- AL NAS TV الناسs Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung]
- Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand: The Muslim Show Germany [1 Aktualisierung]
- Allah is Greatests Facebook-Pinnwand: MASHALLAH Dont forget to say MashaAllah:-). [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Terrorist's confession about the role of the CIA and the Turkish intelligence in... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Your 12 hourly digest for Killuminati for Wakeup | Islamismus und Salafismus | Europa [1 Aktualisierung]
- Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand: Perlawanan Hewan Dalam Video Klip Streetlight Manifesto "Would You Be Impressed"... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: اَللّٰھُمَّ فَقِّھْنِیْ فِی الدِّیْنِاے اﷲ! مجھے دین کی سمجھ عطافرما (بخاری)I... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Dears : This week the Senate Intelligence Committee will vote whether to declas... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: فتاة فلسطينتقول الطفلة : ( والله لأفضحكم بالاعلام) [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: (Untitled) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung]
- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 04:00AM +0100
AL NAS TV الناسs Facebook-Pinnwand
AL NAS TV الناسs Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 3rd 2014, 02:52
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 03:50AM +0100
Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
The Muslim Show Germany
Apr 3rd 2014, 02:15
The Muslim Show Germany
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 03:46AM +0100
Allah is Greatests Facebook-Pinnwand
Allah is Greatests Facebook-Pinnwand
MASHALLAH Dont forget to say MashaAllah:-).
Apr 3rd 2014, 02:00
MASHALLAH Dont forget to say MashaAllah:-).
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 03:46AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Terrorist's confession about the role of the CIA and the Turkish intelligence in...
Apr 3rd 2014, 02:45
Terrorist's confession about the role of the CIA and the Turkish intelligence in arming the terrorists in Syria
Turkish, U.S. intelligence and the Al-Qaeda in Syria
Syria Kasab Al_Qaeda Nusra FSA CIA Turkey
Terrorist's confession about the role of the CIA and the Turkish intelligence in arming the terrorists in Syria.
CIA & Turkish Intelligence Arming Terrorists In Syria
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 03:38AM +0100
Killuminati for Wakeup | Islamismus und Salafismus | Europa
Übersicht für - 25 Benachrichtigungen in 23 Themen
Apr 3rd 2014, 02:35
Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: kafir islam - Social Mention: [3 Aktualisierungen] kafir islam - Social Mention: History April Mop [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: Lakers Takluk dari Blazers di Kandang: Los Angeles Lakers gagal kembali memetik kemenangan di laga lanjutan NB... [1 Aktualisierung] khalifa - Social Mention: I miss you Yung Khalifa😍 free you. 💞 [1 Aktualisierung] Videos: Sejarah Kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW - Ustadz Budi Ashari, Lc [1 Aktualisierung] media crash news - Social Mention: YachtMedia previews Palma Superyacht Show with [1 Aktualisierung] Videos: Allah hat 99 Namen im Koran - Der Zerstörer, der der Schaden anrichtet, verderben bringt [1 Aktualisierung] kufr islam - Social Mention: As-salaam Alykum. Dear brothers and sisters,think about this: wat if someone does an evil act and never ever get punished? Wat if guilty is never brought to justice? Can mere death be punishment enough for wicked? (who wouldn't die,anyway) if there is the reward of aljanna paradise for our faith Iman and strugles in the cause of Allah,shouldn't there be punishment for disbelief (kufr) and evil actions? Indeed one of the most important principles in Islam is Adalci,(justice) u get wat u deserve nd this is where the punishment of hell comes in it is the ans to all those who think they did the perfect crime, those who repused to worship Allah, who were unrighteous, nd prepared the life of this world to the hereafter, deceived it to think it will never end. ₹Abm₹ [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: Hahahaha,lawak "@yusuf_158: wkwkw ciee Ichamay_ Jihad♥" [1 Aktualisierung] killuminati - Social Mention: @_killuminati_01 truuuu [1 Aktualisierung] killuminati - Social Mention: RT @muzzibrohi: Never, ever, ever drink coffee on a Sunday night. Don't be like me. #Sleepless #Killuminati [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar - Social Mention: Ooo celebrator of April fool To whom u gonna be make fool?? U know....??? The real fool is you.... Not he whom u going to make fool Because you're imitating the celebration of kuffar against hadith of prophet.... Prophet warned agaist imitator of kuffar.. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him said: "Whoever imitates a people is one of them." (narrated by Ahmad, 2/50; Abû Dâwûd, 4/314). Moreover on this fake day many unexpected accidents wil happen by your lies...... "Your lies may lead to loss" O birdbrain :) :) think once ... [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: Adzan Subuh utk Wilayah Bandung & sekitarnya" hayu ahh urang enggal netepan :)" [1 Aktualisierung] allahuakbar - Social Mention: I'm loving it Allahuakbar [1 Aktualisierung] kuffar islam - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] - Social Mention: RT @M7md_Albishri: موقع يسلم منه يوميا 8 أشخاص بفضل الله ، يتوفر ب 8 لغات ، ساعد في نشره، لعلك تكون سبب في إسلام احدهم ♥… [1 Aktualisierung] kalifa - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] nasheed - Social Mention: Happiness is when you avoid forbidden things to please Our Creator. Allahu Akbar! [1 Aktualisierung] jihad - Social Mention: RT @coolswagjay: @JihadCampbell11 @monicahorinko what waste of a water bottle Jihad hydration important never mess with it you should say … [1 Aktualisierung] die wahre religion islam - Social Mention: The primacy of conscience: The only way forward for the Catholic Church [1 Aktualisierung] al-ansar - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung] Masallah - Social Mention: Tütütü maşallah 😀😀 [1 Aktualisierung] IHED - Social Mention: @Nsalmos moi aussi je crois pas, mais kif galti allah ihed lbass, [1 Aktualisierung] kafir islam - Social Mention: Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 11:51AM +0100
kafir islam - Social Mention
Apr 2nd 2014, 10:15
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Walhamdulillahirabbil alamin, was-Shalatu was-Salamu ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Sayyidil Anbiya'i wal Mursaliin.... Tulisan ini hanyalah tulisan biasa dab ala kadarnya, bukan terjemah dan bukan kajian. Praktis banyak kekurangan disana-sini terutama bagi antum yang ahli dan berkompeten dalam dunia tulis menulis. Jika antum berkehendak, sebaiknya merujuk kembali pada kitab aslinya. Yaitu KITAB : FAISHAL AT-TAFRIQAH, HALAMAN ; 95 – 97 PENGARANG : HUJJATUL ISLAM, SYAIKH ABU HAMID AL-GHOZALIY (1058 M/450 H – 1111 M/505 H) Dalam tulisan ini akan berkonsesntrasi pada 2 buah hadits yang memahaminya dibingkai dengan hadits yang menjelaskan tentang keagungan Rahmat Allah Taala dan Syafaat Rasulullah SAW. Dalam kitab tersebut dijelaskan : Rasulullah SAW bersabda (hadits pertama) : يقول الله تعالى لآدم عليه السلام يوم القيامة : يا آدم ابعث من ذريتك بعث النار. فيقول : يا رب من كم ؟ فيقول : من كل ألف تسعا مئة وتسعة وتسعين . Pada hari kiamat Allah Taala berkata pada Adam Alaihis Salam : "Wahai Adam, diantara keturunanmu akan menjadi penduduk neraka". Adam berkata : "Wahai tuhanku, berapakah mereka ?". Allah berkata : "999 orang dari setiap 1000 orang" Rasulullah SAW juga bersabda (hadits ke-dua) : ستفترق امتي على نيف وسبعين فرقة. الناجية منها واحدة "Umatku akan terpecah menjadi 70 golongan lebih, golongan yng selamat hanya satu" -Beliau imam Ghozali memaprkan satu persatu- HADITS PERTAMA adalah shahih. Dan yang dikehendaki bukan lah mereka (999 orang dari tiap 1000 orang) termasuk kafir dan kekal dineraka. Akan tetapi maksudnya ialah mereka berhak masuk dan diserahkan neraka serta ditinggal (disiksa) disana sesuai dengan kadar kemaksiatan mereka. Sedang orang yang ma'sum (terjaga) dari maksiat itu hanya ada satu orang dari setiap 1000 orang. Sebagaimana Allah Taala berfirman : وإن منكم إلا واردها (مريم : 71) "Dan tidak ada seorangpun dari padamu, melainkan mendatangi neraka itu". Adapun bahasa Bats an-Nar (penduduk neraka) dalam hadits pertama diatas, adalah ungkapan dari orang-orang yang dipastikan masuk neraka sebab dosa-dosanya. Namun masih bisa diselamatkan dan dipalingkan dari jalan menuju neraka jahanam dengan lantaran memperoleh syafaat. Sebagaimana banyak sekali dijelaskan dalam hadits-hadits yang menunjukkan betapa besar dan luas Rahmat Allah Taala. Diantaranya adalah hadits yang diriwayatkan dari sayyidah 'Aisyah Radhiallahu Anha. Yaitu : "Sesungguhnya 'Aisyah berkata : "Pada suatu malam aku kehilangan Nabi SAW. Kemudian aku mencari beliau, ternyata beliau berada dikamarnya sedang melakukan shalat. Lantas aku melihat 3 cahaya (nur) diatas kepala beliau. Ketika beliau selesai dari shalatnya, beliau berkata : -Siapa ini ?- Aku berkata : -Saya, 'Aisyah ya Rasulullah- Beliau berkata : -Apakah kamu melihat 3 cahaya tadi ?- Aku menjawab : -Benar, aku melihatnya ya Rasulallah- Beliau berkata : -Sesungguhnya (pada CAHAYA YANG PERTAMA) ada malaikat dari tuhanku mendatangiku, kemudian memberi kabar gembira kepadaku, bahwa Allah Taala akan memasukkan 70.000 umatku kesurga dengan tanpa hisab dan adzab. Kemudian pada CAHAYA YANG KE-DUA datang pada ku malaikat dari tuhanku, lantas memberi kabar gembira kepadaku, bahwa Allah Taala akan memasukkan kesurga dari umatku 70.000 orang pada masing-masing dari 70.000 orang yang awal (70.000 x 70.000 = 4.900.000.000 / 4,9 milyar) dengan tanpa hisab dan adzab. Kemudian pada CAHAYA YANG KE-TIGA, malaikat dari tuhanku datang padaku, lantas memberi kabar gaembira kepadaku sesungguhnya Allah Taala akan memasukkan kesurga dari umatku 70.000 orang pada masing-masing 70.000 yag telah dilipat gandakan tadi (70.000 x 4.900.000.000 = 343. / 343 Trilyun) dengan tanpa hisab dan adzab- Kemudian aku berkata : -Wahai Rasulullah, umatmu tidak mencapai jumlah ini- Beliau menjawab : -Kalian akan disempurnakan oleh orang-orang yang tidak shalat dan puasa dari orang-orang pelosok (al-A'rob) – Imam al-Ghozali menjelaskan, hadits ini dan sesamanya, adalah hadits-hadits yang menujukkan luasnya rahmat Allah Taala. Juga hal ini hanya khusus pada umat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Menurut saya (al-Ghozali) sesungguhnya rahmat Allah itu mencakup terhadap umat-umat terdahulu, meski kebanyakan mereka diserahkan pada neraka. Adakalanya sebentar dan ada kalanya lama hingga disebut penduduk neraka (bats an-nar). Bahkan menurut saya (al-Ghozali) sesungguhnya kebanyakan orang-orang Nashrani dinegara Rum dan Turki pada zaman sekarang (zaman imam Ghozali) terakomodir dalam rahmat Allah Taala insyaAllah. Yakni mereka yang berada dipelosok-pelosok negara Rum dan Turki, yang belum ada da'wah yang sampai pada mereka. Karena sesungguhnya mereka ada 3 golongan : Pertama; golongan yang sama sekali belum pernah sampai nama Muhammad SAW pada mereka. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah orang-orang yang diampuni (al-Ma'dzurin). Kedua ; golongan yang mana nama dan sifat Muhammad serta Mu'jizat beliau yang tampak telah sampai pada mereka, seraya mereka adalah orang-orang yang hidup berdampingan dengan negara-negara islam, bahkan berbaur dengan muslimi. Mereka adalah orang-orang kafir yang kekal dineraka. Ketiga ; golongan antara kedua golongan diatas dan telah sampai nama Muhammad SAW pada mereka namun sifat dan mu'jizat beliau tidak sampai pada mereka. Bahkan semenjak mereka masih kecil telah mendengar berita bahwa ada pembohong, penipu yang bernama Muhammad telah mengaku menjadi Nabi. Maka menurut saya (imam al-Ghozali) mereka sama dengan golongan pertama (diampuni karena udzur). Sebab disamping nama Muhammad SAW belum sampai pada mereka, mereka telah mendengar berita kebalikan sifat-sifat beliau yang sebenarnya. Praktis hal ini tidak akan menggerakkan mereka untuk mencari tau (tentang Muhammad dan Islam). Adapun mengenai HADITS YANG KE-DUA diatas, yakni pembahasan pada lafadz الناجية منها واحدة -golongan yang selamat hanya satu-, maka riwayat hadits demikian adalah berbeda-beda. Sebab benar-benar telah diriwayatkan juga dengan redaksi الهالكة منها واحدة -golongan yang binasah hanya satu- namun riwayat yang pertama lebih masyhur. Sedang makna selamat (an-Najiah) yaitu selamat yang tidak ada tawaran pada neraka sama sekali dan tidak membutuhkan syafaat. Bahkan orang yang berurusan dengan malaikat zabaniyyah (malaikat pelempar penduduk neraka keneraka), bukanlah termasuk orang yang selamat secara mutlak, meskipun terbebas dari neraka lantaran mendapat syafaat. Bahkan menurut riwayat lain dengan redaksi كلهم في الجنة إلا الزنادقة وهي فرقة –semua golongan masuk surga kecuali para kafir zindiq. Mereka satu golongan- Dan sangat dimungkinkan bahwa semua riwayat-riwayat tersebut adalah sahih. Maka golongan yang celaka (al-Halikah) itu satu, yaitu golongan yang kekal didalam neraka. Dan yang dimaksud orang yang celaka (al-Halik) disini adalah orang yang tidak bisa diharapkan kebaikannya sama sekali (al-Ya'su). Sedangkan golongan yang selamat (an-Najiah) juga ada satu, yaitu golongan yang masuk surga dengan tanpa hisab dan syafaat, karena seseorang yang diwarnai dengan perhitungan (hisab) berarti terkena adzab dan tidak dikatakan selamat secara mutlak. Dan orang yang mengharapkan syafaat, berarti telah merendahkan derajat dirinya sendiri. Kedua golongan ini adalah ujung dari dua sudut yang bertolak belakang, yaitu golongan terbaik serta selamat dan golongan terjelek serta kekal dineraka. Sementara golongan-golongan yang lain berada diantara kedua golongan tersebut, maka sebagian dari mereka hanya diadzab dengan dihisab saja, dan sebagian yang lain sudah sangat dekat dari neraka namun kemudian diselamatkan dengan mendapat syafaat, dan sebagian yang lain masuk neraka dan disiksa sesuai dengan kadar kesalahan dalam beraqidah dan bid'ahnya, kemudian dikeluarkan dari neraka... Adapun golongan yang celaka lagi kekal dineraka dari umat ini, ialah satu golongan yang mendustakan dan memperbolehkan mendustakan rasulullah saw dengan berdalih kemashlahatan.
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Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 11:51AM +0100
kafir islam - Social Mention
Apr 2nd 2014, 10:02
"KANZUL IMAAN FI TARJIMATUL QUR'AN" jaha bayshumar khoobiowala "QUR'AN-E-HAKEEM" ka urdu trjuma hy wahi "QUR'AN-E-HAKEEM" ki asl mansha-o-muraad ko batata hy AWAMI LU'GHAT aur BAAZARI BOLI say bilkul PAAK-SAAF hy AYAT-E-RABBANI k andaz ko pehchanwata hy "QUR'AN" k makhsoos muhawaro'n ki nishandayhi krta hy "ALLAHTA'ALA" ki IZZAT-O-HURMAT may NUKS laganaywalay MUTRAJJIMEEN ki nishandayhi krta hy "HAZRAAT-E-ANMBIYA" ki AZMAT-O-HURMAT ka muhafiz aur niehbaan hy HAQ to yh hy "QUR'AN-E-HAKEEM" "ALLAHTA'ALA" ka muqaddas kalaam hy aur "IMAM AHMAD RAZA" ka trjuma kiya hua "KANZUL IMAAN" uska muhazzab trjuman hy, is waqt hm MOULVI ASHRAF ALI THANVI MEHMOOD HASAN DEOBANDI FATEH MOHAMMED JALANDHARI NAZEER AHMAD NAWAB WAHIDUZZAMA WAGAIRAH k kiye huye trjumay say "KANZUL IMAAN" Ka taqabuli jaiza paysh kr rahay hyn jissay har insaaf pasand khuad andaza kr layngay ki kiska trjuma haq aur kiska trjumah baatil hy POST # 1 "SU-BAQRA AYAT-15" SIR SAIYYAD Ka trjuma "ALLAH unsay thatta krta hy" FATEH MOHAMMED JALANDHARI ka trjuma "un munafiqo'n say KHUDA hasi krta hy" MIRZA HAIRAT ka trjuma "ALLAH hasi udata hy unki" DIPTI NAZEER Ka trjuma "ALLAH unko banata hy" SHAIKH-E-DEOBAND MEHMOOD HASAN Ka trjuma "ALLAH hasi krta hy unsay" WAHIDUZZAMA ka trjuma "ALLAH JALLA SHANAHU unsay dillagi krta hy" JUNAGADHI GAIRMUQALLID Ka trjuma "ALLAHTA'ALA b unsay mazaaq krta hy" THANVI Ji ka trjuma "ALLAHTA'LA b istahiza kr rahay hy'n un k saath" "MA'AZALLAH" in WAHABI MUTRAJJIMEEN k dil may agar "ALLAH" ki AZMAT-O-JALAAL ka sachcha tasawwur hota to WHO "SUBBUHUN QUDDUS" k haq may THATTA KRNA, MAZAAQ KRNA, HASI UDANA ka trjuma hrgiz na krtay jb ki "ALLAH" ki zaat in tamam youb say paak hyab AAP "IMAM AHMAD RAZA" ka imaanafroz trjuma padhay "ALLAH unsay istahiza farmata hy jaisa k USKI shaan k layak hy" "SUBHANALLAH" POST # 2 "ALLAH" k A'ZLI aur ABDI ILM ka inkar WAHABI TARJUMA PADHAY'N SU-BAQRA AYAT-143 ASHRAF ALI THANVI Ka TARJUMA "ki HAM ko (yani ALLAH ko) MAALUM ho jaye ki kaun to RASOOLULLAH sallalahualahiwasallam ka ittiba ikhtiyar krta hy" SHAIKH-E-DEOBAND MAHMOOD HASAN "magar is wastay ki HAM maalum KRLAY'N unlogo'n ko jo pairvi kray'n RASOOL ki" SIR SAYYAD Ka TARJUMA "ki HAM janlay'n us shakhs ko jo pairvi krta hy RASOOL ki" FATEH MOHAMAD JALANDHARI TARJUMA"ki maalum KRAY'N ki kaun hamaray PAIGHAMBAR ka ta'bay rehta hy" DIPTI NAZEER DEOBANDI nay likha "HAMNAY USKO isi garz say qarar diya tha ki jo log RASOOL ki pairvi kray'n unko HAM un logo'n say MAALUM KRLAY'N" AAPNAY padha ki in WAHABI IMAANFAROSHO'N nay "ALLAHTA'ALA" k ILM k ta'alluk say likh mara ki "ALLAH ko MAALUM ho jaye" "ALLAH JANLAY'N" "ALLAH logo'n say MAALUM KRLAY'N" Jab ki yh JUMLA us k liye bola jata hy jisko pehlay say maalum na ho" POST # 3 "ALLAHTA'ALA" k A'ZLI aur ABDI ILM ka inkar SU-BAQRA AYAT-143
- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 03:28AM +0100
Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
Perlawanan Hewan Dalam Video Klip Streetlight Manifesto "Would You Be Impressed"...
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:54
Perlawanan Hewan Dalam Video Klip Streetlight Manifesto "Would You Be Impressed"
Underground Tauhid—Video klip band ska punk asal New Jersey, Streetlight Manifesto berjudul "Would You Be Impressed" ini memang menarik untuk dibahas. Selain karena penggarapannya yang unik menggunakan teknik animasi 2 dimensi ala Flash, tapi juga cerita… [ 201 more words. ]
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 03:14AM +0100
Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
اَللّٰھُمَّ فَقِّھْنِیْ فِی الدِّیْنِ
اے اﷲ! مجھے دین کی سمجھ عطافرما (بخاری)
Apr 3rd 2014, 02:00
اَللّٰھُمَّ فَقِّھْنِیْ فِی الدِّیْنِ
اے اﷲ! مجھے دین کی سمجھ عطافرما (بخاری)
Islam is the solution for humanity
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:43AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Dears :
This week the Senate Intelligence Committee will vote whether to declas...
Apr 3rd 2014, 00:45
Dears :
This week the Senate Intelligence Committee will vote whether to declassify parts of the Torture Report (which we expect it will, thanks to everyone who pressured the Committee to do so!), and then it goes to the President's desk. The more information that goes public about the use of torture by the Bush administration post-9/11, the closer we'll be to holding those responsible for these crimes accountable.
But John Kiriakou, who blew the whistle on CIA torture, is still in prison. Tell the Bureau of Prisons that John deserves to be moved out of prison into a halfway house.
Thanks to John, we've known for years that cruel forms of "enhanced interrogation" have been a regular practice by the US government. In a 2007 interview on ABC News, he became the first CIA officer to publicly confirm that the CIA had waterboarded prisoners, and that such an action was torture. He also confirmed that torture was an official U.S. government policy, rather than wrongdoing by a few rogue agents.
Five years later, the government went after him–– throwing him in prison for 30 months, taking him away from his wife and children.
Take a minute to sign this petition to the Bureau of Prisons asking that John at least be moved to a halfway house, where the conditions will be much better than he is subjected to now. You can also help by sending John a message of support:
John Kiriakou, 79637-083
Federal Correctional Institution Loretto
P.O.Box 1000
Loretto, PA 15940
Thank you for standing up for the truth,
Alli, Cayman, Farah, Janet, Jodie, Kate, Lisa, Medea, Nancy, Sara, Sergei and Tighe
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:43AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
فتاة فلسطين
تقول الطفلة : ( والله لأفضحكم بالاعلام)
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:13
فتاة فلسطين
تقول الطفلة : ( والله لأفضحكم بالاعلام)
◘◘◘ انشروها براً بقسمها◘◘◘
تقول الطفلة : ( والله لأفضحكم بالاعلام) ◘◘◘ انشروها براً بقسمها◘◘◘ في أحد المشاهد الدالة على تصرفات جنود الإحتلال اللاأخلاقية بحق المواطنين الفلسطينيين، أظهر مقطع فيديو إعتقال أم فلسطينية ناشطة ضد الجدار والإستيطان أمام أطفالها، فيما حاول الأطفال الدفاع عن والدتهم وتخليصها من بين أيدي الجنود. لمزيد من الفيديوهات تابعونا على فتاة فلسطين ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:43AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
President al-Assad: Syrian people's only choice is to defeat terrorism, Russia's...
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:21
President al-Assad: Syrian people's only choice is to defeat terrorism, Russia's role contributes to creating multi-polar world
Apr 2, 2014
President Bashar al-Assad affirmed Wednesday that Syrian people have no choice but to achieve victory in their war against terrorism and the extremist obscurantist thinking that is alien to the Syrian society.
President's affirmation came during his meeting with a delegation of the Russia-based Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, headed by Society's Chairman Sergei Stepashin.
He added this victory can be achieved through firmly sticking to diversity, moderation and intellectual enlightenment that have characterized the Syrian society throughout decades.
20140402-125909.jpgIn the course of the meeting, Stepashin conveyed to President al-Assad a message from Russian President Vladimir Putin in which the latter expressed his country's determination to continue its support in various fields for the Syrian people's steadfastness in the face of the war they are fighting against international terrorism backed by some Western and regional countries.
For his part, President al-Assad voiced his appreciation of Russia's firm stance in support of Syria and his satisfaction with level of the standing cooperation and coordination between the friendly countries.
He highlighted the important role which Russia is playing today in the international arena clearly contributes to drawing up a new map for a multi-polar world that achieves international justice and serves interest of countries and peoples who are adherent to their sovereignty and the independence of their decision.
Stepashin, in turn, expressed Russia's condemnation of acts of killing and intimidation perpetrated by terrorist groups against Syrian people and their various spectra, the latest of which was the assault on Kassab area on Syria's northern border with Turkey.
He noted that the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society is working on raising funds aimed to secure and send humanitarian supplies to the residents of Kassab, where mercenary terrorist groups attacked the city on March 20 under cover and support of Turkish government.
Syrian people's appreciation of Russia's supportive position was voiced by President al-Assad during a meeting with a Russian parliamentary delegation on March 11, headed by Alexei Vorontsov, MP from the Communist Party of Russia and Chairman of the Russian-Syrian Cooperation Association.
The President stressed then that Washington and the countries of the West do not seek real partnerships but rather want client states that are subordinate to their dictations.
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:43AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
#Saudi : Video: King Abdullah Girls, talking about the fact that Saudi Arabia a...
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:06
#Saudi : Video: King Abdullah Girls, talking about the fact that Saudi Arabia across the British station
#Saudi : Video: King Abdullah Girls, talking about the fact that Saudi Arabia across the British station
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:40AM +0100
Le retour du Khilafah The Return Of Khilafah الخلافةs Facebook-Pinnwand
Le retour du Khilafah The Return Of Khilafah الخلافةs Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:08
This boy was prevented from praying in Masjid Al-Aqsa by Israeli soldiers, so he prayed in the courtyard. May Allah give him the multiplied reward of prayer in Al-Aqsa and even more.
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:40AM +0100
Le retour du Khilafah The Return Of Khilafah الخلافةs Facebook-Pinnwand
Le retour du Khilafah The Return Of Khilafah الخلافةs Facebook-Pinnwand
la ilaha ela lah
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:06
la ilaha ela lah
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:39AM +0100
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
You got a problem? Pray... ALLAH always listen.
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:00
You got a problem? Pray... ALLAH always listen.
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:39AM +0100
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
You got a problem? Pray... ALLAH always listen.
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:00
You got a problem? Pray... ALLAH always listen.
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:34AM +0100
Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:00
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:26AM +0100
Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
Menakjubkan! Penyembelihan Cara Islam Tidak Menyakiti Hewan!
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:02
Menakjubkan! Penyembelihan Cara Islam Tidak Menyakiti Hewan!
Menakjubkan! Penyembelihan Cara Islam Tidak Menyakiti Hewan!
Underground Tauhid–Penyembelihan hewan dengan cara Islami terlihat penuh darah dan mengerikan. Beberapa mengatakan cara seperti ini tidak manusiawi dan sadis. Tapi penelitian membuktikan, cara membunuh seperti ini justru yang paling baik untuk… [ 450 more words. ]
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:26AM +0100
Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
Ghurabaa (Militant Tauhid)s Facebook-Pinnwand
Apa Bedanya Axl Rose yang Dulu dan Sekarang?
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:24
Apa Bedanya Axl Rose yang Dulu dan Sekarang?
Apa Bedanya Axl Rose yang Dulu dan Sekarang?
Underground Tauhid–Salah satu program TV asal Brazil "Mais Cultura" menayangkan liputan tentang vokalis Guns n' Roses, Axl Rose. Menariknya dalam liputan tersebut menyajikan foto yang membandingkan ukuran tubuh Axl Rose sejak album "Appetite For… [ 111 more words. ]
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 02:21AM +0100
99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 3rd 2014, 01:21
[41:37] "Among His proofs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not prostrate before the sun, nor the moon; you shall fall prostrate before the GOD who created them, if you truly worship Him alone."
-Admin Abdinasir
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 01:51AM +0100
Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
Dünyada uğruna en çok insanin hayatini kaybettigi bayrak Türk Bayrağidir. Kimisi...
Apr 3rd 2014, 00:22
Dünyada uğruna en çok insanin hayatini kaybettigi bayrak Türk Bayrağidir. Kimisi indirmeye calisirken geberdi kimileri dikmek icin şehit oldu...
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 01:44AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
US Supreme Court lifts limits on federal campaign donations
The US Supreme Cou...
Apr 3rd 2014, 00:11
US Supreme Court lifts limits on federal campaign donations
The US Supreme Court has lifted limits on the total amount of money an individual can give to political candidates, committees, and parties, allowing wealthy donors to influence federal elections.
The 5 to 4 ruling on Wednesday eliminated the $48,600 cap on donations to candidates and the $74,600 cap on contributions to state and local political party committees during each two-year cycle.
The decision is to have an immediate impact on the midterm elections this year as Republicans are seeking to keep control of the House of Representatives and gain six Senate seats to take over the upper chamber on Capitol Hill.
According to public advocacy groups, wealthy donors can now give nearly $6 million to every House and Senate candidate and every political committee in their party.
Republican congressional leaders hailed the ruling as a First Amendment victory and a boost to political free speech.
"It is the right of the individual, and not the prerogative of Congress, to determine how many candidates and parties to support," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky).
However, Democrats blasted the court's decision, saying it would help the wealthy have undue influence on US politics.
"I'm concerned about what it means for our democracy. Our founders, they sacrificed their lives, their liberty, their sacred honor for a democracy: a government of the many, not a government of the money," said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California).
The ruling comes just a few days after four Republican 2016 presidential hopefuls – former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich – rushed to Las Vegas to meet with Sheldon Adelson, who is believed to be the world's eighth-richest person.
Adelson, a Las Vegas-based casino tycoon and hawkish Israel backer, donated nearly $93 million to Republicans during the 2012 election cycle. He says he has undertaken a new strategy to win the White House in 2016.
Limits on US campaign donations lifted
The US Supreme Court lifts limits on the total amount of money an individual can donate to candidates.
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 01:44AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Turkey's top court orders Twitter ban lifted
Turkey's Constitutional Court has...
Apr 3rd 2014, 00:10
Turkey's top court orders Twitter ban lifted
Turkey's Constitutional Court has ordered the government to unblock the social media website Twitter, which was banned in the country last month.
The top court ruled on Wednesday that the government's ban on Twitter "violated Article 26 of the Constitution safeguarding freedom of expression," and thus must be lifted.
It reportedly sent a statement both to the country's telecommunications authority and the communications ministry to "do what's necessary."
The court case was brought by academics Yaman Akdeniz of Bilgi University in Istanbul and Kerem Altiparmak of Ankara University, as well as opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) lawmaker Sezgin Tanrikulu.
It is, however, not yet clear if the court order, the second such ruling, will eventually lift the ban.
Last month, an Ankara administrative court also found the ban on Twitter against freedom of expression, after the Turkish Bar Association launched a legal challenge.
But the government appealed that verdict, and the ban remained in place.
Turkey blocked Twitter on March 20, after it was used to spread corruption allegations against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his inner circle.
The ban ahead of the local elections in the country brought the Erdogan administration under fire at home and drew criticism from rights groups and Ankara's Western allies.
Still Turkey blocked YouTube a week later following the publication of an audio recording on the video sharing website that implicated top Turkish officials discussing possible military operations in Syria.
Ankara condemned the leaking on YouTube as an act of espionage and said it had created "a national security issue."
Lift ban on Twitter: Turkey top court
Turkey's Constitutional Court says the government's ban on Twitter violates freedom of expression.
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 01:44AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Israel fumes over Palestine position in UN: Jamal Juma
Press TV has conducted...
Apr 3rd 2014, 00:14
Israel fumes over Palestine position in UN: Jamal Juma
Press TV has conducted an interview with Jamal Juma, head of the "Stop the Wall Campaign" from Ramallah, about the Israeli regime threatening the Palestinian Authority not to go ahead with its decision to join the UN agencies.
What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: Let's jump right in. What do you perceive of threats of this sort coming from the Israelis?
Juma: This is clearly a blackmailing for the Palestinian Authority. They are happy that they are continuing their colonization project and building and expanding the settlements and the colonies in the West Bank, doing ethnic cleansing while they are sitting with the Palestinians on the table negotiating with them.
So the world is happy for that. There is no criticism for Israel. But they want to continue this project. They want to continue the colonization until they reach the point where it can be impossible for even negotiation on anything.
So that is why they want the Palestinians to keep on the negotiating table and now it has upset them that the Palestinians have this position and they want to go to join the international organizations. That is why they are threatening. It is a kind of blackmailing them.
Press TV: And Mr. Juma, this ship has set sail, hasn't it? No threats or rhetoric can halt this global awareness of boycotts, severing ties, etc. against the policies of the Israelis?
Juma: What Israel is doing is something against the international law. What they are doing is daily crimes that they are committing against the Palestinians.
Just yesterday, they destroyed a whole community, they erased it from existence. They destroyed all their properties in the north of the Jordan Valley and it was not an issue around the world.
What we want is the world to see what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. What kind of violations they are doing, what kind of steps that they are [taking] on the ground to make it impossible for what the negotiations is supposed to get out which is a Palestinian state.
Part of this is the ethnic cleansing, the destruction that happened yesterday for that. So we need though the international community to be aware of what Israel is doing. Without confronting the Israeli ... [regime] within the international community, without open widely the international law, fight with the Israelis, nobody [will] be aware of this.
And the international community thinks that everything is going okay as the Palestinians and the Israelis [are] sitting on the table together, negotiating. They think that they are negotiating things while Israel is negotiating itself on the ground, forcing on the ground what they want to see there.
This is a mistake of the Palestinian Authority that they accept to go back to negotiation while the settlements building is going and continue and while the destruction of the Palestinian communities ... is continued, the invasion of Jerusalem and for al-Aqsa Mosque trying to divide it, the attacks that [are] happening every day, killing more than 55 Palestinians in the last eight months, it is not okay.
But the people around the world think that this is okay because the Palestinians [are] sitting with the Israelis while this is going on.
'Israel fumes at Palestine UN position'
An interview with Jamal Juma, head of the "Stop the Wall Campaign" from Ramallah
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 01:43AM +0100
Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 2nd 2014, 23:47
Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyya
Ibn Al Qayyim berichtet, dass Shaykh Al Islām Ibn Taymīyyah sagte: „Das Gedenken Allāhs ist für das Herz, wie das Wasser für den Fisch. Wie wird also der Zustand des Fisches sein, wenn das Wasser verschwindet?!" (الذكر للقلب مثل الماء للسمك؛فكيف يكون حال السمك إذا فارق الماء) [Al Wābil S. 53]
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 03 01:43AM +0100
Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 2nd 2014, 23:47
Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyya
Ibn Al Qayyim berichtet, dass Shaykh Al Islām Ibn Taymīyyah sagte: „Das Gedenken Allāhs ist für das Herz, wie das Wasser für den Fisch. Wie wird also der Zustand des Fisches sein, wenn das Wasser verschwindet?!" (الذكر للقلب مثل الماء للسمك؛فكيف يكون حال السمك إذا فارق الماء) [Al Wābil S. 53]
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