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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 22 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 09 04:18PM  

    Islam, Schlüssel zum Erfolgs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam, Schlüssel zum Erfolgs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abdullah Ibn Umar berichtet : Allahs Gesandter packte meine Schultern und sagte:...
    Dec 9th 2013, 16:18
    Abdullah Ibn Umar berichtet : Allahs Gesandter packte meine Schultern und sagte: Lebe in dieser Welt, als ob du ein Fremder oder jemand auf der Durchreise wärest." (Abdullah Ibn Umar; Buchari)

    *Abu Yasin
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 09 04:15PM  

    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    House in Paradise for Umar (RA) was already built
    Jabir reported Allah's Messen...
    Dec 9th 2013, 15:31
    House in Paradise for Umar (RA) was already built

    Jabir reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:I entered Paradise and saw in it a house or a palace. I said: For whom is it resersred? They (the Angels) said: It is for 'Umar b. Khattab. (The Holy Prophet said to 'Umar b. Khattab): I intended to get into it but I thought of your feelings. Thereupon 'Umar wept and said: Apostle of Allah, could I feel any jealousy in your case?


    Book 031, Number 5896: (Sahih Muslim)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 09 04:14PM  

    New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand
    New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ich hörte gerade Cameron wie er im englischen Parlament Mandela ehrte, der die v...
    Dec 9th 2013, 15:20
    Ich hörte gerade Cameron wie er im englischen Parlament Mandela ehrte, der die verbrecherische Apartheid beendete und alle applaudierten.

    An alle verlogenen scheiss Politiker, die sich am Tod einer Legende versuchen zu bereichern, in dem sie ein Stück seiner Heldentaten so loben als hätten sie genau so gehandelt.

    Der Mann hat 30 Jahre seines Lebens im Knast verbracht, weil er eine Ungerechtigkeit nicht hinnehmen konnte, die man seinem Volk antat. Wer von euch pissern, würde auch nur eine Woche seines Lebens Opfern? Ihr würdet noch nichtmal die Hälfte eures Geldes Opfern!

    Wenn ihr Arschlöcher auch nur ein viertel seines Mutes besitzen würdet, würdet ihr alle gemeinsam die Apartheid in Palästina beenden, zusammen hättet ihr so viel Einfluss dass ihr noch nicht mal einen halben Tag im Knast verbringen müsstet!

    Also fangt an selber Helden zu sein, oder haltet mal endlich die Fresse!

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 09 04:14PM  

    New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand
    New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ich hörte gerade Cameron wie er im englischen Parlament Mandela ehrte, der die v...
    Dec 9th 2013, 15:20
    Ich hörte gerade Cameron wie er im englischen Parlament Mandela ehrte, der die verbrecherische Apartheid beendete und alle applaudierten.

    An alle verlogenen scheiss Politiker, die sich am Tod einer Legende versuchen zu bereichern, in dem sie ein Stück seiner Heldentaten so loben als hätten sie genau so gehandelt.

    Der Mann hat 30 Jahre seines Lebens im Knast verbracht, weil er eine Ungerechtigkeit nicht hinnehmen konnte, die man seinem Volk antat. Wer von euch pissern, würde auch nur eine Woche seines Lebens Opfern? Ihr würdet noch nichtmal die Hälfte eures Geldes Opfern!

    Wenn ihr Arschlöcher auch nur ein viertel seines Mutes besitzen würdet, würdet ihr alle gemeinsam die Apartheid in Palästina beenden, zusammen hättet ihr so viel Einfluss dass ihr noch nicht mal einen halben Tag im Knast verbringen müsstet!

    Also fangt an selber Helden zu sein, oder haltet mal endlich die Fresse!

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 09 04:14PM  

    Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Komisch, dass 100 Euro so viel scheinen wenn man sie in die Moschee gibt, aber s...
    Dec 9th 2013, 15:47
    Komisch, dass 100 Euro so viel scheinen wenn man sie in die Moschee gibt, aber so wenig, wenn man Shoppen geht.

    Komisch, wie lange es dauert ALLAH eine ganze Stunde zu dienen, aber wie schnell 90 Minuten Fußball umgehen.

    Komisch, wie lange ein paar Stunden in der Moschee sind, aber wie kurz das ist, wenn man einen Film guckt.

    Komisch, dass wir oft nicht wissen worüber wir beten sollen, aber dass wir unserem Freund oder unserer Freundin immer etwas zu erzählen haben.

    Komisch, dass es so spannend ist wenn das Fußballmatch in die Verlängerung geht und wie wir seufzend auf unsere Uhr gucken wenn der freitags gebet etwas länger dauert als sonst.

    Komisch, wie schwierig es ist ein Kapitel aus dem Qur'an zu lesen, aber wie einfach es ist 100 Seiten aus einem Bestseller zu verschlingen.

    Komisch, dass Menschen in einem Konzert liebend gerne in der vorderen Reihe sitzen möchten und sich in der Moschee in die letzte Reihe quetschen.

    Komisch, dass wir für Moschee Angelegenheiten 2 bis 3 Wochen brauchen um sie in unseren Alltag einzubringen, aber andere Angelegenheiten sich im letzten Moment noch im Terminplaner einbringen lassen.

    Komisch, wie schwierig es ist anderen Leuten die gute Nachricht weiter zu erzählen, aber wie einfach es ist die letzten Gerüchte weiterzugeben.

    Komisch, dass sich Witze im Internet sehr schnell verbreiten, aber wenn jemand anfängt Nachrichten über Islam zu verschicken, worin ALLAH verherrlicht wird, denken Menschn erst 2 mal nach, ob sie das auch weiterschicken.

    Komisch.. Oder nicht?! Lachst du.. Oder denkst du nach?
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 09 04:00PM  

    F:Das Urteil über das Tragen von Nagellack und das Streichen über Nagellack im Falle einer Notwendigkeit
    Dec 9th 2013, 15:39
    Media files:
    بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

    Frage (Nr. 144045): 
    Ich habe ein Problem mit meinen Fingernägeln und muss deshalb Nagellack auftragen, der für eine Woche auf den Nägeln verbleibt und der nicht mit Wasser entfernt werden kann. Ist es mir erlaubt, trotzdem den Wudu' zu vollziehen oder geht das nicht? 
    Alles Lob gebührt Allah. 
    Für die Reinigung von kleiner Unreinheit ist es erforderlich, dass das Wasser jeden Teil des Körpers berührt, der beim Wudu' gewaschen werden muss bzw. jeden Teil, der beim Ghusl zur Entfernung der großen Unreinheit gewaschen werden muss. Auch muss alles entfernt werden, was das Wasser davon abhält, diese Körperteile zu erreichen, wozu die Nägel gehören. Wenn etwas das Wasser davon abhält, wie z. B. Nagellack, und das ohne Entschuldigung, dann ist der Wudu' ungültig. Dasselbe gilt für den Ghusl. (al-Mausu`ah al-Fiqhiyyah, 5/171) 
    In Sahih Muslim (#243) wird von `Umar ibn al-Khattab berichtet, dass ein Mann den Wudu' vollzog und dabei einen Fleck in der Größe eines Fingernagels an seinem Fuß ausließ. Der Prophet (Allahs Frieden und Segen seien mit ihm) sah dies und sagte: „Geh und vollziehe den Wudu' richtig", und so ging er und betete anschließend. 
    Al-Nawawi sagte: „Anhand dieses Hadith sehen wir, dass die Reinigung nicht gültig ist, wenn ein kleiner Teil dessen ausgelassen wird, was gereinigt werden muss. In dieser Angelegenheit besteht ein Konsens der Gelehrten." (Scharh Sahih Muslim, 3/132) 
    Wenn es notwendig ist, etwas Nagellack aufzutragen, weil ein medizinisches Problem oder etwas anderes besteht, dann gibt es ein Zugeständnis (Rukhsah), wodurch es erlaubt wird. In diesem Fall sollte der Betroffene während des Wudu' oder Ghusl darüber streichen. Solcher „Nagellack" fällt unter dasselbe Urteil wie Stoff, welcher über eine Wunde gelegt wird. 
    Es heißt in al-Mausu`ah al-Fiqhiyyah (15/108): „Hinsichtlich des Streichens über Stoff gilt: Die Bandage oder der Stoff oder was auch immer auf eine Wunde aufgetragen wird und was das Wasser von der Haut abhält, wie z. B. Öl, sollte bestrichen werden." 
    Malik sagte über einen abgerissenen Nagel: „Es ist nichts Falsches daran, die Wunde zu bedecken und darüber zu streichen." (al-Mudauwanah, 1/130; siehe auch al-Ausat von ibn al-Mundhir, 2/180) 
    Al-Nawawi sagte: „Das Urteil hinsichtlich des Verbindens von Wunden ist dasselbe wie über Splitter… Dasselbe gilt für Gemüsehaut, die auf eine Wunde gelegt wird… Und für alles, was auf eine Wunde gelegt oder um einen Bruch gewickelt wird. Wenn es notwendig ist, etwas anzulegen, das stabilisiert." (al-Majmu`, 2/331) 
    Du solltest dich bemühen, diesen „Nagellack" im Zustand der Reinheit auftragen zu lassen, damit du dich nicht einer Gelehrtenmeinung entgegenstellst, welche besagt, dass dies obligatorisch ist. 
    Falls es möglich ist, die Anwendung zu verzögern, bis du deine Periode bekommst und keinen Wudu' benötigst, dann musst du das tun, damit du deine Gebete im Zustand vollkommener Reinheit verrichten kannst und keine Unsicherheit besteht. 
    Und Allah weiß es am besten. 
    Islam Q&A
    Einsortiert unter:●Beauty/Pflege/Schmuck●, ●Fataawah●
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 09 03:59PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Asked by his barrister David Gottlieb for his name, he replied in a low voice M...
    Dec 9th 2013, 15:42
    Asked by his barrister David Gottlieb for his name, he replied in a low voice Mujaahid Abu Hamza, although he had been referred to in court by his birth name.

    Questioned about al-Qaeda, Adebolajo told the jury: "I consider them as a mujhadeen group.

    "I love them, they are my brothers, I have never met them but I love them, I consider them my brothers in Islam."

    He went on: "I consider myself a mujhadeen, I hope."

    Asked about the Rigby family he said: "I don't wish harm on them, I killed somebody they loved and who was dear to them but people I love and are dear to me are being killed as well.

    "I hope his death may protect the lives of other soldiers who are being sent to die in an unjust war and Muslims who are being bombed and killed."

    Earlier he told the jury that he drew his political opinions from Allah and the Koran and "not what the majority of people say."

    "Most non- Muslims hate my guts because of my actions but that's not my concern. My concern is: Does Allah love me?"

    Adebolajo said he didn't know 100 per cent that Lee Rigby was a soldier.

    But he added: "There were some steps that we took before we set out that day. I prayed and begged Allah that we did not target anyone outside the military.

    "He was carrying this type of bag, we recognised the type of bag. We waited also to ensure he was going towards the entrance to the barracks. These things combined gave me enough certainty that he was a soldier.

    "I was keen that the reason for the death of this man is not misunderstood. I wanted people to understand that this is only happening for one reason, foreign policy.

    "It continues to be my hope that the life of this one soldier might indirectly save the lives of many, many people both in the Muslim lands and this country.

    "If you die truly and sincerely hoping for Allah's pleasure than you will be considered a shaheed [martyr]."

    The court heard that Adebolajo is married and has six children, including a seven-year-old boy.

    He said that, growing up in Romford, the "vast majority" of his friends were white British, and one, Kirk Redpath, joined the Army and was later killed in Iraq.

    Adebolajo said: "I hold Tony Blair responsible for his death."

    He said his favourite teacher at school was the first person to teach him about Adolf Hitler.

    He told the court it showed him that "there are some very wicked people in the world".

    The 28-year-old was raised as a Christian.

    He told the jury: "My parents used to take us to church every Sunday. The memory that sticks in my mind... is probably every New Year's Eve in the evening around 11 o'clock we would gather around in candlelight and read passages from the Bible."

    Adebolajo said he had converted to Islam in his first year at Greenwich University where he was studying building surveying but did not complete his degree..

    He told the jury: "My religion is everything.

    "When I came to Islam I realised that... real success is not just what you can acquire, but really is if you make it to paradise, because then you can relax."

    When asked about his attitude to people in authority, he said: "Generally speaking, I don't get along with them, generally. In most instances I don't get along with authority, except for my mother and my father."

    As ground rules were set out for his giving evidence, including not speaking over the judge, he said: "I don't believe in the law."

    He went on: "When I came to Islam, I realised that real success is if you make it to Paradise. Then you can relax and have as much property as you want."

    Asked about his view of British foreign policy, the father-of-six replied: "Even before I became a Muslim I didn't agree with foreign policy. I would say it was the Iraq war that affected me the most. I saw Operation Shock and Awe unfold and I was disgusted."

    He became increasingly emotional, his head rocking from side to side as he told the court: "Growing up in this country, we believe only our lives are value. Our lives are not more valuable than another person in Iraq or Afghanistan.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 09 03:59PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    One of the men accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby today told a jury of his l...
    Dec 9th 2013, 15:41
    One of the men accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby today told a jury of his love for "my brothers" in al Qaeda.

    Michael Adebolajo, 28, said he supported "holy war" and considered himself a Muslim warrior. He said he understood that "most non-Muslims hate my guts" for his actions. He said he was "disgusted" by the Iraq war and blamed Tony Blair for the death of one of his friends in the British Army who died in an explosion there.

    Opening his defence from the witness box, Adebolajo said he regretted nothing and insisted "I am a soldier, I am a soldier, I am a soldier".

    Asked what he thought should happen to him now, he replied that he should be "ransomed back to the Mujhadeen", freed to an Islamic state or killed.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 09 03:59PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Islamist fanatic accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby told a court he "lov...
    Dec 9th 2013, 15:44
    The Islamist fanatic accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby told a court he "loves" al Qaeda and considers the terror group "his brothers in Islam".
    Michael Adebolajo, 28, also told the Old Bailey jury that he was a "soldier of Allāh" and that he had no regrets over the killing because he was obeying his god. He said after the case he should be either "ransomed" back to his Mujahideen brothers, freed or killed.
    At the start of his defence in chief, Adebolajo sat in the witness box of Court number 2, surrounded by five security guards and just feet from Fusilier Rigby's family by running him down with a car and then hacking him to death with a meat cleaver and knives near Woolwich Barracks in south east London on May 22.
    Asked who al Qaeda were by his counsel, David Gottlieb, Adebolajo replied: "Al Qaeda, I consider to be Mujahideen. I love them, they're my brothers. I have never met them. I consider them my brothers in Islam."
    He added: "Mujahideen are the army of Allah."
    He said: "I am a soldier and this is war."
    When asked what his defence to the charge of murder is, Adebolajo said: "I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier of Allah and I understand that some people might not recognise this because we do not wear fatigues and we do not go to the Brecon Beacons and train and this sort of thing. But we are still soldiers in the sight of Allah as a mujahid.
    "This is all that matters, if Allah considers me a soldier, then I am a soldier."
    And when asked whether he had any regrets, he told the court: "I will never regret obeying the command of Allah. That is all I can say. I'm a mujahid, I'm a soldier, I'm doing what Allah commands me to do. I can't do anything else."
    Adebolajo remained softly spoken throughout and his voice occasionally broke with emotion.
    He accepted that he could not have been 100 per cent certain that Mr Rigby was a soldier when he allegedly targeted him but that he and Adebowale had prayed to Allah that they would attack a soldier and not a civilian.
    "For example before we started out on that day and the night previous to that I started worshipping Allah and begging him that ... we strike a soldier and a soldier only."
    He said the only reason Mr Rigby died was because of British foreign policy and told how he had been "disgusted" by the "shock and awe" of the Iraq war.
    He added: "I was keen that the reason for the death of this man is not misunderstood. I wanted people to understand that this is only happening for one reason, foreign policy.
    "It continues to be my hope that the life of this one soldier might indirectly save the lives of many many people both in the Muslim lands and this country."
    Adebolajo told the court that he took the name Mujahid, meaning fighter, in 2002 or 2003.
    "Growing up I never did think of killing a man. This is not the type of thing that the average child thinks of and I was no different," he said.
    "When a soldier joins the Army he perhaps has in his head an understanding that he will kill a man at some stage. When I became a mujahid I was aware that perhaps I might end up killing a soldier."
    In 2010 he tried to travel to Somalia but was captured in Kenya and brought back to the UK.
    Adebolajo said: "There's a lot more to the story but I won't mention that."
    Adebolajo earlier told the jury that he used to attend demonstrations "in the hope it might make a difference" but he was "somewhat naive."
    The jury heard he had been jailed for assaulting police officers after one protest in 2006 and he realised in his cell that demonstrations were "impotent rage" and made no difference.
    He said he was not a member of any group but the demonstrations were organised by al-Muhajiroun, which was later banned.
    Adebolajo described the group's former leader Anjem Choudary as a "good man" but disagreed with his view that "jihad" should not be carried out in the UK.
    The court heard that he has six children and that his parents were Christian.
    Asked what he thought might happen when he ran at police after Mr Rigby's death, he said: "I was almost certain that I would be shot to death."
    Asked what should happen after the case, he said: "As an enemy soldier, I believe I should be ransomed to my mujahid brothers.
    "Or I should be set free, or I should be killed."
    He said he had "no animosity or bad feelings" towards Mr Rigby's family.
    "Every soldier has a family, has a family who loves him, just like me," he said. "My family didn't stop loving me the moment I became a soldier."
    The trial continues.
    Lee Rigby murder trial: accused hopes to be accepted into Paradise as martyr - Telegraph
    Michael Adebolajo tells the Old Bailey he "loves" Al Qaida and considers the terrorist group as "brothers"
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 09 03:59PM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    "The love I feel for my mother is not greater than an Afghan man feels for his m...
    Dec 9th 2013, 15:42
    "The love I feel for my mother is not greater than an Afghan man feels for his mother. Why is our lives more valuable than theirs. The British and Americans and French... Allah commands me that I fight them.'

    Adebolajo said he had joined street demos against the Iraqi war but realised they achieved nothing. "It just allows you to let off steam, feel as if you are doing something. In my opinion even when one million people marched against the Iraq war, it did not change."

    "Growing up I never did think of killing a man. This is not the type of thing that the average child thinks of and I was no different.

    "When a soldier joins the Army he perhaps has in his head an understanding that he will kill a man at some stage. When I became a mujahid I was aware that perhaps I might end up killing a soldier."

    In 2010 he tried to travel to Somalia but was captured in Kenya and brought back to the UK.

    Adebolajo said: "There's a lot more to the story but I won't mention that."

    He told the jury that before he was arrested in Woolwich and imprisoned awaiting trial, he read most of the British press. "I read the Sun, the Mirror, the Mail. the Telegraph, the Guardian - my mum used to love the Guardian," he said.

    Father-of-one Fusilier Rigby, 25, from Middleton, Greater Manchester, died of multiple cut and stab wounds.

    Adebolajo and Adebowale have both pleaded not guilty to murdering the Fusilier. They have also pleaded not guilty to attempting to murder a police officer, and conspiracy to murder a police officer.

    Adebolajo has asked to be known as Mujaahid Abu Hamza in court, while Adebowale has asked to be called Ismail Ibn Abdullah.
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