- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: (Untitled) [1 Aktualisierung]
- I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung]
- Bushidonews Facebook-Pinnwand: Wie viele Nachtaktive haben wir hier?? [1 Aktualisierung]
- Uploads by Rafidha shredder: Shia Ayatollah Shirazi sagt Allah alleine zu bitten ist Verboten [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Syria forces purge key areas of Aleppo suburbs: Video Syrian military forces h... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Syrian newspaper the West fears Syrian election ballot boxes [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Terrorists blow up major Syria pharmacy plant: Video Jaysh al-Islam terrorist... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Palestinian national unity NOT Israeli or US business [Increase] [Normal] [Dec... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Palestinians will never recognize Israel as "Jewish state" Acting Palestinian... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand: Syrian Expatriates in Romania Stress Support for Assad's Gov't Apr 26, 2014 Syri... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Berliner Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand: Nachdem die Brüder gemeinschaftlich gegessen haben, saßen wir noch gemütlich mit... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Allah is Greatests Facebook-Pinnwand: Allah is One <3 [1 Aktualisierung]
- Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand: Warnung vor 3 Wörter!Ibn Al Qayyim sagte:"Der Muslim sollte vor der Hochmut d... [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Lies Frankfurt / Quran Verteilungs Facebook-Pinnwand: Sadiq und der Sohn von abu abdullah [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand: InshaAllah ☺️ [2 Aktualisierungen]
- Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand: "Oh Allah nimm mir meine Seele nicht, bist du mit mir zufrieden bist." [2 Aktualisierungen]
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- Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand: نحن المعتقلون لا تنسوونناكل سجين سجنه بيحرر بلد عوزين كبر نحيه للابطال المعتقل... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand: محمود سعد: الشعب المصري طول عمره بيحب الأباحة ! أخلاق ايه اللى بتقولوا عليها ؟ [1 Aktualisierung]
- Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand: شير خلى المغيب يفهمحسبى الله ونعم الوكيل حصاد اعلام مبارك 28مصر-اسلامية [1 Aktualisierung]
- PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand: Abu Umara al-Bara` ibn azib (radiya Allahu anhu ) sagte: Der Gesandte Allahs (s... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:20AM +0100
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 27th 2014, 00:11
Tuntutan Rakyat Tidak Bisa Dibendung!
Jumat, 25 April 2014, Petisi Kedaulatan menyapa Universitas Pancasila, berdiskusi dengan aktivis Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa dengan tema kedaulatan nasional. Road to campus merupakan inisiatif aktivis BEM sebuah cipta sinergi dengan mahasiswa untuk memperkuat tuntutan pengembalian kekayaan nasional kepada rakyat" jelas Agam, salah satu relawan Petisi Kedaulatan.
Kedaulatan nasional menjadi trend isu Indonesia saat ini, tak kurang dari rakyat jelata sampai elit politik sering mengangkat isu kedaulatan nasional. Realitas ini menjadi gambaran akan keresahan rakyat dan ketidakpuasan publik akan kondisi dan situasi nasional. Bagaimana rakyat tidak marah, jika mereka mendengar laporan pemerintah akan tingginya pertumbuhan ekonomi dan naiknya APBN setiap tahun hanya memunculkan kelompok elit ekonomi dalam daftar orang super kaya Indonesia di majalah Forbes, saat yang sama media melaporkan raskin-beras untuk orang miskin bercampur dengan ulat.
"Data yang dilansir Forbes, kekayaan 50 orang konglomerat mencapai 95 milyar dolar, atau Rp 1.111,5 trilyun (kurs Rp 11.700 per dolas AS), saat yang sama data yang dikeluarkan oleh PBB, Indonesia saat ini menduduki urutan kedua di dunia sebagai negara dengan sanitasi terburuk. 100 juta dari 250 juta jiwa penduduk Indonesia belum memiliki akses sanitasi yang baik. Data global pada tahun 2010 mengungkapkan bahwa 63 juta penduduk Indonesia tidak memiliki toilet dan masih buang air besar di sungai, kali, danau, laut atau di daratan. Ironisnya tidak ada upaya serius pemerintah untuk membuat kebijakan pembangunan menuju pemerataan ekonomi yang lebih adil", tegas fasilitator Petisi Kedaulatan.
"Justru yang kita prihatin sejumlah perjanjian multilateral dalam kontek perdagangan bebas baik WTO, APEC, AFTA atau AFTA plus melemahkan posisi Indonesia, semua perjanjian itu adalah implementasi Konsensus Washington (Washington Consensus) yang didesain untuk menyempurnakan kontrol ekonomi di negara bekas jajahan seperti Indonesia oleh negara-negara kapitalis, tegas Mujtahid Hashem dalam menjawab pertanyaan peserta diskusi.
Dalam diskusi tersebut fasilitator Petisi Kedaulatan mengingatkan, terhadap isu kedaulatan nasional, kita jangan terjebak dengan proses pemilu. Kapitalis ini umurnya sudah tua dan mempunyai fleksibilitas yang sangat tinggi. Jika pemerintahnya otoriter mereka akan bekerjasama dengan rezim yang otoriter, namun ketika angin demokrasi datang, para elit kapitalis dan konglomerat ini mampu menyesuaikan dengan membeli elit politik, partai, media, kampus, lembaga survey dan penelitian, semua apa yang mereka sebut dengan pilar-pilar demokrasi, sehingga mereka percaya diri bahwa produk pemerintahan hasil pemilu pun harus tunduk pada kepentingannya. Namun mereka lupa ada saatnya kesabaran rakyat hilang dan tuntutan rakyat tidak bisa dibendung.
"Sejarah Indonesia masa depan ditentukan oleh rakyat Indonesia saat ini, dan mahasiswa Indonesia juga mempunyai saham untuk menuliskan sejarah Indonesia. Bangkitnya kita melawan ketidakadilan berarti kita mempunyai saham kebaikan, namun diam kita berarti memberikan saham kita kepada kezaliman, karena tidak mungkin sekelompok orang yang bisa melakukan kezaliman kecuali karena diamnya orang baik di negeri ini", tegas fasilitator Petisi Kedaulatan.(Ag/peka)
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:20AM +0100
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
Apr 27th 2014, 00:11
Tuntutan Rakyat Tidak Bisa Dibendung!
Jumat, 25 April 2014, Petisi Kedaulatan menyapa Universitas Pancasila, berdiskusi dengan aktivis Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa dengan tema kedaulatan nasional. Road to campus merupakan inisiatif aktivis BEM sebuah cipta sinergi dengan mahasiswa untuk memperkuat tuntutan pengembalian kekayaan nasional kepada rakyat" jelas Agam, salah satu relawan Petisi Kedaulatan.
Kedaulatan nasional menjadi trend isu Indonesia saat ini, tak kurang dari rakyat jelata sampai elit politik sering mengangkat isu kedaulatan nasional. Realitas ini menjadi gambaran akan keresahan rakyat dan ketidakpuasan publik akan kondisi dan situasi nasional. Bagaimana rakyat tidak marah, jika mereka mendengar laporan pemerintah akan tingginya pertumbuhan ekonomi dan naiknya APBN setiap tahun hanya memunculkan kelompok elit ekonomi dalam daftar orang super kaya Indonesia di majalah Forbes, saat yang sama media melaporkan raskin-beras untuk orang miskin bercampur dengan ulat.
"Data yang dilansir Forbes, kekayaan 50 orang konglomerat mencapai 95 milyar dolar, atau Rp 1.111,5 trilyun (kurs Rp 11.700 per dolas AS), saat yang sama data yang dikeluarkan oleh PBB, Indonesia saat ini menduduki urutan kedua di dunia sebagai negara dengan sanitasi terburuk. 100 juta dari 250 juta jiwa penduduk Indonesia belum memiliki akses sanitasi yang baik. Data global pada tahun 2010 mengungkapkan bahwa 63 juta penduduk Indonesia tidak memiliki toilet dan masih buang air besar di sungai, kali, danau, laut atau di daratan. Ironisnya tidak ada upaya serius pemerintah untuk membuat kebijakan pembangunan menuju pemerataan ekonomi yang lebih adil", tegas fasilitator Petisi Kedaulatan.
"Justru yang kita prihatin sejumlah perjanjian multilateral dalam kontek perdagangan bebas baik WTO, APEC, AFTA atau AFTA plus melemahkan posisi Indonesia, semua perjanjian itu adalah implementasi Konsensus Washington (Washington Consensus) yang didesain untuk menyempurnakan kontrol ekonomi di negara bekas jajahan seperti Indonesia oleh negara-negara kapitalis, tegas Mujtahid Hashem dalam menjawab pertanyaan peserta diskusi.
Dalam diskusi tersebut fasilitator Petisi Kedaulatan mengingatkan, terhadap isu kedaulatan nasional, kita jangan terjebak dengan proses pemilu. Kapitalis ini umurnya sudah tua dan mempunyai fleksibilitas yang sangat tinggi. Jika pemerintahnya otoriter mereka akan bekerjasama dengan rezim yang otoriter, namun ketika angin demokrasi datang, para elit kapitalis dan konglomerat ini mampu menyesuaikan dengan membeli elit politik, partai, media, kampus, lembaga survey dan penelitian, semua apa yang mereka sebut dengan pilar-pilar demokrasi, sehingga mereka percaya diri bahwa produk pemerintahan hasil pemilu pun harus tunduk pada kepentingannya. Namun mereka lupa ada saatnya kesabaran rakyat hilang dan tuntutan rakyat tidak bisa dibendung.
"Sejarah Indonesia masa depan ditentukan oleh rakyat Indonesia saat ini, dan mahasiswa Indonesia juga mempunyai saham untuk menuliskan sejarah Indonesia. Bangkitnya kita melawan ketidakadilan berarti kita mempunyai saham kebaikan, namun diam kita berarti memberikan saham kita kepada kezaliman, karena tidak mungkin sekelompok orang yang bisa melakukan kezaliman kecuali karena diamnya orang baik di negeri ini", tegas fasilitator Petisi Kedaulatan.(Ag/peka)
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:19AM +0100
Bushidonews Facebook-Pinnwand
Bushidonews Facebook-Pinnwand
Wie viele Nachtaktive haben wir hier??
Apr 27th 2014, 00:03
Wie viele Nachtaktive haben wir hier??
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:18AM +0100
Uploads by Rafidha shredder
Shia Ayatollah Shirazi sagt Allah alleine zu bitten ist Verboten
Apr 27th 2014, 00:03
Shia Ayatollah Shirazi sagt Allah alleine zu bitten ist Verboten
Rafidha shredder
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:17AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Syria forces purge key areas of Aleppo suburbs: Video
Syrian military forces h...
Apr 27th 2014, 00:00
Syria forces purge key areas of Aleppo suburbs: Video
Syrian military forces have taken control over city of Aleppo's suburban areas of al-Eskaan, al—Ma'amel and al-Masane in persisting military operation in the major city in north of the country.
Reports filed Saturday by Al-Alam's Syria correspondent indicates that Syrian army forces have continued mop-up operations in and around Aleppo and advanced into al-Ma'amel and al-Matahen regions, which are located near the strategic region of al-Ta'ana.
In a rapid strike, government forces demolished the front lines of insurgent groups, where al-Nusra Front elements had established massive fortified positions, which was clearly visible from the existence of plants, tunnels and bunkers built in the area.
According to the report, the insurgent elements had inflicted massive damages to the existing factories and workshops in the region, which were among the most significant industrial areas of the war-ravaged country.
Syrian troops are currently on the verge of entering Aleppo's industrial town, which is located near the city's Central Prison.
Syria forces purge key areas of Aleppo suburbs: Video
Syrian military forces have taken control over city of Aleppo's suburban areas of al-Eskaan, al—Ma'amel and al-Masane in persisting military operation in the major city in north of the country.
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:17AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Syrian newspaper the West fears Syrian election ballot boxes
Apr 27th 2014, 00:02
Syrian newspaper the West fears Syrian election ballot boxes
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:17AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Terrorists blow up major Syria pharmacy plant: Video
Jaysh al-Islam terrorist...
Apr 27th 2014, 00:02
Terrorists blow up major Syria pharmacy plant: Video
Jaysh al-Islam terrorist group has detonated the Tamico Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company in al-Maliha town on the eastern outskirts of Damascus.
Jaysh al-Islam terrorist group has posted a video footage on the Internet showing its members planting explosives in the Tamico company, detonating them to level the plant to the ground.
Jaysh al-Islam terrorist group is an offshoot of the so-called Islamic Front which is directly sponsored by Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi regime gives the terrorist group millions of dollars to arm and train its militants.
Terrorists blow up major Syria pharmacy plant: Video
Jaysh al-Islam terrorist group has detonated the Tamico Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company in al-Maliha town on the eastern outskirts of Damascus.
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:17AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Palestinian national unity NOT Israeli or US business
[Increase] [Normal] [Dec...
Apr 27th 2014, 00:05
Palestinian national unity NOT Israeli or US business
[Increase] [Normal] [Decrease]
Palestinian leaders from Hamas and Fatah movements join hands in unity
Palestinian leaders from Hamas and Fatah movements join hands in unity
The signing of a reconciliation agreement between Hamas and Fatah in Gaza Wednesday seems to have raised America's and Israel's ire. Rabid but totally unjustified reactions from Washington and Tel Aviv threatened to decapitate the financial lifeline of the Palestinian Authority (PA).
Israeli Prime Minister Benymin Netanyahu, an irredeemable racist and pathological liar, instructed Chief Negotiator Tzipi Livni to stop all contacts with the PA.
In addition, Israel on Thursday, 24 April, reportedly imposed stringent sanctions on the PA, including freezing the transfer of tax revenue and restricting travel movement of PA officials.
In truth, Israel has been utterly hypocritical about the erstwhile inter-Palestinian rift. Israeli officials and spokespersons had repeatedly argued that Israel couldn't make peace with the Palestinians as long as the latter were divided against themselves. Now, Israel is saying the PA would have to choose between making peace with Israel or reconcile with Hamas.
Let Israel go to hell
Well, let Israel and the American government go to hell. They must understand that Palestinian national unity is an internal Palestinian affair that is none of Israel's or America's business. We must communicate this message to Israel and her guardian ally as clearly and strongly as possible.
Having said that, it is important to underscore the utter unreasonableness of American and Israeli objections.
The US argues that Hamas doesn't recognize Israel and should therefore remain outside the confines of the Palestinian political system.
Well, the US should be reminded of the fact that Israel doesn't recognize a Palestinian state based on the borders of the 1967 borders. The same thing applies to most Israeli Jewish political parties represented in the Knesset or Israeli parliament.
Indeed, nearly all coalition parties forming the current Israeli government don't recognize Palestine, with some of these parties even negating or denying the very existence of the Palestinian people.
For example, the National Religious Party, renamed Habayt ha-Yahudi or Jewish home, headed by Economy Minister Naftali Bennett holds a brashly racist and Nazi-like ideology that views non-Jews as effectively animals whose lives have absolutely no sanctity.
Yet, we have heard absolutely no objections from Washington to the inclusion of that and similar other parties into the Israeli government.
A few years ago, a leader of Israeli settlement movement, the ultimate home-turf of Bayt ha-Yahudi, told a group of settler youth in Hebron that the right way to deal with the Palestinians was Joshua's way, an obvious allusion to the genocidal massacres carried out by the ancient Israelites against Canaanite tribes in Palestine. These hair-raising massacres are narrated in grisly details in the Old Testament.
The settler leader mentioned above, named Daniela Weiss, was never barred from entering the United States and collecting money from rich American Jews and Christian Zionists for Jewish terrorists ganging up on helpless Christian and Muslim Palestinians in the West Bank.
As to the issue of recognizing Israel, foreign governments and all other honest people under the sun ought to be reminded of the following fact: The PLO under the leadership of Yasser Arafat did recognize Israel upon the signing of the Oslo Accords more than 20 years ago.
However, instead of giving the Palestinians a reciprocal recognition, Israel intensified the building of Jewish colonies all over the West Bank, so much so that no room was really left for the establishment of a viable and territorially contiguous Palestinian state worthy of the name.
A few years ago, I asked a high ranking PLO official why on earth they recognized Israel without receiving a reciprocal Israeli recognition of a Palestinian state.
After a moment of silence, the elderly man looked at me and said: "We simply were stupid."
In light, Hamas will not commit the same stupidity, especially given the fact that Israel has effectively killed any remaining chances for a genuine two-state solution.
As to the issue of terror, it is amply clear that the matter is used by Washington and Israel as an expedient political tool to force the Palestinians to lower the ceiling of their national aspirations and demands.
Otherwise, the U.S. and Israel are in no way fit to issue certificates of good conduct for other peoples and other nations.
As we all know Israel was born in terror, baptized in terror and adopted terror as its national modus operandi from the very inception of its existence. Hence, Israel, which many honest historians call a crime against humanity, has not even an iota of moral legitimacy to lecture her victims about terror.
Similarly, the US which murdered and maimed numerous millions of innocent people around the world-from Iraq to Vietnam- rather knowingly and deliberately, is utterly unqualified to preach morality to other peoples.
Indeed, the timeless ideal of actively resisting foreign occupiers is inculcated in every culture. Even in America, American school children learn at an early stage Patrick Henry's iconic slogan: "Give me liberty or give me death."
In the final analysis, Hamas and other Palestinian resistance groups are just following this sublime American ideal.
A final word to the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah: Don't budge to American and Israeli financial blackmail. These forces of arrogance and evil would like to enslave our people and keep us vanquished and tormented.
Tell them to keep their money and let it be as it may. We can live without it.
By: Khalid Amayreh
Source: Palestine Information Center
Khalid Amayreh is a Palestinian journalist living in Occupied Palestine
Palestinian national unity NOT Israeli or US business
The signing of a reconciliation agreement between Hamas and Fatah in Gaza Wednesday seems to have raised America's and Israel's ire. Rabid but totally unjustified reactions from Washington and Tel Aviv threatened to decapitate the financial lifeline of the Palestinian Authority (PA).
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:17AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Palestinians will never recognize Israel as "Jewish state"
Acting Palestinian...
Apr 27th 2014, 00:06
Palestinians will never recognize Israel as "Jewish state"
Acting Palestinian Authority (PA) chief Mahmoud Abbas has insisted that Palestinians will never recognize Israel as a "Jewish state."
Abbas made the remarks at the meeting of the Central Council of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank on Saturday.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has put the recognition of a Jewish state as a precondition for any talks on a Palestinian state.
On Thursday, the Israeli regime canceled the so-called peace talks with the Palestinian Authority, after the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas and PLO signed a deal on Wednesday to form a joint government.
Tel Aviv pledged to take retaliatory measures against the agreement, saying that it will not deal with any Palestinian government which includes Hamas.
Netanyahu also said the deal was a "blow to Israel" and is "killing" the talks between Tel Aviv and the Palestinian Authority.
Abbas has said the deal does not contradict the negotiations the Palestinian Authority is pursuing with Israel.
The talks between the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli regime reached a deadlock last month when Tel Aviv refused to free the last group of 104 Palestinian prisoners in late March as part of a deal for the resumption of the US-sponsored negotiations.
Since the resumption of the direct talks in July 2013, Palestinians have objected to a number of issues, including the Israeli regime's illegal settlement expansion in the occupied Palestinian territories.
According to the Palestinian sources, the issue of the settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories remains as the main obstacle to the peace in the region.
Palestinians will never recognize Israel as "Jewish state"
Acting Palestinian Authority (PA) chief Mahmoud Abbas has insisted that Palestinians will never recognize Israel as a "Jewish state."
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:17AM +0100
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
Syrian Expatriates in Romania Stress Support for Assad's Gov't
Apr 26, 2014
Apr 27th 2014, 00:11
Syrian Expatriates in Romania Stress Support for Assad's Gov't
Apr 26, 2014
Syrian expatriates in Europe gathered in front of the Syrian embassy in Bucharest and commemorated the 68th anniversary of their country's Independence Day. They also stressed their deep loyalty to homeland and praised the recent achievements of the Syrian army in fighting terrorism. Source: FNA
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:14AM +0100
Berliner Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand
Berliner Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand
Nachdem die Brüder gemeinschaftlich gegessen haben, saßen wir noch gemütlich mit...
Apr 26th 2014, 23:27
Nachdem die Brüder gemeinschaftlich gegessen haben, saßen wir noch gemütlich miteinander und genossen die Dschama'a.
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:14AM +0100
Allah is Greatests Facebook-Pinnwand
Allah is Greatests Facebook-Pinnwand
Allah is One <3
Apr 27th 2014, 00:00
Allah is One ♥
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:08AM +0100
Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
Warnung vor 3 Wörter!
Ibn Al Qayyim sagte:
"Der Muslim sollte vor der Hochmut d...
Apr 27th 2014, 00:07
Warnung vor 3 Wörter!
Ibn Al Qayyim sagte:
"Der Muslim sollte vor der Hochmut des "Ich" und "Ich habe" und "Mir gehört" gewarnt weden.Diese 3 Sätze haben Ibliss, Pharao und Qarun gesagt. Ibliss sagte "Ich bin besser als er (Adam)". Pharao sagte:"Mir gehört der Königreich Ägyptens". Qarun sagte:"Ich habe dies alles erreicht, mit Wissen was ich habe".
Das beste wo du diese Sätze benutzen kannst ist, indem du sagst "Ich": Ich bin der sündige Diener, derjenige der nach Vergebung sucht und seine Sünde zugibt. Mir gehören die Sünden und Verbrechen. Mir gehören das kleinsein, die Armut und Erniedrigung. Oh Allah vergib mir wenn ich ernst und wenn ich witzig bin. Vergib mir meine Fehler und meine Absichten. All dies habe ich"
[ Zad Al Maad Band 2 Seite 234/235 ]
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:04AM +0100
Lies Frankfurt / Quran Verteilungs Facebook-Pinnwand
Lies Frankfurt / Quran Verteilungs Facebook-Pinnwand
Heute Street Dawa England
Apr 26th 2014, 23:13
Heute Street Dawa England
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:04AM +0100
Lies Frankfurt / Quran Verteilungs Facebook-Pinnwand
Lies Frankfurt / Quran Verteilungs Facebook-Pinnwand
Sadiq und der Sohn von abu abdullah
Apr 26th 2014, 23:12
Sadiq und der Sohn von abu abdullah
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:03AM +0100
Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand
Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand
InshaAllah ☺️
Apr 26th 2014, 23:12
InshaAllah ☺️
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:03AM +0100
Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand
Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand
InshaAllah ☺️
Apr 26th 2014, 23:12
InshaAllah ☺️
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:03AM +0100
Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand
Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand
"Oh Allah nimm mir meine Seele nicht, bist du mit mir zufrieden bist."
Apr 26th 2014, 23:19
"Oh Allah nimm mir meine Seele nicht, bist du mit mir zufrieden bist."
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:03AM +0100
Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand
Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand
"Oh Allah nimm mir meine Seele nicht, bist du mit mir zufrieden bist."
Apr 26th 2014, 23:19
"Oh Allah nimm mir meine Seele nicht, bist du mit mir zufrieden bist."
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:03AM +0100
Muslim Mainstreams Facebook-Pinnwand
Muslim Mainstreams Facebook-Pinnwand
Mal was lustiges :)
----► TEILEN ◄----
----► Musl...
Apr 26th 2014, 23:26
Mal was lustiges :)
----► TEILEN ◄----
----► Muslim Mainstream LIKEN ◄----
"Radikale" Ziege verteidigt sein Revier !
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:02AM +0100
Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
لماذا نستعجل النصر
ايات تنزل على القلب بردا وسكينه 3
Apr 26th 2014, 23:02
لماذا نستعجل النصر
ايات تنزل على القلب بردا وسكينه 3
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:02AM +0100
Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
نحن المعتقلون لا تنسووننا
كل سجين سجنه بيحرر بلد
عوزين كبر نحيه للابطال المعتقل...
Apr 26th 2014, 23:23
نحن المعتقلون لا تنسووننا
كل سجين سجنه بيحرر بلد
عوزين كبر نحيه للابطال المعتقلين كم انتم صامدون
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:02AM +0100
Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
محمود سعد: الشعب المصري طول عمره بيحب الأباحة ! أخلاق ايه اللى بتقولوا عليها ؟
Apr 26th 2014, 23:40
محمود سعد: الشعب المصري طول عمره بيحب الأباحة ! أخلاق ايه اللى بتقولوا عليها ؟
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 01:02AM +0100
Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
Allah My Lifeツs Facebook-Pinnwand
شير خلى المغيب يفهم
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل حصاد اعلام مبارك
Apr 26th 2014, 23:43
شير خلى المغيب يفهم
حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل حصاد اعلام مبارك
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- Blogtrottr <> Apr 27 12:59AM +0100
PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
Abu Umara al-Bara` ibn azib (radiya Allahu anhu ) sagte:
Der Gesandte Allahs (s...
Apr 26th 2014, 22:59
Abu Umara al-Bara` ibn azib (radiya Allahu anhu ) sagte:
Der Gesandte Allahs (salla Allahu alayhi wa salem ) hat uns sieben Dinge zur Pflichten gemacht ** und sieben Dinge verboten:
Er schrieb uns vor:
1) Die Kranken zu besuchen,
2) einem Begräbniszug zu folgen,
3) jemandem, der niest, (mit den Worten "Yarhamuk Allah") Allahs Erbarmen zu wünschen,
4) Gelübde zu erfüllen,
5) den Unterdrückten zu helfen,
6) eine Einladung anzunehmen, und
7) den Friedensgruß zu verbreiten.
Er verbot uns:
1) Goldene Ringe zu tragen,
2) aus silbernen Bechern zu trinken,
3) auf rohseiden gepolsterten Sätteln zu sitzen ****,
4) seidene,
5) halbseidene,
6) aus Brokat oder
7) aus Seidenbrokat gefertigte Kleidung zu tragen.
In einer anderen Version steht unter den sieben Geboten auch die Mithilfe bei der Suche nach Verlorenem. (Al-Bukhari und Muslim)
**Vergl. Hadith Nr. 0847
****Vergl. Hadith Nr. 0811
[Riyad us-Salihin Nr. 239]
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