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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
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Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 19 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 12:51AM  

    The United States of Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    The United States of Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    The STORY OF R4BIA <3
    Magnifique made video about the Raba'a massacre :'(!!!
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:36
    The STORY OF R4BIA ♥
    Magnifique made video about the Raba'a massacre :'(!!!
    PLEASE watch, my dear brothers and sisters, how our brothers and sisters were and ARE fighting for JUSTICE in Egypt and do NOT forget to SHARE!!!
    ‫Story of Rabaa | قصة رابعة‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 12:50AM  

    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    As-Salamu Alaykum mes freres vous avez pas des dossiers pour les convertis avec...
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:33
    As-Salamu Alaykum mes freres vous avez pas des dossiers pour les convertis avec tout dedans priere, ablutions etc c tres important un frere viens de nous rejoindre

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 12:10AM  

    { A L L A H } SΘLL UNS Hєlal FÜRЄiiNANDER SCHRЄiiBЄN <'3s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Möge Allah euch beschützen,bei euren Weg unterstützen...euch das Schwere leicht...
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:40
    Möge Allah euch beschützen,bei euren Weg unterstützen...euch das Schwere leicht machen,und das Leichte noch leichter machen.Möge er euch rausholen und befreien aus der Tiefe,und aus euren Tränen ein Lächeln gießen!Möge er euch nicht mehr verzweifeln lassen,und euch in harten Zeiten nie verlassen. Gute Nacht , Amin.

    - ilayda
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 12:28AM  

    Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand
    All of "A Window Upon the Land of Epic Battles" Episodes from 1-32 . Do not mis...
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:56
    All of "A Window Upon the Land of Epic Battles" Episodes from 1-32 . Do not miss this

    Al-I'tiṣām Media

    Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām
    ‫الآن : (من 1 - 32 ) لا يفوتك .. بسم الله الرحمن الرحي... -‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 12:28AM  

    Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ummah Todays Facebook-Pinnwand
    #Iran: New video message by Abu Hafs Al-Balushi
    Harakah al-Ansar
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:07
    #Iran: New video message by Abu Hafs Al-Balushi

    Harakah al-Ansar


    ‫هبوا للجهاد _ أبوحفص البلوشي حفظه الله‬
    ‫لقد جئناكم بالذبح يا صفويين مؤسسة الفاروق الاعلامية‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 07:18PM  

    Abu Bilal - Social Mention
    الفزعة ابلاغ ابلاغ ابلاغ شبيحة مالازم نوقف ابلاغ على الحساب اسم زائف + ارسال تقرير بليز شبيحة النشر على اوسع نطاق ويلي بدو مقابل الابلاغ بحب قلوا انوا هاد قائد المجموعة التي هجمت على الغوطة ودير عطية ومعلولا وهاد واجب عليك تبلغ وبرد بقول انا مجبرة على التاغات لازم يسكر الحساب اليوم بليز ابلاغ لعيون سوريا الاسد طبعا كل شي لايكات ومتابعيين عندو وهميين يعني رح يسكر حسابو قريبا ويلي حاظر الحساب يشيل الحظر ويرد يبلغ وعاشت سوريا الاسد ابلاغ ارسال تقرير ابلاغ عن حساب md ar يستخدم اسم زائف ارسال تقرير وشكرا وعاشت سوريا الاسد بليز نشوروا وبلغو
    Dec 5th 2013, 19:06
    أصدقائي بدنا دعمكم لصفحة : " المجلس المحلي لبلدة المقيليبة في ريف دمشق "
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:53
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:45
    VAGANZA WORLD is first ever ENGLISH SHOW of PTV WORLD from the South of Pakistan.Hosts: Dr Affan Qaiser and NoorulAin .Productions Shafqat Abbas Malik.
    اصدقــآئي اسعد الله مســآئكم هاد رابط صفحة لسه الدنيا بخير والي هية حلمة لسه الدنيا بخير هي مبادره شبابية اطلقها مجموعه من شباب محافظة طولكرم تهدف الى عمل الخير وتقديم المعونه للعائلات المستوره عن طريق التبرع من قبل الاهالي من توفير ملابس وتوفير فرش وحرمات وسجاد وسلة غذائيه وادوات كهربائيه وادوات مطبخ. اطلقنا من انفسنا توحدنا من اجل محاربة الفقر في فلسطين هدفنا واحد ورؤيتنا واحده الخير يجمعنا ونعمل لأجل العائلات الميسوره وانت ساهم معنا واندمج بكل الطرق لعمل الخير بدي منكم لايك لهااي الصفحة الي بتقدم المساعدات للناس المحتااجة :)
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:44
    مدونتي الجديدة هل من تقييم
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:44
    قوالب بلوجر معربة مجانية,إضافات بلوجر,دروس حول أدسنس,كاريكاتير,صحة وتغدية,العقيدة والدين
    أبطال في القبور .. رجال في السجون .. وخونة في القصور .. !!!
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:44
    Turkiyenin Gündeminde Bu Haber Var.O Ses Türkiye Çekimlerinde kamera arkasında Acun Ilıcalı Hadiseyi Taciz Ederken Yakalandı.Yazıklar Olsun ACUN ILICALI !
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:41
    İzlerken Gözlerinize İnanamayacaksınız
    Fazaile Amaaal Hadhrat Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) and his Sufferings Hadhrat Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) is one of the best known of the galaxy of Sahabah as moazzin of the Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) masjid. He was an Abyssinian slave of a disbeliever in Mecca. His conversion to Islam was, naturally, not liked by his master and he was, therefore, persecuted mercilessly. Ummayah bin Khalaf, who was the worst enemy of Islam, would make him lie down on the burning sand at midday and would place a heavy stone on his breast, so that he could not even move a limb. He would then say to him: "Renounce Islam or swelter and die." Even under these afflictions, Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) would exclaim:- "Ahad"-The One (Allah). "Ahad"-The One (Allah). He was whipped at night and with the cuts thus received, made to lie on the burning ground during the day to make him either forsake Islam or to die a lingering death from wounds. The torturers would get tired and take turns (Abu Jahl, Umayyah and others) and vie with one another in afflicting more and more painful punishment, but Hadhrat Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) would not yield. At last Abu Bakr (Radhiyallaho anho) bought his freedom, and he became a free Muslim. As Islam taught implicitly the oneness of the Almighty Creator, while the idolaters of Mecca believed in many gods and goddesses with minor godlings, therefore Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) repeated: "Ahad (The One), Ahad (The One)." This shows his love and devotion to Allah. Allah was so dear to him that no amount of persecution could distract him from reciting His Holy name. It is said that the urchins of Mecca would drag him in the streets, with his words "Ahad!, Ahad!" ringing in their wake. Look how Allah rewarded his steadfastness! He was to have the honour of becoming the Prophet's moazzin. He was always to remain with him at home and abroad to call out the Azaan for his Salaat. After the Prophet's death it became very hard for him to continue his stay in Madinah where he would miss him at every step and in every corner. He therefore left Madinah, and decided to pass the rest of his life striving in the path of Allah. Once he beheld the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) in his dream saying to him: "O, Bilal! How is it that you never visit me." No sooner did he get up than he set out for Madinah. On reaching there, Hadhrat Hasan and Hadhrat Husain (Radhiyallaho anhuma) (The Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) grandsons) requested him to call out the Azaan. He could not refuse them, for they were very dear to him. But as soon as the Azaan was called, the people of Madinah cried openly out of their anguish at the memory of the happy old days of the Prophet's (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) time. Even the women came out of their houses weeping. Hadhrat Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) left Madinah again after a few days and died in Damascus in 20 A.H
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:41
    Any chaps with rapping and beatboxing skills? Contact me asap or if you know someone who can then comment with their name and class :-) Jazakallahukhair
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:32
    انا عاوزه كل اصحابى الرابعويين يعملو لايك يلاااااا هجوووووم
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:22
    ًَهًنَا تتْعلُمُ كُيف َتكِوَن اِلاَناًقُه
    lawled aman a3tiwna j"aime (y) fi l'page héthi
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:21
    موزيكا يحبوها كان الفان الصحاح .... اعطيني جام و اسمع الراب
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:19
    ممكن لايك للبيج ريال مدريد و برشلونه
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:19
    لكل معني او معنية لكل من يريد عمل لكل من درس وخالفه الحظ بالحصول على الوظيفة المناسبة لكل من عمل في هذه الحياة اعمال شاقة ولن يتوفق في حياته لكل من خالفه الحظ ولم يكمل دراسته لكل من يبحث عن عمل في كافة العالم لكل من يبحث عن الوظيفة المناسبة لكل من يريد عمل اخر غير وظيفته لكل موظف راتبه لايكفيه لكل من يسعى لزيادة ارباحه لكل من يسعى لتحقيق احلامه لكل من هو واثق بنفسه لكل من يريد جعل الحلم حقيقة تفضل معنا على عالم الحرية المالية الفرص اتت اليك انت تفضل لمشاهدة عرض العمل في قاعتنا على الانترنت كل يوم على الساعة ال7بتوقيت القدس المحتلة وعلى ال8 بتوقيت مكة المكرمة يرجى من كل زائر يدخل على القاعة وضع اسم المعلن بجانب اسمه على سبيل المثال صالح من طرف انيس دراغمة وهكذا وبعد الرغبة بالتسجيل بامكانك التواصل معي على صفحتي الفيس بوك او على البريد وشكرا لكم جميعا مع فائق الاحترام والتقدير skype:alaa.ameesdaragma لاتنسى تسجيل الاميلات لكي لاتخسر فرصة العمل للدخول على قاعة عرض العمل قم بالضغط على رابط القاعة في الاسفل,kazimanmi
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:16
    THE STORY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAW) IN MAKKAH 11 The invitation to worship Allah Alone did not stop with the people around him. He even called the people who visited Makkah with the trade caravans. The poor, the orphans & the slaves accepted Islam, readily. Abubakar (RA) would often free the slavers, who were harassing them. Bilal (RA) was one of those slaves whom he freed. When the Quraish could not stop their people from following Muhammad (SAW), they angrily went to meet his uncle, Abu Talib. They said to him, "Abu Talib ! your nephew, Muhammad (SAW) is breaking up our families & stopping them from worshipping the gods of our forefathers." Abu Talib conveyed the message to Muhammad (SAW). He replied, "By Allah ! if they put the Sun in my right hand & the Moon in my left hand, I will never give it up until Allah gives me victory or I perish in my attempt.
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:14
    لايك علي البيدج دي بليـز :*
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:07
    WelCome In Our Page .. If You Are Famous / Model , You Can Send Your Picture To us ""Inbox""
    La soutra par Cheykh 'Abdel 'Adhdim El Badawi 3- As soutra : C'est l'obstacle que met le prieur devant lui et il se dirige vers elle. L'obligation de la sutra se fait avant la prière. Il est obligatoire pour celui qui se lève pour prier de positionner devant lui une soutra. Cette soutra permet d'empêcher les gens ou les choses de passer devant lui et de ne pas préoccuper le prieur par ce qui se passe derrière cette obstacle. Saïd Abi Atma (رضي الله عنه) a dit que le prophète (صلى الله عليه و سلم) a dit : « Lorsque l'entre vous prie qu'il prie vers une soutra, et qu'il s'en approche afin que le diable ne coupe pas sa prière. » (rapporté par Hâkim et An Nassa'i) « afin que le diable ne coupe pas ta prière », il y a plusieurs explications à ce sujet : 1- pour ne pas que le diable vienne en apparence de djinn ou humain. 2- afin que le diable ne passe pas devant toi ou ne soit pas la cause que quelqu'un passe devant toi et coupe ta prière. 3- il parle du chat noir car dans un hadith il est dit que le chat noir c'est chaytane. 4- pour ne pas qu'il coupe ta prière en te distrayant durant celle-ci. Selon Ibn 'Umar (رضي الله عنه), il dit que le prophète (صلى الله عليه و سلم) a dit : « Ne pries que devant une soutra et ne laisse personne passer devant toi et s'il s'obstine alors combats-le, car il y a avec lui le diable. ». « combats-le » : Les savants ont dit que cela veut dire « pousse le violemment aussi fort que possible » S'il essaye de passer une fois repousse-le gentiment, car peut-être qu'il ne t'as pas vu, ensuite si la personne persiste, alors pousse-la aussi fort que possible. Il y a cependant une divergence des savants concernant l'obligation de la soutra. Certains disent qu'elle est obligatoire et d'autres seulement une sounnah, mais l'avis le plus sûre est qu'elle est obligatoire d'après la parole du Prophète (صلى الله عليه و سلم) : « Ne pries que devant une sutra. ». Qu'est-ce qui fait guise d'obstacle ? L'obstacle peut-être un mur, un pilier, un bout de bois planté dans le sol, une monture. La hauteur minimale que doit avoir l'obstacle est la hauteur de "mou-akhiratou arrahli", c'est une planche qui est présente à l'arrière d'une selle de chameau, contre laquelle on s'adosse. Cette planche représente une coudée de long. Moussa Ibnou Talha (رضي الله عنه) a dit, selon son père, que le prophète (صلى الله عليه و سلم) a dit : « Lorsque l'un d'entre vous mets devant lui un obstacle d'une hauteur comparable à celle de la planche située derrière la selle, qu'il prie et ne fasse pas attention à ceux qui marche derrière. » Le fait de s'approcher de sa soutra fait parti de la sounnah : Selon Bilal (رضي الله عنه), il dit : « Le prophète (صلى الله عليه و سلم) priait et il y avait entre lui et le mur vers lequel il priait la distance équivalente à trois coudées. » (rapporté par Al Boukhari) Selon Sahl Ibn Sa3d (رضي الله عنه), il dit : « Il y avait entre l'endroit où le prophète (صلى الله عليه و سلم) priait et le mur, la distance suffisante pour qu'une brebis passe. » (rapporté par Al Boukhari et Mouslim) Pour rassembler les deux hadiths, on peut dire que lorsque le Prophète (صلى الله عليه و سلم) était debout, la distance entre lui et le mur était de 3 coudées. Et lorsqu'il était prosterné la distance était celle qui suffit à laisser passer une brebis. Concernant le fait de passer devant une personne qui prie sans soutra, les savants ont dit que l'on dois voir l'endroit où le prieur pose son front, puis, de cet endroit, mesurer la distance suffisante pour laisser passer une brebis. Il est possible de passer au-delà de cette distance. Et d'autre savant , comme Cheikh Al Albani, ont dit : « Tu passes derrière l'endroit où il pose son front. » Ce qui annule la prière de celui qui n'a pas de soutra : Celui qui n'a pas de sutra devant lui alors, si une femme, un âne ou un chien noir passe devant lui, cela coupe sa prière. 'Abdullah Ibn Sâmid (رضي الله عنه) a dit selon son père Abi Dhar, que le prophète (صلى الله عليه و سلم) a dit : « Lorsque l'un d'entre vous se lève pour prier, le protégera alors s'il a devant lui un obstacle d'une hauteur semblable au dossier de la selle d'un chameau et s'il n'y a pas devant lui un obstacle similaire au dossier de la selle d'un chameau, alors coupe sa prière, l'âne, la femme, et le chien noir.


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 07:17PM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    Why we shut Abuja airport – Minister Amina Mohammed - 6 hours agoNATIONAL, NEWS A Saudi Arabian plane blocked the runway. The Aviation Minister, Stella Oduah, has explained why the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport was shut down on Thursday. In a statement by her Special Assistant of Media, Joe Obi, the minister confirmed that all flights into Abuja have been temporarily suspended till further notice. The minister's spokesperson said, "A Saudi Arabian B747 cargo aircraft landed in Abuja last night and veered off at the manoeuvring area of the runway, ran into a maintenance area of the runway and stopped." Mr. Obi said flights into Abuja airport were put on hold so as to facilitate evacuation effort on the runway. He said normal operations will resume immediately the aircraft is removed. According to the statement, the Group Corporate Communications Manager of the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria, Yakubu Dati, said no casualty was recorded while plans are underway to move the aircraft away following a preliminary assessment visit by Accident Investigation and Prevention Bureau AIPB, Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority NCAA, Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria, FAAN, and other relevant agencies. The statement also said that the Saudi plane incident was not a plane crash and apologised to travellers and airport users for inconveniences caused. It added that concerted effort was being intensified to remove the obstacle and restore normalcy while the public would be updated as progress is made towards restoring normal operations at the airport. The airport problem also hindered all planes leaving the Nigerian capital, as the affected runway is believed to be the only standard one. Already, Arik and Aero, two of the largest domestic airline operators, have cancelled all flights from the Abuja airport on Thursday. Passengers stranded at the Abuja airport Okey Goodluck Nwankwo Sent from my iPad
    Dec 5th 2013, 19:14
    THE STORY OF BLACK BERRY BlackBerry Limited, formerly known as Research In Motion Limited (RIM),[3][4] is a Canadian telecommunication and wireless equipment company best known as the developer of the BlackBerry brand of smartphones and tablets. The company is headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. It was founded by Mike Lazaridis, who served as its co-CEO along with Jim Balsillie until January 22, 2012; as of November 2013, Prem Watsa assumes the new title of "Lead Director and Chair of Compensation".[5] Originally a dominant innovative company in the smartphone market for business and government usage, with 43% US market share in 2010, the company has in recent years declined precipitously, in part because of intense competition from Apple's iPhone and Google's Android brands. Due to such competition, the company's share in the US personal consumer market was reduced to 3.8% in 2013.[6] On September 23, 2013 the company signed a letter of intent to be acquired for US$4.7 billion, or US$9 per share, by a consortium led by Fairfax Financial which has announced its intentions to take the company private.[7] The majority of Blackberry's remaining value lies in its patent portfolio, which has been valued at between US$2 billion and $3 billion History Early years and growth (1984–2000) Logo as Research In Motion, used prior to January 30, 2013 Research In Motion Limited was founded in 1984 by Mike Lazaridis and Douglas Fregin. At the time, Lazaridis was an engineering student at the University of Waterloo while Fregin was a engineering student at the University of Windsor. [9] RIM's early development was financed by Canadian institutional and venture capital investors in 1995 through a private placement in the privately held company. Working Ventures Canadian Fund Inc. led the first venture round[10] with a C$5,000,000 investment with the proceeds being used to complete the development of RIM's two-way paging system hardware and software. A total of C$30,000,000 in pre-IPO financing was raised by the company prior to its initial public offering on the Toronto Stock Exchange in January 1998 under the symbol RIM.[11] The company worked with RAM Mobile Data and Ericsson to turn the Ericsson-developed Mobitex wireless data network into a two-way paging and wireless e-mail network. Pivotal in this development was the release of the Inter@ctive Pager 950, which started shipping in August 1998. About the size of a bar of soap, this device competed against the SkyTel two-way paging network developed by Motorola. In 1999, RIM introduced the BlackBerry 850 pager. Named in reference to the resemblance of its keyboard's keys to the druplets of the blackberry fruit, the device could receive push email from a Microsoft Exchange Server using its complementary server software, BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES). The introduction of the BlackBerry set the stage for future enterprise-oriented products from the company, such as the BlackBerry 957 in April 2000, the first BlackBerry smartphone. The BlackBerry OS platform and BES continued to increase in functionality—while the incorporation of encryption and S/MIME support helped BlackBerry devices gain increased usage by governments and businesses.[12][13] Expansion and competition (2001–2011) RIM soon began to introduce BlackBerry devices aimed towards the consumer market as well, beginning with the BlackBerry Pearl 8100—the first BlackBerry phone to include multimedia features such as a camera. The introduction of the Pearl series was highly successful, as was the subsequent Curve 8300 series and Bold 9000. Extensive carrier partnerships fueled the rapid expansion of BlackBerry users globally in both enterprise and consumer markets. The arrival of the first Apple iPhone in 2007 caused much fanfare and speculation that the BlackBerry might have its first serious competition. Boasting a powerful mobile browser, a new touch screen interface, strong multimedia capabilities and (later) a bundled application storefront with many mobile apps, the iPhone was referred to as a "BlackBerry Killer" by some in the media. The introduction of Apple's iPhone on the AT&T network in the fall of 2007 in the United States prompted RIM to produce its first touchscreen smartphone for the competing Verizon network in 2008— the BlackBerry Storm. The Storm sold well but suffered from mixed to poor reviews and poor customer satisfaction.[13][14] The iPhone initially lagged behind the BlackBerry in both shipments and active users, due to RIM's head start and larger carrier distribution network. In the United States, the BlackBerry user base peaked at approximately 21 million users in the fall of 2010.[15][16][17] That quarter, the company's global subscriber base stood at 36 million users.[18] As the iPhone and Google Android accelerated growth in the United States, the BlackBerry began to turn to other smartphone platforms. Nonetheless, the BlackBerry line as a whole continued to enjoy success, spurned on by strong international growth. As of December 1, 2012, the company had 79 million BlackBerry users globally [19] with only 9 million remaining in the United States.[20] Even as the company continued to grow worldwide, investors and media became increasingly alarmed about the company's ability to compete with devices from rival mobile operating systems iOS and Android. Analysts were also worried about the strategic direction of the co-CEOs' management structure. Following numerous attempts to upgrade their existing Java platform, the company made numerous acquisitions to help it create a new, more powerful BlackBerry platform, centered around its recently acquired real-time operating system QNX.[21] In March 2011, Research In Motion Ltd.'s then-co-CEO Jim Balsillie suggested during a conference call that the "launch of some powerful new BlackBerrys" (eventually released as BlackBerry 10) would be in early 2012. However analysts were "worried that promoting the mysterious, supposedly game-changing devices too early might hurt sales of existing BlackBerrys" (similar to the Osbourne effect). The initial launch date was seen in retrospect as too ambitious, and hurt the company's credibility at a time when its existing aging products steadily lost market share.[22] On September 27, 2010, RIM announced the long-rumoured BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, the first product running on the new QNX platform known as BlackBerry Tablet OS. The BlackBerry PlayBook was officially released to US and Canadian consumers on April 19, 2011. The PlayBook was criticized for being rushed to market in an incomplete state and sold poorly. Following the shipments of 900,000 tablets during its first three quarters on market, slow sales and inventory pileups prompted the company to reduce prices and to write down the inventory value by $485 million.[23] Primary competition The primary competitors of the BlackBerry are smartphones running Android and the Apple iPhone, with Microsoft's Windows Phone platform emerging as a more recent competitor. For a number of years, the BlackBerry was the leading smartphone in many markets, particularly the United States. The arrival of the Apple iPhone and later Google's Android platform caused a slowdown in BlackBerry growth and a decline in sales in some markets, most notably the United States. This led to negative media and analyst sentiment over the company's ability to continue as an independent company.[24] BlackBerry has managed to maintain significant positions in many markets, bolstered by a large entrenched user base, cost effective phones and plans, and a growing smartphone market globally.[25] Impact of the Apple iPhone When the Apple iPhone was first introduced in 2007, it generated substantial media attention, with numerous media outlets calling it a "BlackBerry Killer".[26] [27] The media attention to the iPhone drew consumer interest to smartphones in general, with both RIM and Apple substantially increasing sales as the market itself grew substantially. In addition, both ate into sales of older competitors, such as Windows Mobile and Palm. While BlackBerry sales continued to grow, the newer iPhone grew at a faster rate. The first three models of the iPhone (introduced in 2007) generally lagged behind the BlackBerry in sales, as RIM had major advantages in carrier and enterprise support, however Apple continued gaining market share. In October 2008, Apple briefly passed RIM in quarterly sales when they announced they had sold 6.9 million iPhones to the 6.1 sold by RIM, comparing partially overlapping quarters between the companies.[28] Though Apple's iPhone sales declined to 4.3 million in the subsequent quarter[29] and RIM's increased to 7.8 million, for some investors this indicated a sign of weakness.[30] Apple's iPhone began to sell more phones quarterly than the BlackBerry in 2010, brought on by the release of the iPhone 4.[31][32] In the United States, the BlackBerry hit its peak in September 2010, when almost 22 million users, or 37% of the 58.7 million American smartphone users at the time, were using a BlackBerry.[33] BlackBerry then began to decline in use in the United States, with Apple's installed base in the United States finally passing BlackBerry in April 2011.[34] Sales of the iPhone continued to accelerate, as did the Smartphone market, while the BlackBerry began to lose users continuously in the United States. By January 2013, only 7.63 million (5.9%) of the 129.40 million smartphone users in the United States were on a BlackBerry compared to 48.91 million (37.8%) on an iPhone.[35] Impact of Google Android Google's Android Operating System, running on hardware by a range of manufacturers including Sony Ericsson, Motorola, HTC, Samsung, LG and many others ramped up the competition for Blackberry. In January 2010, barely 3 million (7.1%) of the 42.7 million Smartphones in use at the time in the United States were running Android, compared to 18 million BlackBerry devices (43%).[36] Within a single year Android had passed the installed base of the BlackBerry in the United States.[37] As of January 2013, there are 67.68 million Smartphones in the United States running Android compared to 7.63 million running BlackBerry. Criticism While RIM's secure encrypted network was attractive to corporate customers, their handsets were sometimes considered less attractive to consumers than iPhone and Android smartphones. Developers often developed consumer applications for those platforms and not the BlackBerry.[38][39] The company also faced criticism that its hardware and operating system were dated and unappealing compared to the competition and that the browsing capabilities were poorer.[40] Strategic changes and restructuring (2011–present) Slowing growth prompted the company to undertake a lay-off of 2,000 employees in the summer of 2011.[41] In September 2011, the company's BlackBerry Internet Service suffered a massive outage, impacting millions of customers for several days. The outage embarrassingly occurred as Apple prepared to launch the iPhone 4S, causing fears of mass defections from the platform.[42] Shortly afterwards, in October 2011, RIM unveiled BBX, a new platform for future BlackBerry smartphones that would be based on the same QNX-based platform as the PlayBook. However, due to an accusation of trademark infringement regarding the name BBX, the platform was renamed BlackBerry 10.[43][44] The task proved to be daunting, with the company delaying the launch in December 2011 to some time in 2012.[45] On January 22, 2012, Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie resigned as the CEOs of the company, handing the reins over to executive Thorsten Heins.[46] On March 29, 2012, the company reported its first net loss in years.[47] Heins set about the task of restructuring the company, including announcing plans to lay off 5,000 employees, replacing numerous executives, and delaying the new QNX-based operating system for phones ("BlackBerry 10") a second time into January 2013.[48] After much criticism and numerous delays, RIM officially launched BlackBerry 10 and two new smartphones based off the platform, the BlackBerry Z10 and Q10, on January 30, 2013.[13][49][50] The BlackBerry Z10, the first BlackBerry smartphone running BlackBerry 10, debuted worldwide in January 2013, going on sale immediately in the UK with other countries following. A marked departure from previous BlackBerry phones, the Z10 featured a fully touch-based design, a dual-core processor, and a high-definition display. BlackBerry 10 had 70,000 applications available at launch, which the company expected would rise to 100,000 by the time the device made its debut in the United States. In support of the launch, the company aired its first Super Bowl television advertisement in the U.S. and Canada during Super Bowl XLVII.[51] In discussing the decision to create a proprietary operating system instead of adopting an off-the-shelf platform such as Android, Heins noted, "If you look at other suppliers' ability to differentiate, there's very little wiggle room. We looked at it seriously—but if you understand what the promise of BlackBerry is to its user base it's all about getting stuff done. Games, media, we have to be good at it but we have to support those guys who are ahead of the game. Very little time to consume and enjoy content—if you stay true to that purpose you have to build on that basis. And if we want to serve that segment we can't do it on a me-too approach."[52] Chief Operating Officer Kristian Tear remarked "We want to regain our position as the number one in the world", while Chief Marketing Officer Frank Boulben proclaimed "It could be the greatest comeback in tech history. The carriers are behind us. They don't want a duopoly" (referring to Apple and Samsung).[40] During the BlackBerry 10 launch event, the


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 07:15PM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    A´ischa, Gattin des Propheten, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihr, berichtete: An den T...
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:37
    A´ischa, Gattin des Propheten, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihr, berichtete: An den Tagen, an denen es ein starker Wind wehte, und sich der Himmel bewölkte, war ein Ausdruck des Unbehagen auf dem Gesicht des Gesandten Allahs, Allahs Segen und Heil auf ihm, zu erkennen. Und er pflegte hin und her zu gehen. Regnete es, so wurde er froh, und das Unbehagen wich von ihm. Als ich ihn nach dem Grund (seines Unbehagen) fragte, sagte er: Ich befürchtete, es wäre eine Strafe gewesen, die Allah über meine Ummah (Gemeinschaft) hätte hereinbrechen lassen. Er pflegte auch folgendes zu sagen, wenn er es regnen sah: O Allah, lass es eine Gnade sein! [Sahih Muslim Nr. 1495 (im arabischen)]
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