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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs / Millî Görüş / Milli Görüş

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

Föderation der Türkisch-Demokratischen Idealistenvereine in Deutschland
(türkisch Almanya Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF; kurz auch Türk Federasyon, dt. „Türkische Föderation“)

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Übersicht für - 25 Benachrichtigungen in 22 Themen


    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 02:01AM +0100  

    Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
    بخصوص # رضا_رمضان شهيدة # الفيوم في أحداث اليوم :
    الشهيدة من الإخوان وزوجها من ا...
    Apr 27th 2014, 00:32
    ‫بخصوص # رضا_رمضان شهيدة # الفيوم في أحداث اليوم :
    الشهيدة من الإخوان وزوجها من الإخوان وهو مسؤول قرية ومطارد وطبعاً لم يظهر لانه هيعتقل فوراً .. رضا ليها 2 اخوات أمناء شرطة .. استغلوا غياب الزوج ولم يتهموا الجيش أو الشرطة وقالوا ان رضا وقعت وهيا بتتسوق وماتت وانها مالهاش علاقة بالإخوان ولا مشاركة في المسيرة !!
    وحصل قعدة من ساعات في نادي ضباط الشرطة بين بعض أهل الشهيدة وبحضور والدها وبين بعض ضباط الشرطة وهددوهم وضغطوا عليهم عشان يغيروا التقرير "المزيف" ويتهموا # الإخوان بقتلها !!
    وبالمناسبة كمان ماخلوش الطب الشرعي يشرح الجثمان لمعرفة سبب الوفاة !

    وطبعاً زوج رضا رافض الكلام ده كله ومش عارف يظهر ولا يدافع عن حق زوجته !

    رضا رمضان من قرية أبجيج - محافظة الفيوم - عمرها 43 سنة !
    أم لـ 5 بنات وطفل عمره سنتين وكانت حامل كمان ! 2

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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 02:01AM +0100  

    Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
    خلاصة الكلام
    انا هاروح انتخب السيسي بس ليا شرط واحد بس مش كتير
    هاتوا اللي...
    Apr 27th 2014, 00:17
    ‫خلاصة الكلام
    انا هاروح انتخب السيسي بس ليا شرط واحد بس مش كتير
    هاتوا اللي ماتوا في 25 يناير
    هاتوا اللي ماتوا في محمد محمود
    رجعوا كل عين راحت
    رجعوا ايد او رجل واحد طارت
    هاتوا ال 74 شهيد في بورسعيد
    هاتوا اللي ماتوا في رابعه
    هاتوا اللي اتقتلوا علي الحدود ساعة الفطار
    هاتوا عمرو حسين
    هاتوا البنات اللي في السجون لمجرد انها قالت رأيها
    هاتوا شباب الجامعات اللي في المعتقلات بتتعذب كل يوم
    هاتوا الاطفال اللي في المعتقلات وبرضوا بيتعذبوا
    اسألوهم ماتوا ليه اسألوهم اتسجنتم ليه اسألوهم ذنبك ايه تعيش بعاهة مستديمة اسألوا اطفالهم اتيتمتوا ليه اسألوا امهاتهم عاملة ايه وهو مش موجود اسألوا مراته اسألوا خطيبته عاملة ايه وهو مش موجود لو الناس دي وافقت اروح وانتخبه هروح وهديله صوتي وده من المستحيلات ﻷنهم راحوا ومش راجعين تاني 28

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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 02:01AM +0100  

    Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
    أول إنجازات سيادة المشير سياسيا.. صلح مرتضى وشوبير
    تبنى قائد الانقلاب العسكري ع...
    Apr 27th 2014, 00:53
    ‫أول إنجازات سيادة المشير سياسيا.. صلح مرتضى وشوبير

    تبنى قائد الانقلاب العسكري عبد الفتاح السيسي، والمرشح لانتخابات الرئاسة التي دعت لها سلطات الانقلاب السبت، خلال جلسته مع الرياضيين المؤيدين للانقلاب، مبادرة مصالحة بين الخصمين الإعلامي أحمد شوبير والمحامي مرتضى منصور، رئيس نادي الزمالك
    صحابى ههههههههههههه
    الماشى وسمع الخبر ههههههههههههه
    وانتو 28

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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 02:00AM +0100  

    Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Beautiful and Honest advice from brother Yusha Evans
    Advice for the young Du'at!...
    Apr 27th 2014, 00:45
    Beautiful and Honest advice from brother Yusha Evans
    Advice for the young Du'at!!

    Stay unknown!

    For the younger students of knowledge and upcoming Du'at I have a sincere advice. Strive to remain unknown! It was a quality of our salaf (predecessors) to remain unknown and off the radar of responsibility due to what comes with fame and widespread recognition. Don't seek spotlights or the praise of the people, because if you achieve this even though you may earnestly desire it now you will wish you could take it all back when it comes. Being known comes with huge responsibilities and burdens. You will be held more accountable for every action you make. Not only by Allah but by the people. And while Allah is oft forgiving most merciful ready to forgive at a moments notice the people are not like this. You life will come under the microscope of public scrutiny. While your successes may be praised your faults, of which every other human being has as well will be magnified and put on trial in the court of public scrutiny. Your family will suffer the loss of your time as you become public property and the road is a lonely place. Your privacy will become non existent and every move you make will be on public display. You may have tons of supporters but the haters and nay Sayers will line up to take a shot at you. If you are sincere you will always be unsatisfied with your work and the fruits of your efforts. Your children will grow up under the shadow of your spotlight and wish u were home more. Your relationships will be under constant strain as the people you love try to deal with your long trips away from home and the constant attention you get and yet they may feel they lack from you. Being a leader and role model is for the few and far in between. My humble suggestion is to pursue knowledge purely for the pleasure of Allah. Share it with whom you meet and spread the Da'wah in the simplest purest manner you can. But never seek the limelight and if you see it pointed in your direction shy away from it and keep yourself free from its harm. It's far too late for some of us but the younger generation can still be a benefit to the deen and avoid the price of fame because believe me it costs too much.

    Your brother in Islam
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 02:00AM +0100  

    Qur'āns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Qur'āns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Schaikh Ibn Qudamah (rahimahullah) sagte:
    Ahmad sagte:
    „Es ist nichts Falsches...
    Apr 27th 2014, 00:45
    Schaikh Ibn Qudamah (rahimahullah) sagte:
    Ahmad sagte:

    „Es ist nichts Falsches daran, die Leute im Qiyam-Gebet zu leiten und aus dem Mushaf zu rezitieren." Er wurde gefragt: „Was ist mit den Pflichtgebeten?" Er antwortete: „Ich habe nichts darüber gehört."

    [Al-Mughni' (1/335)]
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 02:00AM +0100  

    Qur'āns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Qur'āns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Imam an-Nawawi (rahimahullah) sagte in ‚Al-Majmu' (4/27):
    „Wenn eine Person (im...
    Apr 27th 2014, 00:46
    Imam an-Nawawi (rahimahullah) sagte in ‚Al-Majmu' (4/27):

    „Wenn eine Person (im Gebet) aus dem Mushaf rezitiert, macht es ihr Gebet nicht ungültig, unabhängig davon, ob sie den Qur'an auswendig kann oder nicht. In der Tat ist es für jemanden verpflichtend, der al-Fatiha nicht auswendig kann. Die Meinung, dass das Rezitieren aus dem Mushaf das Gebet nicht ungültig macht, ist unsere Meinung und die Meinung von Malik, Abu Yusuf, Muhammad und Ahmad."
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 02:00AM +0100  

    Qur'āns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Qur'āns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Der Quran zu Lebzeiten des Propheten ﷺ
    Von Zaid wird diese Aussage berichtet:...
    Apr 27th 2014, 00:55
    Der Quran zu Lebzeiten des Propheten ﷺ

    Von Zaid wird diese Aussage berichtet:

    „Wir stellten den Qur'ān aus kleinen Einzelstücken in Gegenwart des Gesandten ﷺ zusammen."

    [Itqan, Bd. I, S. 99; Salih, S. 69.]

    Wir können daher die folgenden Massnahmen unterscheiden, welche die Sammlung der Offenbarung in schriftlicher Form zu Lebzeiten des Propheten sicherstellten:

    • Die Offenbarung wurde schon in der frühen Zeit der Berufung des Propheten niedergeschrieben.

    • In Medina hatte der Prophet mehrere Personen zur Niederschrift der Offenbarungen zur Verfügung, immer wenn sie auftraten.

    • Der Prophet wies die Schreiber persönlich an, wohin die verschiedenen offenbarten Verse gesetzt werden sollten und auf diese Weise bestimmte er die Abfolge und Anord- nung.

    • Die Abfolge und Anordnung war den Muslimen gut bekannt und sie befolgten sie genau.

    • Der Engel Gabriel (as) ging jedes Jahr mit Muhammad ﷺ im Ramadan die gesamte Offenbarung durch, im Todesjahr des Propheten zweimal.

    • Es gibt zahlreiche Berichte über das Vorhandensein des geschriebenen Korans zu Lebzeiten des Propheten – in Form eines Buches oder eines Schriftstückes (kitab).
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:44AM +0100  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    To anyone in the media who has been wanting to interview me for last few weeks ,...
    Apr 27th 2014, 00:20
    To anyone in the media who has been wanting to interview me for last few weeks , note can do this tue wed and thur, text me on my phone, apologies for the busyness.
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:43AM +0100  

    I ♥ ALLAHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    I ♥ ALLAHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Apr 27th 2014, 00:18
    Tuntutan Rakyat Tidak Bisa Dibendung!

    Jumat, 25 April 2014, Petisi Kedaulatan menyapa Universitas Pancasila, berdiskusi dengan aktivis Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa dengan tema kedaulatan nasional. Road to campus merupakan inisiatif aktivis BEM sebuah cipta sinergi dengan mahasiswa untuk memperkuat tuntutan pengembalian kekayaan nasional kepada rakyat" jelas Agam, salah satu relawan Petisi Kedaulatan.

    Kedaulatan nasional menjadi trend isu Indonesia saat ini, tak kurang dari rakyat jelata sampai elit politik sering mengangkat isu kedaulatan nasional. Realitas ini menjadi gambaran akan keresahan rakyat dan ketidakpuasan publik akan kondisi dan situasi nasional. Bagaimana rakyat tidak marah, jika mereka mendengar laporan pemerintah akan tingginya pertumbuhan ekonomi dan naiknya APBN setiap tahun hanya memunculkan kelompok elit ekonomi dalam daftar orang super kaya Indonesia di majalah Forbes, saat yang sama media melaporkan raskin-beras untuk orang miskin bercampur dengan ulat.

    "Data yang dilansir Forbes, kekayaan 50 orang konglomerat mencapai 95 milyar dolar, atau Rp 1.111,5 trilyun (kurs Rp 11.700 per dolas AS), saat yang sama data yang dikeluarkan oleh PBB, Indonesia saat ini menduduki urutan kedua di dunia sebagai negara dengan sanitasi terburuk. 100 juta dari 250 juta jiwa penduduk Indonesia belum memiliki akses sanitasi yang baik. Data global pada tahun 2010 mengungkapkan bahwa 63 juta penduduk Indonesia tidak memiliki toilet dan masih buang air besar di sungai, kali, danau, laut atau di daratan. Ironisnya tidak ada upaya serius pemerintah untuk membuat kebijakan pembangunan menuju pemerataan ekonomi yang lebih adil", tegas fasilitator Petisi Kedaulatan.

    "Justru yang kita prihatin sejumlah perjanjian multilateral dalam kontek perdagangan bebas baik WTO, APEC, AFTA atau AFTA plus melemahkan posisi Indonesia, semua perjanjian itu adalah implementasi Konsensus Washington (Washington Consensus) yang didesain untuk menyempurnakan kontrol ekonomi di negara bekas jajahan seperti Indonesia oleh negara-negara kapitalis, tegas Mujtahid Hashem dalam menjawab pertanyaan peserta diskusi.

    Dalam diskusi tersebut fasilitator Petisi Kedaulatan mengingatkan, terhadap isu kedaulatan nasional, kita jangan terjebak dengan proses pemilu. Kapitalis ini umurnya sudah tua dan mempunyai fleksibilitas yang sangat tinggi. Jika pemerintahnya otoriter mereka akan bekerjasama dengan rezim yang otoriter, namun ketika angin demokrasi datang, para elit kapitalis dan konglomerat ini mampu menyesuaikan dengan membeli elit politik, partai, media, kampus, lembaga survey dan penelitian, semua apa yang mereka sebut dengan pilar-pilar demokrasi, sehingga mereka percaya diri bahwa produk pemerintahan hasil pemilu pun harus tunduk pada kepentingannya. Namun mereka lupa ada saatnya kesabaran rakyat hilang dan tuntutan rakyat tidak bisa dibendung.

    "Sejarah Indonesia masa depan ditentukan oleh rakyat Indonesia saat ini, dan mahasiswa Indonesia juga mempunyai saham untuk menuliskan sejarah Indonesia. Bangkitnya kita melawan ketidakadilan berarti kita mempunyai saham kebaikan, namun diam kita berarti memberikan saham kita kepada kezaliman, karena tidak mungkin sekelompok orang yang bisa melakukan kezaliman kecuali karena diamnya orang baik di negeri ini", tegas fasilitator Petisi Kedaulatan.(Ag/peka)
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:43AM +0100  

    I ♥ ALLAHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    I ♥ ALLAHs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ya Allah sampaikan salam dan shalawat kepada rasul Muhammad dan keluarganya, jad...
    Apr 27th 2014, 00:27
    Ya Allah sampaikan salam dan shalawat kepada rasul Muhammad dan keluarganya, jadikan orang tua kami, anak-anak kami, keluarga kami, kerabat kami, tetangga kami, kaum mukminin dan mukminat selalu dalam perlindungan yang teguh, benteng yang kokoh. Tutuplah mereka dari gangguan syaitan dengan perisai yang menjaganya, berikan kepada mereka senjata untuk mengalahkannya. Ya Allah masukkanlah mereka dalam lindungan rubbubiyah-Mu.
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:39AM +0100  

    Gems of Jannah.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Gems of Jannah.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Marriage is indeed a part of life.
    More so it is a crucial part of our deen. It...
    Apr 26th 2014, 23:45
    Marriage is indeed a part of life.
    More so it is a crucial part of our deen. It completes half of it and if done correctly, it brings one closer to Allãh.
    Naturally as humans we can not live in seclusion, we need to interact. Hence having a spouse is a blessing for you can interact with your spouse through a permissible relationship.

    The scholars advise that we should marry whilst we are young, but mature too. When one can afford to, as in support his other half financially, then he should get married.

    There are 4 aspects which a man looks for in a woman when getting married: deen, wealth, lineage and beauty. But the best aspect to look at is deen. For children follow their mothers in all that they do. The mother is the first teacher, and if the mother has deen then the children will have deen. When a woman is taught knowledge of deen, then know that an entire family will learn deen.
    "The whole world is for benefit and the greatest benefit is a pious wife."

    Those who act righteously and obey Allãh, they are the best spouses snd within that marriage there will be much barakah and love from Allãh.

    When women seek a spouse they should look for 2 things in a man: character and deen.
    Men being leaders of the home must have good character. If they don't, then everything will fall apart. All their deeds will go to waster. Afterall character is based on how you deal with others and if you are obscene and vile in your speech, rude in your actions then without doubt there will be no blessing in the marriage and on the day of judgement there will be nothing but regret as bad character will spoil the reward for the good deeds.

    His deen should be of a similar level to hers. He should be generous, noble, caring, knowledgeable in regards to Islam, responsible and he should be modest.
    If he wants a modest wife then he too should be modest.

    In order for a marriage to be successful you should think about your responsibilities and forget about your rights. This is ihsaan.

    Men should understand that women are different from them. They are softer and more emotional. They have needs too. They may dislike one quality in them but without doubt there are ten qualities which they love in them.
    Women want to be appreciated, loved, protected, given attention.

    If she is a woman of deen she will cry within herself if you don't give her attention. But if she isn't a woman of deen then she will seek the attention elsewhere.

    It's about love and friendship. It's not about being a boss and ordering her about. If this is the case then there will be no love. When in actual fact it was meant to be a loving relationship.
    A woman should be such that her spouse finds solace in her. She should help him and comfort him. She should obey him within shariah limits to obtain his pleasure as well as the pleasure of Allãh.

    Sisters, aim to win the heart and love of your husband and he will listen to you. Maintain your tone with him, keep it sweet. Keep relations with his family, don't try and cut him off from them.
    When pregnant, stay in a state of zhikr, when nursing stay in a state of wudhu and recite Qurān often.
    Stay clean and make the intention such that it is for Allãh because He loves cleanliness.
    Adorn yourselves for your husband. Express your love to him. Make your house a home and most of all be grateful to him.

    "When a husband and wife look at eachother with love, Allãh looks at them with mercy."
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:36AM +0100  

    Islam Forum - Die Wahrheit im Herzen - Muslim, Quran, Sunna - Alle Foren
    Islam Forum - Die Wahrheit im Herzen - Muslim, Quran, Sunna -
    Kundgebung Nürnberg
    Apr 27th 2014, 00:10
    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,
    ich suche noch Brüder, die inshallah mit zur Kundgebung kommen am 3.5.
    Aus meinem Umfeld in der Masjid habe ich bisher niemand gefunden.
    Barakallahu fikum
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    Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:26AM +0100  

    Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Muslim betet auf sein Taxi
    PS: Nicht schnell urteilen, es gibt viele Gründe wa...
    Apr 26th 2014, 23:32
    Muslim betet auf sein Taxi

    PS: Nicht schnell urteilen, es gibt viele Gründe warum er auf dieser stelle gebetet haben könnte.
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