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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 29 05:45AM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wartime poster for the United Nations, created in 1942 by the US Office of War I...
    Dec 29th 2013, 04:49
    Wartime poster for the United Nations, created in 1942 by the US Office of War Information, showing the 26 members of the alliance - saudi would become a member of this :
    King Fahd,
    He said: "We, fellow citizens, work within the global, international sphere in the realm of the United Nations, its branches and organizations. We abide by its Charter, support its efforts and fight against any unlawful action trying to weaken its power and diminish the authority of the International Law Talal Al-attar
    "Al-mamlahah As-su'oodiyah wa Haiatul umam", p.33
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 28 07:14PM  

    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Musik im Islam - Halal oder Haram ?
    Als aller erstes muss man bemerken, dass d...
    Dec 28th 2013, 18:42
    Musik im Islam - Halal oder Haram ?

    Als aller erstes muss man bemerken, dass das Wort Haram, verboten – ausschließlich verwendet
    wird, für eine Tat, die im technischen und rechtlichen Sinn als ausdrücklich
    verboten gilt – im Koran oder Hadith, und nur für die Tat, die durch eine spezielle, beschriebene Strafe zu bestrafen ist. (Hadd)

    Die großen Islam-Gelehrten, insbesondere die Begründer
    der 4 Rechtsschulen

    Abu Hanifah (707 – 767),
    Malik ibn Anas (710 – 795)
    Al Shafi'i (767 – 819) und Ahmad
    ibn Hanbal (728 – 856)

    haben sich dafür ausgesprochen, die Vorbehalte gegen
    musikalische Aktivitäten niemals als haram zu verurteilen wenn sie nicht im Zusammenhang mit gewissen unerwünschten Verhaltensweisen stehen.

    Man kann also in der islamischen Welt nicht zu jeder Zeit und für jegliche Art der musikalischen Darstellung sagen, sie sei haram.

    Als Hauptbeweis wird ein Hadith im Saħîħ-Werk des Bukhâriyy, Kapitel „Buch der Getränke" (kitâb al-ashribah), überliefert von Abû Mâlik al-Ash ariyy angeführt.

    Die Authenzität des Hadiths ist zwar umstritten und wurde von einigen Gelehrten als schwach eingestuft, da die Überliefererkette im Saħîħ-Werk des Bukhâriyy ausnahmsweise
    unvollständig sei

    Doch da laut anderen Hadithgelehrten dennoch andernorts vollständige Überliefererketten existieren, gehen wir der Einfachheit halber von der Authenzität des
    Ausspruchs aus. Er lautet:

    „Es wird in meiner Nation wahrlich Leute geben, welche Unzucht und Seide, sowie berauschende Getränke und Musikinstrumente für erlaubt erklären (yastaħillûna) werden."

    Das fragliche Wort „für erlaubt halten" würde zwar wahrscheinlich die Sakrosanktheit implizieren und lautet yastaħillûna. Dennoch weist die Anführung dieses
    Hadiths große Schwachpunkte auf. Diese seien hiermit grob aufgelistet und danach einzeln behandelt.

    - Das Verb yastaħillûna ist nicht völlig eindeutig. Es kann nämlich auch „in etwas schwelgen" oder „im Übermaß tun" bedeuten

    - Dass das Verb falsch interpretiert worden ist, wird auch dadurch bestätigt, dass der Wortlaut die Existenz eines anderweitigen eindeutigen Verbots impliziert, welches
    jedoch zu fehlen scheint.

    - An der Erwähnung der Seide in dem Hadith ist zu sehen, dass der Hadith – wenn überhaupt – sich nicht für ein eindeutiges
    k o m p l e t t e s Verbot eignet.

    - In einem anderen - authentischen - Hadith wird deutlich, dass in dem Hadith die K o m b i n a t i o n aus Musik und Alkoholkonsum das Kritisierte ist

    - Ein Vergleich der vollständigen Form der beiden Hadith-Versionen zeigt, dass der Text ungeachtet der Qualität der Überlieferketten nicht verlässlich überliefert worden

    - Die Übersetzung „Musikinstrumente" für ma€âzif ist fragwürdig, und es besteht keine Einigkeit über die Bedeutung des Begriffs.

    Selbst wenn die Übersetzung als richtig angenommen würde: Im selben Hadith ist ja Seide erwähnt, von welcher bekannt ist, dass sie im Islam nicht uneingeschränkt verboten ist, da sie für Frauen praktisch komplett erlaubt und laut Ibn Abbâs in geringem Maß sogar für Männer z.B. ein kurzer Streifen in der Kleidung. Dies und andere Dinge sind der Beweis, dass der Hadith dann höchstens für ein begrenztes, auf keinen Fall jedoch ein uneingeschränktes Verbot ausreichen würde.

    Es gibt also keinen eindeutigen Beweise dafür das Musik um Islam verboten ist es wird immer Meinungsverschiedenheiten geben.

    Die Aussage das die Ansicht der Imame der vier Rechtsschulen alle Arten von Musikinstrumenten als haram bezeichnen ist falsch und eine Lüge !

    Wer noch mehr Wissen möchte soll uns einer Nachricht schreiben ich schicke eine Pdf datei.

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 28 07:14PM  

    ‎Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانيا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانيا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Syrische Flüchtlinge in Hessen
    „Zum ersten Mal Freiheit erlebt"
    „Cool", sa...
    Dec 28th 2013, 18:55
    Syrische Flüchtlinge in Hessen
    „Zum ersten Mal Freiheit erlebt"

    „Cool", sagt Mahmud, als er seine Weihnachtsgeschenke bekommt. Dann rennt der kleine Junge in sein Kinderzimmer, um auszupacken, was Gabriella Deppert mitgebracht hat.

    Es war im vergangenen Jahr um die gleiche Zeit, als die Darmstädterin über das Schicksal von Mahmud, seiner Mutter Khunaf Issa und Vater Rustum Maao zum ersten Mal in der Zeitung las und sofort einen familiären Hilfskonvoi für die syrische Flüchtlingsfamilie organisierte, die es nach Deutschland verschlagen hatte. Deppert besuchte damals zur Weihnachtszeit drei Menschen, die in einem kärglichen Raum in einer Asylantenunterkunft des Landkreises wohnten. Vater, Mutter und Sohn, die nur die Pässe und etwas Geld hatten mitnehmen können. Die aber voller Hoffnung waren, vor allem, weil Frau Issa zu der Zeit ihr zweites Kind erwartete. Deppert brachte damals Kleidung, Kinderspielsachen und Bettzeug mit.

    Außer Paketen hat Gabriella Deppert dieses Jahr auch Mohammad Abazid und Mohamed Ben Brahim mitgebracht. Die beiden studieren an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt und kümmern sich als Referenten des Allgemeinen Studentenausschusses um ausländische Studenten und Flüchtlinge. Abazid, der Informatik studiert und seit zehn Jahren in Deutschland lebt, gehört zu den Mitbegründern des Aktionsbündnisses Freies Syrien. Das Bündnis organisiert Hilfe für die Menschen im Kriegsgebiet.

    Seit Beginn des schrecklichen Bürgerkrieges ist Abazid im humanitären Dauereinsatz. In Eppertshausen hat er sich vor kurzem um einen jungen Mann gekümmert, der bei den Kämpfen schwer verletzt wurde und dem deshalb ein Bein amputiert werden musste. Wohnungen suchen, bei Behörden dolmetschen: „Es ist viel Arbeit, aber es ist wichtig für uns", sagt der gläubige Muslim, der Deutschland so sehr schätzen gelernt hat, „weil ich hier zum ersten Mal Freiheit und Menschenwürde erlebt habe". Dieser Wunsch, allen Menschen ein Leben in Freiheit zu garantieren, sei das eigentliche Motiv der syrischen Revolution gewesen. Deshalb unterstütze er die „Aktivisten" in Syrien. Aktivisten seien jene Helfer, „die die Lebensmittel und Medikamente dorthin bringen, wo die Hilfe gebraucht wird".

    Zum Ende des Jahres gab es eine erfreuliche Nachricht. Die verschiedenen syrischen Hilfsvereine haben eine Dachorganisation gegründet, den „Verband der Deutsch-Syrischen Hilfsvereine". Für Abazid, der sich ein Syrien wünscht, in dem die verschiedenen Religionen konfliktfrei koexistieren können, ist das ein weiterer, kleiner Schritt nach vorne. Nach vorne gehen sei die einzig mögliche Richtung für sein Land: „Die Menschen haben so viel für den Wunsch nach Freiheit geopfert, dass es keinen Weg zurück mehr gibt."
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 28 07:14PM  

    Allah Is Ones Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allah Is Ones Facebook-Pinnwand
    - BabaDimri= Nuk Degjon !! . . .
    - BabaDimri= Deshir s`pLotëson !! . . .
    - BabaD...
    Dec 28th 2013, 18:17
    - BabaDimri= Nuk Degjon !! . . .
    - BabaDimri= Deshir s`pLotëson !! . . .
    - BabaDimri= Segziston !! . . .
    - ALL-LLAHU = Degjon !! . . .
    - ALL-LLAHU = Deshir pLotëson !! . . .
    - ALL-LLAHU =Egziston!!.........
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 28 07:13PM  

    kuffar - Social Mention
    Dec 28th 2013, 11:34
    Helping the Kuffar Against the Muslims - Shaykh Abdul Aziz al-Tarifi
    Assalaamoalaikum Warahmatullaahe Wabarakaatohu .. The topic is LOVE. The word love is the most misused word ever. It has been used to hide lust, greed and desire but never has it been used in a correct sense. Love is actually love when a person loves Allah and His Rasool (pbuh) more than anything and everything. This is true love; everything else is just an illusion. How Sahaaba loved Allah and Rasoolullah and gave up the love of their near and dear ones for this. Some of the Sahaabis became enemies to their own fathers, mothers, brothers and wives bcoz they were the enemies of Allah. An example that really struck me was: In a battle (can't remember the name of the battle) a Sahaabi was tying up a Kuffar with ropes and another Sahaabi was passing by who turned out to be the brother of the guy taken captive. On seeing his brother being captured and tied up, the noble Sahaabi said, "Tie him up properly so that he doesn't run away. His mother is very rich and we will get a heavy amount in exchange of his freedom" The captive exclaimed, "Oh! why are you saying this, are you not my brother? " The Sahaabi replied, "No, the one who is tying you up is my brother" SubhaanAllah If we are to have any relationship or friendship with someone then it should be for the sake of Allah and the love of Allah should be over and above the love of kith and kin in this dunya. Now A days many Muslim guys and girls try to have love affairs with non-muslims and think that they will make them accept Islam in order to marry them BUT this is something wrong cuz such a love is not allowed in the first place .
    Dec 28th 2013, 10:18
    Assalaamoalaikum Warahmatullaahe Wabarakaatohu .. The topic is LOVE. The word love is the most misused word ever. It has been used to hide lust, greed and desire but never has it been used in a correct sense. Love is actually love when a person loves Allah and His Rasool (pbuh) more than anything and everything. This is true love; everything else is just an illusion. How Sahaaba loved Allah and Rasoolullah and gave up the love of their near and dear ones for this. Some of the Sahaabis became enemies to their own fathers, mothers, brothers and wives bcoz they were the enemies of Allah. An example that really struck me was: In a battle (can't remember the name of the battle) a Sahaabi was tying up a Kuffar with ropes and another Sahaabi was passing by who turned out to be the brother of the guy taken captive. On seeing his brother being captured and tied up, the noble Sahaabi said, "Tie him up properly so that he doesn't run away. His mother is very rich and we will get a heavy amount in exchange of his freedom" The captive exclaimed, "Oh! why are you saying this, are you not my brother? " The Sahaabi replied, "No, the one who is tying you up is my brother" SubhaanAllah If we are to have any relationship or friendship with someone then it should be for the sake of Allah and the love of Allah should be over and above the love of kith and kin in this dunya. Now A days many Muslim guys and girls try to have love affairs with non-muslims and think that they will make them accept Islam in order to marry them BUT this is something wrong cuz such a love is not allowed in the first place ...
    Dec 28th 2013, 10:16
    Dec 25th 2013, 15:37
    RULING ON THE KUFFAR FESTIVALS Praise be to Allaah. It is not permissible for the Muslim to eat foods that the Jews, Christians and mushrikoon make for their festivals. It is not permissible either for a Muslim to accept such things that are given to them on the occasion of their festivals, because that implies honouring them and cooperating with them in manifesting their symbols and propagating their innovations and sharing their happiness on the days of their festivals. That may also lead to taking their festivals as festivals for us too, or to exchanging invitations to meals or to give gifts on one another's festivals at the very least. This is a kind of deviation and innovation in religion. It was proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever introduces anything into this matter of ours that is not part of it, will have it rejected." And it is not permissible to give them anything on the occasion of their festivals. Al-Lajnah al-Daa'imah, 22/398.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 28 07:13PM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    In "protecting the rights of all people to worship the way they choose," then–secretary of state Hillary Clinton vowed "to use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don't feel that they have the support to do what we abhor." Mrs. Clinton required translation into the language of truth, as she generally does when her lips are moving. By the "rights" of "all people" to "worship" as "they choose," she meant the sharia-based desire of Muslim supremacists to foreclose critical examination of Islam. Madame Secretary, you see, was speechifying before her friends at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) — the bloc of 56 Muslim countries plus the Palestinian territories. At that very moment in July 2011, Christians were under siege in Egypt, Syria, Sudan, Iraq, and Iran — being gradually purged from those Islamic countries just as they'd been purged from Turkey, which hosted Mrs. Clinton's speech. As Christians from the Middle East to West Monroe, La., can tell you, the Left and its Obama vanguard are not remotely interested in their "rights . . . to worship the way they choose."
    Dec 28th 2013, 15:45
    A government that creates the climate for bullying is the worst of the bullies.
    Coercing Conformity: A government that creates the climate for bullying is the worst of the bullies.
    Dec 28th 2013, 14:38
    Mrs. Clinton required translation into the language of truth, as she generally does when her lips are moving.
    Al Qaeda back?
    Dec 28th 2013, 13:54
    CNN - Found 5 hours ago... is still a pervasive belief among extremists that a caliphate -- an Islamic state governed strictly by Sharia, or Islamic, law -- is possible...
    Al Qaeda on the rebound, experts say
    Dec 28th 2013, 13:26
    WLWT - Found 5 hours ago... is still a pervasive belief among extremists that a caliphate -- an Islamic state governed strictly by Sharia, or Islamic, law -- is possible...
    Taliban suspected in attack on Pakistan children's hospital
    Dec 28th 2013, 10:37
    ABC Online - Found 8 hours ago... parents to immunise their children against polio and other life-threatening diseases, saying that vaccinations were compliant with Sharia. Polio worker shot dead in Pakistan - Malaysia Sun Gunmen kill anti-polio health worker in Pakistan - Times of India Polio vaccinator killed - ABC Online Gunmen kill anti-polio health worker in Pakistan - Minneapolis Star Tribune Explore All Islamic Republic News Agency
    Boko Haram to FG "Total Shari'a in Nigeria or no Peace" Written by Alaba Johnson (Reporter for NaijaPundit) on 03 October 2011. Boko Haram to FG "Total Shari'a in Nigeria or no Peace" ...Says Qur'an is Above Nigerian Constitution altThe militant Islamic group, Boko Haram, which has been responsible for much of the insecurity in Nigeria due to it's spate of bombings and attacks on security forces has sent an email to major news outlets signed by it's spokesman, Abu Qaqa, to say that there will be no peace in Nigeria until there is a total implementation of Shari'a law in Nigeria. Their email which was written in Hausa language had the following message to Nigerians and the authorities "the country would not have peace until there is 100 per cent implementation of Sharia law in the country as enshrined in the holy Quran as well as immediate release of all our members who were detained and in the custody of security agencies for no just cause". The group which has been celebrating the fact that the FG held a low level Independence Day celebration apparently because of them also declared that they had no iota of respect for the Sultan of Sokoto and other traditional rulers from the North. In his email, Qaqa disqualified the Sultan thus "our position is that the Sultan is just a traditional ruler who revolted against the teachings of his ancestors and put the Nigerian Constitution ahead of the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Prophet." This is not surprising especially as NaijaPundit had earlier published a leaked wikileaks cable in which the Buhari team had told American Embassy officials that they had no confidence in the Northern Traditional rulers in general while naming the Sultan of Sokoto and the emir of Kano specifically as people who had tried to corrupt the judiciary. This agenda of Islamising Nigeria while alarming to some is nothing new to students of history who would recall that this has always been the agenda of the Northern establishment right from pre colonial times. For instance the First Premier of the North, the revered Sir Ahmadu Bello did say only eleven days after Nigeria's independence that "The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great grandfather Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the north as willing tools and the south as a conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us and never allow them to have control over their future." – Parrot Newspaper October 12, 1960. Nigerians may also recall that the late Sheik Abubakar Gumi had advocated that Nigeria should be ruled exclusively by Muslims.alt Nigerians may also recall the statement credited to former Military Head of State Buhari to the effect that Muslims should only vote for a Muslim candidate. Of course Buhari later clarified his statement that what he meant was that Muslims should only vote for those who will promote their religion. How that differs from his original statement is still a mystery. But of course Nigerians do remember that religion was used by Buhari's party, the CPC to campaign and mobilize during the last elections.alt How the FG hopes to contain Boko Haram remains to be seen especially going by their latest email but most Nigerians are scratching their heads and asking themselves whether there is any correlation between the comments made by a prominent member of the Northern establishment, Lawal Kaita, to the effect that "we (who are this "we?) will make Nigeria ungovernable for Jonathan" if he wins. Now that Jonathan has won and attempts are being made to make Nigeria ungovernable, many Nigerians are telling Jonathan that yes he may not need to be a "lion" but Nigeria needs a leader that is also not a sheep!
    Dec 28th 2013, 09:38
    Boko Haram to FG "Total Shari'a in Nigeria or no Peace" ...Says Qur'an is Above Nigerian Constitution The militant Islamic group, Boko Haram, which has been responsible for much of the insecurity in Nigeria due to it's spate of bombings and attack
    Iraq snapshot
    Dec 28th 2013, 05:21
    Friday, December 27, 2013. Chaos and violence continue, the protests continue, Nouri threatens this was the last Friday of protests, 9300 Iraqis have died in violent deaths so far this year, we look at the press mythology around Barack, and more.
    Americans being held in Libya - 4 US Military Personnel in Custody
    Dec 28th 2013, 02:35
    Four U.S. military personnel are being held by the Libyan government, a senior U.S. Defense Department official told CNN on Friday.
    Study: Clear Majority of European Muslims Pro-Sharia Fundamentalists
    Dec 28th 2013, 01:02
    The majority of Muslims in Europe believe Islamic Sharia law should take precedence over the secular constitutions and laws of their European host countries, according to a new study, which warns that Islamic fundamentalism is widespread and rising sharply in Western Europe.
    Putting aside the Islamic scientific proof that the earth is flat, or that Mecca is the center of the universe, the Islamo-centric information and cultural news portal Islam Online (of Doha, Qatar) has reported on Dec. 21, 2013, that Islamic Sharia Law proves scientifically that humans should never keep dogs as pets
    Dec 28th 2013, 00:31
    Putting aside the Islamic scientific proof that the earth is flat, or that Mecca is the center of the universe, the Islamo-centric information and cultural news portal Islam Online (of Doha, Qatar) has reported on Dec. 21, 2013, that Islamic Sharia Law proves scientifically that humans should never ...
    Dec 27th 2013, 22:25
    Dec 27th 2013, 21:07
    add this on Delicious - saved by to granbretagna immigrazione integrazione islam sharia - more about this link
    Indonesia govt lowers foreign tourist arrival target
    Dec 27th 2013, 19:08
    Asia News Network - Found 12 hours agoSharia tourism is leisure and travel activities that comply with Islamic law, including the provision of cuisine and beverages that contain no... Indonesia govt lowers foreign tourist arrival target - Big News Network Explore All
    Eminent Nigerians Pay Last Respects to Justice Kawu
    Dec 27th 2013, 17:46
 - Found 13 hours agoThe Grand Khadi of the Kwara State Sharia Court, Justice Idris Haroon, extolled the virtues of the late Justice Kawu whom he described as a... Gov Ahmed laments Justice Kawu's death - Daily Trust Explore All
    Nation already spends too much on military
    Dec 27th 2013, 15:11
    Panama City News Herald - Found 16 hours agoNow the two of them want to send arms to al-Qaida in their attempt to overthrow Assad and institute Sharia law in Syria. Give me a break!
    Daniel Wagner: Can Democrats and Jihadists Coexist in Tunisia?
    Dec 27th 2013, 10:31
    Huffington Post - Found 20 hours agoAl Qaeda-affiliated Salafist militias in Tunisia -- such as al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Ansar al-Sharia, and the Uqba ibn Nafi...
    How al-Qaeda Changed the Syrian War
    Dec 27th 2013, 09:35
    New York Review of Books - Found 21 hours agoLinked to al-Qaeda, the fearsome group has swept across northern Syria, imposing sharia law, detaining and even beheading Syrians who don't...
    Dec 25th 2013, 10:37
    Islamic sharia law courts in Britain are exploiting a little-known legal clause to make their verdicts officially binding under UK law in cases including divorce and domestic violence.
    Dec 25th 2013, 10:30
    CHALLENGE: Implement 'SHARIA' in your country and the rates of murder,rape and robbery will come down in 10 days.
    Dec 25th 2013, 08:52
    Tucker Carlson Confronts Islamic Preacher Who Wants to Implement "Sharia Law"
    Dec 21st 2013, 13:23
    Tucker Carlson filled in for Sean Hannity on his show Friday night, and he brought on Anjem Choudary, a Muslim preacher responsible for an effort to threaten...
    این فید به انعکاس اخبار روزانه توحش مسلمین اختصاص داشته و بروز میشود
    Jan 28th 2013, 21:44
    On Native GroundWE Need More Carpenters, and Few Jackasses,891W/264.html
    Aug 4th 2011, 07:00
    The only dead bodies I've ever seen in real life have been close relatives in boxes - and those were disquieting experiences that I would rather not repeat.
    Brasch WordsBIG Business Paid for the Beds, and Now Republicans Lie in Them,891W/360.html
    Mar 3rd 2011, 08:00
    Whenever I become downhearted over man's inhumanity to man, I recognize that man's inhumanity to women is even more frightening.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 28 07:13PM  

    Türken auf der ganzen Welt *-*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Türken auf der ganzen Welt *-*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Heey Garson! Bana yüreğim kadar yanık bir döner, duygularım kadar karışık bir sa...
    Dec 28th 2013, 18:18
    Heey Garson! Bana yüreğim kadar yanık bir döner, duygularım kadar karışık bir salata, sevgim kadar temiz bir peynir ve aşkım kadar eski bir şarap istiyorum.

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