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::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Benachrichtigungen in 24 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 01:09AM +0100  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    الحزب الاقوى تاثيرا من 22 دولة عربيه مجتمعه ؟
    من هو الاكثر تاثيرا في السياسه الع...
    Apr 1st 2014, 23:07
    ‫الحزب الاقوى تاثيرا من 22 دولة عربيه مجتمعه ؟
    من هو الاكثر تاثيرا في السياسه العالميه :
    المتتبع لما يقوم حزب التحرير باصداراه وبياناته اليوميه للقضايا السياسيه العالميه والاحكام الشرعيه والرعاية والسياسة في الاسلام يرى ما احدثه الحزب من تاثير واشغال للعالم خاصة بدعوته واصراره على اعادة الخلافة الاسلاميه التي باتت تؤرق الغربيين ومراكز ابحاثهم بل تعدى الامر لاستخدام القوة العسكريه لمحاربته ومنعه وملاحقة افراده لمنعهم اقامته دولة سلامية ولم مستخدما كل الاساليب العسكرية والفكريه والشيطانيه واحتلاله لدول قائمة طريقا ومنهاجا لمنعها
    وعلى هذا فان حزب التحرير استطاع دخول المعترك السياسي العالمي بافكار الاسلام المبلورة الواطحه وهي استئناف الحياة الاسلاميه باقامة الخلافه الراشده التي تطبق شرع الله وتقيم احكامه مع ان الملاحظ ان 22 دولة عربيه عميله لم تستطيع الثاثير ولو بقرار واحد عالميا منذ نشاءت او من خلال ما يصدر عن قممها فهي لا تستطيع حتى الدخول الفعلي في السياسه العالميه الا لتكملة العدد في بعض القضايا فدورها شكلي ولا يحسب لها اي حساب
    وعلى العكس فالعالم بات يحسب الف حساب لافكار حزب التحرير العابره للحدود والمهدده للمنظومه الدوله التي تسعى الدول الكبرى الفاجره على المحافظه عليها
    والتي يسعى الحزب لتغييرها وفق شرع الله ومن هنا تم محاربه الاسلام والمسلمين جميعا وخاصة الثورة في الشام والتي تتميز بحضانه متبادله بين الثورة وبين الحزب حيث باتت تقلق العالم اجمع برفعها شعار الخلافه وانها لله وقد وقف العالم كله عاجزا امام هذه الثورة يتخبط في حي كيفية حرفها عن مسارها الاسلامي
    والمتتبع لسياسة الدول الكبرى ومراكز بحثها يجد ان التاثير الاكبر لحزب التحرير يفوق تاثير كل الدول العربيه مجتمعه حيث تفقد سيادتها فلا تجرء ان تتخذ قرارا سوى ما يملى عليها وما يخدم اسيادها فهي مطيعه تفهم معنى طاعة العبد للسيد الاجنبي
    ويكفي قممهم المتكرره المقيته فهم جزء من المؤامرة على المسلمين فهم لا يمثلون حتى أنفسهم، فهم من القوى المفعول بها من قبل دول محور الشرور والبغي فلا قيمة لهم عالما ولا اقليميا ولا محليا وبات حزب التحرير هو الاقوى من كل هؤلاء مجتمعين واصبح رقما صعبا في الثاثير في السياسه الدوليه ومحرك لها يحسب له الف حساب واقرءوا ان شاتم وتابعوا ما يصدره ساسة الغرب عن الخلافة ودعاتها
    وما يقومون به لمحاربتها
    وفي الختام فان الحسرة والندامة ستاكل قلوبهم بقيادة امير المؤمنين قال وستبوء مخططاتهم الى الفشل والهزيمه قال تعالى : إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُنْفِقُونَ أَمْوَالَهُمْ لِيَصُدُّوا عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ فَسَيُنفِقُونَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ عَلَيْهِمْ حَسْرَةً ثُمَّ يُغْلَبُونَ وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا إِلَى جَهَنَّمَ يُحْشَرُونَ
    هذه الحرب على الحزب وافكاره قبل ان يصل للحكم فكيف لعد ان يقيم الخلافه ؟؟
    نسال الله ان يوفقنا لما يحب ويرضى ويمكن لنا في الارض انه سميع مجيب
    قال تعالى : ( ونريد أن نمن على الذين استضعفوا في الأرض ونجعلهم أئمة ونجعلهم الوارثين ( 5 ) ( ونمكن لهم في الأرض ونري فرعون وهامان وجنودهما منهم ما كانوا يحذرون)
    موسى عبد الشكور‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 01:09AM +0100  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    شاهت الوجوه يا صنيعة الأمريكان
    ها هم يتكالبون على مجاهدي الساحل خونة الإئتلاف م...
    Apr 1st 2014, 23:11
    ‫شاهت الوجوه يا صنيعة الأمريكان

    ها هم يتكالبون على مجاهدي الساحل خونة الإئتلاف من سياسيين والعسكريين لوقف معركتهم والضغط عليهم
    نوجه رسالة الى المرابطين في #المقرات ماذا تنتظرون لنصرة أخوانكم على #الجبهات ألا تخجل من نفسك وانت ترابط في المقرات وأخوانك على الجبهات يقدمون أرواحهم ودمائهم !!!!!
    لا تخذلوهم وكونوا معهم يدا واحدة وانصروهم بفتح كل جبهة
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 01:09AM +0100  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Apr 1st 2014, 23:12
    ‫كلمة لأحد المجاهدين من فوق برج45‬
    ‫لله دركم يا أسود #الساحل تقبل الله منكم وثبت أقدامكم وربط على قلوبكم أفرحتم الأمة بانتصاراتكم وما النصر إلا من عند الله #معركة_الأنفال كلمة لأحد المجاهدين من فوق برج45 تنفي سيطرة الجيش النصيري عليه #حركة_شام_الإسلام 2014/04/01‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 01:09AM +0100  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    مليت ؟ و انتي كمان مليتي !
    مواطن يأسان:والله ملينا من هالحالة لايمتى بدنا نضل ه...
    Apr 1st 2014, 23:18
    ‫مليت ؟ و انتي كمان مليتي !
    مواطن يأسان:والله ملينا من هالحالة لايمتى بدنا نضل هيك..
    واثق بنصر الله: طولو بالكم يا جماعة هاد الشي مو بأيدنا هاد اختبار من رب العالمين كلكم بتعرفوا الآية؛
    (وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُمْ بِشَيْءٍ مِنَ الْخَوْفِ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِنَ الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَنْفُسِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ ۗ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ)
    مواطن يأسان: طيب شو بدنا نعمل مو طالع بأيدنا شي
    واثق بنصر الله: بيطلع بأيدك كل شي روح تطوع بالتدريس بالمدارس روح حرض المجاهدين على القتال روح عاون الناس بس المهم ما تبقى قاعد ولا تنسوا الدعاء و التضرع لله . ..‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 12:53AM +0100  

    Uploads by Islam Nfocus
    BIG DEBATE: Can Consciousness Be Best Explained By God's Existence? - Hamza Tzortzis & Peter Simons
    Apr 1st 2014, 22:07
    BIG DEBATE: Can Consciousness Be Best Explained By God's Existence? - Hamza Tzortzis & Peter Simons
    The BIG DEBATE: Can Consciousness Be Best Explained By God's Existence? - Hamza Tzortzis & Peter Simons This presentation took place on Tuesday 4th March at ...
    Islam Nfocus

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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 12:53AM +0100  

    Uploads by Hindenburgstrasse
    Menowin Fröhlich - Kurde & Notrufanlage
    Apr 1st 2014, 22:02
    Menowin Fröhlich - Kurde & Notrufanlage
    abbonieren nicht vergessen Kostenlosen Quran Bestellen -

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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 12:53AM +0100  

    Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Apr 1st 2014, 22:52
    1. April Lüge
    1. April Lüge Lügen ist eine schlechte Charaktereigenschaft, vor der alle Religionen und ethischen Systeme warnen und die der angeborene Menschenverstand (Fitrah) als falsch erkennt. Diejenigen, die gutes Benehmen und gesunden Verstand besitzen, bestätigen dies. Unsere rein monotheistische Scharī`ah...
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 12:51AM +0100  

    ISLAMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    ISLAMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    1.64: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: Once Allah's Apostle gave a letter to a per...
    Apr 1st 2014, 23:05
    1.64: Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: Once Allah's Apostle gave a letter to a person and ordered him to go and deliver it to the Governor of Bahrain. (He did so) and the Governor of Bahrain sent it to Chousroes, who read that letter and then tore it …
    Timed post ( April 01, 2014 at 10:35PM )

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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 12:50AM +0100  

    Pravilno Religijas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Pravilno Religijas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sar pravena pe o 3 kombija?
    Diken akava interesno primer kova sikavela o 3 kom...
    Apr 1st 2014, 23:12
    Sar pravena pe o 3 kombija?

    Diken akava interesno primer kova sikavela o 3 kombija sar saj te praven pe!

    Keren halali so na prevedingum ki romani chip ama mislinava kaj o slike sa vakerena inscha Allah!
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 12:46AM +0100  

    Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Immer wenn man alleine ist, muss man sich in Erinnerung bringen, dass der Allmä...
    Apr 1st 2014, 23:07
    "Immer wenn man alleine ist, muss man sich in Erinnerung bringen, dass der Allmächtige all die Anderen von dir wegschickte, sodass nur noch du und Allah da sind." -

    Mufti Ismail Menk
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 12:46AM +0100  

    Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Immer wenn man alleine ist, muss man sich in Erinnerung bringen, dass der Allmä...
    Apr 1st 2014, 23:07
    "Immer wenn man alleine ist, muss man sich in Erinnerung bringen, dass der Allmächtige all die Anderen von dir wegschickte, sodass nur noch du und Allah da sind." -

    Mufti Ismail Menk
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 12:43AM +0100  

    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    In der Schule machen wir ein Zeitu...
    Apr 1st 2014, 22:53

    In der Schule machen wir ein Zeitungsprojekt und ich hab mich dazu entschieden das ich ein Interwiew mit Herr Nagie führen will in sha allah damit Vorurteile beseitigt werden .
    Das Interwiew kommt auch in die lokale Zeitung bei uns (falls es gut ist) ebenso wird das Interwiew auch benotet und ist auch meine Deutschklausur.
    Ich bitte sie für Allah dieses interwiew auszufüllen und bis aller spätestenst Mittwoch abend zu schicken ...
    eine Zusage von Herr Nagie habe ich .Ich bitte Allah dafür das wir eine sehr gute Note bekommen und die Menschen dadurch den Islam besser kennenlernen und Vorurteile keine Chance geben

    Jazak allahu kheir barakallahu Fekum
    Möge Allah unsere Taten annehmen

    Hier die Fragen :
    Assalam u Alaikum wa Rahmetullah wa Barakatuh

    Herr Abou-Nagie man hört und sieht in den Medien sowie in der Öffentlichkeit viel über das „lies!" Projekt, doch was ist eigentlich das „lies!" Projekt ?

    A: Das Lies! Projekt ist ein Geschenk von Muslimen an Nichtmuslime. Durch die kostenlose Verteilung von Koranübersetzungen erhalten alle Mitmenschen die Möglichkeit den wahren Islam kennen zu lernen.

    Wessen Idee war es, es einmal auf diese Art zu probieren?

    A: Die Idee stammt durch meine Dawah-Tätigkeiten. Der Koran ist die direkte Urquelle des Islams.

    Was ist der Zweck und Sinn beim „lies!" Projekt ?

    A: Allen Mitmenschen die Möglichkeit zu bieten den wahren Islam kennen zu lernen und Vorurteile abzubauen. Da wir den Menschen nur das Beste Wünschen möchten wir sie vor der Hölle retten und mit ihnen Hand in Hand ins Paradies eintreten.

    Welche Ideen und Wünsche haben Sie für das „lies!" Projekt?

    A: Unser Wunsch ist, dass jeder Bürger die Möglichkeit bekommt eine Übersetzung zu erhalten, so dass keine am jüngsten Tag sagen kann, dass er nichts vom Islam gewusst hat.

    Woraus bestehen die Produkte denn?

    A: Koranübersetzungen in verschiedenen europäischen Sprachen.

    Wie lange gibt's das „lies!" Projekt schon ?
    A: Seit dem Oktober 2011.

    Was möchte sie mit dem „lies!" Projekt erreichen?

    A: Wir erreichen durch das Projekt selbst nichts, wir haben weder Vor- oder Nachteile durch die Koranverteilung. Wir arbeiten Tag und Nacht hart, opfern unsere Zeit von Familie und Co., spenden unsere Gelder, nur um die Menschen vor der ewigen Hölle retten zu wollen und ihnen Allahs Botschaft ans Herz zu legen.

    Wie kamen sie auf dem Namen „lies!"?

    A: "Lies!" ist das erste Offenbarte Wort Gottes auf seinem Propheten Muhammad
    (Friede und Segen auf ihn)
    Das bedeutet für unser Projekt: Die Menschen sollen selber lesen (den Koran) und sich Wissen aneignen, ohne von den Medien oder anderem beeinflusst u werden.

    Was macht man beim „lies!" Projekt ?

    A: Die kostenlose Koranübersetzung an interessierte Mitmenschen verteilen.

    Wie reagieren die Menschen, die einen kostenlosen Quran geschenk bekommen und an manchen Tagen sogar eine Rose auch noch bekommen?

    A: Zu 90% der Menschen reagieren positiv, da sie schon immer einmal den Koran lesen wollten und interessiert sind oder sich eine eigene Meinung bilden möchten. Es gibt aber auch einige Menschen, die von den Medien schon negativ beeinflusst wurden und sehr viele Vorurteile haben. Einige Bitbürger legen ihre Vorurteile ab, wenn sie den Koran lesen.

    Wie werden sie und das „lies!" Projekt in den Medien dargestellte?

    A: In den Medien wird das Projekt und die Muslime, die sich dafür einsetzen, negativ dargestellt. Hinter der Fassade stecken wirtschaftliche und politische Ziele, wofür der Islam unerwünscht ist. Stellen Sie sich vor es würde z.B. kein Alkohol mehr verkauft werden, was für ein Verlust (Steuern) schon alleine dadurch entstehen würde.

    Woran erkennt man das „lies!" Projekt ?

    A: Das Lies Projekt erkennt man an unserem Corporate Design (Logo, Erscheinungsbild, Koranübersetzungen) an den der Infostände und in der Street Dawah.

    Wie wird das Projekt finanziert?
    A: Durch Spenden von Muslimen als Geschenk an Nichtmuslime.

    In welchen Ländern ist das Projekt schon vertreten ?

    A: In Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Spanien, Frankreich, Ukraine,Bosnien...

    Wie viele arbeiten derzeit weltweit im „lies!" Projekt?
    A: über 2000...

    Wie viele Quran Exemplare wurden bis jetzt verteilt?
    A: 1.100.000 Exemplare nur in Deutschland puls
    Österreich 85.000 Exemplare
    Schweiz 65.000 Exemplare
    Spanien 20.000 Exemplare
    Ukraine 30.000 Exemplare
    Bosnien 5.000 Exemplare
    Frankreich 5.000 Exemplare

    Werden sie und ihr Team für diese Arbeit bezahlt?
    A: Nein

    Herr Abou-Nagie ich danke ihnen für das Interview sie haben das Schlusswort:
    Worte zum Schluss:
    Ich wünsche deinen Mitschülern und Lehrern die Rechtleitung von ihrem Schöpfer und sei bitte ein Vorbild für alle Muslime in deiner Schule

    Asalamualeikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh !
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 12:36AM +0100  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Solidarity Stand in Appreciation of Army's Sacrifices in Homs
    Apr 1, 2014
    In a...
    Apr 1st 2014, 22:53
    Solidarity Stand in Appreciation of Army's Sacrifices in Homs

    Apr 1, 2014

    In appreciation of the Syrian Arab Army's sacrifices in confronting and eradicating terrorism and restoring peace and security to the homeland, Lovers of Syria Campaign in cooperation with al-Wadi University staged a solidarity stand in al-Husn Castle in Homs Province.

    Participants in the stand covered the wall of the castle with a 60-meter-long and 8-meter-long flag of the Syrian Arab Republic, while a number of the Syrian army members were honored for their efforts exerted to defend the homeland.

    Head of the campaign stressed that this stand is an expression of the participants' love for Syria and appreciation of the Syrian army's sacrifices.

    Source: SANA
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 12:36AM +0100  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    This Is How Hezbollah Retaliated for Victims of Terrorist Bombings
    Mazen Qanso...
    Apr 1st 2014, 23:18
    This Is How Hezbollah Retaliated for Victims of Terrorist Bombings

    Mazen Qanso - Al Akhbar

    Syria: Rima FarmsOfficial sources in the Lebanese security services said that Syria's Qalamoun area was the starting point for the terrorist operations targeting civilians in Beirut's southern suburb and the northern Bekaa of Lebanon during the past months.

    The Resistance security apparatus is chasing in Syria those involved in such operations, in coordination with the Syrian army and the concerned agencies. Following is the detailed information published for the first time about chasing and punishing them inside the opposition-led areas.

    "We know your names and we will reach you. No one assumes that he will triumph if he launches a battle against us, we will defeat you and we will determine the end of each battle," Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said on 16 August 2013.

    It has been long time since Sayyed addressed that speech, through which Takfir groups - operating within the armed groups in Syria - continued their bloody madness, and suicide bombers drove not just a few car bombs and committed massacres against civilians from all of Lebanon areas.

    The Resistance people announced commitment to their choice, and a large part of the Lebanese, Syrians and Arabs quickly increased condemnation of such crimes. But a real action did not come from a strong actor to stop this bloody madness. Yet, some even kept insisting to provide excuses and justifications, which urged Hezbollah leadership to double the efforts of addressing the case as if he has the reins of power.

    Hezbollah's decision was clear from the first day. Prosecution and accountability are the state's responsibility in Lebanon where the security apparatus of Resistance should provide all of its data to help investigations. But inside the Syrian territory, the decision to access their (terrorists) strongholds, verify their work structure, their roles, their acting officials, the participants in planning and implementation and to arrest them or to kill them is in collaboration with the Syrian army and the Syrian security services.

    Following the confirmed information about booby-trapping and planning centers in Qalamoun, we've got information about the movement of operators and perpetrators in several areas, starting from Nabek, Deir Attiya and Yabroud, right down to Fleita and its neighboring villages, up till to Rankous and Arsal.

    The largest intelligence operation was launched then, which required the development of tireless monitoring, tracking and following-up units to achieve the goal. The more villages were taken by Hezbollah and the Syrian army, the more information was flowing. Also, the arrested militants helped to provide parts of the real image, as is the case in Lebanon.

    The plan was divided into two parts:

    The first step was to disrupt the practical preparations, all the way to thwart moving of car bombs into Lebanon. This required tremendous efforts which succeeded in achieving many of the goals that are still classified.

    The second step was to reach actors and groups involved in the attacks, starting from the decision-making process, moving cars, making explosives, booby-trapping and transporting, all the way to hunting down the suicide bombers.


    Following the fall of Yabroud in a very complicated security and military operation, amid huge collapses within the ranks of militants and their leaders, the security apparatus of Resistance sought - in cooperation with the Syrian security and military authorities - to limit the movement of its figures committed to the file.
    Documented information revealed that there exist additional warehouses outside Yabroud where more car bombs were planned to be sent to Lebanon, especially after the leaders of this group took decision to hasten the suicide attacks in Lebanon immediately after the fall of Yabroud in retaliation, to declare that Yabroud victory will not stop this kind of actions.

    The rush of the (armed) group to carry out terrorist attacks led to a series of errors due to the closed crossings and weak mechanisms of coordination, such as what happened in Hermel when two cars were sent, the first was disrupted near a school in the Fakeha town, and the second managed to reach the main road, although the wheels were perforated.

    When the suicide bomber tried to reach help for the wheel problem, he saw Khalil Al-Khalil who gave him an address he was asking for. Khalil chased the bomber after the latter spoke to Abdul-Rahman Al-Qadi. The two men chased the bomber and hindered his way, so he blew himself up and killed them both, saving the area from huge massacre. The second bomber, however, managed to leave the car and to flee before being discovered by Army Intelligence and being exploded in the next day.

    Hawsh Al-Arab Warehouse

    In the meantime, security units in the resistance were tracking fugitives from Yabroud, and succeeded in forming a mechanism of communication and coordination between these groups, which enabled the units to determine the point of meeting and cooperation. Information revealed the point was located in an area known as Hawsh al-Arab, between Rankous, Maloula and Assal al-Wared, where militants had seized a two-story villa located within a farm with several other buildings in a barren area surrounded by a large fence, and close to armed groups in neighboring houses.

    Surveillance operations were given the green light. Special units headed to the place, examined all its sides, and spent several nights in checking the information about the people's movement in the region and its geographical nature and the size of its homes. The surveillance units prepared detailed maps attached with video footages that helped to discuss the next step. Discussions revealed that it may be difficult to arrest or kidnap the armed groups due to many considerations.

    Deciding to eliminate the (armed) groups, many givens were reviewed, including the fact that the target point is away more than ten kilometers from the last point where the Syrian army and Hezbollah units were deployed. The area is also crowded with corridors and roads used by armed groups to move inside the area. The number of militants increased after their escape from Yabroud. There was also a need to provide a large support force in case engagement was declared.

    Accordingly, it was decided to blow the villa and to kill the militants.

    After several days of serious monitoring from very close distances, the resistance security apparatus accessed a detailed map of the target building and the roads leading to it. Also, the main entrances were identified in order to advance towards the building, as well as the methods of withdrawal, in addition to the firearms coverage plan in case of any mistake or exposure.

    During the last surveillance operation, the identity of armed militants who used to enter to the villa at day and to leave it at night were confirmed. The villa was also equipped with a depot where cars planned for being exploded were found, and rooms where the explosive materials were prepared.


    Last Friday, the decision was made to carry out the operation in a way that wouldn't make a noise or arise suspicion but would allow the full destruction. The appropriate kind of explosives was carefully selected, as well as the number of group members who were supposed to advance.

    After Saturday's sunset, the special unit moved on, including advancing surveillance elements, communication elements that would keep up with what to happen minute by minute, engineering group that was carrying improvised explosive devices, as well as coverage groups that would secure the entry and exit process.

    During the progress, a group of militants who were conducting ongoing switching operations in the region just happened to have passed. At moments, it seemed the confrontation was potential and the plan might be changed. But the gunmen moved away after they realized that there were no foreigners.

    Trapping and Bombing

    The unit approached the fence to the right and managed to cross the garden fence within a minute, where it began planting explosives in the courtyard, around the walls corners, near the main entrance and at the rear doors. The special force completed the installation process of explosives outside the villa within the required time limit. Note that the protection unit was seriously vigilant, after it became clear that another group of armed men are living in a nearby house less than 40 meters away.

    After camouflaging the IEDs and verifying the technical items, the attacking unit withdrew hundreds of meters back. While the other unit remained very close to the target point, and had to ensure the presence of all terrorists in the villa, and the absence of civilians.

    In the morning, according to the information, terrorists started to enter into the villa, and their arrival was verified by the nearby unit, one by one. After making sure that everyone was in, the concerned elements asked the nearby unit to move backward a little to the determined line of withdrawal. Then, another unit carried out the bombing from not a remote distance.

    The explosion was very huge, due to the presence of a large amount of explosive materials inside the villa. The explosion demolished the villa fully, and the gunmen's bodies remained under the rubble.

    Soon a few minutes later, withdrawal process began which required another tactic for occurring in the day time, taking into account that the blast would require the arrival of large groups of insurgents in the region. However, the Resistance had provided at the time a firearm security in preparation for any emergency, and other roads had been selected for withdrawal rather than those used during the incursion. Armored units and Syrian air force were also in a state of readiness to intervene when needed.

    Translated by Eslam al-Rihani
    To read the Arabic version of this article, click here

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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 02 12:36AM +0100  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Jaafari: Militants in Syria Prepare Chemical Attack in Damascus

    Armed gangs i...
    Apr 1st 2014, 23:19
    Jaafari: Militants in Syria Prepare Chemical Attack in Damascus

    Armed gangs in Syria are conspiring to stage aJaafari chemical attack in the Damascus suburbs in order to later lay the blame on the Bashar Assad's government, Syria's UN Ambassador Bashar Jaafari has warned the Security Council.

    "Competent Syrian authorities intercepted a wireless communication between two terrorists in the Jawbar area of the Damascus governorate," Jaafari said in a letter addressed to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the Security Council. The letter was published on Tuesday on the UN website.

    In that communication, the diplomat said, one "of the terrorists said that another terrorist named Abu Nadir was covertly distributing gas masks."

    The Syrian security services, Jaafari said, also intercepted another communication between militants one of whom was called Abu Jihad. During that conversation, the latter indicated that toxic gas would be used and "asked those who are working with him to supply protective masks."

    Back in March, Jaafari informed the Security Council that a person named Haytham Salahuddin Qassab "transported chemical substances from Turkey on behalf of the terrorist organization known as Ahrar al-Sham." He allegedly purchased the chemical agents from Turkey's Dharwa Import and Export Company.

    The substances reportedly included among others white phosphorous and isopropyl hydroxylamine. It was alleged, Jaafari said, that militants planned to use them to produce white smoke in certain areas and later claim that Syrian planes had bombed them.

    "However, the primary reason for requesting those substances was to use them as chemical weapons," the Syrian diplomat warned.

    The information in the previous letter along with new details obtained from the intercepted communications confirm "that armed terrorist groups are preparing to use toxic gas in the Jawbar quarter and other areas, in order to accuse the Syrian Government of having committed such an act of terrorism," Jaafari said.

    Syria agreed to the destruction of its chemical weapons arsenal through a deal brokered largely by Russia, after the US threatened to use military force against the country. That followed a deadly chemical attack in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta in August, 2013. The Syrian government and the opposition have pointed the finger of blame at each other over the incident that killed hundreds, and both have denied their involvement.

    So far, 49 percent of the raw materials for Syria's poison gas and nerve agent program scheduled for destruction have been shipped overseas, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said last week.

    The rest is expected to leave the country by the end of April, the global chemical weapons watchdog added in a report to the UN, reported AP. The total amount of chemicals either removed or already destroyed inside Syria is 53.6 percent.

    According to the OPCW, Damascus pledged to remove all chemicals by April 13, except for those in areas "that are presently inaccessible," which face an April-27 deadline. But so far the deadlines have not been met, with the Syrian government blaming the unstable situation inside the country.

    Under the deal, some chemicals are to be destroyed at facilities in the US and Europe, while a large part of the toxic material is to be eliminated on board a ship at sea. Syria has declared around 700 tons of the most-dangerous chemicals, 500 tons of less-dangerous precursor chemicals and 122 tons of isopropanol – an active ingredient in sarin gas production. The deadline for the mission's completion is June 30.

    Jaafari: Militants in Syria Prepare Chemical Attack in Damascus
    Jaafari: Militants in Syria Prepare Chemical Attack in Damascus
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