus adalah kebijakan Pemerintah untuk membuat pemasukannya lebih besar daripada pengeluarannya. Kebijakan anggaran surplus biasanya dilaksanakan ketika perekonomian pada kondisi ekspansif yang mulai memanas (overheating) untuk menurunkan tekanan permintaan. Pengurangan belanja Pemerintah dan atau peningkatan pajak ini dirancang untuk menurunkan permintaan agregat dalam perekonomian. Tujuan dari kebijakan ini adalah untuk mengontrol inflasi. 3. Anggaran Berimbang (Balanced Budget). Anggaran berimbang terjadi ketika Pemerintah menetapkan pengeluaran sama besar dengan pemasukan. Tujuan kebijakan anggaran berimbang ini adalah untuk mendapatkan kepastian anggaran serta meningkatkan disiplin anggaran. Selanjutnya dilihat dari sisi penerimaan, APBN Indonesia sesungguhnya juga disusun dengan menggunakan beberapa asumsi tertentu untuk dijadikan sebagai patokan dalam penyusunan anggaran penerimaan. Asumsi tersebut adalah indikator makro ekonomi, yaitu: prosentase pertumbuhan ekonomi yang ditargetkan, prosentase laju inflasi yang ditargetkan, nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar AS, prosentase tingkat bunga Surat Perbendaharaan Negera (SPN), harga ICP minyak dalam dolar AS perbarel, lifting minyak perhari, lifting gas perhari yang disetarakan dengan minyak. Penilaian Kebijakan APBN Indonesia Untuk menilai APBN Indonesia, kita dapat melihat profil APBN yang telah ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah dan DPR. Menurut profil APBN Indonesia, dari sisi penerimaan sesungguhnya APBN Indonesia selalu lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan pengeluaran Pemerintah dalam setiap periode anggaran. Dengan demikian APBN Indonesia sebenarnya tidak bisa dikatakan menganut anggaran berimbang (balanced budged), tetapi menganut kebijakan anggaran defisit (defisit budget). Dilihat dari penentuan kebijakan anggaran tersebut, kita dapat memberikan beberapa penilaian kritis terhadap APBN Indonesia. Pertama: Apakah kebijakan APBN Indonesia bisa disebut sebagai APBN yang pro rakyat? Tentu tidak! Sebab, penerimaan terbesar dari APBN Indonesia justru sebagian besar berasal dari pajak rakyat, yaitu sebesar 84%. Hal ini tentu sangat membebani rakyat. Kebijakan ini adalah kebijakan ironis. Pasalnya, Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki sumberdaya alam (SDA) yang melimpah-ruah. Sayangnya, SDA tersebut tidak dikelola sendiri, tetapi malah diserahkan kepada korporasi-korporasi asing. Seharusnya SDA ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber penerimaan negara yang utama. Dengan demikian Pemerintah tidak perlu menarik pajak dari rakyatnya. Menurut Abraham Samad (Ketua KPK), seharusnya Pemerintah bisa mendapatkan penerimaan dari sektor pertambangan seperti minyak, gas, batubara, tembaga, emas, perak, nikel dsb. hingga mencapai Rp 7.200 triliun setiap tahunnya. Kedua: Apakah kebijakan anggaran defisit yang diambil Pemerintah sudah tepat? Mengapa? Faktanya, kebijakan anggaran defisit itu sesungguhnya identik dengan utang. Sebagaimana dalam APBN 2014, Pemerintah berencana untuk mencari utang sebanyak Rp 345 triliun. Sebanyak Rp 205 triliun ditarik melalui penerbitan surat berharga negara, yang akan digunakan untuk menutup defisit fiskal tahun 2014. Sisanya, sekitar Rp 140 triliun akan digunakan untuk menutup utang yang sudah jatuh tempo. Tambahan utang baru ini tentu akan menambah berat
- Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:43PM
abu z projekt - Social Mention
Memory verses of the day: Matthew 11:28-30 (28) Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (29) Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. (30) For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Do you feel like you are tired, retired (owoza nti nakoowa, twakoowa), Jesus has your solution!
Dec 3rd 2013, 09:27
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